£GE EIW T THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THUR.SDAY, NOVEMEER 15, 1934 .........Port Hope, with Mrs. Chas. Reid. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Smnithi~ IR H The ewcstl Indpenentton. Th N wc ste nd pe de tDep. Reeve and Mrs. Couch, New- BYAM-At Cannington, on Monday. castle, at Mr. John Couch's. September 1th. 1934, to Mr. and 1. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt, Bow-~ Mrs. F. L. Byam, Tyrone, a son. Mr. Lewis Barrett, Stouffville, Correspondtifg Sec'y.-June Brown; manville, with Miss Annlie Nesbitt. spent the weekend with his sister, Pianist-Miss W. Rickard; Lunch, Mrs. Leslie Alun and dlaughters, 0 Miss Minflie Barrett at Mr. Oeo. H. Committee-Mrs. Bedwin, Mrs. Web- Lake Shore, wth Miss Peari Samis D A H Joll's. . Mrs. Couch. Refreshments were Mr1n r.S utrSim Mr. John Hendry, Jr., Lake Shore, 1 servýed and the meeting closed with Mr adMr. .MudaMai is attending .AtricuitrlCotert<1934 Svee Thi evein<rov'e. Miss Winnie Lancaster. Bow- HOLMES%-On November îlth, 1934,1I Kelnptvilie for thg,.r em13- epFiayeeiLNov. 23rd, manville, with Mr. and Mrs. ' t 5 Gason veuTooto.O 1935. clear to attend a dance given by Lancaster.aMiss4 MataJ oneeIneront en Public School Commencement Ex- Newcastle Communi~~ty Hall Commit- BMi anviiie. Cemer. IteNý e ercises and presentation of prizes ini, ee.Good orchestra. 46-1 omnilCe tryN, t.he commuflity Hall on Friday ev- Mr. Chas. Higbee, beloved hus- UNITED CHURCH, NEWCASTLE NEWTON-At Centreton. on Satur- 1Be, ning. Nov. 16th. rwLts band of Dr. Annie Carveth Higbee, OBSERVES REMEMBRANCE DAY day, November lth. 1934, Richard - Mr. and Mrs. James rOpassed away in the Western Hospi- M.Nwoiîi 7hYa.Bo Oi adMr. and Mrs. Thos. Carr and tai, Toronto, on Tuesday, Nov. l3th, Rev. S. MacLean, pastor of the ther of Mrs. W. H. Clemens. bi folownga rie ilnss Itwa cn-United Church, heid a -Reniera- CRUIKSHANK - In Peterboro, on Ap MhissRuYC ar, r., Lindsarti. iie olwn re lns.I o-brance Day" service in the church Tedy o.lt,13,Toa Mr. James and Miss Hattie Broad, siderably less than a 3'ear ago that Sunsdayeeng, Nov. 1th, an1C9ishn, Tarh e o ma hs- E Rsmrand Mrs. Boyle, Consecon, H.s brothr-in-aw, te fateeDrteo preached f rom the text "And this band of Florence Daisy Jewell. pal Rose tMor . H.ndrvet, sucumbed.rom aheartday shaîl be unto you for a mem- Interment Plainville Cemetery. wo aiitd Mr. and Ms.J HJoe s tacnep ewM.cal a eth hoen- orial," Ex. 12:14. He said that it SYMONS-In Toronto, on Saturday. J. anS Mnd d Mr. MeklOei lak side f t ehwMr. C meil Carv then-was fitting at this time that we November lth. 1934, Emily Lou- or Mr. and Mrs. Fran0ftn onsmebrsfth shouid remind ourselves of the stag- ieHy eoe ieo r rn returned f)om hldeihia andfa i haen palunged ito or- gering sacrifices made for us in the Symons, 120 Lee Ave., Toronto, h have taken up their residence theDr.row ano ld P tomournGreat Wran 0f teheavy obliga- aged 57 years. Interred in Bow- EretAllin's apartmeflts, corner tedah0 oe ns tions laid upon our shoulders b manvilie Cemetery. e Eigrndest 1 s.As in ail past years since the sigfl- those sacrifices. With ferveur hie l Sunday visitors at Mrs. W. H. ing of the Armistice, Mrs. M. Brown. quoted the immortal lines of "In HIGBEE - At rest in Toronto, on ane, Pearces were. Mr. and Mrs. Norman in fulfilîment of a sacred purpose, Flanders Fields" and asked 'How Tuesday, November 3th, 1934, i Williamfs, and her mother, Mrs. Jno. placed a beautiful basket of poppies can we iceep faith with those who Chares E. Higbee. beloved hus-' Bo Hall, Gait. and Mr. and Mrs. Rus- and ripened grain on the memoriai died?" and "Who is the f 0e?" The band of Dr. Annie Car-veth Higbee, - sell Colwill, Toronto. 