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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1934, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Local Merchants Victims of Fly by Night Rackets by Slick City Salesmen one hears su much about higli pres- sure andi fly by nîglit sale.smen that an at- tempt is being made to oust these wordy and useiess individuals from our business life by closing Up many of their channels of operation. But there are still scores of them corning to town, selling so called remark- able values at arnazingly low prices. Some- one is being stung every day for a whole lot of money and gets practically nothing for it, le other than experience. One sucli salesman was in towvn re- cently selling an advertising service. This service consisted of a group of mats for use in newspaper advertising and valued, we'd say f rom experience. at about $5.00. The local merchant made the goat in this instance va.s unf art- unately not fully acquainted with the value of advertising material and parted with no lcss than $50 for the service. This service is no use to hîm at all unless he uses it in the newspaper. whicli he still lias to pay for. It is not aur point to suggest that the only possible means of advertising is th7-ough The Statesman, ait hougli many merchants admit after using other schemes it is by f ar the best and cheapest way to ad- vertise, but we do want to point out riglit here the service we render merchants who lise our advertising columns. The Statesman spends several hunclred dollars each year to pro- vide a monthly cut service for merchants. This service covers all lines of business, and the material is always up to date. The Mayer-Both service. used by The Statesman. is considered the f inest cut and mer- chandising servic'i on the continent. The artists who create its styles and write the ad-.ts are up to the minute and consequently in women's or men's furnishing advts you'll see genuine styles pictured each week. This service is absolutely free to any merchant who advertises in The Statesman or has printing done in our plant. This tidy sum of money is spent to improve our service to our advertisers. So we warn merchants flot to throw their money away on cut services f romn high pressure sales- men who are orily interested in getting your order and your money. The Statesman service lias about 500 new cuts each month and its use is f ree for the asking. May we point out one other thing while on the subject of advertis- ing. We noticed a city printer recently publisheci a booklet with some fifty or sixty Bowrmanville business and professional advts published in classified forni. Merchandising experts agree that this type of adver- tising is practicaliy useless as far as drawing business in concerned. It creates no desire to, buy. The names are classified in groups and thus do not make any one business stand out. The big slling point of the salesman in gettîng this easy money is "Your competitor has his name listed sa you better have your name there, too." We sometimies wonder why mercliants faîl for this racket. But it seems apparent that they do, and the only thing we can do about it is tell you the facts. We miglit point out also thaM this type of thing is what injures the local merchant who expects people to buy at home. When they faîl for these get ricli quick scliemes from out of townm rack- eteers they can hardly expect other citizens flot to follow suit. In Loving RemembranceI of Our Glorious Dead LEST WE FORGET In Fianders Fields the Poppies biow. Between the crosses row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky, The larks, still bravely singing, f ly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead, short days ago, We loved, felt dawn and sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders Fields. -Col. John Mecrae. The Evlyn LADIES' Shop SPECIALTY Phono 594 King