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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1934, p. 4

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PAGE FOURTHCAAANSAEMJBO AVLLTJSAYNOEBR1,93 tiucteclandvery.înLemstîng ctatlslesth rdby ean 1-ee apa-caps The blue sk ý ich ers Mayrn di anti P tNa toesE duet, Miss M. ~Irwin anti Miss B. anti from then until concert ti fe y ter growing fonder. Plm in eaig fer the social houn. Attendance catemeti to the temporal neetis of gray,TH pu big -Haig about 40. those they serveti, ln their usual at- But when tagether yoo rMay bear ]BOwman.. -el- tentive manner. Durlng the enjaying tbem, ET ALNI AI El Do ma vîleJ "Cae amitteti as guest. qulcl of a splendid epast f aast goose. Caes grow sweet, when lovera shaaeC turs t bemaser.1-Bvee Iclymasheci potatoes, gaavy, breati anti themn; l ) N%1 tua-s t bemasen.-Boee. i butter, celeny, vanlous kintis of sal- Though soon youa- honeymoon of days at the home of ais daughter. saa ikls ae peadagod bat Mrs.W. acDnal. Cboug, ridcup of tes, favorable comments were Will bring the c]ouds of home and HAYDON 1 attencdec the funeral of Mr. Richardj SOLINA heard in praise of the gI.pper, some duty;I ~'Newton. Centreton. e ~ saying, "it's the best fowl supper I, But if you Continue to stand to- Church on Sunday at 3 p. m. M.Caec ooly dt n Mr. and Mrs. John Xivel isited ever attended: T'lrue, a.s the words* gether. Miss Mabel Beecla visited in Oak- oyce. and Mrs. Euretta Wodley friencs at Fraserville enty i of an editorial in a recent issue of Through both fair and sunny wea- voi n udy ere on a business trip to Lindsay, s . ilasPr eîy. ther .~od o Suday Iand visited the latter's sister, Miss rs:. 'aM.PotPrrj~ITe Statesxnan on *Fowl Supper hro oula vsiingae And do the things that are just ana So al n eetyu it Mr. Jim Grant, Toronito. spent the VAnnie Penrose, Oakwood. Hohs. 1nd 0f wchOrk nd * tees dh: ngt weekend at M.Mr.cNisaAnie P rsE anl Stephens and great dealofwran xeswih igtasrmn.Dlymasruh Mrs.M. neewoo is penMnga D nd Mut s. an t. phentsuan-d isIeeP cei nTnnosuch levents. but while there are Love will bring you ta the light. asrmn.Dlynen uh we wth relatives in Onono. DonalRMounEY nlcely b.xedSun Mrs. Theron Mountjoy entertain- da3' at Mr. Harold Burgess'. Miss this winten attending Shaw s Busi- those who cannot gi've as liberaly And now as a token of affection trueSE -Shvn CueSts ness epeswh petCollege. 1 as theY would like toeeieropo- seittlega.ts e peSET ta-ou d acingcm f Sesromey ox ed lher S. S. class ta tea on Tuesday i aeSepes hosetseveral M.Gog iloTrnoU-visions for a sup er o f thr- ythey cli ve itauerrewsessincee. Cream Lotin an _________________(mi evening. mlironthsM. Brgss MrwGoreh her auntnon- uper ayurgessneyou ideswinàth relaiston ndThcurf tn Mr. n Ms.A ratad r etredhm wt he. 'esity, spent the weekendwt i. meagre earnings. they do willingly1 For happiness and joy throughoutFieRbezd(mns A ass onar3 prog a m n . . on paren s, M r and rs. ,d . M ilson . 1 give th eir tim e and talen t. th us giv- l the year. IT a e l n i o p e e 1 5 P. Publo, Toronto. visited at Mr. M at.S , Mn. and Mrs. Chas Whit ieaue and ng ueru otpen o le a itteeMayyoalysbhapgdan Mcel'.spn.