THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVLLLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1934 PAGE FTIVE By Actual TEST WE DO VOUR Laundry Cheaper and wthout boastlng do it better - so eus cutomers tel us. Give us a triai order and be convlnced. Miarjoram's Laundtry Phone 478 King St. E. Bowmanvllle THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIVER Wake Up Your Liver Bile.. Witbout Calomel, And Feel Like a Million Dollars. Nothjhg car, put your system out Of kilter more quiekly than you, liver. i tbit ol @top pourii sdal apunde of liquid bile into your boweL*-aod life certainy getigr Thct luggieh flow of bile .1lo-»up igesio and elmination and maike you -feel punk". Your toma&ch rsu- .boting, ournem. pain. Your breatn in bud and the at ayu mouth in nastv. Your head aches. Skia ie blot chy. All, of courbe. because your aystem in fulefrebwelmovere like bate, ail, minerai water, roughage, laxative candy or cL.ewng guin ar e fot good enough ta correct this condi- tion entirely. VuY l e' ndyuntak Up Youlîvrbivtah hpyagain. ANoîd calomnel (inercuryl. ýThe thing for c in a box of Carter@ Little Liver Pille. T ey neyer upset you because theyre pucely.vege. table, gentle and safe; but how they do change yaur vew on lifel Don t wate your inoney on subtitutes. B definite. Ask for Carters@ by name-and gel thein! Loaok for the naine, Carter's, on the rd label. 25c. et ail druzgiate. 60 Chaing and Skin Irritations quickly relieved by THE FARMER'S PLIGHT Wlien the apples have been gathered and the 'taters are ail in, SAnd the wheat is looking lordly in the granarys biggest bin, Then we look aur f amily over. note that ail must have new clothes. For tliey're very near stark naked from their heads clear to their toes. Sa we seli most all our apples and more spuds than we can spare, For, alas! we can't lie nudists in this Canada so fair. Rad we f irkins full of butter, had we cracks and crocks cf lard, sure, we then could live like princ- es, but the times have been toc liard; Andi our threshing bill was waiting, and for twine we had not paid, Bo we had ta seli our produce: be it f i-st or second grade Didn't really seem ta matter, for the prices were so small That we liad to laok quite closely to be sure we'd sold at all. Yes, we'd like ta saît aur lien fruit and ta pack aur meat in brune, But, alas! tlie ligs have vanlslied and of eggs there's ne'er a sign. For our tax man came a-callin' on a dreary day in fal And ta meet those awful taxes Isure It took tliem darned near ah1. But we must keep on a-payin' wliat is everybody's due, For if na one paid taxes, wliat. or what. could HePburn do ? Yes, there's music in tlie barnyard and there's music in tlie trees, There's inspectors for the curnfield, and inspectai-s for the bees, Tliere's inspectors for the liog yard, for the cream, and egg-crate, toc, Ail inspectai-s ookin' at us every- thing we go ta do. Sa if come guy woulci get busy ere Durham County Pays Out $1 3,055 Mothers' Aîîowance in Ten Months Province Contributes Haîf of This Amount - 48 Fani- ilies Receive Aid Froni Mothers' Allowance Com- mission in Durhami The Mthers' Allawances Comn- mission Board for Durhiam County met an Satui-day. November 3rd, in the Council Roam. Bawmanville. Thie meetings arc held the f i-st Sat- urday in every quarter, and tlie members of the board cansst of: F. W. Galbraith, Part Hope, Chair- man: Miss Beatrice Turner, Mill- brook; W. A. VanCamp, Burkcton; Henry Blanti. Ida; and Mrs. A. L. Nichllis, Bowmanville, Secretary. Mr. Henry Bentley, Toronto, Mo- thers' Allawances Commission, an - nounced that there s an average of 165 new applicants every month ln Ontario. $20 is the initial payment ta a mother. and $5 for each child under 16. The county pays hall and the province half. Those wlio reccive the ailowance must be iest- dents of the county for at least a year. The repart for ten months in the County 0f Durhlam is as follows: Number aofaapplications grajted - 8. Number