PAGE SIX THE CANADAN' STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUAItY lOth, 1935 il Bule. issMauJe shtu. oroto aS. . wsoatteuded by 115 and the Rgular meeting sud election oH Mr. Ira Tavelle, Oshawa; Mr. Gor- usalSssin carried out. Mrs, Smith 0f ficers of the W. M. S. were beldi don Beech were New Year's visitors told s story to the Juniors. it lu the S. S. room ou Jan. 3md. Newl y of Mr. sud Mrs. Ellas Ashton. 1 the first Sunday lu the New Year elected off icers are: President- Wome's Association met on Wed- mauy oI the classes were chauged Mm. R. Hodgsou; lst Vice-Mrs. S. nesday. Jan. 2nd, at the home of ansd several were promoted to higher T. Hoar; 2nd Vice-Mrs. A. M. Woo-I Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson. Mrs. Boy Mc- classes. At the eveniug service thef ttou; Rec. Sec.-Mrs. Floyd Dudley-: GiII. presideut, presided. After the IPastor based bis sermon on verses Ass't-Mrs A. W. Clemeus;, Treas.- business the followlng program was 13 sud 14 of Math. 7., sud gave a Mrs. A. W. Annis; Cor. Secy-Mrs. given lu charge of Group 1: Read- very lnspimlng aedress. The choir A. f1115;, Supt. Christian Steward- lng, A Message for the New Year, by fsvorlng wtb sultable music. shIP-Mrs. H. HuIs; Straugers Secy - $Miss Eva Souch: piano solo. pleas- SALEMingly rendered by Master Alan Fer- SAL M usn;voalduet, Mrs. T. M. Sle-1 ENFIELD c!mon and Mrs. H. Stevens; reading, Congratulations to Mr. C. M. Car- New Year Resolutions. by Mrs. W. Casrernng gino ou ruthers as a successful candidate in Ashton. At the close a generous rshere.rnigaano u the election for Darlington Council. treat of candy and nuts was served rs CrsiaClehsrtundt Rev. A. M. Wootton delivered a and a social bal bour enjoyed. A bershoe a M.olasto Samis' very ipressive discourse bere onbearty vote of thanks was given hr.hmaMr. WMllace Scottan Sundy, tkingfor bis text: "A~m Mrs. Ferguson wbo is always gener- M.adMs alc ct n I a sea, or a whale, tbat tbou settesti1Gus in opening hier home to the Allin were at Orono for New Year's. a watch over me."î Association. Mrs. H. Stinson, Miss Vera and Y. . L metig Wdnedayev Mrs. A. B. Stepheus and son Bobby Stinson bave been visiting nt ening, Jan. 2nd opened witb the Artbur and Beverly, Toronto, Mrs.Pnyol president, Mr. F. Backburn, in tbe W. H. Taylor Allan and Marie: Mr. Our sebool bas bad somne repairs, chair, conductlng tbe opening exer- and Mrs. R. Burgess; Mr. G. Rose- making it more comnfortable for cises. Mr. F. Cator lead in prayer, vear. Tyrone; recently visited Mr. teacher and cbildren. after whicb the lst Vice, Mr. L. and Mrs. H. Stevens'. Mr. David Halls are moving their ______________________machiuery and implement.s to tbe Squair took cbarge of tbe following 9 farm of Mrs. Addie Hobbs which program: Bible reading in unison; 1 they bave rented. comments on samie, Mrs. E. Doidge; SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. F. Smitb had a reading. Mrs. L. Squair; topic, Mrt. - family gathering at tbeir home on E. Doidge, Violin selection, Mr. W.blsaernig a New Year's Day wben an erjoyable Taylor, recitations. Masters R. Hall Weddlf lg aeIngn.Cnafeno asset and D. Pollard; vocal solo, Mrs. E. YOU hear tbem? afteMronWasscenSctt.tede h Darcb. New Year's reading. by tbe Congratulations to Deputy Reeve Mr alceSotaendtb leader. Mr. Blackburn tben con-1 A.L. Pasco e on bis re-election. bockey matcb between Canadiens ducted a very interesting contest for M.J acýk Baker is at Clinton this ad Lens oroto, n aturdLay the social bour. montbi