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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1934, p. 4

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40E FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN~ TILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1934 prayer by Mr. F. Cator. The Citizen- Q ýî Patterson gave the Bible reading and E ship Vice, Mrs. E. Doidge, took làu~'d~ys splendid talk on "Christmas" was ENFIE D charge of the following program: - a Christmas carol was Sung by the ilC SOC Mr dinOmstnwsre-elect- Bible readings by members and com- Mrs. Philips, Toronto, visited at girls o! Kendal school. The Seasons Greetings to one M rusteedwith m wasn on Wed- et by the leader; toplo discuss- Mr. W. Craig's. Good crowds attended the Christ- and ail. nesday. ion, Mr. K. Squair; readings by Mrs. Mr. Fred Billett has accepted a mas tree concert put on by McLeans Mr. Eldon Eckel is with friends at Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ormiston J. Irwn, Miss M. Collacott, Mr.F positioninTrto and Kendal schools in Kendal Lodge Clifford. spntChitms it r.Wm A-Blackburn, Mrs. F. Cator, Mrs. P. Mr, TeryWoo. islig room. Some of our young people aise Miss Eva Parr, Toronto, was guest sen R san. ih r m.A-Cann; violin selections, M.Mr. a r HenyDeiroxist iitn bsattended Kirby school concert as aofhrmte s.RPa. mrys Ragln Sisn ootTaylor. A sing song and social hour M.autr n d tri. rd nadKendal girl, Miss Doris P'atterson, iso heM oe r.SnyDwods o .P rr. ! Mpn his mas th inen.r oto, conducted by Mr. E . Doidge broughtD MrSad Dasn Wisos Msen. trisms ih e iohe the meeting te a close. Attendance Dors R.atrsomn Trted a cMssPeni ooy Trnt, Mr. 3.MH.R. Stinson.ane 9 s o r. .Bal r.and Mrs. Walter Ferguson' OnTusa ig, Deem rnunber of relatives on Christmas gues of M.adMr.o Hooey . ooti Keith and Theinma visited at Mr. OmTusdyevnngrtfyDay. I CADMUSoMiss.IadmsMiesing, was L. Elfords, Blackstock. 2th, the cburch was very pretNtbbrng fiecs i 1ed -Cges f rAadMr.J.MArhr M.and Mrs. Frank Gilbert and decorated in i's Christmas garb, it C hritms ith r. nd M.e.n C.y dMrs IaDms eMnesgr aa r. MishsoccsMarjorie ublcGarisbraithMr, ndronoE.,C andt famiry ave MoveJ.dtoshwa. Miss Betty Ridgers spent Christmas being theroccasion o! tlerPublicraham at Mr. G. Leask's, Taunton. Schoel concert when a goodly crowd M n r.Jh ilim s-j isdaig itGaberah r , nts. Mi E veBronsendiO he Miss Elsie Bowman, nurse-mn- enjoyed a fine program Put on by the M re Cnd rstaohnvislioms atsMr. iss VliolenthPlcerorntos CMissm vacaton at OenSnd.h training, Oshawa Hospital, spent pupils and a few ex-pupils. MrI G9aa, eeCrstas. trs M. spen VngoleCstas seasoon tisJsi nx ssedn h Sunday at M r. T. Bowm an's. A. St ph ns acAdas ch ir an m nd r. M lo ve y a d s . W m. Fal Chis tmsa o i S C rs m a a a i n a w n S u d Mr. and Mrs. Uod Ferguson and his usual efficient manner and Mrs. Mra~tr n Kay, M itAeryandMrs. W iG ls Cbldc ssed aaio xhhrprnsa a Betty spent Chrstmas wth er D. M . Robb of Orono asisted in the R A vgery' onas. viied e M r i g e hldys eson with ber p aar- Mrio n e Bhhr ab r Tre nto wasp mother, Mrs. W. Mountjoy, Sona. musical numbers. Rev. A. M. W oott- R AMr nd Ms. Aln ake. M nt- tshe ar Knda l. aon wih spa - t on.r n r. . W rd M r. and M rs. Ellis Pa coe, Brook- on gave a short address and Santa r a nd were Cbristm arsi rs a n et s M r a nd ar . MCecuereFerguson aTordtburn. lin, Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Bowman, Claus