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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1934, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILL. TKrURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1934 - DURHA31 SCHOOL jFAIRS RWG WQIe mâyou5r t heè.e: op it.F struige A'Oqive youY.jil the h."you 11iýe ! . A Heater that has gone on strike changes its mind afteî' we give it the once oVer. We know more about balky furnaces than D a vid Haî'um knew about a balky horse. Yo ur s Truly for heat - that's us. Phone 651. BERT PARKER Plumbing - Heating Bowmanville ATTACIK the cause of RHEUMATISMI LUMBAGO SCIATICA 0 7ZUMACAPS give immediate relief from pain and at the samne time they wii start cieansing the biood of uric acid and other impurities which poison the systern and camse rheuma- tiam, siatica , lumbago. backa he. A regular treatýent of RUMACAPS cwiil give you permanent relief. Box o)150 Capsules, $1.0e RUMACAPS RHEUMAri*c CAPSULES ALEX McGREGOR, DRUGS Phone 92 We Deliver mr. Know says: te remove Corns, Calluses, Warts, Bunions, use Cress Corn or Bunion Salve. At Jury& Lovell's. The cheapness o! Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator puis it within reach o! alI, anti it can be got at any drugglst's. 1 More Husky Arrives in Bowman- ville to Make People ileaithier Hundreds of Men and Women Praise Nature's Great Tonic and Restorative as Jury & Loveli, Druggists, Make Arrangements to Seil More HUSKY to Those Suffering from Headaches, In- digestion, Constipation and other Common Aili- ments due to Bodily Disorders. Statement by well-known Bowman- ville Druggists, Jury*& Lovel "We are aiways glati ef an ovportuit. ty to îersonaily r,,commetil a remnedbý which w,. have faith in and which We know wll lp our customners get re- lief from suff,'ririg and miako them halt- pcr ant iéhaithier. Thatt a why w, î,ersonaiiy récommend HUSKY - WA hav.- oldti t for ye,îrs - we kncw what it w Il do - and our sincere advice Is - try it;, Xear.- sure it wiii deo'<cegoodi.' Why Do You Feel So Miserable? Why Suffer Another Day? Cli,-(ck up thve.s,. 53totenas. Do you have headaches' >' loiw any coids do you catch ili a ytîr îPo you have rheu- matsm or Itatis lit yonr joints? D>o you~ ll.tavie t1 a 10w ('On)ipl-xioitor ski n erru îî- tions' Ar ,- y,î î,ît ýwak ant i h tlics DO Yo u . ,,tii. ',ivas tes .Cvi ry twen t v f(mtr h ou r-ý' Do yyenr-s t weýII out ililig,stion or aitt i-me t i istres',0 Isavou ttfl4H' 0vO,ted, ,tht montings" rheer Up Your Health with USKY and Feel Husky and Strong! rt s . , t, ii 'îy tf lt rt a ' .t t i Ilitr ,j o f . ity, oîtrki- . yot. . , c à of -pfor an<tilt ay~ p ars Fight Colds and Coughs with HUSKY Ir > ou f. 't a or coi i cornin on -or if vouea e d a.or,. - keevp y,Oir sys,-rni aindtutirefreshietiwith i-iiSKY. T'ht lw.atIî-IuiliItg îngréuiietts of this gr,-,t t',,, ea n d r.-.9tora tiv,' witt not oiiy iiiNature remnove aili loisonous wvastes -bi,t ti-y wiii aise revîtalize the bicod s tni ran d ttifrti fv your sys t euin gai nst t 1 -1aLvag,s cf cold anti fi,, ermo., Ttrke HU~SKY - h',11137SKY in the 1u, - Kt-î-1î ti,,ý Fanîlir Husky and il.oiithy - tub '.'int'-r. Take HUSKY for a Clear Complexion 4iffltrotis tif til,)-a thiiîg tier,- th;în igris ,that your sys- t 'ni jine t gi't t i nqg iri et po isonc ,v.,stes - Tii'he ieo, s tr-arm 't tnt;>ir,. T t o,. i sn s oozt ithrougi, thi e prs w1intti ltkitiie-ysantd iovisf.,il te fiiicttinircrierty. 