t~în p hdeinn With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1.934 NUMBER,4 Musical Comedy Success is Tor Feature of Commencement Ch 0 High Schoal Students Ex- MMuK BOARD CHAIRMAN cellent in Clever Presen- Largt tatin- Prizes Presented He and Miss Evelyn Mac- Ac Kinnan Delivers Valedic- E tory The A pleaslng musical comedy, a bani1 splendid valedictory address, and tbe Tus presentation o! prizes Vo Bown-an-th e ville High School student.s, were the H I principal features of the annual ae1 Commencement Exercises beld in rs the school Assembly Hall on Thurs- usual day and Fridiay evenings. True to of the High Sebool tradition, tbe meetings and a started on time. report Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, Chairman LeViers of High School Board, presided. b be Previous to the starto! tbe prograrn James tbe combined orchestras of the Dr. Fr Scbool and Trinity Sunday School, B. Wî assisted by Mrs. M. A. Neal and un- The der the baton of Francis Sttonein Mus. Bac., F.C.C.O., and with Mss ing th( Helen G. Morris aitbe piano, pro- preciat vicled a musical interlude. J .MFeesdrn Dr. Bonnycasile in bis chairman's JwAhMFete hunn remarks extended a welcome Vo, the Chairman of the Ontario Milk the ni audience on behaîf o! tbe Board. Board, and former Durbami boy, wbo of the The attendance ai the school this on Wednesday was tbe guest speaker ed sec( y'ear, he said. was the Isrgest in is of the Durham Holstein Breeders on thi history, standing ai 300. The work Association gaihering in Oronoi, a nÉnute o! the scbool could be best judged report of which will appear nextTe by the report o! the governsnenk ln- week.Th spector, he said, as he outlined the _________________ highlighs of this report. Out of a Charl, total o! 17 aspects o! sehool work and St. pauI's Young people's Guild G. Tru equipment the inspector graded the St. Paul's Young People's Guild Pat schooi witb 15 first grades and 2 was held Tuesday evening wiih a es:;fM seconds. The report insisted that record attendance. Mrs. A. S. Kerr King, more teachers were necessar3'. witb presided and the program was in M. A. the resuli that a new teacher wa charge o! Convener Cyril Coombes Mr. Jo added o ibe staff this f ail. Nearly and consisted of: Reading by Cyril gin , twenity subJects are beinig taughtIin Coomubes: "Sportsmanship" was theme;' the school. The report pralsed subJeci taken by the guest speaker, esy,E Principal L. W. Dippeil for bis tact Mr. Ed. Devitt o! the B.H.S. teach- lesryU and skill ln conduciing the affairs ing staff, and proved snost interest- lsR of te scooland lso ad awordWilliar o! he chol, nd isehada wrding and very educational; clarinet SecretE o! praise for the fine work being solo by Frank Tuerk, acompanied by Mn carried on by Francis Sutton, musi- Miss -Mrek;ehbtino . B cal diecor cste also referred dumb-bell swinging by Sybil Mut- Mr.A r. By onnycaosie ht on, accompanied by Cyril Coombes Busine bnlfl Voprpoed hages ln the on the harmonica. Contesi and rtr educational system o! the ]Province, games concluded the meeting,. o! try and believed thai the elimination o! f h examinations and the passing of ficers. students on year's wonk would fln- n Mrs ally come about. You can buy anyihing from an Churet A pleaslng piano solo by Mis automobile to a baby's rattle in Bow- gave Betty- Knox preceded the presenta- manville. the n( tion o! prizes by Mr. A. J. Whalen, A successCul honuu-cooklng sale. tertai 45r. Bonnycastie, Alex McGregor, Mr. a! ternoofi tea and glft sale was helci Churct W. L. Paterson, Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, SýturdÈy atternoon, by Group 4. Bowni Dr. J. C. Deviti, Mr. Douglas Bar- of St. Paul's Churcb. In charge