arrived just in the nick of CGdreal. ide were Christmas vstr M . Mrad r.CeiPgusts andigueMr. ofdMr. Ha rry Vinentr- O shaw a, M rs. R. Pasco e and M iss tim e t o distribute is gifts from the r. o J '. l two thy and Ruy were .herg s s t asa a.on o, ar li ay n at M rs. R. Ma- Mary Hogarth, Solina. spent Christ-tre Much credit is due botb schol- Christmas visitors with relatives at Mr.,ar andaýnga Mrs. R. MCat- ndhods mas at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. ar n ece ntesceso h eeon Falls. Sn, Cobourg; Mrs. and Mrs. Gor- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jobb, Osh- Tbursday evening our annual evening. Mr- Tom SYkes, Noranda, spent don Strong were holiday guests ataawrgessaM.D. a- Christmas concert was beld in the 1 ------, whritma wih bs prens, r ar.M. D.t Bruels churcb. The children were trained ICMrstLmD.sykehh rnsM. ad M. ob~tho-us . teddM~ r n r.NsihHny byMs laTamblyn and Miss Ms .D ye.Aogtoewoatne r braith's. by Mis Ell SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horni and Acy, Earl Gray~S conuuert on TMrs.y anev dîe wres nay guh enrya Maio Ochrdan pt n vry1 spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. night at Lotus were Miss Helen Fow- bier parents. fine program of dialogues.dr'Ilî G. Wilkinson, Toronto. er, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson and MrR.AnBA.Picplf sons nd pgeat. Tese ri - Miss Muriel Baker is spending the Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox and fam- idneMreguR.. he on intin.Sho,Pisnhiayo f ailed to attend missed an excellent holidays at bier brotber's, Mr. Mau- ily were Christmas visitors at Mr. Sinesy ig inclddnmes r.Nro aCm concert and deprived temselves of rice Baker, Concord. JonCrlsBw~nil . The Sunday Scheel Concert the ing tiBnaionm. oishldy an eenig'splesur. Sata f Mny app Xma gaherngs Mr.and Mrs. Geo. Gibbs; Mr. and frm Cdu Public School and and daughter, Elmira, are visiting course appeared and the cbildren felt l were held in the different homes in Mrs. Will Gibbs and family, Osh- Mahood's Public School. Rev. H-. j.atM.WA.V Caps fulyrepid or hei wok i pr- ithecomuniy o Chista~ ay.awa; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gibbs and Bell Presided. Christmas carols, dia- The Women's Associationo h paring the entertainrîlent. Miss Doris Milîson. Peterboro Nor- famîly, Tyrone; and Mr. and Mrs. B. logues and recitations were amongj ite huonW ee t r.os-h a mal, and Mr. George Milson, Tor- H. Mortock andi famiy, Bowman the Program's items. One very .i nioted CWrght's on Fridaynigh.Os i onto University, are viSiting their ville were Christmas guests at a terestîng feature was a well-directed MisJseKnxndbrpps SALE paent. M. ad Ms. d. ilIon.Gibbs f amily re-union at Mrs W. pageant "The Search of The Shep- enssoyei hornpogam nd lir iy f.paens.~brd." Members o! the Sna fternoon when gifts were exchang- ry pen sevic enSudayaftrnon Mss A Christinas gatbering was beld at Scheel were the artists for this pag- ei sr n r.L ut ervicaesn sSndayafteolonssMir- Mr. A. E. Billett's at which Mr. and eant. Cnrtuaind. r adMs Chita ihMr. a ndL.Butryspehot Bet ot ae aga solo, irss Mar-Mrs. Frank Virtue and family, Ùurl- Mahood's Scheel belti something J.A Con rtutineteLore nademp- ahs uttmasw M. adMs ae cttgv eyitrsugington; Mr. and Mrs. Rln i-unusual in the many concerts gîven 1se Ay) on th bi Lrth a duher, o asor Butrtwand Ms uilBkradRln i-Y Mr. and Mrs. S. Buttery and fam- Mstor gMiss