PAGE PMV THE CANADIAN STATLSMAN, BOWMANVILL, THURSDA,%Y, NOVEMBER 15, 1934 a SELL'ING EVERYTHINGI [ And Only 15 Days Left to BuyI Wonderful Values lai Watcbes Girls' Bracelet Watches Ladies' Bracelet Watches Gents' Bracelet Watches Reg. $10,00 to $15,00 La Ir 125 Reg. $5.00 to $35.00 SPECIAL I 00S PECIAL $9.95 I SPECIAL $350 to $20 See Our pca Tables at 500, 75e and I 6100 OFFERS BIG VARIETY 0F CHRISTMAS GIFTS FlowerS and Floral Service The best in both is assured at our Flower Shop. S PE CIA L friday and Saturday Boston Ferns 29c - 49c - 75c .. These are extra good value. Bulbs A large assortment at bargain prices to clear. W. E. Groves KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP BOWMANVILLE P. O. Box 163 Phone 72 Attention! FRUIT GRQWERS There is every indication that fruit trees wiII be extremely scarce next spring. We ean supply first quality stock in both TREES and BERRY BUSHES at reasonable prices. Consuit us before placing your order. Brookdale - - Kingsway, Ltd. BOWMANVIL - PHONE 7 M. . NalMrs L-T. -ÙcL-aughuý, Mrs. P. J. Manning and Mrs. W. R. Strike; Representatives on Board- Mrs O'Nell, Mrs. Storey, Mms Strike;, Buylng Committee - Mrs. W. R. Blrks, Mms. C. W. Siemon, Mrs. E. R. Bounsall; Audltors-.Mrs. B. R. Bounsall, Mrs A. L. Nicholls. ir- il- id er or-l w The Rotary Club PHONE_5_3 Contlnued from page 1) court hnln major problems. This MissAgns K Hady, oroto. issSopr. B A. spnt te wek-record o! hundreds o! cases in which Mis Ages . Hddy Trono. issSopr, . ., pen th wek-nearly evcry one bas produced a spent the weekend at home. end in Toronto. unanimous verdict, is Perhaps the Mrs. H. W. Foster spent the week- Mrs. R. Dumas, who has been in finesf record o! an international end with !riends in Toronto. Toronto for some weeks, is visiting commission ini the world. Mrs. L. J. Barfon recently visifed hier son and daughter-in-law, Mr. The principle inscribed on an in- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smithi, Black- and Mrs. Leon Dumas. ternational memorial, "as long as stock. Oco. E. Hall, local manager o! man shall live, we wlll not take up Miss Greta Pollard. Toronto, spent Ontario Shore Gas Co., now occupies arms againsf one another," is being Sunday with her parents, Mr. and offices in the Halîman Block, nexf carried out ycar by ycar by thesei Mrs. W. B. Pollard. to Statesman Office. two countries. Mrs. Kate Wight is visiting her Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hil, Miss Ma- TIhe doctrine o!, Canada and the brother, Rev. S. J. Alin, and other bel Silîs, Toronto, Miss F. Delacourf, United States, Mr. Wood sald, was relaive in oroto.Londn, ng.,spet Wdnesay iththe doctrine o!, being good neigli- relaivesin TrMr.. ndMr.,s. C. . Rie. sdywi bours, and this doctrine was as solid Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Flctt have M.adMs .F ie as the rock o! Gibraltar. returned fromn visiting !ricnds in Miss Marlon Warder, University o! Prom the United States Sir John Fenelon Falls and vicinity. Toronto, and Mr. Ray Everest, Tor- A. MacDonald got the principles o! MissMargretHutcinsn, R N. onto, spent flic weekend witli ler the British North Amerîca Act, the Toonosprae tMony wiR. ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warder. constitution o! Confederation, and mother. Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. His many friends o! Trinity Unit- !rom Canada the Unifed States gets3 ed Church wcre pleased to see Rev. many fine ideas in its depression Mrs. M. Smith, Blackstock, Mr. Thos. Wallace, Newtonville, in the proof banking system. ande Mm. nToppin ndf Mry. ToronBar pulpit Sunday evening and to hear The work o!f fostering this under- teo rcetn.aso Ms . .Br his practical sermon on "Love." HIe standing betwcen the t'wo nations Is ton. selected as lis text '"Thougli I speak aidcd by a free and enliglitened Misses Ada and Annie Allin and wifh the tongues o! men and angels, press, a press o! which could truly1 Margaret Armstrong spent SundaY etc." Cor. 13:1. Mr. O. Nicholas be sald, "the Pen was miglitier thani Witli Mrs. Norman Hamley, Peter- sang a very appropriate solo. the sword."1 boro. About flirt y members o! St. John's . Speaking o! conditions in bis nat-: Rev. W. G. Blake conducted anni- A.Y.P.A. were in Port Hope on Tues- ive country, Mr. Woods sfated thaf versary services af Grace Presbyter- day night attending the annual Nor- 5,000,000> uncmployed liad been put ian Churdli, Millbrook, on Sunday, thumberland and Durham Deanery to work, industrial production had November 4th. A.Y.P.A. banquet whidli was attend- lncreased, wages liad Increased f0 a Higli Sehool Literary Society o!