Il V PHONE 5 3 Royal Bank branch hlas been with- drawn at Whltby Baptist Churcli las ex- * tended a caîl ta Rev. Elmer Green o! Coîbarne. Last minute Christmas slioppens wul do weil ta read the ads befare vlsitlng the stores. Mn. Roy Sh.nubb o! N. C. Coilege, Chicago, 1111., Is spending Christmnas liolidays witli lis parents, Mn. Uhnd Mrs. Alfred Sinubb. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Tauntan, announde the engagement o! themr daughten, Larmne May, and Murwln Dickinson, son a! Mn. and Mrs. B. S. Dickinson, Port Hope, the marriage Vo take place in tlie near future. FOR CH RISTMAS Let MiIk Help Make every dlsh a holiday preparation by using plenty of milk. But lie sure that 1u're gettlng the best of this ail-around food by spee- ifylng Bowmianvlie D air y when you order. The hlgh- er solids content, thse care- fui seletion and sanitary Vpreparation are ail your g-l-uarantee of quaty. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES Proprietor Phone 446 Bowmanvlfe 'h Sliop early, but be sure and sliop in Bowmanville. Misa Helen Dine is visltlng Bloom- field and Picton fnlends. Tnmnity Sunday School will hold a "White 01f t" service on Sunday mornlng. Masters Ewart Bragg and Glenn Brooks sang a verY delightful duel at the marning service in Trinity United Churcli on Sunday. Mrs. L. S. Dumas and Ruth have returned f nom vîsiting lier sister, Miss M. Sauva o! Hilton, who las been very ill. Mr. Wm. Sauva ac- camPanied Vhem here. In the repart a! Vie S. S. Con- vention on page 5 we neglected tc mention that Miss Evelyn Tink and Mns. Hanry Taylor sang a duel which was greatly enjayed. Dr. J. Clark Bell will address tic VeeasFniday evening, Dec. 21, in teCuncil Chambers. His sub- ject: "The Onloakers Impression af the Entrance a! Canada into the Great War." Miss Irene Fee, Supenintendent of Blessing Hospital, Quincy, Ill., Miss Furlong. R. N.. Chicago, Ill., with Mn. and Mna. Cottingham, Oshiawa, were neyent visitons o! themr aunt, Mrs. John Mclntyre. Word has been neceived hene of Vie sudden death on Sunday, Dec. l6Vh o! Mrs. Rachel Reynolds, onby daugiten a! Mn. and Mrs. Harvey J. Reynolds, Ardnione, Pa., and grand. daugliter o! Mn. Edwin Reynolds, Bowmanville. Miss Margaret Trebilcock neturn- ed home Saturday f nom Great Barr. ington, Mass., wliere aie was callec on account a! the sudden deati af lier brother-in-law, Dr. John Adam. Sie la now spending holldays wiVlh lier mothen at 1er slster's, Mns. Nor- man Hamley, Peterbora. AV Vie December meeting a! tic Advisory Cauncil a! St. Johin's An- glican Churci, plans were dlscussed on Friday for the staging a! the lOth anniversary a! Vie building of the fimat Anglican churcli lere, and the lO3rd anniversary o! the for- mation o! Vie congregation. A ne- union o! former members o! tic churcli and Vie return o! former nectars wlll be features. Mn. Frank Alloway, Canadian Na- tional Express driver fan Bawman- ville was stnuck while crassing Vie street at Vie intersection a! Dundas and Brock Streets, Whitby, on Sat- urday evening about 10 p. m. by a car dniven by William Coyle, Bow- manville. Alloway was rushed to Oshawa Hospital where it was f ound has leg was broken in Vwo places and is forehead cut. Coyle was an- rested on a charge o! neckless drlv- ing and allowed out on bail. The injuned man Uives In Whitby and was an is way home ta visit is family.