PAGE TWO THE CANADLIJN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY.DV R.-97IQ Established 18s4 A Weekly Newspaper devotecj ta the Intereste of Bowmanville and surrounding country, issu, 6treet, Bowm anviule, every Thursday, by M. . Sonâ, Owners and publishers. The Canadian si à MeMber of 4 he Canadian Weekly Newpapers Aisa the Clasa "A" Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; In the Uni OS.6 a year, payable in advance. Single copie THURSDAY, IDECEMBER 27, 1934 1 f the towi jed at King A. James & itatesman le Association, ited States, ies, 5 cents. 4 Problems Confronting Town Council No matter who constitutes Vile body o! citizens se- lected o control Vile business o!fVile town in 1935, hey wmil be confronted witil nurnerous serious problerns. That is wily we urge Vile election o! men capable in business management who can take tilese things in hand and prornote and proteet Vile own's interests. Perilaps foremost on the lisV o!fViese problems is that o! collection o! ax arrears. Conditions are un- doubtedly better now than for hree years, and for that reason a considerable portion o!fVile back taxes silould be pouring no Vile own treasury. But Vile financial report for Vile year does noV show any great desîre o pay up arrears, at least noV owarcLs the close o! tile year. The outstanding taxes for 1934 are ap- proximately Vile same as for 1933, except for $4000 which represents Vile reduction in Vile mii! rate. Un- less citizens in arrears make an honest effort o meet tileir obligations, wilere possible, Vile counicil must take drastic steps Vo proteet Vile corporation's finan- cial standing. Another important problem Viat must be settled is Vile problem o!fVile Durhlam Textiles plant. This plant is owned by Vile own and rented Vo tis corn- pany. Admittedly the cornpany is providing consid- erable work for local people at a very low wage, but at Vile same tirne it is apparentîy making no effort Vo meet its obligations o Vile town, either in Vile pay- ment o! taxes or rent. This matter must be handled carefully so Vilat Vilese people are noV thrown out o! work, but Vile cornpany must be notified tilat it isI expected o meet its obligations o Vile own. Bow-J manviile is noV a charitable institutmon, providing Vile means by wiich a private corporation may make a living. This same condition must apply Vo Vile D. 0. & P. Co. factory wilere taxes are noV being pamd andI where Vile property ilas passed into Vile hands o!f tile municipality.J Anotiler difficuit probiem wll be Vile solution o Vile Lakeshore Road mudile. Many residents o!fVile lakesilore will admit tuat Vile own council is in no 1 way to blame for Vile situation as it now exists. In t Vile first place purchasers o! lots in Vile subdivisionf affeeted silould have made sure o! legal entry before r pureilase, and secondiy ilad it noV been for Vile en-r deavour certain factions at Vile lake Vo, make capital v out o!fVile town, Vile private road would neveu have I been brouglt o Vile attention o!fVile Canadian Nat- Jtý iona! Railways, and Vile grade crossing w-ouid neveu d have been closed. Howeveu despite these facts Vile a Town Council has and will endeavour o find a so- V lution o tuis pressing problem. But in this it must ç have the hearty co-operation o! every resident at Vile n lake, and Vile warring factions down Viere mnust make hi Up her minds once and for aIl just wilat it is they ti want and are prepared Vo contribute. 