THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934 PAGE THEM -,chair. off icers appointed are: Pres- ident-T. H. Lockhart; Vice Presi- M U dent-J. R. Philips; Secretary-B. H. Churc A ctiities Mortlock; TIreasurer-C. A. John- ston. Advisory comnùttee will be composed of the ministers of the Sparling Mission Band town. and a canvass of the town and Sparling Mission Band met Mon-, country will be made during Novem- day afternoon in Trinity schoolroom ber. Following the business meet- and opened with quiet music, and ing Rev. J. S. Harrington, Sec'Y. Bi- the call to worship by Murray Grant. ble Society, gave an address show- The boys of the Band responded, and ing the importance and work of the 4 following a prayer and hyran, aeo. Bible Society. and stated that mis- Roberts read a Psalm. The memory 1 sîonary societies could do littie were verse was given by Mac Ingham and it flot for this society which is pub- George Roberts; arnd Mrs. C. J lishing the scriptures in almost ei'- Smale gave "The story of the Four' ery language. men who were eager to learn." In- dia on the Air was given by the boys, ~ ~ A .~.A etn and Mrs. B. E. Ingham told the S.Jh' .Y .A etn "Story of one Little Hindu Maid." The Spirit of Remembrance per-1 Following a hynin the meeting closed vaded the regular meeting of St., with the beniediction and prayer. John's A.Y.P.A. on Monday nlght'1 when the largest crowd of the sea- son turned out for the annual Mem- Hampton Young People orial Service, which was followed in Young Peoples meeting on Friday an interesting address by Chief of night was in charge of the Mission- Police Sydney Venton. ary vice president, Florence Burns. With Presider.t Bert Mortlock in The program cousisted of the Bible the chair, the meeting opened with lesson read by Bessie Simipson; the the usual devotional period. f ollow- devotional by Lottie Horn: a short ed by a short business session. reading by Nora Kerslake; and the A brief account of the burial of topic on Missionary Work in North- the Unknown Soldier in Westrnin- ern Ontario by Rev. W. Rackham ster Abbey, the Heart of the Empire. whose personal experience enabled was given. while the grave was de- hlm to make this an unusually in- picted on a slicte thrown on o the teresting address. November 23rd 1 creen. 'me memorial service f oI- was set as the date for election of lowed. With all lights turned out officers. Good attendance Is re- the screen was raised and as the ian- quested for this meeting. tern -ent its glowing red rays on Vo the stage a scene depicting a sold- ier's grave in Flanders' Fields was Upper Canada Bible Society reveaIed. Tommy Dustan in the uni- An adjourneci meeting of the of- form of a Canadian officer. stoodi f icers and supporters of the Upper looking at the little white cross Canada Bible Society o! Bowman- which bore the legend "Lest We ville was held recently in the United Forget," while Joyce Luxton. dressed Church Sunday sehool room, with as a nurse, stood holding the Union Rev. E. F. Armstrong occupying the Jack on the other side cf the grave. Im- ==1 Harry Allun CO-OPERATES IN NATIONAL CHEESE WEEK We have the reputation for selling the f inest cheese in Bowmanville. If you haven't tried it, do so at these special prices. JUST A NICE TANG Medium Cheese Kraft Cheese INGERSOLL Malted Cheese PICNIC BAR Cheese 6 OZ. PKG. Fry's Cocca GRANULATED Sugar MoinCemneat HARRY HAGUES lb 1LSC 25C I. 3c lai gc 2lC $5.30 25e h REG. 15e PK( Speci 14-, LB. TIN 100 LB. BAG 2 LB. PKG. MlincemneatBUY THE ECONOMY WAYq5e EGGO Bakin1. TIN, REG. 3 BakingPowder SPECIAL 25e 1 Lard 20 LB. PAILS $2.50 AUSTRALIAN Raisins 2 LBS. 23e Currants 2 LBS. 25e SPANISH VALENCIA Raisins lb 23e -Wanted-60 Geese for Nov. 30 SEE HARRIY ALUN Harry Alun,, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville OBITUARY Stephen M. Hutchinson, Bowmianviile There passeci away on Friday, No- vem-ber 