of beneficiaries on pay list Aug. 31, 1934 43 Numbex- 0f beneficiaries part of year but later cancelleti 6 49 Total amaount paid from Nov. 1, 1933 - Aug. 31, 1934 - $13,055 Cause of Dependency Widaw Incapacitations: Insanity (Husb. in asylum) Otiei-s Desertion Foster-mother No. Clildruen in ('nese Families Famihies witli1 id and totally anti permanently incapacitateti husbanti or chld over 16 yeai-s. . . Families witli 2 chidren under 16 pi-s. Familles with 3 childi-en under 16 pi-s. Families wtl 4 cnildx'en under 16 yrs. Familles witli 5 children under 16 yrs. No. of Families Active Can. etc. .27 2 14 2 ..... 1 1 43 6 No. Familles Active Can. etc. Nationality by birili: Canadian Other British Foreign . No. of Children Active Can. etc. 76 6 4 5 34 3 4 2 118 16 No. Chidren Active Can. etc. 3 *39 32 10 118 59.19 ' 32.65% 8.16c' Causes of Cancelation: Only one chld or no childi-en under 16 years or nat at schoal 2 I Unsatisfactary lhorne condittions . I Husband or chld over 16 years no longer totally and permnanently incapacitated ..2 Incapacitated husband or older cliild no longer in care of wîfe and only 1 chld under 16 ..........1 6 IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO FIFTY YEARS AGO From Tihe Statesman, Nov. 18, 19091 Frees The Statesman, Nov. 14, 1884 A Canadian Club was successfully Hampton; Mr. John Jolins one iaunched at a citizens banquet in the of aur oldest andi most respected Balmoral Hotel on Friday niglit. A residents died an Saturday 0f cancer committee previously appointed se- of the stomacli. His funeral on Mon- lected the following slàte of officers day was a very large on- Mr. John which was adopted: President- Cayne, a resident of Darlington for John H. H. Jury; lst Vice President over 40 years died on Tuesday of --John Elliott B. A.; 2nd Vice-Presi- cancer. His sufferings were terrible. dent-A. N. McMillan; Literary Cor- Caurtice: On Friday Ms. H. respondent-QGea. W. James; Secre- Salter was maving a bai-n for Mr. taiy-Dr. 0. C. Bannycastle; Treas- Ed. Taplin near Harmony. he liad urer-Chas. H. Anderson; Executive the misfortune ta get lis hanti Committee-A. R. Cameron, D. B. cauglit between a hanti spike and a Simpson K. C., C. W. Lawton. Rev. stick of lumber, taking off the end Hugli Munroe, Rev. T. W. Jolliffe. of lis little finger, and badly mangi- Mr. Chas. R. MeCullougli founder ofI ing the next one- During the past the Canadian Clubs. Hamilton, and week qui te an improvement lias a native son of Bowmanville, re- been made in the church at Ebenez- sponded ta, a cali for an address and, er, two new cliandeliers have been the guest speaker was Mr. J. Casteil put in andi matting laid upon the Hopkins, Toronto. aisles and stairs. Wedding: Werry-Brooks. About 'Cartwrigtit: Trh'e qolection in 75 frientis and relatives gathered at Rev. McKay's church on Nov. 2nd Rockwell Green the home of Mr-. andI for Home Missions was $2500. This Mi-s. J. W. Brooks. Sauina, November eas ehfitelbraiy0ls 10tli. ta witness the marruage of cnreaion.- Mrs. Ann Francis of thei elest augter Myrle audBallyduff died on Nov. 2nd, aged 78 and Mr. Samuel Edigar Werry, years. Special services having re- yaungest son cf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ference ta lier decease were lield last Werry. Sauina. Rev. T. H. P,>An-~ sabbath. derson of Hampton Circuit, 0f tic- mkle* M. aro an lated. Ensiln r.Mro n Residents liereabouts f eel that tlie family formerly 0f Caesarea liave Royal Bounty or some ather royal become residents of the village.- recognition is due ta Mi-. and Mrs. Mrs. R. McCaren died last sabbatli H. H. Dilling, Bawmanviile. Thuzteen after a lingering illness at lier son's years ago on December 23rd they home, Mr. William MaClai-en. Her were married and on Tuesday of tlils remains were interred in the Pi-es- week, the King's biitliday, they were byterian Cemetery. - Mr. W. J. 