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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1934, p. 1

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p With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News ______ VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1934 NUMBER 45 Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Hardy Honored By Many on Thirtieth Wedding Day Goodyear Superinten d e n t and Wif e Presented With DERIVES PLEASURIE Handome hefield Re- FROM KIRKWOOD STORIES production Tea Service- Dear Mr. Edtor: I have been reading with en- Eighty Attend Gathering joyment Mr. Kirkwood's art- icleswblcb are appearing in Relatives and friends of Mr. and The Statesmnan. Mrs. A. M. Hardy numbering 80, This geniai gentleman is a gatbered at the Oddfellows' Hall on neighbour of mine. He bas a Saturday to celebrate with tbem wholesome understanding of their Pearl Wedding Anniversary. life's problems and the rare Mr. and Mrs. Hardy had been in- gift of a writer for expressing vited out to their cousins', Mr. and bis fine thoughts to others. Mrs. F. S. Blackburn, for tea. and I hope that your many escorted them te the Hall where re- readers are deriving pleasure latives and friends were waiting. As and profit fromn these articles they climbed the stairs te the Hall, as I am. Mrs. Robt. Holden of Qsbawa played Respectfully the wedding mnarcb 'Here Cornes the Harold Gully. Bride" and as they entered tbe Hall, _______________ the assembly rose and sang "For They are Jolly Good Fellows." The J. R. Moore, Jeweller chairman, Mr. S. Charles Allin, lu- formed tlie_galhering the object for Moving to Port Hope wbich they had met was to do bonor to Mr. and Mrs. Hardy on this, their la Staging Big Sale Pearl WeEffing Anniversary and caîl- ed upon Mrs. F. S. Blackburn to read J. R. Moore, for the past f ive years the following address: one of the most enterprising mer- Dear Bride and Groom, chants lu Bowmanville. in a large We, some o! your relatives and display advt on page three announ- friends, have gatbered today to cele- ces a selling out sale. Mr. Moore is brate witb you your Pearl Wedcing re-opening his jewelry business lu Anversary. Port Hope wbere he believes with a Tbirty years ago, when you were larger population a greater oppor- joined together in malrimony, You tunity is presented. were, no doubt, iooking into the f u- "Jimmy" Moore bas proven one ture for a happy married life o! o the f inest types of busintss men gether. Now that this time bas pass- lu the lowrn since he purcbased the ed we are glad te know that you have business o! the laIe F. J. Homne in iived happily tegether duriug tis August 1929. He has taken a very period, aud those o! us who have active interest lu the Business Men's been privlleged to enjoy your bospit- Association and was one o! the bard- ality froin lime to time realize the est workers at the annual Commun- success you bave attaiued. ity Picnic, at the Mercbanl's Christ- W We feel Ibat you have merited mas tree celebrations, and also lu M the many blesslngs that have been sporting activities sponsored by tbe w: sbowered upon you and trust that association.B your cup of joy shahl continue 10 be Business men aud citizens alike i fllled 10 overflowing. wl ertta r or a e It is mainly througb your interest wilrge htMr or a e picuic bas attsined the suce-es tbat cided te, leave Bowmanville. With and ffots tat ur anua f axîyhim will go the good wisbes of a bost it bas, tlserebY keepiug in toucbwith o!lfrindthaltooherbas me for bim- relatives that otherwise we might hI seluthyedilntoo htb seldom. meet. bssae uormdt However, no malter bow well In the mneantime from today until meaning our word, tbey may soon be Saturday. December 1st, Mr. Moore