Street Bowmanffle EDWAIIDSBIRG EDRI SYRUF le-4151The tamout, energy -producing *~ ~ sweet-an easil-, digested food invaluable for i nfants, growing chjldren, and en *0ved by the wholefamily. .4 prrdli r'qf The Caniada Sta. _h Co., Limited Catarrhal D eafness1 and Head Noiseai TELLS SAFE,' SIMPLE WAY TO TREAT AND RELIEVE AT HOME If you have catarrh, catarrhal deafness or heati noises caused by catarrh, or if phiegm drops in yourý throat and lias caused catarrli of the stomacli or boweis you will. be glad ta know that these distressing symptamus may be entirely overcome in many instances by the following treatinent which you can easily pre- pare in your own home at littie cast. Secure f rom your druggist 1 ounce of Parmint (Double Strength). Take this home anti addt t it 1/i pint of hot water anti a little granulateti sugar; stir until dissolveti. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. An improvement is sametimes noteti a!- ter the first day's treatment. Breath- ing shoulti become easy, whie the dlstressing heati noises, headaches, dullness, clautiy thlnking, etc. shoulti gratiually disappear untier the tonie action o! the treatment. Loss o! smell, taste, tiefective hearing and mucus dropping in the back of the throat are other symptoins which suggest the presence of catarrh anti whidh may 0f ten b>e overcame by this effilcaciaus treatment. It is saiti that nearly ninety per cent o! ail ear troubles are causeti by catarrh anti there must, therefare, bem1 people wliose hearing may be ne- storeti by this simple, harmless, home tneatment. t! Witat Yf nw- .................................................... ................. ............................ .... . ........................ ..... . ...... .. .... ... ........... ...................... ... ........ ............................. . . ..... ... ......... ...... ...... ISM UTH IN M AGNESIA 1-.:: .. ..... ................ TFR CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1934 ~and Jean, Miss Jean Wrighit, Miss rMargaret Steele. Mr. Wilton Creed, CADMUS Barrie, Mrs. Wilfred Jackson and children were Sunday guests of Mr. Miss Annie White lias returneci and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. Young People's League of the Un- home. ited Churcli was lield on Tuesday Miss Violet Pacey, Toronto, was a eeig r akHmatgv Miess oLuic.iHnd alswthhe ithe Bible reading. and the Bible Mis Lucile Hlad ws wth erStudy was taken by Mr. Leonard parents for the weekend. Joblin. Mr. Richard Suggitt deliv- Miss Leali McQuade was a week- ee h oiada mrmt end guest of Miss Elva Capstick. edth oiad nimr pu Mr. eore Hcks Toont isdebate "Resolved that steam lias Mrpendi g eeHiks.iTohsrother.done more for mankind than lias Mr. aind Mrs. ek isaachimtfieldelectricity," was greatly enjoyed. sprnt Snday . ataceeve NormanThe affirmative won. spen Sunay a Reee Noman With Wilson's Merrymaker's Or- Green's. chestra in attendance, the masquer- Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Fowler. ade bail in the Forrester's Hall on Pontypool, were Sunday guests at Wednesday niglit was a splendid Mr. George Fowler's. success. Every type of costume was Mr. Earl Gray, wlio is teaching at in evidence, and the ladies' prise, a Lotus, is boarding witli Mr. and box of chocolates, for the best cost- Mrs. Cecil Ferguson. ume, was won by Mrs. Walton Lar- Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Ferguson and mier and Miss Alice Johnston. Both daughter Fay. Mr. and Mrs. T. Samn- were dressed in clown outfits. Mr. elis and Maurice visited Mr. and Charlie Venning and Mr. Perey Mrs. George Fowler. Hamilton were presented with cig- Young People's League was lield inl arette ligliters for their prize in the the United Church with Mrs E. gentlemen's division. Sanderson taking the Bible study, OnTusdyeenn rs rn and iss elenFower gvingtheMalcolm gave lier home for an inter- topic. The programi was