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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1934, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN S'4ATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, DDCEMBER 6, 1934. PG f< S They Add Convenience , to Every Room in the House There's a gift opportunity wherveryou have a friend or relative whose work could be l essened or whose comfort ' could be increased by an S electrical appliance. IN THE KITCHEN( An electric range, a kitchen mixer, or a refrigerator. AUl of these make foods easier to prepare for the wo- *'t man who sets a temPting table and constantly tries f0 improve if. IN THE LAUNDRY Only Proper equipment can make launderlng worth while. Inquire about a Coffield washing machine, an elecfric mangle or an automatic iron. FOR HOUSE WORK Vacuum cleaners have proven in- valuable aids in keeplng rugs thor- oughly dlean and yet preserving their texture and color. Am electrlc waxer does wonders for floors, too. ON THE TABLE Coffee uras, toasters, waffle irons, grills. A whole farn- lly of littie electrical appllances that make the break- fast or the nidnight snack a delight to prepare. Sec These Suggestions Today They Will Please Any Housewife Heating Pads ................. $3.50 to $7.00 Curling Irons ................. $1.25 to $4.00 Waffle Irons ................. $6.75 to $12.00 Toasters Percolators $2.50 to $12.00 $6.00 to $18.00 rElectric Clocks ............... $1.95 to $10-00 * Portable Lamps...............$. f 0 to $9.O Electrie Irons .................. $3.75 to $9:'00 Mix Masters Grills $27.75 $2.95 to $10.0 Egg Cookeis ......................... $3.50 Babv's Bottie W/armer.................. $2.50 Tie Presserî.......................... $1.35 Toaster Stoves .................. 75C to $5.00 Buy your electrical gifts at an electric shop where you are assured of quaîity and service. The Hydro Shop BOWMANVILLE aoteti RiRâ%àwràuqâfflàrfflffl Mechanic Back To' Relieved ol PEOPLE IN BOWMANVILLE AN ALL PARTS 0F CANADA PLI One man writes: "Thanks to pletely reiieved of Stomach Trouble. HUSKY HELPED ME." "But don't take our word for it ual experlence - yo>ur own friends,i ong the thousands who can give you Druggists. HUSKY, salely and pleasantly stipation, Indigestion, skin troubles,r matlc pains, liver, kldney and bowel your systemn and gives you a new pom It's a wonderful health-builder JURY & LOVELL, Drugi On Thursday, January 3rd, a pre- paratory service for Week of Fray- er wlll be held in the Salvation Army Haill Are You Sluggish? To Throw Off Energy-Stehiflg laxpurlUies,ýioy a glas& 0r tV/o G H if Hl 'W a i D( Be H( TI Bu Pa Ne Hi Ta Li Hi Do -U] di oxi Pi da Work r f Stomach Trouble EI "D DISTRICT AS WELL AS IN 80( SE HUSKY TO THE SKIES. c HUSKY I amn back to work com- e It's the same old story everywhere. i vis It but ask those who know f rom act- ai relatives, or neighbors may be amn- h u the facts," says Jury & Lovell, th(~ cal y reileves headaches, dlzziness, con- ý nervousness, loss of appetite, rheu- nir Ldisorders. HUSKY puts iron into cul~ ýwer punch. tia r - one of the best tonlcs we selI. wh rgsts, BOWMALNVILLE. It sor b« OBITUARY Me by Mrs. John W. James Mo w] Mrs. John W. James, a resident 90 of Oshawa for the past two years chE passed away Friday mornlng in her mo 68th year. She had been il1 for sev- i eral rnonths. Mr. and Mrs. James guE lived for a few years at Maple Grave cl« ln the residence of Mrs. Chester ma Power. Is& Besides the bereaved husband she It is mourned by oAie son. W. E.* Jameshot Toronto, and one brother, Duncan McColm, af St. Thomas. The funeral service on Monday aft.ernoon was conducted by Bey. A. R. Sanderson, of Whitby, asslsted by Rey. J. S. I. Wilson, at the residence Sol of Mrs. E. J. Power, 191 Simcoe St. south. Interment took place ln Bow- 1 manville Cemetery. science. They swlftly duli the sharp Repairs edges of the pa.lnful cryst.als. then R. P AWS80N canvert tbem Into a harmless solu- Boot and Sho. Repairlng tion. Other ingredients of these les sewn on by Goodyear Stitching Sats have a stinîulating ef!ect up- Machine. Prices reasonable. on the kldcneys, and asslst them ta KJnt Street East - Bowmanvllle expel the dissolved uratlc needies Opposite Garton's Bus Station thraugb the natural channel. -Frank