'table in the librar3' on Reme'nbrance foe now is not the Central Europ- aged 76 years. Funeral at Necrop- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Larkin an r ay to remain throughout the week ean powers as every one of the ai- olis Crematorium on Thursday, Jim Larkin have moved from Bel- in grateftil remembrance of the vic- lied pe'oples would have maintained November lSth, at 2.30 p. m. In- mont Farmn into the village and are tims of the Great War, who went in the hectic days of the war. Post. terment at Orono Cemetery at 2 F0R now occuPYing Dr. Ernest Aliin's froni Newcastle and vicinity. Mrs. war years have provedi the futiiity of p. m. on Friday, November l6th. baý hos -o ing and Mill Sts. Brown also had a simiar basket on tryifg to fix the blame for the ter- Ph Miss O. Warren, Toronto, has been' the Lieut.tPerc1 staying with hier niece, MrS. Ross litany table for the special remem- or particuiar group of nations. No, 1i IN MEMORIAM FO Diknowhile Mr. Dickinison andý brance day services in St. George's the foe we must figlat is the systei, h Daiscahrk n tyo iendsare hl on Sunday, Nov. llth. long in vogue, of one nation taking D ons fahr n pry ffrehsae h otheir aninuai deer hunting exped- Mr. Garnet Rickard, acompanied up arms against another, to avenge WIDDECOMBE-In loving memory 32 ition. by his brothers, Mr. Stanley and Mr. some fancied wrong. The foe i the of Richard Widdecombe who Di- Principal and Mrs. E. M. H Ward Brenton Rickard, visitedi Brig.-Gen- institution of war. It was once the ed away November l3th, 1932. FOR and Mrs. Prcy Hare were the off ic- eral Gunn's fanm at Beaverton. Sat- practice of the medical profession He had a nature you couldnt help La ial judges at the 'W. C. T. U . annual urday. and purchased a young pure to bleed patients for any and every loving. H ortnca oteta Oooon Nov. bred Yorkshire sow to add to his ailment f the body. But this cus- Lovingly remembered by Son and ro; 2nd, when three boys and three girls previous fine pen of brood s0ws. Ii o a ogsic endsrdie. Dultr soeon temperance subjcso cidentaiiy Garnet was one of the So when there seemied to be inter -____FOE______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M, their w hsig1 members of thejnirf armers' national troubles that couldn't b FO S.Gorgn. Chsif-lg. vjunior grain club who last year won a cuxred nations had recourse to war AUCTION SALES G' Mason, M. A., Rector. Sunday, No-. quantity of seed oats at the Quinte and whoie armies of men gave their Pl_______________ vember l8th.i 25th Sunday alter1 seed f air and this year hie threshed if e blood in battie. This was asFO Trinity: il a .-Morning Prayer froni a fraction over three acres with wrong as the other and for this rea- Having received instruction to selI t andt-01i 'iuio;2p.m. his pcalengd threshing out- son there shouiti be no more war for' by puleFOIo rmMr às G Sunday Schooi; 7 p. m.