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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1934, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1934 PAGE SEVEN' Don't miss "South in Sonora" in the Opera House, Nov. 15 and 16. Colder Days Demand This Nourishment Colder weather means that your resistance must be built up to oppose winter ilUs. Prepare yourself and your family for it by serving Bowmanvilie Dalry M ilk. This natural food is higher in body and resistance build- ing elements, and thxe ricb flavor makes it a welcomne addition to any menu. Bowmanville Dairy W. H.BETTLES Proprietor Phone 446 Bowmanvllle I. Miss M. E. Stevens is visting ber nephew, Mr. Wllard C. Stevens,i Toronto. Mrs. L. L. Guy, Columbus, visitedr ber uncle, Mr. M. A. James, on1 Tuesday. Miss M. G. Climie, Peterbora, spent Sunday with Mr. ani Mrs. T. H. Knight. Mrs. Ervine Foster, Scarbora, isi visiting with her motiser. Mrs. S. H. Reynolds, Windsor. Mrs. Albert Mark and daughter, Toronto, have been visiting her sis-1 ter, Mrs. W. J. Found. Miss Harriett Bartlett, Toronto,1 spent Sunday with her uncle and1 aunt, Mr. John and Miss Eva Hell-1 yar. Dr. Doretby M. James ami Mr. John M. James, Toronto, visited their mother. Mrs. N. S. B. James, on Sunday. Mr. andi Mr&. S. C. Alun and daugister. Miss Annie Allin, spent Sunday wth their daugbter. Mrs. i John Marks. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ha.german left on Sunday on their annual trip ta St. Petersburg, lorida, whcre they will spend thse winter. The Georgetcwn Herald remarks: Old Man Depressian hasn't missed same of the weekly newspapers. Es- tablisbed in 1873. the Embro Courier bas suspended publication as bas thse Oakville Star. Twenty-five of thse Ontario weeklies are now up for sale and it is expected ten of thein will suspend publication bel ore the end af this year. Have You Tried It? WATSON'S NEW LOAF A BIG SUCCESS Watson's New Butter Loaf was introduced on Tuesday and proved an immediate succesasa much sos that we have had dfficulty in filling aur orders. We are making sncreasing numn- bers each day and will have an adequate supply on aur wagons from now on. Don't forget ta f ili in your Cantest blank. Thse namne yoi.î select for this new loaf might win yau the grand prize of a beautifully iced cake and $1 in bread tickets, or one of the other f ive prizes of $1 in bread. tickets. N ~~AJWe are introducing nany new types of NEW buns in aur bakery. Ask aur driver or cal LJ~5 at the store and try a dazen. You'll agree RB N -they're jus it ius BakerySoda Fountain Dakery lSPECIAL SpecialBana DELICIQUS DATE Split TURNO VERS Saturday OnIy 20e Doz. ILOc Wats0's le Bakery LUNCH ROOM PHONE 97 SODA FOUNTAIN Sale of Millinery A great mid-season oppor- tunity to get a new Hat at haif the regular p riee . SThere's going to be a great , rush for these hats, so we -~advise your coming in early ,~,S À) for best selection. Friday w~ < and Saturday only, bats worth as much as double the price are on sale for only $1059 Special Sale 0f Ladies.' Coats A very large variety of Ladies' Coats for you to select from. Every one is reduced for this week-end selling. r Beautifully furred with platinum wolf, sable, seal, and oppossum, and every one a new model. Don't miss out on these coats priced from $1O.75 uP Crepe Dress Sale Many new styles ini aIl the wanted shades. A special purchase enables us to pass the saving on to you. Priced from295 up. A wonclerful fine of Knitted Suits from $7.50 Up. Couch, 'Johuston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowurnnvil. Condutar.bag, s0 please accept My sincere Armistice Sunday, November litis: tisanks and sisauld you meet anyI 11.15 a. m-Armistice Service; sub- otisers wiso helped convey aurI ject, "Thse Filendly Hand ortsetsnks ta tisem. Conditions isereI Malled Fit"; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday are a real tragedy, but we aIl hope School, 7 p. m.