2nd, at 50 Carlisle Avenue, Stephen M. Hlutchinson, aged 76 years. Deceased was a son o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Hutch- inson and was born in Prince Ed- ward County. MoSt cf his life was s,ýent near Brighton as of farmner. During the pEst few years lie ha.s re- s ided with bis son Raymond in Bow- manville. Though-s aing for a few years he was only conflned to bed abo' it two weeks Previous Vo bis death. The funeral took place on S'Inday afternoon froni bis late residence. service being conducted by Rev. J.i W. Bunner who gave a very suitable message to Vthe bereaved ones. Tne bearers were Messrs. G. A. Corden. Jas. Kinible, Harry Ingram. Ed. Wltherldge, H. Lathrope and G. A. Cromble. Survlving are his wife; two daugh- ers. Mrs. Manson Coulter, and Miss Helen Hutchinson, at home; and one son, Mr. Raymond Hutchinson: also one brother, Mr. Albert Hutcb- inson, Consecon.. Beautiful f loral tributes froin many relatives and friencla expressed sincere sympathy Vo the bereaved ones. The interment took place in Bowxnanville Cemnetery. Among tixose froni a distance were Mrs. Alex Poster, Belleville; Mrs. Lois Samis, Codrlngton: Mr. and Mrs. E. Dusenbury, Mr. and Mis. Roy Dusenbury, Mrs. C. Town and son, Mr. C. Town, Brighton; Mis. Leonard Walker, Mrs. Geo. PerrY, Mrs. Alex Kelth, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Coton, oshawa; Mrs. Alfred Batten, Mrs. Chas. Chrystal, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kinley, Mi. and Mrs. Keith Sanils, Misses Mldred and Jennie Mitchell, Toronto; Mr. and Mis. Michael Atchison, Lindsay. The New Testament lays great stress on the fellowship of bellevers. The Old Testament stresses the idea of a nation, and the New Testa- nient empliasizes the idea of the Church. Bath concepts indilcate thse need for fellowshlp. Commumnisal, 43-45 There s mucli misconstruction about communism. It so happens that the Russian experinient in coni- munlsm has been inaugurat'ed by force. and is anti-religious. 1V Is cjuite conceivable that there could be communisfl" by consent f romn Christian motives. This was the nature of early apostolia commun- isin in Jerusalern whlch was "a no- By Actual TEST- WE DO YOUR Laundry Cheaper and wlthout boastlng do it better - seoaur customners tell us. Give us a trial order and be convinced. Marjoramis Laundry Phone 478 King St. E. Bowmanville j A wîeath o! Poppies lay at the foot ble experiment"' and did noV last ofth grave, and a îteel helmet and SCà I very long. Why did it f ail? It mayI nedals rested on the cross. "O Val- S nday Se ool vta eoom odi ant Heaits" was sung. the prayeradeso tmybth Crstz for the dead recited. and "In Flan- Less n I sinewned. We know that only lers Field," Col. John McCrae's im- Lcclla ectyar afterwards, Paul had to mortai poem, was repeated. One clt money fromn the Gentiles for minute of silence was observed, and the support of thse Christian Jews in he brief but very impressive service THE CHISIA AS A CHURCH Jerusalem. It is rather tragi thaýt closed with the National Antheni. MM this communistic effort failed, as.ý Aproofsnigfollowed, aft had it succeeded, much economicl eriodo!Mr.n.g.Cm J. aterin-distress in later history might have' roicther.pR.kM. ofthe. . P.,in- Sunday, November lSth been avoided. Evidently human Chief S. Venton, who gave a brie! re a o trn oalwti >utmos enoyaleaddesson is Golden Text: "We are member-s o! idealistic venture to succeed. But but eriens a adsoe onwar i his body."-Ephesians 5 : 30. if ever mankind is Vo be free f rom .3ermany for over four years. A Lesson Passage: Mattisew 5: 13- cut-throat competition and organize rearty vote o! thanks was accorded 16; Acts 2: 41-47. a society that will adequately ex- he Chief at the conclusion of bis It is not blessedness to know that press human brotherhood, there will address. thou thyself art blessed; need Vo be a strong religious mot- Tru jo wa neer et y oe, orive. In many counitîses today in- TriityW.M. .MTrug etjoy ws nee tbyoeno ustry is organized on a "dog eat rinity W. M. S.Me tg ynl ottotet by wo, s ienbu o dog" basis. This cannot hast. 