riel akeanodt tue and daugbters, Oshawa; Miss this season. It was a basket social, D necem br tho agheo ily pentChritma wi Mran Mrt eoChre Weryve Ra pi. anokdetLaura Virtue, Toronto; Dr. c. W. andi was a success with sixteen enic-Dcme 9 Mrs. J. W.LnateNwt Mrl. ant to Charch sricp sstry c-Slemon and familY, Bowmanville; xng containers offered tetohenauic- Students cf Blackstock Continua- Mri ndly.F stuntNewtanv icie. ten n rahda etewr ldsCbl ctheaue- tion Scheel presented Miss E. Brown aio , n caste C r ,a ot h i a story t M s.e lethe and M r. R. Alin with scarfs as J srmo an th chir avesPeial Gaily decorateti Christmas trees POPular teacher, hati arranged many Christmas presents. Marion, ene hita t r.sron anti the choir gave suecca played a part in the Christmas ser- item s i keepîng wth the Christmas Miss Florence McLaughlin, B. A., M. aHhndsW on t and fam -W.msc vice on Sunday night. "Silent night" spirit; and the pupils entered their! Toronto, and Miss Kate McLaugh- lly, Orono. spent Christmas with ber The churcb was Well filleti last was Sung by the choir as he enter- part s With a show o! real enthus i.Ptroo r oiaigwt parets, r. ad Mr. F.L.ssualncehrsda vnng or udr hrit-ecltheir place, by proceeding up jlasm. Mr. Wm. Ferguson was the, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McLaugblin. Rev. A. M. Wootten's sermon on ma-ocr n reudrted the aiSles o! the churcb. Their spec - cbairmTan. MrAliBelB..,Oaat Suda ws vryfie hrstasrection o! the C. G. 1. T. group and ial Christmas music was much ap- On Thursday afternoon Miss holidaying with his parents, Mr. discourse centred around the birth their leader, Mrs. S. E. Werr3'. Rev. preciated . "Kind Words" a- h Mabel Argue entertainedi the Par-: and Mrs. Robert Bell. Mrs, Wmn. o!.an Chrs . WlisWn r . Rchmwa 1ima o chie! thing mentioneti in "Fathers ents anti friencls o! ber pupils with Patterson, Toronto, is aise a guest. Mr. nd rs.N. ilkns nd rs.evening. The programn opened witb Christmas List", the story toîd by a program o! Christmas appeal. Rev. Tit-w retswr usso A.en Cihistms Mr. and Mrs. L.Rihadsachors the C. G. I. T. afsseter Rev. W. Rackham, wbo brought a C. C. Harcourt was chairman. The jMr. and Mrs Normnan Mountjoy to s.p.ent hltas with rv. ad rsThic tetvt was polwdb h resenteris splendid Christmas message. "A school was decorateti in gay christ- dinner on Saturday night. It was Th. H. untiadMaer oe. lemThais an od b horuse, d-ils. ew kind words are better than ap.- mas colors, anti-the costumes of the the occasion o! their silver wedding Tche puis ean teae o lemrheahing S at hrant ntatausafter pIes of golti, in baskets o! silver" chiltiren in several cf their present- Ianniversary. school ish to hank grtefull the I hchSn anylau s pereindh was a text useci. ations gave a bright note te the sett- Mr. andi Mrs. N. Mountjoy and person or persons whe presented the 1îtuueitemaygfs!o h Christmas tree and concert o ing. The recitations anti dialoguesfaiy tened teccrt t beatifl pc~ue e te ahoo i beutiull dcortet trc.Friday night was a successful event. were very well received; and a 'Mount Carmel school on Wednes- memory o! thelate Mr. and Mrs. W. League meeting last week was in The teachers, Miss G. Cawker andc1 carming little folk dance was par- 'day nigbt, when Miss Lela Mount- E. Pollard. charge cf President Alan McKessock. Mr. E. E. Staples, assisteti by Miss ticularly arresting. Miss Argue is t o iett h ly' yso Y. P. L. meeting Tuastiay aven- Meigoeeiwt