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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1934, p. 6

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PAGE SIX 'rHECANAIAN TATSMAN1~OWi A VTT.T 5 9'TTT15QL1A , NOVE.R 22, 193 *Mr. Irwin Wottens, Oshawa, also --4 long list with "Hayes Princess" MAPLEGROVEcaled on Mr. Ben Powell and daugh- T R N female in the 13" class, whenç _______ GR(_ter____________1___ ter Iran at Iberville, Quebec. Dogs w4 Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Beech and cesow from New Hampshirea Mr. Elgin Munday. Toronto, spent fani ly spent Sunday with the form- Co.EE.niepadavito Vermont. Windsor and Oshawa.3 the weekend at home.esboerMradMrEBec. our sehool on Tuesclay. lWm. Hayes, Nassau St.. Oshap Miss Ednaswaî tsiting atPort Hope.Mrs. Carnie Curtis. Bowmanville, shoxwed a full brother toe H Mr. John Çator's, Toronto. 1Mrs.itd tWr.. Wottenons. vissitedhe mthherot Miss Pearl Backus, Toronto, vist- mnother. Mrs. Win. Herring who in- 1 iiewahr ob.Hdso'. Pinch esa, n er mthr bt ed ber sister. Mrs. W. P. Coyne. tends spending the winter in Oshawa Mrs. Fîred Moore stiîî continueswhc ee inrs Mrs. Lloyd Crago and Mr. Leslie with her grand-daughter, Mrs. J,1.- iul iliwomavfe s ith Mrs. Si. Parob . i Collacut.t are under the doctor's McGregor. tl. ihMrS. ene dll Tter care. Sorry te report Miss Grace Werry Mrs. James Storie and Miss Lorna Mr00f Gol. Torontovis Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jeffer ad nurse-in-training in Bowmanville Hooper spent the weekend with Mr. ed Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tooley. Doxenviste friedsinOshwaonHospital under the Doctor's care. and Mrs. David Hooper. Orono. Miss Nora Adams is recuperati Doren viite frindsin. sýýayaan iWomen's Institute and Ladies' Aid from an operation for tonsils Sunday.1 She vent to Toronto on Monda3' to b eld a very successful sewing bee on Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wood and consult a specialist. Cnrtltost r n famlySuton viite M. ad Ms(Monthly meeting of the Women's 1 Wednesday in the vestry of the Cnrtltost r n Fred Stevens. Association was held in the League; church.HarHeoupntebrhoa Mrs. Samuel Snowden visited ber room on Wednesday, Nov. 7th. Pro A number attended the Trustees, on Nov. l2th. in Oshawa Hospit: mother, Mrs. Macklin, Cobourg, who gram was in charge of Mrs .Roy Mc- adRtpyrs' meeting in the Eric Courtice. Harry and Ja isimroedinhelt.GuI. the theme being 'Keeping Ar community hall on Tuesday after- GaY, Gardon Brown and Arcl Mrs. Perkins. Maorefield, visited mistice Day." An interesting paper noon. See report elsewbere. Mi r.lftFia nahn hermoter Mr. J B Wodenaton this subject was given by Mrs. Dr. L. B. Williams, Toronto, wiîî trpp near Lindsay. ber brother*s. Mr. R. L. Worden. IH. Ferguson: vocal duet. Rev. and present bis moving Pictures of Dur- Courtice Sunday School was v- Misse Nelie Snwden Lak Mrs. W. Parker; readings, Miss E ýham Caunty in the church on F'ri.. attendeci on Nov. l8th, with an i Hurst, Susie Laird, Prince .Abert I Souch. Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Lloyd d cay evening at 8 p. m ne h crease of five over the opening wee spent the weekend at tbeir bornes.' Ashton; piano solo. Miss Annie Oke auspices of the choir. Admission: Seniior Boys' and Adult Classw Mis Lili Pefoud.Tyrne Mr. IMis EvaOrcardkidlydaated Adults 25c. children 15c. found too large. and will be divi<i Miss Lille Penfoud. ____________Mis___________________donc as soon as a teacher for the forn Hedley Oke, Ebenezer, were Sundav gladioli bulbs whicb were sold. the ~cnb on.Bsns etn visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Samuel !unds going to swell the funds of HAYDON te fundSBuo se deeingI Snowden. the____W.