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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1934, p. 12

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fl"Z - w ~ PAGE TWELVE 1 The Newcastle Independent 1 1 e - The trustees of the section are NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL t having electric lights installed in Shaw's school. Report for First Terni 1934-5 1 Mr. Wm. Lake, Jr.. is the latest1 Lake Shore farmer ta become the The standing o! the students of! possessor and driver o! a motor car. the Newcastle High School for the Public and High Schools close for First Term f oloews. The names are Christmas holidays on Friday, Dec. in order of meit as determined by1t 2lst, and re-open on Thursday, Jan. the average per cent which f olows 3rd, 1935. each name: Mr. W. E. Benan returned f ram Lower SchooI - Form 1 the General Hospital, Toronto, on Class I (Honours) - Pa t r ici a Monday and is rapidiy convalescing Pearce 91.7, John Allen 88.8, Marg- from his recent operation. aret Pearce 83.9, Maurice Powellt United Church - Rev. S. Mac- 77.8.1 Lean, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Dec. Class II - Evelyn Bellamy 72.4,1 23rd: il a. m.-Marning Warship; J Ethel Spencer 69.7, Katie Clark 67. 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School; 7 p~ .M.1 Class III - Harold Hackin 64.8, -Evening Service. Christmas ser- Doris Jahns 61.1. mons and music at both church ser- Crdttaey ron5.A- vices. Cei-SalyBon5,Ad St. George's Church - Rev. F. H.: rey Brown 54.5, Bill Barchard 51.1. Mason, M.A., B.D., Rector. Sunday,1 Failed-Jean Haimes 41.8. Dec. 23rd, 4th Sunday in Advent: Lower School - Forma Il 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; il a. In. Class I (Honours)-Roy Wrighit .-Morning Frayer; 2 p. m.-Sunday 95, Douglas Wallace 88.8, Archie Sceel; 7 p. r.-Evensong and Ser- Martin 83.1, Tom Brereton 83.3. mon. on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, Lloyd Hancock 79.3. Alden Poliard services will be held at 8 a. m. and 78.1, Reta Powell 75.1. ila. m. Miiked twice daily for 337 days, Middle Schooi - Form I the mature Hostein cow, Lestrange Class II-Joe Hockin 74-1. Alice Sylvia Burke, bred by Harry Jose, Fali 70.85, Mary Chaplin 70.2, John Newcastle, and now owned b y D. H. VanDusen 70. Mcçaugherty & Son, Street.sville, Credit-Lorna Adams 59.2, Ilean has just finjshed her îast lactation Clark 56.7. Jean Coulter 56.4. perioc in the 365 day division of the Failed-Muriel Shaw 46, Ruby R.O.P. with a production of 13,4291 Wallace 45.7. Jared Kimbali 45.7, lbs. millc showing an average test Marie Henning 42.2, Louise Hancock of 3.441/ fat. 41.2. Relatives and neighbors sprung a rMddle Schooi - Forni IV surprise upon Mrs. Lovekin, wife o! ls Hnus)-aioi y Reeve F. B. Lovekin o! Atlas Fruit fCasI(oariMroi y Farms, when they good naturedlyi cett 77.7, Jack Hare 77.3, Evelyn Al- invaded her home on Saturday ev- lin 75.7, Hubert Anderson 75.3. enlng, Dec. lSth, and gave her a Class II-Darothy Trenwith 69.8,1 birthday remembrance in the shapeI BessieLaw 66.5. of an electnce reading lamp and 1 Credit-David Law 58.4, Haroldj radio lamp. Miss Helen Robinson, Deline 58. Marguerite Harris 51.3. niece, read a complimentary ad- Edward M. H. Ward. Principal. dress. Councillor Bert Reid, Trustee ____ W. J. S. Rickard and others extend ed birthday greetmngs. A pleasantN WC TL MISO social tisse, including serving o! re-NE C SL MI IO freshments, followed. The Public School is now- the BAND PRESENTS FINE