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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1935, p. 10

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PAGE rENTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1935 TI MisThe Newcastle Independent atmi ai MisRay Clark, R. N., Oshawa, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Parker tteCf visited er parents, Mr. and Mrs. showing o! the pictures. b Merkley Clark. Mr. Walter Farrow was recently R Mrs. J. Douglas and sister, Mrs. elected a school trustee o! Brown's_ Bd. Brittairi. returned Sunday from section in succession ta Mr. George tbeir months visit iri Toronto with Stephenson who had comnpleted a relatives. three year terni.G Browfl5 Home and School Club United ChurcU - Rev. S. Mac-a boid a Dance in Newcastle C011- Lean, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Jan. b, munity Hall on Friday, February lat, 20th: il a. ma.-Morning Worship with Merry Makers Orchestra in at- and Juvenile congregatiafi recogni- t tendance. Admission 25c, lunch ex- tion service; 2.30 p. m.-Sundaya tra. 3-2 ScUool; 7 p. m.-Eveniflg Service. a Residenits of tUe Lake Shore are St. George*s Church - Rev. F. H-. C very sorry ta learn o! Mrs. Mlton Mason, M.A.. B.D., Rector. Sunday, l Browi ns seriaus illness which nec- Jan. 20, 2nd Sunday after EpipUany. essitated ber being taken to bospi-ha n-onri ryradH le tai in Toronito on Mondiiy. Mr. Communion; 2 p. m-Sun day o Brown at the recent annual meet- ScUool; 7 p. r.-Evening Frayer andb ing of the ratepayers was elected a Sermon. school trustee o! tUe section in suc- TUe Newcastle Bowling Clubs' cession ta Mr' Wallace Holmes wUo, concert and dance in the Newcastle nov that bis f arnly have ail passed Cominunity Hall on Friday evening, out o! public achool, asked ta be re- Jan. 25tU. Entertainer: Mr. Arnold n lieved frorn further duties as a Damant, Bowmianville; Mr. Chas. ni trustee. Cawker and tUe Old Mill Orchestra M J. W. Bradley and H. R. Pearce 'for the dancing. Admission: Con- ir accompanied H. E. Hancock of cert and Dance 35c. 3-1 E Lodge Newtonl S.O.E.B.S. 1.0 Port Among those who were made Mv Hope on ThursdaY eveniflg, when Kingas Courusel by the Ontario 00v- ti. the latter in bis capacity o! District erniment wa Mrs. E. M. H. Ward's E: Deputy Supreme president, instaîl- brother, Mr. A. Carneron MeNaugh- ec ed tUe off icers o! Lodge Durham ton, a prominent Toronto barrister. ai S.O.E.B.S., Mr. Bradley wearing bis Mr. A. C. McNaughton, K. C., and gý veterans .ewei. officiated as Grand Mrs. McNaiighton were according to Pi Guide. On Monday evenirmg Mr. tUe city press, among tUe prominent p( Hancock was at Bailieboro instaîl- guesta at the recent banquet in tUe FI ing off icers and particiPating in tUe Crystal bail raom o! the King Bd- ni fowl supper prepared for the occas- ward Hotel ta Hon. Arthur Roebuck. b( ion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cauch Jr. 1Y Brown's Home and Scbool Club spent the weekend in Toronto and Bq heid its monthly meeting on Tues- visited Uer father, Mr. Ernest Hawke bý day. Jan. 8tU. Miss Jean Perrini Uad who is in the Generai Hospital wait- Mv charge o! the meeting. TUe pro- ing ta undergo a seriaus operation. $( grain consisted o! harmnonica duet Relatives bere receîved word on el by Jane and Annie Thatch; musical Tuesday o! tUe death at tUe home S. selections by Mr. and Mrs. Gardon of er son-in-law, Mr. Meadows. et Martin; readinga by Bessie Law; Port Hope, o! mrs. Win. Delong, S song by four girls:;î'eading by MISS, widaw o! tUe late Win. Delong o! se Rickard: "Shoemakers Dance" by