on Junior Farmers' short ngbt.s Trnoo atra course week. 1ngt c-- Dr. Tighe of Bowmanville bas been treating the horses of this dis- MAPLE GROVE trict for bot fly.i HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Debarr and -0- Mrs. F. Ayling and Miss Joan AyI- baby Violet, of Kedron, visited the Quarterly board met in S. S. roomn ingspet te weked wth riedsMisses Hockaday. o odyngt ingOsheatwa eeedwibfre. Mr. Bill Nicol left on Sunday ev- o odyngt in shaa.ening to visit his parents iu Lan Dr. Albert Allin bas resumed bis Mrs. Ray Snowden and daugbters, rsieSotad - studies at Toronto University. c Toronto, wbo bave been visiting ber aMsre I. EScotla ndHasing Mr. Wallace Horn, M. A., afterE parents since Christmas, returnedI M.H E.ikwa nHsis snding bolidays at borne returnedu home last wee. last week attending the funeral Otof MGl nvriy otel bis cousin, Mr. Will Warner. oMGlUnvriyMnte, f Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Munday, Mrs. Mr. Archie Cation, Brampton Rev. Rackham preached a spien-1I E. W. Foley and son Edward, visit- Miss Bessie Patterson. Bowmanville.1did sermon on Sunday evingsan ed Mr. sud Mrs. Milford Wilkins, visited at Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'. ainitrdtescai Oshawa, on Monday. Mr. H. L. Pascoe. Columbus, cal close. The sympathy of this community ed on bis aunt. Miss Mary Hogarth, Tuesday evening A. B. C. held i is extended to Mrs. J. L. Metcalf in who we are pleased to report is im- tir n lbsns n oile-I tbe passing of ber sister. Miss Em- proving. ening when comnmittees were ap ti ma ox wo hs ee il i Bw- Sorry tbat Mrs. Harvey Hardy is pt0 ae and other things attended manville Hospital for the past 10 under tbie doctors care with in-t, aeswre played, lunch sex-ved f montbs. We also extend sYmpathy flamimatory rheumatism. Hope she and a social time enijoyed by ail. to aIl other relatives. Tbe funeral, will soon be better. First meeting of 1935 of Hampton r wbicb was held on Tuesday from Baker's Home and School Clu Young People's Society, beld on Fni- r the home of ber sister, was largely meeting will be held on January 15 da!i nigbt, was well attended. The p. . Prgra in harg ofmeeting opened with President Har- r attndd. t p.m.Prora luchrge0fold Salter in the chair. Openiug 1 Following are the new off icers el- Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor. Roll cali: bymn wassnatrwihtet ected for the Adult Bible Class: My favorite winter sport or pastime a ug fe bc h President - Mrs. Ivison Munday; Ail members invited.i Lord's Frayer was repeated ln un- ev Sec'Y. - Mrs. Charlie Greenbam; There was a good atteudance at ison, aI ter the discussion of the ar Asst. Sec'y-Mrs. Cecil Je ff e ry; the League meeting on Monday ev-buiesRthJnsokcarefW Treas.-Mr. P. Swaflow; Teacher- ening, with President, Rutb McKes- the program, beginning witb a read- t Mr. C. H. Snowden, Flower Com.- sock preslding. Several items of lng on New Year's. followed wltb dc Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mrs. N. I. Met- business for the coming year were silent prayer and prayer by the gr caîf. Mrs. P. SwaIlow; Lookout Com. discusse<j. Miss Margaret Scott was leader. Louise Salter gave a reading Ca -Mrs. Boss Stevens, Mrs. E. W. appointed as delegate to the Bay of M.Sle aordu ihavcib Foley, Mrs. W. J. Suowden, Mrs. 1. Quinte Winter School at ]Belleville. solo. Devotional was taken by Nora ff Munday. Miss Edna Swallow, Mms. Jan. 14tb to 18tb. Miss Fanuy Kerslake. Douglas Rackham sang S Cecil Jeffery. Smales. lst