VOL .1TM IOW-MANVILLE. ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27th, 1934 NUMBER 52 Survey by Hydro SAYS u Hundred Families EIAOME r The Candùxi, 'L Shows Rural Users ToeCnaÙ Made Happy witu Dear Mr. J4 Have mnyRadios May I, ChustasBaset ma ymen's Wel!Oée o hit a ak t Bowmanville aska Onl Smll e c n a e littie space spaper I me's Welfare Commit- Vo express é who j~mi HowverTae U Hyro contributed r pro- tee Distributes Generous- Howeer ake p Hdro duce, igiftý other Offer For Cheap Rural way, towarcigns of ly Filled Ba s ke ts o n Electricity - Many New, familes on artic- Christmas Eve - Legion Appicaios Ae M de ularly does t* wish Cares for Veterans Applcatins re Mde o express ato The Statesman f0siastic - Only 17 per cent O! Bowmianville support it gilnging Nearly one hundred familles lu the Rural Power District residents are Our needs ','ublic, Bowýmanville district were macle hap- enjoying the advantages o! Ontario's the men whdîr cars pier on Christmas Eve by the receîpt Publicly ownecl powýer, the Ontario, to make dedonday o! generously f illed baskets o! Hydro Electric Power Comimissîons a! ternoon, ôf the Christmas Cheer. The major number field survey reveals. This is the low- Royal Theaitown o! these families was cared for by est percentage o! electrification inl officiais. Vatul for the Women's Welfare Committee o! the 7 rural districts which the Com- ail the belx*ed us the Town, who cared for just over mission bas analyzed In its efforts Vo provide lais bas- sixty f amies. Due to an exception- o extencl the Use o! electricity in kets than eý1 ally generous response o the part o! farm and hamiet homes. Yoursv the public the Committee had ample Dr. W. B. Blrks In comparison witb Bowmanvile tlUna l uncls and provisions o carry on1 district's 17 per cent electrification,Cmes with. Several hundred cans o! goods Medical Off icor o! Hoaith for Dorchester district sbowed 59.5 per C~nVte were received from the Canned Bowmanville whode annual report cent;St Mary~s 29.3; Burford 28.6; God aie tteRoa harpee to the Board o! Health re- Chatham 44.9; Bradford 20.3; and wbiie many local farmers f orwarded cently and publisiiod last week, Innlsfil 27 per cent. vegetables and fruit. showed Bowmanvllle maintaining its BOwmnviIe dstrct onsuner, jThe committee, which is composed good healtb record lu 1934. Boee hovie distrit cokenumers.1o! representatives o! ail churches, _________________ preciation o! the radio and sanitat- i Santa Cli. were presented wtb a llst o! needy Ion services afforcleclbY electricityls sntativeon tahe CommihTe epee utilization. Amongst the Bowman- A ones f ro teacb mitetgte pilerict feniy eectnicalradios- with helpers were then responsible Pa tor oF Trin ity ville dis trict frmus rdos94.5 for providing from the general con- dsrcs vr3% of the sven uro cPlantes. Intfor teir e De livers Christmas eictedconumerys jy eetial p work was eveniy divided, and a gen- ertel antaysstm-an espec- eral list o! groceries and provisions M lally bigh per centage for this upVoTre f oiO . Private donations f rom essage at Rotary date service. t hrincdïrnofwsflivîedua With oer 60district resicents in-teidvda huce eete Wit ovr 6 Goodlyear b y e e sacldded Vo the baskets. dicating keen desire to take Hydro Not since the Christmas basket Rotarians Are Urged to 'Put service at first opportunity, the Hy-_ Welcomed Thurs- plan was f irst adopted bave the re-i dro f ied mon found f air Prospect for cipients received such generous sup a Little More Sugar in Iiicreaslng the power load in the day - Ahie Gifts plies. Butter, flour, fruit, syrup, Their Cupa' as Rev. E. F. Bowmanville area. Thirteen o! these and