13.v takinq 1It'SKY yeiî a. t-tyotir stonicli. stiniffiate tIit, k tt.-ys andîi iow( As. Thietocti yo e ,rv t 'i c,îtîs and ttigix',.s your sys - trna irfrsli,-tifi'ilng cf ticîtth t rid - ri gt il i-m-tt.r tVSi'Y ls ntt a ei-ut it i. a s-iiti fic:îiiyhitictt1eti of Na te r-' s o Wttitewrbs (if rtnizt X.' nvteyen 10 cern' lit and fitîtiout >,t,irs-if whai iii TSKY r,tlyi s andl %va tijt aiil (Iofer yeu . Thîtu 'titi i sof i.nt:ry rightitr in P.ti'mnvvii:le )îgiyr-conitn,',i hU1SKY. Trv it. 1 ,hurcb. Miss Mable Argue, Mr. Jack eti Sunday. There was, a gooti at- mith, Mr A. Wilson and Mr. L. C. tendance. Rev. Green o! Welcome lascoe, Enfielti; compriseti the or- was the guest speaker. assisteti by ,hestra:. Mrs. Switzer, Toronto also Rev. Thos. Wallace ini the a! ternoon ýang. Proceeds $45.00 anti Mr. J. J. Mellor at nlght. Eliz- On Thursday evenlng a very Ii- abetbville choir gave a splendid kresting meeting of the Women's ministry of song, assisteti by Mr. W. .uxiliary of St. Johni's Church was Honey of Milligan. 1 Ail of County's 99 Except Garden l Hili's 9 Show Increase in j Exhibits The acinual summary o! Rural Scbool Fairs for Durham County, 1934. issueti by E. A. Summers fromn the office of the Department o! Ag- riculture. Port Hope. has the follow- ing interesting itemns: Total Exhibits: Orono. 9 schools, 494 ini 1933, 638 ici 1934; aple Grove, 6 scbools. 639-676; Ballydci! 9 scbools. 629-636: Ida (Nortb a an), 7 schools. 665-671: Blackstock, 8 scbools, 547-613; Hampton, 7 scbools. 623-807; Garden Hill, 9 schools. 73à-437: Fl e e t w o od.7 scbools, 430-509; Ne wton vi l e 7, schools, 514-605: Millbrook S1oth Cavan). 9 scbools. 577-586: South Monagban (Centreville). 5 schools. 475-583. This last shows a gratify-ý ing increase ici the numnber o! ex- bibits at each fair with the except- ion of that belti at Gardien Hill. Total schools participating 99; ex- bibits 1933. 7,378; 1934, 7,903. Winner of the hantisomne oak shielti for school with igbest num- ber o! points. Bakers School, Hamp- ton fair. For highest average num- ber o! Points Per pupil. the f irst prize o! $3.00 given by the Garden Hill Womnec's Institute, WUs won by Perrytowrn, anti the second prize o.! $2.00 by Beecb Hill; Brown's school won the first prize o! $2.00 ici this class at the Newtenville fair. anti Lakeshore second. $1.00, the money. donateti by the Women's Institute, which also gave prizes at the Wel- corne fair. first prize going te B un- ker Hill school, anti the second te Zion. a picture being the award ini eacb case. Six highest point winners: 1. Gloria Gray, Hope. 67 points; Beat- rice Morton, Cavan, 66 points: Jean Malcolmn. Cartwright, 63 points: Ai- lan Dawson, South Monaghan. 56 points: Carl Dawson, South Mena' gban. 56 points: anti Kathleen Wright, Cartwright, 55 points. Ini accortiance with the Parlia- mentary Act notice is given that a General Election will be helti on Sat- urtiay, December lst. 1934, for the purpose o! electing representatives to the Fourteenth Octario Older Boys' Parliament. Every careful anti observant mo- ther knows wben ber chilti suffers from worms. She also knows that if some remedy be not speedily applieti much barm will result to the infant. The best application that can be got is Miller's Worm Powtiers. Tbey drive worms f rom the system anti set up stimulating anti soothing e!