forgolten unless substantisted b y is stagmng a sale of unusual interest. some practical evideuce of our sen- Particularly la this so because o! timents and so on an occasion such tbe f ast approach of Cbristmas, and as this, It bas seemed good to us to wth tbe drastically redu.ced prices bring certain tokens of our conîlu- of bis stock, many items priced wel ucus good will and respect-some- below cost, an unusual opportunlly thing tbat as You journey tbrough will be presented te, purchase Christ- the years to come, will appeal to mas gifîs at most attractive prices. you sud remind you of our presence Mr. Moore will endeavour te comn- bere tonigbt and o! our kindly f eel- pletely clear bis stock in the inter- ing toward you. vening lime. He bopes to go te Port~ We would, therefore. respectfully Hope witb an eutirely new stock, ask you 10 accept these gifts with and il will pay citizens te make spec- the earnest hope that botb o! you il note of bis advt and profit by may live long te enjoy thein. the opportunity thus presented. Mr. Signed on bebaîf of your many W'il Percy, wbo bas spent a life- lime in the jewelry bus-iness will a- h (Continued on page 10) si'Mr. Moore at this sale. Governor of 27tk District of Rotary t Made Officiai Visit to Local Club An aarnest plea to the Rotary Club bal! o! which iss ocated in Canada te furtber the cause o! world peace and bal! sn the United States thisa by special attention te international ideal of international service shouldc study ami fellowsip was delivered be uppermost. It must be a part of ou Friday by James S. Duuwoody. Rotary program te, formulate a de- f Governor o! the 27tb District o! sire for tbe expression o! Rotary i Rotary, wbeu ha paid bis officiai service. This desire 18 expressad to j visit to the local club. the full in commuuity service but isc Governor Jim, as he la known lacking lu international service. n throughout Ibis international dis- Rotary bas suceeded, the Governorb trict la a resident o! Erie. Pa.. and said, 'becaue o!fls international1 he was introduced by President Fred phase, sud tbrougb Ibis phase it basr Cryderman, wbo presided at the encircled the world. Que shoudid meeting. realize easily wbat -a wonderful op- Commenting bumorously on the portunity that presents for the fur-1 United States plan 10 plow under tberauce o! a better uuderstanding1 crops, and nature's intervention by between races and nations. Througb seudiug a drougbt, the speaker said. the breaking down o! these bar-c that nature knew what it was do- riers o!fnsuuderstsnding it is net iug wben il permittecl the birtb of impossible 10 bear tbe fruit that tbe Dionne QuintuplaIs in Canada. will briug world peace. In tbis lies Had tbey been boru in the United tbe key te Rotary developmeut, audt States, be added, two would probably Ibis re&ts essentially with the vo-1 bave beeu throwu awsy because' of cational service side of Rotary work.t over production. Rotary la not formed 10 run your Turning seriously te Rotary top- business for you, but il la f ormedE lcs, tbe Governor ssid that hie was t0 teacb you that the survival o! greatly impressed in mnaking bis o!- the fittest la wroug and the policy o! f icial visits te Rotary Clubs lu tbe live sud el live is rigbt. 