ign hit .Hmwr elrpi o hi be commendati on the way in which1 Love," presenteti by Bratiy young lng, December 18th, was openeti by mas carols. Devotional period was in untiring efforts in preparing1 an- she has trained ber pupîls. people. charge o f Miss Fanny Smales. Mr. other splendid program, by the chil- Carols, dialogues, costumed tianc- W. R. Westlake. chairman o! nom- tiren. who aiso deserve much praise I nirei.ton eeamn h _____________________ iinating committee teck charge for for the splendid manner in whic I NeSsET Nnret atusre o! theer elaction o! off icers wich are as they indivitiually anticolletivel ingîen otng Feriti onthe cyon ere -sofkilws p ient ubMKs oo hi athearty applause Thompson ani bis pupils. A Christ- sok;ls Vc-Fanny Smnales: 2nd being given at intervals o! the pre- Mr. Orial Edgerton visited in Tor- mas tableau anti a pantomine aiso Vicwj er -g ladys elow ee; r V ice- sie nt t ion f a C ristm as c n a e nt o on Friday. delighted the audience. At the close Gaerg ecWry t ie Mre nil "Which? Santa Claus or Miss Nettia Wilson bas returneti o! the concert a short tiance was Bkr e.-Mae Westlake: Treas. Mother Goose", a number cf nur- home £rom Uxbridge. enjoyeti. -Frank Westlake; Sec, cf Forwarti sery rhyme characters îbeing im- Mr. anti Mrs. F. J. Leik are spenti- Rev. C. C. Harcourt, Rector o! st. Movt.-Mrs. W. T. Baker; Pianist- personateti turing the Performance. ing a week in Toronto. John's, delivereti a very beautiful Ileen Balson. Plans were matie for Santa Claus madie bis appearance Miss Jean Campbell, Lindsay, is Christmas sermon on Suntiay night the Watch night service on New anti with friendly greetings, belpeti I oldaying with ber parents. in the Unitedi Church. Yuletide mu- Year's Eve whicb will start at 9 in distributing presents from a weîî Mr. and Mrs. K. Glida anti child- sic was given by the choir under the o'clock. Games were playeti anti a loadeti tree. ren will be in Oshawa for the wln- direction o! Mrs. A. Jones-Sadier, social time enjoyeti. W. M. S. met at the home o! Mrs. ter.whwapreneiitahyny 8 Te Bethrboti eetng t Etia Sias illamson uesay he 8tb Miss Louise Bruce, Mr. Fred Bruce by the choir following church ser- ",W) lalgpéwliewas a dacided succass with about for the election cf of!icers wbich and Mr. Wmn. MeLean, Toronte, are vice. A combineti service is being %~A'~'5~' $%~ 1IAI~ eigbty man present. Mr. Tracy are as fellews: Pres.-Mrs. A. E. Bil- home. hlio aebr3t nS.Jh' Glspli Pesdetoutîmnet the Iett, lst Vice-Mrs. H. Peters; 2nti Miss Gladys McKee, Toronto, vis-1 Church when Rev. H. J. Bell wiUl be imain features cf the organization Vice-Mrs. W. Rackham: Treas- iteti ber parents, Mr. anti Mrs. R.. the minister. G r ei g anti wlcomed the brtbren at this Mrs. Tbeo Salter; Rec. sec.-Mrs. McKee. Miss Olive VanCamp's pupils gave G r eu gs* * their f irst meeting. Devotional period A. Peters anti Miss Marjoria Pas- Congratulations te Mr. anti Mrs. a concert e! interest on Tuesday was taken by Mr. Sam Dewell anti coe, Cor. Sec.-Mrs. W. W. Horn; Harry Philp on the gift o! a son. nigbt, with Mr. Ira Argue as chair- Rev. Rackham. Mr. Af Ayra then PreSS Sec.-Mrs. E. H. Cola; Miss- Thursday, Dec. 2th. man. This School showeti ramark- Ilntrotiucad the speaker for the even- lonary Monthy-Mrs. W i Il i a m s; Mr. Marwoed Dickey, Toronto, able improvement in singing antide- Mason & Dale are happy ing Dr. Lerne McTavish o! King St. Strangers Sec.