-Ev.ening fit 330 bushels by actual meastine- it cures nothing. ights nothing. Geissberger, Lot 32. Con. 5. Town- bc Frayer and Sermon,.i nent. Garnets pigs ought to feel There are no winflers. ahl are losers. ship of Darlington, on Thursday. -_ United Churcla - Rev. S. Mac- their oats this year. He that hateth another is a mur- November 15, at 1.30 p. mi., 15 head FOI Lean, B. A. Pastor. Sunday Nov. Mrs. M. Brown, who on many oc- derer and war engenders hatred. of choice young milch cows inciud- SI lth, Anniversary Sunday: Rev. E. casions has brightenedi the school Let us level our darts against war. ing Ayrshires, Durhams, Jerseys and S( B. Cooke. a former pastor. Canning- class roonis with flowers f rom hier The choir as a special anthem Hoîsteins. These cows are from 3 St ton, will preach at il a. in. andi 7 gardens. was deeply touched last sang. Guide Me O Thou Great Je- to 6 years oId. and have just been - - p. ni. The choir will rend.er specialj weekend when she eceived f romi the hovah. Mrs. R. T. Rutherford takc- renewed in October. Terms cash. F0I music. Sunday School 2.30 P. 0m. teacher and pupiis of the intenmed- ing the leading solo. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. S Four energetic. sharp-eyed public iate room a letter of thanks and ap- In the morniflg service the mnin- n~ school girls. Jean Bonathan, Pauline preciation for her thoughtftilne&s in ister and congregat'.on observeci two Friday. November l6th - Miss l Deline. Dora Martin and Dlly Pur- this regard. together with a gif t of minutes of silence and remained Margaret McLaughlin wiil seli b ri dy, sold vetcnaft poppies in aid of tulip lbulbs for f aIl planting. Mrs. standing in ssuent prayer until the pv.blic auction 4 acres of standing - disabled soldiers on POPPY Day, Nov. Brown went to the school and per- dck in the community haltoe mixed tumber in U~ acre lots, more loth, and let fewv citizens or visitors sonally' thanked the rooni for this hadi sounded the ast stroke or el-: or less. on Lot 13, Concession 9, Dar- to, town escape their vigilant eyes. remnembrance of her andi her cheer- evn lington. Sale a! 1.30 p. ni. Pur- Up: They were just the right girl o h ngflwradaImyb sue chasers will have until April 1, 1936, job, business like but pleasant and that when t.he bulbs bloomi next to rnmove tumber. Ternis: 7 months' c courteous. spring some of them. will grace the MILITARY ]BALL 'WAS credit on approved notes bearing in- Mr. nd rs.Lesie lun hose'teachers desk or the windlows of the Mrroatrs Lsialls bua-e neridit1roi !th ubi! LD AT NEWCASTLE terest at 5,' per annuni. Elmer t on the Lake Shore odwsbrlr nemdaerono th puleWluucier.4- ized on Suniday night, Nov. 4th, and school. AnulClrlEen Is Attended Saudyeoebe 7h-Gn arounti $12 00 in cash taken. Mr. __;__________________________vmbe 17h -Geo and Mrs. Allin were attending the f By Guests From Many Points Davis, Middle Roati. 2 miles north annivensary services at Clarke at the NEVtTON VILLE 11of Bowmranville, wili seli fanm stock. time. It is thought that tramps';-1 With a good attendance, the impieents, including; 10 sets bob-- niust have been vvatching their OnThrda vein heTxi OfficrCmadngadteOfc- sieighs. been used by dairy finm; 400 - movernents andi so were able to tuem Onersurfdtyeevening the is ers 0! thcedar fence posts: also fumnitune thein entrance to the house. Square boys enjoyeti a unique en- ce DunhaniinpRegimomntistagedo Mr.an Mr. . R Crveh e-tertainînent when the