o! on Mo on, Principal Dippell and Bob Kent. Mrs. M. A. Neal and Mms. G. E. Rev. The latter presentation was nmade Chase A great deal o! work is re- United for the rugby team. who presenied presented by these affaira, but iudg- addresi Don Williams witb the sweater worn ing by appearance the ladies thon- people for the pasi five seamons as a mem- oughly enJoy them, and tbe f Inan- 1 u is d ber o! the rugby teani o! the school. cial gain is o! greai assistance to Don neceived a big ovation at ibis the churcb as a whole. pressentation. The pizes presented__________ Tbursdtay and Piday nights are listed elsewbere.onpg l M otion Pictures of Dur] (Cotiue onpae 1)Received W ith Enthi Band Presented Concert __ ___ The finst o! a senies o! Band Con- The mucis publicized, Dr. L. B. ville, 1 certs in the Town Hall was given on Williams' motion pictures o! Dur-I Hope, SundaY nighi wben the Canadian ham County came to* Bowmanville Vo the Legion Band presented a prograni on Tuesday night and were wiiness- Millbrc wbicb sbowed marked improvement ed by an audience o! over three Ennisk in performance. Aniong the various hundred in Triniy United Church, ono, i Items on tbe evening's entertain- under Women's Association auspic- lencei ment were: a vocal solo, Miss Elh- es. Other audiences in the district ficent1 nor Sykes: seleciions played from who were prlvileged to see these County Sullivans openas; clarinet solo, Mr. pctures before tbey came here have or vi]l Max Tuerk; vocal solo, Orville os-be0Ii loud in their praise and those inieres borne; selections by the band; cor- who saw tbem on Tuesday night Mayor5 net solo, R. Fountain. Mayor Strike agree the praise was certainly well tors ar preslded for the concert. Loyers o! meriied. Izens v mnusic are eagerly awaiting future Not one Durham resideni who saw colleci concerts whlch wili be gîven every the pictures could leave the gather- ter it4 Sunday nighi !ollowing church ser- ing wthout- becoming just a litile passec vices. prouden o! the county in wbicb they be said are prlvileged Vo make their home. perhap For scenlc beauty. for beautiful Willian homes, fine churches and commun- signif i CARD 0F THANKS iîy halls, even the good looking and reaUize --prosperous people. it Is doubtful II i Donald Willams wishe5s 10 express wheîher any other county could eration bis deep appreciation o! the support' boasi more. ures i accorded hlm in the Older Boys' el-1 The showing mighibeboiled dowti worth. tbem o! bis besi efforts ou their be- hall. Ho also appreciales tise sport- lng offor o! bis opponent, Alex Col- ville, 10 back bis efforts Vo the limit. by sayiug it was tne sastestiu, osL oui oyabie sud ciseapest tour o!Dr bai Countv auy o! us will be able 10 make. Slanting ai Courtice sud proceeding east Ibrougis Bowmau- Durham Rubber Company Old Guard Held Banquet and Re-Union Friday Ou Friday evening, November 301h, had done full justice, Mn, A. M. tise Durhami Old Guards o! tise Hardy. who acted as chainman, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company spoke o! his doligisi sud pleasure held a "get-togeiher" ai the Balmor- lu having logeiher tise Durham Old ai Hotel lunVise form. o! a banquet, Guards, their wlves sud guests, stat- entenialumneni sud social evenmng. ing il had been two years sinco they Twety-four years ago tise Good- had met lu this way. There is ouly *year Tire & Rubber Company bougisi one o! Ibis number who bas passed ouitishe Durham Rubber Company. ou to bis reward since meeting two AV that tume tise Goodyear isad years ago, uamely Mn. Fred Fox o! fonly-seven einployees aud tise Dur- Toonto who wss salesman witis bai Rubber Company bad nuety- the Durhams Rubber Company sud elgis eruployees