-Rev. Thsomas Wal- for better timea soon. Again thank- lace o! Newtonville wilU preacis. You lng you ail, slncerely are cordlally învted ta tisese servicesà Mra. Ormond. ý i Good Furniture Adds Charm and Cheer ..ToYour Homne.. T ci Flie rcsor n et ie %v PHONE 5 3 ___________________________Co Remember thse Operetta "Souths in M Sonora," Nov. 15 and 16. A L ONG C Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Courtice, Lea- e mington, were guests o! bis sister, g Mis. T. G. Mason, on Sunday M AINSTREET en Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mecullocis, ____________ Columnbus, spent Tuesday with their t daugister, Mrs. Walton Pascoe. Alex McGregor is tbe f irst mer- se Members of Trinity Choir are re- chant ta start Christrnas advertising. c: quested ta meet for practice this o Thursday evening at 8.30 o'clock. Bowmanville merchants bave been pc Mi.andMrs GodonMcLan ndwell îepresentd at the rural fowl 10 Mr. nd Ms. ordo McLan nd spper. M Miss Jean, Uxbridge, were recent Ccpr. guests of ber aunt, Mrs. J. E. Elliott. Put your nickels to work and see p Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Werry and the big list of groceries you can Misses Berniece ami Wilma Werry, buy at Harry Allin's. p Kedran, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. s*0 * * a H. B. Faster on Saturday. Good furniture adds charmn and an Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Slemon and cheer ta your home. See real values CI Miss Greta Slemon, Toronto, were in furniture F. F. Morris Ca. offers. Co recent guesis 0f ber sister, Mis. . s .o Marion Moore, Cburch St. J. W. Knight la, altering tise store Mrs. J. S. Somners, Mr. Gardon front of bis taxi oýSice and cisanging a, Somers, Miss Dorothy Samers and the interior ta accaimmodate bis coal co Mr. Jack Hendrick, ToronV,a were business. * . **t guests of Mr. and Mis. Tisas. Jack- 'Me victoricus B. H. S. rugby team n sonon undy.set main street ail agog Wednes- a Rev. Colin Young, D. D., and Mis day afternoon as they celebrated tisea Young. Rev. Artisur Barner, D .D., event with a snake crawl and a a and Mrs. Barner, of Toronto, were rab - rab - rah! weekend visitors witis Mr. and Mrs. Cu** T. H. Lockhart. Fellaw merchants, as well as cit- ni Mr. and Mrs. Morley Williams and izens generally, are sorry ta leain daughters, Alberta, Betty and Shir- that J. R. Moore, Jeweler, bas de- Sý ley, and Mr. and Mrs. Rase, Bloom- cided to move ta Port Hope. Mr. Will en f ield, were guests of Mrs. W. C. Percy is assisting him in bis selling Washington and Mrs. B. M. Warnica out sale.a on Suncay. *u Congratulations ta Mr. and Mis. J. McDonald announces tisis week s Roland Bate, Brown Street, wba on be is opening Macs Clotises Sisop in Sunday observed tise 25th anniver- tise Cowan Block, in tise store re- sary o! their wedding, suriounded by cently vacated by tise Smart Shop. E mnembers o! tiseir immediate f amily Suits and overcoats will be featured and elaive frnt ut ! twn. at popular prices along with men's His many f riends i Bowmanvillehaedsey *I will be sonry ta learn o! tise deati o! W, J. (Casey) *Martyn bas now tise fatiser of Mr. Oco. Hart, Osh- defiriitely decided ta, go out of tise1 awa. Mr. John Hart died at bis footwear business and devote bis i ne residence, Croydon, England, on time ta recreation activities at tise 1th Wed.nesday, Oct. 3lst. Mr. George Bowling Alley. He Is also having aIRF Hart