regular meet- 1the sixth annual mi.itary bal at Vctrompiingi t ning ite(onpiano),I uMand hm huR.tiay ronith e igto h oî fa"apFn"Newcastle CommuniitY Hall on Fn- Vcrl.okdnn ut ot$5) PureehRie di stAibera. theemeing t in Me fr J.f J."mepior's day evening, Novemben 211d. Many chestenfield ini new condition, two tey hRiveen disitinAlaistbroher BS'f elling trees a regular amphi- guesîs were present f rom Port Hope, SuosbLscmlee he rs ati sister. ee i!i ha s b o nthcatetr aibencntte nteCobourg, Newcastle, Bowmanville. sens. wicker suite, oak chairs antid ram ail season that it bas been veny woods andi seats arrangeti around Oshawa. Onono, Tononto, Peterbono, iro erers. brd ca e adstandlae dificit o ithn arvstor hrshthe outside with a camp frire in the anci other points. Music for the oc: miatrroecicfituesandtableuebc prograni ite hrvsto trehcasion was funnisheti by J. Stanley Ihaes d uftat alpl the crops wvhich are very abundant. Middle. Besides the usual ...ra St. Johns eight-piece bandi andi lows, drapes. kitchen furniture. and A copofoas n hi dstic, e-MrMellor gave a talk on the -Ori- ga many other itemis. Sale at 1 o'clock. Acnlypfotd in th ssstid- gno! Fire." At the close a delic- prior to the Grand March a progri em ah le ibr ut ing 172 bushels to the acre, is be- i nus lunch was served. There were I o iter a Rmental ubr a d put onTerscsh lmr4ibr 6a- p lieved to be an ail ture world's e-I 22 present to, enjoy the fruits o! Mnrby the DuTham enena l Banti of oneera cr.iMellors labour. 'I Orono. he bahinoon f bon was Congratulations to Mr. Cleland colonful scene as the variegateti and WensayNombr2t Mr Woman's Association of the Unit-,Lnan MsLoeBukh beautiful evening dresses contrasteti A. B. Ferguson will off er for sale by eti Church, with the president, Mns. LaeeanidetiiLn re l bods with the unifonnis of the Reginienit public auction on the premises. Lot W. J. S. Rickard in the chair, met on wedlock by Rn ev . Wllaceoatsthe The hall was suitabhy decorated andi 21, Concession 6, Darlington, his Thursday afternoon, Nov. th, at the pansonagy eSaTnda llacingto the at midnight refreshalenits were serv- stock ant i mplements, including 4 home of Mrs. J. H. Jose, and coin- fact tat Ste well-guaned stee ed. the catering being done by the head of horses,' 7 head of cattie, han- pleteti plans for the fowl supper onfake t that h mol-ri secrany Newcastle Women's Association. The ness and fanm implenients. See buils Nov. 2 lst. FollowlUg the business uninvet ueshts wre regse nt.bt event was niost successful and danc- for particulars. Ternis cash. Sale session Mrs. Perey Brown entertain- car uîg broke up at two o'clock. at4p61 EmrWlur uto- inwtharedn antir.W . ncr n on foot, that the hap py ----------Ç-- een.461 ed wth areating nti rs. n.'D couple diti not leave for about an Brg ihasolo. Mrs. Brown' hour aften the ceremony. However, -ucsfu rtoia ODSL group serveti efreshirents. The De after mucla delay and confusion they ceubel' meeting by invitation of Mrs. did get stated and led in a merry Conteat Staged at Orono ' Monday, Nov. l9th, William Haf- S. MacLean, will be held at the Par- chase for several miles westwand.