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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1934, p. 3

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Talk it over with yonr wlfe - plan how much yon requise - Lif c - Fise - Liubfiity - or any other kiîrd of Insurance. Tiras come in and have tire benefit of onr wlde experience ln insurance proir- lemas. Some people have wished they had Insured with us - but they left It too late. Don't pnt It off, Culi to-day. J. J. MdASON & SON IINSURANCE - REAL ESTATE - STEAMSHIP AGENTS PHONE 50 BOIMANVILLE THE CANADIAN STATSMAN. BOWMANVI=L, THURSDAY, NOVEMMfER 8th, 1934 QuAX4D A Heater that has gone on strike changes its mind after we give it the once over. We know more about balky furnaces than Da v id Harum knew about a balky horse. Y o urs Truly foi' heat - that's us. Phone 651. BERT PARKER Plumbing - Heating Bowmanville Remembrance Day 1934 This space is dedicated in Grateful Memory of ail who gave their lives or served their Country in the Great War 1914 - 1918 J. W. Jewell BOOKS & STATIONERV PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA &GLASS 4'Big 20" Bowmanvllle THE SPOTLIGHT ON SPORT__ JUNIORS LOSE AND SENIORS WIN IN RUGBY SCHEDULE Jnniors Eimlnated By Oshawa While Seniors Tube Whltby Into Camp to Tune o! 40-3 The f irst defeat of the year and they are out o! the runnlng. It's teugh but truc. At the f irst o! the scason tbey were a bunch o! green but wiUling kids. Several didn't even know wbat teucbdown was. But intermingledi with this unseasoncd timber were a f ew who playcd on the ill-!ated sec- ond team o! last year-which team incidentaUly were neyer neaser tban 19 points te the winner-and two players wbo played on the Senior team in 1933. The f irst gaie-an exhibition a!- fais against Whitby-thcy won by 10 points. That was just what thcy needed to realize that they wese a rugby team. Not by any means per- !ect and nat getting the publicity and cheers like the stasry Seniors but heck, what did they cas e, weren't they having a lot of funj and winning gaines in the bargaln.1 And tbat's the way it wcnt. Evcnj the loss o! theis cbunky captain and quartesback 'Zike' Aines. only made them !ight harder to keep their re- cord of no defeats. But fate was apparently against thein and their exploits that read like a Horatia Alger book for five chapters. collapsed in the sixtb. Oshawa were thc villains. And ta make it worse it happencd on thc B.H.S. f ield. The score was 12-0. The gaine was the second of a haine and home series with points ta counit. Bowmanville won the !irst 12-11. On the kickoff te start the gaine Charlie Mcflveen, that 173 punds o! dynamite, burt bis knce and as out for the rst o! the game. The doctor called it tom ligaments o! the knce and the popular Chuck will use crutches for some time ta come. This break just about decidcd the gaine as wthout bis chatter and pcp talks the rcst o! the teain made about as much noise as a class li the deaf and dumb school. But evesy once in a whilc a B.H.S. stalwart would make a great play that wauld bring a cheer. Johnny Neal and the two 'Docs." Sîcinon and Tighe, did some great tackling. whilc Slemon, Honcyman and Fa- gan plunged for many yards. The scoring was accaunted for in thsee plays. lI the f irst quarter Oshawa blockcd a kick and Krantzi baisted ta, the deadline for a single.1 Later in the pesiod Sîcinan made ai 20 yard gain and B.H.S. blocked ani O.C.I. kick on the Oshawa 2 yard line but Osbawa secovercd it on their twcnty. In the second quartes the teams played even stephen until the last !cw minutes whcn a long forward pass was completed and Oshawa went 60 yards for a touchdown. In the second bal! B.HS. fumbleci the ball 3 yards out and it was eay for Oshawa te cross the lie for a convcrted touchdown. The rst o! the gaine Oshawa kcicked out of danger on the f irst down. Saturday's gaine between Whitby and Bowm anville Seniors was, as the score indicates, sather oncsided. Orono Plans To Enter Junior O.H.A.