had sailed framn Montreal1 on busy time as License Inspectorioa Friday, October 26th, upan recelvng. raunding up hunters wbo have ne- ca news of bis fathei's illness, and; glected ta secure a hunter's license. ar docked in England on Sunday. Tise0 * * 0 tv funeral was held Monday. Besides Main Street just doesn't seem ar bis wife, surviving relatives include natural these days witis W. C. Cav- av one daughter, Miss Kathleen Hart, erly, President a! Retail Merchants be at hanme; two sans, Mi. Gea. Hart a! and' W. J. Bagnel a! tise Grand M Oshawa, and Mr. Alvin Hart, Malta. Central away on their annual deer Ibe Centre Street United Churcis hunting trip in tise wilds o! NortiIt. Choir. Oshawa, and St. Paul's Choir Hastings. They are accompanied by fi here excbanged on Sunday evening Rex Caverly o! Provincial Police PE when St. Paul's presented J. H. Force. London. and Cli!! Caverly. ar Maunder's sacred cantata "Sang o! Bill Bagneil took along a Rogers wi Thanksgiving," whicb. was so suc- radio ta, keep in taucis with tise out- pc cessfully and impiessively presented side world. ed at tise Centenary services isere a f ew _- _ weeks ago and proved a real musi- Trinity Church Services d cal treat. Rev. G. C. R. McQuade, se.E .Amtogpoe o-E tepastor. in a few words a! weî- Rsie. . Fon Sstr on roved con corne ta tise choir, expressed bistcelusel ons auamfor ning that pleasure at isaving an excisange oftse orl sel as aeute foram chairs occur between tise churches awaldusif atah extspl ofChram ",not at this time. At thse close o!fieIase !tishopee!Chitcc service thse ladies of tise church ser- Rom. 1: 16. Mr. Alan Knight sang aD ved refresisments for members o! splendid solo whicis was weIll eceiv- a tise isitng chirs.ed. Miss Marion Hamley sang a salao the isitng hoir. attheSundy Scoolsession. In tise t1 On Saturday evening, Nov. 3rd. at evening tise Goodyear Choir a! over C tise home o! ber daugister, Mrs. Ed. fi! ty voices led the. service of sang re Randaîl, Bcthwell, a very pleasant when tbey contributed thie aId- s event was celebrated in bonour o! time selections led by Mr. F. Sutton tise seventy-fourtb biithday a! Mis. at tise argan. Rev. Mr. Armstrong S. H. Reynolds, 920 Cisurcis St., spoke on "Balanced Ratios" and er Windsor. Tihe table was centred preacised a remarkably fine sermon ri writh a birthday cake, prettily decar- using as illustrations, rubber in itsri ated with seventy-four candles.1 variaus faims showing isow balanced ty Those present were: Mis, S. H. Rey- ingredients made good rubber and N, nolds and daugister Beatrice, Wind- giving it a splendid spiritual appli- soi, Mis. J. A. Elleuxent. Montreal: cation whici tise large congregation Mis. Russell Smith, Barrie: Mrs. Er- enjoyed. vine Poster, Scarboro, and son Har- old. Oshawa: Mis. O. H .Sanderson, St. Paul's Young People's Gulld Toronta; Mis. H. R. Pingle, Wind- sor: Mi. and Mis. Harold ReynlCs Reulai meeting o! St. Paul'a Iand son Billy, and Mi. and MiWs.. Young Peaple's Guild was held Tues- IRandaîl and ciildien. Rutis and day evening with an attendance a! IRoss, Bothwell. Mis. Reynolds was 25. President Eric Coombes pre- tise recipient o! many lovely gifts,1 sided. Program was in charge o! cards and telegrams. A veiy happylConvener Cyril Coombes and con- re-union was enjoyed, tise entire i sisted af: reading on "Mission famnily being present. Work out West" by Cyril Coombes; vialin selections by Mi. Norman I riedli accompanied by Mis. Gar- COMINGEVENTS butt; tise representatives ta tise Pres- CO IGE E T bytery Conference at Newcastle, gave brie! talks, Ruth Tuerk gave a sum- Tisursday and Friday, Nov. 29-30, Mary o! tise Saturday's sessions; Hîgis Scisool Commencement. 