- Mrs. W. C. Washington wha cele- lirated lier 90Vi birthday on Friday a!Vernoon received many congratu- lations fnom lier numerous fniends wio called. She was asslsted in ne- ceiving by lier daugliter, Mrs. B. M. Warnica, and lien son and daugi- ten-in-law, Rev. and Mra. C. C. Washingtan, Toronto, Miss Joyce Wasington, TorontVa, and Mrs. H. D. Wîghtman. The deliciaus birthday cake was !urnlslied by lier grandsan and wife, Mn. and Mrs. Roy W. Warnlca a! Callendar. Birtliday gi!ts and lettens were ne- celved f rom. all members o!flier f am- Ily, lncludlng a silver basket f llled wiVh roses fram lien five cildren, Vtwenty grandchildren, and ten great grandcildrefl. -And onCiismasDy yaU pro- While members a! the cauncil ap- bably want ta spend a couple o! Happy New Year. plauded the Mayor wlien lie atatcd enjayable hotns at thc Royal Thea- ils Intention a! running for office li tean hta pîcture, one a! Vie imsm~ 1935, nothing was sald at the et ottnigproductions of 1934,. M arloai Ing comrnending the Mayor on i Harald Lloyd in "Cat's Paw". Well, efforts dunlng the year, but mcm- wo gngta miss that. bers intimated ai ter the meeting Christmas than any tIme of the year, Phone 478 King St. B. ments se that the fine wark of thc se lt's got ta lic good dlean, whole- Bwam Mayor woulcl be publlcly recognized some eandy. The Olympia Cate ha Bwmavileefore thec ratepayers at the nomin,. a real stock of caxidyï some home- M .maion meeting. PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1934 made. and the fact that it cornes ------ from the Olympia should be enougli OBITUARY 'E i N e '~~~ ~ to guarantee its qaiy Wes Cawker of course is going to _______________________ be well stocked Up with bath fowl William E. Pethlck, Toronto. _________________________and beef for Christmas. Cawker's A former highly respected citi- beef, as you know, is Durhiam raised zen of Bowmanvile, William E. and fed, and is home killed, which I (Ned) Pethick, pa.ssed away an mans a whole lot. At least Wes is Tlursday, Decexnber 13th, at the Thne b ere MIaeO trie that the reputation home of his daugliter, Mrs. Arthiur gained over 60 years in business is Luttreli, Toronto. Mr. Pethick had Go sgoing to be malntaind this year. 'ereached thle great age of 85. Go sS]hopping W. C. Caverly's Red and Wit He was born nBwavle h Store is featuring nuts for Chist- son of Mr. and Mrs. William Pethick, For Chr1itmas mas. When yubynt there YOU'll and wa rnsno e .Wl Men*~that can be procured. one look at terred in the old burylng ground on t Mnare not supposed ta be quite themi will tell you they're out of the the south side of St. Johin's Churcli. SO particular about their purcha-4ss rdinary. Then of course lie las ev- Mr. Pethlck wa.s educated in Bow- as wamen, and it is said that tliey erythlng that a good grocery store manville schools and commenced enter a store, knowing what they would have for Christmas time. his business career in Oshawa, later want before they look over the stock. Fred W. Nelles store has been en- movlng to Markham, and then re- ISo it was with this In mind that a larged since last Christmas and the tumning to Bowmanville wliere lie *mere mnan toured the stores this result is a blgger and better stock of conducted a tobacco. confectionery week and selected off the bat those groceries than ever. You'll make no and barber business for somne thirty *things that appeal ta him, liad he mistake in taking your Christmas years. lie then moved ta, Toronto D the financial wherewithal ta buy grocery list to Nelles. for lie has wliere he became Superintendent of 1thexu. everything framn candied peel for thie Agencies for the Sovereign Life Ini- In mog tand, & Smith's a walnut cake, ta liard candies for the kiddies. surance Company, holding tliat pas- smkn tnwitli a little cup- - ition until about ten years ago when e Iboard ta store away pipes, tobacco LAST OPPORTUNITY lie retired ta enjoy the evening a! his and other smoking paraphernalia PRESENTED TO AID lin wmanvillber. ethlck wasl appealed strongly. I omnil r ehc a f In Coucli, Jolinston & Cryder- active in churcli and fraternal cir- e man's mens department the new (Continued from page 1) dles. He was a former Warden of St. ties, scarfs and socks provlded gaad viving apple there (lie always carried John's Anglican Churcli, alsoliolding fsuggestions for gifts, but for somne- bait for the bairns) and handed it many other offices in the cliurch thing real swaniky. the up-to-tlie- ta, the boy. during lis long associations liere. minute smoking jackets were