possessor of a good piano purchased CHRISTMAS PAGEANTI f rom Heintzman Piano Co., through i1- Mr. HI. J. Ragen. The Board o! Ed-I Happings of First Christmas ucation co-operated with the schoolCoofiyDicd which has been nurturing its own orflyDpce special fund in paying for the in- strument which will be a distinct Many adults accepted the invita- aid to Miss Mason in the teaching tion of the Golden Rule Mission of music. The organ, hitherto used, Band ta attend their December now finds a sanctuary in Miss Or- meeting on Saturday afternoon, chard's or the primary room. The, when they presented %th aîl rever- High School too has its piano, pur- ence and a keen appecatsan a! the cha.ed asi earas anieoria o!monentous events they were depict- the 75th anniversary of the found- ing. a pageant "The Star o! Bethle- ing o! the school. hemn." directed by the Superintend- Golden Rule Mission Band ofic- ent, Mrs. E. M. H. Ward. A large ers elect for 1935 are: President- heavy curtain datted wsth tinsel Margaret Pearoe; Secretary-ReitaI stars with the Star o! the East lar- Cooke; Treasurer-Jean Bonathan; ger and brightly shining when the rI ýt Vice Pres.-Grace Powell; 2nd spotlight o! the prajecting lantemn ViTce Pres-Norma VanDusen; 3rd was focused upon it. conveyed the , Vce Pres.-Shirley Couch; Mite BoxI idea o! the canopy o! heaven as the Sec'Y.-D)onald Jase; World Friends Shepherds o! Judea and the dwell- Sec'Y.-Emma Jean Harris; Sick ers o! Bethlehem beheld it on that Vlsiting Com.-Pauline Deline and first Christmas night. Dolly Purdy; Refreshmnent Com.- Patricia Pearce, sitting beside a Norma VanDusen, Shirley Couch, straw f ilied manger. represented the Emma Jean Harris, Grace Powell. Virgin Mary. Norma Van Dusen. Patricia Pearce and Reta Powell, Shirley Couch and Emma Jean H-ar- the ixnmed.late past president and ris, richly robed and carrying t.heir secretary respectively, have gradu- gifts o! gold and myrh and !rank- ated into the C.G.I.T. incense, appeared in the raies o! the The staff and employees o! the J. Wise Men f xbmn the East. Margar- Anderson Smith Co., with their et Pearce, Jeun Bonathan and Reita partners, about forty-fîve in num- Cooke, in humbler garments. with ber hed aplesurblepreChris- their crooks in their hands, repre- mber, uet atleasurle prelris sented the shepherds; while Delly mas avnuet ateln thtMHoel nPurdy. Pauline Deline, Lama Har- Frlday ev Eing Dec.ndl4th. Mine ris. Mary Purdy. Jean Gray, Barbara HasrvastW. .PuusndsPr-taBonathan, Gracie Powell and Ruby which al did ample justice. Dur- GPo ell ened the part o! a r ing the course o! the evenîng, Mr. aoelid. edtepato ahr Henry Cutier on behaif o! the em- Inth ous o hep Ployees presented Mr. J. A. Smith 1lynPtrdycandsPaufine pDelint Dol Jr., head o! the company. with one . los rdand h auhlie at. ith s of the newest modeis in electric WE. C.nFishe t he piano sang s floor lamps. Mr. Smith expressed1the . stor ad otmheeanscgas. his deep appreciation and a num- H the Hery ald fAnge elsig.Aroay becao has ! eprment s madpeches in a Manger, Sulent Night. The First comllmntry peche. Noweil, and Came Ail Ye F ait1-fu-1- An ever popular and appropriate Mrs. Fisher aiso played as a pre- feature 0f the Conunn.ty Christ- lude, Star o! the East. In addition mas Tree event at the cammunity to the pageant Ruth Bonathan andý hall on Saturday afternoon, Dec. Ruby Gibson entertained with read- 22nd, at 3 o'clock, wil be the caraI îngs. and as a final number Gracie slnglng by the children o! the pub- Powell