& Team In Grouping This Season The annual meeting of the Orono Hockey Club was held at the Kum- rite Inn. Officers for the coming year were elected as f oUows: Presi- dent,-?. C. Brown; Vice-President -N. F. Porter; Secretary - H. A. Clarke; Manager- 0. A. Gamsby. A representative gathering of those lnterested in the winter pastime was on hand, and following a thorough discussion, it was decided to func- tion as a junior 0. H. A. club, and also to enter an intermediate team in a league to be formed from the surrounding terrltory. At the tine of writing, league will comprise teams f rom the followlng points: Canton, Newtonvifle, Elizabethville, Courtice, Newcastle, Orono. It belng the intention of the fac- ulty o! the continuation school to interest themselves in and direct the hockey activities o! the students dur- ing the wInter, it is expected that a strong spirit of co-operation willl develop between those in charge of the students and the club players. B.H.S. in runnlng up the 40-3 score tried out every play in their reper- toire. Both teaxns used the forward pass extensively with varying suc- cess. Whitby threw 10, completed 3, and had 2 intercepted. Bowmanvllle threw 12, completed 4, each having a big part in touchdowns and had 1 intercepted. B.H.S. opened with a 20 yard for- ward and a!ter Williams gained 12 yards on a run Colmer went over for a touchdown and Hunt kicked the convert f rom placement. Bagnel scored the second touchdown on an end run atter Mcllveen had recov- ered a Whitby fumble. Whitby blocked a B.H.S. kick and from a difficuit angle 20 yards out Harkness booted a lovely placement. Calmer who ran wild ail afternoon made a 45 yard mun and Dunc punt- ed to the deadline for their 12 point and just before quarter time a 25 bard f orward, Williams to Colmer, allowed that gentleman to scamper another 25 yards for a major score. To start the second period "Monk" twisted 78 yards through the whole Whltby outfit for his third. touch- down. Another 25 yard !orward to Mcllveen and Tony staggered over for 5 more points. Hal! time 27-3. In the second haif Captain Dune booted two singles with Depew and Colvi.lle making the tackles. Be- tween these scores Ernie Hunt twist- ed his knee and had te retire. and shostly a!tes Bill Bagneil was forced out with a strained shoulder. Sie- mon took his place anid played ai great game both on offense and de- fense. In the last perlod Whltby in- tescepted a B.H.S. forward and only Kobby Kent's timely shoestsing tac- kle saved a touchdown. Two end runs by Williams. Mcllveen and Sie- mon for 50 and 10 yards gave 'Terse' Depew a chance to plunge for the sixth touchdown which was convert- ed and the last 5 points were scored when Tony caught a 30 yard toss and scampered over the line. W.H-. S. B. H.S. Tonlinson Flying wlng Colmer Haskness Halves F. Mcflveen R. Iswin Depew Thomas "Bagnel Bryant Quarter Williams Scott Snap Vanstone Gloves Insides Kent Middleton Il G. Mcllveen Hazeli Middles Courtice Blow Il Hunt Bascom Outsides Colville W. Iswin Il Oke Lawler Subs Siemon Warren. Allen Jackman, Fagan Cornish. Barker Tordif!, Roach Oshawa B.H.S. Coxson Flying Wing Spencer Krantz Halves Slemon Normyle " Honeyman MéTavish " Hooper Landes Quarter Neal Robertson Snap Tighe Keasney Insides McIlveen Ogden Il Hall Langton Middles C. Fagan Badgley Il Gibbs James Outsides Kimble Kenniedy Il Laxnbros J. Smith Subs Bennett K. Smith, Qulggley Batbgatc Dime. Graham Taylor Crawflord, Danlels O. Fagan Thresher Asthma No Longer Dreaded. The dread o! renewed attacks !rom as- thma has no hold upon those who have learned te rely upon Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthrma Remdy. So safe do they feci that complete reliance is placed on this true speclfic with the certalnty that it wlll always do ail that its makers dlaim. If you have no yet learned bow safe you are wth this preparation at hand get it to-day and know for yourself. Bowmanville People Say Husky is Wonderful Health Builder Many People Who Bought HUSKY at Jnry & Lovel's Drug Store are now Husky and Weil, Free from Skin Troubles, Headaches, Indigestion, Constipation, Colds and Many Other Common Alments. Does your mirror show a muddy complexion, sallow skin, ugly blemishes? Skin troubles indicate a dlsordered condition of pour systemn -usually constipation