tlie The boy took it and shambled off In Taronto lie attended St. Paul's thing. stealthily. Dr. Guthrie followed. And, Churcli, Bloor Street. For years we've wanted a Bulova unseen, lie stalked. the little haîf Mr. Pehuck was a lifelong and ac- iWatch. and the fine display in James starved urchin until lie came to a tive Conservative. In fraternal cir- Marras Jewelry store reminded us of wretched hovel, from which lie bec- cles lie was a former Grand Master ,fthis hope that ever lives in aur koned another little wastrel, his of tlie Provincial Masonic Ladge, a breast, if that's where hope lives. pinclied and ragged brother. member of Emancipation Lodge A. Y At Kerslakes the shaving tackle Guthrie concealeci himself nearby, F. and A. M., Corinthian Lodge 1. appealed particularly, seeing that we bef are the sacrament began. In si- O. O. F., Oshawa, for 62 years, re- lave ta shave 365 times a year, and lence the sacred feast went an. And ceiving the 50 year jewel in recognit- more if special occasions demand. the only words that Guthie heard ion of lis service, a member f or 55 The sets of sliaving soaps, talcs, lot- were these - words f ramtlie little years of Wellington Ladge. S. 0. E. Ions, etc., were real 10w in price and fellow to his littler brother; "Bite of Bowmanville, receiving fram this attractively boxed. bigger, Sammy, Bite bigger"', as the lodge also a 50 year jewel together d Jewell's had a splendid selection little gentleman in rags nibbled with M. A. James and William Tre- o f pictures suitable for a man's den, sparingly at the preciaus bounty, a wîn in 1932. and incidentally plenty of good read- royal heart dalng liomage ta another . Mr. Petlilck's first wif e died 5 ing matter by popular authors in royal heart, thougli neither knew it." years ago, and his second wlf e 6 the numerous reprints which make Tliere's the story, and therein the years ago. He is survived by tliree cuite a saving for the book buyer. moral. Abject poverty recognized ab- sans, Frank C., of Bowmanville; Fred Nelsan's store lias a particularly ject poverty and gives a helping and Guy of Toronto, and two egood line of goods ta buy for farm hand. Whlat ouglit we ta do, thase of daugliters. Mrs. William GIII af Ar- cousin. Tlie kind of stuff that would us who know not paverty, wlio know den, Manitoba; and Mrs. A. Luttrell à seem to, wear and wear and tliat's not the pangs af hunger, wlio kiiow o! Toronto. ewhat's wanted on the farni. not tlie raggedness and tlie misery o! The f uneral services were held on f Jury & Lavell's attracted us par- being poor beyand description. Monday. December l7tli from St, 1ticularly by two things, tlie exceed- There can be but one answer. one John's Anglican Churcli, Bowman- Ingly large stock of Smiles and duty ta perfarm. If you have not ville. and was largely attended. Rev. -Chuckles Cliocalates. an easy way ta already done yaur share, if yaU now C. R. Spencer, rectar of the churcli, Lplease your wîf e, and also some new feel you shauld do more,* send your canducted the impressive service, rstyle cameras in modernistic design donation ta Mrs. E. R. Baunsail, while Mrs. J .A. Gunn preslded at that will tlckle the fancy of any dhairman of the Women's Welfare tlie argan for the hymns and the camera fan. Cammittee or leave it at Tlie States- Dead Mardi. Walker Stores lias sudh a large man Office. Next week will be too Palîbearers were ahl members of Iand varied stock tlîat it was difficult late. Christmas will be aver and Florence Nightingale Lodge 1. O. O. at f irst ta select something one could gane for 12 long montlis. Do it ths F.. Bowmanville W. J. Jeffrey, A. L. SreaUly set their mind an. But theres week. Nidhalîs. Oea. E. Chiase, Chas. Heal, ahl kmds of towels, linens. purses and, The commiittee is grateful for the W. J. Furze and Rev. J. W. Bun- sucli like ta please your wife or even followîng donations in cash and pro- ner. your sweetheart. And then If you duce: Many beautiful floral tributes con- feel a bit leery about a lady serving Cash Donations veyed the sympathy of a hast of Syau Mr. Crabb is riglit an deck ta Trinity Girls' Morning Hour $ 2.00 f riends for the surviving family. look after your needs. Rebekali Lodge --- .. 