Cand} bread, cream, canned goocls, vege- Prospects are rePorted likely o take. tables, and a dozen other items were Armstrong Carnies O u t Power withln the next year. 1 - inclucled, noV forgetting a generou.s Anul ut Less than hal! the Bowmanvilie Santa Claus Ifficial an- piece o! choice quality beef. Dt trict consumera enjoy eîectrically op- nual visit o tuear plant! Some o! the churches included in1 equiPPed wtb electrical washing Thursday nigbt,ýme Vree the baskets toys for the children and "Put more sugar in your cup", vas machines. Interest in this particular hundred kiddie various1 items of clothing. There were plenty the original topic selected by Bey. igte so! do h ito electrica qimetrtdgfts. The shippiiwas fiiled o! cars on hand on Monday a! er- E. F. Armstrong, when ho delivered higest seondon he isVo!-letri o capacity for ý with em- noon ta take care o! the distribut- he annual Christmas message te cal equipment prospects la the elet- IploYees and tbeirThe stage ion, which was practically complote Rotary Club on Flriday. This bit of rical sanitary sYStemn. As in the otherj erected in one c4 gay witb by clark. Christmas philosophy proved Vo ho six rural districts the percentage o! a brilliantly llg itas troc, The general committee is compos- one o! the tîtbits o! the Rotary year utîlîastonso! py owgaindginers its coiored ligh~ in and cd o! Mrs. E. R. Bounsall o! TrinltY and le! V with its hearers o new idea as onshingly bs owr and inerad out. A cresent çon gazed Churcb, Mrs. W. E. Grerry o! St. and a new ideal o! life. lamorsng e a tes fors ie and own upon thke scene, John's, Mss. D. F. Henry o! St. An- Mr. Armsrong traced the orlgin of labr svig cpailiie vey igh jwhile the yueeed cheer- drew's Cburch, Mrs. Owen P'agan o! sugar and its risc Vo an important If ully in the red 'Place. St. Joseph's Chunch, Mss. J. H. H. place in the diet o!fVihe average per- Harry M. Naî4ger o! Vhe Jury o! St .Paul's Church and the son. Sugar is appropriotive, adaptive Goodyear Recr4eb, briefly officers o! the Salvation AXniy. and creative, the speaker saad. IV Is %farm rs t W ag Wiecomed the yole ta, the Extra helpers Monday dcl a mag- appropriaVed from Vthe sugar cane, copliments. Mriardy, Sup- manner and have heartfelt thonka created into its proper place by lUs comnBo l éitndnal i Lrely, re- (Continued on page 8) valuation lu calories. Four amall viewing condii ic h ha.d ------ lumps o! sugar contalu about 100 I Lbrougbt shorter der workng calories o! the 3500 calories necess InDuha ounty Vus o the pl~ vociferous House of Refuge At ary each day to, keep the human be- greeted bis expr the Merry Cobourg I etoe bas been said, Mr. Armstrong aclded, E. A. Summers to Direct wish. FronStra htfrerycd srehtops Miss Olive Jo tained for ByFn nStr a taloo foreyandy t that opt ell Campaign for Eradication some time wit ' as stories a saloon oss, and tllht lgtwl of Farm Nuisance and presided aV wiie the The United Counties House o! Be-betufrsgrwlhopVbu< kif iessanmcaNuiistencieof uge at Cobourg was burned to tbe up that resistance necessary Vo goo< the belis o! S Ls's sigil ground in a spectacular blaze in ti~healh n hstene !lqo There aeVrevreis0 o could ho heard tance and early hours o! Saturday morning.i stimulant la not necessary or de- Plies w larttrack Vetish oreTethee a n resseoi ex- ISixty-two lnmates, inciudlng Vwo sred. Leg Bot. the Throat Bot and the citement as the *f the beils baisgeesvdtrubtoco h p ar aookthe bsc fhmia NoeBowhc asbeniPotdcame nearer and lidiuig door bOOded work o! the matron, Mss. formuiae o! sugratebss fh Notster.nbihobas bhen iprt eci pneci o adml al red cos- Bruce Thompson, and the staff o!fjChristmas message. 