or a run-down state. What is necded is a tonic and blood purifl'rr like HUSKY which wlll strengthen the digestive and intestinal organs which give tone te your nervous system. Witb the true causes o! your trouble corsected, you enjoy new health and a clear skin. Remember, HUSKY is not an ordinary cure-ail - it is a scienti- Sfically blended compound o! Nature's awri ingredients. For many months Bownianville citizens have been hlghly rccommnending this tonic to others. It is one o! the best remedies we scîl. Enjoy the thrill o! new health and vigor. Order HUSKY today. HUSKY is Sold at JURY & LOVELLS, Dsuggists, Bowrnanvllle. Give More Thought To Your Insurance Teain Williams Cryderman Cunninghi Elliott i Chase William Freema James Cryderi Da!e Cosbett RoISa Strike Cunnini Tearn Standing Won Lost Pts. 5 1 6 n 2 4 4 Lin 2 1 2 0 3 0 Een High Bowlers Gaines Avei 6 1 '.5 3 L in 3 il 3 1 man 6 6 i t6 i igam 3 il Pins 4259 4727 2343 1736 rage 186 .81 78 177 176 175 166 162 159 148 INFANTINE'S AND KNITTERS LEAD IN BOWLING LEAGUES Allan Osbornec h Still High Average Bowler - Frank Williams a Close Second Standing a! teama cnding Nov. 3: Senior Leugue Team, Won Lost Score Pts. Infantine il 4 15171 15 F. Moore 9 6 14880 13 Badminton Clb. 9 6 14778 13 Found.ry Ca. 6 9 13970 8 Dudley, W. J. 5 10 14545 6 Hately, W. 5 10 13717 5 Intermediate Leagne Krütters 12 3 14011 17 T. School 8 4 10529 10 Allin's Grocery 7 8 13447 10 Olympia Cafe 7 8 12762 9 Bankers 5 7 10002 7 B. Dairy 3 12 12152 3 15 High Averuges Name Osborne, A. Williams, F. Colwell, B. Mastyn, J. Spicrs, A. Luxton. K. Cancilla, P. Halîman, H. Large, S. Beckett. P. Oliver, E. Tomiinson, E. Osborne. H. C. Oke, M. Moore. F. Brough. J. 15 9 10 15 12 14 12 13 12 15 8 13 12 15 12 14 GJ FS ?-r ERe School Girls' 15 Jewel Watch, valnes to $15.00, for. ......$5000 15 Jewel White Gold g Case, Sale Price. .-.. I '*4) 15 Jewei Movements,É, 19 assorted shapes- %ww BeadedHfand Ban, .5 OnSae.... $29 Boudoir Clocks, reg. '&3e3 $4.50 - Sale Price %W*3 Neekiaces, $2.50 Sale Prie . .. $1*791 Crystai Necklaces, reg. $1,50 - On Sale PAGE ¶P= Prices Low Quality Higli Compare Our Prime and Quallty and Sasidy Yousl ROTUND WAISTLINES PROVE NO BAR TO BOWLING ROTARIANS Steliar Soccer Star h Net Se Hot At1 Five Pins - Rotarlans Regain Spirit of Youth at Bowling Aleys With nothing bettes te do we took a stroîl down to Casey Martyn's Bowling Alîcys Thursday night to sec the Rotarians bowl, and how tbey do bowl? We want te quallly tis story by saylng that the only time we ever bowled we gave it Up in dlsgust whcn evesy bowl, secin- ingly bewitched, rolled off the fais- way inte the gutter. Be that as it may, most o! the Rotarlans mnade a far bettes show- ing than that. Bill Groves, the old; stalwart whom we expected would be 1 among the 10w scorers, played one o! the best games o! the eveming. Bill had plcnty o! strikes and spares te his credit in contrast te bis busi- ness neighbor Jin Devltt, who mlght be ascrlbed as a "bit and miss" bowler, with the empbasis on the miss. And the amazing part of it is that Jlm was such a stellar soccer football player in the old days, but appasently bowling and soccer are widely separated sports. Frank Williams and George Chase scemed to be tbe outstanding - men o! the evening and ran up scores nearing the 300 mark, whill several others scorcd oves 200, which I am informcd is quite good. Geo. James ran the flag Up to the top o! the mast wlth thç highest score in the first game, and becoming oves cen- thusiastic dropped down to Jlm De- vitt's class li tbe second. Alan Frec- man was another chap who surpris- cd us, f or he sure bowls a wicked bowl whicb bis score sheet Indlcated qulte plalnly. Howevcr, we got the blggcst kick out o! the old chaps, those who have rcacbed the rniddie forties and fifties and oves, those who have ac- quired rotund waistlines, stif! Joints, double chins and shining pates. They were the birds who did a real job o! the game. O! course we did not sec tbcm Friday but we understand there was a great sun on liniments at the drug stores foi1- lowlng the games. Most of them seemed lithe and gay at the Rotary luncheon on Friday, but