- fects, so that the chilties progres therea!ter is painless anti satisfying. Persian Balm is a true elixir o! youth. Refreshes anti rejuvenates. Atits a youthful charm te the com- plexion. Softens anti beautifies the skin. Makes hantis !lawlessly white. Indispensable te the woman who ap- preciates subtle distinction. De- ligbtful te use. Delicately fragrant. Soothes dry anti irritateti ski. Cor- rects anti preserves. A flawless toil- et requisite for every discerning wo- man. A true aid to beauty. '~held at the Rectory when Mrs. C. C. fHarcourt was hostess to a large num- CADMUS ber of meinbers. Photos of Rev. Mr., Scott and Rev. Dr. C. E. Wh.ittaker, Mr. and Mrs. Levi McGill visited former rectors of St. John's, were friends ini Toronto. received andi will be placed in the Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill visited vestry. A request had also been sent at Mr. Ted Gibson's. to other rectcrs to have their photos Miss Fern Clements, Norwood, is forwarded to Blackstock. Mrs. Har- visiting Mrs. C. Ferguson. court told some very interesting facts Mr. Clifforci Carr, Lotus, spent about lier work in the Arctic. A W. Sunday witb Miss V. White. A. was formeti by sixteen Eskimo The Young People are practising women, a very energetic little group their play 'Ask The Judge." who in one year macde over $600. for Mr. Claire Fallis and son Jack, the churcb. Mrs. Harcourt also re- Toronto, visited at Mr. C. H. Fallis'. lated something on the improve- Mr. and Mrs. P. McGill. Janetville, ments the little band made in their were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Parr.' church; a lovely building for that Mrs. George Fowler and Miss Hel- isolated section of Canada. Mrs. Wm.> en Fowler spent Saturday in Toron- Crawford gave a chapter fromn the and Etuidy book; and Mrs. Arthur Bailey M.adMrs. A. J. Power, Lind- read 'Strength for To-day." Miss say. spent Sunday ab~ Mr. C. H. Fair playeti an instrumental anti E'allis'.1 Mrs. Leslie Graham read "They were Mr. andi Mrs. H. Muckle and OTood Wagons." Deliclous sandwiches daughter visited friends in Tor- and coffee were served. onto on Sunday. ___________ Miss Kate McLaughlin returned to Peterboro on Friday, with Mr. and NEWTON VILLE Mrs. Clarenlce Parr.__________________ Mr. A. E. McGill is home f rom Toronto where he is recovering Mrs. Eb. Milison is under the doc- nicely f rom an operation. tor's care. Mr. Alex Wolfe, Toronto, Mr. and Mr. Mitchell Zealand is again in M'rs. J. Ross. Toronto were Sunday the hospital. guests at Mr. R. C. Brown's. Miss Muriel Shaw, Newcastle, was Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Ferguson and guest of Miss Ruby Wallace. daughter, Bowmanville, spent the Mrs. Frank Law held a successful seekend at Mr A. E. McGill's. party Friday evening. Missionary night was observed at Rev. and Mrs. Wallace andi Elsie .eague, anti Miss Helen Fowler gave were ini Toronto Friday. the topic. Mr. Lloyd Tbompson sang. Mr. andi Mrs. Sam Smith, Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Sidi- onto, spent the weekend here. ney Ferguson, Miss F. Clements, andi Mrs. Edigar Osborne, Toronto, vis- M'r. Earl Gray, visited Mrs. D. Fer- ited her f ather, Mr. Brock Pethick. guson, Oshawa. Mr. andi Mrs. Cleland Lane returci- Mr. and Mrs. Willard Spencer and eti from their honeymoon Thursday. Barbara, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones visiteti Hyland andi family, Pontypool; and lier parents at Warkworth, Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Tate, Mount Albert. were Tuxis Square boys met Friday ev- Sunday guests at Mr. W. D. Fer- ening under the leadership