__A.____________ thoe So! Mr. Tomas hAdainms Mrs. L. C. Sr.owden. Misses Betty Th etn at which pictures o!f h onmevenig. wTh il pdese and Mildred, and Master Bob Snow- Durham were shown by Dr. L. Odý vnn.wt 1Pe den visited their cousinsM.~ B. William.s, an old Enniiskillen boy, Mr. Lorne Ashton. Toronto, spent opening witb prayer by the Supe: Mrs. Walter Riekard, Shaw's, oni now of Toronto, on Priday, Nov. 16 the weekend at home. intendent, Jack Wiggans. Votei Sunday. was very largely attended. the church Mr. Arthur Beech Sundayed at thanks was extended to the Truste Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins, missesi bein1g filled to the doors. Great credît Mr. Everett Beech's, Port Hope. of No. 8 School for the use O! ti Helen. Doris and Greta, Mr. Gardon is due Dr. and Mrs. Williams in the Miss Anne Trewin. Toronto, ýPn school. Mrs. Fred Balson and Mt Osborne. Ebenezer, Miss Hilda Foley waYý tbey' bave given their time and'the weekend at Mr. Wmn. Trewin's. Audrey Trevail were elected assisi andMr.Ber Cowel, Twnvisted moeyin going round the different1 Misses Mabel and Ada Beech vis ant teachers. Mrs. Jack Wlggar and r. ertColwllTow. viite acoes taking these pictures and. ited at Mr. Austin LarmersonS- and Mr. Luther Beckett were acde Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mupesetin thn sSren-ad iter day. te the Visiting Committee. Mi. daY. lfo ti cmuit t esting. A vote of thanks was moved Miss Lorna ThOMPson and Mr. 1 Dorothy Snudden was elected assisi tended the funeral on Monday of by Mr. W. J. Stainton, and seconded Lloyd Tbompsan spent a few days ant secretary. Mrs Chistphe Co. aforer es_ jby Mr. H. McGill after which Mrs. with relatives in Toronto. dent of this community. mes iWlliamis was presented with a bau-I A large number were entertained 1 1 Patby of aIl is extended 1;0the ber-quet of carnations. The music for at t he home o! Mr. and eMrs.Cecil SCHOOL REPORT eaved family in tlheîr Ios the evening was providecl by thie Crossman on Tuesday evening male Quartette, Rev. Parker, R. Pres- Large attendance at church on ton. Thco. Slemon and H. Stevens. Sun day when Rev. A. M. Wootton, EBENEZER Those who did not see these pic- as usual, preached a splendid ser- SALEM tures missed a real treat. mon. 1Getober report for S. S. No. 4- ---- - Practice bas started for aur an- Darlington: Mrs.L. ichrdsvistedfrindsin nual Christmas concert under the V-Ralph Found* Eleanor Vinsor Mrs L.Ricard vsltd fiens lea dership of Miss Marion Orchard Jr. IV-Eileen Pickell*, MuriE Toronto and bier little niece, Joan SOLINAan Mr ev Hbs Richards, returned with ber. _________________ ndM.MrinPbs ound, Flora Marshall. Mrs.J. quar, Trono, as On Tuesday evening about twenty Sr. Ill-Robert Rundle', Louis guest aý thle Equair home over the Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink are vis- attendied the class conducted by Rev.j Pearce. weekend. Mr. K. Squair motored ta iting Mr. and Mrs. Will Warner, A. M. Wootton an instruction lead-i Jr. 111-Lucille Wade', Peter Kich. Toronto with her on her return home Hastings. 