that was probably just put on because the District Governor was paying his officiai visit ta the club. H-owever. that introduction was just a means of showlng you in fig- ures just how the teams stand and who arc the high bowlers o! the Hoo- tary Club. FRIENDSHIP If you haven't a falthfui f riend On. whom you can depend; If you haven't a loyal pal, Your love to whom'you send; If you've loat the perfect thrill O! telling .lust to "onle" T'he secrets closest te pour heart, And then when that la donc, To sit in peace in evenlng llght, And thank the God above you That you are blessed as no one else With a friend who'll always love you; Then you haven't the only thlng You nced in your life kit. It's bard to get and hard to keep- That la--true friendshlp. Entries for the Royal Indicate Confidence Entries for the forthcoming Royal Wlnter Fair, which close on Thurs- day, November lst, are reaching the Bay Street offices in a most gratify- ing way and average, so f ar, flot merely larger in number but soine- wbat cashier in date than in prev- lotis years, accosding te a statement made by the management. This is looked upon as an indication o! con- f idence among all classes of exhi- bitors f rom. the owners o! blood- horses te the poultrymnan wlth a back yard flock. "It is cspeclally satlsfactory te know that the possibllity o! a feed shortage following last summer's drought bas flot materahlzed so far as entries are concerned," says A. P. Westervelt, the manager, "as bec! and dairy cattle breeders, as well as those o! sbeep and swlne, promise te be represented as f ully as li for- mer years, both froin castern. and western provinces." Pen and Pencil, anar- 9NEW' NEW auteed-Both for...50Kfli* New Style Sanltary 350 eIfft, no pins.....35 Crazy Water Crystals, 1 1l Nothing added, price..*'>'0 Theirmat eeriy edPi 9 70 FULL STRENGTH RADIATOR ALCOHOIL, gallon ..79c Kerslalke's Drug Store P. &, COWLING, Phm.B. We Fit Glasses TbateSatlsfy at Lower Prices S 15 .Jewel Strap, r"-. 8 9 ular $12.50-Sale.. CHECK MiIW Strape, fancy s"ae,~f I reg. $7.50 - Sale7409 15 .Jewel, Strama 09 reg. $15.00 - Sl THESE GFSfrFte ]Nfl Prsie fS... 490 Pockt Wa esSale Prie.... $1.25, $13.95 and up Watch Chains, Sale Pricee. ... M W $1.39, $3.95 to $7.95 Lighters- Sle Priee ..... eALUES I 19C to $1.95 GIFT S rBrer - ___________for__________Hnnidor, S __ _ __ _ Sale Price .... $3e69 Mlltary Brushes Set Bracelets, assorted color.. CA .i Sale Price......$ L9 reg. $1,00 - Sale ana SA VE. Wide range of sets and Eeirnrr.g Ba a, ami. Scarf Pins, asaorted 39 cOnos Saeg.$ $ e9colors-Sule Price. ... 9 compacte - Sets 3 cCuff!]Links ultabe i390 Sterling Bracelets, wide Wateh Bracelets, leather and assortment-Sale Price 390 chromium. n odfle-rc _____________ 20c to $4.39 CLOCKS AT MARVELOUS VALUES NOVELTY BRIDGE AND GIFT SETS GREATLY REDUCED Other Spectacular Values Bread Trays - Sandwich Plates- Butter Pishes Willow Tree Platters - Tea Sets- Relish Dishes Casseroles - Fîower Bowls- Baby Mugs Salts and Peppers j. R. MOORE, Jeweler NO CREDIT BOWMANVILLE NO EXCHANGES DOWN TO THE BARE WALLS J. R. Moore lias definitely decided to close bris Bowmanvillie store and move away. The entire stock will be closed out ut amazing and spectacular reductions. Neyer before have you bad snch an opportunity, Just bef ose Christmas, to buy glfts ut such astoundingly 10w prices. Take advantage of sale to buy Jewelry glfts at coat or less. STORE OPEN WEDNESDAY AFfERNOON AND EVERZY NGHT Sale Positively Closes Saturday, December lst FSCOn"S SCRAPBOOK &- Y X.J.Scott Ail Cut Glass Vases, Comiporta, G o b 1 e t s, Creama and Sugars, Tumblers, Mayonnaise and Fruit Sets, ail reduced. x)CPEPIiN <or.a.,,Anw1icA <XLrORY £D ^No ~ ~3 s-c.or'4os s-ieLi -rp-FtFKony iEme.. -r LArttA ç*iowN lu ik .a 514.PD Opo;rtot -, QFIiILj4 ., ,MAP Aoa ~ ki AUl Chia Incîuding C o a I p o r t China, greatly reduced.- Get that Christmias gif t now. 8 Bars 25c Dial Thermometer for& insîde or oniside.--- ' e1 BOT WATER BOTTLES Guarunteed. Priced 10w: 1 Yr. Guurantee .....59e 2 Yr. Guurantee .....98o 3 Yr. Guaruntee... $1.49 Bottle and Cover ....$109

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