o! Mr. guson's. Melville Jones. A very successful fowl supper was Mrs. Langstaff, Mrs. Chas. Reid held in Devitt's Hall on Friday night and Hazel, Miss Helen Darlington by the orangemen. when over eighty and Mr. Jack Glover visited Mrs. people were present. Following the Darlington, Kential. bountiful supper many en.joyed a League Tuesday evening was in lance with local musicians providing charge o! Ronnie Burley, Missionary he music. Convener. Rev. Thos. Wallace gave the topic. Vocal cluet by Isabel and' Mrian Bruce; piano duet by Mar- BLAC STO K gretDensuit anti Jean Campbell. After the programi a bible contest Mr. Bob Willan, Port Perry, visit-Pres ntonduto . adMsLn ed at Mr. Win. Steele's. Peetto o11.adMr'Ln Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Darcy visited at A large crowd from Newtonville M'r. Win. Darcy's, Shirley. . district f ilied the United Sunday' Miss Hazel English has been vis- School Monday evening, to honour ting friends in the village. the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ira Argue anti Mrs. E. Darcy Cleland Lane, with a miscellaneous were guests of Mrs. J. Henry. shower. Mr. Win. Laing, chairman, Mr. Mark Weltion, Uxbridge, visit- called upon the following program: ed his brother. Mr. Jas. Parr. Violin solos by Mr. Campbell anti Mrs. Robert Bell visited her Miss Ruby Wallace; readings by Mrs. nother, Mrs. J. Henderson. Bet.hany. Urry anti Mrs. Dudley Jones; Mrs. Mr. John Venning and Mr. Geo. Campbell accompanist. Mrs. Jones Crawford were in Toronto, Sunday. also gave a splendid talk, both hum- Mr. Chas. Boyd. Enniskillen. visit- orous aid instriidtive. explaining ed Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Graham. the proininence of a bride anti the Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Venning andi insignificance of a britiegroom both family visited f riends at Bobcaygeofl. precetiing and following a wedding Mr. Win. Fortier belti a very suc- and giving a small boy's definition cessful shooting match on SaturtiaY. of a brldiegroom, 'a thing used at a Miss Eva Graham bas returneti weddijng.- from Buffalo anti is with frientis Wmn. Andrews reati the followiilg here. adtiress: Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Gibson were Dear Clelanti and Leone, Sund-ay guests at Mr. George For- We, your many f rientis. take this der's. opportunity to deliberately intrutie Mr. anti Mrs. Ruti Heaslip, Toron- upon your matrimonial bliss of little to, were Suntiay guests at Mr. W. more than a week's duration. Our Marlow's. purpose is one of abuntiant good- Mrs. Robt. Hamilton entertained will andi gracious happine2s anti if anumber of f riends at a quilting on perchance it shoulti bring t<Q you a E'hursday. moment o! uneasiness and embar- Mrs. Robt. Parr. Miss Florence rassment, we desire that it should Parr and Mr. J. Smith spent Sunday only be rememnbered as a sweet boost in Toronto. in life's way. Mr. andi Mrs. J. R. McLaugbliil You certainly planneti this tiaring visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele, St. venture in the hope o! giving us alI Christopher. a general surprise but somehow it Mrs. Davidi Johnston entertained i leaketi out at a late hour not af- afew f riends to a fowl supper. Fr1- fording the time necessary for us to Lay evening. really belp you take the plunge, so Mr. Fred Web3ter and Mr. Alex now as a past-e,;ent we gather to Webster, Fenelon Falls, visited Mr. force our presence upon you anti in Burney Hooey. some