Clarke and Newcastle. SUe was the v2 four girls: sang by schoal children; i aunt o! Reeve J. H. Gibsan and is- PI musical slectiýofi by June Brown.i ter-in-law o! Mrs. T. M. Gibsan o! eE Meeting closed with Gad Save the this village. SUe was the iast sur- a] King.i viving member o! a large and not- c( One generally thinka o! tUe hom-1 able famihy a! brothers and sisters m" ing instinct in relation ta pigeons' a! pianeer Gibson stock. loi particularly: but everyofle knows There was an attendance o! overW that it o! ten manifests itsel! n fi! ty at tUe January meeting o! tUe E other birds and in domnestîc ani- W. A. o! the United ChurcU at the mals. For instance just ast week a home o! Mrs. R. T. Rutherford. gentleman in South Darlington sec- Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard presided. el ured a trio o! ducks, a drake and Mrs. Perey Hare read a large num-1 two ducks. f romn Councillor Gco. C. ber o! letters o! thanka and apprec- aý Wright. Their supposedly new homej iatian f rom thase who had received tÉ was about 14 miles away f romi New- Christmas Cheer parcels and Mrs 9 castle. but tUe ducks came back and Rutherford a number of letters In N are again at their original home reply ta carda and letters o! sym-W and being fed by Mr. Wright, ail ta pathy sent to bereaved and sîck bis wonder and surprise. people. A peasant surprise wasi Mr. J. A. Awde's class a! yaung sprung an tUe members o! tUe sac- xnen a! the United ChurcU Sunday iety and anc Uonored member in School Ueld an enjoyable social ev- particular wben Mrs. W. J. S. Rick-I ening at their teachers home on, r none htMsae .A Thusda evniig. an.lOt. wthButlerS. MacLean. J. R. FisUer abaut twenty members present. Mrs. and W. H. Cooke would appear in a S Awde as usual manifested superior1 quartette number. TUe ladies stood 0 capbiltid asboseasin ssiting up and led by Mrs. Butler congrat-I ber uband in bis share o! tUeen Iuated Mrs. Oea. P. Rickard on tUei' tertaining. Miss Norma F. Orchard recent observanc o!UrigiehI in turn agreeably assisted Mrs Ade birtUdaîy and in recognition o! this tl TUe several contributions ta tUe re- and ber many years o! service in .1 freshmrent menu were iaoled and itUe association conferred upon UerS partaken o! witb gusto towards tUe tUe honarary presidency o! tUe As- close of tUe evening. Plans were sociatian. Mrs. Rickard expressed formulated for tUe holding o! a Uer gratefiml appreciation and ev-u minstrel show during tUe winter. eryane sang, Blest be tUe Tie that I Regular meeting a! tUe Young Birids. Special programr numbersv Peoples League was Uehd on Monday were a duet by Mesdames E. M. H.v evening. The President opened the Ward and H. R. Pearce, and a read-9 meeting with a Uymn af ter whîch ing by Mrs. Rasa Dickinsofl. Mrs. tUe installation a! tUe new officers J. H. Jose's graup served ref resUh- I -,as conducted by Rev. S. MacLeafl. ments. Plans were evoived for ser-1t Program. was anded over ta Charhie ving supper in banquet f ashion at C Gienney, Missonary conveîier. De- tUe cangregatioflal meeting ta bec vtianal periad was conducted by Ueld an Monday evening, Jan. 2st.1 Marie Henninga, Bessie Blackburn- and Harold Brown. Variaus mission- ary readinga were given by Athea NEWVCASTLE COUNCIL HOLDS Hennings. Marion Rinch and Charlie INAUGUIRAL MEETING Glenney; a piano solo and encore by Jack Hare was enjoyed; alsa a quar- Newcastle Couricihiars, Ah!fred Gra- tette by Margueite Crawthers and Uam, Larl Waltan, C*to. C. Wright Stanley Rickard. Meeting clased anat E. C. Hoar, eelîng keenly tric a!ter which Jack Holmes conducted 1aosence thraugli