3.00 They included tributes from Tor-1 Alex Mcoregor carnies the Barber- A Friend in Taranto . .. 3.00 onto Oddfellaw and Masonic Ladges, Ellis super line o! fine stationery A Friend . ...... 1.00 Wellington Lodge S. O. E., Bawrnan- which makes a most attractive gift Miss A. Bleakley ... .. 5.00 ville, and many from members o! the for eitlier male or female. Tlien St. paul's........_. 10.00 f amily and friends. Interment was theres all kinds of men's accessanies. E. F. Rickard . .ý... 5.00 made in Oshawa Unian Cemetery. and we've always wanted, but witli- Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wagar. 5.00 Among those attending fromn out o! e out getting that f ar, one of those Mrs. Oua Baunsail 1.00 town besides membens o! the f amily -English made RoIls Razors, tlie one Miss laa Moore .1..100 were Mr. Reid, a lifelong friend, s where the blade lasts a lifetime. Mrs. E. M. Strike.......... 2.00 Messrs Wmn. Ross and W. TlompsOn, Being a daddy made us immediate- Miss Belle Galbraithl ..... 1.00 representing Rosçedale Lodge I. O. O. *ly interested in Dustan's fine dis- Mrs. Richard Souci 10.00 P., Toronto. play o! toys. There's no need for Mrs. IF. A. Haddy ..... 1.00- anyone ta, make the excuse tliat Wmn. J. Berry . .. - 1.00 CARI) 0F THANKS *tlere's nat a big enaugh selection Capt. & Mrs. C. W. E. Meath 2.00 in Bowmanville. If they walk into A Welfare Friend . ... -..- 5.00 The family of the late William iDustans tliey'll see toys enougli for Mr. and Mrs. Whalen 3.00 E Pethlck wisli ta express their smn- revery child in the comimunity, and A Frýiend...........50 cere appreclation a! the many klnd froin 5c Up toC>. Mrs. E. Rickard ..... 1.00 messages a! synipathy and tlie beau- Watson's are featuring for Christ- Mrs. Edith Clayton .......... 3.00 tiful floral offerlngs sent tlem dur- mas-sliortbread. And if you are one Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C. Southey 5.00 lng their recent sad bereavement in o! the men wlo have neyer tasted Donations the loss a! a loving father. 1 hs type o! pastry, we suggest that you try it, and then gîve a standing Glen Rae Dairy-Cream. onder ta your wife te have it an the Mrs. W. H. Carruthers-Apples. table real often. It cornes in waf- Misses Willmtt-Gifts for, wee C U C E ers, f ingers and large sliortbreads. girls. te HU C E The A. & P. lias Just about ane o! F. C. Vanstofl---50 Bags Flaur. ST OEH .C.CUC the biggest sliowlngs a! Christmnas Wesley Cawker-6 Roasts.ST OEH RC.HU H fruis w hae sen.Evey mn lkes orbtt' Baery25 ave Brad.Rev. Father J. F. McOuire, Pastor fruts e hve een Evry an ike Cobet's akey-2 lovesBred. Mass at Bowmanvllle at 9 a. m.; plenty of fruit for Xmas and yo Watson's Bakery-20 boaves Bread. Mass at Newcastle 10.30 a. mn. can geV any kind liere. The smell o! Kellogg Co. o! Canada-150 pack- roasted Bakar coffee also attnacted ages a! Corn Flakes. ST. ANDREW'S PRLESBYTERIAN out attention, and men wha apprec- -- CHUBCH iate neally good cof!ee should try a MAYOR ROSS STRIKE Rev. W. O. Blake, Minister pound o! this brand. Morning Wamship il a. mn.; Sali- Corbett's Bakery lias quite a won- LAUDS FINE SPIRIT bath Selool 2.30 p. m.; Evening derful dlsplay o! Boxed Candy. Its - Worship 7 p. m. made by Oanong Bros., whidli is a (Cantinued f ram page 1) namne o conjure witl, and any man Among other items o! business ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCII will make no mistake wlo takes lis conducted at this meeting was the Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A.. -Rector wif e, or mother, or sister home a amending of the elections bylaw ta Mrs. J. A. Ounn, Organlat box a! this dandy for Christinas. pravide for the election o! 5 for the Dec. 23rd, 4tli Sunday in Advent. Harry Allin recently sent saine 60 Public Scloal Board due Vo the re- HoIy Communion, 8 a.m.; Marning geese over ta, Oshawa f or a dhurci signation of Chairman Fred Cryder- Prayer il a. m., Preacher, Rev. Mr. supper, whidh would suggest that man and Trustee Fred W. Nelles. C. E. Whittaker; Sunday Sciool and Harry Allin las the right type o! The hree polling the hlgiest num- Bible Clais, 2. 