vice presideut, then ,Only A SmniIe', Mr. Barron pre- bc ________________________took charge: Devotional perlod wus sented an inspiring address on "The an taken by Mrs. E. B. Taylor: readiug New Year". H3'mn, Florence Burns to by Miss Margaret Scot.t: piano solo, gave a reading; vocal solo by Elinor SP IHAYDON MiFssfleen Balson: toPic "The Sac- Sykes. A number of clippings were hif redess0f prsnaltv' wa gienread by the boys. Hymn, the League Hc Mr. and Mrs. D. Graham have by Mr. Alan McKessock: vocal duet bndcto lse h1meig been sick but are improving. Misses Gladys and Jeçsie Yellow- Annual meeting of Hampton S., Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Euglish, lees: readiug. Miss Evelyn Tink. A IS. was beld and the following offic- M Hamton viitd a Mr A Mceils.short Bible coutest was then enjov- ers elected: Supt.-G. A. Barron; Bi Mr. Fred Cowling and son Fred, Pd sud meeting closed with the s'-.T Salter Ass Sec.-d Murrie. bu Purple Hill, visited at Mr. R . Mc- League beniediction. aTr as. o;Mss. Srl ut-rs :bu Neil's. -EasWilburohnTem. Supt-MsM. nr Mr. Cyril Avery and Miss Gladys E ibr ep ut-isM I Wotten, Burketon, visited at Mr. C. EBENEZER Kae'o;Hm u t.-MssG.AR-e ____________________ mour; Cradfle Roll Supt Ms Avrys.A.Raan lyoBak Horn; Librarians-Mrs. W. Wlbur, we stock. spent a few days at Mr. H. Mrs. Will Wade is visiting Mr. r.W ht n isF un;w Ashton's. Milton Gay's. A. B. C. teacher-Mr. F. J. Gîoat:R Mr. Milton Slemon and sons spent Miss Maud Squires visited w,ýith ber Ass'ts-Mjss Reynolds, Mr. H. Peters; R New Year's Day at Mrs. C. Johns, cousin, Mrs. Blake Courtice. Young Ladies class- Mrs. W. Rack- Bo Hampton. Mr. Gordon Osborne vlsited with bamn: Busy Bees-Mrs. B. Billett; Nr Skating on the pond bas been tbe friends and relatives in Toronto. awayrmeiat il-r.W re-N favorite pastime of the young people Miss Anna Goulding, Toront.o, was aw terine4iýjte girls-Miss . Da this past week. a guest at the home of Mr. F . W. Knox; Junior girls-Miss Marjorie M Misses Mabel and Ada Beecb spent Rundle.. Pascoe; Frimsry girls-Miss RMr Neltv Year's Day at Mr. Austin Lar- Mr. Evans, Toronto, is visitîug bis Jhs Beginners classs-Mrs. H.M mfer's, Burketon. daughter,Mr.mihntene Salter; Junior boys-M.W ht:HO Mrs. Smtehmediate boys-Mr. W. Witeur- W. A. are holding their meeting at parsonage. Itreit os-rW ibr 'the home of Mrs. A. McNeil on Chi practice was held at the Yon e' ls-Mr. J. Mills; ac Thursday afternoon. home of Mr. and Mrs. G .F. Annis Organists-Mlss N. Horn, Miss R.frr Mr. David Hall bas been coufined Tuesday evening. Clatworthy. . Si in bed for sometime. He hasn't been MISS Florence Puckrin, Pickering, .NÉ as well since Christmas. is visltlng ber grandparents, Mr. Hampton School Report, namnes in e Miss Effle Rutle<¶ge. 1ae.i and Mms. L. Parsons. order of merit: ,Aw resting at the home of ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rundle were Senior Room Mr Mms. Theron Mouutjoy. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs Sr. IV-Bertha Armour, Isabelle fur Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Boss Bennett, Oshawa, Rogers, Edith Backbam, Gladys Harry Sprague. uee Helen Wordeu. TuYis Boys held their meeting on Trull, Wanda Clarke, Nellie Arm- H6 on their marriage New Year's Day Friday eveniug at the home of Glen our, Donald Adcock. Iu St. Andrew's Churcb, Oshawa. Pickell with a good atteudance. Sr. III-Teddy Kersey,Eient Tbe ae esdin i Lndn.Mr. Jack Waterhouse, 0. A. C.. Wray, Acy Horn, Elgin Cowliug, pai Our deepest