t PAGE SEVE~ g .1 C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Author of: Optometry Feature Service The Chilti and lis Development Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyeslght anti 1asses. Phone for appolntmnent 1516 Disney BIdg. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, Ont. Quickest Relief from Stomach Troubles Peole 'ho aesuffred 'for yezsith Inges oAcid St fic, G eEert- bur et er a Aze t h uick relief uhicx KIK'5 TOMAItagives. A aa dose tones up even the mnost stb- born case of saur acid -to-.-h banishee pain, revives appetta.Everyone is subjeet to occasional siomnacli troules oee be without a bottie inthe home. Atr stores. Get KIRK'S STOMALKA et McGREGOR'S DRUG STORE Why suffer needflessly ? Douglas' Egyptip.n Liniment brings quick, sure relief ta scald feet. soft corns and warts. Relieves inflammation. Re- moves proud flesh. YOUR LIVER'S MAKINO YOU FEEL OUT 0F SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile -No Calomel needed Wben you feel blue. depressedi, our on the worid, that's your liver which isn't poxiring its daily two pounde of liquid bile into your boweis. Digestion and elimination are haingeslowed up, f ood is accumuiating and decaying inside you and "18king you feel wretched. Mare boxaei.movers lbts BIa ol, oI.minerai water. laxative candy or chewing g=., or roughage, don't go far enough. You need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Lîver Pile is the hest one. Sale. Purely vete- table. Sure. Ast for them by name. Refuse substitutes. 25c. et &Il drugise 52 FOR A HAPPY STOMACH A hcaithy stomach with Kidneys and Blasider functioning properiy, means restful sleep. 25c, 40c. 65e. @oc Try G.G. Extract today. 5 drops in hait irlas watsr. From Your Druggiat or AUSTRAT.LIN DRUG COMPANY 75 Dudesau St., Toronto WAverley 4521 dotd« Colder Days Demand This Nourishment Colder weather means that your resistance must be built up to oppose winter ills. Prepare yourself and your family for it by serving Bowmanville Dairy Mil k. This natural foodi is hlgher ln body and resistance buld- ing elements, and the rieh flavor makes it a welcome addition to any menu. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES Proprietor Phone 446 Bowmanville Don't Experiment with unknown coal )wers, f rom grain anti various oth- Irritants miay set up a trouble im- mible ta, irradicate except through sire preparation sucli as Dr. J. D. lflogg's Asthmna Remnecy. Uncer- inty may exist as to cause, but ere can be no uncertainty regard- ga remedy whlch has freeti a gen- ation of asthmatic vic.tims from sa scourge of the bronchia! tubes. là; sold everywhere.* and houi BLACKSTOCK Mr Rusezel Spinks is busy erecting hi-, new Eteel barn Miss Be: tha McNally, Toronto. isj '.isitirg friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Strong visited at Mr. Edward Dorey's. jMr. Fred Waldon. Toronto, was a weekend guest of Mr. Tom Smith. Mr. Leslie Beacock, Cameron. was with his Parents for the weekend. Miss Norma Hooey was a weekend guest of Miss Rhea Hooey, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Orr, Toronto, were guesîs 0f Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry and -on, were Sunday guests of Mr. W. Bradburn. L. O. B. A. held a most scesu meeting in the Orange Hall on Fni- day night. Mr. Lorne Bradburn. Toronto a with his parents, Mr. and MV. W Bradburn. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Whittaker, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests at the rectory. Miss Mable, Argue and Mr. Cecil Hyde were Sunday guests of M~is Jessie Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham and Aima were Sunday guests of Mr. Fred Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Nesbitt, Tor- onto. were Sunday guests of Mrs. iFrank Crozier. jMiss Viola Bradburn and Mrs. E. Barton were recent guests at Mr. D. W. Bradburn's. Mrs. (Rev.) Milton Sanderson, Toronto, was recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Swain. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Spencer and daughter, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. Gordon Strong's. Mms. Nasmith Henry and children, Janetville. are with her parents, Mr. andl Mrs. Fred Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Miss« Evelyn Devitt and Mr. Leslie Gra- ham miotored to Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue, Miss M. Argue and Miss Beatrice Whitfield, visited at Mr. Wmn. VanCamp's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graham, and daughter Miss Verena, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mount- joy. Miss Aileen Mountjoy, Mr. Erie Cutting and Mr. Eldon Eckel were Sunday guests of Mrs. J. A. John- ston.1 Mr. and Mrs. John Hooey, Mrs. Herman Sameils. Gwen Wilson, andc Roy Hooey, visited friends In Peter- boro.t Mr. and Mms. E. Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. G. Trewin. and families spent Sunday in Omemee wit.h Mrs. Mid- dleton, who is serlously ill.t Mr. and Mrs. A. Marshall, Mr. i and Mrs. George Marshall, and Miss I Ethel Marshall, Cannngt>n were Sunday visitors at .Mr. S. Sander- son's. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Byarn. Lind- say, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Byam, Mill- brook, Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Gra-9 ham and daughter Joyce, spent Sun-1 day at Mr. Jos. Graham's on the0 occasion of lis birthday. Young Ladies' Class was ôrganized< by Rev. H. J. Bell at the Parsonage on Friday night. The class wl! meet the second Fiday of every month.4 At the close or the meeting a dainty lunch was served. The play comn- mittee also met on the samne even-a ing. on Wednesday evening the A. Y. tl P. A. of St. John's Church met at Mrs. Bailey's with 29 present. Plans 0 are being made to hold a play atl New Year's,. Rev. C. C. Harcourt gave W the bible study. A bible contest was won by Mrs. Harcourt, and Mrs. R. cl Mahcod bot.1 receiving lovely prizes. s1' 'Dece-rber meeting wiil be the Con- rtgational meetxng in the Commun- t i'yv Hall.U Mr. Norman Knight. a medical missýonary who has had experience ai in China. addressed the Young Peo- 0 -la of Blackstock. Nestieton, and Cadinus churches on Wedensday a' night. He spoke In the school room wl of Blackstock United Church which -xas crovded. Driessedl in oriental B( coqtuine. Mr. Knight gave an inter- M'. esting lecture on China and illus- trated his talk by slides depicting Iai the people at their work. the hos-fi pitals. and several other scenes.: A very beautiful Remembrance cl] Day service was held at the Cen- P otaph on Sunday when wreaths were placed and prayers offered for the Si furthering of peace. At the service M held in St. John's church later, th ahich %las attended by a large con- gregation. a tablet in memory of William Francis Hamilton, who w an energetic worker of St. John was unveiied by Laverne Devil President of the A. Y. P. A.. and w. dedicated by Rev. Dr. C. E. Whi takei-. former rector of St. Johr jRev. C. C. Harcourt's sermon w one of great interest and the servii throughout~ was one of dignity ar impressiveness. Mrs John Wright gave her hon on Wednesday ai ternoon for a mee ing of the Victorian Women's Ii stitute which liad an attendance forty and was of great benefit 1 everyone. Bible reading was take by Mrs. Ceci! Ferguson, lst Vict President. The rol! cal! was answeî ed by "If you could have just or more labor - saving device, whi would it be. and why?" Mrs. 1 Archer anti Mrs. Chas. Smith wex appointed delegates to the Institui Convention ln Toronto. Park Corrs mittee reported that 100 tulip bul hati been planted. December roll ca will be answered by articles for tIi bale. Various numbers on the pre gram with Mrs. V. Archer in charg included a reading "A Toast to thi