30 P. m.; Evenlng Christmas poultry. And he's got ber of votes will serve for Vwo years Frayer, 7 p. mi. Chiristmas Day Holy mare than ever this year, and best and the remaining two for ane year. Communion. 8 a. m.; Holy Comn o! aIl, prices are 10w. Tliat's a break Bank o! Commerce, whidli las niunion and Sermon, il a. m. for dad on the Christmas pocket taken aven the business and building book. ofa the Royal Bank a! Canada. asked ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCR We went across the street to see for a rebate in business ax o! $20,40 Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mason& Dale's Christmas windows. representing one month that the Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organlst OURL VAEIETY 18 LARGE - OUR PRICES ARE SMALL Compacts - 50e, 65c, $1, $1.75 Compact Sets .... 75e Vo $1,75 Bath Saits ..... 25c ta $2.25 Bath Powder .... 35e ta $1.65 Cutex Sets .... 35e Vo $4.25 Bridge Set, leather case, 31.5 Patterson's Chocolates, fresi stock, Xmas wrapped, assonted centres-1. 2, 4 lbs.-Oc lb. Spedlal Boxes-75e to $3.50 Rail Razor ........... 3 6.95 1M.itary Brush Set ....33.25 New Gillette Razor .. 3 4.00 Thermat Heat Pad .....97e Autostrop Razor .....35.00 6 Bath Cubes, boxed, 35o - 5o Wilkinson Bazor ..... 33.00 Wahl Pen & Pencil Set. .$SM5 Gillette with 5 Blades ... 49c Lather Brushes .. 25e Vo $5.00 Autostrop Razor reg. ...,$1.00 Perfume in botties... 25e - $10 300 Rapid F10 Filter Disks-Now.................. 31.50 Full Strengtli Radiatar Alcoliol.................. 79e gai. WE WISH YOU ONE AND ALL A MERRY OHRISTMAS. Kerslake's Drug Store P. R. COWLING, Phm. B. Let us f it your eyes at our new Lower Prices FALONPES, pNab. 4...ze..Vin................ o 19 CANTMTOdES...rb..................2o. 9e JEUMEO BEANS, .pesr l......................iGo JEWLOENN........2 ins.............2 be or210 MINCEMEAT ...... 2 ilis. for 25o STRAWBERRY or RASPBERRY JAM, 32 oz Jar........3Sie GOLU MEDAL COFFIEE ..... ........ lb.. M.22o CHASE & SAN'BORN COFFEE, per lb. ........ 43e ONIONS . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . ... 3 Ibo. for 70 Hot House Toniatoes- Spinach - Celery - Ca.bbage - Lettuce Oysters- Haddle Fillet Fowl RED & WHITE STORES W. C. CAVERLY - Phone 62 a i. 1b May you live as long as you want, And neyer want as long as you live. Might we suggest sending a fî'iend a î'eal practical gift - one that will be tî'uly apprec- iated, such as some Lehigh Valley Anthracite, and make his heart as warm as yours. Extending siflcexe wishes to one and all and may each day shine brighter and brighter throughout the comiflg years is our Christmas message. je Ao.Holgalte Uson Fuel and Buildeirs' Supplies Phone 153 Bowmanville 'I.-. Attention-%. Last Minute Shoppers T hÉ4 CÂN DY t. Go To iz. Olympia Cafe IfYo u Want The ~ Best For Less Home Made Nut Toffees, per lb. . . 19e Home Made Mixtures, pen lb . .... 19e Christmnas French Creams, lb. 15e and 19e Christmas Jellies, per lb. .. 15c and 19c Assorted Chocolates, lb. ...... . 25e Gum Drops, Per lb... .. ..... -.. 19e JeUy Beans, Per lb. - . .. ... . .. 19c Maraschino Cherries, Lb. Box .... Speclal 50e Christmas Cut Rock. 15c lb.; 2 Ibs. 25e Fancy Chocolates, boxed, ..* 25e ta $3.50 Special 3 Cus CHRISTMAS TURKEY DINNER - ONLY 75e OLYMPIA CAFE Pete Lambros, Proprietor - Bowmanville rNelson's Lower Price Store Extends to its many customers aDd friends heartiest good wishes for a right Merry Christmas, and a New Year filled with joy and prosperity. Nelson's Lower Puice Store i "y j a