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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1934, p. 10

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THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8tli, 1934 PAGE TEN .........enjayed by ail. Minutes of the lastj I meeting were read, and Bill Varcoe MARRIAGES I gave the treasurer's report. Readings Thec Newcastle Independent were given by Misses Pauline An- Itil, Patricia Husband and Joyce MCCELLANDl-TRULL--On Fridax ISait. Then fllowed a story by Mrs. October 26tli. 1934, atHutvle Harold Muir, 'who later sang a solo andMrs W.E. ema ar ha viîte thm ii itcell Heis hîci ws rpofod ponasOnt., by Rev. Bain. Marjorie Mr. adMs .E ennaehd iie hmi icel eIs h a eotduoia good; Frances, daugliter af Cameran holidaying at Prescatt. survîved b»' a daugliter and two ons. president Marie Sait told a Hallowe'- 'miaitelt r.Tul si Mis ilre Sowen' Mpl A meeting af the local brandi of en stan'. matching tlie topic Up- -w t-FedMc-e-ad-Cah Grave, spent the weekend witli Miss- the Ontaria Prohibition Union ta permost in ail the youthlul rins Bay,: mt es Mary and Jean Clemence. whicli ail citizens interested in tlie at tint time. Mizpali beniedictionSrP N.OW AtRcmndLs Miss Dorothy Quantril. Cobourg, cause af temperance are invited, is .. i he meeting. _____ HIi. n MoWnday, tabRhndECY LOSTA 0FDCY attendled the YP.L. conventian and being hled in the cammunity hall Hilcoio*ed t er2th ECY OS-AGO DCY was the guest o! the local president, on Thursday evening a! tis weeld. 1934, by Rev. Gearge fl. couiter, îast an Oct. 2lst, between Baw- WAJ Miss Winnifred 'Rickard. Nov. 8th, at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy Marion Jean. only daugliter a! manville and Janetviile. Finder. Ap Mr, and Mrb. Frank Crydr=an Mr. F. W. Bowen, M. P.. wlien Honored By Many HMr.lard Mrs. Harry M. Cowan. ta please natify Clinton Lunney, Sil-*!B Bowmanvilie, were Sundaygusso home tram Ottawa, misses !ew pub- ilad eldest son o! Mr. and Mrs. ver St., Bawmanville. Box 464.1 w Mr n Ms .H.Js adM.lic functians in the county whicli A Mand Mrs. J. . ryde anM. may pravide him witli an opportun- (Continued fram page 1)T .SmsnPi fCak.4-- i Public School commencemn x t !mnln oilywt i o- f!riends. Mrs. Josepli Kniglit, Mr.,r ercises will be held in the commun- stituents. He was a littie late at and Mrs. S. C. AMîin, Mr. and Mrs. To Let IW- ity hall an Friday evening. Nov. 16. the Clarke f owl supper on Tuesday C. E. Knight and Mr. and Mrs. F. AADEATI-IS I WAOOM fo prisesprogram and presentatian o! evening o! bis week but lieliad at- S. Blackburn.+-e an thom sedprvee- D. Quatete.Mes.ater earlier itheevaing 5ca-0 biseh igt rs . .SAPEO - sawo Te- trance. ground flbar. Plione 685. Newcastle MixedQuret.Ms ce aleintevnngohs Alun and Mrs. Charles T. Knight day, November 6tli, 1934, Tarnas 45-1 - rs. W. F. Rickard and H. C. Allin, lateness was readily excused. How- then presented them witli a beauti- Stapleton. aged 78 years. MsW.1.Bragg and Miss Hattie ever, the Clarke ladies provided !ulshe!field at esdncHOS T EN -LL OVE-WAh wîtlW D fi SefiedReproduction silver tea Fnrlfoulslt eiec OS ORN-L OVN Mason. sang at Clarke anniversarY sucli pradigality that late arrivais service and a liandsome silver rose canant St.,Oshawa, on Thursday; iences. central location, possession Pl services on Sunday. !ared just as sumptuausly as those bowi. Miss Dareen and Miss Darotliy Nov. tli, at 2.30 p. m. Cortege ta Nov. lStli. Shepliard & Gi Ltd.. B, Mis Ien Wtsn.Tranto. is wlio were early at the tables. Had rsne h rd ith a leave at 3 a'clock for Bowmanviile Bowmanville. 