Îg Sunday was in chargé of the King's; famlily, Oshawa. spent Sundteandwith; eaumre and e etl o le a B i thee tu, I Pen ndappec Setn, wek ih e ssen rs re sh rs ent, took cha n rg f ent 1 ow- parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wite. social aff airs a better communityMygo health always abide with gaate Mrs.FrdaBrdle Mns.nd ThoprsidnBaker hareafnde oMlw-spiait is brought about and the Cit y, ____________ ton, Toronto. ram Tepr Vera and Mrs. Walten Cryderman1 town and country brought closer L0 I Woodbury Men's Sets98 Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Avery, Mr. ance talk. Mr. Ross Pooley; readlng, attended the funenal of Mrs. Baker's, gether, the patronage of these f olks 'Ths i or sh.ou1hpe ad urwTdbury Ladies' Sets, Eanl Smitheram, Little Britain, vis- M.PryWry TeBtols cousin, Mrs. Julia Hinkson, Oshawa,'in uhapeatd $1.00 and 1.5 iteti at Mr-. C. Avery's.j Jug"; chorus by the class; reading, on ody Through the appreciation. and As t.ogether You climb *Life's Gold--_____________ Mr. and Mns. Leslie Graham and Mr rm Floo "eacM enihe Mn. andi Mrs. S. E. Wery erei knowledge of a good thing, in the en Stairs." Ayerst Cod Liver 011, lit sons Roy and Jim, visited at Mn. Cy-Har eantDoWtut pleasantly surpriseti last Saturday wy0 uia n ae Signed on behaif of Hampton. 67c - $1.69 rus Asçhton's, Cartwright. Hor pan onam thou . evening on the occasion of thein of one oaf aur local and pro ichepl adFnen' Mrs. M Greenood, M-s. Frd Ldgu evenang twenty-fifth wedding annivensany citizens, the large gathening wihYoungPepeadFins As. M. Gaen Mrs. . ena was an charge of Miss Miltireti Bradi- we n er'sbohn n iflleti the chuncla in the evening Sill er'-CodLge. 31.50 viie red nPort Hope on Sun- e.Miss Lola Richards opened tetens gathered ta have suppen with hi the leasre0f *____________o____________ el er'-CodLve E$1.51 day. ~~~~warship period with sacred music, them and spend a pleasant evening a great many deemed the best con - B K RSSH O HTWTRBT day. ~~~Devotional was taken by Miss Edna1 Thene ws a gocFte da c tIcet given in Hampton for sorte time Y. G aa e . 59 *-.~.Cameron; Miss' Hellen Trimm led in the dvso meeting in the S. S. which was very gratifying to those prayen;. Reading by Miss Ivy Tabb, 1nooml ursday evening. Plans were in charge of the program. The an- The finst meeting of the Home2 rGuane MAPLE GROVE j Pon House Nan"; a splendid paper mati for a3 pie social on Fiday, Nov. tists cof the evening were M. Hary iadSho lb0 ae' eto RC 21 3 Yr. Guarane314 by Mrs. H. Wicke; piano solo. Mn.,3t Oenw member was neceived. Skitch. sang leader, Haroldi Norman, for t 6h ane otswshl o r urne Fred Goodiman; reading. Miss Inene e nwr ie yMs ul tenon; Doris Shipman, contralto; Lebn tfan the election oaf of- Compacts_______......25______________ $ hMe romW.TP.not. I tredCmrn W G hsWyBt hO egve yMs uh ie r'Bath Saits 25e to S1.00 Co acs2ct335 hme. W. P.ooneaeu.d aec.'eGoTi a u McKessock andi Mn. Roscoe Baker Ma-s. Rowe, Soprano; Russell Skitch.fc.M. Russell Gilbert Pesided I_______________ Mr. lginMundy, Tront, spntiOnce"; vocal trio, Misses Helen and Miss Ada AllUn favouneti with a Banitone, son of Hanry Skitch, with