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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1934, p. 5

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.,.,.rnATbA?T aTA'I'VOIAJN. BWMAN.VTLLE, THURSDAY, DECEMABER 27, 1934 1 Her Arms and ýLegs Immovable Ten Years with Rheumatism like commencing to lbye a new 11e, when she began to use ber arma andi legs again, ai ter they liad been helP- less for ten years. I suffered with rbeumatism," she writes, "and had been bedrldden * since 1920. 1 could flot move arms or legs, and had to be fed Uke a chlld. Everybocly thought I sbould be an invalid al n i 1e. 1 forced In a personal and myseif to f lght against it, and tried a number of different thlngs. It Was friendly way, at this Iruscben that eventually saved me, and today I consider it lB savlng MY New Year sea8on, we life y ndition h~as greatlY iml- wishyou oy i the becoming more supple. Already 1 wishyou oy i the can eat wthout assistance. anld dress myse11L--which I had flot done present, and happi- for ten years."ý-M. H. Two of the ingredienta of Krus- ness and c o n tent- chen Salts are the rnost effectual ment in the days to ical science. Tbey swftly dulithe shar edgs, o thepainful crystals, corne.then convert tbem into a harmless come.solution. Other ingredients of these 9_W umr e W Saîts have a stimulatlflg effect uP- mie Ve .i W Oii on the kidneys, and* assist them tc expel the dssolved uratlc needles BOOKS & STATIONERY through the natural channel. PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS "Better la a dinner of herbs where 1 love la than a stalled ox and. batred Djt.berewt."-Blble. - '.5 A New Year Promise Repeated'ip CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Wt b*as always beel aur ef fort ta give the very best of service. lin extending to Yeu aur hearty god wshes f or a bunsper 1935, we reiterate aur promise of the past to give you only Pure Drugs, carefuliy coinpounded, and a merchanldisinlg service that wll guarantee you quality as hlgh as always, and prices as Iaw or lower than eLsewhere. We thank you sjncerely for the busi- ness entrusted ta us in 1934. JURY & LOVELL Phone 78 Bawmanvle Season 's Greetings Bygone days have left us one legacy - and that is the good old - fashione d custom of Holiday Greetings. Apprec- iating as we do your Good-Will we Lextend to you our wish that the New perity. The Rydro Shop Phone 192 Bowmanville N ew Year's G reetings To anl thoee who have helped te maintain the pieusant business relatlansof a sat year, and teanail ur frlends in Bowmanville and vie- inlty we extend Greetinmu Though worda mazy geem cold and <kab, the warmth ad slneity behind these greetings oeAm from the heart when w. with Fou the al wiuh "VERT HAPPY AND PiLOSPEROUS NEW TZAR." RarryAlmb, Grocer pHONE 187 aor 121 . OWMANVILLEj __________________Tbey have a radiance, a gladness ANGLICAN MEN'S CLUB SChoo, and an energy that give evidence Sundy Scoolthat tbey are living plus. True AT NEWCASTLE WINS SundayChristians are more alive than oth CAR PET BALL CONTEST ers; tbey have recelved the gift o L esson eternalife. A Christian f Inds 111e TeMnsCu !S.Jh' n in hrit.It is s lhappening. Th e'ClbJS.onsA- ______________________Thousands eacb year find spiritual gican Cburcb, Port Hope. visited TEST OFA CHRISTIAN 111e tbrougb surrender te Christ. St. George's Club on WednesdaY ev- TESS 0Thfe power of Christ la best seen in ening, Dec. l2th, when the two clubs SnaDecember 3th human Uives. "He tbat bath tbe measured their akili at carpet balla Son bath life, but be tbat bath not in a league game in competition for the Son bath not 11e." the F. H. Mason silver cup. This Golden Text: "Whosoever believ- cup was donated by Rev. F. H. Ma- etb that Jesus is the Christ is b<>rx Questions fer Discussion son of St. George's two years ago, of Qed; and every one that loveth 1. Wbat does it mean te belleve? to be competed for annually as a hlmn that begat loveth hlm also that 2. Wby 15 love the greatest tblng champlonship carpet ban tropby by la begotten of hlm."-1 John 5:1. in tbe world? Men's Clubs of the Deanery of Nor- Lesson Passage: 1 John 5: 1-12. 