4-f - E.s Purdyaton at Elm- Quite a large number of Newcastle Havey ,auquetedo! e rass. Cemetery. ROC visiting Mrs. w. E ud oeyboqe frss HOUS3E TO RENT-FOUR ROOMS, wi hurst Hotel and witli her attended f olki attended the suniptuous !ol Mr. Hardy visibly affected by the SINCLAIR-At the residence a!flierl brick house, new roof, electric ce tlie Clarke !owl supPer on Tuesday supper aI Clarke Churdli an Tues- surprise event. repiied very fittingly son-i-lau', Mr. Fred J. Mitchell,i liglits, large garden. small barn. AI evening o! this week. day evening, Nov. 6th. Mrs. Percy and tlianked ail for the very beau- Bawmanville, an Thursday. Nov-1 Apply Phone 510. 45-r ,m Mr. A. A. Coiwill, wha lias been in Hare was the elocutionist o! the ev- iu it.H ttota aho me t,13,LcnaEnc lias been staying wli sdaugiteiand I angaciouesly resanded ta fleerythem had enjayed good care ad Snclair. widow o! Dougail Si- FOR RENT - 6 ROOMED BRICK SAL hasben tayngwim-is a Ihtrad foraecasyres Mrs.E. C. Fisergood liealtli, Mrs. Hardy was Ui clair, laIe a! Lindsay, in lier 85tl haute, 3-piece bath, furnace. ail es Mrs. Win. Hanna, is novW mucl im alfrecesMs.EC.Fhr able ta say wliat she would have year. conveniences, and garage, central- pe praved and is at present witli lis on the organ and Mrs. W. E. Purdy iiked ta have said, but Mr. Hardy runeral private on Saturday. Nov. ly iocated; possession Dec. 4th. at daugîter. Mrs. J. L. Crydenflan. vaca.lly, assisted MTs. Percy Hare in knew wliat she was thinking and lU1th, at 2 p. mi. Interment Unit- ApplY Drawer T, Bawmanville, or AI st. George's Churcli - Bey. F. H. one o!flier lieavy numbers. They invited each and everyone ta cail ed dhurci Cemelery, Little Brit- plione 30. 4-* v Mason, M. A. Rector. Sundas, Nov. took the part o! the gi! t phonograpli and have a cup af tea frani the sul- ain.451 v 111h. 24t1 Sunday a! ter Trinity: hi sent ta an agedi fatier and motherj ver service. TrRULL-AI Hamptan, an Frlday, HOUSE TO REN7T - ALSO ONE B3E a. m.-Morning Prayer and Hoiy frani their !araway daugliter o! gol- Speeches were made by Rev . E. i November 2. 1934, Ervin A. Trul, acre land, fruit Irees. barn, stable, st nio mmu ni 0on; 2 p. m.-Sunday den vaice. The çampbell Orchestra, Eectristigont and wired for std enhose o Jck a ve. si Sha;7p n-Evening Prayer and Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Campbel and paig ae71yrsElci ihtanwrdfosov. a sermon; . Ja !m.tnvieadte e-latives and !riends-eaclispa ing HUTCHINSON-In ,Bowmanvlle, on S. J. Jackman. B o w ni a n v i li e. p Merm. RJeihnsnla adeet anofie Quartette, M.and MrNew-of the higli esteeni in whidli Mr. and Friday. Navexnber 2nd, 1934. Ste- Phne 80. ed. qus ickino a a eed ovll uret, r n r.Mrs. Hardy are held in tlie coim- pinM ucisn gd7 r._____ _____ 45-1 e edin qiktume an impasing twýo i Camipbell, Miss Elsie Wallace and munity.peM.Hthno ad76ys and a hlai staorey !rame structure ta Mr. AubreY Urry, pravided ail the Intecnre of the Bride's table GARBUr-In Oshiawa, an Satur- TO RENT-FIVE ROOMED BRICK the easta! is residence. The irutitical part of the program which was ahe. ivenort wddn day, November 3rd. 1934, Mrs. M. bouse