- cd by over 300. The party heard ad- greater extent, and profits had in- fices fluic ensuing year are: Hon, dresses by Leonard Milîs and Ed. creased correspondingly. The coun- Presidnt-G. L. Wagar; President- Belsham o! Toronto, present and try was not, as suggestd by a visiting Bob Clark; Vice President--Gert- past presidents o! the Ontario Pro- critic, in "a chaotic condition." rude Dewell; Se'y.-Annie Alin; vincial Council. It was the vicw o! philosopliers o! Treas-Birron Vanstone; Pianist- Choice Goods Snow Lestrange, a ancient times t.hat trade between Doris Freeman. fwo-ycar-old Holstein heifer, owned I aoen feosfcred at r t f he The Badminton Club is holding its by the Estate o! L. C. Snowden, modemviepoint thatefr a hcls firsf public dance on Friday evening Bowmanville, reeently completed a to peentwars. laee ai! next, music by a six piece Oshawa record in the 365 day division o!flihe mayexisf in athleaistotri wond orchestra. These dances have be- R. O. P. wif h a yield totalling 13,151 ieare wrenatlcaesstwetrffena come an attractive feature o! the Iba .milk containing 600 lbs. butter t ideaesp rendkierss btwnna local social season. Invitations f0 showing an average test o! 3.65% tio.sWotheseakersaiud. Cnd this or future dances may be recciv- fat. She was milked twicc daily for M.WoscnrtltdCnd ed by phoning S. R. James or C. H. 365 days and was sired by Pionce on the manner in which if treated Dudiy. Sow oitila orndke.ifs tourists. Af ter aIl, lie said, there Dudly. nowToiillaKordyk. 1is every reason why we should be Miss M. Boylan, 22 Quebec Avenue, Even Higli School students wager, good friends. We have kinship and Toronto, well known dressmaker for- and t wo o! its lcffiest members !niendship between the two peoples, merly o! Bov.manvillc. wrting for wagered lasf week on flic result of we have the same language and in- an extra copy o! The Statesman the Cobourg - Bowmanville r u g b y stitutions, and these cannof belp but states that she greatly enjoys the game. Walter Hall, son o! Niglif bring about a better understanding. town paper ecd week and looks for- Constable Walter Hall, wagered that In concluding the speaker asserted ward to ifs coming She is parficu- Bowmanville would lose, and Bob that flic Consular service o!flice Un- larly intcresfed in J. C. Kirkwood's Court ice immediafely fook i hl up. itecd States, in counitries ail over the feature articles. The wager was fliat flic one who 10sf world, was dolng Ifs part toward flic In spite o! there being no f al 1 should wlieel thie 0f ler down King attainimenf o! permanent peace. wheat this ycar, and only fifty per Street during flic noon hour in a Rotarian W. A. Shane conveyed cent o! the normal liay crop in Dur- wheelbarrow. Cons c q u e n f 1 y o n the appreciation and thanlis o!flice hiam County, fliere is more f ced in Thursday last, flic mercliants were Club f0 flic speaker for bis eloquent the county flan ast ycar. according aroused fromn their noon slumbems discourse. to the wreekly report o!flie Ontario by flic procession down flic streef. Lawrence Staples expressed on be- departmcent o! agriculture. The re- Walter Hall, flic loser, wleelcd flic half o!flice Potat o Club members ap- port says fliere is at leasf double flic barrow. whilc Bob Courtice cnjoyed preciafion te flic Rotarians for their grain and straw, with a good crop flic none f co comfortable ride. And liospitalif y, and flic motion was o! corn and roofs for the !ccding o!f0 make matters worsc, or beffer, passed on f0 the president by Mr. live stock. practically allich Higli Scliool stu- Summers. 