Meeting openeti by singing 0 Can- i Mn.ElinMunay TronaspntTrimm, Eva Collacott and Susie vocal solo. Wilfred King, accompanist, and ada, with Miss Ada Allin at the U .il lg * o e the weekend at home. iThompson. A contest was enjoyeti Msioaypnga1a ~a Mrs. McNaughton, eîocutionist. piano. Election of officers resulteti K ers 5al e's - rug S o Ma-s. Roy Metcal.f bas netunneti at the close. Mschoayporia Sunday afenonwsi These splendid artists whose pleas- as follows: President-Russell Gil- P .CWIG h.B home after a pleasant visit with Scpensonanitinsantiagenial manabentn lst.Vice-ns. E. Taylor; Toronto friends. .,charge of Mrs. Isaac Hardy who gave xng Vie-r B Tylr;2nd Mn. anti Mns. Ross Stevens and ENFIELDi a very lnteresting neading. Miss 1 ner delighted their heaners with thein ieMsr.Smt;Sc - 1s eFtG1se htStsy tLwrPie family visteti ber sister, Ma-s. (Dr.) ______ Muriel Smith gave a vocal solo and biglt andtquceenubsnols. Glr PadsYeloes. TC.- Smith: ror jr Wesey Langmaad, Oshawa, on Sun- Miss Ruth McKessock a m.ssonary dqesuatts. ee loudly Pals-n.C mt:Pomm day. Mn. Gordon Sizer bas gane ta reading on Afica. Miss Ruby Parker applautiet anti graciously encored, COMrnittees - Decemben, Mn. and SAE Mn. anti Mrs. Charlie White andi England. gave a vocal solo at the close of the as wene the readings given by Mns. Ma-s. H. Wonnacott: Januany, Mn. two dughte, Oawa, pent he Ms. J.J. OmistoIOshhichunwerechoneMcNughantiwhMms.eeE.e Tayadlor; E.ebyloany, MnrySr.HOOLOLREPORTS. weekend with hier parents, Mn. anti1 called on relatives heme Manday. Novemben meeting of the Women's rotof te audience. These enter- adMs .Glet ac.M.Rpr fS .N.9 a Mrs. J. D. Stevens.. antiMa-s. E. Ormiston visited Institute was helti in the Sunday1 tainers who come farnm Carlton anti Mrs. C. Smith: Apnil, Mn. anti SHAW'S SCHOOL REPORT frcter Mrs.Mar Guy Mr. Dason Torntofientis on Thursday. School room Thunsday afternoon Unitedi Chunch, Taranto. won for Mrs. J. Yellowlees. Next mieeting onIV-Dnl Ia 7*By Tanonta ___ndonNrma. To th-seDonaldynewHallds 78*,cemBymon. S.FI-s- Mn. hese atiso Nmmn.To- Mn. anti Mrs. C. Pnescott, Tyrane, with the President Mrs. A. P. M emle aynwfretswoDcmer4b n VB nice Wight 83 (Hon),, ter 75*, Gladys Thompson 663,Nn onta, visitetiMa-. antiMa-s. Samuel -ment SundaY at Ma-. Alf Prescott's. Kessock in the chair. Arrangements will be pleased to hean them again. Congratulations are being extenti-BrnoRikd81(n> Snowden on Tuedtay.. Lloyd Fenguson anti Mn. Mat. wene completed ta go to the w. I. The Suntiay services were ver3- well edti t the teacher. Miss Ada Allin. Jr.1V--Jean Prout 79 (Han). Ma- Brenton Darda 58, Kathleen ol Mr. H. R. Foley visiteti bis oncle, Murray wea-e in Toronto last week. convention andi Winter Faim in Tor- attendeti, the arder of services be- anti the pupils on winning the shield b5el ~Cobetic 41. Sm.tzel-LndyrConling 5 Mr. Clarke Tyler who is ilI at the Mr.-. A. Smith is visiting Mrs. J. onto on Thursday, Nov. 22nd Mns an in keeping with Remembrance anti pnizes fan the secandi year. at i S.IIDnl o 0(o home of bis daughten, Ma-s. J. C. J. Ormistan, Oshawa, who bas been W. J. Leask convener of gnoup 1 too>i Day. the school fair. witb a total of 371 SJ.r.