3. How may we gain victory over tbumberland and Durham. It was Tetalle haself? won the first year, 1932-3, by the Thetrilîls bed,4. Ho0w does God's Spirit give an local club. and the next year, 1933-4, Tben follow. Ye who dare. imner wltness? by Cobourg. On Wednesday nîght Beefe, 1 5- SpirituallY, la it Possible te be at St. George's albhl hily "dead and allve" at one and the er;wre pretty ev ll mtcheplthe This concluding leEson o! the year saertmeplaengmuce fth eel te ltheo is lntended te serve as a review les-san ieplygmuhotetm bn n so o h hremnh'course on -~~ _ _ _ or very nearly a par as between tbe sonie for The hrmota' ie.Tetwo clubs' teams. However. when Studes n Te CristanLfe.Thethe last bail had been rolled down fifth cbapter of the f lrst epistle of WILL HOLD SUNDAY the carpet and tbe score totalled Jobn afforda a convenlent basis o! stuy bcaue i sggets eveal SCHOOL RALLY HERE up, it was officially announced that tstdyofeCahreitugstianex sreeadNewcaatle bad won with 430 points gtetsTofCbrstinteperenc f e anNEW YEAR'S DAY te the visitors' .396. gif row ath. T He rt a tce t te>Af ter the game, guests and hosts lie orusth. eli that ceth tobiitrilAsoito Sosr enjoyed a lunch of sandwiches, cake tht ed m a bewieve tbat bem.Is an Mltherial Anssoi ati n ext and coffee. Ail sat around a long tbatbe s arewrde of bemtha Gahernz I Ton Hli eit table wltb Rev. F. H. Mason at the seek iafter hlm." If one does net 'ruesday head and before applying themsel- believe in God, it la 1<1e toe5oe1C te ves te the appetizlng vianda Jolned know hlm. Ini lilce manfler the The Sunday Scbools of Bowman- heartily in singing grace. There SChristian f aith bas a fact be.sis. ville will î5tart 1935 by attending the were about twenty mnembers of St. That Jesus lived and, <ied, tbat hi New Year's rally under the-auspices John's, Port Hope, present and per- teachings bave been preserved, that oi the Ministerial Association in the haps an equal number of St. Geor- blai is tbe noblest lie ever lived 11P- Town Hall on Tuesday. January lst. ge's. Mr. Geo. Meadows, Presidc'nt 1on eartb, that be was in somne speciai The rafly will open at 10.30 a. in. of St. George's Club, expressed on sense the Son of God, these are nec- and music will be suppbied by the behaîf o! bis fellow members the1 essary axioms of Christian beUief . 1Canadian Legion Band. Mem1bers pleasure they bad derlved freim the Research and reason can substanti- 10f the Bowmanville Cub Pack will viit and the fellowshlps they had ate some Christian facts, but there. ditribute programas and take Up tbe been privileged to enjoy. Mr. Rd. are others that become convictions collection te cover expenses, with Duke, President of St. John's, grac- Ionly tbrough exPerlence Of the grace any amnount over this going towarda iously replied and reciprocated the ofa Christ in the believer's own11if e. relief purpases. brotberly sentiments. He hoped te There are many Christiana who Rev. A. s. Kerr, nunister Of St. have the pleasure o! welcoming a bave long since passed the stage of Paul's United Church, will act as goodly number of St. George's mem- doubt, or even the possibillty Of chairmali, and the following Sunday bers to Port Hope March 5th. Up- doubt. They lcnow in WbOM theY Schoel Superintendents will take stairs again ail joined ln some rous- bave believed. part in tbe service. Mr. R. E. Logan Iing community slnging with cancer- o! St. Andrew's, Mr. J. R. PbilP Of tina accompaniment played by Mr. Love, 2, 3 St. Paul's. Dr. j. C. D)evitt of Trin- Wmn. Piper. Cbristianity bas been deflned as ity Church. Mr. E. S. Naylor of St. St. George's Club is the proud beart educatioli. It bas a message John's. and Mr. H. Bartlett of tbe possessor ai a beautifui trophy, a for the mind, but it bas even a1 Salvation Army. Members of the silver tankard, recently presented to greater contribution te make te the Ministerlal Association will ase it by mrs. P. O'Neil in memory of spirit of a 11e. if our heart9 are take part, witb AWjutant McCulloch ber late busband. It will remain filled with bates, we may be verY leading in prayer, Rev. C. R. Spen- the property of St. George's per- sure that we bave not caugbt the cer delivering the New Year's mes- manently, to be awarded eacb year