1 fr With- two large factorles on tile town's ilands,i urgent o secure industries Vo fui Vile vacant spu Nothing could be o! greater benefit Vo Bowmani than o have one or Vwo f air sized industries bo here. The town as it now stands is capable o! ak care o! a population o!f ive thousand, and Vile burc o! taxation on everyone would be ligiltened by establishlment ilere o! more industries. TileIndu ria! Committee o!fVile Town Council wili have( potunities o do some wouk tuis next year, and it hoped that 1V will be composed o! men interest enough Vo go out and geV industries interested tile town. IV is noV an easy ask witil so many 0Vi towns and cities also trying o flu tileir eînpty fa tories. Tilese are but a few o!fVile numerous probier confronting Vile 1935 town council. If these probler do not warrant Vile election of a strong council, VI4 we have no eartilly idea o! what straits Vile own w- have Vo be in before Vile electors vote for ability raVi Vian Vile new flock o! aspirants seeking office1 satisfy Vieir ego or Vile opportunity Vo grind an aà tilrougil mme personal grudge. iti vill der ust- op- ýher lac- ýr âen. her tc Lxe Nobody's A Mind Reader Is your hleart in the right spot? Show it! No- bodys a mind reader. Nobody, except You, knows just wilat youu feelings are. No kloubt there are severai people for wilom you have genuine compassion, syrnpathy, friendship, love. Tilere are many more whomi you respect, admire; many o wilom you give sulent praise and approba- tion for feats aceomplisiled, for work well done. You have a big ileart, because you feel so deeply, and your heaut is certainiy in Vile ight spot because you gîve sucil wiole souled feelings Vo otilers, but who knows 1V? Nobodys a mind reader! WilaV good are ail tilose fine feelings o! yours unless you silow them? How on eari h can anyone else figure out tilat you are "witil themn [n spirit?" They cant divine your sentiments, thûey cant read your mmnd, and as long as a!! evi- dece of rour* good wlsiles is flissing, ail they can do is f;gi- you dont care a thing about them! If YÛI ia'i e ympathy fou another, show it ! Show Iti n suùa îe understandable way, show real evi- dence (if '._1t s5m1n)atily. He can't read your mind but lie c. i- nl read your letter. Hie cant hear your hear . l[t can certainly hear and recognize your VOiceu lin*Lnt geV any benefit out o! yourj unexPressed 't. ' s o help, but he gets a real ±hnill and a biî .. u',of the reai practical help you render. D)on't be suci, pcr ~atron o! mental elepathy. It lsn't enougil t,) (i %wir mind ail over creation. GeV youi' bodY tll '. and then your love and frlendshlp Willi be cl, ir.derstood and a tilousand Vîmnes more appreciatsý Nobody',9 a mind Yoiir mmnd may be worklng overtinie In Sei ,t thougilt waves of sympathy, pralse, encoui. .t but the one f or' whom ail tis good feelir 1 n t iý in complete ignorance o! IL. Furtiler, a. . tdVo state, ile noVt only doesn't know wha: tj thinking, but i Vile absence o! any oUtt, . !'from you, lie flrmly belleves you have forgott. I' bitlioned hlm t] il a( lin a bu ere to is pe( cosi per, inst tot of( heai tha' mîg] iy ' cost La, Th the1 towr freni rnercý ruedii loyait than done hrou is ver mxerci- neag Lhani completely. He is just a human being and you car depend on hirn for too much faitil as long as yc give nothing to support hs faith ! Ha!! the world is negiected, deserted, heart-broke and forlorn just because simple souls like you assuz that the others stiil think You are "with thern1 spirit." For 9oodn,"-s sake, wake uP right now, ar reaiize that You are breaking some heart right no, flot bY What You are doing but by what you arený doing! Corne to your senses and know that nobody' a mind reader. visit that sick friend. flot just once, but regularly Use a nickel or a dollar to, cal! Up 5someone who hasn, hearci Your voice for months. Invite those peopl, over to dînner, You know, the "date" you've beer taiking about for a year! Sit down and write a let. ter, a note, or a postcard, flot Just one but ha!! s dozen. Stop at the desk of that new employee just starting work today and say a friendly word of wel- corne. Invest some of Vthe "precious" money of yours ini a few concrete and appropriate gif Vs. Take thal poor f arniy out for an automobile ride. Play bail or hockey with the kids. Arrange a party or picnic, Speak out the sulent praise you feel, and speak out that silent Vhank you. When trouble cornes be When gooci fortune cornes