27th District to see Rotary staging Your club is a complete unit lu sucb a splendid comeback fohowing Rotary Internation and it la up te the depression. Everywbere be bas you to carry out tbe f ull broad pro- beeu be had fouud membersbîps gramn o! Rotary, that great worl- growing and mostly ha noted Ibat wide prograin wblcb you and I as former Rotarisuis. wbo bad left the Rotarians are privileged to bave a clubs for financial reasons, were re- part. On Ibis theme tbe governor turnirîg. In Ibis he felt was a tribute losad a most impressive address. te Rolary's fine ideals. lu that men O! special interesl aI the meeting who bave belougad before are re- was that immediately followlug the turulng t0 membership as brlghter toast 10 the King sud the National business conditions warrant. It bas Anlhem tbe U. S. bymu "My Coun- s Ion - e sid,.fhat .bevisin aljtrv ' 'is o! Thee" ta the sjaine lune To wn 's Shrine of Remembrance The Cenotaph, Mernorlal Park ý Wbicb will ha tthe sceua on Sunday morning uext o! an impressive t Mtemnorial Service& in memory o! those who gave their hives, sud those ]V wbo served in the, Great War. Tisa service la sponsored by Brand No. 178, ai 3owmauville. o! thse Canadian Legion, the Town Council, sud the Min- ic sterial Association,. ti o: Second Car oF Produce ta Leave on ni ai Monday Billed For Nottingham, Saska '3a rHOS.STAPETONCommittee in Charge Urge BELOVED CITIZEN Co-operation So That Car 13 0F OSHAWA PASSES Will Be Filléd To Capac- b ity When It Leaves For tý Was Husband of Former Bowflafl Stricken West t ville Girl - Spent 47 Yearas i i Service of Old Grand Trunk There is st111 lime t0 belp f111 Ithe Railway - Interment Here Relief Car that soon will ha rollingc Today westward te belp part o! the nlgb- s --stsrving people o! the Western1 Well knowu lu Bowmiauville, sud prairies. This second car from west t Durham is billed te Nottingbams, lsusbsnd o! a native o! Ibis towis, Sask., su ares thal bas beau sevare- aud for many years a Statesman' ly bit by drougbl sud grasshoppers. c subscriber. Thomas Staplelon, one f Tpol r tt oeti the most lovable characters ad Theadpeole Are I Ibis moent lu kindly gnlmno u acqussu-, as we are able? Here la a lasI op-t lance, passed away ou Tuesday,'portunity te regisler our sympatby November 61b aI is home lu Osh- sud brotherly love. Will wa respound awa. Mr. Slaplaten was 78 yesrs old as the Lord bas prospered us? If beiug bomu ou February 18, 1856, sud you bava no vegatablas te offer, s was the sou o! the late Mm. sud Mxj,. sinaîl cash donation will be acknow- Richard Staplaten o! Port Union. ladged lu The Statesman next week. Ha started as su employee wltb Just thiuk o! bow much a dollar the Graud Trunk R.aihway lu 1869 will purcbase-Thrae baga o! No. 1 as a very young boy sud soon be- potaloas o! ninety pouuds toi the cama a swilcbtender, then opemator bag. Tis offar bas beau made te, the sud station agent. Ha workad aI dl! . community by a ksndly loyal f arm- farent stations on the Grand Tmuuk ar. main lina, betweeu Toronto sud Th eetro!Iecnuita Moutreal. For 20 3rears hae'Vas lot The11. Lckhar woflhe bapy 10isear csad aI Coteau Station, as5agentroiH.pou sud wUll e hayto ear movlng 10 Osbawa lu 1911, wba dollafr or leandyou conîribut evll became conuectad wiîis the Osaa dlasrls o cnrbt ilb ElecIric Rallway, until 1917 when hae spent te receive tbe greatest amount retied romaçfive ervceremin-o! food value. Thse car will ha heav- regnted roto tytoive seve emu iug the C. P. R. f reigbt sheds on During is termi at Coteau Station Mna feno fnx ek hae was joint agent for tbe Grand e. Trunk sud Canada Atlantic Rail- 1 ways. Mr. Stapleton was oua of tise1 WEDDING oldasî employaas o! the old Grand <; Trunk sll living. Hae'Vas bighly respected among ail wbo kuew him. Nesbit - Porteous particularly amoug the o! ficers o!f- the compauy wbo aarly recoguizad A qui weddiug took place at tbe is devotion 10 duty sud attention Parsonage, Hastings, on Thursday, o is work. November ist. by tisa Rav. F. W. Iu passiug lha wijl be greatly Miss- Newall when Clara Mae. daugbter o! ed for is mauy acts o! kinduessand Mm. sud Mrs. C. H. Porteous. Nest- bis lbougbtfulrles for Ibosa Who belon, sud Charles Harold NesbiII, needed advice or balp, wblcbhali sou o! Mrs. George