-rk ilsl y uleacino songe.At a meeting in the community Under W.C.T.U. Auspices Lot' 28, Con. 4, Dalington, 11/4 miles Mrs. W. H. Anderson who feit anti hall Fiday evening, three trustees,.ot fCutc, ce fsad fractuned a knee cap when coniing viz. Messrs.F. Law, L. Saves-y anti Fiday evenig a very successfuî otlfCoitc,5 ce ifstand- clown the steps of the conimunity C. Lane, were appoînteti to purchaseorticlcneunraspesf ing hardwood. Tumber conslsso hall afteraattendng the H.tS. Com îaaâaforiaepark.Mapie anti Beech anti is exception- halneneinen xrise ngteI-1a.S-a reuland E for aisrPark.an the W.C.T.U., was helti in the town aîîy gooti. Sltuated on dry landi clhoseC mencmen exrcies nd s areslt Rv. . F ArstrngBowan-hall, Orono. Mn. H. G. Macklin of to the roati. Purchasers given to spent some time at the Victoria Hos- ville, President of the Oshawa Pres- Tyrone acteti as chainnian anti gave April lst, 1936, to remove timber.B pital, London, is again wth ber mo- bytery, was the guest speaker at the a bief but instructive addness on the Sale at 2 p. ni. Ternis cash. t then, Mrs. Eleanor Barrett. Windsor. Unitedi Churcla anniversai'y on Sua- present tenlperance situation in On- J. D.Hogarth, Elmer Wilbur, Shewa sil uabl t wlkwih-day when he delivereti two stiming tanlo. The program coIseio 0Cerk. Auctioneer. outth ai 0 crtces nt no tisatitresses that will linger in the cal numbers by the double mae secnd niuY t tse ani hib wllhearts of is hearens for many a quartette of Orono: a duet by Messrs keep hier in a criopleti condition for day. in the afternoon Armistice Altien Haw anti Haroldi Shuttie- COURT 0F REVISION a longer period than the fracturing Day was fittingly reniembereti when worth; anti solos by Miss Winnifreti of lier hip ast spring woulti have. thse entire congregatioul stooti while'R.* Rickarti o! Newcastle. Mrs. M. Townl of Bowmanvile The J. Anderson Smith Co. are the quartet sang a Conimeinonation H. Staples anti Mrs. R. H. Brown having a very busy rail anti pre- hynin. The choir sang two anth- were the efficient accomrpaflists. Thel Notice is hereby given that the Christmas season anti are employ- ems. Miss Elsie Wallace anti Mn. ladies' string quartette atideti to the fis . igo he Court o! Revision ing more hantis than at any tume Un-y taking the solo parts. In the pleasure o! the evening with several! forsthsiTin of tomnil ilb sinc thir omin toNewastl ineveing he hoi agin rpeieret well-rendei'ed selections. The con-hetathe ouclRoiate the ays f th Gret Wa. Tey tree ntheis, olo art beig ta- tetant wer Mises nitiCobbe- siti owno! Bwniavil inon tues I COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each $IL I needi swîth plans for individual eek rom 9 t 9 x Grdo E. Going Nov. 21, Returnlflg Nov. 23 positions. Day, Nlght and Homne Garxiett in charge. Golng Nov. 28, Rteturifg Nov. 30 StLJdy Courses. Vou are lnvited forexainaion. 9W. H. Shaw, Preîdont, Bay- 7j!t~WOr a al osibe lnIymae pplutienaCanadian Pacifici Charles Ste. 4- To Let Wanted JSE TO RENT-ALL CONVEýN- MAID WANTED -FOR GENERAL nces, central location, poss-essioný housework. Appiy to Mrs. W. H. USE TO RENT-FOUR ROOMS, ick house, new roof, electric hts, large garden, small barn. pply Phone 510. 45-2* TED APARTMENT - FRESH pereti, f resis painteti, new isard- oti floors, very cozy, 5 roonis. .H. H. Jury. Phone 52 evenings. r78 daytime. 46 RENT-FIVE ROOMED BRICK ouse on Liberty St., Bowmanville, llar, kitcisen, furnace, wired for [ctric stove, garage. hen bouse, ti gooti ganden; possession Nov. lti. Apply Albert E. Hircock, >x 479, Cobourg. 