AGE ~~ PAGE SIX TECNDA TTSABWAVLE HRDY EEBR2,13 A Weel ,1 Bowrr treet, E sont8, 0V, M membe usa the AnywhG 80th we tu' exten wlshe seemn form hapa the meel f eel the yur 'rosil Lisi peroiis not a mn a new t pi 'AGE report of the Trustees and itatepay- Kn Street East - Bowmanvllle w Year. ers meeting beld in Tyrone recently, _____________ ___________________ took charge o! the prograin: Rol E Z LA eau"Christmnas Thoughts"; Mrs. -~~~~ Fank Gilbert, our delegate to the Ch fn an iFPoee9 We CR I C uentraliW. I. Convention In Toronto, rial s »F e gave an excellent report o! the con- quicly reIieved b, 10 i Furniture - Funeral Directors vention whlch was fuil o! enthus- D.r.(mASIE'S lasin, Information anti humor antid ________%IL._____ was thoroughly enjoyeti by aIl. Mrs. -4 the following programi ensued: -4 John Baker led in community sing- MEDALS PRESENTED- 1Bible reading and comments were ing wth Miss Ileen Balson at the HAYDONi taken by Mr. R. Cale; Topic by Mr. MAPLE GROVE piano. Mrs. Ross Lee and Miss Eileen TO SOCCER CHAMPS CI P. L. Squair: readings were given f tino avoured with a piano duet. Mr. Egbert Wright has returned by Misses R. Richards, M. Honey and White Gf riehsbe ih Lnhwssre yMs ae n TG T E IGH R to his home in Calgary, Alta. K. Cowling; vocal solo, Mr. S. daC i vc ass-±wih L u anevd byscBa k er aend TGA H NGH R Mse ienadAyDsesels; an lnteresting contest was p Miss fr HisNextr Oshwa vsitd t rJ. rihts, n y heleaerasa scil ou iss ilda Foley is visiting fri-Net eetng In charge of group 3 Over Three Hundred Attend Social Mr.ha dMs ~and itdatM. . Wilater wn hthe e et sa in lourit i s eebr, rdodadwhen a question drawer will be a Evening at Badminton Club - Mr n r.Wn mt n i-atrwihtemeigcoe ihToronto feture of the program. Every memi- BwavleRcle ab ma, Whitby, Sundayed a Mr. Wmn. tbe Ieagiie Benediction. Miss Vera Trimble, Ottonabee at- jber bring a question. BomnCle eage T Dring- Trewin's. tended the funeral of ber cousin, tbe rtnCarejaueToh Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay and late Mrs. Lloyd Snowden on Sun- 1 h alntn-lre Fobl BobiOsaw.visited at Mr. C. jTY1N dy.I PNISKILLEN Leagues's annual get-together and Gerrard's. Cbristmas tree and Concert willI presentation o! medals to the cbam- Mr. A. Beech and Miss Mabel 1 be witbdrawn from tbe evening, but Beech visited at Mr. A. Larmer's,' Mr. Gussie Rosevear spent Sunday will be held in tbe School room on Don't forget tbe Christmas tree pionship Bowmanville team, attract- Burketon. with friends in Millbrook. Tbursday afternoon, Dec. 2th at 2 on Frlday night in the Orange Hall ed a crowd exceeding three hundred Mrs. Silas Trewin, Misses Verna Miss Marjorie Tennant, Leskard, p. m. Publie cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. S Petbick attended at tbe Badminton Club on Monday Grace and May Trewin visite<I at visiteci Mrs. F. L. Byamn recently. Thscmutyw hokdlttefnraofheaeM.Ewr ng. M.H ot',Oooisaita o pn taedesday wath ber Thursday morning when it became Pethick. President AI! Ayre acted as chair- Church was well attended on Sun- HsiasetWdedywt e known that Mr. Lloyd Snowden had M1iss Walton and Mr. Orville Ash- man, and with bimi at the bead day afternoon. Rev. A. M. Wootton uncle, Mr W. S. Staples. mtwt nacdni bc i ton spent Sunday with friends in table were Elmer Wilbur, Secretary; gave a splendid