sympatby is exteuded Guelph, was a weekeud visitor witb Verna Cowling and Frecidie Payue to Mrs. Editb Ormîston and relat- bis frieud, Mr. James Haucock. (equal), Pearl Gilbert. O ives lu the recent passing of a lovlng congratulations are eOeddtnr IIDrtyAamoBtyS brother, Mr. Wm. Biggs. Mr. Biggs Mr and Mrs. Hugh Short ou the ar- Stainton, Paul Chant, Dorotby RoI- lu, wifl be mucb missed in this com- rival 0 young sou on Jan. 2nd. well and Lewis Truil (equali, Mad- R. munity as he was a real f riend toi Mr. BOSS Pearce had the mis- lyn Wilcox and Robt. Valluer equal) CeÉ everyone sud an ernest supporter of fortune to faîl from the hay lof t to Peter Host. Reggie Kersey, Albert Ilu. the cburch. the barn Iloor. breaking bis arm. MryKihBlet(bet. tr MissMabele nd Mssr Wm.andE. E. Staples, teacher. Ced Frank Walters were New Year'sf Junior Room duc f ENNISKILLEN guests witb their cousins. Mr. sud Christmas Test Results: lbs. *Mrs. Short, Oshawa. Sr. II-Everett Allin (H), Betty ter. Mr Cali Santn Bacwte, Messrs Alan sud Carl Down are Rogers (Hi, Percy Allin. onl Mr. Cariew ta itonrlacties., among the msny junior f armers Jr. II-Gartb Perrett (Hi, Ray- I isNta Wedaywitbrelatisves- takiug the two weeks course in Ag- moud Petit, Marjory Allun, Jean La- Mr. lting ber niece, Mrs. Harvey McGill. riutr t0 .CGep. ge.ife Mms. Richard Ashton visited ber Miss Jean Wight sud Eileen Wight Sr. I--Jean Cowling (H), CeciIe f ive brother, Mr. Thos. McGil, Sunday. of Providence were holiday visitors Petit. 1 The Ïýis ern PthckMale roe:with their cousins, Misses Louisel r-ILloyd Kersey elHi, JohnPi vlsited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Courtice and Florence Courtice. Host, Irvine Petit, Keitb Peters, 18,7 S. Pthic. W welorneto ur cmmu it1 Bobby Stainton, Harry Martyn. ' butt S. ethck.We elcme o or cmmui- Sr. Pr.-Florence Allin <Hi. Joycei ar GIad to report that Miss Noamni Miss Melissa Stevens, late of Bow- s1 Virtue is able to be homne after ber masuville. who wlll mnake ber hom Cowliug (H), Roy Spry, s ore Jr. Pr.-David Craig (H), JunIe 1779 recent operation. witb ber niece. Mrs. Frank Wordeu.Cwin.Jm Mis Elie ke.Tornto spnt Executives of the Y. P. S. were A Ciass--Gladys Mersey <H. "-tsi New Year's with her parents, Mr. entertaiued by the president, MisfrdH)s, H.Aerln ls e s and Mrs. W. Oke. Louise .Courtice on Tbursday even- (R),KtleTik(,JocA- FAST EXPERT SERVICE Tbat's what we offer you at Marr's Jewelry ou your watch and jewelry repairs. Expert work, guarauteed to stisf y. Fast service to suit you. And reasonable prices, based Dn cost of repsirs used and a raJr wage for work doue. James Marr Jeweler NJext Kerslake's Drug Store Phone 463 - flowmanvllle iCamp: A-es't.-Mrs. Cecil Hill; nist-Mrs. Boy Taylor; Ass'ts.- on Eckel, Muriel Mountjoy sud la Bradburn; Teachers, of Bible ;-Mrs. B. Allun; Ass'V.-Mms. N. untjoy: Young Ladies class-Mms. JBell, Young Meu's class--Earl re: Asst., L. Corner: Senior I-Mms. Clarence Mam]ow; Sen- Boys-Wallace Marhow; Asst.- net Wright; Interinediate Boys Ion Eckel; Asst.