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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1934, p. 6

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PAGE SIX KRUSCHEN Strikesî the Usual Cause of FAT Try Kruschen at Our Expense If excess, unhealthy fat s botheri you, take advantage oi Ibis offer ta il Kruscheri t positively na e-pens Yaur druggist has a linlited nurber tic Krusclien Giant Packages now' stock. This is the Regular botie toget h with a separate TRIAL boutle. Utc the Trial boutle first. Kruîsche eliminates wastagc and poisons lrom s%'5 tem-daily, if yau follow the instruc tions. It tikes flot ouly at the usua cause af fat but at the moot ai ball th hurnan ils-internal sluggishtuess.1 you have noa exce;s fat, Ki-usclien wili no cause you ta lace weight. Kruschen cast onlv a fews cents a wcek to use-and i nuakes you feciliEke a million dollars Get yaur Krusc}uen Giant Package today, If Yau are flot entirely convinced after using the Free Triai Bottle, vour drug- gist wilI cheria:ly- refund Nvour marie' m-hen you returi the Regular package unopened. QUIVERING NERVES YieId to Lydia E. Pinkhaxn'a Vegetable Compound When yau are just on edge - when you can't stand the chu- dren'e noise - when everythlng la a burden . : * when you are Irri- table and bue . .. try this medi- cine. 98 out of 100 wornen report benefit. It wÙlI give you 1ust the extra enr$y-ou need. e will seem Wrhliving ain. SiEEPCESSNESS INDIGESTION @»an dluppeu swiih use ci Dr CHASE'S are pr@mptIy and Ihroughly < refieved by the use of gi Rel ieved/ Mmp. Edward James' baby had two teeth when le8.s than thren inonths old. She writes: "He has 18 now and I cari truthfully say that giving hirm Bahy's Own Tai>. lets while cutt ing his teeth kept hlim fit and weII". Tecthing is a restiess feverish timne for babica but the little one ean always be .octhed and the fever redrîced by ging sweet, *safc Baby's Own Tablets. Very easy ta take, no ai ter effects. Price 25e everywhera. NO WONDER I- LOOKED SO Mi rlahlf in fun and lf becauuse college dmap îouned 39 other studen It 'R' as lsired ta test on this lass th toni.e preparaition, the formula ni building <j all ties. Like tic otiier 3'9, this yourig 'colnnu" ni red corpuiscles anti reni lielo w n rarîî. No wouder helie flt thue tone anud retrurnerl la tliruv nai, There wsssnou r ltabout iua*îjrrtts it. Hus lood test showed uthne ratter blîst tikingli- increased. N laucli better. Wouildl iou like ta feel better,t again about stuuri or work or pîi- ,wluiclipro%--e a lenefit t thue fi ivell.bePing bhy lhlreasingthue red (orp ai the blrsd-tlinse carriers la the tl up tri normal nuimbers if the personi This îe'.îed tonie is Dr. Williams, Pi nt home,' a tcoliege or at buisiness. run-down. uver-tirenl. nerrous or "o rlruiggist lias this tested ttank-Dr. 82G Give More Thi To Yot Talk it over with Your wdfe- requlre - Lite - Fire - Lia klnd of Insurance. Then coi benefit of our wide exPerienc, lems. Somne people have wisi wlth us - but they lef t it too Cai to-day. je J. M«ASOI INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE- PIHONE go THE CANADIAN STATESMAq* BOWMAIqVIL, THURSDAY, NOVFEMBER 15, 1934 atT e eriet Music, and if TH SPOTLIGHT ON SPORT 1h Color Feature Hallowe'en il HE a me9 Masquerade at Newcastle LIND AY OLLGIAT s-rti byintecepinga frwar o W Sh W ýThere was music and color, f un LIN D A Y C L L E G A T E soie y l te c p x g mwa du and m errim ent in abundance at the DEFEA S B.H. S IN I thesecod hal wit thescor Young People's Hallowe'en party i DEFEATS B1H.