ai Bowruanville. Of cannled along wilh tise Goodyear tise ninely-oigisl employees wiso were Tire & Rubben Company until his taken oven by Goodyear, thuiry-ulne death last spring. Mn. Hardy mon- still romain witb tise Company. tioned tise faci Viat nexi year thero -Tweuty-olgisl are iu Bowmanviile IwilI be a celobration for lthe twenty- sud tise other eleven are lu New Ton- fvo year service pin holdors who *uto sud tise Branches. will bo preseuted wth twenty-flve They had as thoir guests, former year service pins of gold wltis dia- ,eiployoes o! tise Company wbo are moud settlug sud two huudred aud uow on pension or are gentlemen o!flfty dollars iu golci. IHo ioped that loisure. Tisey are. Mn. sud Mrs. D. eacb one would be spared sud would Morrison, Si., Mn. sud Mns. Wîîî-j have Vise opporlun.ity sud pleasure lai Sewell, Mn sud Mrs. William o! belng together on sucis an occas- Painton, Mn. sud Mrs. Rtobent Green- ion s yean froin uow. field, Mn. Hsrry Smih sud Mr. Mn. Hardy thon cailed upon Mr. William Mutton. George L. McCrea. Sales Manager At 7.15 o'clock tise party number- o! Mechanical Goodis, New Toronto; lng slxly-soveu sat down Vo a suusp- who was one o! tise Olci Guards tuous gooso supper. Aten everyone (Continued on page 12) where prote ed, an DUR.HAM CLUB HEAD Need Very Great For More Support oF Christmas Cheer Response ta Appeal la Sa Far Very Poor - Citizens Are Urged ta Help Wo- men's Welfare Committee in Providing Christmas Baskets Most disappointing bas been the response to the appeai of the Wom- en's Welfare Committee of Bowman- ville for donations towards its Christmas Cbeer Fund to provide baskets of good tbings for needy familles ai Christmas. Oniy very I ew have informed Mrs. E. R. Boun- sali. secretary of the Committee, that they Intend to donate, and un- less many donations are received during the week, the Committee will face an aimosi impossible task. Many 6eem co believe that better times have taken tbe poor from us bu ht ~ h~is ,,t s,. QCite a num Ontario Government May Expend $60,000 at B.T.S. MASONIC MASTER ronto Durham 11 ub Re-Electeci1 V'alter H. Clemes gely Attended Meeting lears Reports of Year's :tivities - Off icers Are ected eannuai meeting of the Dur- County Club was held on day evening, November 29th at sidence of Mr. and Mrs. Walter lemes, 123 South Drive,Roe Toronto. sident Clemes presided i7n is Shappy manner. The minutes elust annual meeting were read approved and the Treasurer's tshowed a balance on hand. rs of regret in flot being able Spreseni were read fromi Dr. ýL. Hughes, Mr. George James, Irederick C. Marlow and Dr. L. illiamns. ePresident gave a very inter- greport of the Club's work dur- he year and expressing bis ap- ation to ail those entertaining gt.he pasi season and ail others eiped to make the year one of .ost outstanding in the bistory eClub. Mr. J. D. ICeachie mov- =onded by Mr. T. E. Washing- îe addxress be recorded in the tes. e report of the nom.inatlng ittee for the off icers for 19- *, was received, moved by Mr. les Ruse, seconded by Mr. Fred ruli and approved as follows: President-Dr. James L. Hugh- [on. Presidents-Mr. R. W. Controller W. D. Robbins. Mr. James, Mr. T. E. Washington, Joseph Watson, Dr. D. G. Gog- President-Mr. Walter H. Cle- Vice-Presidents---Mr. S. H. Je!