Bottreil Won the FROMHE ey George S. Henry Trophy News____THE____________ Frank Bottrell won the George S. Henry trophy in the Southern Hately on Monday night took In- Ontario Combine for the 525 mile fant.ine for 3 points with race from Danville. IDI. Jackman and Blackburn coming The Southern Ontario Combine through with the punch. Jackman bas a membershlp of 235 which had 714 for the three games with a includes 25 racing clubs. Extract 287 high, Blackburn had a 289 high. from the Club's bulletin reads: Badminton Club took 3 points "To the winner, Mr. F. Bottrell, from the Foundry Team on Tues- Bowmanville, we extend our heart- day. The father and son on the iest congratulations in winning sucli Badminton Club teamn, H. C. and A. a difficult race and also the Prem- Osborne were hitting them as per ier G. S. Henry Challenge Trophy,i usual. AI Osborne had 729 on the whicb is well worthy of a place on1 night and a 299 single. H. C. Os- any f ancier's mantel. Mr. Bottrell's borne hit them for 639 with a 249 bird covered over five hundred miles high. on the day, which is almost unbe- Training School took the Kaîtters lievable wben one considers the re- for 3 points. This was the first loss turns to the shorter distance lofts. for the Knitters since the seasan Other records which F'rank's birds opened. Beckett o! B. T. S. was high have accomplished in one day-1927, scorer with 651 and 258 high score. a bird fromn Peru, 414 miles; in 1930, Alins GracerY were too good for a bird' f rom Danville, 528. These are Bowmanville Dairy and were re- records for the first. warded with 3 points ta cinch a pos- Frank is daddy of aUl Bowmanville ition in the money. pigeon fliers and has helped xnany1 This week will finish the f irst of the younger fanciers ta get start-j schedule and Christmas Tourna- ed. ments will commence immediately. We hope to be able to show you in1 Turkeys. geese and chickens wll be the next issue of the Clan, a picture1 given away to bigh scorers. o! Frank himself wýith bis trophies.1 After New Years another schedule will be drawn up and a few changes will be made ta strengthen a couple of the weaker teams. This promises ST. JOHN'S MEN'St a real battle In bath leagues.CL BD EA D League StandingCL BD FA E Senior AT PORT HOPE Tean Won Lost Score Pts. Badminton 17 10 26923 24 Thirty Members of Local Organiza- Moore F. 16 8 24156 22 tion Are Entertained By St. Inf antine 15 12 27258 21 hnsPrHoeBac Dudley W. J. il 13 23849 13 Jh',Pr oeBac Hate]y W. 10 17 25257 13 About tbirty members of St. Foundry Ca. 9 18 24721 il John's Men's Club o! Bawmanvillet Intrmditewere entertained Tuesday. Nov. 27.t Knitters 20 7 25626 28 by St. John's Mens Club of Poîrt T. School 16 Il 23878 20 Hope. and a scheduled game in thec Alin's Grocery 14 13 23987 19 carpet bal was played.1 B. Dairy il 16 22691 14 The evening's proceedings were Bankers 9 15 20465 13 farmally opened by Rev. A. O. Em- Olympia Cafe 8 16 20257 10 met. At the end of the first quarter, High Averages Port Hope was three points down but Games Averages a high score on the home carpet Osborne A. 27 238 sent themn ahead of Bawmanville atF Williams F. 18 234 haîf tinie. 202-186. Spicer A. 12 227 At haif time, both clubs changed Martyn J. 24 226 their teams but Part Hope proved Large S. 24 219 theniselves superior to their appon-n Colwell B. 19 218 ents 'by increaslng their lead ta 57 e Luxton K. 24 214 points.9 Cancilla P. 24 213 The lead of 57 points does not t Beckett P. 24 210 show the standard of play, as Bow-S Oke M. 24 206 'n1anville were threatening at alIl Moore F. 20 206 times.n Roenigk, L. 21 204 The box score was as follows: t Hallman H. 24 202 Port Hope . . 