-S. INin tthe eond h a vt te.sce the Community Hall on Wednesday CAME ON SATURDAY j4!aantteBwnniîtt] OA evening, Oct. 3lst. The grand mas- ig omnll sFrOtege yTo start with Hunt blocked a L. C. 1. enlivening music by Charlie Caw- tng 1oravieI a uwihdB kick f iv-e Yards out and Colmer ker's orchestra af Bowrmanville, was Opponents in Garne at Làndsay Piunged for a touchdown. But hereR atrdbmny hrcesfom offu ago ea sjondb nH.Sble d an tinadalthough .the past and present and from the innago mmisixc YBHS.bOkda temtdLnsy- ralinis af fact and fancy. The on- Clid Marn Fumble and Lady Lucit it is Placement, Lindsay recovered and Once each year there cornes this lookers on the side benches had no ier gcnerally disastrous for the other kicke'd a single. Later alter Williams' OPPortuuijty to see the Contin- idea in many instances as who night team although it is a good team, and 50 yard run, Lindsay recavered an- ent's finest animais and hirds.,- be masquerading as such and such en sa Lindsay C. I. defeated Bowman- other B.H. S. fumble and marched to set darin.g, breath-taklng rid- but they ail admired the costumes >.ý ville H. S., 21-14 when the two up the f ield for another touchdown ing and brillant driving events. and make-ups and found the scene <- teams met in Lindsay on Saturday. Ita make the score 21-6 with 10 min- Splendid horses of ail types. The of much interest. ll B. H. S. although they were out- utes to go. Royal Horse Show alone is the The lady judges, Mrs. Hawell Row- he weighted, especially along the line, Williams recovered a short kick- most thrillhng event of the land, Mrs. H. E. Hancock and Miss if proved ta be every bit as gaad as off and got cose enough ta boot a SPorting and Social Season. The Tena Ferguson surveyed the cas- Ifit their friends fram the big school. Placement' frorn a difficult angle. visit of the Foreign Officers' tumed impersonators with compre - 15 Th ev made just as many yards Mnts later Mcllveen made his Army Teams is made possible by hending and critical eyes and a- U .hrcough scrimages. were more dan-1 sensational sprint for a toUchdown. the generosity of MeCol-Front- 1 warded the prizes as follows: geraus in the open f ield as they were In the final minutes Bowmanville enac Ohl Co. Limited. Best ladys costume-Colonial lady, Y. faster than the heavyweights, and tvice warked the bail up within* s Mrs. P. Brown; best gent 's -Jiggs, J. r the forward passing spails were a-1 breathing istance af the Lindsay A galaxy of Premier attractions. H. Jase; best boys -Cawboy, Neil bou eqal An i thsthe firs ne but couldn't push it aver. 25 acres under cover. 20,00 n ritnoih os ndcas an- y gaine B. H. S. Senicrs have lost ini Line Up finals and birds. Canada's lead- dana and ail; best girl's-Miss Hal- e two years. the starting twelve play- B. H. S. Position L. C. I ing Livestock Show. Royal Dog lowe'en, Reta Powell; littie girl- ers p!ayed the entire sixty minutes. Comer Flying Wing Lock Show. Cat Show. Royal Flower Peanut, Dclly Purdy; Lady comic- - Lindsay have a great p'unger by F. MeIlvecri Halves Campbell Shw. Fancy Fish. G rai ns, Maggie J!ggs. Lamna Adamns: Gent, the namne of Ringland. wha also Depew" Seeds, Vegetables. Unequalled comte -' Clown. Hubert Osborne; kicks. and in the f irst h'alf their, Slemon Tip dsly of horsernanship. in- couple, camic-Mr. and Mrs. Quin- end runs- were responsible for gains. W;illiams Quarer amb ernational Army O ffi c e rs' tulip and the fine Quintulips. Mes- The B, H. S. gains ivere