Cbristmas message. Mrs. Wmn. Virtue and Mrs. J. Bal ewi an MrscNiren t hcl! s-TrnoadOaa.rm GabyHnrryreint A number o! girls furnisbed Christ- iof Leskard. recently visited at Mr. ieadMsNomn mbyHnrr Psdn; masmulc IChrle irte', nnsklln. ter,' bad met instant death, and Miss Alice Ashton, Mr. John Sle- and Lorne R.obbins, Vice-President. mas usic ChrlieVirue's Ennskilen. T 1mon, Mr. Gordon Beech visited at At the opening of the meetinga Our deepest sympatby is extended 1Several f rom here attended the pLtlyd asinjreortLlod i theds- MrsHr ,y elatende h r.W lydSodnadM to Mr. Milton Slemon and fmiyin1funerals of the late Mrs. L. Snowden pTel. Glato reor thLlo ivd.Mr.arey cb's, aydon teminute. oysilneanevd fr their sudden bereavement o alo and Mrs. N. Metcalf on Sunday a! - fThe symtpatby 0f this commurmnnitylf f he ape Gov Ing wife and mother. A large number ternoon. is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ha old M iSt. atrnes.!o! t en apl Gov attended th funeral on Tuesday at Mrs.J.Lillicrapp bas returned to Crago. parents. Mr. Lloyd Snowden Mrarod MGIS. Catarineos. cormmrLuniy. Mr.Snde waa the home of ber mother, Mrs. C.1he home at Cannington af ter spend- an.d !amily a N maIl ot e aFP. Page and Mr. M. Page, Miss Doris Mr. Ayre in bis cbairman's re- Jons Hmpo. wekwthhe duhtrMr. r fmiy n al thrrelatives Wehr oot, r.A .Ba-marks expressed appreciation to alI Jon.Hmpo.F L ym brduhtr their sudden sad bereavement. Wehr ootMs .C rn withm ton, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. wbo had contributed towards the 1----4 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtue and ï.S and Mrs. S. Page. succeSS o! tbe season, and to the Pl Mr. Win. Virtue accompanied byI Glad to report Miss Naomi Virtue of ficers and executive who bad JSALEM hri Virtue. Enniskillen, visiteci HAMPTON is doing nicely at b er very ser- worked so well together. He also Mrs. W. Fice. Janetville, is visit- Virtue, in St. Michael's Hospital, Ms asal a ilLk Virtue returned home !romn Toronto terest shown by the Editor o! The lng ber parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. Toronto. who was in a serious con r.Ma-al'OkHllLk, Sunday after spending a week withI Statesman in both the league and Cornish. dition after a very critical operation.' visited Mr. andi Mrs. Ted Chant. ber. in aiding in bringing the get-to- Miss Sybil Hocken, Toronto, spent Glaci to hear she is now doing nice- Mr. C. W. Hastings and son Frank The Aduit Bible Class held Ils getber event to Bowxnanville. the weekend with ber sister, Mrs. y1 attended the funeral of Mrs. Frank annual meeting o! the election ofJ Orme Gamsby andi Dr. J. C. Deitt C. Polard.League program Thursday evening Mason, Friendsbip, N. Y. Hampton officers in the basement on Tues- also brie!ly addressed the meeting C. lan rd. L aeyadfm wsi !reo is ide rd riends extend sympathy. day, Dec. llth when the following and a fine program followed, con- Mr. aewtn Mrs. L. Saerant l!am- eadin age!MsMi. c rimBrad- The !amily o! Mrs. Jas. Jebson offîcers were electec: President- sisting o! vocal solo by Miss Mar- Mr.atdtmr.A eanson Cstn" ay.H RinTchard; readng. IoMiss Ssefred i.tepasn o in niMrLlyd Ashton; lst Vice-Pres.