'irxg te church membersbip, taking ko, Steve Kichko. on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Miss% Aura Rundle. Bawmanville as bis subject "Climbing Life's Higb- Sr. II-Eddie Rivett, Jack Pearce W. Moff-at and f amiîy, Orono. were and Mr. BiU Rundie, Ebenezer, were way. 1Annie Kichko. also Sunclay guests at the Squair recent guebts of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. S br. P.PyFudG s ho)me. Rundle. bone "Lifting the Veil," was the sub- Mr. Norman Wright, St. Catharin EBENEZER Beg. - Billy Marshall, Marilyr Ject af the fine sermon delivered by es, vsite frîends her last w<e) Hanours. Rev. A. S. Kerr here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Watson, Mr. ()Hnus Y. P. L. meeting on Wednesdiay Richie Watson, Mrs. Chas. Watson Miss Douglas, Toronto, m-as guest Gardon E. Osborne, teacher evening was opened by the President and Miss May, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Of Miss Dorothy Wiman. _____ with the usual exercises. An invitat- White. Mr. and Mrs. Wilî White, Miss Helen Grills, Toronto, visit- ion to visit Tyrone league on Nov. Toronto; Mrs. Delmage, Mrs. Charle- ed her cousin. Miss Margaret Gay. TRUSTEES AND RATEPAYERS 29th was accepted. Meeting was giv- ton McBridie and Burton, Peterboro; 1 Mr. ROY Pennington. Toronto, HOLD MEETING AT TYRON1T en aver ta Miss Lela Welsh, Mission- Mr~. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and was guest of bis cousin. Mr. Harold ary Vice, who canducted the f oîîow- family, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs R. Osborne. ing program: Bible readinga and Perkins and Margaret, Zian; visited Miss Mitchell was entertained by1 (Cantinued f romn page 1) comments, Mr. Blackburn; Topic by Mr. and Mrs. Gea. White. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Courtice an teaching this subjeet. In suggesting Mrs. F. L. Squair; Readings, Mrs. F. Miss Muriel Baker sp:ent the week- Sunday. that the first and second years cf Cator, Mrs. L. Richards. Mrs. J. Ir-I end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. John Hall, Oshawa. Mrs.1 High School be independent units; win and Mr, L. Foster; Recitation i Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy visit- Jane Osborne, and Misses Aura and i Mr. Campbell aIse said that examnini Master Ronald Hall: Guitar andi ed friends at Uxbridge recentîy. Lila Osborne visited at Oakwood. ations sbould be eliminated as muc] vocal selections, Messrs L. Castle and Mr. Frank Orchard and Miss Elva Miss Langdan and Mr. Smith, as passible. The study of music must G. Ralpb. A very interesting talk o f Enniskillcn. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Toronto. were visitors with the lat - be stressed; and teachers should given by Mrs. L. Squair describing Hogarth. Hampton, visited at Mr. ter's brother. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. have an adecauate knowledge a! che somne o! the woric dene by a haspital 'Thos. Bakers. Smith. subjects they teach. In this regard. in the West that is backed up by the Mr. and Mrs A. Williams. Miss Berean Cîass wiji meet on mhurs- the Inspecter should be the person United Cburch and in which Mrs. Dorothy and Mr. Mel. Williams. Port day. Nov. 29th, in the S. S. room. ta recOmmend the teacher. Squair spent four years as superin- Perry, visited at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. Mrs. Frank Worden's group will be Mr. Campbell also eutlined tbe tendent; piano Sala, Miss M. Clla- Mrs. John Pascoe visited Mr. and in charge. growtb o! the number o! fi! tb class cot Atnac 5.Mrs. A. E. Jennings, Oshawa. es due ta rhe wark o! the