made main- Vanstone Snap Mcflmoyle Teams. Junior Farmers' Judg- dames W. Deline and P. Hare: Lad- ly bv the metl-ods with two big ad- G. Mellveen Insides Ringad ig Comnpetitions. Horse sho e ies couple-Misses Hallawe'en, Mar- varices due ta forward passes. IlOke " hapinbi inRnh ad Li atn os The main differer.ce was in the Caur'ice Championships. ian lamcoanlisoMar n d s fumbes. Tne Lindsay fumbles H'nte Mdle Begley YO can spend many profitable AturleSark; oras rDuodJsecand bcuned igh bak ilo hei hans Clville Outide Moden hours amrid exquisite displays of turne, Mrs. Quintulip-Mrs. Percy whil'e the B. H. S. fumbles als,9 boun- Jackman " Wrkmanl the country's most perfect speci- Hare. ced right inta Lin.dsay hands. Dnc Bgrel mens of flowers, cats, dogs As their names were annaunced i~s Dunas n an ame ee BTorif.Faa Subs Beal hore, catUie, poultry. See Can- each went ta the platform and re- the unfrturatfs with Dune drapo- KmbWilgb Jh snWaein i ada's great Industries displayed vealed his or her identity and re- ir~ ncbein hsow lnewhn eNieal Roah " aklyhso, R. Gordn inlavish never-to-be-forgotten ceived a substantial prize presented attiempted ta catch when running at ~sye yMs infe ikrY .L full smted and it wer.t for a Lind'cav president. Mr. Norman Rickard also tauchc<oivn and Colmer lost the bal Frank W'illiams Moves NO V. 19:1 a 29 received a china egg cup for having - on a tlunge 10 yards fram the Liiid- use nearest the correct number F-a 1ne Prd Linday cirried it ta To First Place In 11ofnikbtlcasnajr.M.G centre field befare Baw-manville Royal Coliseum fCrowtlher -Qpotled aps i a ar.Mr. G. col ac hm nu-nlzd Bowling League StandinRgo~rdtisltl oe bitofd ctch tem Anuo n enaliod 1agTROTOm aking contest and took in at 1 rtefernceon fowar nas TRONO jcent a guets. 981 cents for the League didn't do B H. S. any good either. Despite t.he fact that. "Gaozey" lDUE treasury. But led by Tony MclIlveen the team1 Osborne has raised his average from Be SEac.UnprsieEoe Iept plugginz awn-v and played 1 233 ta 236 down at Casey's Bowling RAILWAY FARES thSpagamwichfan esd temas- their best game af the year. 'Emrporium he has lost his place at - querade and which was most suitable And speaking of MellvEen, it is the head af the list, and F'rankc Wiî- for such a time and e vent. Mrs. -an insut ta even try to describe his1 lianins and Bert Calwell have forged John Allun, Third LUne, entertained playing, Williams and Calmer andI ahead to tke""rs and second pla- r isie_)nnr wîth a reading and encore. Ernest Slemon made great runs and the es. Frank has been hitting strikes Gîlbank and Charlie Clemence con- line, led' by peppery Ernie Hunt, was at a fitriaus rate, and heads the listj tinued ta convulse the audience with really good but MeIlveen was su with an average of 242. They tellI Cniudfo ae1 hi Cmlg"siM.Dmn rerb. He was the best plunger out Us that 450 is the highest passiblei (atiuofrm ae )the Ohsr 'aoay t. r. l D ams ient there. the best tackler and always score, so the boys have a long way 14 Years Chairnian of the Provincial ers with his banjo salas, with piano L the first man dawn an the kicks. yet ta go. The fifteen leading bowl- 1 OPPY CamPaigri, organizer and for acomaietb hri.H u And then in the dying stages ai the ers are as fallaws:1 eight years President af the Part sompan imndbyChrglneto is game as i f ta cap his performance. Naine Qames Ave. and t os of the Canadian Leion, playing that hie had nearly everyone with a cl'arley-horse that was s0 Williams, F. 12 242 Lotetuiatcwr e