- 1 garet Scott, Solina; piano duet, Au- Mr. mand s A. Weahri iun" a HuaRTichard; rpaino . Miss Ss Lo- bi.'h asigofakidad isEva Soucb; Secretary-Mr. W.dreY Ayre and Eileen Stainton; was the subject of tbe splendid ser- VanCamp "Going Home for Christ- loving mother and !riendly neigh- ~Satn s'.-r.Et ae Sketch, by John Slemon and Alice mon ev.A. . Krr elierei hre as" voal olo Mr. A M.Woot- ur.Treasurer-Mrs. H Stevens; Visiting Ashton; quartette by Jack, Harvey. last Sunday afternoon. on; recitation, Miss Helen Trimm.. Tbe sympathy o! Hampton !riends ComÙte-Mrs. F. Ellis; Mrs W. Gerald andi Anson Balson o!fZion, Sevralfrindsan reaties t-Programn closed with games led by is extendeti the Snowden, Meteal! Ashton, Mrs. C. Crossman and Mrs. andi instrumental numbers by Arn- eddth ueral eaniceofelate Misat-Cmp andi Crago familles at Maple Grove W. H. Moore; Flower Committee- oldi Dament and Charlie Cawker. Mrs. Snowden and Mrs. Metcal! on Missionary programn at Sunday in their sati and sudden bereave- Mrm. J. A. Werry and Mrs E. The presentation o! medals to the Sunday. Deepest sympathy is ex- School was in charge o! the "Win ment. C. Ashton; Teacher-Mr. Thos. Mc- champion Bowmanville team was tended to the families in their very One" Young Women. Mrs. R. Hodg- Hampton Correspondent wishes to Gill. A social hour was spent and carrieci out by Anson Balson andi sad erevemnt.son told the story "A Gî!t for Jesus"; extenci Season's greetings to the lunch was serveci. Charlie Braiden. President AI! Ayre Mairavn t r.P an . Mrs. Howard Brent andi Miss Mae readers o! this, and other interesting Election o! officers o! the W. M.presenteci the tropby to Manager r. an t Mr..Cn and Mrs . Brent gave a piano duet; Miss Etina columns o! The Statesman. also to S. was helti on Wednesday. Dec. 12, Rolandi Bates of the BowxnanvIlle W. Cann visied Mr. ndyMrs. Ln. Cameron gave a fine Christmas re- the Editor andi Staff. with our president, Mrs. R. Gilbert team, who briefly replieti to the adi- Hooer Troeon onayevnig.citation; vocal duet by Mrs. Floyd Tbe passing o! Mrs. Milton Sle- in charge o! opening exercises. dress o! congratulation. Ur. Hooper bas been under the Dudley and Mrs. Tbeo. DOwn ac- mon, Haydon, at the honiu -o! ber Devotional on courageous friencis Following the program the even- Hctr's ae fortensttis wis or er mpanled by Miss Mae Brent. mother, Mrs. Elmina Johns, removes was weîî given by Mrs. G. Werry; lng was given over to round and doctr'Saefre ast CO -or h another much loveti frienti o! a good- a splendid paper by Mrs. Lloyd Ash- square dancing. with Wilson's Or- speedy recovery. ly number o! Hampton citizens, ton on the Art o! Giving; Mrs W. chestra of Oshawa providing the Y. P. L. meeting Wetinesday even- SHOOTING MATCH who extenti sympathy to aIl relatives. Parker, a Christmnas reading; Durlng music ant i Blle Rutherford and E P-tng, Dec. 12th. openeti with the A number o! Christmnas stockings election of officers our pastrRe Ralph Wilbur calling off. c --Lsident in the chair. A bymn was Shooting Match for Geese at E. E. were made andi generously filled an Pakrpesdd r, ei vn. Cfesnwihsat aewr Santi Mr. Cator led In prayer. Shantz, Enniskillen, on Reid f arm, sent to "The Fred Victor Mission", Mrs. W. Parker; lst Vice-Mrs. R. serveti during the evening, the event meein ws gve oer o heon Saturtiay. Dec. 22nti, at 1.30 pin. Torontci to be distributecl among Gilbert; Cor. Sec.-Mrs. J. A.Werry; coming to a close well after mid-- =nary Vice, Miss L. Welsh, and Free ammunîtion. 