recited the well known clas- lie school under the direction of sic, ...Twas the Night Before Christ- Miss Hattie Mason. Supervisor of mas." Mu.sic. Mr. H. C. Alln wll provide The jingling o! bells and the the instrumental music and welcorne sounds o! reindeer hooves werel Santa with the sound of the trum- heard approaching and at last not pet. A f ine big cedar tree, thirty aîd Sant.a. for he is old and fat fret hlgh, donated by Mr. J. R. Fish- and very busy. but young St. Nich- er, and from the branches o! which las himself or at least one o! the sparkle and gleama clusters o! bright- youngsters, came bustiing through ly colored electrlc Uights, stands by the fireplace, aUl in scarlet and the flag mast, a symbol o! good will white and began filling the stock- ta ail men, and irradiates Christma.s lngs hanging on the mantel. Then cheer in every direction. he advanced right on to the pl- Brown'5 Home and School Club form and with the help o! Gracie held the second meeting on D:ec. Powell and Emma Jean Harris gave 4th, wth the new president, Mrs. G. every member o! the Mission Band, Stephenson, in the chair. Thse pro- a,«bag o! nuts and candies and thir- gram conslsted of! a sang bY the ty-five o! the littier folk a sugar achool chlldren; speech by Wyimna candy walking cane. And it wasi parrow on "Thse Bluejay"; piano whisp'ered ahl around that littie duet by Annie and Jane Tkatch; a Buddy Whittaker couid not be re"ding and encore by Mrs. Truman found: perhaps had gone away ta Clark, dialogue by pupils o! achool; the North Pale ta take a new job. mouth organ selection by June 'The Band was very appreciative i3rown, accoinpa ied by Neta Allun, a! the service of Edwin 1acol G~rr1ett iti Cflarge. kindly make appolnti.aents ,qoTup~WI1er at for examinations. I 'TE PANAflTAN STATES.MAN. ROWMANVILLE. THUR.SDAY, DECL14BER. 20, 1934 jGreetings Pour In On jMrs. Geo. P. Rickard BIRTHS FICIE - On Wednesday. December 12th. 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fice, Middle Road. Darlington. a Lost or Found AUTO RUG LOST-LIGHT BROWN lost between Courtice and Bow- manville. on Saturday morng. Please leave at Statesman Office or phone 575. 51-1* JUNIOR HOCKEY TO Miss E. E. Haycraf t; Associate Help< F or aeo ToRn START NEXT WEEK ers-Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn; Baby FOR REN P AF5RO E B-MssW.P.lorbe e; >Anst. cottage, garden. furnace. ah con- Five Teanis Froni Bowmfaflville and -Ms. H . . Cightman; ass't- veniences, on Liberty St. ApPly Orono Will Battie Each Wed- J. A. Cole, Flower Convener-Mrs. B. Furber. Phone 438. 51-1 nesday Night for Titie - J. H. Johnston. To Let Schedule Is Published Mrs Shane who presided over the1 ___business session thanked thse mess- OS T RN -L CNV - Instead o!f havtng a junior 0. H. bers for the co-operation in the past HOUcS, etrEN octiALLCoNein A. team, which if placed in the lcladSlctdcniudhl o Nov. lSth. Sheppard & Gill Ltd., group this yeam. would doubtless the coming year. Mrs. W. C Ivs,,Bowmanville. 44tf havebee ouclasedandin thse secretary, read thse minutes and -_____________ hope o! develaping material for a calied thse roll. Ail members were* HOUSE TO RENT-7 ROOMS, ALL strong teami next year, a Junior urged ta make up their dues before modemn conveniences. central 10- Towný League has been organized close of year. cation on Wellington St. AppIy with four teams fram Bowmanville -______ J. H. Muttan, R. R. 5, Bowman- and one !rom Orono.. ville. Phone 374r31. 