'There Triit W..S hld tsauumnl oVto the bt nis plenty for aIl upon this earth, if rhank-offering meeting in the btO the all. Ied o cmpti chool-roomn on Tuesday a! ternoon1 The joy that leaves one heart u yn ooertion eutdisteaduto! competi- with the President, Mrs. G. L. Wagar touched would be for mine too tinade uate istributseioceuld be in the chair. Meeting opened by sing- small: maeiulcyondsrie ui ng the Doxology with Mrs. A. W. And hie who holds this faith wmîî, as the post office, scisools, electric Pickard at the piano. The worship strive with f irm and ardent soul power, water systenis. point the way to a better expression of Christian period was in charge of Mrs. E. F. To work out bis own proper good by brotherhood. Armstrong whicb opened with a working for thse whole. hymin followed by prayer by Mis. S. -Wisdom of the Brahmins. Attractiveiiess, 46, 47 Wcod scrptur reaingThere are eigbt bundred "rejoic- Wco: ciipur radngwas read Salt, 13 Ing" texts in the Bible. The New by Mis. Armstrong. Business sess-1 ion followed. Ater the offering Mrs. If Christians are the saIt of the Testament especially echoes joy and B. M. Warnica gave the offertoîy earth. they should make other peo- gladness. Why bas this so largely prayer. Prograni was in charge o! ple thirsty for their religion. That departed f rom modern religion? It rdrs. C. W. Semon and hier group is, the flavor of a Christian's ife is because there bas been a revival who gave a sketch entitleci "House sbould attract ot.hers. An insipid of Pbarisaism, a living by rules and foi My Soul to Live in". Mrs. Wagaî person is a poor recommendation for regulations, missing the joy and ad- gave a synopsis of the sketch. Mrs. any religion. The earhy Christians venture that come when we trust to Semon, hozstess. ad'vertisedi for ten- were a savor in society. They bad the leading of God's Spirit. In ders and the following put iu their such energy and joy that they lent many congegations religious work bids: Home Makers Magazine, Mis, a flavor to any community. Nom- ha corne to mean cajolîng people Vo Water Souch: Fashion. Mrs. H. D. inal Christians are a ding Vo the attend religious services agalnst Wightinan; Current Events, Mis. Vwentieth century church. A relig- their wihl. Wthen there is real faitis Jack McGuire; Fine Arts. Mis. R. H. ious wîiter asserts that ninety per aud fellowship. people do not need Warder; Builders of the Indian cent o! the people attending chuîch Vo be coaxed Vo go Vo church. In Churcis. lIrs. W. B. Pollard; Mis- do not know at f irst liand the New Jerusaheni the converts could noV get sionary Montbly. Mrs. B. M.Wan Testament experience of spiritual enough religious discipline. Day by ica.whintodued ts peca fe- rebirth. Some have had this quality day hey went Vo the Temple, or had tures: Orintais, Mdits. .E. lhiottof hf e. and have grown cold. They meetings at home. Mealtime be- ands tbre the, rlas gaE bief are like sait that bas gone filat. It came an occasio.-i o! gladness. Those ganipse 0fdifereltdmssione fies is impossible to make sait tisat bas early Christians woishipped God and giPe, Mis.F For sr; fihrs: gone fIat salty again, and many lax attracted their fellowmen. So great Stewardsisip, Mis. Ella Strike; Christiaus are hardened agalnst fui- was the appeal o! their radiant life Teniperance, Mis. Warder. Mis. J.tiser spiritual appeal. Yet in ai- that others wlshed Vo attain this a rcittio ontemermost every community there are one quality of life also, and daily there Darch gave a eiainontme rtwo Christians who stand out as were additions Vo the Chuîch. Long- aince. The suL aCru sar."g, examples o! wliat religion can doi faced