ians x-on h jump and ready for anythirig. H paainful he cauild hardly berd his Colwell, B. 13 2315 mast enthusiastic warkersreand ex- the leg. he receivod a forward pass and. Oborne, A. 18 236 ecutives. the fr semd o e no moarenphysGod- cripvled as he was. he was still f ast Martyn, J. 18 230 Capt. Innes, n a splendid address, dard, Bowmanville, elocutianist, had enaueh ta beat t-e Lindsay teain in Spcr, A. 12 227 well dElivered and timely, took for a fine assortment afi letiaris and a fifty yard dash ta a touchdown. Large, S. 15 225 his subject "Legian Activities". In o mhapIueSe gave tw W It waý a fittir.g climax. Luxtaon, K. 17 220 î i earîy remarks he took his hear-~ mainnmesad acosyr-Nti Lindsay were the f irst ta score Cancilla, P. 15 213 i ers back ta the aId days, soon atter in numbtoenres n gac iusly Are- Nat he.after Tripp, who along with BellA. 15 208 the war, the days af numerous vet- oetnubrwih asme-inB Ringland starred for the Lindsay, Halîmnan, H. 16 207 'erans organizatioris. There was no eely ta the liking of the gathering Drug-E gallaped thirty yards the line. Wil- Beckett, P. 18 205 unification and the Eoldiers were nat was the hand-saw sala by Mr. Da- er, ki liamns dropped the kick for a Lind- Brough, J~. 17 205 getting any place. in 1926, however, ment accompanied by Chantie Caw- welli say touch. For the rest af the quar- Tamlinson. E. 16 204 Earl Haig came ta Canada and the ker. lie sawed wood with the teeth that ter B.H.S. had the best of the play. Breslin, M. 15 204 Canadian Legion was bai-n. af the saw then plaved an exquisite we ai making four firt doçwn--. and at orne Oke. M. 18 202 The Legio>n, said Capt. Inmes. is tuneoth akftesa h much bige than .iust its Canadian eo h aka h a i. stage gat close enaugh for Williams Standing of teamis for wee-k end- strength. It is a part af the British- violin bow and made it hum and sing ta haof a single ta the deadline. ing Navember Ith: Empire Service League with members tit il hr a o The second session was aIl Lind- Senior League. the length and breadth of the Brit- .t but that lie should return it a say as they kicked a placement and Team Won Lost Score Pts. ish Empire. The Canadian L.egon, encore. and a third followed. al j scared a converted tauchdown and Infantine 12 6 18604 17 hie added, has faught since its in- poular. lltll-knarn tune,-. The HilÉ stopping a well intant Eawmanville Badminton Clb. il 7 17868 16 ception for b2tter treatment for the other member af the orchestra whichI Count jF. Moore 10 8 17818 14 returnedlimari. with the result that tga venapprecadsrvic Roughoilliam, is Foundry Ca. 7 Il 16632 9 Cana daastaaay the most generous theeni ngdwas . Ros iliam, i W. J. udley 7 Il 17949 8 pnin act in the wonld. It oly Tns ges eve of and druyas.. W. Hately 7 Il 16512 8 drawback was faulty administration oa lntennediate League and this had naw been changed. bsutflucî. Jacà JE ELT ANDKnit~ 14 4 187220 "Why belong ta, the Canadianj represi FE iir"T A DniT. szhol 14 8 158762130 Legian? What are we going ta get LkRhoyHm adal. UCT.ETE Aus ocery10 9 15669513 jout af it ?" were two questions the aehr Ho e ndAt BU I ET E alnke r 8 91605 31 speaker directed at his hearers. If School Club in Clarke Dec. 6 lympia Cafe 8 10 15219 10 yau expect ta get out aiofe e ;lie occasionally "feit punk-~ a B. Dairy 5 13 14773 6 lit yoti are on the %rong track, unless Holds Opening Meeting - ns, ta forin a test cîass or cînje. J you are prepared ta put something i hrecuperative jpower of a certain IF N IEA Di IeS o t