42-7 Jim Tismpson on Culture Graup; Tise Operetta "South in Sanora," Ileen Aider on Citizenship and Cyril dîrected by Mis. J. Clark Bell, wllCoombes on Christian Fellowsisip. be presented in tise Opera 1ouse, Mis. A. S. Kerr also made a few ne- Thur"day and Friday, November 15 marks and spoke on tise Young and 16, under tise auspices o! tise People's Play Competition whicis Bow-manville Music Study Club and tise Cuild decided ta enter. A slng tise Canadian Legion. Admission 25C. sang was enjoyed and meeting closed witis Mizpais benediction. CHURCHES High School Gridders BOWN&NML BAPISTSenior Champions MISSION V. Pennanen. Pastor. (Continued from page 1) Sunday services In tise Cauncil two full columns, but tisis Is Wed- Room at 1l, at 3. and at 7. Na cal- nesday nigist and tlie editar says, lections. Tisis Mission la supported 'Bail it dawn" and so here we are by, tish feewi f!erigs fGd' boiled down for tise leading story on 'I PERFECT SKIN TONIC closes thse PERFECT FACE POWDER. Faintly pores, stimulates circulation, re- perfumed and .delicately tinted move excssiv 0,1 .10#.73 ta blend perfectly with your own mnoes xcesiv ai - 10,.75 natural colour - --.50 ~, 1.00 PERFECT FINISHING LOTION. PERFECT ROUGE, Light, medium, Rachel end Naturelle - - $1.00 rapbry - -- -- - - - -- .0 PERFECT LIOUEFYING CREAM PERFECT LIPSTICK. Light, medium, to remove make - up and ta rnspberry------------..1.00 cleanse - -- -.60, 1.00, 1.50 PERFECT EYEBROW PENCIL, PERFECT COLD CREAM SOAP. Block and brown------- 50 Soothing and benencial, per PERFECT EYE SHADOW. Blue, coke----------------. .. . 5 grey. and brown--------. ...75 0 Consuli thse DaggeU & Ram.sdell Beauly SpecialisS sin attedance ai our toileS goods consSe Palmolive Soap 4 Cakes RuwailTy SoAP IRheumatism RHEUMATI5M, CTCA LUMBAGOOouickly relieved by this new treatmnent- Fully Guaranteed IRUMACAPS UNITED (JIGAR STORE AGENCY LIX - WID SHAMPOOS for heaithy lustrons hair. HAM Four types and Soaples rPANA TOOTH PASTE For tender gum 39 SKINNY? There la no need for people t cal, yo u akinny or fI'at-cheu ted. Give Thoraxlum a trial and prove th!@ yourself. Thoraxi um la a new easy treat. ment whlc h work* w h 11e you are sleep- ing. Thoraxium willI give you those c ur veas ( w hlc h a re wanted today. Thoraxium can be used on any part of your body. For hol- Iow cheeks, srwny neck, chie.s , ar m a * . . nd log . Re. back. ALEX MoGREGOR, Druga PHONE 92 PRESCRIPTONS A SPECIALTY WB DELIVERC À ) . l NEW DESIGNS BaUY BETTER VALUES CHRISTMAS CARDS AT McGREGOR'S NOW CMLT SO WES SPECIAL ASSORTM[ENTS INDIVIDUAL CARDS _ SCOTCH COMICS 19e - $1.00 C&, 2 for 5c, 5c, 10e, 15c, 25e Se5 - 10e SE O R fl OW A? C UM R IS LA S S p e cta l P ric e s THURS. - FR1. - SAT. C/Vewgceasi)z M AKE-UP Kenx.1.. ... 4 Lux Soap ......4 for 19e Manyflowers Soap ý. 6 for 25e These Daggett & Ramsdell Lifebuoy Soap ... 2 for 13e Infants Dellght op 3 for 14e creations mal<e it possible Langdales Essence of 4 f or you to accentuate the 50e Pond': Creams ...29e natural1 beauty of your type. $ElHt W HatrPad $369 Their use constitutes the Per- Tisree Heats Fet ak-u.Castile Soap 7 for 25e T'own Council to Keep Transients Locked at Night (Continued fram page 1) .onfer with tise Public Utilities Com- ission. A resolution f nom Kitchener City' ouncil, asking tise Proviùcial Gov- rnment ta inaugurate a works pro- eram ta alleviate unemployment was mdorsed by council. Canadian Legion requested Council A join in annual Remembrance Day ervice. and it was decided ta pur- ,hase a wreatb on behal! o! tise 2wn, ta grant permission tao hold Poppy Day on Saturday, November Otis. and appointed Councillor H. Moses as a member