in charge esting meeting of the Ladies' Aid of of Miss Gladys Cobbledick and read- tlie Presbyteiiiarî Church. Mrs. A. ings were given by Mrs. A. E. Mc- Hulbert read the 23rd Psalm; and Gui, Miss Doris Muckle. and Mrs. a letter of tlianks for sympatliy and Cecil Ferguson. floral tributes was read f rom Mrs. <ý Spinks. Ail donations for the bale 1I should be in by Nov. 2th. Inter- I NESTLETON esting items of the evenings proii- Sgram lncluded a reading "Vocation Schools in the North" by Mrs. Per- Mrs. Arthur Hanna returned home cy Edgerton; a solo by Dorothy on Tuesday. Brown; "A Day with the Queen" by Miss Ruthi Proutt is visiting lier 1 Hettie Grimstead. read by Norma aunt, Mrs. George Nesbitt. Hooey; "What Home's Intended Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Samelis were For." read by Mrs. Arthur Hulbert. guests at Mr. Crossman's, Taunton. and a duet by Mrs. Merwin Mount- Miss Jenny Jordon spent Sunday1 joy and Mr. Arthur Stapleton. Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Job- Frank Malcolm was in charge of al lin. T-contest, and a lovely lunch was Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill were served by the hostess. Mrs. F. Mal- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson colin. and lier assistants. Mrs. M. Marlow. MountjoY anti Mrs. A. Hulbert. Mrs. George Nesbitt is leaving for Anniversary services were well at- Toronto where she will live with lier tendeci in the United Churcli on daugliter. Sunday when Rev. W. C. Smith of Mr. anti Mrs. Byron Hylanti, Jan- Courtice preached two very fine ser- etville, were Sunday guests at Mr. mons. At the morning service the Fred Hyiand's. choir sang "Lead Kindly Liglit," and Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles liat charge Miss Norma Armstrong and Mrs. S. of the Anniversary services at Oak- Cawker sang a duet. "WeUl with My wood on Sunday. Seul." The members of the quartet, Mrs. George Marlow is mucli Miss Dorothy and Miss Nora Port- better andi attended Nestieton An- eous. Messrs. Leonard Joblin and niversary services. P red Veale, sang "Wliat a Friend Mr. anti Mrs. David Robinson. We- Have in Jesus." Mr. Smith's Hamilton, were Sunday guests Of text in the evening was f rom Isaiali Mr. George Johins. 6:5, 'Mine eyes have seen the King. " Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Toddt. Hope. Music was provided by a quartet were Sunday guests of lier mother. from Port Perry. Messrs. Merlin Let- Mrs. Richard Williams. cher. Charles Hartfield. Storey Beare Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Toms, Ruby anti Tom Harris. Mrs. Ted Jackson' and Jean, were Sunday guests of Mr. accompanied them. Their selectionsl andi Mrs. Stanley Malcolmn. in.cluded "The Stranger of Galilee"' Mr. andi Mrs. Melvin Wight and and "Lord. I'm Commez Home. .1 Miss Helen Wight. Bowmanvilie. The fowl supper anti play 'Civil were Sunday guests of Mrs. E. Tay- S-ervice" by Trinity Young People. lor. Bowmanville. on Tuesday niglit were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Andierson and both interesting features of the an- family, and Mrs. Dunsheath. Sun- niversary. derlandi. were Suntiay guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Malcolmn. CLBAE 0hBRH Friends of Mr. Sidney McQuade CLBAE OhBRHA will be sorry to learn of lis illness. Mrs. Lsabella Hotigson celebrated While visiting at Mr. Creigliton Dev- lier eightieth birthday at Burnt itt's. lie suffered a stroke anti las River on Monday. October 8tli. not boeen able to be removed ta lis amidst lier many frientis and rela- hmr. adMs etMMle tives. Five grand-tiaughters. *'Toms Mr. nd Ms. ert Girls" presented lier çwithi a beautiful companied hy a few friends from birthtiay cake a$ well as individuai Janetville. celebrateti their sixtli gifts She receiveti many other gifts wetiding anniversary on Wednesday anti* gooti wislies. Mrs. Hotigson evening with her parents, Mr. anti