'The tormulae is years. tumeci gentee SnVa the home. St.arting about 2 a. M. C12, H22, 011. Sugar, he said, con- Bot Plies accorcing o Dr. Stev- Claus outlined ~o exitin the fire was discovered by Mss. trois because it satiaf les. There are enson, Provincial Zoolt huc adventures throi e psd Brock, an iiiiate, who gave the two types o! civilisation, the com- bo cntroled o h oit owgra O ayfo rt oe aam norclerly evacuation o! merciai type whlch puts profits fore- sens- and finlshed by ?ac God- the premises under the matron'smotan tecraveyp hc (a*) During the warmn perlod o! year klddle ta c ard and ne- supervision saw the 62 lnmates re- places humoan co-operation fiast. The the year horses are much annoyeci cive a handson e amaller moved safely without one sufferlng challenge of today la o put the crea- by~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ th esseteglyn fot hinalrcokYpck, any iii ef fects o! the tire. ive type o! civillzation into being. o! thse Female Bot Fly. the gift O! Mr. iugether ilt Practically nothlng was savod butTemiso o!Crsmstei (b) Durlng the wintersdpln their regular gîil 1itwa a the east wlng o! the building, wbiie Vo put a little more sugar lu the seasons, Bot Ply larvae îocated lun very successful 'Ifor the i- only the inaties' night attire was other elwscp itemr o the stomach, cause yneirnedes h lor ba.g o! con- saved o! persenal belonginga. The trol and co-operation. with normal digestion and also ser- isV mk h'ent o! the womnen are belng carod for lu the C-12 Vthe speaker ranslated aç iousy Inurete ucos mebra e ocsion o m e New Dunilam Hotel and Vthe men lu the spirit o! Christmlas Oood Che lining the stamnach. i---- the Armories, until more sultable H-22, as the Christmas spirit cf (c) Dunlng the wlnter and spring quarters are availabie. It la estim- Humanity, and 0-11 as Vthe Christ- horses become unthrifty adsb HOCKEY SI OPENS ated the ioss wil ho nelghborhood mas spirit o! Obedience Vo an ideal Jeet o colle, due ta the Presence o!f lynga 'o! $100,000 with irsurance o! $33,- Am auaVrs olu h Bot Fly larvae. Plyn amer brand o!f000. the oniy way ta assure peace Is b3 (d) During the sping season Bot hockey t han e optimistic belng prepared. This will neyer brisi larvae attoched ta, the membrane executiv e expec Junior Town pe___, the speaker sald, becouse IM' llnlng the rectum o! the horse cause League got u y wth the Congratulations ta, Miss Reta bas:-' on a dlstrust btween people much iritation. ~~Cocos defat2e Leofs 7-6, Conners on successfully passlng ber Cniudopae8 (ue)nttin and the Bucks ring the Dukes R. N. examinations. ()The BotPFiles cause a heavy 8-3, n We (ontnuetonpag 8 loss. Til loss Is di!! Icuit ta estimate schedlleo for the horse population o! Ontario; Ileo but every horse owner knows that the work In the fields la made biard- S M any Public School Sckolars W in Hc etilat runaways are common. thatvie Plnds lnyreboses anrede a otreHonour Pupila 1 JaOkifiS, Jean Johnson, Lewis KI File. Mny orseownrs lso re Da gannon, Heleil Lambros, Kathiem aware thot, Vthe unthrllty poor con- on C m as D l Those vho ook 75 % on recent Luxtan, Doris Lyle, Wesley Moitiu dition of many horses thot are sub examinations, nomes in alphobeti- Ernle Morris, Horace Moses, Marlci Ject o digestive cisturbances and cal orcler: Mutton, Doris Piper, Joyce Rlcharit colle la most frcquently caused by Masses at oseph's a.nd Entaonce Closs - Charles Cart- Boy Richards, Dorthy Sellers, Win Bot ly larmoe Inestation in the RoyC in at St. wright, Byron Crawford, Leslie lfrecl Smith, Hlen Sumerstord. SBa stoma*ch. oyC in Darcil, Charles Hoan, Marionle Moi'- ly Southey, Catherine Spencer, L ampesoDuvrha