41-t! For Sale R SALE - WH-ITE WICKER .by carniage. Apply to Mrs. H. suillips, Prospect St., Bowman- lle. 46-1V R SALE-50 CORDS DRY 4-FTr. îrdwooti. Apply Jack G. Smiith, )rawer 6, Bobcaygeon. Telephone :n12. 44-5* R SALE -LADY'S PERSIAN -nib Coat, as gooti as new, at W. 1Carr's, Concession Street, Boiv- anvile. 46-2* R SALE - QUEBEC HEATER, .etiium size. in gooti condition. eonge Proutt, Caesaî'ea, Ont. ýhone 192r22. 46-1 ,R SALE-STRAW, $3.00 A LOAD. ýbe tirawn off aften freeze Up. ;eorge McKnight. c o A. E. Os- )orne. Phone 176r2. 45-2* )R SALE--ONE SINGLE BARREIL Shotgun, anti 1 Bicycle. hike new 3eh cbeap. Apply A. Gower. King- 3on Rd., Maple Grove. 46-1* )R SALE-PURE BRED SHROP- bhine sheep, tisree gooti strong Xýl an lambs anti five gooti ewî labs. C. A. Avery, R. R. 6, Bow. nanv'ilie. Phone 320rl4. 46-' Upholstering Hj-OLSTERING-~CHESTERFIELI Suites anti ail other furnuture me covened anti nepaireti hike nevi F'oot stooals anti Ottomans mati to ontien. Auîto Tops recoverec woodwonk, îllniotiels. Slip cov ers. Tops dresseti anti repaire( Expert workmanship. Sample Estiniates free. J. A. Fry, SCUgo St. Phone 536. 46-1 Business Directory M. G. V'. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Bannister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, BowmanvlUe W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal M1oney to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Bannister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail uts branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate o! Royal Dental Coliege roronto. Office: Jury Jubilee BtiE Iowmanvllle. Office boums 9 a. mu to 6 p. m. dally except Sundas Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equlpment ln Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FIJNERAL DIRECTORS Service. any bour. any d.a> F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equlpment Ambulance anti Invaiti Car Cali Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Conupiete Funerai Service Modern Equlpment -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smith Phone Days 58 Nights, Suntiays or Holitisys Phone 523 or 2116 Notice to, Creditors In the Estate of Robert Humphrey Perklns, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that ail pensons havung dlaims against tise Estate o!f Robert Humphrey Perkins, late o!f tise Township of Darlington, in the County o! Durhsam, Esquire, deceas-I edyh e o!nobr, 193.utntise Twn- eti, woditi obraboutinthe Town- ship o! Darllngtoii, are hereby not- if iet to sent iun to tise uniersigie, on his Solicitor, on or before tise 9th day o! December, 1934, full partIe- ulars anti proof of their, daims. Imniedlately after tise last mnention-' eti date tise assets of tise Esate wll be distributeti among tise parties en- titleti theneto, havlng regard only to, tise chams o! whlch tise Executor shahl at that time have notice. Dateti at Bowmanvllle this 6th day of November, 1934. William James. Snowtien, o! tise Township o! Darllngton, by his Solicitor Lawrence C. Mason, Bowmaflville, Ontario. 