on Liberty St., Bowmanville, grondstory will pravide for a evei'yone accounted most excellent cak ue. ediend-a!the tabedwas Garbutt. widaw of Chares A. Gar- cellar, kitchen, furnace, wired for BCi double garage and many uses will in every way. Bey. S. MacLean. Pas- a large bouquet o! munis and be- butt, Stouffviile. in lier 851h year. eiectric stove, garage.,lien hanse, be found for the floars above. tor, and chairinan o! the evening, tentemnsadwdigck Moîlier of Mrs. Fred Langmaid. and good garden; possession Nav. E Mm. J. H. Vamplew, Toronto. cali- s iunaliaP modnde were îiglited candles, presenting a Oshiawa. 11txi47pplyCbrt E.Hrcock ed on lier cousin, Mr. Fred Graliani. uded gaad humar bath off and an beautiful and enticing table. Mr. and ,,- and then went out ta Carke ta visit the platforrni. Like the widaws cruse Mrs. Holden and sons sang a numberI For SaleN hrbrother, Mr. Thos. Simipson and a!d ai lis !uind a! ittyanecdtes o fine selections and also led in IN MEMORIAM ot f amiy and attend lie Clarke !owl adtm-eifig.aua te communiîy singing. FOR SALF-50 CORDS DRY 4-7r. tiVEo supper on Tuesday evening o! this ances seauri inexhaustible. Lellers !rom well-wishers were * h FRdSALE50 ORDS DRYk 4-. Smitl week. She reurndtotecyo read tram rehatives wha were unable HAMLTON-Ifl memory o! William Drawer 6. Bobcaygeon. Telephane - Wednesday. UIE HRHw .~ ta attend froni Windsor, Toronta, Frances Hamilton, wha passedl 32r12. 44-5* United Churcli - Bey. S. Mac- UIE HRHW .S Meafard, Balsani Lake. Li nds a y, away Nov. 511. 1933. ________________ Lean. B. A.. Pastor. Sunday. Nov. W. M. S. a! lie United Churcli Whilby, Oshawa, Brooklin. Oakwoocl God halli His mysteries o! grace, FOR SALE--STRAW, $3,00 A LOAD. ilti. Remembrance Day: Morning which met in the S. S. hall on and.Uxbridge. A telegrani was aiso Ways Ihat we do not knaw. ta be drawn a!! a!ter freeze up. Service will begin aI 10.55 and tWO Thursday, Nov. sl, was !avared writh received f rom Mrs. Hardy's niece in To Hini our brother passedi away. George Mcsnight. c'a A. E. Os- minutes' silence wili be abserved be- lie presence o! Dr. Petta G. YJh Cleveand, Ohio. Just one short year MgO. borne. Phone 176r2. 45-2' fore Iie reulai'servie opes aI l boni fron chentu, wst chna. ~We miss lis dheerful ioving voice. ,SL~HLTI O fore he rgularservce oens a Il orn, roin Chegtu, est hinHisisabsencegivgi uses ieusCOgrie!.LE-COWTENFOR o'cback: Sunday Sdhool at 2.30 p. m.; who delivered a mnost inîeresting and1 We trust hi ta thy loving care, part Jersey, six years old, about ta Evening Service aI 7 oclock. informative address on lier work BLACKSTOCK 1 Tmis Iliauglil gives us relief. renew. price reasonable. Cali or Miss Wickes o! lie Upper Canada Iliere, mostly in the hospital. Since -î -Lavingly rernembered by Pallier. phone 252J. F. W. Balle. 45-1) Tract Society canvassed the village returning from China this last lime *î r ad Fail. lasI week and addretsed tic chidren she lias addressed over 140 meetings. 4Conllnued tram Page 6) M.ra aî.FOR SALE - $700.00, 7-ROOMED at sdhool in lie interesîs o! lie mis- Visilors were present by invitation Ouests paems, read by Olive Van hanse on îigîway in Newcastle,, sion 10 sailors and liglthouse keep- frai Orono, Newtonville, Clarke and Camip:a reading "Friends' by Mrs.1idR rTAU store front, suitable for tea rooni. ers an inland waters. She also spoke St. George's Agia Churci, New- Bell and a solo 'When I Dream fCRDO HNK ,.."Da!rB omavle very interestingly a! lie work aI île castle. Aniang lie ladies present OUI Erin. I'm Dreaming o! You." - 51 devatianal service aI lie United were Mesdames (Bey.