'Me boys 2howcd their Miss Dorothy Miller. Windsor, dents followed in the procession te- appreciation by rlsing and singing daugliters Cecelia and Vcronica, Mr.I gether wif h numerous cars honking 'For fhcy arc Jolly Good Fcllows." Ont., Mrs. Edward Roacli, Sr. and! flicir horns lustily. During flic a!ternoon flic club and Mrs. P. V. Roacli and daugliter Regular meeting o! St. pauî's members vislted flic Goodyear Tire Elizabeth Ann and son MacKen.zie Guild was held Tuesday evening & Rubber Company plant wliere Ro- King, tlie Misses Kay Clarke, Mar- with an affendance o! about 30.* fanan A. M. Hardy, Superintendent, garet Murphy and Frances Mc-1 Convener Miss fleen Aider prcsided addressc-d them. and lad tim con- Graw, Messrs Grant Lang and Ar- and was in charge o!flice program. ducted on a tour o!flice plant, wlicre thur Lyons all o! Toront o and Messrs scrpfure reading by Joe Barfon and fliey saw flic vanlous processes o! Ray Burton and Ernest Vanson o! prayer by Rev A S Kerr Program manufacture o! many Goodyear pro- Osliawa wcrc 'Sunday gucsts o! Mr. consisfed o! : piano solo by Miss ducts. Later flic boys visifed flic and Mrs. Wmn. A. Clarkie, attending Norali Slrubb The gucaf speaker Ontario Training Sclool wlcrc tbcy flic baptismal o!fliceir infant daugh- was Miss Greta Wicketf o!flice public wcre conducted on a tour o!flice fer Coelene. MissaiFrancs Clarke and School saff!!wlo spolie on "Talcs buildings by Earl Cunningham and Mr. Ted Clarke wcre godparenfs, and Trails of the Northland" written Mr. Bradf. and later tliey enjoycd a with Father MeGuire o!ficlating. by Rev. J. C. Cochrane, wlo spoke of swim in flic Rotary tank. The day's To give those people wlio arc dis- flic missionary work being carried on very f ull program was brouglit to a safls!ied witli fhe assessmcnt o! In flic district. If was very intercat- flfting close when flic boys were their properites an opportunity f0 ing and greatly applauded af flic gucats o! Pasf President C. T. Ross appeal f0 a special board appointedci lose. Reading "God is good f0 Me" at flic Royal Theatre, wlicrc they for flic purpose, flic Court o! Revis- written by Chiarles Bisliop and given wlfncsscd George Arliss li "The Lasf ion will be licld in flic Council Room by Miss Nancy Slrubb; skif "Cow- Gentleman." on Tucsday, November 20f 1, af 7.30 ology" by Ernest Gilbank and Chiarl- Members o!flice Manvers Potaf o p. m. Any citizen wishing te ap- es Clemence o! Newcastle, whicli was Club who aftended flic meeting and peal f liir assessament should give very humorous. Mr. Kerr moved a other event s on flic program wcrc: notice o! appeal te flic Town Clerli vote o!f tlanlis te fliose taking part Robt. Sisson, Raîpli Rowan, Earl not latr flan flic day previous tehiin lie program whicl was sccondcd Weatlierllf, Albert Bowlns, Cli!! ord flic coslrt's sitfing. To correct a mis- by Miss fleen Aider. Mr. Kerr led in Veals, Kennefli Henderson, Alan undersfanding we point ouf thaf a Spelling Match and games. Beer, Harold Page, Gordon Fallis, appelin te"rrmtyClarence Brown, Norman Shea, Roy there is no charge for apaigt rnt Womcn's Association met Strong, Murray FinneY. Gordon flic Court, members o! whicli are in flic school room on Tuesday a! - Smùtli. Jack Hannah, Lawrence Sta- Mayor Strike, Reeve Joncs, DepufY ternoon. Mrs. John Percy and lier ples, Lloyd Strong, Edward Brown, Reeve Edmondstone and Councillors circle conducfed thec devofional per- Eardley Malcolmson, and Jacki Day. Mutton, Martyr' and Mason. lod, Mrs. Percy pres-iding. Mrs. F. îdson. Home and Scbool Club lield itis Cryderman opencd flic meeting wifh meeting on Wednesday cvcning last' quiet music. Mms. T. G. Mason led in flic Southi Ward scliool. Program in prayer and flic scrîpturc îesson WEDDING opencd by singing "Old Zip Coon" was rend by Mrs. J. W. Jcwcll. Mrs. c. and "O Canada." Mrs. J. Thliclison, T. W. Cawker, President, fook tfli Vice President, prcsidcd. The open- chair for flic business session and Oke - Cowan ing number was an action song by, the program. Splendid reports were A quiet wedding tooli place in Mrs. M. Symons' class: Miss Marlon liandcd in by allich circle çecretar- Bowmanvillc on Monday, Nov. Sth, Picliard and Miss Marlon Wagar les. Nominations wcrc made for flic wlin Helen Margeurite, third