measure return to you what Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry enter- vou so reatiily meteti out te others tained a number of frientis to a carti attempting the same tbing. party recently."1 We certainly wisb you a "Bon Miss Florence McLaugblin. B. A.. Voyage" on life's sea and with this Toronto, visited her parents. Mr. andj kindîy feeling ini our hearts We hum- J.R. McLaugblin. bly solicit you to accept these. our Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Samiells, gfts ii the form of a miscellaneous and Maurice were guests at Gordon shower. May this jolyous occasion McLean's, Uxbridge. ici the years before you refresh and Mr. anti Mrs. Ernest Larmer and warm your hearts and cause you tO family, anti Mrs. John Larmer vis- reflert wlth much pleasure upon ted frientis ici Lindsay. your many well-wlshers gathereti Mr. and Mrs. P. Lansing and Elva. bere to-night. May the future hold Shirley, anti Miss Leona Devitt. were for you health, happiness and con- uests at Mr. D. W. Bratiburci's. tinued prosdperity, is the thought Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, Miss uppermost ini our ntids and hearts I Evelyn Devitt, anti Mr. Cecil Ham- Signed on bebaif: Hazel Reid, ton spent Suniday in Toronto. Helen Darlington, Lola Savery and Mr. Joe Bradburn spent SundaY Elsie Wallace. ,ith Mr. T. Henry, Enfielti. Mr. C. The bride andi groom thanketi their Henry returneti witb him. for a visit. frientis for their gifts and the corn- Mr. and Mrs. George Sayer. anti pany sang "For They ar Jolly Good, .aughter Josephine, Toronto, were Fellows." Mests of ber sister, Mrs. (Rev.) C. The many gifts were unwrappedI 0.Harcourt. andi proveti both beautiful andi costly.' Mr. Alvin Bell, B. A., anti Mr. Mfter these were tiuly admireti a 'red Richardson, 'Ottawa, Mrs. Wm. bountiful lunch wasi served. Patterson, Toronto, were guests at Mr. anbti Mrls. Sde rwnadK N A Sunnyield2 Ibu. 47,c AYLMER CHOICE AYLMER CHOICE Tomatoes 3 Ton.2 /225,c PeaSi... ROYAL ROSE CHOICE GLOBE CHOICE-KEI Corn B..oMen 3 T n*229 Pears STANDARD QLIALITY No, 2 IST5e" Peas 3 Tais2 25esoda w, READY TO SERVE. AssorteLt Hmei'nz SoupsVarieies BROWVN LABEL-BLACK SailadiaTeam.: 59c FOR? AU FINE LALJNDERING LUX LOL 19> 2 SLICED-BREAKFAST 1APLE LEAF-SMOIC Bacon 4I. 10 ln ,4 & P QUALITI BEEF ROASTS Porterhouse lb 17,0WIng Blade "* 9c Shoulder short lRIb lb. IoleSfrloin STEAKS Sfrlon b1 5c 1I]Round -ç 0 3 N. 2 29)0 IFFER 2 No, 2 Squat £ mferu 2 Vgz' 19c ~MED.25 Pkg.30c PKGS. 7 ED Shankless lb. I15c I 15c l.7c lb 5c lb 12c SMOKED OR FRESII HICE-PORK Flues lb15, pareibs I.O SEA SEALED FRESH ATLA4NTIC Kippers Plo -20' o Pi? 1 '~e l. 13 FANC>' VIRGINIA CR151'. FJRM-MltDJl M HEADS Sweet Potatees 4 Ibo. 5. Lettuce ICEBER 6c FALCY RED EMPEROR F-P! SPN i' Grapes l e Oranges »z.25' 1 PAGE F01UR 1-qm - ury & Loveli SDruggists 1BOWMANVILLE r NETLEON > BOYS and GIRLS Miss Pauline Ferguson. Whitby. was home for the weekenti. Rev. V. Walker was a recent guest Mr.W. Preston, Frankford. visit- OK I ' HR attentiing the funeral of a cousin.n The Annual Prize Contest Mr. anti Mrs. Grant visiteti frientis near Cannington on -AT- Suntiay. Mr. Sidney McQuade bas been re- moveti to his borne but bis condition IeI/L. ,Ot ils still serious.I Mrs. F. Rogers bas been suffering DOLLS, WAG.ONS, SCOOTERS. DOLL CABRIAGES, f rom a severe colti, anti is ici Bow- WITIACE.MCAOST.BXN manville Hospital. WGLOVATC ES for PRIZESBXN Mr. anti Mr. Herman Samells, M r. GOE orPIE Cecil Wilson