> P. H. Mason. sung by Mrs. Earl Dorrel. Bey.H . The family o! tic late Stephen 45-_________________ Churcli on Wednetday evening. St. George's; S. MacLean, Newcastle Bell gave lie current events. A Iasly Hutchinsaon, Bowmanville, wish la FOR SAE-COMPLE'rE SET 0F It was a severe heart attack -and United; J. H. Osterlout, Orono, and lunch was served by the liostess and extend sincere thanks ta ail wlia BoaksAo! Knowledge. 20 volumes, not a sîroke witi whidh Mr'. Nor- I mas. Wallace. Newtanville. Mrs. N. her graup. ioaned cars, sent floral tributes and brand new. Cost $74.50. Will sell man Aluin was seized whlc walking' L. Rickai'd. lst Vice Pres. presided On Wednesday nigit. menibers expressions af sympatliy. or wloio s- ciïeap. Write '*F'. Drawer B. on lie street lasI Tuesday morning, over the meeting which apened wilh and guesîs o! lie Young People's sisted un any way in theur recent sad Bowmanvilie. or phoane 147. 45-h week and friends wcre plcased ta a hynin and prayer. Miss Elsie League wcre present at a festive bereavemetit. ___________ learn liaI lie rallied f romiti quite Wallace, Ncwtcnville, and Mrs. W. Hallawe'en rarly, when Mi'. and Mrs, __________-- HUNTERS TAKE NOTICE! quicklv. Mrs. Aluin is alsa convales- D. Br'agg, Newcastle, rendei'ed v-ocal Alexander Jolinstan opencd theur cent frai lier recent iliness. Mr. islas. Follawing Dr. Kilboi'n's ad- home for the event. Ligliled pump- AUCTION SALES j Gel yaur Gun Licenses and Trap- andMr. . . Lngai ad i'.drtsMr. . C Hncckmoed andI kins, large and siali, and shaded ' pers' Licenses frai Inspeclai' W. J. and Mrs. Arthur Lanzmaid, Oshawa. Miss Beatrix Mclnlosh secanded aIglssadie ay am ny i- Martyn. Bowanie. ontak I callcd an Iherni test Sunday. vote o! lianks and appreciation ta guised in ail manner o! costume. Tic undcrsigned lias rcceived in- chances by thinking you can evade Anglicans andi United dhurci lic speaker. Refreshients were Tme roinis. decorated in orange structions la sdIl by public auction the lau'. Several have already beexi people co-operatet iIn starting of f ssrved aI lihe close and a pleasant and black, resounded wiîh laugiler the iouseiold effecîs of Mrs. Johnicaugît wtîouî licenses and guns anohe ca o podue o te es soia hit ou wa ejoed y llsiricks and occasionaily lie clank- Lord, BawmanVilie, corner o! Well- were can!uscated. 45-1' anaîlier ar ao duci ee.Tahlicarweslscaeia!hurwsenaei yaling a! chains. Prom a quaint Period ington and George Sts. Sale will _______________ on Tesdy a!tusweek mecar resnt.costume ta clown aulfils. the mas- include kilcien. bedroarn, diningMU C was on tie C.P.R. siding aIl day and qurd;frih_ ratdama on and living rooni fumnilure, bcd-mu i the spot ta laiethîe stuf f in and pile COURTICE eniayment and considerable curias- ding and dishes. Sale aI 1.30 p'. m. FRANCIS SUTTON, MusBac. FXC.C.O. il away in lie car. Farmers and 1 ity as ta wlia was wha. Wlien tle Saîurday. November 1011. Terms A .C .dpaa nPao aIiesbruli r et nfri, a- Mi'. H. Pruefer is liaving ils home lasl guest had arriveti and mnade lis cash. W. J. Chahlis, Autianeer. A.ingingM.Vio in Pirano, neti goads, andi rau'- vegetables. by