- Dr. Qeo. W. MeGiîl. Mr. Char- ,se, Col. R. J. Stuart, Dr. L. B. ams and Mr. D. W. Armnstrong; ary-Wallace Maas; Treasurer J. D. Keachie; Auditors-Mr. Cobbledick, Dr. F. L. Cole and A. A. Worden; Program and' iess Commttee-President, Sec- yTreasurer and other members Lclub to be named by the of- sPatterson of Triniiy United eh, Toronto was present andc a short address and lnvited embers o! the club to an en- iment to be given in Trinlty eh by a group o! ladies from nanville Trlnity United Church [oday, Dec. 10th. vW. E. Wilson from King St. id Church gave an interesting is on his work among the poor [of the lower part of thbe city. depressing Vo think there are (Continued on page 12) rham County iusiasm in Town Newcastle, Newionville to Port and then through the villages ie north, Blackstock, Bethany,j ook, Cavanville, Janetville, skillen. Hampton, Tyrone, Or- Pontypool and Kirby, the sud- was present-ed with a magni- Lpanoramic view of the Banner ty of Ontario. In each town lage the principal points o! est were brlefly vislted, and .rs and Reeves, newspaper edi- and proniinent and pioneer cit- were included in that valuable tion which will live on long afr- ts principal characters have i on. There is much thai could1 âd about the pictures, but it is is wiser to poinit out that Dr. ms is doing a work, the full cance o! which will not be wd by this generation. Lthe next and succeeding gen- )ns thai will vîew these plct- and find in tbem their true i. They should be placed some- ewhere they will receive the ction to whlch they are entitl- nd they will i future years be (Continued on page 6) SEVEN GOODYEAR EMPLOYEES WITH 253 YEARS' SERVICE Seven mon o!flise Goodyear plant. Comspany back lu 1897. Prom le! t Vo Hardy, superiteudent lu charge o! lu Bowmanville, shown In tiseabveight tisey are: George Soucs, lunVise pant; W. W. Short, foreman lu piclure, have been employed lu tise charge o! asbeso auatr;A cag !bi auature;W.H Hl. Fletcher, assistant foneman o! Tickson, foreman lu change o!fhosu rubbeî business in Bowmanville for mechanical goods manufacture; T. manufacture; sud Aif. Richards, a total o! 253 yesrs. Some o! thom B. Voale,. head moulder lu tise rub- foroisu lu charge of mat, mattiug satnd wltis tise 01< Dunhani Rubber ber mouldlng departmenl; A. M. sud packiflg manufacture. Deputy Minister of Public Welf are Announces Pro- jected Plans for Addi- tions ta Buildings at On- tario Training School A comPrehensive plan for addit- lonal buildings and playgrounçi and extension o! present, buildings, at the Bowmanvifle Training School, at a cosi o! about $60,000 is now under contemplation, and uow awalts the approval o! the provincial minister of wel!are and the cabinet, M. A. Sorso- leil, deputy minister o! welf are, an- nounced Monday. If the plan 18 approved the flrst stop will be erection o! a ten-bed bospital. A part-ime nurse would be added, Vo the staff and acconmmodat- ion pnovided for her. A doctor re- sident in Bowmanville will be as- signed Vo look after the bospital as a Part-tinie position. Addition o! severai roois Vo, the' shops would also be made,and sev- eral subjecis added Vo the technical, curriculum, including auto servlclng, sboe repairing, printing and clothlng repairing. For each o! thedse shops additional equipment would be re- quired. -We hope as well Vo be able Vo teach laundry practice, but this has not been decided on yet,", remarked Mr. Somsoleil. Five From Nimico SU&f Superintendent William Green o! the Mimico school and four other employees will be taken on by the goverument and tnansferred Vo the Bowmanvilie school. Mr. Green wiil become assistant to the present superinteudent at Bowmanville, Albert Virgin. W. 0. Pettinger, former deputy superinten- deùit ai Mimico, wlll be placement off icer. His wife wbo occupied the. post o! nurse, has been dismissed. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. WhaJley wifl be retaiued as* cottage "father and mother." Mr. Whalley will continue bis teaching o! shoe manufacturing ane repalnlng. Mrs. Smith wlll re- rflJ.lssdining room supervisor. One o! the three firemen at Mi- mico wiil be retained temporarlly to look a! Ver the Victoria industrial school buildings, whlch are uow un- der the management o! Hon. T. B. McQuesten, minister o! public works. One or two of the staff wlll also remain there as watebxueu. "We bave a plan in preparation which wll meet tihe requirements o! the Bowmanvflle training Vo handIe the increaseci number o! JuvenilehI- (Continued on page 9) Leglon Entertains Ladies Ou Wednesdiay night members of the Canadian Legion entertalned their ladies, sweethearts and Poppy Day workers lu St. John's Parlas Hall wheu an eutertaining programn was offered. Numbers on the pro- gram iiucluded the followlng: piano solo, Charlie Cawker; baritone solo, Alden Haw, Orono; violin solo. Frans- cis Sutton, Mus. Bac., vocal solo. Mrs. Wm. Roberts; euphoniumn solo, George Rowe, Orono; vocal solo, Melville Dale; vocal solo, Mis. V. Ott; recitation, Mm. L. Goddard; humorous selec lions by Oshawa Leg- lonaires; vocal solo, Alan Knigist; cornet solo, Charlie Cawker; vocal solo, Sam, GlanvIlle; vocal solo, C. 8., Haiman; Isumorous selections, Oshs- awa Leglouaires; recitation, Wmn. Berry; vocal solo, Richard E. Logan; duet, Miss Margaret Allin sud Oeo. Davidge. President W. F. Ward was chairinan, and deligaitful refresh- meuts were served by a committee headed by Bill Tait. HOCKEY PLAYERS NOTE AillYoung men lnterested lu the. organization of a Junior Hockey team ln Bowmnanville are asked t. meet to-night (Thurday) at the B1almoral Hotel at 7.30 p. m. A group of Interested older people will bceon hand to get a teamt unie, way. Donald Williams is Elected in Vote For Older Boys' Parliament Saturday Nearly two-Vhinds o! tise votor n i Bowmanvllle exercised tiseir suffrageI lu tise election hold ou Dec. 18V for tise Older Boys' Panliameut. St. Au- drew's led, wilh more than 93 per cent, o!fits elecions voiing. Si. Jos- epis's came nexi. witis more tissu 73 per cent. St. Johsn's, St. Psul's snd Trinity polled belween 50 per cent.i sud 60 per cent. o! tiseir possible vote. Donsld Willilams wUll represent Bowmanville lu tise Fourteentis Old,- or Boys' Pariaient. In carryiug out bis pledge Vo sttempt a revival o! boys' wonk lInVise Vowu, ho will hiave tise co-operation o! Alex Colville, his oppoen-a ratisen unique stte o! affaira, sud one wiic legllators seul Vo Toronto sud Ottawa by aduit votons îlgist study wlth Profit. Tise candidates worked togothor Iu thein cauvass, ddsplaying great entisusiasm In getting out tise votons, sud comn- parative indiffoience aVo the ne- cipiess o!fVise votes, In Ibis laud- able entoiprise tisey necelveci valu- able iselp fions Bob Kent and Fnank Mcflveen o! St. Andrew's snd Dennis FPagan o! St. Joeoph'a-help whlch 1la registened inluthe igh pecentages of votons frons tisese cisuiches (above noted). Donald Williamis, tise victor in tise eleclion la tise only son o! Mr. Fiank Williams, Vise Popular local manager o! tise Bell Telepisone Company, snd Mrs. William& Don 11U been oUt- standing lu boys work sudHigis Scisool activities for severai years. As Praetoi o! Swastika Tuxis square at St. Paul'a ho lias galued s prac- tical exporience in tise work o! tise Ontario Boys Work Board. Don has for four years Captained th iseHgi Scisool Rugby tearn, leading them Vto gîoup cisamplonships two years lu succession. Recognition o! bis fine Wortnsahlp w5S sda&whefl ho wu8 Preseflted wlti tise W.L. Pat- erson awarcl at Commencement, as Vise player oontrlbuting most 10 bis enin. * l drauatlc woîk lu tise achool, lu atisletics. sud lu practie- sily every field o! endeavoul' luto wich ho isas iurned bis efforts ho has pioven biniself a leader, sud Bowmsuvllle is fortunate lunisavlug a. repreeenat ive o! sucb higis