Christians aie a foe Vo tise ain gwe sudywarno ore" a life. Frequently Christian vir- f aitis. Darch and Mrs Strike taking the tues are described noV in the a b- ( solo parts. also a temperance song stract but in ternis o! the ie o! "To f all away f rom Truth in tinies entitled 'Was that Somebody you?' Mr. or Mis. So and So. of peisècution. shows that we neyer Mrs. W. B. Pollard taking the solo, with Mis. Wightman at the piano. Light, 14 understood Tiuth." - Mary Baker Mis. R. B. Clarke read an extract an Auyone may reflect auotiser'sEdy the Missionary Monthhy. The meet- goodness, but we can only radiate ing cîosed with prayer by Mis. our own. A match bas a little bit o! Wagar. phosphorus on one end, and ca St. Paul's Evening Auxilln.ry light, but an electric bulb lias livei was ~~ ~ gv edathehm o!teMse Sa siaon areflie fhasbligbtseCaarha Thereglarmeeingo! iseEv current running Vbîough iV. and can Deafnesa and Head ening Auxiliary of St. Pau's Churcis give a bright light cooinuoesy Allen, Beecis Ave. Monday eveniug shinîng onhY interniittenthy, thse bat- with a record attendance and tise tery soon running down. A living If you have Catarhal Deafness or! President Miss M. Fluchiuson, pie- Christian is a witness. Secret aie bard o! hearlng or have bondI siding. Meeting opened with hynin. Christians are imperfect Christians. noises go Vo your druggist and get 1 "Breathe on Me, Breath o! God." Tisere is somnethiug radically wîong ounce o! Parmint (double stiength), Mis. A. S. Kerr aVtishe piano, fol- if we feel compelled Vo conceal oui and add o iV 4 pint of bot water lowed with the Lord's Prayer in un- religious faitis. A religious leader and a little gîanuhated sugar. Take iscon. Mis. J. H. H. Jury read tise said tisat lie would win the world if one tablespoonful four Vîmes a day. scripture essan and made a splen- he had twentY fuly consecrated men. This wilU o! ten bx-ing quick relief did sermonette o! IL. Miss R. Percy Manufacturers pay fabulous amounts If rom the dlstîesslng isead noises. led in prayer. Interesting minutes of money for national advertising of Clogged nostrils sisould open, bîeath- were rend by tise Secretary Miss E. their productS; Christians are the ing becomne easy and tise mucus stop Jewell. Miss Hutchinson gave a spec- best recommendations o! the Churcli. cropplng into tise thîoat. It la easy ial invitation Vo ail ladies and gen- 'Meir good lives create a desire arn- Vo prepare, costs little and la pleas- tlemen o come Vo heur Miss Mit- on otisers for a similar cualitY O! ant to take. Anyone who bas Ca- chell, travelling secretary o! the W. 1f e. The trouble la tisat the aver- tarbal Deafness or head noises M. S. at an open meeting on Thurs- age Christian has noV suffilcient dis- sbould give this prescription a trial. day, Nov. 10. in Vise school-room at tinctiveness o be recognized as a 8 p.m. The byrni "Sow the Seecis Christian. Christ encouraged bis beside the waters" was sung. Miss followers Vo do good, noV that tisey- Hutchinson introduced Dr. Evelyn might wiu houai for tisernselves, but Flening. wbo bas charge o! the that they might bring glory Vo God. Canada Hospital, Nassik. Indisa. Dr. There mn a false modesty that re- Flemming chose as ber text "~He duces the spreading power o! relig- calletis His own by Name". Five i0us faith. years Dr. Flemming had been Vu In- Fellowshtip, 41, 421 dia and ber experiences are, Vo say On the day o! Pentecost about least. many and varied. "A day in tIsree thou-zand people were ieceived tise hospital' was indeed most in- into tise Christian faitis. What Was teresting with the daily routine, but the next step? These couverts could, wben 5 major operations are added, not be le!t ta live the Christian ife and many Vîmes there are as many as individuals. The f ire of a sep- extras added, it is indeed a long day. arate coal soon goes out. The aPOs-j To start the day with