re-shingleti, clapbaardcd. etc. I way, ihd! iut. ta put asideteo cas esos truckt, car, wagon or demnocrat. Sec "Soutih in Soiiara" in Bow- hLt wraps, fortunes wei'e di'awn frai «-2 pil ruvaed fociasal essinons mavleoeaHoues, Nov. 15 or 16. a large urn; and a peanut scramble Saturda3', Naveniber lti-Mi'. M.upspracdfrileaiaio. Mr'. andi Mrs. Oea. Jamrieson mat- i manvillehgra itret OeC Sih il fO frsaeerac-Poe 2 BwaPil ared ta Mitchell an Tuesday la at- Miss Marie Saller, Pickering i 'setrdwl ra neet n .Sil uilofe o aeb u-Poe4,BwaVle40-t! tend île funeral a! lus cousin, the visiting ici' cousin, Miss Elsie Phair. a! tice fost gruesorne parts a! lie tian in Backstack tic foibawing- lateWilardIngam. n Wdneda$ The sympatiyo!flier many fri- evening's enterlainient was during furnilure and househalti effecîs, in- laIe WullardhengateNI. o Wenesam. cnds s extendedt t Mrs. Edigar' Horni a gaie wien different parts a! a luding lairclotli parlai' suite, salid COURT 0F REVISION spNv.a71li. in catle Mi'. ngas in the recent lass o!flier f allier.Mi'.! deati mans bod.y u'erc passc round.' walnut, 4 walnut and ash bedroom sommer anti las a number of frientis 1 - T'i' midst muffleti siricits fri le lad- suites. h solid. wainut dining roani Town of Bownlanville andacqaitanes iee wa wre Mr'. anti Mrs. H. Sibitt and sans,, ies. follawcd by lie deceascd lii- etnintbe dozen wainul and - sryto learnia! lis deatiH iss . Hamilton andi Mr. Wni. self, in a !lou'ing w'hite robe, and1 black asi chairs, piclure fraies. Notice is liereby given liaI lie sie'r dýesdhmls eeHi Brown were Sunday guesîs o! Mi'. accaîpanicd by lauti clanking a! rugs, carpet. two staves, carpel f irsl siîting o! tic Court o! Revision sliortly a! er Mr'. and Mrs. Janriieson anti Mrs. O. Reynol.ds. bancs whicl soundeti seriously luke su'-eepei'5, dhest.s, and allier articles for tic Town a! Bawnianvilld uwill be On Wednesday aflernoan tic tea- chains un a lin pail. Gliast stories Ica numerous ta mention. Sec bis. held aI tle Council Roani in the ______________________chers o! Na. 8 gave lie cludren a u'erc bold and Miss Vivian Satiler Sale aI 1.30 p. i. Terms cash. Ted said Tou'n o! Bou'manville on Tues- short party in tic schaolhotise in recitet "mhe Crematian o! SainiMe- Jackson, auctioneci'. day. November 201h. h934, at 7.30 My Sister Tried Husky hnur o! Hallawe'en. Ke" 50 pei li tai shivers ýp .t eraddtrietesv A surprise party was tendereti Miss crau'led an île spines a! ail tlie Vedncsday, Noveniber 14h-Thc erai caipiaints o! errors or omis- And Recommended Hallie Snutiden an Saturday even- gliast-mintiet. Charades was anc of stock, iniplements. hay, f ced, etc. o! sions in the Assessient Rail foric It To Me ing, lier 18h birthday .A very beau- the intcrcsting gaies anti was f oi- lie laie A. L. Brunt wil be solti by saiti Municipailty for lie ycar 13 tif ul gif t was sent during île even- lawed by a very dligil!ui anti sub- public auction on Lot 17, Con. 8, Anti furtier laite notice liat ail -- ng bearing tic signature "A For- stantiai lunch including deliciaus Darlinglon. On tie sainie day lie ratepayers who deeni theiseîves i Toronto lady states, "For two gaîten Frienti." cakes and caffee. Fallawing tic f an conslsting o! 50 acres, more or averdiargeti or otiertvisd impi'opdi yr m indgstern suffedaerrily On Wednesday evening Mrs. Jas. Party several o! lic gucsts allendetilso wic r slaeituobri y assesscd