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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1934, p. 6

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i i F s. t. j' J.Fade, Cunllor. 25.00 QantiyORf-bALEd straw part--top anuKd bls $1A 5 deslred prograini ativen houp or FUL.04EPEGGMAS SLD YJ. FBycerConlr250frsaeC.PDvit Counillor . 25.00 SRWFRSL tlpdwlu.PieTfraction, and stop)s at tîme st 1 AIII ClrCbal-year salary 15000I T. MCKee, woodi40 er . J ANL Rcit:Cement mixer, $16.00. .A e r Boornanville 1 p. m. tameDc.ltt Phone 195r2 - Enniskfleu PHONE 152 RADIO REPAIRS BOWMz.uNVIuÀ W. Beacock, Clerk. ______________ - didly given by Messrs E. Doidge, K. MARRIED FORTY FIVE YEARLS_______________________ Werry, L. Foster, K. Squair and F. ISALEM Blackburn; guitar andi vocal music, HAMPTON -& Mr. Sam Castie; reading. Mr. Ron- H r w r it o sbetothfiemsinr e- Squair; brought this splendid pro- M.Wle owl iieiTr monbjet ! e fin v Se msn rr gram ta a close. Lunch was serveci onto friends. mo dlveedb Rv.A erandi a social perioci enjoyeci. Mr. Morley Hastings, Torontove yb d A successful wood bee was held on ________________paEverbtod Monday a! ternoon to eut woocl for I- Rev. Rackham occupied bis pulpit rcl h hilo cuc etn.Tet\ewsd-ENNISKILLEN 1 at the evening churcb service. I you chuch edy tr.Ibog. BThetrewy d- _______________ Mr. Wilfred Smale left recently receiving a gift at Christmas nate byMr. hos But~y.for Meaford, where he has accepteci Mr. andi Mrs. L. Squair visited the Mrs. Sid Hockaday, Solina, recent- a position. that wasnt ea yoto h Roya Witer airandMrs. Sqiiair ly visited with Mrs. Wm. Oke. Sr. returneci home with them a! ter Mrs. Wrn. Sheppard Is visiting berMran s.CE.Hnadodi ry -t tisedws spin g eea aswt red auheMs .R eh daughter, Acy visited Toronto re- ordciay - thua ntd al inToronto. Mr. C. Boyd and Miss Margaret latives on Sunday. -raiyapeit Little Miss Ruth Pallard. Boston Virtue recently visiteci friends in Missionary Sunday was observeci; you can raiyapeit Creek, remained with ber grand- Ballyduff. at the Sunday School session on1 the value in giving similar parents when ber family visited here Mrs. Walter Rahmn andi Isabelle Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Elmer Yil- last week. Ruth is attendlng schaol spent Sunday wth the former's bur, Missionary Superintendent,, had g4- .gfs tht wl here with ber brother Douglas h moer Mrs. Wm. Griffin. charge of the program, during which promts an gftsiat will bas been at school here for some Miss M. Dalton, Miss June Ashton she read another chapter o! thie po tane huasi "J t yer.and M.Orville Ahtnspent Sn Mr. Ashon un-Studýy Bock. dtfo alwh Our regular Y. P. L. meeting was a wihfensnOhw. Under the joint auspices f the . what Iwnthed!rm i.h withdrawn ls week andi instead our Mr. andi Mrs. H. Sleluon and Miss M. S. and W. C. T. U., Dr. L.reev tem League enjoyed visits with two of Greta Slemon. Toronto, visited bis B. Williams will present his motion Even a brief visit to our the Leagues. On Tuesday father, Mr. John Slemon. and bro- pictures of Durham County on evening at St. Paul's, Bowmanville, ther,. Mr. Theo. Siemon. Monday evening, December lOth at »streuch ractial giftres tha taineci right-royally, and again on Mr. Orville Ashton, Miss Aice Asb- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nchols, weîî- known residents of South Drlng ical talent from Bownianville wiU you can give this Christmas. Thursday evening when the Tyrone ton and Mr. Gordon Beech attendedDang assist. Admission: Adults 25 centsAn o'lhv t pie ny League gave the same cordial wel- the commencement at Bowmanvulle tan, who celebrated their 45th wed ding anniversary on November 2'th. Children 15 cents.An yo'Ih etopce nl corne andi also entertained witb aEHigh Scbool on Friday night. Young People's meeting on Friday a f ew of them to realize that dalnty lunch. The annual meeting of the Sund.ay _______ ______________ night was in charge of the Presi- o ca svemnyto ____________________School was helci on Monday. Dec. - dent. Miss Ruth Johns and openeciyucnsvemny o 3rd, when the officers and teachers wt ynfloe ihpae TYRONE werje eleced s los: s.-.. H. -- HAYDON by R. Johns. Meter business the fol- Housewares- Mens Tools - Toys - Games ________________ MrA. er Ass-rWH ongpormwsgvn yn ok gNed MoeadM.P ls ey-Mr. Mrs. S. E. Werry visited at Mr. Mr. Wma. Riggs remains quit 11, Bible lesson. Stanley Cowling; De-Co in Ned Mr. Earl Goodman spent Sund.ay H. Pye; Treas.-Mr. T. M. Siemon; Jadk Short's, Courtice, on Sunday. Mrs. Hobbs, En! ield, visited at ber votional. Mrs. H. Salter followed with bis father, Mr. L. Goodman. Organist-Miss Elva Orchard; Assts. Deputy Reeve A. L. P s in son's, Mr. Mervin Hobbs. with prayer by Rev. W. Rackham; Sorry to report Mrs. Luther Hoop- -Miss Annie Oke andi Miss Eileen Cobourg attending County Councl. Several attended the Hligh School reading, Bessie Simpson; vocal duet. 'arwr er under the doctor's care. Parker; Cradle Rall Supt.-Mrs. J. Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Howsam andj Commencement Friday evenlng. Miss Wanda Clarke and Edith Rack- Ril e 1u r go.r Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp vis- tA. Werr Missionary Supt.-Miss Mary visiteci Port Perry friencis on J Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. Greer and bam; tapie on "Work o! Dr. Gren-, ited old friends in Belleville over the IAnniee Oke; Temperance Supt-Mr. Sunday. 1 family, Brooklin, visiteci friencis In. felI" presented by Mrs. Perrett; piano Opposite Post Office Bowmanville weekend.1 Floyd Ashton. Teachers- Inter- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stainton, 1 the village. solo, Nora Horn; reading. Florence Mrs. Clara Byam, Bowmanville, mediate Girls. Miss Elva Orchard: Zion, were recent guests at Mr. R. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and Miss Burns; byrnn, A short recreational spent Sunday witb her son, Mr. F. Juno Girls. Miss Annie Oke: In-, C. Scattvs.j Wilma Smith, Whitby, Sundayed at period was held and the meeting ______________ L. Byam. teerediate Boys, Mr. R. Gilbert; Mrs. L. C. Snowden andi Miss1 Mrs. S. Trewin' closed with the League benediction. Mesdames Sidney and Silas Tre- Junior Boys, Mr. F. Ellis: Primary, Betty, Maple Grove, visited at Mr. Mrs. M. Greenwood left Saturday Hampton Horticultural Society win, Haydon, spent Friday after- Mis M. Dalton; Assistant, Miss Thos. Baker's. to visit ber daughter, Mrs. Ralph met on Wednesday night in the Sun-1O U. FI E L£ Z5 noon witb Mrs. R. Hodgson. Eslsie oare. Arrangments were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy and Edrnunds at Brideport, Conn. day School room. Miss Vera Baker, i e Cs or Tl s Mr. Clarence Hatber]y la in Tor- made for Christmas tree on Friday, Irene, New Toronto, visited at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Woollings President, conducteci the meeting. onto Hospital wbere be expects ta Dec. 2lst. Harvey Hardy's.1 Jr. and babe, Mr. Louis Ashton. Tor- Following the business discussion undergo an operation on his nose. __________ Mr. and Mrs. Banl Howsam and onto, Sundayeci at Mr. H. Ashton's..'Miss L. Horn, who had charge of the A very large crawd attended the1 fanuly. Stauf! ville, Mrs. Geo. How- Classes were belci Tuesday and program gave a paper on 'TMeAn te Ab u sale of farin stock and iinplements MAPLEG E sam, Port Perry, visiteci at Mr. Chas. Tbursday evenlngs led by Rev. A. M. Ministry o! Flowers" and also read n t e Ab u of Mr. W. S. Staples on Fiday af- IG O E Mrs. n 4Haw-eam's. Wootton on instruction for church the story. "A IHandful o! Clay"; Fr n Ms . Goodman accom- Miss Florence Foley is visiting hec o Miss Ina Carr and Mr. Bert Arn- membership. Mrs. C. J. Kerslake favored witb hu y & L v l' panied Mr. and Mrs. P. Williams, aunt, Mcs. Mark Blackburn, Orono i ad, Gilford: Miss Reta Carr, Mr. Mc. and Mrs. Douglas Moore, Osh- piano music; many questions were I * Ive l' Bowmanville, ta the Royal Winter Miss Betty Pingle. Town, spernt 1 George Aidreaci. Bawmanville spent awa, Mrs. M. Moore, Miss Kate asked regarding insect pests cturing Far ls we.the weekencl with Miss Helen Met- the weekend at Mr. Howard Wann- Moore, Bowmanville. visited at Mr. a free discussion. which found an SERVICE Mar. L. ooma, r ad r cî. acott's. R. McNeils' and Mr. A. McNeils'. - answer among the Imembers present. ALT Mr. Wilbur Baskerville, Newca.stle. Mr.R .MKsok andi Mss, Church services on Sunday were Although our Society is young andi Fred Goodman and Beverley Ann visited Mr. Howard Cryderman on Ruth, Mr. and Mns. Alan McKessock i largely attended. Misses Lao r n a a number mare than those who re- RELIABILITY recently vislted Mc. and Mrs. Thom- Sunday. and baby Elma and Miss Muriel Thompson and Wilma Wotton were gularly attend, are busy people, a a as Goodman, Broollin. Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Miss Bet- Smith visiteci at Mc. Hilton Tink's, baptized prior ta the sermon. A largen attendance is salicited ta help g'iencusha Why Not Be A Women's Institute andi Ladies' Aidj ty Snowden miotared ta Toronto on Ebenezer.j vocal duet "Bless Me, O My ing" mak.e the meetings more interesting givn S meets in the vestry on Wednesday, Sunday andi visiteci relatives. The chilciren are busy practising i was nlcely sung by Misses Mabel and helpful. Election a! afficers next ... odefl AISID U-OE Dec. 12th at 2 p. m. RoIl caîl: A Mr. and Mca. Haroldi Macklin, Ty- for aur S. S. Xmas concert on Tburs-: Beech and Lorna Tbampson. A meeting, an January llth. December wnefl STSJDCSOE white gift. Note change o! date andi i cne, spent Sunday with thie form- day evening. Dec. 3th and Braci- splendid sermon was preached by meeting being withdrawn. A rn- new aid ta better eyesight lVhere we neyer charge more time. ers sister. Mrs. Samuel Snawden. leys school ccncert on Friday even-! Rev. Woattori an 'Wat is Relig- ber reported that Mr, and Msai Sam in TILLYER Lenses. Thev and often Iess than articles Mc. and Mrs. Chas. Carcuthers Mr. and Mrs. Gibb Crosby and ing. Dec. 21st. ion?" After which a ceception ser- Squires, Cannington, baci a dahlia otn mreha ohrcnb pcasdlewr. and Mrs. Rutherford, Salem, spent three daughtecs. Uxbridge. visited Miss Lorraine Thozepson bas re- 'vice was held for foucteen new mem- in September, 91, ft. taîl, which hadiCS i oeta te a eprhsdeswee Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Mc. andi Mcs. R. R. Stevens an Sun- signed hec position at Knickerbock- bers, Misses Ada Beech, Freda and 29 matureci flowers andi 77 buds. first grade lenses. Corne in Donald, Cobaurg, Misa Catherine1 daM,. er Hospital, New Yack, and is visit-' Viola Bradley. Laura Philps, Grace The largest flower was 8 ina. across. adltu xli.Dsicie-Proa McDonald who bas been visiting ber Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wilkins andi ing hec parents, Mc. andi Mrs. andi May Trewin. Unsul and Ruth These interesting news items wbe- adiiu xli.Dsicie-Proa aunt returned home with them. Mrs. Alex Wilkins. Salem, visited Frank Thompsan. McNeil, Lamna Thompsan, HelenI ther clippeci from the papers. or CHRISTMAS GREETING W. M. S. special meeting wa.s helci Mr. andi Mcs. J. H. Mfunday on Sun- Miss Vera Baker and Mr. Tom Hall, Wilma Wottan and Messrs. gathececi elsewhere are o! interest CARDS on Nov. 20th. Devotianal was taken day. Baker (Jr.) visiteci Toronto friends Earl Stephenson, Silas Trewin and ta others o! the Society. Bringi from 1 con. 13. Miss Evelyn Mitchell, The appearance here o! Dr. L. B. on Sunday. Mcs. T Baker accom-; Donald Mountjoy. Mca. H. Ashton, them in. made frorn Your own snaishots 'Travelling Secretacy in Canada, was Wlliams and his Durham County panied them home allter a p]easant Cecil Slemon. E. Bradley shook t6 for 49c - 10Ofor 79e guest speaker. Local Auxiliacy was motion pictures bas been cancelled visit witb friencis in the city. banda with each one andi welcamed Rv .R pneSlySecr greatly encouraged by this inter- for the present. Womnen's Institute will meet in tbe them ia the church. Our pastor E C. mR. pener, Tompener esting address, the keynote of which Mc. andi Mrs. Mark Blackburn. S. S. coom. Thucsday, Dec. 131h. at then belci communion service assist- E. Faxan .J. MAl a en mm was sbacing ail spiritual and mater- Miss Bessiý', Messrs. Farewell, Walt- 2 P. m. Meeting in charge o! group' ed by Messrs C. Slemon and E.Dsca ta . anc B. H. M oktenoddJu y & Lel lal blessings. Mrs. Waotton sang ac- eir and Wilbuc Blackburn, Orano, 2. RaIl cal. "Christmas Thougbts". Bradley.spca StAnewsBthhoi companied by Mn. Wotton. who al- visited with the forxner's mother. Mca. Frank Gilbert will report the- services in S.t Peten's Church, Ca-ju y &o el sa, playeci for the hymns. Tbanks a! Mrs. Walter Foley. W. 1. Convention in Toronto. borin rdy BOWMANVIJ.E the members was expcessed by Mrs.. The s3'mpathy o! this community Don't Miss Dr. L. B. Williams mo-I M~otion rictures Bowmanville Harticultural Society A. W. Clernens and Mrs. A. Hilîs is extendeci ta the brothers-in-law tic>n pictuces of Durham County at bave been cantlnuing their splendid _______________________________ for the splendid address. Rev. A. M. and sisters of the laie Mns. George Hampton Church, Monday night. work o! beautification at ther Cernie- Wootton made a few rernarlrs and Stevens who was buried in Bawsnan- Decemben lOth ai 8 o'clock. Admis- <Contînued f rom page 1) item y wiih the planting a! a number closed the meeting, ville on Sunday. sion: Aduits 25 cents, Chilciren 151I of new abrubbs and trees on the S. Baker. Landscape Architect. vstetw nMna et OnThrda1veinMarm.on and Mss.J. R. Knox, Misses cents. Special musical talent fromn an invaluable siorebouse a! histori- north banle facing the highway and A special meeting o! the Bowman- Sunday 'Bible Sunday" will bece eOn e vistd aur evngalemangre Jessie, Helen and Betty Knox. of Bowmanville. cal value. . i ab omnl extend.lng the rockery. The wark bas ville Bible Society helci in TrîiîY cognized and speclal sermons ill Peoped aviery fine prgramasd fol- H *n n c.Jhikn, n niMa Wle iead Dr. Wlim sbob omn e en Ebmtoenee.vitd wMc. n WiMkis.air nMand nd MWate ca.e. lko ianqu dadtefne bee nder the direction o! Mc. A. Board rocrn on Friday, arrangemeintste eced in support o! the Bibl sent-ed avery fin program esefoimpletondhtauncommence ata hcaf-neocbierey. lows: piano music, Miss Marion EL W. Foîey on Saîuriay. spent Priday evenîng ai Mr. Hiltanbemd fteicusteogna_____ Hoôney; bible readinga, Misses Marie , .r. - mannen in wbich be includeci the Callacott, Winnîe Lancaster andci Tink's, Ebenezer, when a very plea- titles, and the scenes and citizens he Lela Welch; Mms. Bd. Daicige remark-j Has your subscnÉpton ta The Isani tirne was had celebrating Mr selected. It is sincerely hopeci that ed o th Bbe raddns; eadngStat esman been renewed? Ail labels andi Mrs. Vice's forty-seventh wedd- with these lirai four reels, he will Mms. Percy Cann; tapie was splen- hvbenevecanifoussI-iganvear.nai stop the valuable wark be bas G I V E Y O U17R F A M L 'y accurate, let us know. League meeting on Monday even- commenceci. ing was in charge o! the ais Vice- Rev E. F. Armstrong acieci as Ps-es. Miss Ileen Balsan. The devot- chaicnian at the gathering on Tues- ional period was in charge O! Miss1 day and openeci wiih a bymn andtIW od I FEL FIE IAda Alin; reading by Miss Evelyn pryr During the evening Mis Tink; a very inieresting tapie was rt Poldreee w fn 1 CAN'T sTAND LAYING EVERY- given by Rev. W. Rackham: pianoisGretacPollad edeb r . two ie FOR THE COLD DAN(. FUL--PEP cluet, Miss Muriel Baker and Mc. salteas.daccompaniesbyMcancis o FO1: < CERTAN LV EEGeorge Werry; reading, Miss Mac- Cauctice also rendered a splendid DONTI FEEL LIKE ETtLKEP garet Scot, vocal quartette. Mesars'number with Mca. C. H. Dudley ai LP~VIO. IMME IeN CONyDTomIaker Jim the organ. At the conclusion o! the ALL RUN DOWNI ENCN!It4 mlsadFe ngt ein showing of Durham piclures Dr. closeci with isymn andi payen. Wiams ~5tbcew on the sereen a short 'IHA I 'reel depicting the scenic beauties o! Farmema o! West DurhaM, weme en- Yosemite National Park in the  u ~ J ~ I rihe b sm touanso! dollars U.S.A., wblch be and Mca. Williamns /~LW~~ o n Friday whn ~aaian Cannera visited last summer. The audience 1 A L WV Limiieci delivemed the checkes for con- 1by their many bursts a! applause fk iracteci peas and corn useci ai the1 shovved their appreclation o! thel Canning Faciory bere ibis year. The! pictumes andi the wit and humor money came at a mosi opportune! wbich Dm. Williams intemspersed lime. when taxes are due, and the duing the presentation. appmoach o! Christmas demnancis a -___ __ litle extra cash. -iBase Une Home and School Club A TO NS IPCO NC l Base Line No. 3 Home and Scbaol TOWNSHIP_______________ Club was beld on Tuesday evening, I CARWRIGT CONCIL Nov. 27th. Alter the business was CARTWRIGHT ncluded Miss Mary Davey tank Reglarmeeingo!Couc1l aschrge o! the follawing pcagmam. Brings Foreign Lands Into À Reguar eetng f Curicl ws Sngby isses Helen Melcalfe and YOUR HENS W ILL LAY MORE...6eDree:nt. be Grdrnensbem aldre wdn;Recilalion, Phyll- Your Living Room.w.. PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THIURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1934.

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