fyu u rps i osev ak hrtHome and Schaol Club Ieffort yau put into it will be the i-e- 1 st, un the farm 0of a Hallowe'en rnman". blonod wa.s teste(] an(] tlie KNITTERS LEADING 1 ward yau take out. There cari te no1 Masquerade, when 85 were present, eoioîîring lustrer Wzis fnurul we.l higher ideal thari this, Capt. Inmes 125 af whom were in costume. punik" at île was given egegmsaaedo oebrsi The promenade and judging o ed hejîltii. ;le Irînkpeci hai feir 8th between W. J. Dudley and J. Your tbranch, hie add smtcostumes was in charge af Mr. W. el (urpuscles and nn l oorjrîg Infantine gave the latter victory onbggr ha your leadership. Make1 Lang anid Miss B. Lanig af Newton- "o wonder lie feit andi iooked si a narrow mai-gin. The game scores up your mirids ta put into office men ville with Miss Rowland at thc piano. 1 were: W. J. Dudley, 1244, 1177, 983 you cari trust anid have faith in. 1 Aiter thse presentation af prises, the toa? Would i-on like to he keen total ,'3404; Infantine, 1220, 1054: Neyer so mnuch was the strength af presiderit taak charge ai the busi- ThMen îie t1iîiý e îesnie"f 1159, total 3433. the Legion needeni as now. Time ness part af the meeting and then )rtycolege..tidens. u reurs soresin ametakues its toli, anid the great problem called upari Mr. Marison Souch, 4th ort ùllgpstdens.Itreto(sHighscrsi the Leagueie is the probiem ai the soldiers who Vice-Pres. ta present his prograin. ruisele s adr nul c<lotring nî:tter were: Large, 344, 249, 273, or an av binoj srea %viie inst p 310, ar prmaturely ageimg as a result ai A reading by Alex Hendi-y; skit by ,ii t psses eath n( vtalfy eageof28; ad iliams 31,26, their war service. Sec they e a1j alie Clemence and Ernest Gil- ReouiEndr'd or ,k viî ssii'250, fatieh an avrge 318 2me3.wInesquare deal. anid yaur reward wil e ai ofShaw's; solo by Mr. Will- Recçinien(fIdforaU wo f-elfaninehadone318gam, wilesamething that no money can buy, iams of Port Britain; guitar selection ow",oar ti(e-wight. Yoî,r Dudley bowled 250 and 262 games. something inside. Iby Raiph Gibson, and musical se- Wlims'Prk Plsprice 50c.j Members af the Bowling Leagues Tonlght, said Capt. Immes, 16 yearsjleiosbsanSnorglsith are sari-y ta hear of the accident ta aî'ter teAmsiehecalnechoo1 ith Laura Ciement tap <tari- APthur Spicer who had~ a fingerI that went out then, is stilî here.1ingoiwerý,e fieatrsa h rgan taken off by a machine at the Keep it ever befare us. Carry an, Wlbuýr Baskerviiie canducted the Paundry.I holding high that torch.1 gamnes and recreatiori. A rather uni- .jCapt. Inmes also dealt with the1 que event was an apple eating con-P] IPoppy Day phase af the legion woi-k, test by repreEentatives af each sec -__ ýou htTOWNSHIP COUNCIL and related th, history of the poppy, tion preserit, Newcastle, Ncwtonville, - .andi the interesting fact that Poppy Lake Shore, Brown's, Shaw's anid grew in profusion where blood was Port Britain. This was won by Sid- CARTWRZGHT COUNCIL spllled, and that it was now sym- ney Brawn of Brawn's. u n u a c bouc 0of the spilllig aiofblond. The p anylnhwssre ne -in'-ic Aon bni address by Lieut. Cal. Hoar, 1 Reriry arid 2nd priseaibos I inune $593. ecmbr r thatina Anthem and the bieme- Jean Homes. Mantague Scholar- IIAd p . dcurn taevmeet Hecember 3rdNee-ship for Hlghest Matriculating Boy j t astle' brought the very successfui at Newcastle-Alex Heridry of Lake N & S NW. Beacocir, Clerk.gtei acls. Shore. gathniri ta cloe.1 attendIig Kemnptvllle Agrie. STEASIIP AGNTS"He who clumbs above the cares I s impassible for that man ta Bill Rowlad-lst place iri Seed BOIVMA.NVLLE of'Siwrdanitrm i fc adespair who remembers that his Judging for the caunty, ______________________ God hs foud heanry ie at Hleri omnipotent."1 - J e r e m y Jackr Holmes-3rd place and show- i fe."