Associat- Mr.ttnd Attendance 35-on Mission Circle will ave carge o! ion: and urged that every scool 71 ~Mrh and Mrs. e Topon, Nor- the evening service nexc Sunday. board subscribe ta the Canadian ite maturNd MarioweTnes. Vis- Rex. H. C. Wolfraim, Janetville, will Schcol Journal. ENNISKILLEN i tda r .C elwes be the speaker. with a Young ladies' Another interesting address was League meeting on Monday ev- choir, assisted by Miss Elinor Sykes, by Col. E. E. Snider. I. P. S.. Part ning was in charge a! 3rd Vice- Hampton, concrîbuting the musicalHoebisujcbig"ancp. Mrs. A. Wearn is visiting friends President, Mr. George Werry. League part. HeChidre.Tbeinspeaer pse in arate Wihdawnnet Mndy ngb aswe Y. P. meeting was held Manday the work that is accamplished in Miss Rose Davies, Oshawa, visited visit Braoklin league on Tuesday evening with Art Pound and Harry schaols w1here the cblîdren are re- Mrs. W. Smith. night. Mr. Fred Wright gave a very 1Warden in charge. Mrs. H. F. Os-guayviiebyadcoorelt e tMr s. Lrnev i llnT arnt, is t ein n g e tin ol.Mish etlyn, borne tok charge o! the devotional nurse. Statsitics proved, he said, ed a Mr. Lvi runts. inkgav a panosol. T e tctpic; Art Found gave the Bible that where no doctor or nurse at- Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley spent, "Tbe Christ o! Peace and Goodwill" readirxg: piano duet. Mrs. W. H.tnddhecedaeovrteya Sundandth ris i Trate 1 was well taken by Mr. Alan McKes- Marshall and Miss June Marshall; was 30 per cent. less than where Mr nd M.John Larmner, sock. Readings were given by Misses mouth organ Solo. Alan Trevail: attention was provided. He found a Blackstock, spent Sunday at Mr. G. Grace Yellowlees and Velma Mill- readings. Misses Aura Osborne and lack a! interest on the part o! school Reid's. son. Vocal tria by Masters Harold Doris Wade: Art Faund conductedtrsesithspae!scolif Mis M.DatonandJue Ahtn Blso ad Bb ad ardn c"Ott. the recreation period. and assured them that if tbey under- spent Saturday in Toronto visiting Reading Miss Mae Westlake. Hymn-Alreadec teddsriesadtebnftte aei i Santa Claus. was sung after wbich a geagraphy Aon argeîndayminge endeW.sM.vice tepan erhta prvide this naecessarn Congratulations ta Mr. Nathan match was enjoyed and meeting wson carge. Tg he spekerMi Ss sericer epoieti eesr Byers who celebrated bis eighty- closed with league benediction. wMsitch.rv ell seer fo srvth cl. Si as rtcsdtec fourth birthday an Nov. l8th. Mthl.taeln ertr o h o.Sidras rtcsdtelc Mrs. W. Smith spent a couple o!f W.M.S., gave a very fine address o! interest o! trustees in the pract- day wih br fthe, M. Jmeswhich aIl enioyed. The music in- ical side o! teaching agriculture. He Sa itnandsiter, Mr.H.ames- HAMPTON cluded an antbem by the choir with suggested that a small scbool garden ens. ad< Mrs. Harold Muir taking the solo. be provided and other aids given in Part, andth guest, Miss Helen Ar- the teaching o! this important sub- M.adMrs. Stewart Rodman, Mr. Wallace Horn, M. A., McGill gue, Bowmanville, cantributed twa ject. Port Perry. spent Sunday writh the University. Montreal. visited bis fine solos. There were 127 in at-1 Turning te physical handicaps the lAsttes prnsornnd Ms . C aetsoe h kn. tendance at S. S. Rev. W. C. Smith jsreaker pointed out that w en child- Aste.Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray and son preached in the evening. ren go ta sehool certain defects In Miss Aice Ashton and Mr. Gardon Jackson, and Misses N. and L. Horn, eyesight were brought out that the Beech spent Sunday with the latter, S attended the funeral a! Mr. Wray's'-I parents seldom suspect. It was a sister, MI-S. Austin Larmer, Cart- cousin, Mr. Padget, ht n, COURTICE' fact that 601; o! the children at- r.ght s ho.Son r. Monday. , tending public shool labored under Madr. and Mr. JThna Slemon, Mrs Young People's meeting on Friday On NOV. 7th a meeting was beld some physical handicap. Sanersan Mr Jhn heonSr, nigbt oPened with the president, in No. colwe fier n Regarding the mental side o! the viSited friends in Bowmanville on Ruth Johns, in the chi.8 e ds eces were lecte fa e Suan- question. Col. Snider blamed wrong Suda.cussion o! business the program was day School ta be knom as Cour badint! hident ther eea y e ater thatu Mi'. Clarke Stevens, Kendal. Mr. conducted by Jackson Wray: Hymnn; Sunday Sebool. Rev. W. C. Smitb,mtalinstier tias may etria n - u H. Stainton and Mr. Leonard Staint- Bible lesson by Austin Barron: de- pastor o! Ebenezer, was chairman, enedtl iniurtions ec 'ra n on. Hampton visîted at Mr. C. H. votional, Nora Horn; bymn, follow- and Mrs. Geo. Reynolds, secretary. I uisaesatdi iepo Stevens. ed witb prayer by Rev. W. R.tack- Rev. Smith asked a blessîng upon Ifperyphysicar efets rrectiedpand Mrs. Wm. Grif fin spent Sunday at ham; topic On 'Life o! Gladstone" this venture, and there !ollowed a the curriculum adjusted ta take care __________ ~~by Rev. Rackham; piano sala by discussion on the denamination tae !tebcwr cid hr ol Ecith Rackham . Meeting closed which this school was to belong. 'ofeesthervous tenscion inthechild witb League benediction. was eventually decided that f o 'andlats ervoan eninabsence o! men W. M. S. held their annual Trhanji- months itfhul independnt10f an d aity.a neabec fmn SI ar aw ayo i 'il bc taI, lac chi in ce in e]l wa nd me r e th i1 ent )er ist a ., 4. Dn ie ise ce, yn er. R ig of ,h 't ed le s )n is very important part played by thel BOWMANVIUZ I i __ _ I.m- .--.~ aa 1.l out in Son ra Rih ini c'z Ir. ~Vitamins _ _ r. (Cntinued f rom page 1) 4Ironized1 es tie n of he monetary cnsideration 'B1 A andAD a! will be paid. And sj Bayerin the.M middle of festivities celebratin the Pî'ice $1.00 Fesh Ch( arrives, but immediately fails iny 4 sit t- love with Paquita, the principalj character. admirably played by El- - ng inor Sykes, who is ta be highly coin- in mended for ber fine efforts. j. -' Christmas The twin sisters again evalve a rs scbeme, this time substituting Cata.- Toilet Sets by Yardley, Bath Pas, oy lina for Paquita in the marriage. 85e ta 810.0035 I.ceremony. Catalina incid e n t a 1 1 y ____ k fals vilently in love with the bandit Shaving Sets 89c S4.35 Cutex Seli ie chie!. Heavily veiled Catalîna, 1 Bath Saits 25e- S2.20 lg played by Newton Hackney, is mar -_____________ ried te the bandit and nothing more Rails Razar. S6.95 Hot Watei is heard o! them for two mantbs. Auto Strop 81.00 S 5.00o teed-59c 1Dan Ricardo in a fit. a! rage plans __-____________ t e send the twins to a convent, there Thermat Heat Pads, flan- LterB kta repent for their sins in arranging electrie ....