Pioneer Women" by Mrs. Robt. Ma hood, and an educational discuss ion on methotis of storing vegetable. led by Mrs. Clarence Marlow. Sev eral ways were noted, and prove, of much interest to the membert Readings were also given by Mrn Percy VanCamp "Home, where is it? andi "A Day with the Queen" by Mis Norma Hooey. Mrs. Arthur Rea directed an interesting contest. ani sandwiches, cake anti coffee mad an appetizing lunch, serveti by Mrs John Wright, convener and lie group. Presentation to Mrs. G. Nesbitt On Tuesday eVening, November 6 executive of the Women's Auxiliari of St. John's Churcli Presenteti Mm G. Nesbîtt witli a beautlfully en. graveti Frayer Book and HYmn Book at her home. Mrs. Nesbitt, who ha! lef t for Toronto, where she will liv4 with lier daughters, lias been an en. thusiastic worker in the church, tht Women's Institute, anti other or- ganizations of the community. ThE address was reati by Mrs. Leslit Graham and the Presentation macle bY Mms. Arthur Balley: Mrs. Nesbitt, On behaîf of the W A. of St. John's Church. Cartwright, we wish to Present you with tlie gift of a combined Prayer and Hymni Book as a Mark of our appreciation 3f your many years of faithful ser- vice with the ladies of this parish. We wilI a!! Miss You mucli but f e] that our loss is other's gain. Our prayers go with you that you may be useti to serve our Lord and Master stil! further in some other corner of the vineyard. We wish you ail liappi- ness in your new home and we pray that God's blessing may be with you. Signeti- Mms. L. Graham, Pres- dent; Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Sec'y.; and M'rs. C. Parr, Treas. Mrs. Nesbitt thanketi the ladies graciously and serveti lunch te them. Among those present were Rev. anti Mfrs. C. C. Harcourt, and members of the executive. i CADMUS Mr. anti Mm. Muckle spent Sunday .t Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Levi McGiII spent the weekend in Peterboro. Mrs. John McKee was with Mr. Oscar McQuade for Sunday. Miss Birdie Fallis, Oshawa. was lith her Parents for the weekend. Mr. andi Mrs. Wesley Campbell and chiltiren visiteti at Mr. E. Sander- son's. Mr. anti Mm. Alex Wolf e were at their cottage "Dahlia Dell" on Sat- rday. Mr. anti Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, Osh- iwa, were Sunday guests of Mr. C. :libson. Miss Marjorie Galbraith,, Orono, ind Miss Gladys Cobbledick were 'ith the former's parents. Rev. A. S. Kerr anti son Stuart, owmanville, were with Mr. and 4rs. Ted Gibson for Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Smlth Ferguson titi Colette. Bowmanville, were Sun- ly guests at Mr. A. E. MeGil's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson anti îildren, Janetville, were with lier )arents. Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Fallis. Mr. and Mrs. Ceci! Ferguson anti idney spent Sunday at Norwood. iiss Fern Clemence returneti with hem. Miss Crystal Fallis lias returned oLindisay Hospital, after being lme nursing a dislocated bone in Ler foot. Mr. anti Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs, &r. anti Mrs. Gordon Strong and liss Hazel Mountjoy were Suntiay tests Of Miss Helen Fowler. Anniversary services were con- tcted on Sunday. wlth Rev. A. S. lerr. of St. Paul's Unitedi Churcli, ;wmanville, in charge. At the orning service the choir sang, «10 fagnhfy the Lord," anti Miss Gladys ,as î~ tt:NESTLETONI 'as - t- Mi-s Evelyn Philp is in* the Sick ,'s Childrens Hospital, recovering from -a a tonsil operation. ce Mrs. Cecil Wilson and daughter ad v.sited friends in Enniskillen last week. ne Mrs Fred Philp is visiting her ,,t parents in Toronto. ri- Miss Mae Lamb and Mr. Ken of Lamb, Miss Gertrude Abbot, Fene- o Ion Falls, Miss Margaret Jones, and ýn Mr. Alex Flett, Bowmtanville, were e-Sunday guests at Mr. Cecil Wil- r-son's. ae Miss Gene Ferguson, Qeneral Hos- at pital, Toronto, spent the weekend at V. Mr. Percy Philp's. *e Mrs. Wilson andi Mrs. Aikens. te Toronto, were with the formner's 1_ mother. Mrs. A. Spinks, for the s weekend. fL Mms. S. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mms. e Harry MeLaughlin, Mr. Ruse!an )_Mr. William Brown were Sunday re guests at Mr. Wm. Hamilton's, le Pontypool. - Mr. and Mms. B. Freeloe i! -brook, spent Sunday at Mr. Stje , Hulbert's. r- Mr. and Mm. Arthur Hujbert and ýd Percy Hulbert spent Sunday at Mr. s. Ceci! Veale's. . November meeting of the Nestie- 1ton Women's Institute was helti in ýs the C. O. F. hall with Miss J. Gor- d don, President, in the chair. Mms. d George Proutt was appointeri dele- ýe gate to Toronto Convention. The secretary was instructeti to write rletters of sympathy to several who are il!; it was decided to holti an ex- change of Christmas gifts at the next meeting. Twenty-five of the library books were sent te Caesarea for the convenience of members In that yc0mmunitY.ý Mrs. Proutt is in charge of them. Group f ive had charge of the program, which consisted of group singing and Interestlng reati- m igs by Mrs. G. Proutt, Mrs. J. Wat- eson. Mms. M. Emerson, Miss J. Gor- Sdon. andi Mm. L. Joblin. An attrac- etive lunch was then serveti by the -group. Next meeting will be helId in ethe hall. e The Women's Auxiliary of the United Church is holding next meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Wesley Campbell on Thursday evening, Nov. 15th. t The Young Peop!e of the commun- 1ity have organized a badminton club iand held their first game on Wed- nesday nlght in the Forrester's Hall. Bethany guests were present. andi at 1the close of the delightful affair. rlunch was serveti. Future badmin- !ton gamnes are betng played in the Hall. r On Tuesday evening the Unitedi Church helti one of their most suc- cessfui roast fowl suppers in thel basement of the church. As usual the ladies rallieti, anti the resuit was an outstanding array of cakes, jellies. pies. salad!s. not te mention goose, chicken and duck. A very large crowd favoreti both the supper and the play which was held later In the Forrestems' Hall when Trinity Ycung People of Bowmanville pre- senteti their highiy interesting play 'Civil Service." Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi Nesbitt en- tertaineti a number-eo their friends to a dance in the C. O. F. Hall on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harolti Porteous were also helping to enter-- tain the Young couple's frientis. I KENDAL Mrs. Wallace Thursten, Bobcay- geon, visiteti Mr. anti Mr. Fred Cor- Mrs. Evan Quantrili visiteti in the City. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson vis- iteti frientis in Port Hope. Mrs. Abercrombie andi son, Tor- onto, visiteti Mrs. Wesley Ellott. The commnunity is concernet about the case of infantile paralysis of Mrs. Alex Hoye, Oshawa, forra- erly Miss Etina GilroY. Farmers who attendeti the cattie sale in Orono on Friday came home looking pretty glum when they saw beasts sold for not mucli more than the butcher asks for a Plece of beef.- Messrs. Carman anti Clarence Bell and Misses Dorothy McMuilen and Ce Marguerite Bell visiteti at Mr. C. K. D. Philips', Port Hope.1 League on Thumsday night was In Wi charge of the mlsslonary convener, nel Miss Ama Bell. The toPIC "Trails Ra and Tales of the North Land,." a Ivi book written by J. C. Cochrane, cer which gives a very interesting de- 1« scrlption of Northern Ontario, was ME given by Miss Nellie Hill. Readilngs aî4 were given by Misses Dorothy Mc- hei Mullen andi Jean Mercer, after which mu a Bible conteEt was contiucted by occ Aima Bell.j There was a gooti attendance at wa Church andi Sunday School on Sun- ter day morning. Re-v. Thos. Wallace 10m wits in the pulpit and delivered a Bel splendid sermon. The two-mlnute Qu, eilence was observed at the opening or( 0f the'serice. "ri Orange PekoeT' Frefh from Blend the Gardens 'ecil Philp. Port Hope. visiteti Mr. L. Bell. Mrs. Reeve, formerly Miss Mary Vannan, Toronto, andi Messrs. Ken- eth Wannan and Sandy Ritchie, Zaglan, Miss Jean Stewart anti Mr. 