o! tise Service' Committee. Council wil beai cost o! rinting programs. Washsingtan Loan and Trust Com- pany presented statement o! receipts nd expendituies for tise past three 1 months o! tise McGill Building and Cleîk was instructed ta write tise ,ompany asklng tise amaunt of taxes )n tse building,. Federal Minister o! Publie ok icknowlIedged tise request o! otise ,ouncil for work ta be carried out at se Harbour. Finance Comnsittee preseiqted a spcrt submitting sundry accounts imounting ta $1409.47 which was idopted. Thse application o! J. H. H. Jury ta ,ut down tree on Concession Street as re!erred ta Public Praperty Com- sittee. Ccuncil granted Chie! o! Police Sydney Vention $10 as annual stip- cnd as Weed Inspector. Roads and Streets Committee was utisorized ta spend $150 for starm, seweîs on Cond,-ssion ansd Brown Streets. Entries To Close For Automobile Conteut At Royal Theatre Wednesday Entries will close on Wednesdày .ext, in tise automobile conteat at the Royal Thseatre. Manager Tommy Ross last week announced tise start Df a big contest in whicis a real cai, driven by a one cylinder matai, and witis 4 balloon tires plus a spare. two speeds abead and anc reverse, and even a bain, would be given away. Samne lucky cisild is gaing ta e presented with this car an Christ- mas Eve, and tiseir Christnmas wiUl be made tise more enjoyable thiaugis this event. After entries have of- ficially closed tise full list o! cam- petitars will be listed in tise Theatre and patrons may select wbamn they ,'ant to support and place their cou- ions in tise box with tise name plac- d on tisem. Mn. Ross is isopeful that candi- [ates will not accost patrons on tise treet for coupons, neither bang a- round tise lobby o! tise theatie so- iciting coupons. Witb tise numbeis .lready entered it looks like a battle royal in tise ensuing weeks. Tise contest la run like an auto race. lvery coupon collected, bath adult and child's, represents 50 miles in the race, and tise contestant baving the fargest number o! miles ta bis credit at tise end o! tise contest will recelve this car, valued at nearly $300.00. Mi. and Mis. H. R. Crabb, Simcoe, entertained 132 children Hallowe'en night. Tise masqueraders began ai- riving at seven o'clock and ty saw tise last graup departing.- Norfolk Observer. . m PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVI=. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1934 3 Piece Suite iDesign as illustrated, choice of Ta]pestry Covers ......$ 9 0 Same design in Quality Mohair Upholstering .... $9 .00 New Lamnps A complete selection of new Lampe nowq on display, lncluding the new matched Bridge and Floor Lamps. No gif t Is more apprec- iated than a fine lamp. A smail deposit wifl hold any lamp until Christmas. Be sure and sec the new action Radio Lampa. Deslks Sec this fine reproduction of thic ever popu- s lar Governor Wlnthrop Desk in our window.- A piece of furniture that adds dignity to your home and fils a practicai need. X SP]ECIAL-Card Tables T Sturdily buiît . . . oak frames . . . leath- IR erette tops - Weekend Special A iRegu1ar $2.25 - Sale Price .... $1L49 Fe Fe MORRIS CO- FURNITURE PHONE 10 FUNERA4L SERVICE Worms, hawever generated, are been expelled. No better preparatian faund in the digestive tracts, where for this purpase can be had than they set Up disturbances detrimiental Miiler's Worm Pawders. They wfill to the health of the chlld. Tiiere lmmediately destray fthe worms and can be no comfort for thse little ones correct thse conditions that were fav- until the hurtful intruders have orable ta their existence. - IL ,Oow'ý,À ý' -L -, ý 1 1

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