dan- gave fwo guitar duets. "Honolulu election o! o!!icers at nexf meeting. gliter o! Mr. and Mrs. Josephi Cowan, Sweflicart" and "Dri!ting and The following vcry interesf 1 n g Pickering, and Lloyd Oke o! Bow- DrcamJng"; a play "A Fairy Asks programi was prtesented': vocal duef manville werc united in marriage. for H-elp" was given by Miss Pick- by Mrs. Gco. Pritdhard and MMm. W. Rcv. Father McGuire, o! St. Josepli's ard's room. Mr. A. D. Kean spolie Roberts; readlng by Mrs. Pcrcv o!!iciafing. The bride was aftendcd on lis personal experiences wifli sea Cowling; vocal solo by Mrs. Cliarles by lier sister, Mrs. Edmondson, o! lions of! Cape Sf. James. Mr. J. H. Massie o! Port Hope. gucat art stf o Oshawa, whlle Stanley Robinson, of Jolinston cxprcssed f0 Mr. Kean fthc fli affernoon; vocal solo by Miss Bowmanvillc, supported flic groom. hearty thanis o!flice audience. Miss1 Bernice Belîman; rcadirg by Mrs. E. Af fer flic ceremony a reception was Pickard's room won flic prize for' R. Hawkins, also o! Port Hope. Mm lield at flic home o!flice groom's largesf number o! mofliers presentN. abt was acompanisf.* Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Oke, fliere being 24 in attendance. Busi- Cawker, on behal! o!flice Association1 Ontario Street, wliere only fleic m- ness followed. closing wif hflic Na- flianked those faking part anid Mrs.! media te friends o!flice confracting tional Anfhem. A dainty lunch was Percys circle for flic deliglifful parties were present. Mr. and Mrs. scrved af flic close. program.1 Oke wlll reslde in Oshawa. COMING EVENTSI Announcements of Meetings, Concerts or Other Events, under this headlng, are charged, 10 cents per line, with a minimum charge for any announcement of 50e per insertion. These rates wiIl bc strlctly observed. Per,. sons sending in notices must' specify to wbom account is to be charged. Thursclay andi Friday, Nov. 29-30, High School Commencement. 42-7 Public School Christmas Concert will be held in the Opera House on December l3th and l4th. A sale of home cooking will be held in St. John's Parish Hall on Saturday, Nov. 24th. A 15c tea will be served. Fowl Supper with hot roast goose and mashed potatoes in the U.C.S.S. Hall, Newcastle, on Wednesday, Nov. 2lst, beginning at 5 p. m., followed at 8 by a good program in church auditorium. Admission 40c and 25c. Miss Evelyn Mitchell, Travelling Secretary of the W. M. S., will be the guest speaker at Trinity Uited Church Evening Auxiliary meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 2Oth. at 8 p. m. Program in charge of Mrs. Nellie Garbutt and her group. Concession Street East Group of Trinity W. A. are repeating their Mnstrel Show in the Opera House on Friday, November 23rd. Admis- sion 25c and 15c. This group are al- so presenting their play in Trinity United Church, Bloor St. W., Tor- onto, on December 1Oth. i CHURCHES T ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHJJRCH Rev. Father J. F. McGuiré, Pastor Sunday, November 18th: Mass at Newcastle 9 a. m.; Maiss at Bowvman- ville 10.30 a. m. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Morning Worship il a. m.; Sab- bath School 2.30 p. m.; Evening Worship 7 p. m. ST. PAIJLS UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist *and Director. Sunday, November lBth: il a. m. and 7 p. m. the Minister will preach. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector Mrs. J. A.\ Gunn, Organist 25th Sunday a! ter Trinity: Holy Communion and Sermon il a. m.; Sunday School and Bible Class at 2.30 p. m.; Evening Prayer 7 p. m. SALVATION ABMY AdJutant F. G. Bowers Sunday, Nov. l8th: il a. m.-Hol- mness Meeting; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Farewell meeting of Adit. Bowers before leaving for Ber- muda. Sunday, Nov. 25th-Welcomne meeting of Captain Everett. * BOVM.ANVILLE BAPTIST MISSION V. Pennanen, Pastor. Sund'ay services in the Council Room. No collections. This Mission is supported by free-will gifts. Sun- day Bible School 2.30 p. m.; Evening Gospel Service 7 o'clock, subjeet "The Way of Salvation." TEINITY UNITED CH'URCR Rev. E. P. Armstrong, Pastor Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Choir Conductor. Sunday, November l8th, Mission- ary and Maintenance Anniversary: il a. m.