PAGE FOUR .QAMN, IuWMAVE..LL, ÂTRURSAY, U1ICEMBEH , f,1934. TH.C&A7A AT..T iI FAVOR COALTION'ALL MEN ARE SHYSTERS"p IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST Letters to (St Thomas Times-Journal) teGfNotions I Santa Claus ~Stratford Beacon-Herald, turndthe TTOEY-Ncl oedfrgnlmno ay FIFTY YEARS AGO 1 TWENTY - FIVE YEARS AGO I an address which lie recently deliv- SAINR ieybxdfrgnlmno ay (FromThe tatemanDec.5, 184) (rom he Sateere, ecto, the Men's SntClubedto teKMesxCpulainnoorlainor ouredrd.prîced rofro......c.. toc to$1.7 (Fro Th Sttesan, ec.5, 884 (Frm Te Sateman.Dec 9,190> - earSana: hurch, Woodstock. Mr. Kennedy, ReprtofS. . o.Please bring me some candy and who wields a virile and intenselyl SHAVING SETS - Special Values - boxed The many friends of Mr. Jesse Enniskillen:ReotfS.SN a big mamma dol. With love, human pen. is a gifted speaker, who Woodbury's 98e 1 Mennen's.... 98C Truli of Darlington. whose family 17, Darlington, for November. Names Audtrey Fletcher, clothes old truths in new and ti-9 Yade'$10 $65 affliction and death of two child- inl order of menit. Sr. 4th, Alta Ben- Bowmanville. Ont. îng language and who aîways strîk- Palmolive 89cIYrlY ren from that terrible malady diph- tham; Jr. 4th, Aylmer Beech. Mel- his hearers plenty of food for ser- COMPACTS - Thin flapjaeks, triple, or double theria was recorded two months ago, ville Knapp; Jr. 3rd, Hilda Clarke, Dear St. Nick:bu tought. His Woodstock ad-Hubans-FoerBkt$.7-$35 wil beplesedto ear tht ohe Evret BechElls HllwaîerI would like a dolly and teddy bear dress was one in which he unmask- members of his f amily. Mrs. and Miss Ferguson, Camneron F'erguson; Sr. and sorne candy. With love, ed the selfishness, the censorious- Vashe Sets Triple compacts ani refilîs .... $1.75 and Mr. Cameron Trull, who have 2nd, Mildred Bentham. Cora Clarke; Jean Fletcher, ness, the hypocrisy and the comip]ac- Single and Double Compacts25 $3.50 been prostrated by the disease are LraKap Russell McLaughlin; Bowmanville, Ont. ency of th-e average human soul. It row able to be around again. Jr. 2nd, Pheobe Beech, Susie Curran;DarSna emhsidtencetyfreoStsorLy -YA LE - SefrMn 'Fa DchsaCoin t Bwmn-lst Lnoe enha, . . ola-ing the beam from one's eye before 4 piece Powvd. and Cream, S3.5 3 Pe. with leather case, $3.()o ville". The Duchess of Gordon will cott. Teacher. Please bring me a air gun and attempting to remove the mote from 3 Piece Bath Set $1.00 2 Piece Creamn and Talc. $1.0() arrive in Bowmanville a few days Hampton: Mr. J. Hall, Enniskill- sorne candy and a picture show. the eye of another, or the desirabil- 2ic odadCem 22 ic hv e before Christmas. She mgde a very en is moving into tjie house of the With love, ity of trying to see ourselves as weîî 2peePw.adCraS.5 3PeeShv e ... 26 successful visit to Whitby and carr- late Mrs. Cox.-Miss Ethleen Johns Kefneth Fletcher, a tesi relgt ic sot 50 ic sot 43 ied off the f irst prize and sweep- as been engaged as teacher at Hay- Bow~manville, ont. asMr Keneady declard ht ic sot S.06weeAso .. 