lus uniortunate reactian. Attendance 50.I anci untimely mmness, o! R1eeve J. H. TUe United ChurcU Choir on uloseîm, were oiiiciaily aamnistered Thursday evening af Jan. ltU, after tne oath ai office at Il o'ciock on its regular practice Ueld its annual ivionday mrnxng, January l4tii, by business meeting and electian o! Ulerm-i. C. Boniathafi, alter whicfl officers with tUe choir leader Mr. W. tne meeting xas auourned untîl 8 J. S. Rickard, presîding. Mrs. W. D. p. m., wnen Alireci Uranarli who Bragg read the secretary's and Mrs. ' neacled the poilI aitte electians was E. M. H. Ward the treasureras re- namned by bis coieagues as acting ports. Mr. W. H. Cooke was re- i*eve and given autniority ta sîgn elected president. Mrs. W. D. Bragg ail cheques and documents on be- secretary, and Mms. E. M.H. Ward naif ai the municipality. secretary. Mr. W. J. S. Rckard TUe question af relief and tUe continues as leader and Mrs E. C. scrutinizing ai relief accaunts accu- FisUer organist. Two standing comn- pied conisiclerable of the council's mittees were named as fohows: Mu- tîme. It ia quite a prablen, but sic-Mrs. C. A. Cawan, Mrs. E. C. Council ia Uandiîng it pretty effeat- Fisher, Mr.E. C. Hoar and Mr. E. ively. tidraigw M. H. Ward. Social Mrs. R.T. Ru- Tc'l'dredigiasgie therford. Mrs. Percy Brown. Mrs. C ta tUe byhaw ta subrnit a vote ta the R. Carveth and Miss Stella Black- electorate on tUe question. Are you burn. A social evening wilh be Ueld in lavor a! tUe continuance o! au- stieue in February.I tharîties being issued ta standard same nates or otner premises wherein Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Parker gavelbeerr a~wîne may bie sold under the their second lantern slide entertain- Liquor Control Act? TUe vote wiih ment with a second group o! guets1 oe taken on Thursday, Feb. 21s1. presnt t teirhomeon burdayMr W. E. Purdy addressed counicîl Drugglst, does rehieve stomachA, liv- exprience wltU this m e d c i n e. e, kldney and bowel aliments, s HUSKY reaily does the work. It weéli as the mnfy corriifon alimïents ilpoetat ouTYHUK tilat go hand in harid wltbtewilpoetatayuTrHU Y we ~ ~ n aeoVgeli On aUrI at and keep Husky. A. E. Mellow FCSL Uc councîl took steps ta provicle it- elf with a complete. up-to-date nap o! the municipality for assess- nent purposes. Council made the foliowing ap- ointmeflts: Cornrunity Hall Mani- ging Camrittee--Chris Law in suc- -ession ta J. R. Fisher who asked to e retired, W. F. Rickard and Mrs. R.W. Gibsan: Board o! Education -H-. S. Britton; Library Board- Mrs. Beni. Moise; Board of Health- W. E. Beman: Auditors-Mrs. R. W. aibson and Miss Ethel Lackhart at asalary o! $35.00. the lowest asked y any af the applicants. Council wiil deal with applica- tions for ahi other salaried positions t the February meeting. These in- ýlude Assessar, Tax Collector. Med- [al 0f ficer o! Health, Cierk & 'reasurer, Hall Caretaker. Constab- [.Sanitary Inspector and Weed rspector. or these latter four may >e combined in one as at present. United Church W. M. S. Newcastle United Church W. M. S. met on Monday, Jan. 7th, with the ewly elected president, Mrs. S. l,acLean, in the chair. As the meet- àig assembled the pianist, Mrs. Rinch, piayed the hyrn 'For Thy ,ercy and Thy Grace." The scrip- ire reading, the 12th chapter o! sxodus, followed. Prayer was offer- ýd by the president. Mrs. P. Hare nd Mrs. N. Aluin were named dele- ates ta bring reports f romn the ?resbyterial meeting. Annual re- arts were very encauraging. Mrs. 