49-3 At the organization meeting W. A. NOTICEI -____________ Edger was elected president and music Stan Robinson. secretary. Team CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST managers are W. J. Bagnell. Bob POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST FRANCIS SUTTON, Mu.Bac. F.C.C.O. Kent, Sid Little, Stan Robinson and A .C M ilmsInPao Orme Gamsby. Thse committee for Voters' List 1934 Municipality of A .C .dpoa nPao settlement o! disputes is comise Singing, Violin and Organ. o! Frank Williams, Bert oqile Bowmanville, County of Durham i Private or class lessons. Alex EdmondStone and Reg. Jones.1 Pupils pnepared for aIl examinations. O. H-. A. ruies will be in force 1 Notice is hereby given that I have Phone 42, Bowmanville At a meeting heid Tuesday night' complieci with Section 10 o! the 40-tf at W. J. Bagnellîs, teama were cho.s- Vters' Liai Act and that. I have,_________________ en and achedisie draw-n up. In an- pasied up ai my off ice on the 8thI ranging thse teama the committee day o! December. 1934. thse list o! picedthegoltedfor-stthe teaid Musns ntiletoor emiberso u iesL ie t picked e goalmenadrfirthethehe' -ýai penons enitledtaf o emiberso; u ies'ie t r wards. If at the practices they ind 1 Parliament, and at Municipal Elec- _______________ one team is going to, be outstaridina I tions, and tIsai such liai remains' a new arrangement will be made. there for inspection.I LEGAL The opening games will be played And I hereby cali upon aIl votera on Wednesday. Dec. 26ih, featuing ta take immediate proceedinga ta M. G. V. GOULD. B.A.,.B. a double headen, f irst ganse at 7.30, have any errors or omissions cor- Barrister. Solicitor, Noiary Maple Leafs vs Cocos;; and Bucks recied accomding te law, the lasi day1 Phone 351 vs Dukes ai 9 o'clock. Games will be for appeal being Saturday. the 29th Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville played every Wednesday night. with day a! December, 1934. I______ four teamis in action each night. Ait ae hslt dyo eebr W. R. STRIKE tIse close o! these chedule the firat 1934. Barrister. Solicitor, Notany two teama will play off. if ice is a- A. J. LYLE. Solicitor for Bank o! Monireal vailable. twa games, if not only one. 51-2w Town Clerk. Money te Loan. Phone 91, Incidentaliy. a real O. H. A. rfre Bowmanville, Ontario ,in the person o! Art Edgen vilI LR' OIE0 IRTL .MSN .A handle the firsi two games. TIse LR'NOIE F RS personel o! four Bowmanville teams POSTING 0F VOTERS' LST Bamister - Solicitor and the ful achedule has been held13 Mnciait fLawinaIlusbran- Ece. over for nexi week. 1'Ors' Lisis 134Notial o arin Pbl itbce. A charge o! 15c for adu'iis, and 10C Darlington, County of Durham I Office immediately east o! Royal for children. for tIse double header isI Theatre. fee set for !ans. Special attractions Notice is Isereby given tIsai I have Phones: Office 688; Home 553. for opening nighi are being ar- complied with Section 10 o! the i ---_____ ranged and will include attendance Votera' LUst Act and ihat I have DENTAL o! Legion Band and the Mayor fac- posted up ai my office ai Hampton ing of! the puck. on the lai day o! December. 