let your congratulations be real and outspoken. Be there with your body as well as wlth your mind! Nobody's a *mid reader, but when your feelings are iccompamed with definite evidence, everybody knows -understands..and loves you! +re is great £e. manvi le are se te ineithe ngJ that i en recogr le are b! t- sentim p- thougl is City st ,d sence in the pa r s On lN Apron sggest member probiem mness wi the digi attend. We c, a sobri: Wome Plumtret Ifor man3 Jored e bod Y. In onto she and we v wiil see t Bride wi, botil are of Contrc HowevE mlght th rnany woi any Boar the way E men have f airs. Par There L~ civic eleet -miglit hav tions in ot] Controller the C. C. F ex-controffi put hlm iW there la flot or a Libera municipal 4 Toronto? The bette Dispense With House of Refuge Mr. Harold G. Macklin an ex-councillor of Dar- ngton Township, ilas made wilat we believe Vo be very practical and sensible suggestion. WiVil Vie rninl; of Vile House of Refuge at Cobourg lasV week le Counties Council is faced witil Vie necessity of *cting a new home for Vile aged or find otiler ways take care of tilese people. Mr. Macklin's suggestion Vilat eacil municipality take care of its own old opie by boarding Vilem out in suitable homes, Vile sV Vo be borne by the old age pensions wilicil these 'sQons receive. Tuis ias already been done in many stances wilere Vile old f olk have objected Vo going Vile House of Refuge. This would eliminate a lot cost in salarmes o!fVile House o! Refuge officiais, Vting, insurance, etc.. tilat a large building like it burned necessiated. Counties Councillors of 1935 ght well consider tuis proposaI, if Vhey are earnest- endeavouring Vo avoid expenditure and reduce ts of county operatmon. )cal Merchants Express Appreciation 's last issue of The Statesman in 1934 contains good wishes o! many o!fVile merchants in Vile nfor a Happy New Year Vo tileir custorners and .ds. Tilroughout Vile year these progressive chants have continualîy invited, turougil Vie um o! tileir advertisements, Vile people o!fVile ity Vo silop witil tiem. Tiley appreciate Vile Vy o! tileir customiers, perilaps more so this year iin any otiler year, because loyal custom ilas Smucil in keeping Vile independent mercilant ýewater througil Vie troublous business imes ugi which we have passed. Thle Statesman also ýry appreciative of Vile support given it by Vthe 2ants tilrougilout Vile year. Our advertmsing ,e for Vile Chistmas season has been ileavier in several years, and some mercilants have been to state that tus ias had much Vo do with the improvement in business registered by Bow- [îlle merchants tuis Chlristmas. Of course tilere ome mercilants wilo just seema to sit pat as VheY er invite business nor express thanks for it, but is probably because they have as yet failed Vo nize Vile real value of consistent advertising and did Vo Vile important f act tilat there is stil' nenV in business mn rural Ontario towns, ai- i Vile latter trait is sadiy iacking in tile big ores and mail order houses, due Vo Vile ab- o! personai contact with tileir customers on irt of Vile city merchant moguls. Women in Municipal Politics Wonday, December 31st, ratepayers of Bowrnan- ,ill nominate candidates for municipal offices. minent citizen has made a most reasonabie ion whicil we amplify in tuis comment. His Uon is that women be nomminated for the var- ie offices, more particulauîy Vile Public Scilool Women bring Vo any board of whicha they are rs a keen sympathy and understanding o! vital as. In rnost cases Viley are as efficient in a bus-~ Lay as are men, and Viley wiil certainly add Vo rlity and Vile restraint o! any meeting they ,an recaîl many a meeting of Council and Board wilere tileir presence wouid have ilad ing effect on Vile harsil words that were wont from Vile lips o! men. n have Vaken tileir place in Vile world of iand cîvies in a remarkable way. Mrs. H. P. 0e f Toronto is a gcod example having served yyears on the Board of Education wiih hon- rthis year with thle Chairmanship o! that ile forthcoming municipal elections in Tor- ,will contest a place on Vile Board o! Control, enture Vo perdict tilat Vile wornen o! Toronto ilat sil s eiected. The boisterous Sam Mc- i have Vo count ten be!ore he speaks, if successful in securrng a seat on the BoardJ '01. er between now and Monday nlgilt citizens ink tuis matter over carefully. There are )en in tuis Vown who would be an asset Vo rd and we suggest Vilat BowmianviilIe lead îrnong smalier municipalities in ieVting wo- e more than .lust a vote in municipal a!