'ioyd Butler, secretary, reported an- aual members 45, and 21 iife mem- :ers; average attendanue at rnontb- ,y meetings was 36. Treasurer Mrs. 3eman reported $350.46 sent ta Pres- yterial Secretary; and the Supt. o! lîission Band, Mrs. Ward, reported 63.39. Mrs. J. R. Fisher, Strang- ýrs' Sec'y made 65 calîs: and Miss 3.Blackburn' reported 51 subscrib- ýrs ta the Missionary Monthly. The 3upply Sec'y. Mrs. Phiip, reparted meding bale o! quilts and new goods aiued at $27.50. The presiderit ex- ressed appreciation of the work o! ýach off icer during the past year nd extended a welcome ta tUehn aming officers, after which R(v S UacLean conducted tUe installationi f off icers. A paper on Temperafice xas read by Mrs. Walter Rickard: Bible reading by Mrs. Harald Allin,1 foliowed with prayer by Mrs. N. Al- in and Mrs. H. Coake: Mrs. Ruth- rford favored with a vocal sala Learn ta Hope," with Mrs. F. O'Neil as accompanist. A very interesting talk on India was gilven by Miss Fer- gusan. and a reading on India by Mrs. H. Toms. The meeting closedi .ith the benediction. SHAW'S Regular meeting o! Shaw's Homne and Schooi Club was hehct in the school bouse on Jan. 9th. Meeting opened with "0 Canada", !ollowed by tUe Lord's Frayer. Minutes were 'ead by Secretary Jean Clemence. President called on Mrs. Jirn Brownl to lead in community singing. Miss Dorothy Hoar introduced the guest speaker o! the evening, Mr. D. R. Morrisofl from the Goodyear of 3owmanvilie who spoke on the man- ufacture of rubber. He bad saimp- les of different kinds o! rubber f rom which he illustrated bis points. This sas followed by the following pro- gramn: Recitation by Miss Peifud .iolin solo by Laurence Ashton; a skit by Helen Rickard, Ernie Gil- bank and Newton Ashton; mouth- organ solo bY Charlie Clemence. A contest was conducted by Mrs. Epps. Refreshments were served under the superv ision o! Mrs. Ken. Cox. NEWTON VILLE Mrs. R. Johnston is visiting Mrs. Robt. Reid, Starkville. The sympathy o! tUe community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reid upon the death o! their aunt, Miss Mulligan, Bowmanville. Congratulations ta Dep. Reeve T. A. Reid and Councillor Wm. Laing upon their success in the recent municipal electiafis. TUe Athletic Association put on a ver-y successful euchre party and dance Friday night in the Commun- ity Hall. Prizes for progressive euchre were: Ladies, Mrs. Ashtan; gents, Mr. Chas. Ross; most lone prize, George Stone. Mr. Roy Far- row and sans and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell provided real music for the dance. Praceeds $19,40. INAUGURAL SESSION 0F TOWN COUNCIL (Continued f rom page 1) SQUARE and ROUND D AN CIN G AT NEWTONVILLE HALL January ISth Orchestra: "lRodeo Rangera" ADMISSION 25e Everybody Welcome. Wanted IBIRTHS SAWS - .ET'ANU SHARPENED. Cross-cut a speciaity. Satisfact- GORDON - In Clarke, on Monday, ion guaranteed or money back. F. December 31st. 1934, to Mr. and Swallow, Maple Grove. 3-2 Mrs. Spence Gordon-a son. WNE DETSRWL BOUNSALL - In Bowrnville, onl buy farmers lumber hardwood, or Monday, January 4th, 1935. 1.0 softwood, or will contract for Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bounsal. a, lumber to be sawn f rom logs cut daughter. this winter. Apply stating what WOODWARD-In Bowrnanvilie, onl you hiive. to "G.W.' Drawer B, Friday, January lith, to Mr. and Bornanville. 1-3 Mrs. Murreil Woodward, a son. <Ronald Robert). WA-NT-ED-FI-RST CLASS MAN TO pHILLI.PS-In Bowmanvllle Hospi- seli direct weil known Uine highest tai on Tuesday, January 8th' 1935, quality food products and house-I to Mr. and Mrs. W. PhilliPs, a son hold necessities. Attractive pack- (Louis Gardiner). ages, special combination deaIs. Opening in Bowmanviile and one * -- in Durham County for man with car. Write Ward's Products, John MARRIAGES South, Hamilton. 