1934. DR. J. C. DEVITT - ----*-t he liai o! all persons enlitled to Assstant: Dr. E. W. Sissan St. Paul's Young People's Guild vote in thse said Municipality for Graduate o! Royal Dental College, Members o! Parliament, and at Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Regular nmeeting o! St. Paul's Municipal Elections, and tIsai such Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. IYoung Peaple's Guild was held Tues-1 liai remains there for inspection. fte 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. day evening with Mrs. A. S.. Kerr, . And I hereby caîl upon ail votera Phýone 90. House phone_283. period Mrs. Keîri avI e Chiimsav â edaerrrs r omissinsco pradng f eromgthe Pahistemad1rected acceror diomaia.shesiondayr rayeg r. Frtraes a indechaeo!1 fr apedal bing tuday the 22d Nrah ShProrb ans istaed o1o!: a ! eceber. 1934.y te 2n Crhtmshrebbads yChri Ce-' 1d fDe tis Ots dy o1 Dcemer mCestasRth Tuerk ad eore 1934. hi 0t ayo Dcmb Graham; vocal seeciindbyeonalgJ.D1934ATH Wiraiam; accoalsenieby MssHle.Cek !D OARonTsh Williams; copian eect is. y enmah o50-2wgnTonsip Whrublia;insong concluded ra52% SerubenjoAblevnlsng. CLRK'SADVRTISMEa 0F COURT IN NEWSPAPER A.Y.P.A. HOLDS ANNUAL CHIISTMASTIDE PARTY 'Section 17) -- NOTICE is hereby gîven that at St. John's A. Y. P. A. staged ias Court will be held, pursuanit oTIse annual Christmas party in the Par- Ontario Votera' Lista Act, by His isIs Hall on Monday nighi with Honon tIse Judge o! the County about sixty in attendance. Follow- Court o! tIse County o! Durhanm at ing the devotional part o! thse meet- Newcastle Community Hall on tIse ing a number o! Christmas carols 27ih day o! December, 1934. ai 10.30 were aung. and a sing-song a! Ot- o'clock, ta, hear and determine cons- tawa conference sangs was featur- plaints o! errors and omissions in ed. 'me remainder o! tIse evening tIse Votera' Liai of the Municipallty was given overto games conducted o! the Village o! Newcastle for 1934. by tIse Presî-dent and Mrs. P. A. Dili- Dated tIse lth day of December, lng, and teo dancing, wth Hubert 1934. Hooper supplying thse music. Re- H. C. BONATHAN. freshments weme served f rom a dec- Clerk o! thse Munlclpality orated table in the basensent *'of Village b! Newcastle. hall. 51-1 Le1-ý FUNRaL IE CTpe nOffce FUNERAL DIRECTOR Service, any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modemn Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalld Car Cail Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modemn Equipment -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smith Phone Days 58 Nights, Sundiays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276. WINTER TERM JAN. 2. Individual attention permit@ choice of sublects and rapid progress. Accountancy, Stenography, Secretar. lai, and Business Administration Courses. Catalogue f ree from Shaw Business Bchools, Bay and Charles, Troronto. K13165 For A Merry Christmnas I Christmas Specials 31o r15 ShortbmeadsF.ngers Shortbread Wfiners Mince Patties ... Letters and cards o! congratula- tion and best wishes. gifts o! ail kinds. poured in upon Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard on Wednesday a!temnoon. Dec. 12th, on the occasion o! the eightieth aniniveraary o! her birth. Whiie in the a!temnoon and evenling relatives and f niends calied on her ta extend their compliments. As the guests arrived they ee admitted at the door by Mrs. Rtick- ard's daughter, Mrs. H. R. Pearce, while Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville. another daughter, assîsted hem mno- ther in receiving. As the guests1 were ushered it the reception par- lours there f eil agreeably upon their senses the fragrance and vision o! many plants and !iowers. Many were gi! ts o! the day. conveylng in their chaste beauty the sentiments a!f the donors. These and other birthday rememnbrances symbolized the high esteemn with which friends. relatives and neighboi'5 