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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1935, p. 1

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e nir ab n~_ With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News_____ 1iiTT1Il MP Ri BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY l7th, 1935 NUMBER 3 V Ui U i.Ivm ?51.' The Wardenship (Editorial) Next Tuesday the Counties Caun- cil a! Northumberiannd and Durham will meet for the 1935 inaugural session and the first important item on the agenda is the election of the Warden. Following out the custom of the past the Warden wfll lie se- lected f rom Durham County this year, alternating annually with Norhiumberland. Several candidates have announc- ed that tliey will seek election ta this higli office in the counties. Just wlia will lie elecied is hard ta tell, but we believe the Darlington repre- sentative, Reeve Oea. F. Annis, sliould lie given *pecial considerat- ion. We do not mention Reeve An- nis' name, nor dlaim for hlm any greater ablity than the other can- didates, but the Township which liet represents is certainly entitled tai this appointmeni as Darlingtofl Township has neyer been honored with thie Wardenship. In conjunci- Ion wiili this angle of ithe question lie is conscieniious in his duties and he lias sliown rnarked ability in the management o! the township's af- fairs througli the past few difficuli years, and in the important duties lie las performed at Cobourg. 0f course somebody is golng ta lnunediately accuse us af playrng poitics by advocatlng sucli views. But for these narrow minded bide- bound ward politicians we would re- call ihat wlien M. J. Elliott, Reeve of Bowmanville, and later Provincial Conservative candidate, was in the field for the Wardenshlp, lie had the wliole-liearted support of The States- man news and editorial columns. This co-operation was flot aslced for nor was it given from any political angle, althougli nat a f ew of our Grit friends thouglit we had sold oui. But it was given because we felt the lionor was due ta, Bowmanville, and secondiy having worked witli Mr. Elliott for a number of years i Town Council we knew lie was well quali.fied to f ill the Warden's chair. _This idea o! passing île Warden- s1ýaround ta île variaus munici- palities within île counties lias, evi- denily neyer dawned upon this body o! civic adhinistrators. Tbeir ruies o! pracedure in sudh matters are flot based on theiperit system and often uitile concern -is given ta île experience or f itness o! candidates ta occupy ibis higli and important office. Thc rules o! combat. are very simple, in f aci 30, simple ilat ta sanie they may le tcrmed idiotic, or ai least oui o! date. The wliole tling smmers cown ta two ibings: Arel you a Onit or are you a Tory? Na tbing else maiters. For tlie tue; being l! e long friendships cease and île representatives. witbout any mandate f rom île ignorant ratepay- crs back home wlio elected ibeni. specd away ta île hlue rooni o! caunties council ai Cobourg, shed their personality as a normal tlhik- ing public servant, accarding ta cus- tan! liecome sort o! a nonentlty wlien tliey are lerdcd ia culter la Onit or Tory group, and vote ac- cordingly until one candidate gets a clear majarity over aIl. This non- sensical voting o! ten goes on Inta the night and las been knawn ta, extend ia ibte nexi day lefore a Warden is elected. Then al s serene and sweet, Party politics arc forgolten tili nexi year and tlie councillors gel dawn ta îlhe f irsi order a! business. Maybe someday in île new arder o! ihings demnocratic governimeni will take on a new meaning in which Justice, menit and île square deal wiil play an important part In bringing about a licter adminis- tration o! our public affairs and ai less expense toithe overburdened and long su!! ering taxpayer. SUDDEN ILLNESS 0F N EWCASTLE REEVE SDDENS INAUGURAL Newcastle whidh had 50, recently .'electçd him ta île reeveship for a second year, learncd witl deep re- gret Sunday morning that Mr. J. H. Gibsan bad su! !ere4 a paralyîlc sirake, af!ecting île wliole o! lis le! i side. He lad driven ta Cobourg in cxmpany with Beeve