-Mrs. R a c k h a m; Spn hita ihbsprns ihe h uinewt ue at tlis time to express Uniteti Churcb, Oshawa, wbo gave Temparance Sec-Miss Kateron; Mr. anti Mrs. Robt. Dickey. carols. Sevaral e! the pupils took sincre tanksto teir a wonderfully inspirîng address. SupplY Sec.-Mrs. Burns anti Ms., Mrs. Albert Beacock returned Fr1- solo Parts in the selections. Reci- inefrendthands tothir- Zion quartette gave several Select- AverY: Literature Sec.-Mrs. C.j. day from attending the funeral O! tatiens and dialogues preveti that man frens ad ustm- Ions anti Mr. Douglas Rackham anti Kersîaka; Baby Band-Mrs. E. ki- bar aunt. Mrs. (Dr.) M. McKinnon, there is much tiramatlc talent am- ers for the loyal support of Mr. Fred Crome gave vocal solos. bur; Steward Com.-Mrs Curtis wth Toronto. ogteyugsuins at the Past year. It is our Messrs Alan McKassock anti Chas. Pres., Sec. anti Treas.; Pinss isMrurt rsrnR lausgwaseanoung te tgvsiteranti eretws ht1935 will Brabbins gava reaatings. Eldati men, Mrs. Cola anti Mrs. Kerslake. 'ýeau, anti Mr. George Hicks, Tor- with twe assistants succeeded iIn ernest usHlh ltat sarveti Sandwiches tarts, tioughnuts w. C. T. U. belti its December ente, are holiday guests at Mr. Will. graatîy dlgtn h hlrnwt and flg piyou.atWat anti coffea. anti a social time was meeting at the home o! Mrs. Joe Armstrongs. many gifts. The scbool was vax-y an apies.enjoyeti. Naxt meeting at Zien, Chapman on Tuesday, witb Mi,5 Mr. andi Mr. J. A. MacDonald, pretty with cetiar decorations anti Thursday, January ltb. Mary Katersoxi presiding. After the Vancouver, B. C., arrived at ber sparkling silver icicles. business perioti Mrs. J. G. Burxis father's, Mr. Sam. Bruce's for the Rev. H. J. Bell acted as chairman _____- - conducteti the devotional exercises, Christmas season.attaCrsms onetgvnb M aso & ale Kee Doglas Egptin UimetM. Henry Thonpson. Mr. Ed. Mr. Elon Eckel anti is pupils e! iiao & Dae ha~Do.A ula s egd ey foLiuntr ot oc big o "Fridh Mp." ALaw ndM.J.Lawson attended the public school on Montiay night A rs, sr elos lo sn . Barron presiding. A ped tefnl o Mrs. Wn usi tha community hall. Severai dia- HARDWARE ing. sof t cornis. warts, scald ti papar was given by m. W. Pack-FMIers Caraeroutt, Torento isny' P Pa Fotal,, Ixvaluable for inflammation anti bam; Mrs. C. J. Kerslake rexidereti is ' Pot, ooto sJanny's Secret," anti others pro- musclarrhematsm.twe piano solos; the Clip Sheet was guest o! bar parents, Mr. anti Mrs. vitiet much humer, anti saveral de- _______________________ usclarrhamatsm.conducteti by Mrs. J. Colwill, anti Geo. Proutt. Mr .and Mrs-'Stanford light!ul recitations wera given. The _________ those taking part were Mrs. W. Van Camp anti chiltiren were Sun- versatile Junior pupils formeti anx Cbapman. Mrs. Kersiaka, Mrs. Clat- day guests, orchestra with Mrs. Switzer accomp-i ~ worthy, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Barrexi, Mr-. Clarence Hooey anti bis pu-1 anylig, anti Jessie Van Camp con-' ,~Mrs. Wiliams, Miss Ki-atarson, Mrs. 1pus o! Cedarvilla Scheel gave an tiuctîng. The members were In bell- SGraves anti Mrs. Rackham.N ex entertaining Christmas program on' boy costume and won. an encore. A meeting at Mms. Clatworthy's on Friday afterxioon. Carols, dialogues pantemime "Silant Night", was giv- January 8th. anti recitations wera amoxig the in- an by the senior girls in effective Dteagumbs ers.n esayngh garb. Gymnastica ware performed by anyrs Tomege a eion eday ncigt. esaveral e! the boys. To bring te a K END A Mnd t om e rig o re ats ri puen close the splendid nig t's entertaix- j F s P E A L .a ntatn d b b le st u i y a s i va.b y m e n t . Jo lly a d S a in t N ic k a p p e a re ti Frindsan Cu to ers .