-Harold Swaln;- -Mrs. S. Hoar; Supply Secy-Mrs. Hl. HUis; Press Secy-Mrs. T. Down; Peace Secy-M<rs. J. Dudley; Lit- erature-Mms. W. Miller; Associate Helper-Mrs. R. Wright; Missionary Monthly-Mrs. Warren; Temper- auce-Mrs. Hatherhy; Finance Com- mittee-Mrs. Annis aud Mrs. Hill; Planist-Mrs. L. Rooper; Ass't-INts. W. Miler; Mrs. A. W. Clemens iu- troduced the Book on India. Women's Institute sud Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. T. Richards. on Wednesday, Jan. l6tb at 2 p. m. Roll caîl: Excbange of patterns. Mrs. R. Hodgson wîhh give a paper on "OId Fashioned H-ospitality." The demoustration will take the form. o! a parade of old fashioned bats sud dresses. Prizes wlh be given for the best costume. All ladies comdialhy invited. SURPRISE PARTY IS STAGED BY FRIENDS FOR SILVER WEDDING Mr. sud Mrs. Fred T. Hobbs of Oshawa, Forxnerly of Bowman- ville - Chest of Siver Pre- seuted - Many From Here Attend Mr sud Mrs Fred T Hobbs, 18 Ontario Street, Oshawa, formerly o! Bowmanvilhe, were houored ou Sat- urday eveniug, Jan. 5th, wbeu about forty relatives sud fmieuds gathered at their home to tender tbem, a surprise party ou the occasion of tbeir silver weddiug auniversamy. An entertaiuiug evening was speut in dancing sud progressive euchme in wbich Mrs. M. W. Blckehl won the ladies' first prise sud Mm. Frank Cowling, Hampton, the gentlemen's first prlze. The folhowing address was then read by Mr. Ivan Hobbs o! Bow- mnville: "Dear Fred sud Elsie: We, your relatives sud f rieuds, bave iuvaded 'our home this eveuing Vo cehebrate the anniversary o! an important event lu your lives, the twenty-fiftb *universary of your marrled life. Ve esteem it a very great pleasure< bhat we bave the opportunity of .oing so sud wish Vo exteud con- ratulations toi you both ou this oc- casion. We bave aUl met lu your âome sud always received a hearty c welcome sud we wish te show lun' 3me small way the esteem sud onor lu wbicb you are beld by us ind ask you Vo accept this gift as a v ,ken of love. Roping you may be ;ared many more years of wedded u le. Sigued, Alma E. Bickeli, Amy b Eobbs." Mrs. Hobbs tben mecited, b 'Home Sweet Home." h A chest o! silver wss preseuted Vo N [r. sud Mrs. Hobbs by Miss Iriez t] 31ckell; a silver bread tray by Miss n îuise Robbs; s silver cake plate sud ri .itter disb by Miss Gweudolyu 3rummell. Mm. sud Mrs. Hobbs L nade speeches, thanking their fmi- J îds sud relatives for their kindness. V~ %eresbmeuts weme served. The mi veda~ing cake was made by Mms. V Villiamrn obbs o! Bowmanvilhe. sm Out-of-towu guests iuchuded, Mr. w ZHobbs, Mrs. Russell Hobbs sud fç ,uise, Mm. sud Mr. sud Mms. J. oi 3ummell, sud Gweu, Mm. sud Mrs. E q.uXapp sud Ronule. Miss Lissie 1V' )ach. Mr. sud Mrs. James Damcb. W Irs. William Hobbs, Mr. R. P. Hobbs, o &r. Ivan Robbs, all of Bowmanville; oJ gr. Frank Cowliug, Mr. sud Mrs. ir fowsrd Cowling sud Stanley of w lamPton; Mr. sud Mms. Sid Rock- Vi lsay sud Ernest of Solina. Guests ci rom Oshawa weme: Mm. sud Mrs. pi ual], Mm. sud Mrs. Dougal Sleep vi id Jack sud Miss L. Sleep. Mm. R teson Bickell, Mrs. W. M. Bickell. rrnou sud Iruez, Bruce Street: Miss ai xdrey Holbmook, Mm. Jack Brummeh. M Ir. Ivan Hobbs sud Vernon Bickehl Vh urnlsbed the dance music. G Si Flsteins Make Records VI A trio o! Holstein heifers, one I mree years o! age, sud the other m air two-yeam-olds. ail bmed sud Ch- ,wued by A. J. Tsmblyu, Orono, Or it., sud daughters o! Sir Pausy m egis, fiuished cmeditabhy lu their m st Year's work under test lu the hi O. . P. The three-yeam-old heiler, Hi edam Dale Violet Piebe gave 16,108 bs s. milk containiug 716.25 hbs. but- r.The best o! the two-yeam-olds, be edam Dale Buby Creator Piebe, pro- pm iced lu hem lactation pemiod 16,26f7 Sa s.milk coutaiuiug 643.75 lbs. but- Pli r.AhI thmee heilers weme carried ilh itest for 365 days. Sa Et might aso be meutioned thatf kil rTamblyn bas just receutly quai- lut d two other cows lu bis berd, one l Ve. sud the other six years o! age. in. le