comes of Irish stock,.lier parents Mrs. Robert Dickey. coming from Uster, Irelanti. Her Best wlshes are extendeti to Mr. maiden name was Isabella West. and Mrs. Harolti Nesbitt. a very pop- She was born in the township of Clara Porteous. tiaugliter of Mr. anti Darlington. near Tyrone, later re- ular couple, on their recent marr- sitiing in the townships of Mariposa iage.Mrs. Nesbitt was formerly Miss and Fenelon, moving ta Burnt River Mrs. Harold Porteous. oon February 5tli, 1880. Mrs. Hotig- Rev. W. C. Smith,. Courtice, Mr. sn lias living two tiaugliters, six andi Mrs. J. Hentierson, Miss Viola sonss runeteen grani-dia ughlt e rs,ý Henderson, Mrs. Bradburn, Janet- eighteen grantisons. six great grand- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- i augliters, andi thirteen great grand joy, were Sunday guests of Mr. and sons. Mrs. Hotigson is still quite ac- Mrs. Kenneth SameUls. tive and says it is due to plenty of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Corner, Bert liard work. One of the many statements creti- 1e matie withli lttie change in the in- iteti to that superb sliowman, P. T. gretiients. Put the meat anti cooketi Barnum,. is that "There is nothing vegetables on one large platter or new untier the sun." He then pro- plank, serve plain lettuce salati anti ceeiedti t prove that even the olti dress up the fruit a bit. These two matie a gooti show wlien presenteti in recipes give new ilesults anti use a new way. "nathing new under the sun." Feetiing the famiîy-giving them LNEDRUD TA what you think tliey neeti and what PLNE RON STA they think tliey want lias mudl inli ti.ft 2tii.~iiii commun with running a tliree-ring 0-1lw). cop,î nion parsI.-y cîrcus. But without a showmanship, 1i eCC I,ýat,,, ligitly) -ý l11. round stcak three meals a day is nat mucli o! a '-_- ui, -il,4l*tll1 circus. i tsli, sait 14 Ib. îork (grouird) A gooti homemaker is usually ai ',sli .î,r ' cul) corn flake better showiman than she herseif 1.Ltsi). wrce'stersliire crumb.s suspects. Il is the real Barnum in- sauce' slicý 1bacon, stînct that atids fluffy tiumplings to the ieft-over veal stew or that en- 1 saute onion in fat. Beat egg anti courages the two-year-old to eat al adti remaintier of ingretiients. Mix of his cereal just as lis puppy always tlioroughly. Forin a flat loaf on a does. Ipîank, shallow baking pan or platter. Planning meals day after day tiaes Place strip of bacon across top. Sur- tax the ability of even the best show- round loaf with boiled potatoes. Bake man. It is best to stant by atimitting in a hot oven(425'F.) about 35 min- that there is littie or nothing new utes. Garnish platter with whole under the suni. With this fact in buttereti onions anti carrots in spin- mindi t is then very caxforting toacad nests. Yielti: 5 servings. know that mcst foIlks talk a lot FRUIT AU GRATIN thing. but in actual practice do nat .rn ,fIakc- cru nis w ant too mudli varîety. lut- The problein then is to make the utr aid things seem new anti attractive Drain the fruit, saving the Juice. There are no rules for gooti show- Rail fruit In corn flake crumbs. Place manship. It is for the most part an in buttered baklng disli, eut side up. alertness a! mind whieh sees the Dot with butter. Bake in hot oven possibilities of a situation anti takes (400' F. te 425- F.) until crumbs ativantage o! every opportunity to are brown. Serve witli Lemon Spice attract anti halt attention wliere it Sauce. is wanted. The best explanation is an illus- LEMON SPICE SAUCE tration. If your family wants meat, '.