-Rev. Kenneth Beaton, As- soclate Secretary of Home Missions, will speak. Hear this forceful prea- cher. The annual subseription will be taken after the address. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool. 7 p. m.-"The Man Who Mlssed the Trafi."' You are cordlly lnvlted to these services IOBITUARY Mn. Frank Symons. Toronto The remains o! the late Mrs. Esa- ily Louise Symons beloved wl!e of. Mr. Frank Symons, Toronto, who pas-ced way on Saturday, Nov. lOth. a!fter several xnonths illness were brought here for interment in Bow- manville Cemetery on Monday af- ternoon. Deceased was born in Ken- dall being a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Hoy. After her marriage to Mr. Symons they lived in Bowmanville for a number of years previous to movlng to Toronto. Besides lier husband she leaves to mourn lier passing. three sons,' Gar-. net o! Darllngton, Gordon and Stan- ford and one daughter Vilda, all o! Toronto, also four brothers and four sisters, George Hoy, Peterboro; Hugli Hoy, Oshawa; Thomas and [ALEX McGREGOR, DrugsI PHONE 92 PRESCRIPTONS A SPECIALTY WE DELIVR Believe It or Not! If you're interested in clothes for young men, business men, or older person, we can seli you just what you want at whatever price you want to pay. Don't be misled about prices. We can sel you a suit of clothes with two pairs of pants for $10.50. But remember, that if you pay $10.50 you'll get just that value, and if you pay $23.50 for a Tip Top you'fl get that value, and if you pay $50.00 for a suit you'll get full value. It al bouls down to the fact that you get only what you pay for, so don't be misled by offers of bargain clothes. Special Sale 0f Ladies' Coats A very large variety of Ladies' Coats for you to select from. Every one is reduced for this week-end selling.. Beautifully furied with platinum wolf, sable, seal, and oppossum, and- every one a new model. Don't miss out on these coats priced from $l10.75 lUp Crepe Dress Sale Many new styles in ail the wanted shades. A special purchase enables us to pass the saving on to you. Priced from20995 UP. X;ÀWonderful lUne of Knitted Suite from $7.50 up. Couch,Johnston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville THE IDEAL GIFT SFaincy Tollet Sets For Presentation or Christmas TIIREE PIECE SETS - Brusb, Comb, and Mirror GLORIA PATTERN - SPECIAL - $4.99 Péaorton Setý-$6.45 - - Milady Set-$8.00 Nulustris Set - $9.50 Gift Case for above - $1.00) extra. SpeCial 10 Piece Set - Genise - $1 7.50- Gift Case $2.50 extra. MODSAI)PI. e5 5 Jury & LovelI's Prices Neyer Higher, Often Lower Than TORONTO or BOWMANVILLE Best Anti-Freeze 30 below zero 40cgai. Jury & Lovel When we test eyes it ls donc ProperlY Phone 78 -- j Leather Goods MAI Price Tie Cases, Hair Brush Sets, Bill Folds, Book Covers, Library Table Sets. Gold Filled Jewelry Hal£ Price Cuff Links, Tie Pins, Ear Rings, Bar Pins, Watch Chains, Brace- lets, Ladies' Necklaces. Colgate'. Dental Cream Cleans teeth safely and .efectively 10c - 21c - 39c SKINNY? There is no need for peope ta cali, yo u skinny or ftat-chested. Give Thoraxiumn a trial and prove this yourselt. Thoraxlum luaa new easy treat. men t wh i ch works whl1le you are sleep. Ing. 'rhoraxlum will give you those curves which are Wanted today. Thoraxium can be used on any part Of your body. For 1101. l0w cheeks, scrawny neck, ch esat, ar ma a. . nd legs. Re. teed or money back. Special Prices THURS. - FR1. - BAT. A B S & C Tablets, 200 for 25e Cuficura Soap..19c, 3 for 55c 50c Pond's Crcam....... 29c WatIln's Slampoo .. ... ý39e 50e Dodd's Kidney Pills.. 29e Zam-Buk Oint ment .. .. 3le Dutdli Drops . . . .. 6 for 25e Cascarets .... ......22e -39e Must croIe ....... ..23c -44c Corega .....22e - 44e- 67e Bobby Combs .......9c JOINTACHES ACHING MUSCLES AND JOINTS are quickly relleved by uslng RUMACAPS. Fully Guaranteed RUMACAPSI Bayer Aspirin. .22e- 39e - 98e Iàsterine ..... 25e- 49e - 89e INGR.AM'S SHAVINO CREAM *~for cool shaves "'"and comiortable Lotions are CRUM unnecessary. TouJa33c J. . ORRAIZopciau" at our store UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY