THE CANADIAN STArEsmA.N. BOWMANVIL.T, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1934 PAGE TEN sponse ta an appeal by Miss Mitchell. Travelling Missionary W. M. S. ORONO - 4 The League meeting on Deceniber lth was in charge of Mrs. Wilfred <From The News, Dec. 13th.) Sherwin. Citizenship convener. Meet- Mrs. Sisson. Misa Hattie William- ing opened with games and a sing- son and Mrs. Harvey Curtis were sang. Program consisted o! vocal~ guests of Mrs. S. M. Billings on duef by' Helen and Ray Scott: story, Tuesday when an informai luncheon Enid Cobbledick; piano solo. Mrs. R. was served. Rosborough: vocal duet. Misses K. Orme Gamsby spent the weekend Stark and Mytrle Smith: reading, with friends in Toronto, attendmng John Fiske; piano duet by Misses three hockey matches, caling on fthe Hazel Winfer and Ethel Stark. Mr'I Orono patients at St. Machael's and Robert Sherwin took the topic veryl theGenra Hopîtl.acceptably. Dec. 24th Christmas Mr. Harry Walker and family o! tree entertairient with treats for Coborne have taken up residence the kiddies. 'Put on by League and in the Campbell f arm home formerly Sunday school o! ficers and feachers. the Oea. Glanville residence. Mr. A Christmas tree and gay decorat- Walker is manager of the Oakwood in ai h eebrmeigo Kennels and brougbt wifh him f rom the Park Sf. W. M. S. an enjoyable Coborne about savent y dogs. span-evt. amnflgcmieep- iels, Pekmnese, pomneranians, etc. sne a slate o! off icers for the Mare CarenceTurner, bsonbogfthe year 1935, which was adapted. lateSamel Trne, hs boghttheThanks was accordeti off icers for John Fligg f an. 100 acres, lot 24., faithful work during the past year. In the Second Concession, Clarke, Mrs. R. Sherwin's circle was in about one mile east o! Trlckey's car-j charge o! the program. Quarteily ners. Mr. Fligg retired f rom f arùgi tea which was served in a delightf ul somie years ago and Iis now a residentmanrMs.AA.Dmonied of~~~~~~ t1 iyo Ptro the bible lesson and gave many help- Dr. L. B. Williams' magnif icent1 fuI tbougbts in ber atidress. Miss screen pictures, picturesclue scenes Bertha Clain, in a m'eU prepained o! Durham County, flot only pleased view of the work o! the W. M. S. in but delighted a f air sizeti audience Canada. Musical numbers includeti at the Park St Church on Thursday salas by Mrs. J. Cobbledick and Mrs. evening, Dec. 6th. A vote o! thanks A. A. Drummonci. Mrs. R. H. Brownl maved by Dr. McCullach and sec- was accompanist. onded by Mr. John Tamblyn was tendered Dr. Williams at the close. Women's Institute met In the Strangled %-ith Astbma is fthe counicil chamber on Friday, Dec. 14, anly expression thaf seemns ta con- motta: "Scatter gladness. joy and vey what is endureti from an at- mirth ýalang the ways o! earfh." tack o! this trouble. The relief f rom Roil call-A white gift for mother Dr. J. D. Kellagg's Asfhma RemedY or baby. Exhibif an Xmas decora- is beyond measure. Where ail was tive favor or giff.* Music: Christmas su! fering there cames camf art andi, carols. Toplc: Report o! convention rest. Breathing becomes normal by Mrs. Carleton and Mrs. F. Tamb- and the bronchial tubes completelY lyn. Demonstratiofi; Xmas sweets, cleareti. This uneciualled remedy is by two members. Institute are senti- worth many times ifs price toa ah Ing a parcel ta Kineaid, Sask., in re- who use If. i me4 ueo Bot se 10 f osperous N is not a mn t a new 'lji oxicr the o. crate ceded the habitable clusive .1 perioti 5t by l1~ windo' k indoorj fer c -ý.Jivisg > IL pi Only 4 days are left te throw your fulIl support behlnd your favorite candidate ln the Auto Contest. Go te the show as often as you ean in the next few days, and get your f rienda tu join i helplng your favorite candidate. Reinember some chlld's lite ls goig ta be very brlght when thse award Is made 1 e Christmas Eve. WiII t bc bhe one you support? That's to you. Coupons given on Monday, Dec. 24th. Coupons Must Be Turned In Before Theatre Closes on Saturday, December 22nd. Friday and Saturday - December 21 - 22 AULINE LORD, W. C. FIELDS and ZASU PITTS in Mrs. Wiggs 0f The Cabbage Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. mi. nclay and Tuesday - December 24- 25 'Wlth Una Merkel and Nat Pendieton. -- Silly Symphoniy "Wise Little Hen' tinee Christmas Day at 2.30 p. nM. ndThursday - December 26 - 27 DONAT and ELISSA LANDI in Dumas' Iminortal Chassie Thd nt 0f Monte Cristo odo". "Patry Town Wedding"-- News Wednesday at 2.30 p. mi. rom W dSaturday: ,AY DIVORCEE" EPRIEST"' THE RANGE" LS", ..1. ITEYESI" MMST MAS GIFT * Book of Royal Theatre W*Si0I1 Tickets SValue for $2.00 'Jespurchased before Xnias lom V.te" wl be gîven. Happy Regal Bride and Groom .5 a The wedding's aver. The Duke o! 1 Kent and bis bride. who was Prin- cess Marina. posed for this portrait a one a! their last public duties before starting an their hancymoon. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Wishes You a Merry Christmas and 0f fers You Outstanding Entertainnient for the Festive Seasons ONLY 4 DAYS TO GO i i j MAD:E IN CANADA any harmfu1 insiredient. TO SOLVE YOUR1 PHIL4 SPARII FAMILY GIFT rON day night. The program which was given by Blackstwok încluded the BLACKSTOCK iollowing numbers: Bible study by th~:inhrho e afewOlive VnCmpduet,vis. Clarenice days nClaceaha ntaiwlogue, Jean Wright; and a solo, Mrs.Davd Jonstn 'as istaledwere greatly enjoyed by the visiting MissAnni WrihtOshawa, 15 Those elected to office at the re- viiig r. Bonrucers cent annual meeting of the Ladies Mr.andMrs Brce easilo Ja-,Orange Lodge were: Worthy Mistress etville, visited at Ms M. Brandon's. __Mrs. F. Hyland: Deputy Mistress Mr. and Mrs. Wells, Detroit, are' Mrs. J. Henry; Chaplain-Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright. W.Cafr;RcrigSc. Mrs. Grant Jackson and daughter i m* rs.J amio; eFincalSecy.- Barbara visited at Mr. Rupert BY- Mrs. R. Stinson; Treasurer-Mrs. L. ers. Graham- Director of Ceremonies- Mr .and Mrs. Arthur Rahm and Mrs.F. Wîillan: lo~t Lecturer-Mrs. children visited at Mr. Slute's, En- F Hamilton; 2nd Lecturer-Mrs. f ield. Ed Darcy; Committee Women-Miss miss Olive Vançamp was a week- Leona Weatherilt, Mrs. Wm. Taylor, end guest of Miss Marjorie Nesbtt, Ms .VaCmMr.Gog Toronto. 'Fowler and Mrs W. Brown. Outer jMr. and Mrs. Hl. Hall; Mr. and. Guard-Mrs Fred Hamilton; Inner Mrs. John Hamilton visited in Bow-i Guard-Mrs. T. Venning; Immed- manville. ' ate Past Mistress-Mrs. Creighton Mr. and Mrs. Joe Strong and son Devtt; Guardian-Mr. Crelghton Ross. Manchester, vlsited at Mr. Devitt. Jas. Strongs. Mrs. <Rev.) H. J. Bell opened her Miss Elsie Carruthers, Bowmal- home for the December meeting of ville, was a weekend guest at Mr. W. the W. M. S. on Wedncsday after- A. VanCamp'5. noon. The Bible readings and prayer Mr. Russel Nesbitt, M. P. P and were given by Rev. Mr. Bell. A letter Mrs. Nesbitt were Sunday giiess at 10f appreciation for a bale was read Mrs. F. Crozier's. from Kincaid, Sask. Mrs. Jabez Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and Wrîght's group was in charge and children visited at Mr. Henry' the following items comprised thel Trick's Manvers Station. program: a chapter from the Study Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bailey and Mrs. Book by Mrs. J. Wright; a Peace Sandy Dawson. Windsor, visited at talk by Mrs. Ernest Larmer; a read- Mrs Nasmith Henry's. Janetville. ing "The Housewife's Prayer", Mrs. Mrs. Jas. Byers, Mrs. O. Wright, Earl Dorrell; a reading "The Cig- Mms. Geo. Forder and Miss Eleanor arettes Arithmetic", Aileen Mount- Sharpe, Cavan, visited at Mrs. D. joy Those elected to office for 1935 W. Bradburn's.i were: Honorary Presidents- Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Will Barnard: Mr. Jas. Marlow and Mrs. Jas. Byers; and Mrs. Will Barnard Jr.,: Mrs. Preident-Mrs. H. J. Bell; lst Vice- Alice Barnard and son Gerald, Tor-1 Preident-Mrs. J. Wright; 2nd Vice- onto, visited Mrs. John Carter. 1 President- Mrs. Dorreli; Recording Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickey. SecVý.-Mrs C Hill; CoTesponding Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen, Jan- Mrs. F. Stinson, and Press. SecY.- etville: and Mrs. S. McLaughlin Mrs. Norman Mountjoy. were guests at Mr. F. A. Baileys t0 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stephens, dinner, Monday. BetBl.adMui, omn Miss Susie VanCamp entertained vlet. land MriceGordn an- the Young people of the United j ilemrand rnseGordneVan- Churrh on Sunday night. The YoungCamp and Dssof re. Basene, wereus people sang Christmas carols: and tindLarmgest the hostess served a lovely lunch. tiLaer On Sunday morning a special Sun- - day School Christmas service is be- ing held in the United Church and NESTLETON in the evening, Rev. C. C. Harcourt_________________ o f St. John's is delivering the ser- Mr. Lloyd Hall, Janetville, spent a mon. few days with Mr. Ross Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill entertain- Mrs. R. W. Philp has recovered ed a number of friends on Friday from her recent illness. night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. Bradburn, Janetville. visted Jobbs thirtieth wedding anniver- Miss E. Taylor. sary. Amnong those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Malcolm vis- Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Bell. Mr. and ited Mrs. Jas. Malcolm, Port Pcrry. Mrs. J. Jobb. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. By- Mr. Perey Hulbert and Mr. John ers, Mr. and Mrs. John Larmer. Ballingal visited friends in Mill- Miss Gertie Henry gave her home brook. on Friday evening for a meeting o! Mr. and Mr.s. Wm. Beacocit visited the Young Ladies' Clas.s of the Un- their son, Mr. Clifton Beacock, ited Church. Miss Hazel Mountioy Sterling. the President. presided. The Bible Misa Eileen Jarvis, Locust Hill, study was taken by Misa Eva Brown wiîî remaîn wth Mrs. A Spinks for and readings were given b:y Miss the winter. Jean Cain. Miss Perga Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Les. Lansing and Mr. Miss Eva Brown. New mnembers were John Hall, Janetville, visted friends initlated. in Toronto. Devitts Lodge held a successful Mr. and Mrs. T. Lamb. Bernice dance on Friday night in the Com- and Earl. Oshawa, were guests o! munity Hall. Wilqons Merrymak- Mr. S. Hulbert. ers Orchestra supplled the music: Miss Helen Klncaid and Mr. Har- and the draw for the lucky tickets old McQuade were guests at Mr. J. was made by Mrs. Wilson. The Kincaid's, Tyrone. winners were: lst prise. Mr. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Freelove and Fowler: 2nd prize, Miss Leona Mc- Miss Helen Hooey were guesta at Laughlin: 4th prize. Mr. Lathangue, Mr. Arthur Hulbert's. Poritypool: Turkey, Mr. Herb Hooey. Mr. Alfred Falls, Harristori s Young Peoples League were guests spending the wlnter with bis bro- of Enniskillen League on Wednes- ther, Mr. Lewis Fallis. __________ - - - Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Samelîs. Mr. _______________ and Mrs. Ken.neth Samelîs vislted at Mr. Wes. Campbell's. - Mrs. George Nesbitt and Mrs. R. P E AR S N'SDoke. Toronto, spent Sunday with 1 N EM r. and Mrs. Harold Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Taylor were C RGENCu) i N guests of Mr. and Mrs. S.Macl fa dinner on Saturday evenlng. -PT! Uý5NFfTANT Mr. and Mrs. 0. Thompson visit- ed friends in Pet ferlaw on Sunday. Misa Thompson returned to Pef fer- §rom $36*00 up Speclals lui Used Radios Our big turnover of new Radios has left us with a large supply of Used Radios, priced specially for Friday, Saturday and Monday. from $1L5000 up Full line of Radio and Car Accessoriies foi' Christmas Gifts. W. J. Challis King Street - Opposite A & P Stores Phone 290J Bowmanville rAt i ,ispr are i .aw with them. Friends of Mrs. John Marlow will be very sorry to hear that she suf- rered a stroke on Saturday. Miss kfabel Bruce, R. N.. is attending her. Several attended Port Perry High School commencement exercises on Priday night. Among the ex-stud- ents were Miss Norma Armstrong and Messrs. Donald and Ralph Em- The Bible Study at League wasi taken by Mrs. M. Emerson. Mr. JackI Hannant gave the topic and Mr. Will Armstrong entertained with a. number 0f deligbtful violin select-) ions. Mr. Leonard