five-year-old, Cedar Dale Sadie Mi ebe, lu ber f ull Yeam's work gave whl ,700 Ibis. milk contaiuiug 721.25 lbs. mas ter, whiie the six-yeam-old. Ced- lPla Dale Utica Arrow. lu miik for the Srr me hength o! time bad a yield o! phi ,77 lbs. m.ilk coutainlug 851.25 jOY 5butter giving hem an average rat ;o! 3.79e,,fat. to ouf I BLACKSTOCK Frieucis wilI be somry ta hear that Mm. Alex Dever is ill. Mms. Nelson Mamhow is filin Well- esley Hospital, Toronto. Misa Domothy Stephens, Toronto, bas been visiting frieuds. Miss Jean Byems spent Suuday witb Miss Frances Mountjoy. Mm. Dempsey, Stmatford, is vlslting bis sister, Mrs. J. A. McArthum. Miss Laura McGilI, Yelvemtou, was guest of Miss Grace Mouutjoy. Mm. sud Mm. T. Samehîs sud Maurice visited at Mm, Chas. Venu- ing's. Miss Jessie Knox, Hampton, was weekend guest of Miss Olive Van Camp. The Ladies Orange Lodge held their monthly meeting ou Friday eveniug. Jean sud RBoy Werry, Enuiskilleu. have been visitiug 5V Mr, W. A. VanCamp's. Mm. sud Mms. Norman Mountjoy Ivan sud Audrey visited at Mm. Pos- ter Ferguson's. Miss Grace Mouutjoy sud Mm. Clifford McGill visited lu Torouto Christmas week. Mrs. Arthur Read sud sou bave returued fmom a visit witb hem par- ents at Haydon. Mrs. Oakley Cariey leIt ou Mon- day for Cavauville, wbere their uew home is completed. Mm. sud Mrs. Stauford Swain sud ýfamily weme guests to a f owl dinuer at Mm. Lewis Swaiu's. Mm. Tom Hodge was bost te an eujoyable euchre ou Saturday nigbt, wbeu fourteen guests were preseut. Mm. sud Mrs. Luther Mouutjoy j weme guests at a bridge given by Mm.! aud Mrs. Wallace Marlow ou Fri- dsy. Messrs Carl Wright, EsmI Dorreli and Wallace Marlow are the mem- bers o! Bhackstock School Board for 1935. Mm, Chas. Smith is the sec- retary. The Women's Auxiiiary o! St. John's Cburch will meet at Ms John Porder's, on Thursday even-1 ing, January 17Vh. wheu Mrs. John1 Carter wilI be lu charge of the pro- gram. Ou New Year's eveniug, Mm. sud <frs. F. A. Bailey weme the guests if bonour at Mm. A. L. Bailey's, when they weme pmeseuted with s ieautiîuh table îamp. The occasion was thetir f ortieth weddiug auni-' versamy. Dr. James L. Hughes, Toronto Ed- .catiouist, sud former Cartwright boy, who died, hast week, spent bis boyhood south o! Blackstock iu the house now occupied by Mm. Wm. Venniug. Dm. Hughes sud bis bro- Lhers were but s few of the many men who, influeuced by Cartwright, rse to emineuce lu Canada. Ou Weduesday afternoon, Mms. A. LBaiiey opened ber home for the January meeting of the Victomian Nomeu's Institute. The Scripture .adiuig wss given by Mrs. Percy VanCamp; sud intemesting respon- is were given lu the roIl caîl wbich vas auswemed by s history o! youm .mm. The members decided lu f av- ar of s travelling librsry sud Mrs. .1oy Taylor told of a request from Wiss Laurs Harnbly, on furhough. ho wihl visit Cartwright soou; that Id Christmas cards sud the scenes )n caleudars be saved for hem. She nteuds taking tbemn back to China, vheme the cbildren consider a pic- ire the greatest of tressures. The mrds are to be handed lu as soon as )ssible. Mrs. Oscar Graham, cou- reer, sud ber group were lu charge. 1rogram cousisted of a vocal solo 'ob's Comforter", Olive Van Camp: id a talk on HealVb read by Hasel Eountjoy. Lunch wss served Vo the hirty-seveu present. Those on Mms. 