43 stksfrte*s a owo x o o 90 * * Mr end*elae htw r Bridge Set and Case Si '50 Military Brush, Comb and hibition.i Haydon: Report of S. S. No. 21,1 C. H. Carlisle 1Dear Sata too ready to Point the finger at 6 Bath Cubes in box 35c Mirror with leather case, $3.25 I ol ieyut rn eaothers. and to find fault. apparently Bt at 5 22 oî ao......69 Ateam from the Toronto Football Darlington. November, Names in In addressing the Toronto board trinwand lie cost brndg me aforgettn h w mahvesie BhSls25 2.5 Rl azr......$69 trainand mccanosetmadtsom fauth tigethanienmy hav sam ClbpaedamthwihteUioore f mÉrnt. Jr. 4th, Douglas of trade, Mr. C. H. Carlisle, presi. candy and oranges. Bye-bye Santa l ourselves more grievous t.han Shave Bowî S1.00 New Gilette Razor .... $4.00 Club here on Saturday. the former Moore; Jr. 3rd. Hugh Moore; Sr. dent 0f the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Charles Fletcher, i oher. ndli winin tw galstoone I2nct. Stella Slemon, Eva Martin; Jr. 1 Co. advocated a coalition govern- Bowmianville, Ont. made the rather startling rmr RADJATOR ALCOHOL, full strength ... . .7eai Newtnvile:We avea kittng nd.Llod Ahto, EginMarin;lst met for Canada, stating that one P.S.-I wouldi like a cowboy suit too. that "we countenance shysters and factony in our prosperous village-, Dora Mountjoy, Kate Moore, Mary party should not have control of 0 * * w r hstr.aerferdt h M rs. W . R ich as solci a m onster As to . ena Co pe , ehyAs - an da' i cr as ngHaeon l d bt D ar San a:r s a k ' S rthSo r iAsto. RnaCoper Hnr As- anda' icrasig atona dbtencouragement given to the business K tuke i or Hp o Study on dgr ooe. ilin orMr. Carlisle also expressed himself How are you? Shirley would like Petitor out of business by undersell-P .CWINPmB thatweiged 1 lbs-Mr1J. H Red. OiveJarti. E.Robia JOnivtea-asritfavr 0fabolshig prvincalnaCudles"doas aihreewheeed ogfhi thrughcut-hroarprat-nLiaUsFîa ourEuesat Or Ne Lowr Praet it is said, wil be a candidate for lst cher. governments. riyle ada oî ugy.Iwell ices. ___________________________LetUsFit__________a__OurNew_______Prim Deputy Reeve for 1885. He was de- ox-avleCrsmsPutytiylnda olbgy.1wl c. feated by 3 votes last year. IBwavle CrsmsPuty~* ev o a piece of pie, a tart, and Newcastle: Mr. Thos. McClung Fi ilb edi h oni a piece of cake. Good-bye dear He further illustrates human too care 0 te ostOfic o Chamber on December 2nd. $100 is EBENEZER Santa, with love meanness by the avidity with which December lst and is getting along ofrdi rzs Shirley Challis. eole await foreclo>Sers in order to - splendidly. He is just the kind of Bowmanvîlle District E p w o r t h Mr. Evans, Toronto, was a week- Bowmanville, Ont. get worth-while things at ridicu -_______________________________ man the people want. affable, oblig- 'League held a meeting in Oshawa. end visiton wth his daughter, Mrs. I will try to be a real good girl. lu rcsrte hnhl hs in ad arfu.Oficrsinlue Hn.Prs.Re.W.C.Smth xxxxxx 1 kssscaught in the web of financial dis- £1 u r Leskard: Mr. Keirman who was John Garbutt: First Vice-Presidenti Mr. and' Mrs. Ahf. Pennington, To- * own, by payang a fair and decent .1 engaged as teacher in succeession to -Miss Ethel Curtis, Tyrone; Second 1 ronto, were guests fM.adMs Dear Santa Claus: price for the thn bujob ei- E F N T E BARGAIN Mr. Sangster in our school has Vice-Mrs. H. J. Werry. Enniskillen; H. P. Osborne. 