regard the ladLy o! gýentle imanner and graciaus demeanaul' who-se birth at the Sy- mons home. north o! Welconie, was hailed with deiight four score years ago and wh~ose hand m'as sought by and given in mnarriage ta thse late Gea. p. Rickamd, prominent, Shaw's farmer and strong buiwark o! the church. some 23 years later. feh 'me table !rom which refe- ments weme semved was centred with a vase o! loveily carnations and a cloth o! hand-hemlmed linen. an heimloom frmhem mother. Mrs. T. H. Clemence and Mrs. W. H. Co)oke sat one at either end o! the table bef ore a brightly shining silver tea service and poured tea. while Mrs. J. T. Brownl, Mrs. A. W. Gienney and Miss Marjorie Cl.em- ence semved The crowniflg glory of ail, espec- ially honoring the lady o! eighty summers, was the bithday cake sur- mounted by its eighty twinkling candies. the special birthday me- Among membrances was a handsome eiec- tric iamnp. supported an an umn- shaped base. Much appreciated and indispens- able service was rendered behind thse scenes by Miss Florence Rickard. Mesdames J. M. Cobbledick, C. R. Carveth. C. A. Cowan and Mrs. Harold Toms. St. Lambert. Que.. and Mrs. W. D. Bragg, daughiters o! Mrs. Rickard. Clergymen who calied with hi wives were Mrs. Rickard'5st. Rev. S. MacLean, and hem nephew, Rev. R. H. Rickard. Oakwoad. A former pastar. Rev. W. P. Roglers and Mrs. Rogers, Tara, sent their compliments by post. At least sev- enty f ive callers autographed the special birthday register. TOWN LEAGUE IN Satinettes, lb. ... Novelty Popcomn Bags Acid Drops, lb ..... Kandy Kisses, lb. Licorice Allsorts, lb. 25e doz. 20e doz. 25c doz. XMAS Soda Fountain SPECIAL Neilson's Christmas Ice Cream Brick 25e 25e . 25c 25c Chocolates MAKE A DANDY GIFT NEILSON'S or LOWNEY'S Lb. Box-5Oc Humbugs, lb. Polar Mixed, lb. After Dinner Minis, lb. Animal Shapes, lb. Rosebuds, lb. ... son (lnCal.Wanted DEATHS Wdle ge woman desires positîon as housekeeper; best of references. JEBSN-I Hapton onFrîay, Apply to Box 126 or phone 479. December 14th, 1934, Lillian Ger- _________________ trude Jebson. widow f the late MAN WANTED-FOR GRAVE DIG- James Jebson. aged 58 years. ging and grass cutting in Beth- SLEMON-In Hampton. on Satu- esda Cemetery. Apply ta Howard day, December lSth. 1934. Selena 1 Couch, Frank Werry or Everton Ethîcen Johns. beloved wife of White, R. R. 4, Bawmanville. Milton Slemon. Haydan. Interred Phone 146r2. 51-tf at Hampton. SNOWDEN~-At Toronto. on Thurs- SELL A LINE OF, EXCLUSIVE 1934 Besie made-to-measure individualy tail- dayDeceber 3thored ladies' outerwear. Liberal Greta Crago, beloved wife of Mr. co ison. lse triois W.nLloyd SnowenMalGav, for producers. Write at once. in hr 3th ear British Knitwear, Simcoe, On- METCALF-At Toronto, on Thurs- tario. 48-4 day, December l3th, 1934, Rosetta _ _ Hazel Noretta Crago, beloved wife For Sale of Mr. Norman J. Metcalf, Maple Grave. in hier 38th year. CAL? FOR SALE-SHORTHORN, ________________________ 1 week oid. H. R. Pearce. New- Trinity Evening Auxiliary cte.5-1 FOR SALE - 1 JERSEY HEIER, Trinity Evening Auxiliary of the' due in December. R. Oison, one W. M. S. presented a splendid! mile north of Hampton. 51-1 Christmas program on Tuesday ev- 1 -- ening in the schoi roam unider thei FOR SALE - ONE REGISTERED direction of Miss Helen Cryderman' Jersey cow. seven years old, due and lier group. Christmas hyna to f reshen Dec. 26th. S. Morton. were sung. prayer by Miss Florence Maple Grave. 