spirit of Christ. If we have love In sage, Rev. E. P. Armnstrong taklng ta the cbamplonship carpet bail Our bearts towards our fellow men, the prayer after the address, and team. Five are now competlng for tben we have an muner guarantee Rev. W. G. Blake pronauncing the it in a scheduled series of gaines. that bis spirit dwells in us. John benedictlon. The cup bears the inscription: test of love as he is known as "the style as other years, and Jesus Loves George's Men's Club by Mrs. d'Neil apostle of love." There la a tra- Me This I Know, Jesus Rida Us in memory o! ber husband. a form- dition tbat wben he was a very old shîne, and Saviour Like a Shepherd er member of the Club. Oct. 1934. man, he was carrlcd about On a Lead Us. wlll be tbe hymns, while -- - J stretcher. He always said the same responsive readlngs will be taken SELF-RESPECT- words, "Little chlldren, love one an- fromn Psalm 23 and the Beatitudes. other." Wben be was 85ke 'why A New Year's message f rom the "self-respect is, next to religion, t ithis was bis one message he replled: Ministerial Association will be con- tbe cbief est brIdie of aIl vices."- "Recause it is the Lord's commnd- tained an the baclc page of the pro- Bacon. ment, and if only it be donc, it is gram. "The truest self-respect is not te enougb." One of the surest proof s1 Special Watchiiigbt Services will think of sel."'--Beecber. of bavlng been barri of Qed la toi be bcld on New Year's Eve at St. "Be noble-minded! Our o wn love the brotberbood. We bave a John's Anglican Churcb at 11.30 P- beart, and not otber men's opinions natural affection for the members m. and at the Salvation Army Hall of us, forma our true bonor."- of our own families. but Jesus car-i at Il P. m. Schiller. ried over this attitude of love to- On Thuraday, January 3rd, a pre- "i-e who first brings ta bumanity wards outsiders, strangers, even sin- f arter service for the Week of some great good, must bave gained ners and outcasts. Paerw Somne primitive Prae 1wl be beld in the Salvatiofi its beigbt beforcband, te be able to religions required self-mutilation Armxy Hall wben Rev. Dr. R. Lorne lift others taward -it.",-Mary Baker and self lnfllcted torture of their McTavish of Oshawa Will be the Eddy. jvotarles, but Christ requiree love, a speaker. "'Te bave a respect for ourselves grace that enrîches experience and - ----- guides our niorais; and ta have a gives us a foretaste of beaven here ..Ail must respect those wbo re- deference for others governs Our on eartb. itr,45 spect themselves."-BeacOnfîe<1. manners."-Steriie. Here we find John talking about victory in the mldst of a pagan savery, idol worship, poverty, cruel- I N ~ rI.wrd rudb eeplg iDI T N ty and brutality. Yfet be dares te IN THE LJIIV anda IS A N cS speak of victory and of Christ over- conùng the world. Hlatory bas in______________ large measure vlnd.lcated bis asser- NY-FV ER G IT ER G tion because those early Christiafla TWENT IEYASAOFF' ER G Sout-tbougbt and outloved the pag-- ans. One of the worst evils we have From statesmlan, December 23. 1909 (Fromt The Statesman, Fri., Dec. 12) ta f igbt taday la the spirit o! de! est- w.. abyanodB mn-CrrihCuel ism Itsprad posonlik aplaue ill by, s aderanc cndiatein Town Hall, Cartwright, December and disheartens many Christian vil ol leran addt st, 1884. Council met pursuant to warkers wba anly need te look Up Toronto. and enda hnd. henJacues Mr. Ed. Worden and Mis Marlon adiournmneit. Cartier landed in Canada in 1534 Worden, Weyburfl Sask., are visit- M.MKebogti ylwt andsetUp crss mon a ew u-ing bis father, Mr. John Worden. appoint Poiling places and DeputY dians, be was full o! hope; why Mr. Ai!. Eastwood. a former BOW- Returfllfg offle' apeiea h sboud Cristali In1934 wbn Imanville boy, bas Just retired fr011 municipal elections for the year 1885. shuChrist wn s mny1v3ctorie n the cbief's chair n the Woodmxen ai John Gutbbert presented an ac- Chis Ca awbn teir hada bcopeesa-teinld I-l5S.count for 143 loads o! gravel, $7.15. j ly ad tbnk tat is pwer as r a nds.a. J usr, Henry Bartlett. Pathmaster, pre- wyand. tory thtisloey bt itToronto, wbo bave iust returnedsetda acunfowrk is possible. John saw people comn- f rom a tour