CInetw ave ofBot John's C h n i s t' s ris, May O'Neill, Tom Beilder, Non- een Stephens, Helen Toit, Rex Ward ampls o!sevee inestalon ! Bos ma Searle, Donothy Smaie, Kit Star- Luthser Welsh, Madge Wisemnan. havlng caused death o horses. Two Birthiday ey la abwheeier. r 11- oad n*eto, rn years ago tilaSprlng o horse dropp- D an Tablenr Enet orur.ns, - obra l A Mar ConFa ed deod dunlng heavy hauling In aO Chnri s t unis were hld on Jr. IV - Hazel Aider, DI.onald.AI Bu. sRoeth a Caln'illMary Ci Holiday Business NOMIATIONS FOR Bowmanville Tax TOWN COUNCIL AT in Town is Muck TOWN HALL MONDAY Collections Show Better than 1933 TowFineBowImprovement b held in the Counicil Boom on Monday night, December Slst. Collections in 1934 on Cur- Merchants In Ail Lines Re- Ther wilbe nmntions fr rn n rer e port Heavier D e m a n d and six Councillors, f ive mem: oa fYarsT iLv TiYer-Prh eof bers of the Public School Ttlo eraTxLv Thi Yer -Purhas of Board, and one member of the- Reflects Better Times Better Quality Products PulicUtiities Commission. Was Noticeable view of the fne ork accomp- ____lished by the 1934 CounCil, Had there been no arrears of tax- there would be no0 opposition es in the Town of Bowmanville, col- If Christmas business is any in- to their return to off ice, it lections Up until December 15, 1934, dication of conditions in general, looks as though at least mem- would have amounted to very nearly then the future looks bright, for bers of the council will be op- the entire tax appropriation for the big percentage increases in business posed. It is neot likely that year. over a year ago. This was accounted the Mayor will be opposed for The total levy is in the neighbor- for both in quantity of goods pur- a second terni. hood of $125,000, and total coUlect- chased and quality, most merchants ______________-inwee$0,2.5malUpo reporting buyers were buying better $ions00.98 in1,9475,taxe $6,0of quality gift.s this year than last. $92,500.98__ in 193 4 taxes, $8 n193255a4- The vast improvement in business es. $3,559.22 in 1931 taxes, and was not confined te any on1e Une, * 1,500.'77 in 1930 taxes, with $17500 as reports on Wedesday rnornin S ilver W edding paid in advance on 1935 taxes. advace n buines o ailsids. nni rsa ~tions are considerably better this The grocerles, which usually suf- A n iv r vy i year than in years previaus. money fer least in an economic depression, seems to be f reer and there is every rePortd actie deerd edoHereirhope that a large portion o! the tax products throughout the Christmnas 0JOse ed H r arrears on the treasurer's books will season. Here again the better quai-bewedotbteed f13ad ity goods were in greatest demand,a re prpoutio te nof1t5atnead andvoumewa eceeinlygood Mr. and Mrs. George Souch axs alse paid. until late on Christmas Eve. The town's credit, according te One store reported a large increase Greeted by Friends on. the financial statement. la still inbsiesin general dry goods over 2t maintained despite failure of certain. 1933 which had in turn showed an 5h W digDay ivsnettepod run n increase over 1932. This particular Happy Couple Presented 1934. These investment.s in bonde Pstore's records revealed it to be sev- o f other municipalities which have eral huncireds of dollars ahead of With Set of China defaulted have taken considerable the Chistmas season last year. An revenue f rom the town durlng the Lother store reported as much busi- A number of relatives and friends year. ness up until the 20th o! December gathered at the home o!Mr. and Taking everything into consider- 1as in the entire month last year, Mr.Gog oc Gog tret ation and while there still rem.ains while a xnen's