>ý. 97eI asthe episade, but word arrives that eh v al rg , aid an mo rn sol ýdthe aid president, and friend o! Ri- Wehav a g e, ardie nd moes.assai t' drdo, has been deposed and exiled FountesainnMrsnd P elyets. Al ofand a new president elected. The chie e new presîdent sends a message that BuhsadMros hperyadt bn e will shortly visit Ricardo's ranch, RADIATOR ALCOHOL - full strength, sc and in the meantime the American whîen diluted with an equal quantity of wafi Sboys plan ta prevent the sending of stand 30' belaw zero. - Gallon 3fthe twins ta the cnvent. ýS The ou teame o! the whole situa- Le tion is the arrival a! the new presi- 5sdent, wba turns out ta be none atherersi k 's tthan General Anastacia, former ban- J K ers alk D rui 'dit chie!, and accompanying him P . R. COWLING, Pliai.B ýCatalina, who he annaunces is the Sbrains, the ability and the charM We Fit G;iasses That Satisfy at Lo that turned hlm from banditry until I be reacbed tbe highest office in the gi!t o! bis country. l O! course by executive order the chorus. They did ngiietadA.Fe awn arelteunte stuationeare work in which they themnselves and son, Si'., viel caed aUpth candte laytcameos tara Mrs. Bell should feel very proud. 'lin, trombon hlae py.rmn and h spatiosfyincon The chorus was composed o! Miss Mr. Forema hapusi o tcadstifigcn Elizabeth Painton, Mrs. H. D. Wight- and Charlie Tlsoren. t h atOe ih man, Miss Margaret Wightman. Mrs. F. Tuerk, fl Talas antelitrhyes, as thenprin -W. D.Bragg, Mrs. C. H. Cowie, Mrs. Fritz VonGu: plalsindthelinromaesa the ici- D. J. Chambers, Miss Ada Annis. On Frida: pasi ~r themdid s oancey the op- Miss Helen Knox, m. C. H. Dudley, Oshawa Mm lran d d sini wadeit sulondMrs. R. T. Rutherford, Mrs. Robt. Part HoPeN anddue sigin wa deighfulandTbampson, Messrs. Albert Cale, Sam guests o! thg *tbey received due recognition fram Glanville, A. W. Piekard. Roland eretta. On 1 the audience. Alex McGregor and Bate, Walter Woolley. Wm. Shotter, ceived tribut George Davidge are the two lave- E. .NyoJmP&kr.peetto sick swains wha court the twins, ' NalrJi Pckd.rentio while Sam Glanville added samne Up- There is much more that cud be flowers. On roarius camnedy ta the production said o! the production but su fice it magnificent in his capacity af the ranch manag- ta say that Mms. Bell and the entire the cast exi er, who in is middle age turns light cast worked miracles with a di fi- regard for be headed and courts the hand a! a cuit production, a production o! per- Mrs. M. A. frivolous flirt, Pepita, payed by haps a higher classical nature than onored witl Elsie Carruthers. bas previously been attempted here. nums. O! course in any aperetta the mu- Mrs. Bell's desire ta increase the ap- sic must be uppermost. There are, preciation fer better music in Bow- For Spraii operettas. where the numbers are mnanvile is most commendable, and îs nothing1 net se entertaining. wben the show the staging o! "South in Sanora" contusions tr lags, but South in Sonara, through will do much ta belp on this work trie Oul. It, its tuneful and pretty melodies held both in the ranks o! those wbo teok that !ollows the sustained interest a! the audi- part and those who listened. inflamed fIes ence throughout. The orchestra was camposed o! It will taket One uarett, c mpoed ! Alan Mrs. M. A. Neal. pianist; Miss Louise by counterac ngqat.ettee oreoge Day- Osborne. organist; Messrs. Francis A trial will idge and Wilfred Carruthers, gave Sutton. A. Matthews, . Jamieson, its powver. an exceptionally good account o!f themnselves. Marion Pickard, Marg- aret Allin, Alex McGregor and Geo. Davidge provided some splendid numbers as a mixed quartette, whîle A m t e 38 anather attraction was the sextette composed o! Mrs. Gea. Pritchard. Once again we ran short an aur Saturday Alex McGregor, George Davidge, aesr ogtyuswl o pae1 Miss Elinor Sykes, Mrs. Vernon Oaesrtt gtyuswilyupes and Owen Nichalas. te the store, or book it with one of our dr Mrs. Ott did splendidly In solo THIS WEEK'S SPEC. work as also did Allan Knigbt. Sam Glanville, Owen Nichalas and Helen 1Dz aperPnape rBte a Argue, the latter singing the theme Da.RsbryPiepeoButrT sang o! the production "South in 1,2 Doz. Sugar Buns Sonora." 