> Miss Leona Wlliams. Mr. Wilfred on the scene anti for a busy numnber IN BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT Wa are ncarly snewed in but we Jackson gantietp Miss ainTora o! minutes matie many a chilti glor- are glati te sec a white Christmas. pAyestirnstrund taiss an TyMor. Ms. Rhapt.Maotopn br anti patronsa- Maynttrumewtaxi anronto Year e f ll t ovarflolng itb rs Mltox Plukettantif amly, >! geat.prala fo thecredtabl mens Aulliay. Te rol cal wa bleti A tm~sîichhe e r 57.' '~' ~-anthe prlmary classalase sang; Be. tW ishes for the New Year tkeabubin, rciI-DorothyClrnc arowgveared a bbblng frcin gass I -DorothyHoskîn 74, Dore m. ClarteJnioe Marlsw gave arati- Anrews Liver Sat each day till the tby Bewers 6.4,Ama Graham 58. mn1h1uni, il gv ine trouble cleara up. Then take an Fr.-Dorothy Raim 93 <honora). mier "Silexit Nlgbt," wth Mrs. Sadi- 13F R LATI lh P1 ocainlgasoneoewc ah Fiue nîaer slnglng the carol; R.ev. Mr. Bell 4Lweek-and you'll stay parfactly fit. O. B. Van Camp, teacher. tielivareti an atidres; anti Kelth & IL a COAL anti SEMET SOLVAY COKE Get Andrews now. Smalî tin, 35c; __________ Jebnstexi, repxesentlng the junior Bowmanville Large tin, 60c; Extra large bottle, boys, sang "'Away in a Manger." 75c. Proprieters, Scott & Turner Start the New Year rlght by pay- Recitations were given by Dorotby Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng. your subscription te The States- Wright, Grant F'erguson. Thelma maxi. Fergusen. Lucille FPorder anti Milton 77 GE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV. SRice & Co say Thank You We take this opportunity as thse aid year draws tu a close, ta tbank aur many cistamers and friends for the business entrusted ta us in 1934. We deeply ap- I preciate the confidence the public has placed in us, and wc hope that in the New Year aur service wIlU retain ah aild fricndsbips and nuany ncw one. May wa add aur Grcetings to tisase of your. snany friands and wish yeu A Happy New Year ahnc 66 Bowmanville t y- . _ *~ MLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1934 You ean always be sure of uslag the rlght caal for every pua-pose il youq make sure that lt's Lehigh Valley Anthracite THAT YOU BUEN ChcaP coal wil ive you the amount of heat you pay for. Buy god coal and you'Il get good dlean heat, at a minimum o~ cost, and wlth lesa ash, less amoke, and lessa attenuoL. 01 Gaod coal means Lehlgh Valey Col, thse ceai tat bau stoad the test et public opinian througb thse year, and le itili thse largest seillng coal in Cana"., HAPMPY NEW YEAR TO M£L JOHN A. HOLGATE & SON PRUNE 153 ovAiuL Bell. Solos wera sung by, udrey i Mountjo3' anti Berle Lamier. Edith 1 Wright playeti an instrument1 on Tuestiay xiight, Decý 25th, members o! the Uniteti hur'i pre- senteti thei- Christmas play ititlati 'An Olti Fashuioed tiMothex-In the Community Hall. Cast cf c ax-act- ex-s was as f olloWa: Deborah Inex- hilI, a mother in Isral- ances Mountjoy; Widtiar Bill Pintil lead- er o! the choix--Vivian Satil ; Miss Lon-izy Loviny Custard. pla sew- ing anti gossip-Olive Van amp; Isabel SimPscOtt,' the village îele- Ferga Johnston, Glox-sana ~rkins, as gooti as golti-Mabel Wils1; u- kay Pindie, the Widtier's mi Hel- en Van Camp; John Untiexhi1, the prodigal son-HI-arelti Swain; har- lay