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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1934, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVLL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1934 PG I Pubic cho lsble, BilIy Edger. year or the year before-what pro- ols Miss Moore's Room-Francis Mor- gress and futuile prosperity may be L Publc Sc o r s uyargen Room-SHeil Wii-nitstofouweBthe do nod ies- Devitt.ready accomplished have an oppor- Annual Concert DMiss e.Bt ed nw ai s1 son, Donald Wolfraim. that research is stili on the job- Miss Powers' Room - Doan a 1 d that it is turning out things today çContinucd f rom page 1) Quick, Audrey Martini. which people may point ta in ten 7. !T Bed." which was presented by Jun- Miss Pickard's Room - H a z eci years as outstanding achievements. Let U sL Loo ior and Primary pupils. Doris Clapp Wood, Billy Spencer. Nobody cari look at the record with- acted as narrator and related thc Miss Bartons Room-Muiirel Mc- out gaifling a new confidence that ~O e ' u story to the audience. Donald, Frank Piper. we are going ahead. v r Y u Thie plot of the operetta was reai- The second section of the pro- Ross Stutt expressed on behaîf of ly a dreamn. Toltlefews, Carl gram consisted of chorus numbers the Club appreciation to thc speak- *- an Hbct.acedbyKevi S- already mentioned, a splendid re- or for his unusual and informative arisube.and Bbby Knelvadin citation "Miss Debutant Learris ta address. S o l e sen tobcdandwer dicovrcdasSwil excellently reridered by Kay Visitors at the club lncludcd E. A. the curtain went up in a large cot O'Neill, a dumb-bell drill, pyramld Loveli of Oshawa, Bill Boulton of We know it'às impolite, but on anc side Of the stage. Tbey were building and mat work bY Uic Sen- Cobourg, Ed. Ayrheart of Peterboro, really, we have 80 many flot quite ready ta go ta sleep, sa inlor Boys, and a chorus, "Amaryllis" Bill Green, new assistant Superin- T e P r d oft eimagination thy went sailing across by thc Senior Girls. tneto h nai riigsgetost ffr htw the seas In their ship "The Trundie- efia ofteroamShordCl cntrest bcd" (their cot). Soon their ad- was given over to the Cantata, "The a'reit ventures got the better of them and Wondrous Story," whlch was out- thcy feUl asleep. Then they dream, standing in cvery way. it was di- Canadian Club It's fun to give gifts when you know that they'll B o ars H ad nd wat heydream Is portrayed vided into six parts, entitled Thec B o ars Iinltheaderdti~ a. No soocrie ee Shepherds, The Ange1 Chirs, The oiiu~ ae be appreciated. Don't worry about, the question thcy aseeptIa marks plyplaced afWsetenIn he owien(Cs namesrompaon1 Is an old English custom at Ruth Hutchirsor, appared with iBethehem, The Manger, and m aessor said that the Worheld War cost o Christas, bt in Cnada t is oasfourr liittlateattendants. onduSheChconduct- Christmasost pDawn.or Itdwasa mhestrlap-r someyo400isbillionse gofddollarsyoutolestage.o ChristaGse, tCa ce. d the sleeping boys on a tour of propriatc to the season and the dir- thisneee 40blins c a rsadsrmttrageurbdgt TukeGose hike.the world. First appeared Uncle ector and the chlldren arc to be Somne idea of the vast amounit that priate gifts that will please them and stili not ors. Junior Neul played Uncle Sam.;I work. Ruth Virtue was nurrator. wthed build a $2500 bmosfuronesyEM E H Then in turn came John Bull, play- It wiauld b srou mssion it wdith $10 00 th o!s furniure A nd w hat an array of Christm al5s c G o g o er a a d b s B i- som th ng w arc rio s i o! the var-R T H Poultry we have this year! They are ish soldiers and sailors. In the truc bous costumes worn by the young pldeprtovive ares faynth *and~w al wllfe lup irs ht ill cspirit of neighbarliness the soldiers performers. The outfits were artis- wUnite vd aes. Canaa, ngl ndhe ayanlifd satusfactions tha wi e and salors o! the txvo nations joined tic. gay, unusual. comnic