45-3 HOUrSKellPERtWn t.D,- MiDra-1 ,-ile.agethladyto08. p h 46e-fo eideriy gentleman. Appiy W. Brock. Bowmianville. Phone 114W.1 46-11 WILL SWAP - ONE FIVE TUBIE Battery Radio, with "B" elimin- ator, also one liglat car trailer, for stove length firewooti. Apply Geo. Pritchard, Statesman Block. BE YOUR OWN BOSS AND MAKE substantial profits. Work anti succeed. No risk Write for de- t ails anti catalogue :-The Famulex Products Company, 570 St. Cleni- ent St., Montreal, P. Q. 44-3* Repairs R. PAWSON BO001 AND SHOE REPAIRINO Soies sewn on fly Goodyear Stitching Machine. Prices reasonabie. King Street East - Bowmanvlile opposite Gartons nDus Station 9-tf Christmas Knitting It's so economnicai to knit Christmas GlUts and they are greatiy appreclated. We have just received a new stock of Beling's Boucle for knitting gifts such as scarfs, hats and purses. Wide range of at- tractive colors in ai l py wools for sweaters ani suits. 4 piy Fingening for iitns and socks. NEW BOOKS For Christmas Choose Eariy Ralpis Connoi"5 "Torches in tise Bush"; R. Hl. Bruce Lock- hart's "Memoirs of a British Agent"; othei'5 by A. A. Milne, Philip Grove, Warwick Deep- ing, anti Arthur Stningen. Wonderfui Ohoice of Books for Prizes and Awards. J. W. Jewell BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS ..Big 20" Bowmanville New Things.t-or Colder Weather Full Fashioned WooI Hose, per pair .....$1.00 Silk and Wool Hose, per pair ..$1.25 Wool Linedti Gloves, some fur trummed, pair $1.50 up Girls' and Women's Wooi Lined Ski Mitts, in red, green, brown and navy, per pair ..... $1.95 Kimonas and Dressing Gowns, in eorded veivet, plain velvet, moire, plain ami strlped flanneis. These make an ideal Christmas gift. Be sure and soe them, there's one to suit your purse. BEAUIFUL NEW RANGE 0F WOOL SCARFS The Evlyn LADES' Shop Phone 594 King Street Bc *ale BIC WEEK-ENDSPECIALS Scores of people are flnding out it pays to watch Watson's advertisemeflt for Speciais. They save money. Don't f or- get our New Loaf Contest closes December Ist. SODA FOUNTAIN BAKERY SPECIAL SPECIAL Saturday OnIy Saturday OnIy 25c BOX Cherry Cnann Surprise 1 Princess Cherry Cake Our Date Turnovers have proved very popular. If you haven't trled themn, have our driver deliver a dozen or phone the store and we'il deliver them direct. Watson's, .Bakery LUNCH BOOM PHONE 97 SODA FOUNTAI[N QUALITY MERCHANDISE ON SALE Thurs., Fri., Sat. - Nov 15-16-17 DATES, New Pitted ............... 2 lbs. 23c RED & W'HITE TEA, ý2 's . ..... . . ...... per pkg. 29c RED & %VHITE COfFE, î's . ... . . . . per lb. 41e FALCON MINCEMEAT ....... 2 lbs. 25c BULK SODAS .... .. ... 2 lbs. 21e Fresh MiIIed ROLLED OATS ...... 5 lbs. 19c P. & G. SOAP . . .- . . . . . . . 5 bars 18c LIFEBUOY SOAP . .....-.... 2 bars 17c FALCON PINK SALMON, 's . ... ... per tin 14c OVALTINE, Medium .... per tin 67e Red & W'hite or Gold Medal and 1 Pkg. FREE JELLY POWDERS............ 4 pkgs. f or 25c GLACIER SARDINES 2 tins 15c CLARK'S PORK & BEANS 2 tins 23e FRYS COCOA, % 's per tin 23c BIG FIVE CLEANSER .....per tua 5c FIGS iFiîiest Cookingi 2 lbs. 19c Golden Spray CHEESE, 2 lb. pkgs.. .2 pkgs. 25c GLACE CHERRIES i......4 lb. 11c PRAIRIE BLOSSOM FLOUE, 98,s.... ....... bag $2.59 FOUNTAIN TOMATOES, 2's .... .. . 2 tins 14c SpANISH ONIONS... 2 lbs 15c SANI FLUSH .* ....... ..... per tin 23e CITRON PEEL ... .. . . . . . ... . ... .. per lb. 33c Wonderful SOAP ................ 10 bars 23c CHOCOLATE MARSHMýALLOW BISCUITS...... 2 lbs: 29e AYLMER TOMATO or VEGETABLE SOUF, 6 oz. tun, pernttn 5c PUMPKIN ....... . ... . . large tin 9c FANCY JAPAN RICE . 1 ......... 3 lbs. 19e RED & %V'11UTE BAKING POWDER .....tin 25c F. W. Noues Phone 599 WE DELIVER Bowmialvine _q PA( 1