- adCo 0<Bn,~ m-A-villa Smith 70, Doga Heyd, Toronto, on Sunday. charge of the pmogram. Roîî caîl, my s- _ Points. Pupil winning the highest Gardon Allin 36. olr69MagetPsr Gladt i ee Mn. E. Twist, Miss Ma-s. W. Hepburn anti Miss, Luella favorite Canadian authon. M- Pons en ilo.5.adasl r -Manganet Harris 81 (Han> alr 9,Mrae Fse 7 Mrs. . 1 I-Muray ColJrg 1,IB Eniti TwisLt, Malvernn out on Sun- Hepburn visiteti Mrs. Oea. On- Gilbert gave an excellent paper on ENNISKILLEN1 ver fr-uit dish; second prize. Veîna i Helen Cox 80 (Hon>. Arthur Clem- liI-4urray Coling 1,Bi9Cn day. They were guests of Miss An- miston. Nina Moore Jamieson anti necitetid îbet 42, anti "The Life of Ourene3,JaHna67li64Ws.Cnn59 jGlrt y hale Dckes73hdIlLaeanPae88an) eu-67.n-BlaIrh nie antiMa-. Win. Lairti. Miss Ida McCullach spent the some of lhem poems; Mms. W. J. Leask 1Lr"bpoalsDikn;tints lasBrn rs 60. JaDou - S. Pr.-eoargeCoin. Ma-. antiMa-s. Claude Tucken anti weekend in Orono wvith hem brother, favaa-ed with a vocal solo accompan- Mms. (Dr.) Ferguson visiteti friends jprize, Har-vey Yellowlees, 41 pitlsHri 0 r r-ereCwig guests of Mr. and Mms. Roy Metcalf Mn. antiMa-s. F. Gilbert were in also reati some clippings; Mrs. Han- Miss A. Nichols. Pont Hope, sie Rvr.doHan84Rn)FrwllBcku,1 antiMa-. anti Mms. Samuel Snowden. Toronto on Satumday anti hati ex- vey Crossman gave a shart sketch of ber cousin, Ma-s. E. A. Wery. _____________H._________________________ Ma-. anti Mrs. Samuel Snowden.1 rays t aken at the Lockwooti Clinic. tbe life of Jean Blewett anti neati one Miss M. Dalton sper.î the weekend Frwl lcbrtahr Mn. anti Mms. W. J. Snowden anti Mn. anti Mms. L. C. Pascae anti of Ier poems; the pnogramn concluti- with Miss Nora Keaslake. Hamp- Mr. Thos. Snowden visited Mr. anti Mms. A. Prescott attendeti the Liber- eti with community singing anti a ton. .j.. Ma-s. Ivan Law, Whltby, on Monday. a] Convention at Onono, as delegates dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Mn. antiMa-s. A. Beech anti family, Mr-. anti Mr. R. R. Stevens Womens Association are having Leask anti her group. pn Sunday with fientis in Oak- 1 RiDO P R U il visiteti thein daughter, Mrs. Ray thein annual "At Home" at M-siL.ll ext Sunday oun astor, Rev.Wm Snowden, Toront. Little Miss Hel- D. Simpson's on Thursday even- Pake, will speak on "The Choice 51£NO « fieY U en Snowden returneti home with ing. HA PT Naf Many." HAMPTON ad rsTO. ilbrtandMMONW . YewW«ILydn, iYO e Mn. anti Mms. Jahn McDermaiti Betty attentiet the Halloween fest- hruce r ae titn n T C P IUTt B S andi family, Mr. anti Mrs. Oeo. ivties at the Ontaria Ladies' Coîl- Mr. antiMa-s. F. J. Sanders, Tor- hse n, Mr. JamesC. tinton. at Hcyle, Miss Reta Smilie. Ma-. Ross ege, Whitby. onta. visiteti at Mm. Jae Chapman's.