'vison Walker, Peterboro, were re- 'nt visitors here. The niglit of our fowl supper Jessrs. Frank Rickarti, Newcastle, id George Swarbrick hati a serlous eati on collision soulli o! here, wlth aucli damage te their cars anti the cupants badly shaken Up. 'The fowl supper on Octeber 29th .as well attendeti. A splendid en- rtalnment 'was put on by the fal- )wing artists: Miss Jean Fairbairn, ethany. elocutionist; The Bragg ?artet. Bowmanville: Mr. A. Hawe, )rono: anti Mr. Maynes. Morrlsh. fr. Osborne anti Messrs. T. Stan- w and Neil Stewart were the ac- mpanists. As there was quite a pply of eats anti fowl lef t over rm the supper a social was helti e niglit following. There %*a& a gooti attendance at .e Hallowe'en party at the Y.PýS. nThursday niglit. A number were 1costume and prizes were given to Irs. Norman Therteil, for best lad- scostume; Mr. George Clark, best ent's; Misa Mary Keicha. for girls-, .ti George Mercýer for best boy's stume. M-. George Clark and isa Hasel Therte-l carrieti off the ize for the comic costume. Games id stunle- were conducteti by Missec nnie Thompson, Almna Bell anti orothy McMullen, after which ich was serveti anti a very enjoy- ble evenlng was brou ght to a close Ysinging "Gooti Niglit Ladies." Mtany mothers have reason to ass Mother Graves' Wormn Exter- nator, because it has relieveti the ;le ones of suffering anti matie Lm hea!thy. t(lller's Worm Powders will drive rms fromn the system without in- XY te thse child. The powtiers are easy to take that the most tieli- ýt stomacli can assimilate theni id welcomne themn as speedy easers pain, becaUSe they promptly krnl kWorms that cause the pain, anti is the sufferlng of the chlld is re- md. Wlth so sterling a remedy hand na chlld shoulti sut fer an Qr from. Wormas, EDWARDSURG Sores Heal Quickly.-H-ae you a tiraw oui the Pus anti prepare a Persistent sore that refuses te heal? dlean way for the new sicin. It Ilaa Then, try Dr. Thomas' Ec'ectrlc Oul recognizeti heaier amnong ails andi in the dressing. It wlll stop slough-1 numbers of People can certtfy that ing, carry away the prouti fleli.1 it healeti where properly applieci. SÂTS MISS LILLIAN LOUGHTON, ofttm nd Ooohry Emjxot of the Canadian magesu MAGIC fC¶OSTS so littie - and eu b. dep.nded on for ~.unIform résulte. It actually takea les$ than 1$ worth of Magie te, make a big three-layer cake. '~ I Why risk fallures? Bake wlth Magie and be suref 5 "CONTAINS NO ALUM.' fiais statston evetY tin la vou um nsthantt btg agoDkintPowder Matie tu tenadB la mfrrm lues or any banafl attedlefli. TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934 Spreads or Slices K(RAFT LOAF CHEESE m Ckateau, Velveeta, Kraft CHEESE ROLLED AYLMER Oats SOUPS ~,Tomato andi~TnsO4 5. 7 Vegetabi e 3 A M2 Other Vieties Tia P. & G SOAP Except Pure Chlcken8 8 Bars 25 c NEW SEASONS 1 PALMOLIVE KELLOGGS oa ~ Corn Flaltes 21c So p KELLOGGS One Pkg. 5fr2 Pep Bran eah L-mmu7jGreat Savings in these Regular Items Christie%. Assorted Creama IL.SU XMAS CAKE Picnic Pickles - 28-oz. bot. 2Uq! tb 31 McLaren's Peanut Butter 24-o.25* Roman Meal- - pkg. 3U* B u Y LHI ALEY T77w Cod cl -t Sct-*sna We have been selling Lehigh Valley Genuine Anthracite for over 20 years and our hundreds of regular customers can testify to its high heat producing qualit-es and excellent satisfaction. Ambricoal lu Good Demand CUSTOMERS EXPRESS GREAT SATISFACTION Made from the famous Lykens Val- ley Hard Anthracite Coal - easy kindling - more heat - steady f ire - less waste (Range and furnace sizes) per ton ............$1 2050 J. A. Riolgate & Sois Fuel and Builders' Supplies Phone 153 Bowmanville L 1 m 1 T ' D . 1 PAGE SEVEN .23c YÏ lb. c Pkgs.2 STANDARD Wax Beans 3T25c