- ty Politica Detriment ta Civic Elections is one regretable feature o!fVile Toronto ions, whlchI f given too wide pubiicitY ve a detuimentai e!fect on municipal elec- rier centres o! tile province. We notice tilat jimmy Simpson is running for Mayor onI FI.ticket, and we read of another candidate ter Claude Pearce, appealing Vo Liberals Vo nag a representative o! tileir party. Now hing wrong witil eltiler man belng C. C. F. a1 in politcs, but why bring that up mn a election, and wilat ilas Vilat to do witil er thinlclng people In the country are Vry- n't ing to get, away fronParty governinent in Canada, getting over 300 per cent profit. orted OU and the last thing they want is tO See partyism creep of Vthe large department stores.11 LOCAL & PERSONAL into municipal affairs. ekoth ihabenud Some merchants complain of la, and <, en inVthe Past in an under cover way, but the îess we in every instance we find these m lose joe iHaipenny 117, 3rd Ave., Ott- ne see of it the better for the taxpayer. who do flot advertîse in the Pa -e. If awa, in sending in his subscription n VIdw enaTrnoctie eqiepoal hey fail to tell the people whatd in- for Thle Statesman says: RPead- id ul vaowten a Toronimo tzn feor uiteor, otbb vite them to their stores tiley ha elves ing ycur paper brings back fond >Wl oe fo i m im s n f r Ma o, n t b- 1 to blare if tiey are not getting tf mer sies of the od town nd ar It cause e le;i a member of the C. C. F., flot because he ______________u an iterat s a great labor man, but because wen we have ionaliY known D. O. &P. Co. Band head lm pek e hvefoud lmto be a sound Where The Shoe Sho organization. I sure feit happy mar- Y. thinker and a good resner t sthe bsneswbl hicilowas ahe sretpplar musical '1t itY that counts. or rather that silould counit, flot any Some Toronto Papers are vio:; Vi leao them!good marchen could we l o musPc for affiliations. Toronto newspapers can suggestion, whicil the provincial may pAny tm lin sa we could."ap ýn domuch or ieir city if they will lead the way in make a iaw, tilat Toronto be joine1 sub- say that after fifteen years in Vthe starng out politlcs in municipal life before it gets urban municilpalities. uiesa Ipamr eoe a uegOnigaddeveiops into a racket and men- The main opposition cornes fro f ear reconciled t iefloigfca ac uh as exists in many American c.tes to Vile that tile Queen City wiii have tne Of 5,H ilawasb eadda tsue al sorne sort of freak; 2nd, that Vile disgust and detrirnent of good goverfiment. hefinancial burdens of tile pla to its f avors he de will usually go un- S----boundaries. needofrteqtas noticed, but his mistakes neyer; Srd, So eneetigCmaion tPie Now it wouidnrd o o he0atiat when ile gets in a crowd somle- SrWe have mae - sume the fînancain orrîes 0f pladhere one Wili Say jocuiarlY, "Don't Valk in aiPCilefot hs i* ie tehan, eîngthe iest ay front of so-and-So, he'l1 Put 1V in rtas t e rhns en hebgett aythe paper"w; i4th, rthat newek Wehae ad aspcil for tisChisma t f them facmng bankruptcy becaiDpera- someone wi enr ht"es mnake comrarisons between Bowrnanville merchants' tio f Vile big departmentaî stordt into paper wr must be fasclnaVing." prics tat pperec inThe tatsma an tiose these places. grab off ai!lVile busim, and How do they know when they're chareoiby arg deartentl sore adertsin in pay nothing for the priviiege. Sorrose as away frorn horne what 18 going on? the city