* s an d Mrs. E. C. Ashton, is Tnenouth, Toronto, visiteti the florim- Mr. Wallace Pascoe anti Misses Mn. and Ma-s. G. Wilkinson and son r.E .AhoMs en'scouins Mn ani Ms. oy et-Heln ati lizbet PacoeDouglas, Tomanto, visiteti relatives. Alice Ashton anti Miss M. Daltan cal!, on Sunday. with Miss Mary Hogarth antiMa-s. a agrtDloEnsiln pn auta nTrno Montbly meeting of the W. M. S. R. Pascae, Solina. srent the weekenti with Miss Nana Ma-s. Wmn. Gnif fin returneti home washed Wdnsda, ov.7t, wen JunorRedCrssKerslake. aftem nursing Ma-s. H. Allin, New- D washeli Wdneday No. thwhe JuiorRet CrssSociety helti Mn. anti Mas. Leonard Barton, castle, for over thmee manths. theeletin o oficrstoo plce thirOctbe metin i th frinofTaunton, wea-e ecent visitons of Mn. Miss Elsie Moore attentiet the fun- Dan't forget the W. M. S. special, a Halloween panty at which Miss A.J. Clarke. rloliteDlyHsngT - meeting on Monday afternoan, Nov. Ella Tamblyn entertainetiaIl the Misses Meta anti Molly Brown, onto. who was killeti by a car. Miss Mtchell . itra e alng whcetay.tcrnine. scin h e beToronto, wea-e Hanvest Home visitons Dm. C. W. Slemon. Bowmanville, Misthithehe taMisses&? Pascoe. cme.visitetilhis fathen, Mn. John SIe wlll give the atdmress. W.MS. ladies., Vistors at Ma-. antiMa-s. W. J. Or- Ma-s. Milton Slemon, Haydon is mon, anti sister, Mms. Hughi Annis onS I L Young ladies. C.G.I.T., anti ladies of jnaiston on Sunday were: Ma-. anti under the dactor's came at the home Sunday. the cominunity are Invited. IMa-s.Win Scully anti Billy, Mount of hiem mothea-, Ma-s. Elmina Johns. Pev. Mm. *Uiliams. Field-Secy., M. DniM.. James Tapp, Charlotte, Mastens Gien anti Gant Williams, anti M. gave a splendid outline of 1'Michigan; Mr. Sulas Tapp, Toronto; Solina, have been visiting thein the wonk anti haw the money is __ TYRONE Ma-. Thos. Hall, Mr. antiMa-s. James grantipaments, Ma-. anti Mrs. Silas expendeti. Subscription was taken at *Ommiston anti Helen of Baooklin anti , Williams. the close of the service. Miss C. M ackenze spent s vraI Mis"s Julia f B w a vle Elliott accompanieti Mms. Chas. J. M . W i. Paece, Pckerng, ns. D. Farm fr sh and a d n f vo e v g . tiays with frientis at Coîborne. 1 Hallowe'en Masquemade n the Kerslake home on Suntiay aftea- a Milne. Chema-ywood, Misses Margar- Miss Ivy Park, Ebenezer, bas been Sons Hall on Faitay night was a de- few days, visit with Tomanto faiends. et AIlun anti Gertie Oke, Bowman- talsf re ghatren favoitre eg visiting lhem oncle, Mn. W. F. Par k. cdet s uccess, especially for the Ma-antiMa-seW. . S.Rickstocntii vilerisitti a Wesey Oe's M iss o nct y W a ken, T ono to. y unge fal w ho w ere a a kably B men ton, N ew castle, M iss Jea n H - M - n i M - . S a l y M y a t apto he w ed;ihMm a es we dis iss T ae wha w on a-gath, Maple Grave, visited raecently]Billly. Miss Mauti Ashton, Ma-s. Ric- ,4YLMER-CHOICE QUALITY RYLRS es w me: iss lain Ommston with M . antiM as. James Hogarth. hardi Ashton, Toronto, Mr. Ira T aav- ,No tan i h . Rn r .Mlo er ,1a rd -r o ; M .R l r rii g o m nil optl r oo t e 5 o L rOS Mm uhe odia eenl is sabrd nt is dihCoh-neSaketnsuas-n elle, Oshawa,spent Suntiay with the Gode__.2:9 iOshawitan, niM-.Mlo eay sa annBwavleHsi I n formen's parents, Ma-. antiMa-s. E. C. Tins BaLitam Tin nuiirf omhreatetit M.miston was the best Comic. antwod Shackleton, liEnnskiillen, Ashton. antamnOIE UAIT Wm. Brown's woati sale on Saturday best comic Couple. Af ter the panade thein pane, NoTiN. 