Nea-bitt, sud the was ever meady to, give. hate Mm. Nesbilt, wera uulted lu lu is etiemat M. Sapltenmarriage. The brida wore s blue Inok a deetrest Mlu Ibapaffair transpaetvlet witb black sc- too a eepintres intheaffirscesserles sud wearing the groom's o! Osbawa sud ws wice a membes' giftI s beautiful nacklace. They were o! the Board o! Education. Wbila uateddb tabid'nite.Ms The Statesman office onhy last week atnidb h rdssse.Ms Mr. Stapieten informedý the Editor Dorotby Porteous, wearlng black that hae was a passenger on the f iraI crepe sud lace sud Mm. Cbarles Grand Trunk train 1oi heava Toronto Glenny o! Newcastle. for Oshawa, wblcb was run ou Oc- Attise recaptlon hahd aItishe home lober 27tb, 1856. wbeu hae was just o! tise bride's pareuts aI Nesîleton, 8 moutha old. His mother brougist Mrs. Porteous recelved the guests hlm 10 Osbawa for the day raturu- wearing black silk crape. The brida iug tisa sam ineugit te Toronto. For sud groom le! t by motor for King- 47 years hie was a faith!ul G. T. R. ston sud Ottawa. The bride travell- employee sud wss superannuated 20 ing lu a wool drasa o! raspberry yearsag.sisade sud ailvertone coat trlmmed Mrs. Staplatoil paasaci away il wlth gray wolf fur. On Ibeir raturn years ago, sud for msuy 3years hae Mr. sud Mrs. Nesblît wihl live on lovingly cared for is wi!e's parents tise groom's farin, est o! Nesîlelon. in thaîr aId age. Mrs. Staplaton was ___________ :Annie Brimacousha, daugister o! the 1late Mr. sud Mrs. George Brima- Mm. aud Mrs. C. A. Wight sud Mr. 1combe of Bowmsnville. sud Mrs. I. R. Bragg motored te Survlvlng are fîve daugisters. Mrs. London sud vlaited friands there :Robert Bell, sud Mms. M. T. Asis. sud at St. Mary-s over the weekeud. both o! Ottawa; Mrs. F. J. Taggart Miss Margaret Poster sud lber 1o! London; Mrs. E. Ross sud Mms. niaca, hittla Miss Kathleen Lansdahe, .K. C. Short o! Wisitby. Two sisters, sud Miss Mlldrad Lawrie, Toronto. LMiss E. Stapleten, sud, Mme. J. R. spent tise weekeud 'Vith MMm. J. N. jBell o! Osbawa, 9 grsnd-childreu Lawrie. sud 2 great graud-cildirea sso sur -________________ .vive. Tisa funeral la being held Ibis a!- Churcis, Oshawa, of wbicis deceasad )temnoon f rom is late residence, 69 wss member. Hia ramalus wlll ha ,Consul Street, Oshsawa, sud la balug brougist te Bowmanvlla for Inter- .conducted by Rey. P. J. Maxwell, meut sud many old frienda here wil former ministar o! St. Andrew'5 ha lu attendauce at thse burlal. SI S6 but ota ser bra hi vic thE O! MÉ t res pi ci no: fic ini s'v ln Higli SckooI Gridders Battled ta Senior Championship Wednesday ;pecial Service ta Mark Armistice Day on Sunday- ldiers' Memorial To Be Scene of Impressive Cere- mony Sunday Morning - Legion, Council and Min- isterial Association Are Sponsors Bowmanvîlle will psy solamu tri- ute te its war dead, before the Cen- taph on Sunday. Remnembrance Ly, Nov. 111h, wben precediug le morning services lu the churches, special service will ba held. The ervica l is spnsoSed by the local sancb o! the Canadian Legion, tbe own Council sud the Ministerial isociation. Plans for Ibis avent ave beau compiated and the ser- Ice la 10 be couducted by Major, .e Rev. C. R. Spencer V. D., Pacire fthe Legion aud Prasident o! tbe 'inisterial Association, asslsted byý ber mirsisters o! the town. Cîtizens are requested to arrive aI lie cenolaph at 10.30 a. m. te ha lu eadauess to commence the service s lime a1 10.45. The Lagion wiUl irade from the Town Hall sud will edrawn up ou the soutb aide o! he monument while the massadi hoirs o! the churches will be ou the irtb aide. Scbool children will be lu ront of tbe cenotaph sud those )acing wreatbs are askad to ha in )ace immediately lu front o! the onumeut before thse service atarls. The service will open witb the nvocation