2-2* ELLIO'TTMcKESSOCK - At te For Sale United Church Parsonage, HamP- ton, on Saturday, January l2th, FOR SALE -RADIOS. POSITIVE 1935, by Rev. W. Rackham. Eve- y brand new, amazing reduction ett Leslie Elliott, Oshawa, son of A. L, Darch, Bowmanville. 3-1V Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Elliott, Fern_____- Glen, Ont., and Margaret Eliza- 'FOR SAL-FOUR GOATS, QUE- beth, daughter of Mrs. McKessock bec Cook Stove and large Refrig- and the late R. J. McKessock, erator. Apply Miss L. Reynolds, Solina. Hampton. Phone 382r2. 2-2* ________________ FOR SALE - 1 GENDRON WICK- C r Carxiage in perfect condition; DEATHS 1large size cot. lvory, complete. IAppiy Box 179, Bowrnanviile. LITTLE- In Kendal. Wedne-sday, 3-1 January 9th, 1935. William Little,FO SALE - R. H. COLLACOTT in his 77th year. Interred at Or- will seli his f arrn of 100 acres, Lot ono Cemetery. 1 8, Con. 5, Darlingtofl, about 40 MULLIGAN - In Bowmanville, on, acres ready for crop; 13 acres o! Saturday, January l2th, 1935, new seeds: 6 acres oid hay. If Mary Ann Mulligan, aged 79 years. not sold will be rented. Also 300 Interred in Orono CerneterY. bushels seed oats, O.A.C. 72. For BENNTT-At Port Hope on Thurs-' particulars apply on premises. day. January lth, 1935, Pauli Phone 146r3. 3-2 Bennett, beloved husband of the late Pauline Greenaway, in bis, To Let 85th year. OLT-LREA RMN, SKITCH-At the residence of berTOLT- AREAA MNI, nephew, Mr. A. J .Adams, Bow- ail conveniences, cheap rent. A. manville on Saturclay. January 12, L. Darch, Bowrnanville. 3-1* 1935, Eliza Jane Perkîns, wife of -_______________ the late Thomas Albert Skitch, in HOUSE TO RENT-ALL CONVEN- ber 72nd year. Interred at Port iences, central location, possession Hope. Nov. 15th. Sheppard & Qill Ltd., Bowrnanville. 44-tf IN MEMORIAM FOR RENT - 7 ROOMED HOUSE on Beech Ave., bardwood floors, iwired for an electric stove. Vac- WILLIAMS - In loving mernory o ant Jan. 31. Apply Mrs. Quick, our dear Howard who departed[ Phone 226, Bowmanville. 3-tf this life Jan. 2th, 1934. Gone frorn us that smiling face, TO RENT - 6 ROOMED FRAME Those happy cheerful ways, residence on Wellington Street. The heart that woni so nany Conveniences: vacant Feb. lst; friends rent reasonabie. A p p i y W rn. In bygone happy days. Brock. Queen St., Bawmanviiie. In our hearts you always linger Phone 114W. 3-tf As the t1jme rolîs on.- But we hope to meet you Howard, When this life is done. MENTAL HEALTH -Ever remembered by Father, - Mother. Brothers, Sisters. Nieces No one can be truiy healthy unless and Nephews. he enjoy health of bath mind and body. We have minds and we have bodies, but these are not separated n CHURCHES the one f rom the other; rather do .they work together, either belping 1 __________î____ or hampering the individuai in do- ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH ing bis best. Rev. Father J. F. McGuire, Pastor Health is the condition when ai. Mass at Bowrnanville at 9 a.rn.; parts of the body are working to- Massat Nwcasle 1.30 . m gether in harmony. If the harmony Massat ewcstle10.0 a m. is lost, ill-bealth f ollows, and where ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH there is actual discord, we have dis- R.e. C R.Specer M.A.,Recor ase. Our own personal happiness Rev.C. . Sencr, M A. Retorand our usefuiess depend, in large Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organist measure, upon our health which, tc Sunday, January 20th: Holy COm- repeat, mneans health of mind and .munin il a. r.; Sunday School body. 2.30 p. rn.; Evening Frayer 7 p. rn. The past century h"zs witnesseC ST. NDRW'SPRESYTEIAN advances in niedical science whiclh ý ST ANDEWISPRESYTERAN bave given such an understanding CHURCH of disease as ta enable us to go fuar Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister in bath the treatment and prevent- Miss Louise Osborne, Organist ion of disease and in raising the il a. m.