'Vir- biesseti with their sixth chld. The tue. our eminent blacksmith and others are named Lloyd, Ray. For- machinist, removed ta lhis new cam- iest. Nina andi Fern. Ray was boain modious quarters fitted up in wliat on May 24tli. the Queen's birtlidaylias long been known as Tlie Canai-y during lier Majesty's lifetime. For- Hause. - Mi-. L. A. Tale lias liad iest was one of the Torontoa World's another runaway. Tic your liaises up, Leap Year babies af 1904, and Fern Levi. was liorn on November 9th, the Born: Reynolds in Bawmanvilie King's lii-tlday. last year. on Nov. 1tli, ta, the wife of Sam H. Born: in Bowmanville, November Reynolds, a daugliter. l4th ta Mi-. and Mrs. John A. Cox, Married: Brownson-Williams-On a son. Nov. 5th. liy Rev. E. R. Young, Mr-. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie bas rcmoved Geo. F. Brawnson and Miss Annie lis office ta rooms upstaii-s in Lut- M. Williams, al of Bowmanvillc. trel's new block. Bowmanville. Stapletan - Hendersan At the The engagement is announced of Metbodist Parsonage. Bowmanville. Miss Ethel Spencer, y a u n g e s t November l2tli, by Rev. E. R. Young, daugliter 0f Mi-s. R. Spencer, New- Mi-. George Stapleton, Clarke and castle and Mr. Ernest Brown, odcst Miss Nancy Henderson, Darlington. son of Mi-. and Mrs. James Brown, Mr-. F. G. Mclntash, student in Mi-. Bowmanville, the mariage ta take D. Buile's office, lias taken lionars place in St. George's Churcli. New- in lis intermediate examinations at castle on December lst. law school. F' BUY A REAL 'FURNACE THIS YEARI Tired of repairing yaour old fureace? Tlred of paying big coal bills'? Tired of :ring ta keep the house wai-m enough? Then nawisi the time te instali a new McClary Furnace. Ie a few years yourMcClary wilI have p id the difference in repaire eaved, reduced fel caste and added comfort in your home. Go tothe McClary deler-let hlm show you the Ventl-Blast Ring la the McClarj. Let hlmeta. «M plIin how the McClary Purnace buras eny klnd of coai you buy. Trust your McClary dealer. He hms the spport arid advca ol ecal Steel Wartaback ofhim d lu.Lenhhuîected because of his reldabilit. A airXYWSUN*1 W~ ai] OIL Aq M~ ýAsk for GENERAL STEEL WARES rroauctsu Si , mm% i' Sunday Less THE CHRISTI" Sunday, Nevem Goldf n Text: " and faithful servant; faitliful over a fewt tliee over many thii inta tlie joy of thy 25: 21. Lesson Passage: 1 30. Live Christ! And a] lie A Higliway of De] A Royal Raad of1 Gold-paved with si powei-s icase rapidly. One piece of wark well dane leads ta a larger op- S chool po~rtunity 0f service. There is alsoaa l aw 0f dmintsbing returns. Thase ,on whoanar slack in their woi-k dis- o> caver that the doors of opportun- ities close ta tliem. This principle is true in the financial world. The man N STEWARD wlio can save anc thousanti dollars. - can make the next thousand dollarsi mber 25th. more easilv: whereas the curse of1 nber 5th. the poor is their poverty. The pi-- viel cone goticiplc waiks in a simulai- way in the 'Wel dnegod mralream.The man who conquers ,thou hast licen physical temptations. develops power things. 1 will set ta wtlistand more subtle spiritual ings; enter thou temptatians. He meets life at lits Lord." Mattliew best ratIer than at lits woi-st. Many of the later inventions 0f Thomas M'attliew 25: 14- Edison dependeti upon lis earhier discoveries. Sa in oui- moral strugg- Lil thy life shall les, each victory will help you same 1other ta uwin. To him that liatli shahl ivery-- lia given. goodîr deeds. Questions For Discussion ;weetest cliarity. Live Christ!I And alI thy life shah I lie A sweet, uplifting ministry, A sowing af tlie f air white seeds That fruit througli ah eternity.1 -John Oxenliam. Trust, 14,15 We ahl like ta lie trusted. We can- nat do oui- best wark if we ai-e dis- trusteti, but we respond readily ta compiete trust. The fact us that we have been trusted more tian we us- uaily realize. Gad lias reposcd great trust in us. Life is a trust xeceived fi-rn aod. Ail oui- powers anti abil- ities have been deriveti firn him. We liolti themn at lis wiil and nat atL oui- own