1 amn wnting to tell you what I ed.txgaot obsi- changed his mind and the trustees Third Vice-Mr. E. A. LovelI, Bow- Do not forget the C.G.I.T. are would like for Christmas. I wouid have shown their wisdom in engag- manville; Fourth Vice-Misa Gertie entertaining at the church on Fni- like a pair of skates, a pair of thick The Stratford editor closeci his ra- Here's another good week-end value. Please phone orders lng a successful teacher from ou Langmaid, Zion; Secretary-Mr. W. day evening, Dec. 7th. woollen socks. a pair of fingered ther remarkable and unusual adi- own township, Mr. Henry Chapple, H . Moore, Hampton. Miss Dorothy Jones and girl mitts, and a wooîîen sweater. I dress by urging sYmPathetic support to the store or gie to our driver to avoid any chance of of Kirby. Born: Clemens. in Darlington, friend, Oshawa, were Sunday guests think that is ail I would ]ike. thank- for those who find the going hard. dîsappointuient. Haydon: Mr. John Slemon had'Nov. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Albin with Mrs. Herb. Nichols. ing you for your kindness, I remain and who have become discouraged AECOOAE AERgi0 the misfortune to have the forei Clemens, a son, W. M. S. will meet at the church yours truîy, b3' the dark outlook. There is little 1DTE CHOCONUT MCAROON Reg. 15e and second fingers of his right hand. Born: Wilkins, In Darlington. on Thursd.üy, Dec. l3th, with Mrs. Jiinie Milis, doubt that the majority of men are1 O.C ONTM AR NSeg15 crushed in a chaff cutter on Thurs- Dec. lst. to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bert Wilkins and group in charge. R .1 apoOt osl-ete.Te onttk day. His mtt caught into the cogs Wilkins, a son. Mn. andi Mns. Jesse Arnot, Ber- that hey sul i. T e niticizellw anc ale.... 5 and drew his hand into the machine. Mannieci: Huggins - Reynolds, In nice and Jack, Maxweill's, Mn. and Dean Santa: cond ten rherd hycrtc n Enfield: This village for a racket. Bowmanville, December Ist by Rev Mrs. Gus Oke and faxnily, Toronto, How are you? 1 am writing this . ey ta che anSaudy S cil-OI 30 Mr.G. rmito le hi tarnrunWm JolifeMr.Wm.A.HuginsofSundiayed with Mn. and Mrs. B. Oke. letterntutellyou what I wouîd lîke praise. Thypoint the finger of Mr. G risaltl ilteote a.1DrintonanMis ar v Sunday services were conducted by for Christmas. I would like a "Cud- heulp-iing a.They tear ldo a- ar.W . with a lle gr h e th e dy. Dli<gon and iss ary EvaRey- Rev. W. C. Smith. The morning dies" dol, a litte seove and a piano. her thg an bd . h tat thiw rldA B G CA A U Mn W J cC]lug' tamwetnods Bwaniie topie was "Beholdi a sower went I will leave you a niece of pie and needs is a revival of brotheruiness. Lg(ai wes ueircnypout0 h hc day. too. Mn. R. Davey wiU give a'attendlng Pharmacy Council and was suitable musc. S. S. wasattendr<i Goo-bye dean 5of theitChlov (see heool onertbeo Christmas. appolnted Chairman of the Research by 121.JueCai, become a universal reality, the olci Vanilla Caramel, MpeBte raWlpdCem <see the jok). ommtte. B wma v'le, would take on a new hue, Vanilla Butter Cream, Butter Cream, Peppermint Cream, Mn. and Mns. Ross Pearce and BwmnilOt which would brighten the outlookanBoduxctr.Anustdigvlea-9 lb Junior, Mrs. Ueo. Pearce, Mrs. Blake xxxxxxxxxx 19 kisses for ail.anBoduxctrsAnusadngvlet-9lb __________________ IOke enjoyed a chicken dinnen on . 0 . ._______ IWednesday evenlng at the home of Dean Santa Claus: Mn. andi Mrs. Alymner Hezzelwood, I wouîd very much like a catipillar Plan to help a needy fanuîly this 24Toronto. tractor, some crayong and a jig-saw Christmas. Sutscnlbe to Chnistmras C orb t ' a c r Thie lamily of Mn. and Mns. Thos. ruzzle. Hoping we have some snow Cheer Fund.BWMNIZ Bickle met at their home on Fnlday before you corne. With lots of love Bowmanvllle merchants can sup- PHONE 3 O MNIL evening to, celebrate the birthday of fnom plY your eveny Christmas need. Give IMrs. Bickle, aIl enjoying a pleasant Cllfford Milîs, thern a fair trial; petifts. Tuxis Boys met at Haroldi %os- Dean Santa- 0borne's home on Friclay evening I arna irl 9years odc. and I wan when the following officers were el- a doll and a buggy andi a game and ectci: Mntr-Mn. James Hancock; a pair of skates I hope there wUb 4~ Paetor-Harold Osborne; Vice Prae- l"ts of snow for you so you will be ;- f. " H a i s tr-Harry Worden; Scriptor-Dou j able tii corne to every littIe girl and4 Games were playeci. af ter which Mns. bol. Yor lov'nlxo Osborne served refreshments and a BOildr e nte, - - social time enjoyed. BoÎavll,.n Ladies' Berean Class met Thurs- Dean Santa Claus: A MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR LITTLE MONEY! day with a fair attendance. Pro- 1 You have bee'i good to me everv Make Christmas happy and joyful with useful gram opened with quiet music wilh! vear and I would like if you would 'Mns Chas. Founci at the piano. Ibine me a scribbler and a bag of gift ofwef mae frnitre prcesarelowThoughts of Christrnas were canniedci îndiffl and some oranges. I hope gift 0f weU mad fu nitu e - pni es re ow!throughout the m eeting and also t t it sows so you can get here -BETTER IGHT- Christmnas suggestions, Nominating with vour irlelgh and reindeer. TI commtitee pnesented the followlng hope vou will be able to gel around BETTER SIGHT - iat of officers for 1935: President-. to PIl the other chilciren in the e are ready, as neyer before, to give you a modern and efficient Christmas -Wlth These Fine FounciA.2nd Vic;-s. Cecil AdCha. Yordtr in hmsoehng Mous.;A. . Ga; i Vce-Mr s. C as. wourdribng hmsmhn o. service. Everything we seli is guaran teed quality. Our prices are flot beat- Lamps3nd Vice-Mrs. Ted Rivett; Secre- Auclrev Moilntîoy. en by any store, and in many cases are Iower. Before you buy, examine two 'tary-Mrs. Walter Snider; Asst. Sec. (6 yearç old) hns isqaiyadte pc.Te ouIcret H r Al'. -Mrs.'Cecil Founid; Treas.-Mrs. R. R. 3, Bunketon, Ont. tig:Frt ultadte rc. Te o'Icret ar Hns Bed Lams In l Okie; Asst. Treas.-Mrs. Art xoxoxoxo ~~ - Pund; î7eachers-Mrs. F. W. Run-J attractive designs de and Mrs. C. Penfound; Flower, D'or Santa: and colors -$1.29 Commttee-Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. A. 1 arn a little girl just sven vears F . Rundle. Mns. Blake Oke. Mrs.j old. and I houe von will be able to ' P rank Worden's gnoup was in charge j orne t mv bouîse. as I want von tO~, I 0f meeting. ilng me Chubby îdoll andi doll's high A pleasant surprise awaited Mn. I chair and a box of cand.y and some~L and Mrs. W. H. Nichols on Nov. 27,1 oranges. I have~ been a good girl.. Avake Your Cake and Pudding Early-Here's Very Best Ingredients for Them when they arrived home aflen en- 1 bore there wîll be Fo'ne snow so~ joying dinnen at the home of their vou can bring your neindeers. Love ~ Flora Valencia Raisins 23celM. English ('ut Mixed Peels, finest brte n r.frmAustralan Seedless Raisins.. 