-Morning Worship; 2.30 standards a! personai health. In no .p. m.-Sunday Scbool; 7 p. r.-Ev- branch of curative medicine bas ,ening Worship; subject, "Robert there been greater advance than in 1Burns and Religion." Everybody tbe care of the insane. weicome. It is flot so many years since mien- tal disease was regarded as a dis- Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister grace. There are %till tbose who f eel Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organlst that their f amiiy is dlsgraced if one and Director. of its members requires treatment in Sunday, January 2th: il a. m- a mntal hospitai. A similar at- '> Can Christianity Survive Without titude used to exist with regard to 7the Church?"; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday tuberculosis. .Schooi; Adult Bible Class, Dr. Clark, Mental disease is nat any different teacher; 7 p. m.-"Cisterrs that Can from physical disease except that In .Hold No Water." A cordial wel- the one case, it is the mind rather corne toalal. than the heart or kidneys which is not functioning properly. Just as TRINITY UNITED CHURCH long as mental disorders were looked Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor upon as evidence of possession bya ,jFrancis SutUon, Mus. Bac., Organist devil, tbose suffering f rom such dis- nI and Choir Leader orders were treated witb cruelty. Sunday, January 20th: il a.m- Witb an understanding of the true "The Vital Experlence"; 2. 30 p m nature of the sufferings of these Pa- -Sunay chol ldes n Trem*per- tients, there was deveioped a more counts." choie of subjeots end rapld progres -Prom College St. Calendar. Accoufltancy, tenography, Secrotar. elai, and Business Adminstration Courses. Catalogue frie fu'om Shaw ,,How di!!icuit Is 1Vta save the Business chools, Bay and Charges bark of reput.atlon from the rocks Toronto. KISl16 of ignorance.",-Petrarch. Upholstering UPHOLSTERING - ALL TYPES o! f urniture recovered and re-1 paired like new. Estimates !ree. I Latest mn coverings, etc. Expert workrnansb.lp. Phone 536. J. A. Fry, Scugog St., Bowmanville. BAILIFF'S SALE Monday, Jan. 21, at Il a. m. there will be offered for sale at Mara Lodge Hatchery KING STREET WEST Bowmanville <McMurtry Block) the f allawing inventory o! goads seized under dîstresa warrant: 4 Bundy ahi electric Mammothi Incubatars Sections; 2 HlatcUing~ Bundy Ehectric Mammoth Compart- ment ail complete with Electrie Motors, capacity 4500 eacb; 7 MasU Happera; 18 Water Fountains; 1 Galvanized Pump Sprayer; 2 Grit Happera; 1 Hand Sprayer; 1 Camp Bcd; 1 Water Tank, large; 1 Ehectric Brooder, 25 chicks; 6 Pipes for Broader; 1l Chick Masb Feeders; 15 Lengths Gahvanîzed Pipes far Brooders; 6 New Egg Crates; 2 12- Dozen size: 700 Chick Boxes; Small CUick Feeders. Terma o! Sale: Cash, subject toaa $410 lien. R. M. JAMESON, Balli!!f Bawmanviile, Jan. 15, 1935 HIGH-CLASS PRINTING We can give you prompt and satisfactory service at sa moderate price in the following lines of print- ing: 9 -Letterheads r -Envelopes e-1 -Statements 0 -Bil-heada 's -Private Cheques ri1 -Circulars j -Tags -Cards e -Tickets -Sale Bills -Dodgers t -Menus n -Factory Forma Is -Society Stationery ýs -Blotters d a -Bookiets -Business Cards Le -Visiting Cards e_ -Wedding Stationery le -Invitations Le * * *~ ,h The Statesman has an nh up - ta - date commercial r printing plant and we are requipped to turn out al it classes of job wark. re t- Prompt Service. THE STATESMAN et Phone 53 Business Directoryl Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvlle W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank a! Montree.1 Money ta, Loan. Phone 91. Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ahlitis branches. Office im.mediately east o! Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate o! Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubihee Bhdg. Bowmanvihle. Office hours 9 a. m. ta 6 P. nm. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House Phone 283, X-Ray Equipmnert In Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ser-vice, any boue, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equlpment t Ambulance and Invalid Car-,, Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Compiete Funeral Service Modemn Equipment -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smith Phonme Days 58 NigUts, Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276. MUSI FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus.Bac. F.C.C.O. A. T. C. M. diplarnas in Piano, Singing. Violin and Organ. Private or clasa lessons. Pupils prepared for ahh examinatiafis. Phone 42, Bowmanville 0t Repairs R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repaing Sales sewn on by Goodyear Stitchins Machine. Prices reasonabie. King Street East - BowinlU NOTICE 0F APPLICATION TO PARUIAMENT Notice is bereby given that an application wili be made ta the Leg- islative Asseinbly o! the Province of Ontario, at its next sittings, on be- half o! the Municipal Corporation o! the United Caunties o! Northumf- berland and Durhami for an Act re- pealing Chapter 62 a! the Statutes o! Ontario, 5 Edward VII, 1905, be- ing an Act respecting the United Counties o! Northumberlanld and Durhami and the maintenance o! .County Bridges therein, and for an act ta provide for the maintenance o! County Bridges in the sald Un- lted Counties under the Hlghway Improvement Act, and amendnients thereta. Dated at Cobourg, the lOtil day o! December, 1934. WILBERT DAVEY, Warden, o! the United Counties o! Northumber- land and Durhlam. MONEY SAVERS OUTSTANDING VALUES FOR THE BALANCE 0F THE WEEK 35e Tube F RE E JASMINE SHAVING CREAM Beautiful cut glass Perfume and 50e bottie Atomizer with every $1.00 JASMIÈNE SKIN LOTION box of Regular 85c value JASMIENE FACE POWER Both for 55c The Two for $1.00 For Stomach Troubles Check That Coid 75c~ bottie 100 A.S.A. TABLETS BISMA-REX and 50e bottie and 3 oz. tin of VAPURE BREWERS' YEAST FLAKES Regular $ 1.09 Bt o 5 Bahfr5cBoth f or 59c 25e tube Trial Size M 31 DENTAL FASTE CARA NOME FACE POWDER and 25c tube and 25e bottieMIW 31 SHAVING CREAM CARA NOME PERFUME Regular 50e Both for 35c Both f or 35c if you want Genuine Tilyer Lenses in your glasses you'iI corne to Jury & Loveli's, because when we test eyes, we test thern properly, and naturally we use the best - Tillyer Lenses. J UR Y & LOVEà&ç.L L PHONE 78 BOWMANILLE Geo. M. Bosnell G. D. Garnett TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DANFORTH AVE. - GR. 7078 PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m Phone 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in ch*a&ge. COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-Wmere at ail pouible klndly make appol ntments for examina 4lona. 1

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