dailies. And we have found sometiling fhiat manufacturers and so get leave Vo 9wae and four pages is a long letter. EV- we have always believed and tried Vo point out to wilile others adopt any methods ti evade en at that, there are lots O! events localP'le. We have gone Vo the trouble in many town bylaws or provincial statutesi YOU'il neyer think of, and plenty o! instances of even rneasuring the size of an article t VTrno ms hav acqind ent tîey odteter. ynotO makesureourcomprisos ae corectandwe hve o, Tront mut renaina c aiied, ns the woutldlîkem to no ti again urprovn t a fotonly are omtanviîîe hme but its big business interests mus#ed to send your frienâs or your ciloidren. agai prven that not onl ar Bow anvlle mer bleed to death commerciaîîy Vile s mer- away f rom. home. The Statesman for chants as low in price as the larger city stores, but chants...Wilitby Gazette. Chlristmas? Yucnsendfopapers mnnmrous instances they are lower. And this fact t o any Canad'an adesfrls does flotfeature any one line. We noticed in Vthe price ------- hntesdor bri-ng $sOand Pe !toys several instances f exacty the same toy, Editorial Note1 will send The Statesman Vo any ad- jpriced several cents cheaper mn Bowmanville than in dreeki. andfr er To,'ronto. Other instances include an electric grill Tnme fhaso uii r n le er ecat a aV $325,s and inxora iîlefo a t 295;eneTrtee withdrawing tVus year is mucil g usual. there is no need Vo advertise their at $ .2 5 a n i n B o w a n v ll e at 2 .9 ; e e ct i c re e T h e in c re a se d d e m a n d o n im e a i la rg e iy b u s in e ss . T h e y 'v e b e e n tile re fo r liglits, city Price $2.65, Bowmanville price $2.25. due Vo Vile great problern of relief ýing up yhears er h r and eoeknwhalabt t We couid oullne a score o! instanc-s of better ufVxnrar odut cto thm hr te r ndwltVe prices i omntileneohrousadngoe pe-lcin nonemns ter laEesy butanthl ub e wehe in B w m a v mî e. ne til r o tst n dî g o e p e-e ect o n n n o nce nen s. n ljy on s b e from fo rm er tow n p eop le w h o live in that cerne to mmnd is Vile d'fferenc3 in prmce between know anything at ail about it. T er it is othr te yace r ori! uscribe Vo ile fur rimmed velvet coachl boots for ladi-s. In Tor- an unknown quantity. Were it n wouid tepaper.iAftVer ar rteya daim be lss ritiismandmorecontrudifferent. people Vhey don'V know. ontothe wee c ns.derbly ore exp nsie t an n 1Its true that Vile citizens f a Vown Bowmanille.IV is customary for mnany people esoîut- are constantly changing around. And it is logical that hey silould be, despite their ions at New Years. The customn i despite about 25 per cent in Vhree YearS. vautedandboasted hg buy:ng power. Witil huge Vile fact that noV often are tiles«s kept. There is a steady stream. o! new buying power savings Vilese firms have Vo Pay higiler Thle very fact tilat one wiil sit doýink out people comiing Vo Vown~ and invar- taxes. executives at big salar:es, floor walkers frorn JusV wilat he needs Vo Improve h* itself iably theY are Vile ones who rush whom tiere are no definite returns, and a score well worth whmîe. Then if ile keep4tions ile paper and find out what's go'ng On1 of officiaIs, including excilange departments, elevator lias done something o! whicil ie cd, and inl their new own, where Vo go, operators and sucli tiings, thaV local merchants do even if he is partially successfui he V a hav Vo con enc w ~ h. ile re ult is atu aîî th t ~ di re co u rse w h at o d o . w h ere o sh op . A m er- notvet otn ihTh euti aual ht isefdsiln.Terslsreo some chant hla., Vo keep his pebble drap- Vile local man can selI as cheap or cileaper. And good, so don'V sit back Vhms year ar o reSO- up witil Vie constant change. what is more there lias beEn no evidence before the lutions, because teyare amcti do you ping in Vipodsegularl Vo eep Price Spreads Committee o! independent retailers some good, if orly t haV you take siurseif. Hosea BaIlou. I Il ~4hi k. -i LJ'EiuhavlBE;R 27, 1934