60 70 57 45-232 i Osborne H. C. 24 202 Bowmanville 51 58 35 44-188 a Breslin M. 21 202 Port Hope 28 44 36 53-161 t Brough J. 23 ý201 Bowrmanville 40 37 35 36-148 t Cryderman P. 12 20 Total score: Port Hope 393; Bow- 0 Osborne D. il :200 manville 336. le Af ter the game refreshments wereM served after which H. Ballard actedT JUT BYas chairman for the balance of the i JUST A BOYevening in the absence a! the Presi- t :o oudrtntla- dent. and intraduced the Part Hope ec aes ot o u ertnd te ad- Mountaineers, who rendered real ri [f t eg e a be ad; nw"Hilly Billy" music which was en- h f th rigt healwas knw, oyed very mucb by an appreciative Nere he now exceecling wise audience to whom this innovation le would be as ald as you, was a surprise. ïe'd be just another of your size, However, time is no respecter of l Vhe b dos hins hatanoy persans or events, and E. G. Mit- h >on't forget be's just a boy. chell, Bowmanville, voiced in a f ewl ould he know and understand. well chosen words the thanks a! the le would need na guiding hand. Bowmanville Men's Club for the re- ut he's young and hasn't learned ception given themn by their hasts -[0w lifes corners must be turned; wbich was followed by a few humor- oesn't knaw from day ta day, aus remarks by Reg and 'here is more in if e than play, the evening brought to a close by the 0C dare ta face than self ish joy- singing o! Auld Lang Syne. i ian't forget hes just a boy. The Deanery League Carpet Balt standing is as follows:- eing just a boy he'll do Cobourg...........801 lucb you will not want hlm ta, Port Hope _ 799 tel e'11 be careless a! bis ways, Newcastle . . 729 lilful, wild and headstrong, too, Bowmanville 686 79 ust as, when a boy. were you. 'hings o! value hll destroy, ýut reflect, he's just a boy. Junior Basebaîl Team ust a boy, who needs a frlend, Srn iacal atient, kindly toi the end,.togFiacal reeds a f ather who will show [im the things he wants ta, know. It's odd weather to talk about si 'ake hîm with you when you walk, basebaîl, but we are going ta haveD isten when be wants ta talk, a Juniar Basebaîl team lin the Lake- lis camepanionship enloy, shore Group next year. Once again )on't forget, he's just a boy! thanks to Orme Gamsby. Frank Mc- -Ed.gar A. Ouest. Ilveen. who was treasurer of t'-." - Junior team this year. reports tr following interesting financial fa( ' fNEXPLAINED ACCIDENTS for this season: MAY OFTEN BE TRACEI) .101pt CARBON MONOXIDE FUMES Contributions ... $27.5t Contribution .12.00 l'e The arrivai of winter is always ac- Contributions 1.25 Mi >mpanied with a sharp increase in Receipts, Aug. 16 game 22.5P0 £1 unexplained motor accidents" and Receipts, Aug. 18th game 8.7.1 ba eatbs resulting f rom carban mon- xide gas. Total Receipts $72.0f Carbon mnoxide is always pres- nt In automobile exhaust Pumies. Expendituies a 1a motar is not !unctioning pra- Equipment .. $13.3f41 ou erly, the gas is present in extremely Transportation 5.7-i ex, sagerous quantities. Ia a recent Umpires fees. 5.00 0i rvey, made in seven large cities, Repairing grouxris 3.0 Ï lCK are than 57 per cent a! the mat- Liniment. 1.91I ists queried had experienced at :me time or anather sanie symp- Total Expenditures $28.9- 'ab Dms or this deadly gas. u, Tlaq 193, te.ewer -mae tan Balance nhand $43.n0 a iNE WTON VILLE Miss Kay McKay, Oshawa, spent Sunday with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane enter- tained Mr. Treneer during his visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lockhart are their honeymoan at Niag- ara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moase, Lind- saY, were Sunday guests o! Mrs. O. W. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Starkville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellar taok tea with Mr. and Mn. J. R. Rowe Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane wece weekend guests a! Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leuty, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leuty, Part Hope, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. Buttery and family, Salem, and Miss Winnie Lancaster, Bawmanville, vlsited Mr. and Mns. J. Lancaster, Sunday. Mr. and Mcs. Alec Barclay and babe, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Savery and Ruth, Starkville, were Sunday guests a! Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Savecy. U. C. League was in charge of Miss Mary Lane. Mrs. Willis Jones en- tertained with an interesting de- scription o! ber trip ta Bermuda; piano duet, Mary and Margaret De- nault; vocal selection by a quintet of girls. Helen Couch. Florence Bur- ley, Mabel Wallace, Dorothy Scott and Jean Campbell. On Nov. 28th a mast successful Basket Social was staged la the cammuaity hall under auspices o! the Athletlc Association. The fol- lowing prograni came first: Selec- tions by the Campbell Orchestra; readings, Miss Margaret Toms, New- castle; vocal solo, Miss Elsie Wal- lace; piano solo, Jean Campbell. Our genial auctianeer, Mr. William Laing, disPased o! the 48 baskets. Lunch and dancing was enjoyed. with Manson Sauch and Ralph Glb- son, Newcastle, suPplying the music. Praceeds $57.00, leaving about $50 net tawards amount ta aid la buy- ing aur park. United Church Sunday Schaol An- niversary Services were well attend- ed. In the a!ternoon Mr. Treneer, guest speaker, gave a most helpful talk an "How ta imprave aur Sunday School." Somne o! the points he stressed were, first toi be present, niext have the lessan well prepared, bhen co-operate by answering quest- aons. help with Sunday School work and help with finances. Co-opera- tIan by the parents is very necessary toc. He complimented the choir up- mn their splendid renditian a! Du&S ley Buck's, "Rock o! Ages," when Miss Elsie Wallace taak the solo part. T'he quartette also, sang "If Jesus 9Me wlth me I'11 go anywhere."1 In bhe evening Mr. J. J. Mellor preach- ed a splendid sermon. and Mr. Tre- neer had charge o! the music when he sang Ia bis usual wandertul voice.1 Lead Klndly Light"- "A Gkift" and Open the Gates of the Temple." the last by request. At the close of the service he gave an added treat as he played "The Hallelujah Chorus." ENFIELD Sr. IV-Ray Taylor 53. Jr. IV-Neil McCulloch 83, Elaine >rmriston 78, Bll Gilroy 67, Boss .aylar 54. Sr. III-Fe1rne Oilroy 83, Orace Stark 76. Jr. III-Mary McCulloch 81, Wal- ýr Ormiston 58. II-Donald Samis 86, Aileen Rahm 19, Evelyn Taylor 71, Carl Henry 58. I-Fay Gilroy 86. Jean Taylor 66. Jr. Pr.-Helen aa, Jack Taylor. Figures Indicate %. Ella M. Tannblyn, teacher. 5pend $60,000 at B.T.S. )eputy Minister Announces (Continued f ram page 1) nates," Mc. Sorsoleil stated. r': the school itself a raom, or wo w(uld be added, he said. Mean- bhile -here la sufficlent cottage ac- ,mmaidation ta handle the addt- aonal students. "'Tuo academnic teachers have ai- -adyr been added ta, the staff," said dr. Sorsaleil. He explained that is braught the teaching strengtb )ack ta what if was origlnally. Mure Sports Accommodation A &Wimming tank and showers are lready pcovided la the gymnaslum )t tl'l building would have to be tended and the showers would )roba hly be maved ta a different ocation. rht Playground wlll bcenelarged »leve-'lng aut land already aval- kbie As the school grounds are ufflciently large now. the addition- Là roi-erty will have ta be purchas- CITIES SERVICE GAS & QILS and DOMINION TIRES ALSO SOLD BY D. H. JAMIESON - PHONE 193 Give More Thought To Your Insurance 4 . .... .. Talk It over with your wtt e - plan how rnuch you require - Lite - Pire - LlabliHty - or any other klnd of Insurance. Then corne in and have the benefit of our wlde experlence in Insurance prob- lemis. Some people have wished the3r had lnsured wlth us - but they Ieftt t too late. Don't put It off. Cail to-day. J. J. MASON & SON INSURANCE - REAIL ESTATE - STEAMSHIP AGENTS PHONE 50 BOW?#INVULE BUT BE SURE IT'S «blue coal» The dependable coal that gives the Max- mum of heat and the minimum of cost When you use BLUE COAL you drive away enemies to heating satisfaction and enjoy the supreme comfort of even, economical heat tliroughout the house. FOR CHEAP FUEL We Have DermioeAnthracite $12095 a ton FEED NUTRI-MIN A supplement ini the feeding of Cattle, Horses, Swine, Sheep and Poultry. A chemical derivative of bone, in which calcium and phosphorus are nutritional- ly balanced and rendered 100% avail- able that's C-I-L NUTRI-MIN. Sheppar'd& Ciii Lumber Co. Ltd. PHONE là BOWMANVI.J.E C OME IN and see this powerful new Willard before vou buy any battery. Especialiv designed for bard-starting motora and cars equipped with radio. Priced surprisingly low. = D. H. JAMIESON STATESMAN BLOCK BOWMALNVILLE People who have suffered for yeare wlth Ind gestion. Acid Stomach. Gao, Heat. buro etc.arunaniazed et the quick relief which IIRK'S STOMALKA gives. A maI1 dose tous* up even the rmont &tub- boneausef o!aur. acid etomach, baninhes Cmi. revives appetite. Eveone subject Occ»cna @tOachtroules noneyer b. wlthou a botlienl the honte At dm5g stores. O.t NICIKBS TMALKA et McGREGOR'S DIRUG STORE ln TINS- 1 Sc *and 60C E XTRA LARGE BOTTLE, 75c 34R mm PAGE liM 1 -ý% 1

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