in Great Britalu and Geor$50geRapled frIdgn ln u a uerstition n the firat the continent, were guests O! Mis s Ai. $B.00 griitcd.sntd n cnotu of int b lnn let iAnnetta Cales. cutr. B. fornksparsngteaniac- cethe g osptadhe gwaos ier.tbeof Married: clarke-E"SIl.In St.confr$9oreprigtebde tgospel adChs sstlche powTer Johns5 Churcb, BowmanvTille, Dec. an the gravel road at 6th Con. go!sed ounit savtin t the oerbo th, by Rev. W. E. Carroll, B. A., Edward Willan applied for comi- believe. teo lat ssn talthing lao Miss' Kathleen E. F. EdsaUl, second pensation for 4 <lays' work, cutt- the moral regeneratiar' tbat camles daugbter oi Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Ed- lng brush, $4 granted. tbrough spiritual qulckening. Thiesaili, and Dr. Frederick c. Clarkce, Orders were passed as f ollows:- defence la net frein witbout but Guli Lake, sas.k. John Cutbbert, 143 loads o! gravel f ro witin.Maple Grave: uev. A. P. Brace, -$7.15; Henry Barlett, work done on fen w ltnessnRic-0 hmondeHl. l éivra lect- road bctween lots 2à and23 t Many seekers aiter God are Rev. R. Hindes, BowmTarnville, is Ald-$5O0; William Spence, Indi- or poundlng upon an open door. "The supplylng in St. George's Parlsb, gent Ald-$4.OD; Robert Wilson- ce word la nigh tbee, even n thine Oshawa.. $4,01; Mms. Iougbead Indigent Aid W" hbeart." The spirit ai man iIs the Tyrane: We welcome home Miss and clotblng-$10.15; James Parr, candle of the Lord and God's Spirit Ef! le A. Hooper frani an extended services as Reeve and selectlng Jur- mray toucb aur spirits. Ligbt la ligbt visit with ber sister, Mrs. H. A. Fes- ors-$27.00; John McKee, services rn~~~ _hrluca -e r -u, 1n spl'itfsnt- Qu'ppele.SaS. as Dy. Reeve-$25.00; John Devltt, much ta 8&y that if we never rafle. James Scott, Thos. Hall, W breathe a prayer te Qed, we are not Ormistofiand sons. .U Â dA > spiitually alive? To John the dif- Born.i: IerslskO-Nearn HamPtofi, R U A ference betweefl a Christiani and a IDec. 218t' ta Mn. and MrM C. J. Ken- FAnon-Chrlstian was as igreat as be- saaie, a daughter. RHEUMATIC CAPSULES tween lite and death. Christ proni- Born: wIluams-IflBowaw1flBVte, lsed bis f oiowers abundant 1f., mand, Dec. 23, to Mr. James C. Wliams, AUX MOGREGO16 EtTOS sanie chrltiBn demontrate 1. a son. phione 92 We Deliver BEE HIVE GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD >15' James Ma I b ti ki rhank You Si nc e r ely3 WhlIe only one_ month in 4 usiness in Bowmnanville we have made a whole host of friends rhom we tbank sincerely for bheir co-operation and patronage. Jay we extend happiest New Year Greetings, and asIc your contin- ied suppot and friendship. rr, Jeweler 'Iw li Message i ~TO OUR FRIENDSee "IA Very Happy and Prosperous New Year" is our sincere greeting- to evexly one in Bowmanville. pThe greatest gift of ail is friend- ship, and we are proud of the many friends that we have. We will strive, in 1935, to have these friend- ships continue by maintaining our rame helpful and clearly directed course of sound business and our same high standards of service. 1Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. Phone 104 LIMITED Bowaaymoll Sweet and palatable, M o t b er Port Hope Hospital has reoelVed iraves' Worm Exterminator Isa c- a legacy of $12000 from the estat eptable to chlldren, and it does its of the late Howard'arpgvea more- ork surely and promptly. dlth. Detroit, former British CoSulù. Recapture Summer inse CAN ADA'S EVERGREEN I PLAY GROUND Returu Low Rail Fares to Fare VANCOUVERVICTORIA. &C4, and SEAT=L, WA8E, frbM Corne Out ta Can&da- 's Veren Playground . . . *Wor balmy days Bowmanville Of gloriaus Outdoor apOits.. Golf, ridIng, Y'achting, motOflxg, blkng- to ailnliithe land of yea-round sumn- mer sports i - Vancouver Low rail tares 1 ad speclal wnter Victoria rRtsat hotelS. Tickets good gong DSc. 15 te lob. -28. feturn lmt Seattle APri 30. 1935. Stop-ver allowed at a"il ltermedlite pointa. Wesk.mi iOrb8 proý'raUMesO Grouft Moufeain, Vancouver. MId-w!ý« Win of Tourflameflt, Vie- tora , - 1la te 23, 1935. E Ulili htiaitiofl franm any ticket agent. C a~4 P ac f PAGE1 t I i I I I <s. I -ýq THE CANADMIN rc4wcwv«m JE

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