anti Mrs. JonHoy 1 iste.frensin P John oo e See next week's Statesman for list of boys and girls entered. Special Sunday School is being Buy your Christmas Goods, Hoiisehold RLemedies, Kodak belti ici tbePresbyterian cburcb on SpleOtclGoiSie nCukeFuti Suntiay at 10 a. m., when a cordialSupplens, tatGoer, aSmthelesxahl S ore. ai invitation is extendedte . everyone. Pes ttoev t h ealSoe Rev. H. J. Bell Iin the Bible Study Rernember! Every cent spent counts as onse vote towards 1at League last week spoke o! theyorfortetr~wehrebeoron iloryr different journeys taken by Paul. Yu aoieetywehrh eyu vr hl ryu Mr. Suggitt was in charge o! the neighbor's. topic. CONTEST ENDS CHRISTMAS EVE, DEC. 24. Loyers o! warm weatber will b e Crei n i otalaoti intereStedti t learci of a lilac bush at Cm nadfn u l bu t Mrs. Richard Williamis' home being buddtet. We're ici ops that this is a sign o! approaching spring. awMr. anti.Mrs. rN Crossman. Jurs& Loe- awMr. an Mrs.rn Crossman. Jursh-o el Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey Croasman anti Ie Deliver BOWMANVILLE Phone 78 Irene. Taunton, Mr. anti Mrs. Will ,Samelîs, Mr, anti Mrs. Kenneth Sam- elîs, Mr. Harry Baker. Lotus. spenti Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs. Merwin' Mountjoy. Badminton Club members are en- group was inch carge anti ber asis- Mrs. Nesbitt's Prîmary class of Sun- tering their games eagerly anti a very tants were Mrs. W. Campbell. Mrs. F. day Scbool pupils presenteti her with interesting season is being planneti. Hylanti anti Mrs. G. Marlow. a butter tiish. The various items of Trese-Ms . Fli;ertr- To beautiful tables anti a vase the evening's entertainment were: Tres-Ms.H. Porteous: Dispute werepretcieMrani rsHI Musical selections by Matieline anti Committee-Donalti Emerson, Har- wN pest nrtay er.endng, atH.Gilbert Marlow; vocal duet by Nor- son.tNe Porteous anilonaltivomp shower given for tbem ini the base - ma Armstrong and Tom Perrigo; son.t Nwemerswl e ie ment o! the Uniteti Churcb. The ad- reatiing by Mrs. Leonard ýob1in; a Tey lom.Itress was reati by Marion Taylor. piano solo by Etigar Emerson; voc- TeWomen's Auxiliary met at 1 andtih e presentation from the Sun- al solo by Mr. Leonard Joblin; cor- Mrs. Wesley Campbell's on Thurs- day Scbooî Churcb anti choir was net solo. Mr. Wilfreti Williams; Vocal da teveig hs hoasseiO matie by Messrs J. Bruce. S. Mal- jsolo. Jean Malcolm; vocal solo, Tom teprogramn were: Mrs. Leonarti colm anti L. Joblin. Many other Perrigo; reatiing by Marlon Taylor; Joblin anti Mrs. Wesley Campbell a lovely gifts o! linen, dishes, uten- violin solo, Mr. Wm. Armstrong, and duet; Mrs. Malcolm Emerson, a sils anti silver were given by the a reatiing by Jean Malcolm. Re- reatiing :and Miss Gladys Campbell1 young couple's numerous frientis. freshiments were serveti. a recitation. Mrs.Wilfrect William's /STANIARD 0F HUMES!'!AMI EXCELLENCEvie . m jlr e.s af asF-11 valse.fait oeigss a.dP"? A &P dat, bu..etsa*o uia.darde of hone,y a.d excaiience thart a-cbe- yoml queuiôn or dab. ads at A&P. ftea. kick .o dft.,aion i, ne,' taler ated. E.eyA9Penpi.yec kna..,,th. ..and u epcied da lin ap do ehi. policy. » HRE EWNM EY* E VERT BAY IN THI TIARle Valut ae A&P is not a on. da proposition, it sava rudplc- p ift dcude, Ionst w.i214 Care hoe t cane malc klngPA t a P out tLeYau pUY foir, a«do 1:cgORow ouny-,.ALWAYS. FRON ONTARIO'S FINEST CREAMERIES miler k Butter Ce Ia dimemb

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