niay natif yte le ento! futom inigstionandheadahe isGcaring lad la!! y, popcorn. coakies, in costume ticeniasquerade Bah aI with siane faundatiati anti a fraie Ilie Municipaity in u'i'iting o! sudh no but tiani ts e HUSKY sh tarIs, ec., rcady for her Suntiay Nestietan. house u'ill be offereti for sale sub- overcharge or improper assessient owtfableotepatinormaly with- School class o! uitile anes. at an ah- The Comi'funity Hall was a scene j .ecl to a reserve baid. See bills for oni or bef arc tic 191h day o! Nov- S cts." mst 100 per cent aiendance. there- o! a splendid fa'l supper on Friday particulars. Sale-at 1 p. m. Terns ember. 1934. anti youi' capainl by proving tic affection tlic prizmary nlght. u'hen the ladies a! St. Jonn's cas h. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer; J. shahi be tried by lie said Court o! NEWCASTLE Citizens Also Delare asla o ustaie.agaîn siou'ed ah anti sundry theirD.H atCer.4-Rviin HUSKY Is a Splendid Tonie Tic f irst Hallow'en party wa&s art in coaking. Tic s-tairs ieatiing ta A. J. LYLE. At A. E. Mellaw'5 Drug Store l'eldi on Tuesday evening in Mr. Ed.. lie basement u'as janimed wiuii Having receiveti instruction ta sei Clerk o! lie Town af Bowîanville. wierc HUSKY s solti lacally, people Pitidueks Hall wîen tie yaungsters waiting enthusiasts enviously watci- by public auclian f roi Mr'. Hans Dateti aI Bownianvillc tuis 8th are asking for HUSKY tiese days l in variaus costumesgteetgo unig e;rwsared cîcia i eissberger, Lot 32, Con. 5, Town- day o! Navember. 193.42 for relief frai indigestion. consti- anti frolic. Gaies were playeti, anti tables. Spicy atiaurs nvad tihle ,slip o! Darlington, on Tiurstiay. pation, gas anti stomradli pains, macit courting gave thc girls a littie-i roani anti the ladies bustîcti about jfNavebeY1,oun.3gp ni., 15 heatilud heatachs, ackcie .%trrlal a!-i needeti practice. Apples anti candy witli gencraus plaies a! goose antid hieyugmic osicui Notice to Creditors fecian ani îny ilir bdul ai- iatietita ic njatnet. ppeizig tresn. ý There-'ercîng Ayrsliirct, Durhias, Jerseys anti CO O R fiei pnSATURDAY of each lk nw POBOU GE.fRepairapetFoot stools anti Ottomans matie Instru ctoIftilgorbsns wee foin9 . m t 9P. - ordn . Rparstaonder. Auto Tops recovereti. positions. Day, Niglit and Home Garettj» hare. . i A s r~Waodwoi'k, ahi models. Slip cav- Study Courses. ou are invlted B a.T ANO O AN O ers. Tops dresseti anti repaireti. to write for curriculum. Address NOTE,.ýwIIere at ail possible kindly make appointnicnts Soe gWI or' 1w Qoodyi'fr ti' ting Expert wonkiiiarshlp. Samples. W.h.esSa. Pe4dn 5a- for examinnatiolit MarhilQp. rices reneoiiahI5. Estimates free. J. A. Fry, SCUgog ChreBt.4- xi.. qtr"ot East . Gogwmaswlll* St. Phone 536. 44-1__________ ,j opposite Gartofl u ss tation t in 56 41 At Last CIîcaper Fuel VULCAN ANTHRACITE COAL $S12e FERTON DELIVERED IN 50 WMAN VILLE Store and Nuit Sizes Pea Coal $11 .00 ton; Buckwheat Coal $9.O0 ton Peablo (50%/,,Buckwheat, 50%"( Pea Coal) $9.95 per ton. If yQU appreciate our efforts to bring you cheaper fuel, your patronage and co-operation Wl1 make it possible to continue this sav'ing. Our Coal la High Grade Pennsylvania Anthracite Phoné 173 or 98 Today for a Ton J. W. KNIGRT Coke - Coal - Wood Cartage Taxi Service j h xwil~J Il *1 Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Boys and Girls There is stili time to enter our Big Auto Race, with. a real auto as the prize. Ask the manager for an entry blank and start saving coupons to-day. Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Nov. 8-9-10 GEORGE ARLISS in The Last Gentleman Mickey Mouse - - Our Gang Comcdy - - News Matlnoe Saturday at 2.30 p. me. Mondai'- Tuesday - November 12 - 13 Lets Fali in Love WiIli EDMUN]) LOWE anti ANN SOTHEEN Fox News - - Comedy - - Cartoon Matinee Monday at 4 p. m. Wednesday - Thursday - November 14 - 15 JANFW OAYNOR. anti LEW AYRES in Servants' Ent rance Metro News and Other Features Matinee Wednesda>' at 4 p. nm. COMING ATTRACTIONS- Clark Gable andi Joan Crawford in 1"CHAINED"1 Jean Harlow in "GIRL FROM rMSSOURI" Also Coning--"ONE NIGHT 0F LOVE" 1 2ý Business DirectoryI 4 4 LEGAL lui M. G. v. GOULD, B.A.. LL. Barrister, Solcitor, Notary Wanted Royal Bank Building, BoWm vifllVU frD-GENERAL SERVANT. W. R. STRIKE Lply Miss Galbraith, Queen St., arrste, olicitor, Notary >wmavtle. 5-1 solicitor for Bank of Montreal MTrEI) TO RENT - THR.EE TO Money ta Loan. Phone 91 ie roam cottage. Apply J. V. sowmanville, Ontario lurridge, Argyle St. 45-1) - - L. C1. MASON, B. A. LNTETI - A YOUNG DOMESTIC Barrister - Solicitor or duplex in Toronto. Apply "R. Notary Public - Etc. Drawer B, Bowmnanville. Law in ail fts branches. 45-1 Office immediately east of Royal INTED - MAID FOR GENRA Theatre. iousework in family o ou. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. liane 505 or write "C.MY" Drawer D N A ,Bawmanville. 45-1 D N A )OM ANTE - ENTLMANDR. .J. C. DEVITT wishes lieated roam, preferably Asitn-D.EW.Sso ,entrai or nortli section of town.,Graduate of Royal Dental College, Apply ta "W. H." Drawer B. Bow- Toronto. office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. manville. 45-1 BowmanVille. office liaurs 9 a. m 0F THE~G- to6 p.n. daily except Siandal. LESMAN-OEPhlone 90. House plione 283. est Canadian Lif e Insmurance Cm X-Ray Equlpaient in Office. panies require an active represent- tive for Bowmanville and district. ir1. R LDR CO Apply "L.C." Drawer B, Bowman- r tii'DRETO ille. 44-2«-__________________ EYOUR OWN BOSS AND) MAKE serAy hor, any da substantial profits. Work and Srie n or n a succeed. No risk Write for de- F. F. MORRIS CO. ails and catalogue :-The Famnilex Modemn Motor Equlpmeflt Praducts Company. 570 St. Clem- mbuilance and Invalid Car ent St., Montreal, P. Q. 44-3- Caîl Phione 10 or 34, ________________________ Assistant, 573 BoarersWantd iBOWMANVMLE DARD AND ROOMS-$5.O PER r-rwr fA'l weeli. Mrs. George A. Gibsan. NORTHCTT & SMITH King St. over Darcli's Store. IComplete Funeral Service _____________44-___ jModemn Equipment -Ambulatne ~'I. ad Ms. . B E.Stales Tor- . W,. G. Nortbcutt- Aubrey Smltb ta. spnt the J BwEkend s Tr-Phone Das.YS58 :1t. senttheweeendwitli rela- NiglitS. Sundays or Holldays ves liere and at Orono. Phione 523 or 276 Ijere's a Real Duy FOR SATURDAY ONLY A Corbett feature that saves you money. Look this over, and be rarly on Saturday or you might be disappolntedl. Jelly Roll Regular-Se Dozen Buns or Rolis Regular-Se Raisin Loaf eua-2 Total Regular Value 42e Corbett's Saturday Special-Ail for 33c Try these specials and sec wby it wiIl pay you better to let us bake for you. Not ony do you save money but you save tlme and trouble. Corbett's Dalkery PHONE 3 B3OWMANVflmL t k f. 'bn-I

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