und military UsitrdSttsCaaaEnlnd F r ot e a jy ndsaisa~~tifltoan i-etogether in song and dance. und all addcd ta the pîcasure and Asrlia, Wales, Scotland, France,- Christmas appetite. Not too Jte te, let Betty Trimble appcarcda h eiyeito'hocso. e~-Blguium emn n usawt us fll yur rderforpoulry.French Girl. who introduced a de- derstand several mothers and other onc uit each. Arid aftcr that thère usfiyurodrfr @lr.lightful array a! French dols who willing workrs assisted the teach- would be nugh left to take very Nnlve, Icarried out a' mcthodic doîl dance e rs in designing and making the city o! 20,000 people and give Ita5 ansng which proved very amus-I costumes anid they are dcserving a! million dollar nibrriy Inddaiton Neckwear Dný Ionald wsthe German considerable commendatian in this mlindla nvriY nadto Be sure to sec our display of Boy h ntroduccd a bcvy of Ger- much appreciated co-operution. there would be plcnty to set aside Pa ecanPsian rpttrs CrsmsBe-an rea osorman os including a Drum, played Go ave The Kinig brought to a ut 5 per cent. interest to provide tascdPoSailey new. 100 dzen techos. fi I er by Eric McIlveen, a Whistlc.plye close the most succssful Christmas salry for 125,000 teachers and 125,- fromne. 10 oe ta hos steak of that wonderu 2-yi.-oldste by George Falcofler, and a Trumpet, concert staged by the Public Schoals enurse!st anpucd seth e w ho til e of 0cr5co1,3.2 r 15 fed by F. W. Bowel, lM. P. piayed by Charles Fletcher. Irvin in several years. Frnc ef tad Bcuand hi heiof50c Muf, fe1.5 r $.5 an hwas htthe snai the Mlit-_______- homes, buildings and industries. uflr ____________________________ and hbruttoUcstae helit- This gives some idesa! the lasses The new wool muff er style in1 I Elzabeh a ~ C ub casiofed bYwar.One ears taxes CH IT A saw as hie nightly shone cer the Aip h oa yC u falknscniulydnrea check or stripe design; also fancy II.I o! Swtzerland. Margaret Rowc was d s tho lanwht...Is100u tAPYuadint littledJaanegirl Whof a(Continucd froin page 1) blamed, while actualiy hall the taxes Sit anegirswodd g oaig nw a aeocsondb a.Could ISit NEW YEA dace f Jpanse arety Ruh RseachMr.Garersummned up, we have not fought thc Great War Men's English Broadcith Dress wa nognzdmethod of tryirig and spent the money for use! ul pur-I ShrsotenwSatx l- are hodlihgointhngvgoa- etaldhae ned to nel effect. Sizes 14 to 18. Ai- in who dch ait, in ic andvigoat-doa! ter you cari t kecp onl doiri. worry about nurses, and social ser- ways a popular gif t... . 95c up ing alinthrearun thtges t ica n ri what you are doing flow. vice and educution. and ad . the funethutngter withhwin And sa the speaker rclated incid- With that as an introduction Prof. Sweaters C . C a w k er CILE th Seran o evyR ncrscrit in accomplished by research in the a!! airs o! today brought abouti Mefl's ail-wool puilovers in V, thepesan Rihars ho n-automotive f ild alone. By use O! threats o! war. He spoke on the sit- crew or turtie neck style; also a %OaIa ~~~troduced about a dozen Christmas highly specilized instruments the hcareouawid uation in the Suar, the crtrance o! large stock o! llght, medium or pdngs htwosupos rrric u elrd manufacturer could naw discover Russia ta the League o! Nations, and heavy coat sweaters. The prac- dtne sthaig the suoserg.rSantad exacthy what happencd ta motor the naval arguments between Great tical gif t.............31.49 UP thestrnn o th pddig.Sartafuel in cvery stage o! its passing Brîtain, Japan and United States. Mrs MryElzaethDoeydid, Sh mve t Lndsy 3 eas e ulso introduccd gi! ta already tied Up . through the engine. A blnklng Prof. McKenzlc outlined some o! Robes Mrs. Mary Davey < d h moved in thedsay 3 e hoa~ for Christmas. Eight littie pupils light had been made to develap bet- the magnificent accomplsbments o!fhtcudb ie ogv i ever sînce. She vwas a meivber o! the hdbe akdi oeWt ter gears and transmission, an in- the League