sud Lord's Prayar, fol- owed by the hymu "O God Our Hebp nAges Past." The placing and ded- cation o! wreatbs wilU follow. sud se Remembrance Day choir under Ur. Fraudas Sutton, Mus. Bac., wll ing "O Vallant Hlearts." The Leg- in Baud wifl provida the music for ,e other bymu. undar the direction )f Baudmaster R. Fountain. Mayor Ross Strike wiil read the aines o! thea Fallen, as inscribed ou se monument, witb the addition o! amas o! those who bave passed on uce, sud following brie! prayers, awo minutes silence wil h observed as the dlock chines out the hour o! [aeven. Immedlstely following the prayer tr thse dead will be read sud the Last Post sud Revaille sounded by Bandmaster Fountain. The National Authem n sd thse Benad.iction will bring the service to a close. The service la cousiderably shorter this year tbsu lu previous yeams sud tha address bas been omitted. lus- rîedistely !ollowing the service tise people will go to their respective bhurches for the momning service scheduled Ibis Sunday for 11.15 a.m. The Canadian Legion will mardi to St. Andrew's Cburcb, wbere Rev. W. G. Blake will address them. T'he complate committea lu charge of arrangements is composed o! W. P. Ward, chairman, Rey. C. R. Spen- cer, padre, Thos. Hamilton, secre- tamy, Mayor Ross Strike. and Coun- cillor Haroldi Moses. Town Council to Bowmanville Public Sckool Students Keep Transients Win Honors in Recent Examinations LocIced i n N igkts Followlug i a lit o! pupils takin ec veHoad Nels Nli Little Business of IMport- mnations in tise various classes, habrts, Jimmy Southsey, James StuIl. Naines are lu sîphahatical order: Russell Vesua, Judy Wlsalen, Sheila ance Cornes Before Nov-ý Senior 4th Wilson, Murray Wood. ember Council Meeting - Clarice Aider, Byron Crawford, Ruts A Charles Cartwrighst, Harold Cas- Rt Abernetisy, Barbara Ailhin. Oscar Hudson Co. Re- boumn, Lois Emimett, Charles Hoar, Dorothy Bedford, Irvine Brown, appontedAudiorsLillian Koren, Jean Logan, Carol Florece Chartran, Charles Fletcher, appintd A ditrsMartyn, Doris Moses, Kay O'Neill Audrey Grant, Domeau Hill. Audrey Tom Reisder, Norma Searle, Dorot]by, Martin, Dorothy Morris, Jlmmie To prevent transients staying in Smala, Kit Storay, Alan Tamblyn. Martin, Grace Potter, Donald Quick, Bowmauviila overnlgbt f rom beaving Ruts Virtue, Ernest Wsrd, Diana Mamjory Rundle. Betty Stevaus Don- their quartera lu tise tewn lockup Wlsealer. Keltis Yeo. old Wol!maim. duriug the nigbt. lise Public Pro- Junior 4th Fiflt B perty Commilte 'Vas given power te adI lu the erection o! au iron grill Hazel Aider, Jim Clark, Geraldine Ailan Clayton, George Forsay, Ber- aI tise bead o!flise sîsirs te the base- Coulter, Kenuetis Cola. Dounie Crea- nice Goulsis, Jean Living, Margaret meut lu the Town Hall, so tisaI wheu ser, Tom Depew. Ethel Donogisue, Stacey. Doris Tbompsou, Marlon once adnsltted the trausieuts 'VIII ha Marlon Dudbey, Patsy Dustan, Pal- Welsis. unable 10 leave unlil laI ouI by pol-idis Emmett, Marion Gibson, Jack Senior Primer ice lu tise morning. They wiU aStij Hare, Rachel Hildemly. Bill Hutchin- Psy Fry, Audrey Humphrey. Jack bave tise use o! tise wasbmoom. i son, Douglas Jackman. Ruts James, Samis. Kathleen Vesua, Bernica lise basement. Il is halievad that Oscar Jesseu, Jimn ox, Mark Lam-5 Welsh. soe transients may ha reaponsible bourne, Marlon Mahood, Grlgg Mor- Junior Primer for sevemal reported break-ins o! re- dan, Peggy Moses, Douglas Norton, cent date, sud that theîr lucarcerat- Jean Pattinson, Bobby Purdy. Bar- (Miss PoVaYs' Boom) ion under locis sud -kay escis nigbt bara Rebder, Jean Rice, Frances Bobby Crabb, Collette Ferguson, inigbt lead to a reduction lu tise RoVe, Sidney Rundia, Kaitis Slemon, Esmia Gilmome, Maria Moyse, Junior number o! cases o! patty