discretion. It is a healthy attitude af mixsd ta assume that we' are stewards on behlafetGa d.Th oportunities we have enjoyeti have flot been of our own making but of lits bcstowing. Property registeret inh oui- name or bank balances standing oui- accaunt are but temparary pos-1 sessions loaned for oui- period af 111e only. Thse measure af responsibility is nat the same in every case. Some have five talents, athers twa or anc talent, but ail Mnay be equaiiy faitli- fui in the use af these endowments they have ieceived. The listai-y of genius is nat vcry iappy, but many people of average ability have ren- dereti great service by their fldeltty and unselflshncss. Those who prove warthy of trust are usually trusted furtlier. Trustworthiness, 16-18 The test af trustwoi-thiness is not abiity se mucli as reiiability. Clever- ness can neyer take the place of in- tcgrity. We onhy waste aur time bY beîng jeahous of thase mare gifted than ourselves; tlie tling ta do ts ta slow a greater fidchity than the clever. In this parabie 0f the talents. the different servants werc not ratcd by their varying ablity. but liy their degree of fidclity. The man with two talents was propoitionately as faith- fui as the man who lad f ive talents. anti le reccived proportionate i- ward for Use use macle of hli. trus7t. It is a great encouragement ta thoge whe arc attending sahool te regard t heur opportunity aifi-ceiving an ed- ucatian as an investment they are making for the service 0f God. Slacking in studies will be seen ta lie sioth, if schooh wark is done in the spi-it 0f stew-ardsh1p bef ore God. If oui- aptitudes ai-e nat dcveiopedi in youth. we lose them. Fial in un- derground caves hase thc power of siglit because they do not use their cyes. Tlose who negleat worçhip for many years lase the capacity ta par- ticipate in warship. Thase wo lui-y] their talent in the earth find that wlien tlcy wish ta use it', it is not here. The only way ta preserve it tsi ta use it. Added responsiblities came ta those wlo pi-ove thcmselves trustworthy. Rewards, 19-23 Ail men may lie lorn fi-ce, but they are not liorn eciual. There is a great spread in ability. Just why there shouhd lie such a difference betwcen five talent anti two talent men we do not know, but the every- day facts of ife bear witSss ta this proportion. One statesman can catch the popular fancy, wlere as another man cannet even get electe i n lis own censtituency. One writer can produce a celumn n cd day that every newspaper will lie readY tai syntitcate, while tlers have their1 articles returneti invariably. In re- ligon there have been f ive talent sudh as Paul, Augustine, Luthci-, Knox, Wesley, while thc majority of Christians are forgotten sisortly after death. :Yet in large dcgree thle world's work is lieing carrieti on by average people. The gcniuscs receive thc higli i-ward. but average people lave the satisfaction cf being use- f ui. In fact a two talent man rcceiv- es higlier pi-aise for being faithful with only moderate ability, anti lack- ing the inspiration of the larger re- ward that goes ta genlus. Alibis, 24-28 It is a wcakness in human nature ta b2 fertile in producing excuses. We blanie oui- hcrcdity for aur f allure, or we finti fault with oui- environ- ment for our lack of pragress. Wc blame thsetii-m for which we work. or the government under whlch we ive. Rarcly do we look for the real cause of tronlile within ourselves. The man with the one talent was diÉcouraged because lie diti not i-e- ceive five or two talents, but le cculd have investeti lis moncy as titi the other two moi-e highly fav- orcd servants. At present the tic- pression i belng blamed for cvci-y- thing that goes wrang, thougli it Is not always guity. A man who wak- ened up and saw himself as lie was saiti that for many years lie lad been finding fault witl thse churcli; then he discovci-cd that ai that was the matter witl thec durci was the individual, and, le was that individ- ual. The i-cal trouble wth the man of one talent was that le dtd not trY. His excuse was net genuine, it was only a subterfuge. if le hati devoted hlf the enei-gy ta work that lie i ta invcntlng flimsy excuses, le miglit 1. I iipeople wereabsoôlutel-y-honest would there lie any need of aucitors? 