22ns af ternoon. f anti Judging, a dainty lunch was mecetly. e0T4n #.2 Glad ta report Mr. George Brooks>t seved by hMrais. lara Jeffrey, Ma-. antiMa-s. HAMPTON YOUNG PEOPLE P ea ie 3 Tns 4 er aa-S KEIFFER 2 Squat improving nicely. He is now able toi Mte ades W.lae Jeffiney, Mn. Barrett anti PRESENT BIDE AND 1lir TOATO SAU'CE Tins walk arounti a little. C ~MisMMnus, Taronto, visiteti ae- GROOM WIHSLE RO31RE RIPE TOUA TOES Mr ad r. re ooma ut ltie ad tenedte oatBakell MIED. o a anti Lame, Columbus, Sundayeti atj ISALEM IGoatie Suppantiatente oast Hqelaz Bens TeO H ein z t BOTG. Mn. Luther Goadman's. ~Mn. antiMa-s. H. E. Tink anti Miss Mr. and Ma-s. Ted Cant Hnore Ketchup .OT. i Evelyn, Ma-s. R. J. McKessock anti By Many Friends Fallowing STA.7DARD 01, ALIT> IIEl.)Z-ITII IIES eti a number of littIe frientis onPFa-j'Mn. Enoatibent, Oshawa, visiteti at M ssia, aeanMmRuett McelliottarigeNo eNI day evening in honour of hem 8th tefre'hoe SSlnadM.EeetEitP as3 Ts 2 54 l e t T I *C brthday. th a-e' oe shawa, wea-e ecent guests of Mn. Hampton Young People surpriseoi 41 LIIR WM.S ilmeintevsron Miss Fnitze anti Miss Westlake, antiMa-s. Jae Chapman. Mn. anti Mms. Ted Chant, a bride Tn V 5aE4LLI Wus. . wllmet nth vPt 0p. j.Salina, wene guests of the fommea's "The W. M. S. wl]] hoîti the regularan groom of necent date, on Mon- Assoried AYIR Tueday No. Oth at2.3 pElement onSuday iThaikoffering servieson S adyngt , ndpesne yeeTINS CenTomn0 and when Miss Mitchell, travelling sec- jdsî..te, Ma-s. Sunday.dayenight anti paesentetithemTwiS aetarv for the W.M.S, will be guest "My presence shahl go with you, Nov. 18th, wlaen Mns. <Rev) Kera- of a silvea- tea service. When the coin- ice3 speke. anti I wl]] give thee aest," was the Bowmanville wlll give an atitress. pany hati aIl assembleti Mr. Fred Mn. Willis Stewart spent a few; test chosen by Rev. Waotton for Miss Helen Argue wlll sang a solo, Billett calleti the campany tei ardea- _________________ i__ is fine tiiscaua-se hene on Sunday. also speclal music by the choar. when Miss Florence Burns reati the PEAME.4LED jSympathy is extentiet to the a-e- MissofMitchell, Travelling Secre- fallowing adcfress: . latives anti frienis cof Ma-s. P. Sy- taa- li te W. M. S. wl]] be paesent To Ted anti Grace. ,c mons wha passeti away in Toronto at oua-r=gur meeting of the W.M.S. o on Fniday anti was burieti in Bow- oWednestay, Nov. 21, in the bs- We, a smaI] numbea- of your fai-i -i a cnPuc i . :Z p ou& / j Cmeer on Monday after- ment of the church. AIl ladies of endis have gathereti toniglat ta con- SlIcedlb 2 9 ý0 4noon. fini the congregation are invitedti t be vey in some wýay, our feelings of ne- Salm fiens lsc exendsy - esent. spect anti admiration that.,výe hald PQait pathy ta Ma-s. W. H. Clemens of Ma-. Stanley Elliott, Toronte. anti forn u o o Ted, having liveti RAT S among us the geater part of youn '/'. Centeton in the death of hem bro- sistea- Mrs. James A. Graves, Waw- life thus fan, we feel we bave in you FNS th0,M-.R1Nwon. Sevea-al faiends aea a. m niM-.Nra a stauncla f ienti anti one who is al- fa-om liere attendeti the f unea-al sem- Leach anti family, Mr. Nelson Fice, rai niwîigt oyu THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOMIANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEM13ER 15, 1934 4

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