'raham's gmoup included, Mrs. S. >wsin, Mms. J. Stroug. Mm. W. A. ranCsmp, Mms. N. Mouutioy. Mms. V. Archer sud Mms. T. Sameils. mrs. Merwin Mountjoy wihl be lu harge o! the February meeting sud in ber group will be: Mms. Russel ouutjoy Mrs. Clarence Mamlow. rs. Cecil Femgusou. Mrs. L. Gra im, Mrs. L. Byers, sud Miss Nomma iocey. The roll cail will be auswemed ysuggestions for a program. Again on Monday night, the mem- rs o! St. John's Anglican Chumcb resented their play '*Meet Uucle .lly" lu the Communlty Hall. The ly ws a augh from. start to filu-_ h with Mms. Jack Rahm as Uncle lly wbo impemsonated Wm. Haw- ins, the real uncle. The plot was 1eusely iuterestiug, esp ec i allyj hen Aunt Domanda lalîs violeutly love wiVh Uncle Salhy--or bis Ilions, and leads hlm to the sItar heme be escapes miraculoushy. Nom- an McCurdy as the young lawyer. .yed bis part spleudidiy; sud Jack uith as Dm. Snodgrass, au osteo- ieh. gave the audience buge en- ymeut while giviug Uncle Salhy a ber fatal treatment. It is futile draw special mention to every-- &, for thxe whole casV put on a per- 2 Notable OFFers Quality Merchandise The Price Spread Between Manufacturer and Consumer Has Been Slashed to the Bone 3 Pce. Chesterfield Suite, full spring construction, a choice of six new colors in$7 fine English mohair................$7 Samne design in imported silk reps.... $69) Our appointment as distributors of the famous Spring-Air and Air-O-Rest Mattresses makes possible a saving of 20% on this introductory offer. In conjunction with health authorities everywhere we recommend "BETTER BED- DING". F. F.Morr[s Co. FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 10 Bowmanville Junior Girls-Frances Mouutjoy; Junior Boys--Aruold Jo bus ton: Asst. of Junior Gims-Mi's. A. Read: Primary Girls-Mrs. C. Hill: Cradle Roll sud Primamy Boys-Undecided: Home Dept. Superitendent-Mrs. Jas. Henry: Beginners-Girîs. Doris Marlow. Boys. Perga Johuston: SuP- erinteudent Cradle RoIl-Mrs. N. S. McNally. Amoug those who were recently promoted were: Fmom Crs- dle Ball to Beginues-Garry yen- uiug. Howard Trewin, Boy Graham. Neil Wemry, Keith Wright, Jean Cor- ner, Jean Rarris, Helen Bowers. Prom Beginners to Primary-Merle VanCamp, Jim Mamlow, Stuart Dor- reIl. Milton Bell, Murray Werry. Harold Forder, Je.ssie VanCamp. Winnie Swaiu sud Noms Glun. From Primary to Junior-Lois Stiusou. Vemna McNalIy. Ivan Mouutjoy, sud Lloyd Wright. Prom Junior Vo Iu- termnediate-Neil Jobuston. Prom. Intermediate Vo Senior-Rets Swain, Lorus Trewin, Mabel VanCamp, A6g- nes Patterson. May Leightou, Grace Rooper, Ronald Trewin sud Walter Wrigbt. Senior Girls Vo Young La- dies-Doris Marlow, Viola Bmadu, Mildred Hooper, Pauline FerÏUon,: Luha Wright, Muriel Mou*Laoy, Gx'sce Mountjoy. Aileen Mo>untï%Y, Vivian Sadler, Mabel Wilson, pearî Pattemson sud Irene Graham. Other promotions are not yet anOuncejd TAKE NOTICE I wish te notify those wbo are omiug me that if! some arrangement is not made as Vo payment Of your account same will be placed for col- lection lu the bauds Of MY sOlicitor. 2-1* W. J. Martyn. RentaiL Lbraàry New Books cntlnuaily arrivlng - 400 Vols. - Many as Iow as 10e for 7 isys wlth teneroxa rebates for 4 day readoeu. No entrane tee or deposfl, and no duli or lonesome hours for our readers. Just rent a bock when you tedl like enjoy- lng yourielf. %hch liesuit' do YOUR (ilasses Give? I8O$1. 19101934 (~I~ <T-;??) are D-î- (5the lenses RMJZNSU YOIijCU5iSES MIJYER misV we fit to your Accuate vialon Wider accurate Accuzt vision on< 12ru; vision, but not ov r te entire 0 eg to the, vm yedgse tnurface giasse8. JURY & LOVELL Phone 78 Bcwmauyjile RedadWherSpecials Red nd hiteforThurs., Fri, Sat. 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