lhieviug. Archie Sinale, Mary Spencer, Kelvin BOSS, Helen Roach, Alan Strlke, The council session on Monday Symons, Margaret Storey, Helen Bobby Stevens, Audrey Vauten, Ger- nigist, at whlch Ibis motion wms put Tlgbe, Isabel Tbompsou. Donald aid Wolfralm. Ibrougis dealt 'Vitb business mainhy Veuten, Henry Wlghtman. Winlfred Junior Primer o! a routine nature. Deputy Reeva Wood. Louise Wilson. (isCl' om Alex Edmoudatone 'Vas absent. Senior 3rd CrlBairCley 'VelDonal Heuy Alinsu Mm A.DevtI Sidney Aider, Marie Allison, How- Chllds, Joyce Donoghue, Rets Pom- made application 10 ceut dowu trees, ard Cordan, Ada Dsdsou, Florenca sey, Stanley Gatcheli. Editis Harris Public Property Comusittee being au- Deusan, Scott Densem, Ada Dusen- Isobel Kel, June Morris, Baner thoize t caryouItie wrk Tresbumy, Raymond Fîce, Noms Fagan, passant, Ray Wastlake, Joan Wrighst, will ha tumned over te tise Welfare Murray Grant. Myrtle Hall, IrIs Donald Wllcox. Board for fuel for ueedy familles. Jackman, Louis Kilgannon, Doris Mrs. Walter IH. Lyou raqueated Lyle, Helen Lambros, Alan Mabood. South Ward-Room 1 tisaI a streel ligisI ha plsced ha- Ernest Morris, Horace Moses, Doris II1 Clase - Lois Burgess, Lillian tweeu King sud Churcis Streets ou Piper, Ray Richarde, Joyce Rich- Lamsbert, Gordon Manle, Albert Scugog Street, ou wich tise Pro- ards, Wiulfmed Smith, Cathearine Mason. Muriel McDonald, Imene Mit- perty Committea wlll report. Spencer, Helen Sumers!ord, Rex chail, Alne Nortiscutt, Billy Spen- Departmeut o! Lands sud Forests Ward, Luther Welsh. cer. raquested $100 f rom tise town as parJuirrdICas-M io lvJse 1agreement lu settlemaul o! T. M. ,nir3r Cas hMm oClve, Joe Martin sud family lu tisa nonsh. Bobby Callum, Mary Co'Vsu, Bill CoiU5ors Donald Gllol, ee Oscar Hudson Company, Toronto, Edger, Arthur Hooper, Harvey Joues, Joues, Emma Luxten, Frankc Piper, :were resppoiuted, audilors for lise Lois Large, Rata Lapisan, James Irene Piper, Ada Quinuey, Lorraine .tewu at $350 with an an additioual Nokas, Howard Qulnuey, Rasai Somarscales. sahary o! $150 to audit tise bocks o! Wbod, Gerdon Woolner. South Ward-Rooifl2 .tise Utllitles Commission. Second Chasa msrmr-Asi tpes Ratpayrs ssoiaton equastad Jean Allison, Shirley Cisaillas, Sally Walter Morris, Murray McKr.tgist, 1Council te ereot a resarvoir lu ad- Cola, Mlldred Coulter, Helen Devitt, Harold Luxten, Ruby Stavens. ,dition 10 those now lu use as part Ruths Hutchinson, Eunlica Jackman, Jr. Primer - Mariorla King, Dor- Sof a works program for tise un- Eleanor Johnaton, Ronald Johnson, olby Kilgannon, Eivelyn Woodward, 1amployed. PropertY Committea wll Mamiorie Kllpatrick, WlJfred Knuox, Betty GilhoOlY, Doris Al1cdread, (Continued ou page 7) Jack Large, Frances Morris, Erlc iGordon Alder. <i Cobourg Defeated 8- 1 ln HOSPITAL BOARD Spectacular Came on Sea MEETING of Mud - Don Williams Ille annual meeting of the Scores Ail Points for Lo- citizens of Bowmanville to el- cals Meet Lindsay Next ect a Board of Directors for Bowmanvillie Hospital for 1934- 35 wili be held in the Coundil By Y. Duzzy Wright Room f the Town Hanl on Pastered rrom head to foot in tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock mud and grime, Bowmanville Hlgh This is a public meeting for Schooi Senior Qridders, playing as citizens and ail interested in they neyer played before, bat.tled the Hospital are urged to at- their way to a spectacular 8-1 vlc- tend where they have every tory over the Cobourg Collegiate In- rlght to vote in the election of stitute, annexing the Senior Tak- directors of the Hospital. shore Group C. 0. S. S. A. cham- Interesting reports of the pionship for the second consecutive various activities of the bospi- year, and proving beyon.d doubt tai and its allied organizations