store stated that on Friday evenlng, December 2lst, te Ytosns fdlas0 n many rush orders te wholesales had celebrate with them their Sir paid taxes, the condition o! the te be despatched during the last Wedd.ing Anmiversary. towti's financial structure is sound. week, to keep a reasonably selective Upon gathering at the home, Mr. Careful planning and collection of stock of goods on hand. and Mrs. Souch were taken by sur- tamuchito breincl n th a ine Butchers aise report a busy seasoli, prise and macle some very f itting estchat rg a n ste behointer wth strong deniand in poultry. excuses for not having on their ev- eta chareed baks lls e ofit which vas remarkably low priced ening outfits to receive their friends. thdrin the comln yed ar t r edufie this year. despite the fine quality. However, after -ail had f ound com- drn h oigya erdo In fact the display of poultry in the f ortable seats, Mr. A. M. Hardy, whoiteschrsastehvehr- sevra sors ws bot hefinest acted as chairman, revealed to Mr ly reduced interest rates on de- seveal soreswas bouttheposits. Dwe bave ever seen. and Mrs. Souch the reason for their &conomlists believe, and rightly so, r And so f rom store to store we had intrusion, stating that their f riends that taxes should be a montb]Y goo re ort !o better business, of could nelote the occasion Pas with- goodel-ou reportsgte seei isshc charge the same as rent. and that freer moneY, and of a hapPie el n eonzn h seml hc if this pollcy were carried out there Ing among customers, which sbould they are held by their many f riends.i would be better collections and far be productive of good results ln 1935. Mrs. A. Hl. Fletcher read the f 0110w- 1îs uîialie ntevreo tEvery type of Store f rom bakeries te lng address: 1esmncplte ntevreo .florists were included in the iist of Mr. and Mrs. George Souch, bankruptey. 5those who enJoyed a greater busi- Dear Associates: ness actlvity during the Christmas We, a few of your relatives and 8seWsn. in fact the heaviest holi- friends have entered your home M n ow n il sday trade in about five years spelîs without an invitation from Yeu but M n o m n il jprimrniy, an abrupt realization of baving learned of! vour Silver Wedd- 0the old ability to buy and bestow ing Anniversary, we dld not want te k l rn w - gif s. increased employmfeflt In local let it pass without having the oppor- hlrn w P ie .factories, better wages, and a gen- tunity o! extending te you our well- t rlbusiness recovery is responsible wishes on this occasion.Lo a Ifor the betterinent, and it 15 inter- During the twenty-five years of in Lo al ontests ,esting Vo note that amid aIl these your wedded life you have worked Ilaigris o! better thlngs te corne, cit- together faithfully and bave enjoyed - dizers dcl not fail in their duty to- each other's company at ail times. Henry W'ightman Wins Au- dwards those who are still feeling the To look back, it seems but a short apinch of depressed times. trne in our lives, but te look f orward tomobile at Royal Theatre to another twenty-five years-your ihBgM jrt-rz Two ormr rsidntsof ale inGolden Wedding A.nniversary, which ihBgM jrt - iz Twofomerreidetso! 