2. Have we any cause ta be jealous af genius? 3. Will people work liard wthout thc profit motive? 4. Do oui- excuses deceive any per- son other than aurselves? 5. If moncy makes money. does goodness make goodness? MISS ION CIRCLES RALLY AT BROOKLIN Insplrlng Address Given By Mns. C. R. Carscaflen of Whitby - En- couraging Reports Presented By Different Cii-des in the Prebytery A rally of the Mission Cii-des of Oshawa Presbyterial of the United Churcli af Canada was licld in tlie Brooklin United Churcli on Wednes- day, November 7th, when more than one liundred girls werc present. Supper was served by the Brooklln Cii-dei the sahool room which was beautifuliy decorateti in Hallowe'en calai-s. Pragi-am consisteti of one number fi-arn cdici-cie. Bi-ooklin Cir-de, thi-ougli the president, Miss C. Harris, welcomed the gucats. Bowmanville and Simcae Street, Oshawa,. cditolti af outstanding features of interest in their work. Greenwaod gave the sketch "St atic in tic Fai- East-, Caurtice contrili- uted a mouth argan solo; Allbeit1 Street, Oshiawa. a reading; Ring Street, Oshawa, a quartette; and Whitby a piano duet. Mrs. C. R. Caxscallen of Whitby was guest speaker andti tck as lier subjeat. "A Lantern in Her Hand." Her address was foliawed by a solo witli the same t;tle wnitten by Joyce Kilmer and sung in a mast deliglit- fui way by Mi-s. Douglas Holllday of Whitby. The evening was brouglit te a close in the forming af a cii-cie araund the room and ai singing "O Master, Let Me Walk WithgThec.," and benedjiction pronouncetby rs P. L. Juli. '!Tfyou visit your fiend, why need you apologize fer net liaving visited him. waste lits time. and deface your own act. Visit him now.-Emerson. for PEP and POWER Give Children Glen Rae MiIk Children especially S need plenty of milk. *Rest has no charm for them. No healthy child :5 will stay parked while -~awake. He waits a min- ute or two perhaps, and then he is an acrobat again. An active, growing child must have fuel and building material for his body. Give him good, fresh milk-a quart a day if you can. And give the grown-ups a pint a day. For under- weights and convalescents, a quart. For expect- ant or nursing mothers, a quart. Milk has unsurpassed food- value. To take milk regularly is the surest and easiest way of making certain that you give your body the varr iety of food materials it needs to keep you in good physical condition. GLEN RARE DAIRY Phone 408J R. R. STEVENS & SON Bowmianvllle LESS THAN 10e WORTH for a big tbree- layer cake! That's ail kt coots when you use Magie Baklng Powder. And yen get a fine quaity that neyer vares-absolute purity and dependability. No wonder Canada's mest praminent cookery ex- perts say It doesn't pay to, take chances wlth doubt- fui baking powder. Bake wlth Magie and be sure! bUDE 11ONTAINS NO ALUM." hile etement onfl yU DI tUn la your guarentee that MaBlc Bakin& Powdoea _t-e z CANAD)A free frot natui or a" hemful ingredient. lx 1 Whatever the weather may ie, says !"Don't worry-seek peace and pur- lie, sue it. Wliatever the weather rnay be- Don't hurry-too swif t arrives as 'Is the sangs ye sing, and the smlles tardlly as toc slow. ye wear. Sleep and rest abundantly. That's a-making the sun shine ev- The best physicians are Dr. Quiet. erywliere. Dr. Diet, and Dr. Merryman." y -týe - -L . IY.MVIO ~MLt DEMONSTRATION Thurs. - Fr1 -Sat. BrunswickC JAMAICA Sardnes Tin Wl Oranges Cickd Tn 4 4 it 219 CD«. Glacier C Try a pound aof 2I thîs cake, and rg Mln m afu 'rs and we know Louions HrinCTm tk upfo 2CDz in Sauce 12 NI CoknS Snacks TSC 10Lb.15 .rm andanFihr1s PAGE PIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIT.T. , 7UUP-SDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1934 m m