rislng at 5 tles having learned so much from a. ni. and ending il p.m.. There are their group fellowship as disciples o! 30 Indian Chiistian girls in traning Jesus, organized a f ellowship. TheI at the isospital. To heai from Dr. uew couverts met Vo be taugbt, Vo Flemming o! neyera i ndividual cases share iu Christian friendship, Vo re- wbeîe the gospel, as well as the med- ceive the saciament, and Vo spend ical side, bas meant so mucb VO mucl ime n prayer. We receive these people was indeed an inspirat- seie thing spiritua.llY froni gîoup Ion. Hearty votes o! thanks weîe ex-elosi that wecant tan teuded Vo Dr. Flemming by Mis. Kerr alone. We must, o! course, have oui andi Miss R. Percy. 'Me closing byinn Vîmes for solitude Vo enrich oui "IJesus Master wliom I ami" folowed spirits, but we must also share iu .I ....... wth prayer, brouglit a veiy inter- felhowshiP with others what we oui- . esting meeting Vo a close. Damnty selves recelve f rom God. The spirit- refreshments weîe seived and a most ual life s an eclipse wth two foc i pleassant hlaI hour spent. solitary religion and social rellglo.i Distinctive New Hand Daga For Fali Here's an outstanding range of new bags that wifl thrill you. Walker Stores have a reputation for Better Handbags at low prices which must be maintained, and you'Il agree that these Genuine English Morocco and Fine Calfskin Bacs, are not only different, but very reasonably priced. Our Best Lines A group of Morocco and Calf Bags that must be seen to be appreciated. There is a wide variety of patterns with chrorn- iurn fittrngs, sorne with zipper fasteners and sorne without. Al are moire lined, all have change purses and double mirrors. In pouch and back strap models, in navy, black and brown. $3*95 -$2*954 1.95 CIildren's Purses Arrn styles, in assorted colors, of fine suedene: A great value and a tirnely gift suggestion at each 50C *WALI<ER BOWMANVILLE A Splendid Dollar Line In quality dorno 1e at h er. Large size purses, handsomely trirnmed. They corne in zipper and other styles. A splendid value at $100 The Junior Purse at $1. These Junior Purses corne in genuine leather for the girl frorn 10 to 14. They are just like mo- ther's, only a little sn'aller. They corne also in black, brown and navy, and only $1000 4TORE4 PHONE 164 LIfrITEID l*k 4 1l For health, milk is The form in which conceded to be the niilk is taken is not almnost ,perfect food. important. Some per- It contains practically sons like it cold. Oth- ail the elements that ers take it when they the human bo dy are ready for sleep needs: minerais, vit- and prefer it hot. Stili amins, proteins, sug- others like it better ars and fats-ail nec- when it is flavored essary for building a with cocoa or choco- healthy body and for late or used in soups, warding off disease. sauces or desserts. Foir heaIth's sake have the Glen Rae Dairy eall at your home every day GLEN RAZ DAIT Phone 408J R. R. STEVENS & SON Bowmanvmle By every point of Judgment your verdict wiII be in favor of P[eas "91ECONOMY"9 FURNACE By heavier weight, îintreased flr'eput diameter, extensive beattng surface, long Mfe and hlgher fuel combustion -. efficiency, you will finS Pease "Econ- omy" Furnace ranks firet. Over 50 years on the Canadian mar- ket, thse «Iconomy" is still thse fur- nace mont sougbt alter. Consider now your furnace problems. and let £ us help you solve thens Easy miontis- IY payxnents can be arranged ]RICIE YCo Phone 66 Bowmanville Our Fail Sale Continues WITH GREATER VALUES THAN EVER SPECIAL SPECIAL Women'sShoes Men's Oxfords Black or Brown, e Sturdy, long wearlng Ties. Straps and Pumps Oxfords in black only, High or Cuban Heels Sime 6 to 11. Sizes 3 to 8 $2.39$2-89 RBBERS TO FIIT-69c 1 Rubber Overshoes Top quality, fleece lined, black or brown. For Women, Mlisse and Children, to fit ail heels M IM $1.29 $1.39 $1-45 NMABORHOOD 0HE STORE OWAN BLOCK KIN4G STREET