o! Nations and urged than ac o o u ench's to gtonhi Sewsbr inngadadcm avto ry e ubn r- their head and feet protrudiflg and strumental located noises and class-thtveyCnda suprte Gos.Aigtwgtal.W I th a ban nin n cm avto rm e ubn re wr i rpedu ihrbasified them sa that they could be League ta the limait. Since its inccp- flanel, i stripe o i h adesoo to anaa sttîri utPot Ganb. dcesedber25ycas uo.and sels, just like regular Christ- rectified. The study o! uerodynam- tanmaY brat ! arhae ee ith n trst toim pancys:Jks ma it.ics brought about the Stream lining overcome by umicable discussion, with oitre tntim, or the smors The singing o! the soloists, thc to prevent wind resistance. It or- and lie belicvcd thut a lasting peace Blitoth . .or 33.50 up lîttlc groups, and the chorus. wcrc iginated in the inside a!fthe car cun be th.50orl exceptional throughout, and the ta test the passage o! air througb a through League uctivities. presentatian provcd to be by f ar Uic body, but today it is studied for the Mrs. J. H. H. Jury exprcsscd the House Coats mot ifiul utniptcd by the cffect a! a body rushing thraugb air. Club's appreciatian ta Prof. Mc- The genuine importcd Bonning- teachers, and ta the audience thc Then research was faccd with the Kerizie for bis outstanding uddress. u a l-olhus ot nsnr date. idi!ying ail, cold engines, and unre- introduced the speaker. who answer- tan an maroon, with check trui Durîng the intermission an Thurs- spniebteie.I u-aecd qestions t the conclusion o! A good gift.............$950 f or Everyuiody day nîght, Mrs. L. W. Dippeil pre- Antancticu thcsc tests were carried his address. setdteWomen's Canadian Cu out and the prablemns solved. Pya a prîzes for0 es tnding o! a boy Contiiiuing rescarqb study the Pyjama&____________ BOOKS - For the Kddies, from 3c upwards, an unusualy and a girl in Canadian Histry in problem a! crarksats, flywheels, Sl gnsi amnil o attractive ine of Picture Books. Story Books for boys the Entrance Class ta Rusell Short, clutches, and their troubles, and the F r the genuine Arow Lastex Py- an il.Fraut-e itotae n aet and Ruth Cryderman. Mn.r. W. problem o! the public desire for en- jama, in Englisb Braadcloth, andgils Fr .dutsRe fcton trve ud utst Dippeli presented the Men's Canad gines with a speedy getaway, but 'Iie E 31.50 Up reprits-9OCte 32.25. Ian Club prizes for Canadian Hist- with brakes that would pull up STATONEY -Mos uttuctvcJ boednew designs, excel- ory in the final entrance examina- Sharp, had ta bc studicd. And sea oir SAINR -Motatatvl oetions ta Paul Symons and Olive' research continud ta help in the "dA PIG IS LIKE Me' ikoirylwo ae e man o! the Scbaol Board presented more beautiful Duco f Inish, in thc A H M NB IG? man's, McGregoi' or English CHINA AND GLASS - For mother, sister or wife - in sets or the Board's pnizes for the blghest production o! ethyl gasaline ta take H M N BIGmukes. Dozens and dozens o! separate pleces. A price for every pocket book. total marks i Uic Entrance Exum- out the knacks, in the problem of SAYS J. L. MORDiEN them. . 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 up PICURE - ew ni)diferet, u sts r sngl-25 te32.0. inatiolis ta Olive Ward and Russell Independent sprlngixig for more PCUE -Nean ffrniseso igy2 t "* Short. 1conifort. acoplhdnUc The Cunadian Statesmafi, Handkerchiefs POTTERY - English and) Candiali vases, rose b1 s, bulb On Prday night, the followng Finally M. Garner sumamarized Bowmafville, ont. Mnslwlnn iko mot bowls, uni) ~proficlency pizes wcre preseiited tawhat bad been acmlseinteGentlemen:.dIlhhnnbnkrheSwt the two pupils with the high S upposig maier. ti 12 ai I notlced in your puper a meal initials or plain. ALSO - Hnkrhes uss ekaeDUGms os standing in the varlaus rooms by upPh alta n 90a ixture for pigs. I have been ralsiflg 2 for 25e und) up Huetng dkhfsues, l NdasCkrsaeefs, ueT , Mn. W. P. Carbett, a member o! Uic 1 automobile had