2 Ilîs. 23e I qulty 20e lb. Reflector style as Fran.k Aldswonth, solina, to meet Lorraine %omerýzcales, Australian Cholce Currants 2II 5eEnglishCiron aPeerage35c lbe . shown, cosnslete Soîid Walnut Occag brothers and sisters who had annlve<I Bowmanville. Ont. Lexias Seeded Raisins .> .._2 lbs. 25e EGlce Cerrinel 35elb. with sllk 'shade, lonal chairs, in fine at their home 10 help celebrate with andie l p inht, red lb.reen Glanelshe3rroAsods45olb. $.5themn thein foty-fifth wedding anni- Dean Santa:CadePnepeRigegen French Bordeau Walnuts 50colb. 9.5covers - $6.95. versary. Their daughters, Mrs. Sni- 1 an iat a litîl" girl nine years adlgt1 b 8 pns rw lod 0 b der and Mns. Montgomery, and olci. I houe you will be able to corne _____________________________________________ -A 1 daughter-in-law, Mrs. Herb. Nichols, to our house. cause if you do I would i. had arranged during their absence like an Eaton Beauty doîl and a pi- ' 1>'l2)everYthing to a nicety. The tables ano and also a big cutout book and 5 S S m aS zU r y lions, centreci with a lovely four- Santa Clause are quite well. Prom _ _ I ~~~~~ m n s a I e a c h e n d , lo o k e d v e y p re t- M a n a re t S o m e n szc a le s , G e e - T r e s - C i k n u k tY. Th ejoe uthedantymbenuater5 * * *le nt e . J- y. the uests n menu ater Bwmnvll nt Order early for Lest choice. Beautiful birds. Right Prices. adjourned 10 the living- Dean Santa Clans: room whene the bride and groom I hope you are fine and are ready were the recipients of rnany love:Y for yon trip. I have been a gooci Give a poor f amily a basket of groceries. Ask us for suggestions, giftt. Aften a real chit-chat and boy Ibis year. 1 hope you are corn- l I . expessingrted wish erhet g inz th doon un lood;forpou nd heo ewllnr Rie- uîu11 no you won't. e able to use board. decort.d in orange, blue his accunýtableê for 'not making the you r slýeig9h. I would like a slelgh and white. Contai., play tale- best use possible of his lime. and a fw andies and nuts. i wiil Phne, cash resister, 38 play Benjamin Frankln used the years lreebeyo andi leave you a littIe ouckages, 28 places Pay money. of bis 11f e so Weil that from a hum- lnch and If It la cold stay and gel u iio HWS a 0 ble beginning he rose 10 be one of wanm. From your littIe fnienci, B àIi a AES xnm theweltiet ndwies mn f isE .yHe Ag,-Set the pl4ytlmne store Free the watis n ietmn0 i lo Necatennong. I--and aftishe urne tinté prove age.apty deinei tie a "th Necaste, nt.for yourself how rnuch easier * s *f s mr4.ý ad qulcker *"HAWES" will A mans fortune depencis on bow Dear Santa: hinvesta his money: hscharce mwrtn ould likte lfor tmas. m rks e sa d as flot r.-i he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eI -r 1meance tear ntnyoaltteete10* lustre whlch wearm longr- on bow he investis his t e. elecîrie htrInwouî i e fojus. maeris.plshi-n soofe nt As FrnkCan.thing and please don't forget my your dealer. little sister. I hope You havea Duigpleasant trip. I wish you a Mery THE QUANTITY 15 LIMITED merchants wlll keep -thein stores op. Ronnie Graham, - -E A CE O RS T -A en aIl day Wednesday. Newcastle, Ont. 1! THE-CANADIAN STATESMAX- nnurmAMUTT.,r.v