51-r needy city chiltiren. Refreshinents Rec. Sec.-Mrs. G. Werry, Asst.- nlght. &% meeing as gven oer t thewere serveti and an enjoyable ev- Mrs. R. Ormston; Treas-Mrs. W J. ening spent. Stainton; Organists-Mrs. L. Lamnb, LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS A White Gi!t service was observeti Mrs. E. A. Werry; Systematic Giving5 at Suntiay School on Sunday after- Sec-Miss E. Souch; Miss. Montbly Dear Santa Claus: Snoon. A goodly number o! gi!ts were Sec.-Mrs. E. C. Ashton; Supply Sec. I am a good boy and help mother1 a ~brought and placed in an improviseci Mrs. W. Oke; Temperance-Mrs. H. aIl I. can. I want you to bring me -~~manger, these being later sent to Werry: Strangers Sec.-Mrs. Moore. a pair o! stockings. a mouth organ.1 the Fred Victor Mission. Toronto. Mrs. T. McGilI; Associate belpers- a !ew nuts andi candies anti an or- Rev. W. Rackham tolId a story re- C. Virtue, Mrs. Burginaster. Mrs. ange. Hoping this isn't too mucb. lating to the "Cbristmas Spirit." Gilbert. Mrs. Crossinan. R. McGill; I remain yours. The "Gleaners" Young Ladies Mission Band-Mrs. L. Ashton andi Bert Murphy, Bible Css, anti teacher. Mrs. (Rev.>MsFruo).R.3 otpoOt Rackham, met at Mr. W. White's rs.FeDean.R . .Santa:pol Ot on Wednesday evening, December .t.- 1 hope you are well. I amn trying 12tb, with an attendance o! 16. Re-,t to bc a good girl. I Wood Rire you -~ ~ lU** b th pesien. MssEdih asce.__ gular class meeting was conducteti EBENEZER i to bring me some writing paper, a WIHTEEGREAT JURY& OELVLEThsoilenngpnordb Parsonag e on Friday evening withIfred the 1ouoffPeopleon ssidae nridtMarie T ______n ti stand tick off those you know *HIl appeal. crokinole anti other gaines. Lunch were indulgeti in, lunch served, andw - or WOthEN GIFTS FOR MEN o. r--- Samng tbervnes edy. Choiratoed- Jasmine Set ' cHU 55 ITYCola an lias'soton' t hws . u d e. ChustrcSmthwas decoasetisbyte Git ta iny , e 2Maurce Baker's Concort.bF. Anism rean sd tas very pr ty. S.S Kodks 8c o 52.0 Qlit Brar ipe 5100 r ati rs.MauiceBakr, on-was wia h PlayingCards 5e to i XmasGi!t Pckageso!hcoreviifts at M. JackBakers * ~uePaks Cgaetes Cg r m eniSOtngatMrNTos Bk ront SafdtecMur on erdstriaytev- FO E rWMP IT O EN lsRzr 69 5ersseMs oa al s awa oWdegavte Bbed stCdyir atited ~j rnchIvoy ati ear- Gilete Rzor, Wth he anua scoolmeeing wi LodmittaMisses vcillod tondeToet sets ti ennns 49c be heltMr.ndthe scboolnWtin. esa ntrilFutbisnribue a v- Mrt greatly reducetitig atprices.hinShavingnd Brushesrs.eG Cutdex anSt 8etiG o $ eS ets. 98eMric ai P'* Parancord. Fca due, ad very L ttie Strang.r" Perfues, y leaing aenderiSav ing _.0_ M.-nd- w auieBaM rntiMs-ttyBo a ie yMs ly Plyn ars3et, I mîGitPcCeso soce; rednL oset Cutie;m makersJoBnwCsolidgeBromoneo, Brooklin FUNAIP ENScykesigakrigreat variey o saxle nMnoa ib.fresies ees e urvo etia evos men woinen anti ~oung !olks from 98c vMsiThos. akeMr.ati ss Vaera ni oia ie pn M.anti Ms. ohnBaer vWiteiiteM. W MS edi h oi SPECAL oll RaorsS6.9 - 8.9 We alte ir's.Rosalwal.Ohwa od nhsday afternoonarec 13 thn FrMrscSain Bushna Peenl-eti he ibbs snde gavellthenibe t uchbandth <.Gi~LO YLRaor ithL TeaKrn lst wl eekingwi eti o icers are Hn Pres Mars 7tge tlyrdu niaies 5bs -S4e cherwointh edtii n t r.Enest mess was aittlendMiss. es ly elect-d Mrani rs.H W2nco anti Murien Foucnti trs-rs B ltdakeo Cue ned G FStHEAQUARERSo S a2.00 lr. aspn MSntia thMc. anti C ut eI ite S Fran Wr-: Perfurnes, byleadingMisaMiltonustainton, E. Prnnikle. te;d okVa icers ROsb Loyde LaedrSaigMary Hghan vln t Mr.asoe Mrs. BakOe; stRcScaaee ______________________________W.