their superiority over Îhir perenilal will be presented. gridiron arch enemies, in the final P. F. Morris, President. scheduled game on the local campue C. H Masn, Scretry. Wednesday afternoon. C. H M as n, S cret ry. To say that every m an on the winnng team, starred la te put it iightly. Capt. Don Willams besldes kicklng every point, made yards numerous times through serimmnage Young People of Maple besides 1run-nin tips back from 10 Grove Present Mirror To shared the tackling honors, wbite Mr. and Mrs. A. Clarke elevated junior, who filed n at the* --tmiuewr strong on the sec- About seventy-five Young people ondary The line, as their of Maple Grove community surpris- captain said, muckèd in there ail the ed Mr. and Mrs. Allan Clarke (nee tlxne. For Cobourg, Jobnston, slipp-, Etelka Trimble> at their home on ery halfback was the hardest man Monday, October 29th. when they to stop and Dufton and Hodges were gathered te present tbem with a good on the forward passes. mirror and congratulate tbem upon In the opening quarter B. H. S. their recent marriage. Ail assemb- kept Cobourg hemmed in their own led at the churcb and proceeded to- end, Just mlssing two points, until gether to the Clarke home. Immed- Cobourg recovered a fumble at iateiy the intruders had become set- centre and worked close enough to tled, Wm. Laird. President of the the B. H. S. line te kick a single. Young People's Society, called the In the second period the locals gathering te order and Lloyd Met- galned possession on the Cobourg caif read the following address: 20 yard Une from. where it was easy Dear Eteika and Allan: for Williams to kick the tydng point. Wof Maple Grove, are gatbered It was just alter this when they eti evening to congratulate called a blanket buddle wilie the ouon your recent marriage. As B. H. S. captain had to change we have known you individually as into a less revealing pair of pants. Young people of sterling quality, we A completed forward pess. the earnestly hope that in your married only pass of the game for Bowman- life you will still show that quality ville, and Williams boofed the winn- and continue te be an asset te our ing point, and just before hall tinie community. Our gatherlng here this be repeated to inake it 3-1. To start evening is te blend our f rlendsblp the second balf, Cobourg loat the with yours and te wlsh you good iuck bail on a fumble, and Mcflveen and by presenting to you tis mirror. Colmer comiblned for yards, and WiI- And may your faces reflect only the lasmd t41wt nte good that is ln them 80 that the single. world will say, -"There la a go Tony Mollveen. still not satisfled man an "Tereis god wrna."with is AI performance snared a miaadl heeil good wise.Mlieoan fumbled bail on Cobourg's 20 Yard Wituangoodws.MpleGroe he and after a 12 yard advanoe Youn Peole.through scrlmmage, Wllilams klcked At the proper time John Ayllng a perfect placement for three points. presented the mirror. Both. the lu the last quarter, Cobourg lot bride and groom replied. expresslng possession wheu they, through an their tbanks for the gift and Il"Fr incomplete forward on the third Tbey are Jolly Good Feiiows" was diown, and then promptly booted t4 beartily suug. I he Goodyeftr for thse final point. Co- The remainder of the evenlng was bourg trled bard te stage a corne- speut lu playlng games and lunchI back, but when they got really darn- was served by the social committee. gerous. Bowmanvllle stuck Up that The President tbanked the bride and old brick wail defense. and held tlght gomfor opening their home and f or the rest of the game. I ot the leaantevet ws bougt t To our milnd thls gamin wr a close by singing of 'lAuld Lang cniu npg Syne."1 Cniudopae7

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