Joblin gave a reading. Mr. Robt. McKee, while worklng at bis automobile in bis garage on Saturday afternoon, was overcome by carbon monoxide fumes, and was unconscious when faund. He re- covered a!fter medical aid had been summoned. Miss Helen Fowlcr and her pupils presented a program 0of unusual in- ferest on Saturday nigbt in the Presbyterian Church. Members o! the Sunday School also assisted on the program.. Christmas carols were sung very beautifully by the cbild- ren. and the recitations and d.ialog- ues were ail given wifh talent. The concert showed that considerable time must have been spent in pre - paring the program which was 0f sol much value ta the pupils; and of tribute personally to the teacher. Miss Dorothy Brown sang and Mesars Leonard Milîs and Arthur Stapleton. also of the Sunday Scbool, sang. Santa Claus entered at the close o! the program and distributed gif.ts from the huge Christmas tree. To the chiidren the visit of San-ta Claus was the crowning event of the ev- ening. Proceeds about $15.00. One of the largest and finest meetings of the year was held at Mrs. Stanley Malcolm's on Thurs- day night. whcn she opened her home for the W. A. and W. M. S. o! the United Church. The pragram consisf cd of the following numbers: Reading, Mrs. Alan Suggitt; instru- mental. Marion Taylor; readlng, Mms. W. Campbell, and a violln solo by Mr. Will Armstrong. Newiy el- ected officers are: President-Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs; 1sf Vice President -Mrs. Stanley Malcolm; 2nd Vice President-Mrs. Alan Suggitt; Sec- retary-Mrs. M. Emersoni; Asst. Sec. -Mrs. W. Jackson: Treasurer-Ms. L. Joblin; Group Leaders-MmEr. Wes Campbell, Mrs. Ted Marlow, Mrs. Jas. Taylor, Mrs. Will Armstrong; Auditors--Mrs. W. Jackson and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Lunch was serv- ed af the close. I CADMUS Mr. Gordon Brown visited f riends in Oshawa this wcek. Mr. George Hicks, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Parr visit- ed in Peterboro recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sanderson and children visited at Trewin Bros. 1Mr. Monk and Miss Monk, Tor- onto, visited at Mr. Wm. Brown's. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Fallis vis- ited their daughfer Crystal, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Brown and Rosa. Toronto, visited at Mr. R. C. Brown's. Mr. and Mrs. Cccil Ferguson and Sidney, Miss Elva White and Mr. Earl Gray were guests at Mr. W. D. Ferguson's. Mrs. E. Sanderson was in charge i of fthe worship period af League, and Misa Leah McQuade was in charge of the program. Toplc wasý given by Mrs. Cecil Ferguson; a duef was Sung by Messrs. Al!fred Thornet and Roland Thompson, and Sydney Ferguson played a mouth- organ solo. The Young People's League will be gucats of Nesfleton Young People's on Thursday even- ing, December 27th. BILI£O US HEADACHE INDIGESTION quickly rfleved bv Ir 19 PCJ Last Cali For Christmas This is the last time we shall have the opportunity of reminding you before Christmas (if the fine stock of Christmas produets we have. Look these over. ALMOND ICING, lb................. .......... 30e CHRISTMAS CAKE, iced or plain, lb. ... ..35c CHRISTMAS CRACKERS, dozen ... .. 25e to $1.00 CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES, box. .... 25e f0 $3.50 CHRISTMAS MIXTURES, lb .. ......15c f0 50c CHRISTMAS, STOCKflNGS, . ....... 5cto $1.00 SPECIAL CHQCOLATES, by the Chocolate Guild, regular 5fc lb. - Christmas Speclal, lb.......... 29c Corbett's Store wilI be closed ail day Tuesday, December 25th, and Wednesday, December 26th. There will be no bread delivery on these days so stock up for the holiday Corbett'sDakeS onFriends and ushybephonebus, car driver hito, but you eihr of theweter h azar. inurd taglnt these lsks. Wespclliein al or s uo nande We a getscrthe bet comriva nes.Wen gute yart e vi e ou na erisandewnt. henu eihothlnin israe-thln J J ar son&Sn Wor etplniNSURE taeVE nGhncs 5u J.aJ.MAyb oeeSON wrckd b O N' ee whSoANe ot EL eST ATE - ST he aSHPAGENTS PHONE 50 BOWMANVILLEN 1 i 1% See Our