__- r. A. J. Reoltis, Tron o ics.H F brne; oise tce- Pascoe. -MiCSsmoitehgboe t Sec to ber oaam efr ti afeterh. asal agre n Cc-M GR ETNGISNrm footalpatho! e d cenmuitBio c-M s J. Bron;Suppily Se-~ M SCA YSPCAMxt 2lb FUTI ESB edn aesi ra aitfrMrs. JlesnMo ayrmr itit, wbo -Mi' ts Aura Osre Missi osateOSE PAUSprl mennwgrateful appoksrroi eiaton pst er nd o.isaie MuIrMrs in ndfrienti o !hin ure Baker s d a tiMr s . . C cim re n .therS . W.HM a of thecourteies yo haveer puilbns r dlgîlOne-shw.o haî; s. Heler-Mrs CDecîlth menJaUantydi r i n o ! M rs.Doin a ldM r. obbes. j swas iv en ian o olo, M ss Ada A - we welcoe the d msical dire aclo and iss nrein. Mis ous Couraie Mriltaker.teach ,e was ien. Mr n;vocal duel, Mrs. A. E. R snone:t YOUeve.nganti a s .C.P o! p rdVc-rs .P An re- 2tn o ls hs es, dril, recittionsnisuetet tbeBible.Stuy;"Pec.ecNt GLDMDL EL PWES asset -the goowill o thoseMhomyon oar .th anlie S. . ProomenbMrs Bere t i. R. Sain PULRYSEandNarn avr prt !ot ret rs . . P.nols ont, r.HF.ObneCoesSc-O o ater aMhsevement.eynoldse, tomyou, hearty Secretary, Mrs. RoyLangmalcL R. PAR.. wihe oraMery(hrsma ada apy Blni ni 4.0toteCnsmt-eSoessw-o b Goyer-ttclg1- THE GIFT FOR The Family A 1935 DeForest - Crosley ]RADIO Brilliant Performance Distinctive Design 'quipped with Spray-Shield Tubes Priced, from p9.95. Give SPORTING GOODS C.C.M. Boots and Skates Badminton Rackets Hockey Sticks Footballs Basebali Gloves Tennis Rackets Masosi ELECTRICAL AND HARDWARE GIFTS Sandwich Toasters Radio Lamps Electrie Irons Electrie Toasters Electrie Waffle Irons Electrie Cloeks Boudoir Lamps Eleetrie Heaters Sleigbs Wagons Kiddie Kars Xmas Tree iàghts Carving Sets Coleman Lamps Alumidnum Ware Cutlery Scores o! usefuli gifts to choose from. Our price are right and quality is our f irst considera- tion. & Dale Phone 145 - Bowinanville iates 2 IL box i 25e2'c CREAM & JELLIES per lb )r 17, BLUEBELL COFFEE. l's per lb. 10e M FUNTAIN REFUGEE BEANS per tir 15C 1 ORANGES 29e, 35c, 2 bs. le 15C 25e n10e 45e 210 *CHOCOLATE DATES lbfo13 )r 13e ONIONS3 lb. for 7ce '2eIRED & WHITE BAKING POWDER, 3per tinorc fre FALCON Sweet, Mixeti PICKLES, large jar 25e '9c MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. for 25e w2e OLIVES, Assorteti, Plain anti Stuffeci, jar .25c perIL. 1i7c Z 2lIbs25 NELLES ies, Fruits and Nuts for Christmas THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1934 T4AT A1i& SALWAYS LAPPR~EC IATED-gp rhe Evlyn Skop.. HAS G IFT SUGGESTIONS FOR ALL Excellent Selections in Wide Range of GIFT LINGERIE GIFT MERCHANDISE - Dance Sets - Hoslery - Purme - Gloves Separate Garments - Costume Jewelry - Nlghties and Pyjamas crs-Btoe -Saes ttractively Lade Trimnied Scfs-atob -Seer and Linens - and all kinda Very Reasonably Friced. of Accessories. REME1MER - Coupons given with every 50e purchage. You may win a credit note for $7.50, $5.00 or $2.50. Draw wili be made Christmas Eve at 10 o'cloek. THE ENLYN SHOF WISHES YOU A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS The Evlyn LADIES' Shop SPECJALTY zone 594 King Street Bo nle