51-1 Werry. Scripture lesson, by Mrs. W.'FO SAE-OU TIS.RM C. Ives; Christmas stories were very, and tubes, practicaliy new. size 21 effectively told by Miss Greta Wick-, .0 ha. .W ngt ett. Mrs. Muriel Symans and Miss phone 173, Bowmanville. 51-1 Cryderman. Miss Greta Pollard sang, P a solo and Miss Jean and Eileen, FOR SALE - SQUARE PI A NO Wight a duet which added much (Steinway), and bench. Bargamn to the already fine pragram. for quick sale. Apply Mrs. Haw- Mrs. C. A. Wight presented the ley, 35 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville. nominating cammittee's r e part 51 î* Iwhich was adapted as follows: --____________ Han. President-Mrs. E. F. Armn- FOR SALE-LADY'S BLACK PERS- s t r o n g; President-Mrs. W. A. ian Lamb Coat, seal collar and Shane: lst Vice-Mrs. B. E. Ingham;1 cuffs. size 42, cost $500.00, been 2nd Vice-Mrs. J. W. Jeweii: Re- worn only a few times, will sacri- cording Secretary-Miss Greta Wic- fice for $175.00. Apply S. G. kett: Ass't.-Mrs. Fred Wight; Trea-, Chartran's Clothing Store. 51-1V surer-Mrs. C. H. Mason; Christian! - - Stewardship- Mrs. Roy Webber; PIANO FOR. SALE - C I R C U M- As s'It.--Miss Helen Cryderman: stances compel the immediate dis- Strangers-Mrs. W. R. Strike; Ass't posai of a Heintzman upright to -Mrs. W. H. Birks; Missionaryl avoid storage. Will seIl on easy Monthly-Mrs W. J. Found: Astpayments to responsible party. Mrs. W. C. Ives; Literary-Mrs. Apply "C.B." Drawer B. Bowman- Elmer Cax; Supply-Mrs R. J. Diii- ville. 51 1 This radio starts and stops ItseIf electricaliy without at- tention. Automa.tlcally turns on for any desired programn at any given hour or fraction, and stops at tie set. $1L5900 This model on dlsplay nightly at the Royal Theatre. Selective Wave, Mtystery Tube Console Model 4423 - Newest and lowest priced standard and short wave band radio in Canada made possible by the development of the new Mystery Tube by Rogers. Full 7-tube performance. Ail the doniestie and for- elgn stations of any import- ance. New aeroplane type diai - toue control - vol- T' unie contrai - superhetero- .çJ<Udyne circuit - BI' dynamie speaker - Spray- Sh 1e1l guaranteed tubes - serai- moderne style console wlth centre panel In butt walnut. $719e95 Mystery Tube Mantel Model 4421 - Lowest priced standard and select- ive wave niantel in Canada wlth sanie chassis and per- formiance as model 4423 ab- ove - 6" dynamic speaker - front f lnlshed ln sllced oriental walnut. - $59.95. Popular Selective Wave Console A strlklng niodel tua- ing in ail domestie and for- elgu broadcasting stations vàth regularity and clarity. 8-tube performance. Aero- plane dm1l with tuning con- trol regulated to two speeds; volume and tone contrai and tunlng light; 10" audi- torium speaker-, Spray- Shleld guaranteed tubes; cabinet design in butt wai- nut wlth maple burl over- lay; walnut lower part. Price $114,95 W. J. Bagnel Phone 152 Exclusive Rogers Dealer in Town j' I 4 delivery on Christmas Day or Wednesday, December 26th. Our store wil be ciosedl both days. May We Wish You A Very Merry Christmas 'Watson 's Bakery LUNCH ROOM PHONER 970 SODA FOUNTAIN Amazing New RO 0GER S RKADIO A MIGHTY GLOBE GIRDLER Model 4821 - The finest Radio Rogers has produced. An 8-tube console wlth 10-tube performance-brlnging in domestic and f oreign stations wlth amazlng clmrity. Dual visual tone controis - auditorium speaker - Radilum type aeroplane dial - tunng ight - volume control - guaranteed Spray-Shleld tubes. Cut Rocks, lb. 18e French Cmeams, lb. STOP AND START CLOCK

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