14Doz. Date Cookies ... Owen Nicholas and EMiner Sykes. EUA AU 9 Albert Culley and Bernice Bagnell EUA AU 9 and Elsie Carruthers provided dance Saturday Special - 3( numbers that were bath original and well received. Others in the cast who did important wark were Row-j land Bate and Walter Woalley asi la bandits, and A. W. Piekard as the Corbett's Bal We cannot stress tee strangly thel PHONE 3 Specializlng exclusively In Ary unayScoo ad has "o ,I Je* W ,, Jewrell muscle anomalies, eyeslgbt bave eye wrkers therei:n.OSu-I ro ld BOCS SATONRVand 51asses. daNv lh orieSndayIa - PANS£WALLPAPER Phone Shoopnd its doors, wlth 50 in CHIINA £& GLASS for appointment 1516 attendance. l ing Itd -Mi or' Bowmanvllle Dsney Bldg. Opp. P. O. What bas been known as Courtice 1 Oshcourtt.Kennels." Mowr. Lloyrd Coutice, OMAVI Oabawa, Ont. outKennels.1 Mnwr.iLlord as Osha BOMAVILE owner, added another prize ta bis ________________ vater Crystals. $1.50 Yeast Tabs ... 89e A.spirin -22c, 39e, 98e 'oco]ate Buds, '23c lb. rice to ;Planning ,der, nicely boxed, 5c - 75e - $1.00 -.$1.50 4s (Bakelite Box), Frice $1.00 - $4.50 r Botules, guaran- e- 98e - $1.09 - $1.49 ;rushes, guaranteed,' 25e Up to $5.00 rtment of Compact, Flair Brushes, Bath ake advantage of a so that ler Win 79e g Store ower Prices etcher, violins; D. Morri- ola; A. Holt, cello; H. AI.. )ne; R. Fountain, cornet; ian, drumis; Max Tuerk ie VonGunten, clarinets; flute; W. H. Rowe, bass; unten. trumpet. iy night, members of the usic Study Club and the M.usic Study Club were he local Club at the op- both nights Mrs. Bell re- te f rom fTiencis in the nof beautiful bouquets of )the second night, a tbouquet of roses fmm ressed their tribute and her splendid efforts, wblle .Neal, pianist, was also th a beautiful bouquet of ins and Bruises. -There better for sprains and han Dr. Thomas' Eclec- 'will reduce the swelling sa sprain, will cool the esh and draw the pain. the ache out of a bruise icting the inflammation. convince any who doubt bpeclal ýSpeejals. To phone Your order lrivers. 'IAL arts ... eg. 20e .. . . . Eeg. 90 . E.. . eg. 10e c kery The above 12-Piece Croup Exactly as Illustrated Morris Makes This Notable Offer Chesterf ield Fireside Chair Good taste and comfrt have Club Chair been carefully studied in assemb- ALL FOR ONLy Table lng this living-room group. The End Table reduced priee holds good untii Smoker's Cabinet Dec. Ist. This Is Just one of many 7 Magazine Basket fine groupings arranged for yaur$9 9 7 Footstool inspection, prleed from $59.95 Up. 9à Bridge Lamp and Shade A small deposit will hold one for Table Lamp and Shacle delivenj Xmas Eve. CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIRS ARE IN BETTER GRADE COVERING THAN YOU'D EXPECT AT THIS PRICE. MARSHALL REVERSIBLE SPRI NG SEAT CUSHIIONS. OCCASIONAJ, PIECES. IN SOLID WALNUT. MONTH-Epq> BAZGAINS IN STUDIO COUCHES, LAMPS, OCCASIONAL CHAMRS. YOU'RE INVITED TO SEE THEM AT YOUR LEISURE. M i FURNITURE PHONE 10 FUNERAL SERVICE 'I Fe* Fe MORRIS CO* I I 1 11 FURNTrURE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIT.LP. THUR-c;r)AV MnirTnxnvm ,,, ... 1

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