becri sealed In a pgs ortenty-lve years. I bave Gretii urd, ulndSSCb'Jsmu Wupp ui) Board. glass case. Assume thut Uic seul no oats, shorts, middliirgs or milk taBrc and Garter Sets Decortiolis, CMiss Jerennlngs' Rooma-Kay o- ad been se tight that nothlng bap- fedmBpgracav cdUemo NellDiria'Wseer.peedtote arinteinnt aval. It burley meal, riot screenlngs or hulls, Attractlvely boxed. A useful Miss Collacott's Room - Byrori n perfect condiin o speck but pure barley meuh. I use tankuge, gi! t ..................31.00 UP J . J W E LCrawford, Charles Hoar. a!rst, not, a bit o! tarnish. Ini anc pound o! tarikuge equals elghtSt Je W . JE W ELLMiss Morris' Room-IHazei Aider, 1920 Ui car was $1500. What would quarts o! milk. pt BOOKS &£ STATIONERY Marlon Dudley (equal). yo 7gvefr it now? Before you People tal.k about the Abattoirs .Sriap-Easy In lght grey, fawn or PANS&WALLPAPER Miss Wlckctt's Room-Kelth Sle- decide look care!ully ut the car. Ob-riot being f air and flot paying Uithkgep........ 19 CINAS & LS mon, Nam Pagan. serve that it dos iot have four price, the Harris Abattoir as a- akge.........$15 Miss Bragg's Roomn-Jean Pattin- wheel brakes, balloon tires, or duca ways treated me mast falrly. I clairn Phone 30 BOWMANVELLE ..Big 20" son, Cathinie Spencer. finish. It des not ave safety they wnt Ai goods and when you Gloves Miss Buriner's Room - Howard glass or no draft ventilation. You send them Al pigs, you get an Ai Lined or urined gloves in cape, Carden, Douglas Hai'fdcli. would have ta replace its fan beit price. o annat expect tbcm ta deerskin, goat or pigakin. AM - Miss Jcwll's a -mBrnc i- f ive or six times as of!ten us 9 u you foCa ufnished plg the sizes ......... Ron enc i a Z nuf... ....31.00 up would tic fan belt o! the car buîlt pnice they will puy You for a good Eeyatceldvdal oe uoeo u matbxs today. Its brlght work would have pig. I thlnk they are dolig business Eeyatceldvdal oe noeo u mr o to b polished cantinually, for they on a fine business basis. Tbey sent A Large Stock of did not use ciraiim when that word ta me by the man who trucks icrwas built. my plgs ta Toronto, that barley d.oe MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHING 1 iAthaugb thie enginc is about the the trick. At anc time I receivedBu thtOeoa OW ndsvurgor LetH a ry A lin G i e ousume sise as enginca used Iodai', rime nîncty. I sent clght sews te Overcat Saero now n til Chdristmas etI J rr l n G i e Y uthis 1920 madel bas fan less pick- Taranto and they averaged me Evert hlefrng in M n WChrisms pcan't climb hilîs sa well. and thirty-one dollars and !arty-five igi esW a 0% m cacmpare with taday's cars in cents eacb but tbcy were finlshed _________________________________ lv1 u àmaintulned specd. The erigine plgs. Our Mr. Poster, whî uabe woldbenosir-ndthis car daes buyillnipes ever since I came -ta GIFTS FOR C hr stwI S __ - 20taW30years. you are sudaemy-- Geese - TurkeYs Chickens - Ducks i'mpr'zed wlihUic surprisirig f act, S l A " 'Fl aà that notblng tbat research bas Pr~o- Time bas Test.ed 1.-Dr. ThomuAlLais Fi at, O Order early for best choice. Beautiful birds. Right Prices. duced bus seemed o! reallY fan Eclectnlc 011 bas been on Uh i me.ths a-O Sl ts f lrst appearance. It la only a!- tbat time it bas proved a blesabig - 00Is.$25 ter the new things have spread their ta tbousands. It la in blgh favor etu1.O-Pep Egg Mash 10Is 25 effect arid lime bas given tbem an tbrougbout Canada and Ils excel- f w Yopportunlty ta stand forth ln Ibelr enice bas carrled Ils fame beyond J% L. i " .~ I reai social anid economie iImpOrt- the seas. If It were double Uic price o c J h t n Cr d i fi A FZ yance. that you can recognize tem it would b a cheap liniment. as turnlng points ln buman events. phon 8 r11kriow, even when we look ut wbat etb and obeyeth hlm most."-Bur- il reearch la doms, or what il dd lat kitI. 0-'-,

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