Untierhill, the eider rh - Jie Bratiburn: Brother J nah Quackenbush, a whited sepul e- John Venninig; Jeremiah ling, 'ýJerry,' a max-x-y hear corge Crawford; Enoch Rone. an 4t.cast anti a wandex-er-E-ic C ut i n g; Quintus Totit, the county shrxiff- Arnoldi Johnstefl. Musical aný oth- ex- interludes were given bitween acts. The Royal Black Px-ecept0e, No. 398' halti thaix- annual meetng in the Orange Hall on TuesdaY. nîght when three candidates were ieceiv- cd iet membershiP. Rev. W. Park- er, Enniskillen. wa receiveti ly car- tificate. anti Rev. Wolfraim. .Janet- ville, antiMx-. Fred Ellis, E iskil- lan. weaxe initiateti in an im ressive mannx-. Most WorshiPful' Past Grand Mamter Craightcfl Devitpre- sitiet for the installation cfof f icars which resulteti as follows:. W. P.- Leonarti Joblin; D. P.-HildonJohS'- ston, Janetville: Chaplaixx-PAv. W. Par-ker: Reg-H. Thompson: Tras. -Dr. J. A. McAxthur: lst Lecturar -Herb. Hooey; 2nd Lecturer-Les. Brookes. Tyroe; lst Cens4r-W. Campbell; 2nti Ceml-or-Robt. Hamn- ilion; lst Standard B e a r e r-L. Thompscn. Tyrone; 2nti S. B.-D. Heaslip. Janatville; Ceminitietmaxi -jas. Howe, Janeiville. W. a~oy L. Wright, Janeiville, Rev. Wolfraim,: Byron Hylanti, Janetville. Parcy Hamilton, Rupert Bycrs; Pux-suivant -w. Fitze. Janetvilla. Lunch 'vas serveti at tha close o! the profitable anti anjoyable evening. On Fritiay evening "It Happeneti in Hollywood," one of the best plays ever presenteti by the stutiants o! tbe Continuation Schcol, was given in the community hall. Principal R. Allin gave a short atidrass, anti Rev. c. C. Harcourt also gave an atitress in whicbhah strasseti the ativantage o! education. The mambars o! the cast who playeti their parts so weall were: Jarvis. the butler-Ross Lan- sing; A Mescsenger Boy-Leonarti Davitison; Tom Garrity, publicity agent-Walter Wright; Allan. Tre- mayne, a 'voulti-be mevie acter- Harvey Thcmpson; Josie Pembroke -Milireti Hoopar: Princess Doloes -Elva White: Phyllis Dugane. a riewspaper reporter-Murel Fallis; Prince Umbert-Victor Malcolm; Doreen Downing, a leading lady- Mvabel Van Camp; Polly O'Coninor, an actress-Birdie Gibson; Sir H-um- phrey, uncle of the Prince-Anson Taylor; Mrs. Pembroke-Louise Da- vidson. Among the girls who danc- ed the Sailor's HOrnPipe between the acts were: Irene Watson, Mabel Van camp, Lois Veale, Lorna Tre- win, Margaret Steele, and marie Marlow. They were accompantied at the piano by Hazel Wilson. Ret Swain sang a solo, and Marion Tay- lor and Ellen, Emerson Played a piano duet betweeii acts. A short dance was enjoYed foflowing the prescentation. Quickest Relieffrom Stomach Troubles People who have suffered for years with indigestion, Acid Stomach. Gao. Heart. hum te. are amazed at the quick relief whiercheKItK'S STOMALKA gives. A amail dose tones up even the mnotst tub- born case of sour, acid etomach. baniahea pain, revives appetite. Everyone Je subject to occaBiofl5l stomach troubles, 80 neyer be without a botule in the home. At drug &,tores. Get KIRK'S STOMALKA at MeGREGOR'S DEUG STORE Alex Edmondstone Wishes to extend hearty ap- preciation to ail bis customers and friends wbo bave so loy- ally supported hlm durlng the past year. . It wili be our endeavour to miake Edmondstones M ea t Market worthy of your con- fidence and trust ithse New Year, in wblch we wlsh you ail joy, happiness and prosperity. Edmondstone's Meat Market Phones 21 or 492 Bowmaavle 4' li

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