Calibre to ropresent tise owlu is e l4th Olden Boys' Panliieut. -I Walter H. Clemes Pronsinent Toronto business man and former Port Hope boy, wbo was re-elected President o! the Durham Club o! Toronto last Thursduy nlght. o! famulies are st.ill receiving relie! A. H. BouflsaUl O ntario Crippled and will o! course require aid, but Recently elected Worship!ul Mas- 1*11,wbai o! the scores o!fothers who ter o! Jenusalem Lodge. A. F. & A. Cniîcren's S cey bave only been workingofor, a fe M.,Bowmanvilîe. r Bounsail will I-Ieadwas Sp aker~back rents and back cebts which cember 28th. Ngt depression? Are those o! us who ---_ _ _ _ have not !elt its privations going toTrtyMnMeigTusy Frank Littlef ield, President sit back sud see thoso who are malt- ritMe'MeinTusa of Humanitari Mn Organ- lng an honest effort Vo psy back Trinity Men's Broiherhood are wbat tise depression has cost tisen, exceecliugly fortunate in having as izaion Deiveed m-go without a menry Christmas? their speaker for their opeuing meet- presive Addlres ltiR- Bowmanvilie sud district bas been ing in the chool rooni on Tuesday, presive ddres atRo-generous lu tise pat and we feel will Dec. litis, at 8 p. m., Rev. D. M. Sol- tary Club be generous tisis tixue. Lest yers andt, M.A., D.D., General Manager Chrstms bskts ostinthe neigis-ofthse Ryerson Press Limlted, Tor- The olay Clb ws prvil bonhood o! $300, in addition Vo the onto. Dr. Solaucl isl a most enter- The otay Cub ws pivieged mauy pnoducts donated in kind. The j taining speaker sud on this occasion en Friay toUtaefesci, uet so!ak- ueed will not bo quite as great tis ho will give an illusiraied address er ran Litleiel, Pesientof heyear, but il wil novertheless be sen- on Dennasiz, the manners and cust- Ontario Crippleci Chfidren's Society, jous. Ke know that you wbo read oms o! tise people sud especially thse and a past Pres1dexit o! Toronto Ro- this intend to give, but unloss you devlopentthai bas taken place in tary Club. Il was Crippled Cbildren's send in your donations right wytaconr in co-operative orgen- Day sud Charliei Mason had charge thse Comxittee will have nothin o ization sud social services. Anl men o! the program as chairman o! the whîch to organ iels work. 'Please in the community who look upon local lub's speclal commitiee on this &end your donations this week Vo Trinity as tiseir churcis home are work. Mn. Littlefleld was introduced Mrs. E. R. Bounsal. who as secre- cordially inviioci. Refreshinents will by Jixu Devitt, a friend o! many tary. nepresents the Committee be served ai the close sud a social years standing. whc scmoe frpeetatives hour enjoyed. These gatherings are Iti iecarrying coals Vo New- ofhalche cmposedao! rep ese or-absolutely free. Ladies be sure Vo cslM.LitVie! bld said, Vo come ganlzat.lous. nemiud your husbands o! tisimi- ctie. wMr. vleo speak on Crippled ~Portant event Tuesday nîgbt. It's Children's work, when you have sucb Th Statesman wiil gladly co-op- iheir nigist out. a fine local record. Iý want Vo deal, erate by publicly acknowledgiug -- tsowever, wlth tise wlf phase o! this esci donation made, sud we feol work, tise work bebfngvcarried on by sure that the Rotary Club will again Dr. J. Clark Bell wiil acidress thse aid in the distribution o! the bas- eua etn o h eJno the Ontario Society sud thse Inter;. - reulaoneetinro!stseaLelon o national Society. eso hta v. Friday eveniug, December 21st in thse We are planning big things for Thse ueed is very real. IV la tise Council Chamber; subject "The On- Cnippleci Children, but we fiud VisaIt concein o! every one of us. sud if looker's view o! tise Entrance o! Can- this work is largeiy a thing o! the we fan down iu thse task bef oie us, ada into the