-Spurgeom, Taylor. Iirig bis seed grain at the Royal. 1 GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD usky Drives out Stabbing Pain Relieves Indigestion, Headaches hen we tell you that HUSKY- we are giving you the apinion af ire's remarrable tarie and re-1 thausands, of suffere--many wha ative-that is being dist-ibuteni live rigiht here in Bowmanville. They ;owmanville by Jury & LovelI, are .ludging fain their own actual ,gists, does relieve stomach, liv' xeinewt hsmed e idney and bowci ailments, as HUSKY really docs the work. It as the many commor ailments wl rv htt o.'r UK go harinii ham.d with thein. wl iae t a a y u r U K ie mat guessing on aur part- -and keep Husky. JURY & LOVELL DRUGGISTS B0W M AN VILLE Ia Rowland-lst prise in girls' I Persian BaIn. Cool and refresh- ty Camp. for House Funnish- 'ing. Sothirg and protective. The perfect aid ta beauty. Unnivalled in 1Rowland on the County Teami its softening and beautifying effect crinting Ontario in Swine at the1 on the skin. Imparts a fresh and .1. i'magnant chaim ta the Ioveliest con- ýk HaInes on the County Team plexion. Banishes roughness aaused serting Ontario in Grain at the1 by weather conditions. Saieguards 1. the &in and lceeps it smnooth, soit the next meeting seheduled for and fiawless. Use it for the hands 6th the election of aificers will and face. AIways results in the Id. highest expression ai beauty. Another fi'g ,Special IVe offer aur apologies for the custorners whom we were unabie ta serve with aur hast week's special. The de- rnand far exceeded aur expectations. We'li make sure of plenty in this week's Big Speclal: 1 DOZ. COCONIJT MACAROONS 15e 1 CHERRY AND) RAISIN LOAF 12c 1 DATE FILLE]) CHOCOLATE CAKE 15e Regular Value 42c Saturday Special OnIy- 33c Order from your driver or phone the store te make absolutely sure you do fnot miss ItL Coret'sBalkery fflOE 3BOWMANVUI, Chestnut - Stove - Nut Vulcan High Grade Pennsylvania ANTHRACITIE DELIVERED IN BOWMANVILLE $I2e PERTON Vouil; like this fuel. It Is economical ln Price and hms ail the fine quafities of much more exPenslve coal. PEA COAL at................$1.00 Ton BUCKWHEAT COAL at..... $ 9.00 Ton PEABLO COAL at ........... $ 9.95 Ton Phone 173 or 98 to-day and try this fuel. We know you'U be satlsfled. Coal, Coke, or Wood at Lowest Prices OUR SPECIALTY - We are prepared te do any niovlng job. No job too, large or too smali, and aur prices are J. W. KNIGHT CARTAGE - - - TAXI SERVICE RPoyal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Friday - Saturday - November 16 - 17 WHEELER AND WOOLSEY in Hips Hips Hooray Comedy - - News Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - November 19 - 20 - 21 GRACE MOORE in One Night of Love Popeye Cartoon - Little Dutch IMUi - Fox News ;Matinee Monday 4 p. m. - Wednesday 2.30 p. m. Tfh ur s. -rFn. -a t.-November 222- -24 BIG DOUBLE BILL - TIVO COMEDY DRAMAS Murder in, the Private Car With Chas. Ruggles, Una Merkel, Mary Carlyle and Russeil Hardie. Ladies Should Listen With Cary Grant, Edward Everett Horton, Frances Drake and Chas. Ray. Paramount News Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. COMING ATTRACTIONS - Clark Gable and Joan Crawford in "1CHAINED" II Il _IL BEE Hi 1

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