ý cuip îrown sugar 2tbj.s. h)uiler potatoes, vegetables anti tesert, anti i cul) boiling julce Nutmneg you must use expensive meats anti drained froni fruit Sait vegetables, not mucli variety is pos- I't, i,gss. I'.non juice sible in the footis. Mie gooti show- 1 i~p cornstarch man hlowever, is equal ta the chai- (If îc~saxadd lenge. watr to trake 1 cul) The meal miglit easily be f ried hamburger, masheti potatoes, spin- Mix sugar anti cornstarcl in top adli, carrot salati witl canneti fruit o! double boiler. Atitihot fruit juice andi cake for dessert. This is whole- gratiually, stlrrlng constantîy. Cook some food,. but the meai woulti cer- f ive minutes after mixture begins to talnly be monotonous if serveti0f ten. thicken. Add butter, lemon julce, However, a very différent menu cana nutmeg and sait, DELIVERANCE <From Chiristian Science Monitor) In writing of lis determineti ef - fort to win the victory over evil, Paul asks, "Who shah de]ierm fram the body of this tieath?'Crs Jesus' words. previously spoknan- swer this query. "Ye shaîl know the trutli, andi the trutli shaîl make 5-ou free." The Master, wliam we strive to follow, was not tieceiveti by appear- ances of evil. To him goati was real anti evil unreai, and to _im there was noo middle ground. His1 instant recognition of Goti and His mani- festation caused any erroneaus re- presentatian necessariiy ta tiisapp- ear. One is flot requireti to destroy something that is real, therefore, but to see the utter nothingness of evil; for any illusion is encled when it is seen as illusion. The de! mite establishment of a fact dispels a lie naturally and inevitably. Loaking re- soiutely to Spirit, one is comc lt ta look away frain matter: anai be- coming clearly consciaus of the ail- ness of Spirit and its activity. one loses siglit of any spurious dlaim ta activity. Contistent looking ta Mmnd, Gati, as Ail precludes looking ta mat- ter as real. "Choose you this day whom ye wil serve," commandeti Joshua and lis counsel stilIlaIods good and requires quick obed.ience. If we choose to obey gooti, we came under spiritual Iaws that make for righteousness; if!, on the contrary, we choose ta foliaw after that which is opposed to goad, we come under the trump- ed-up laws of xnatter, whicli bring destruction and defeat. A lifting up of thouglit to behold anti admit the glanies of God's act- ual and permanent creation will un- failingly free one from ail beliefis in imperfection, and set f ree those tiesires for the highest good. which înevitably brings a realization of man's unity with God, and hence a final and blesseti deUiverance froin evèrything that seems contrary ta Him. TO SEE THE WORLD Travel i*s a pleosure enjoyed by rnony people of moderate incarne who follow a plan of systematk Savingsfor thatpurpose. Regular deposits of even smoll amounts soon accu multeat compound interestond provide a cash reserve ta meet on>' need. TH E RO0Y AL B AN K 0-F C A NA DA BOWMANVILLE BRANCH -.1. G. HEFKEY, W.ono -. PRIB LB. 15c LROA ÀsTu DONELESS AND ROLLE» lb. lqc Shoulder or ChUCk RoaSt l.8 RondSteak l.15 ISronSteak l.~7 SL'NSET-SMOKED-BREA1KF..1S T SLICED--CALVES' BaconS cor lb. 2<9c Lveb.2 FRESH CLTS YOUNG ROASTINGC PORK Shoulders lb. z120 j Butts lb. 17e Loin Cnops__and b.25e FRESB H FRESH ATLANTIC-SEA Fillets lb. 15c Hferring l. 10c F4ANCY RED SPRING SMOKED SmosKs22iî.b.2Oc Finuan Hadie lb. 1L4c JEIVEI BRAiND SHORTENING SUNNYFIELD OR PAT.O -PAN 2 b..21 FLOUR 24M65 SPECIAL 5-STRINcG fl ILK65 Broonis Ec35e SoaP Chips *33o NAVY BRA.ND 3OURSI9C Tea ND,%o. Toilet Paper 3 L LOc T a BLNDED lb.e ISOAP MI BUL&is.g SPECIALS!1 Palmolive Canada'n Foremoit Beauty Soap. Made front Pure Palm and Olive 01s.. 5 CAKES FR23o Princeas Flakes AU Pare Soap. Very Economical. Never Redden the Hands. Safe for even FIlmy Silice and Fine WooUlens. Colore Remain Fresh. 2 PACKAGES FOR 270 0 Super Suds pkg g LIBB} 'S flII<I~oePLAIN 8V, Z WOvsUEEN Bt Stuffect 81vroz* 21c CHRISTIE'S Sod«asCREAMP'x.10~ FANCY RED EMPEROR Grapes Ibo LARGE. RIPE Bananas 3 lbs. 20 I - Ia Protective Neutrolizer-1G MOT a Laxative 9 ~1~~ ... ........................................ , ............................ ................. - ........................ - - à

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