Great War." heait, a thiug of sentiment. Too then perhaps the realization o! oun _______________ many people, he added, think sen- f ailure wlll bauiù sud spoil our owu timient is se! V sud worthless but the eujoymeut o! the festive season. tise Christ Child back Into Christ- true meaning o! sentiment is ihat B. K. Sandweil, ediior o! Saturday mas." We can do this by remember- forn io! feeling which the &oui re- Night, wroto receutly "We must put; lng othens. sponds Vo the good that comes Vo________________________________ man througb bis rational nature. work essenutdmeyteerae mnon lioN Unl esseontieteeraed rto h Nominations for Civic Offices W il Dr. Parks o! New York, who witis a Canadian doctor risked their owu eH l e .31sE e to sJ n t lives by lnJectlng the deadiy lu- beH dD c.3 tE e io sJ n 7h f antile paralysis gerus into their owu bodies Vo test a now serum tbey Arrangements were completed for South Ward, Nos. 1 sud 2, South had per!ected for its prevention. tehligomuiianoia-Wr coH.eswyD.R0, We wll lwas hve cippesMr-ions on Mouday, December 31st, sud A. C. Fewster, Clerk. Liltle!ield sald, sud wiile we recog- the eleciions, if necessary, on Mon- Town Clerk Alex Lyle will o! course nize ibis f act we kuow that a large day, Jauuary 7th, when tise Town be returning officer lu charge. percentage is due Vo infantile par- Council passed tise necessary bylaw Tw ote byasecve te alysis. Our society plans Vo preveni w te yasrcle h crippliug, raViser than cure. The ai Monday's meeting. necessary neadings at tis meeting, speaker drew tise club's attention VoI7To confonni with the requiremeuts one sppoiniing the Oscar Hudson several pathetlc cases, one lu which, O! the Municipal Act these datest Company corporation auditors for a boy, now 21 years o! age sud a were set. As January lst is s holiday 1935 at a salary o! $350, sud, another cnipple for life, could have been candidates nomiuated will have grantiig the usual tax exemptions made normal bad ise receivec tise plenty o! tue Vou think the matter on farm lands. rigist treatment shontly afier tise over as they will noV be required 10 Councillor W. J. Mantyn was the accident which cnippled hin aitishe qualif y until 9 p. ms. ou Jsuuary 2nd, ouly member o! council absent froni age o! 3. 1 want Vo dnaw your ai- ihus having 48 instead o! 24 boumS the meeting. tention, he sald. Vo the necesslty o! thai is customary. On the following Washington Loan & Trust Coni- doiug what you do well, sud o! do- Mouday, January 7ih, lise poils will pany infonmed council that taxes ou îng il earîy. open ai 9 a. i. sud close at 6 p. ni. tbe McGiII estste in Washington a- Tise airus o! our sociely may be These Deputy Reiurulng officers mouuted Vo $3765.18 annually. besi summed up lunlthe ltispara and Poil Clerks were sppointed for Eruest Laird. Maple Grove, ap- graph o! our Magna Charter wblch the various poiling subdivisions: poaleci against the Î35.00 tax ho ws reads, "In brie!, noV only for its owu West Wand, Nos. 1 sud 2 lu tise obllged Vo psy Vo pecidle meat lu sako, but for the sake o! socieîy as Council Rooni, Wes Percy, D. R. O., Bowmanville. Ho asked for a reduct- Thomas Hamnilton, Clerk. ion but no action was taken. Coutiuued on Page 3 Nortis Ward, No. i. aItishe Pump Peler Martin complslued o! water House, F. Pattinson, D. R. 0., A. rocedlng into bis cellar thnougb deep1 Mn. Hanry Oroves, szu o! Mn. and Fletcher, Clerk. ditebes, and tise matter was referred Mrs. W. E. Groves o! Bowmanville, North Ward, No. 2. aitishe Pump Vo tise Roads sud Streets Commiltee bas been elect-ec a momber o! tise House, A. J. Adams, D. R. O., Geo. for action. City o! Gaît Board o! Education. A. Corden, Clork. (Contiuued ou page 3)