3iIflInwe hope Vo have the pleasure o! at- Winners at Jury & Loy- Il Dorllngton township, Mrs. ""nnis tending and offering you our well-1 Ls ton (nee Rachel Collacott), and Mss. wshes-it seems like a long time but1 ell's and Evlyn Shop' Is Williams (nee Kate Collacott), s. time f lies quickly and the years rol L- d aaywitin fw hurso e I around and wait for no onle. Many people, mostly boys and e th. BoVS. hoemaugonte o! th We are here tonight to extend te girls, were macle a lot merrier this L- 1th.BotharedJoh Collaothe you our very best wishes f or youx Christmas by means o! contests con- s late Mr. and Mss.JonClat f continued happiness and prosperlty ducted by merchants, with prize Leo Sae.arsnd nston wed a p79ye andam se as You may have a continuaI awarcis being macle on Christina e- sto e e age and suff ere a paraltlc remembrarce o! this occasion, we Eve. g. stroe. Horbrmains Wereltamnst would ask You to accept these gifts Happiest o! ail vas Master Henry is Dtri for bu86yerl fal Mm.hewillnis and as Yu use them, you will thnk1 Wightmnan, son of major and Mrs. ieo wh wa 6 ea. W o!la, f e rof o your friends who gathered here H. D. Wlghtmnan, Elgin Street, who e- o! tiher laVeoM. W. Wasformerva tonlght ini your honor. was the wlnner in the Royal Theatre blisghte o anobourgte Wo r'a5 As we are entering into the holi- Automobile contest. At the close 33 tkoughplae to wnve the NeRta 1 day season, we al Join in wishing of a keenly contested campalgu on Ls. taieng ac frd o th ,e C .r.ce -You a merry Clirittmas and a Happy Christmas Eve, Henry was annouxi- r. ionSaurcayrnonln, ervcebe- and Prosperous New Year, not only ced winner o! the contest, wlth a t- Thlng rr odc e yrev.Meo.r so. for 1935 but for many years, we hope lead f about 100,000 miles, or wlth The barerswereMesar."H.J* you may enjoy good jealth and hap- total f mretandultato l. Knlght, Neil Yellowlees. Kyle Squair, plesilth thlseondmentyhayor*dossle trlk atE. J. Doldge, P. J. Mitchell and Ueo. pies h eodety ao ossrk W. ame. M. T H Knght whseSigned b h Commlttee: Mr. and as on hand to present the prize, >YMss. W. O.SocM.adM.W the handsome red automobile with 1gwlfe is a niece of deceased, looked H hcsn r n r.A .ara n yidrmtr ovr la a! er the funeral arrangements here. Hardy, Mr. nd r.aMrsSmV Br n. M.andreversne cygnear mboton ires. le. A number of old !rlends attendedHadM.adMsSmt 1re.adees gr ndblo ie. the funeral at Bowmianville Ceme- (Continued on page 8) Because o! bis belng crlppled tery.________ __ through infantile parlysis Henry ws a large nuxnber of movie fans in the WHITE GIFT DAY contest, while his totais depoSlted mors in Examinationsl OBSERVED AT TRINITY f rom week to week ony once placed hlm in f irst place, the coupons held back by his f riends for the final Chlldren's Chorus Takes Part lu nlght ran into thousands. il- Firt B - Jan ivig, argret MorannhService Under Miss On Christmas Day Henry spent en at B-JenvnMraret Heen G. Morris one of the happlest days o! bis lUfe Ln, Sr. Primer - Winono Clarke. Fay diighsnwJno uoon on Fry, Dorothy Faulkner, Owen Hoop- A very pleoslng and seasonable around the town. The car la vslued 1, er, Audrey Humphrey, Jack &ai, service vos held in Trinlty United at close te $300 and wlll be of gret n- KCathleen Vesna, Brce Welsh, Church on Sunday mornlng when a help to Her, who ls unable to walk. I- Betty Welsh. chorus o! public school children un- IBlle Slaght, son of Mr. and Mm., i- Jr. Pr. - Dorothy Evans, Collette der the leadership o! Miss Heleni William Sloght came second ln the d, F'erguson, Marlon Lambros, Marie Morris led the musical service wlthL race. Moise, Junior Ross, Helen'Roach, Mr. P. Sutton ot the organ. The At Jury & Lovell's store the USU&i nk Alan Strike, Bobby Stevens, Jack selectiofla were ail suitable for the Rexall Contest provlded haadsomi w. Tait, Geraid Wolfralm. Christmas sesson and were well xrlzes for nuinerous boys gknd girls. ~~ri Sr rmrCalBe hirley B;ld- rendered. Asalstlng Bey. E. F.* Arm- Beauiflll English style buggies, huge ~s,,wllDoal Chld, Jyo Dno-stongwee r. . . DvitSupr-dAI wotcheswagons, oxl" g lo r ~ w v - *1' I 4.1 i With WhiCh Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News ý -1.1