F. B. Love- km o! Clarkce early Saturday even- ing to attend a speclal meeting o! île Caunties' Couiscil. i was about 12.30 wlcn tley arrived home. Af- ter eating a lighi lunch lie lad ne- tired when sliortly afier symptaits o! iliness manifested ilienselves. The famlly doctor on belng sun- moned found Mr. Gibson suffering f rom a sîrake o! paralysis. Every- one is giad ta lear that liy île mid- de o!filie week some improvemient is lis condition la noted. hitwiii naturaliy le sanie tume befone le willi le able ta functiln as head o! tle Couxiil. CANDIDATE FOR WARDEN Reeve Normnan Green Boeeve o! Cartwright Township, wbo is a candidate for Warden of tle United Counities o! Northumber- land and Durliam. mhe selectians will be made nexi Tuesday. Remarkably Low Fire Loss Here Report Reveals Seventeen Fires in 1934 Have Total of Only $233 in Damnages Fire Chief George Lyle Tells Town Council Wiih a total o! seventeen f ires In 1934, and oniy $233.00 lass, tlie re- part o! Pire Chie! George Lyle, pre- sented ai the inaugural meeting o! thie Council on Monday morning, praved ta be ane o! the besi reports as regards small loss in recent years. In iliree separate monils in 1934 tlie brigade had no calis ai ail, while fia calis exceeded tîre in any one monili. Tlie greatesi loss was ex- perienced in February wlien a f ire caused $155.00 damage. Nine monils in îhe year there was no moneiary bass for fires. The complete report o! tihe Pire Chie! was as follows: Pires and Loss 1934 January February Mardli April May June July Augusi September Ociober November December Total Alarnis Pires 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 r 4 3 2 1 19 17 Damages 155.00 10.00 68.00 $233.00 Over Sixty Revolvers Are Registered With Police Chie! o! Police Sydney Venton lias been kepi liusy registerlng pis- tols and revolvers braughti hua île police office by local citizens, over sixiy being reglstered up to date i Bowmanville alone. Most o! iben, are said ta le souvenirs o! war, o! other ages, and tliey come is every imaginable shape and fanm, from muzzle loaders to modern auiamatic. The registration o! these fîrearnis applies only ta revolvers and pistais and daes not include rifles ar aloi- guns. Provincial Constable W. E. Smith who is registerlng for île surraunding townships lias very few registrations as yet. hi would seern froni ils that île average famer does nat keep guns as souvenirs, and ilat tliey are likely more confident wlen landiing a sloigun or rifle iban tliey are wtl smali anms. mrs. J. W. Dutton, 687 Adelalde St., woodstack, writes: h am send- lng you $2.00 for thie lame paper and h always enJoy reading ht very mudli, as h always get ail île dear old lame news. RE-ELECTED CHAIRMAN I 1I Members Sworn In and Standing Commi at Inaugural Meeting of Town Council Searchlight of Publicity Will be Tui Mayor Ross Strike In Com- - prehensive Inaugural Ad- dress Announces Press to Attend U ti lities and School Board Meetings RAPS AT SUSPICIONS Announcing direct publicity for tlie activities a! aUl civic boards, in- cluding the Public and High Scliool Boards and the Utilities Commission, Mayor Ross Strike in his inaugural address an Monday stressed t.he need of publlcity in the local news- paper as a means of allaying the growing suspicion that ail was not well in some of these Boards. His Worship gave no credence ta, the street gossip whicli las endeavoured to belittie the various administra- tions5, but announced that with the promised co-operation of the press, ail meetings would be reparted and that ail activities would tlius be op- en to tlie public for perusal. The complete text of tlie Mayor's ad- dress, whicli also urged rigid econ- omy and a determined effort to col- lect tax arrears. is as f oflows: First I want to, welcome the new members o! Council, the Public Utilities Commission and the Public School Board and congratulate thein in obtaining the confidence of the voters to carry on the business of this Municipality for tlie coming year. Then tao I would like ta, give honorable mention ta, those candi- Ldates for municipal office who were not elected and ta pay tribute to their wiflingness tao! ofer their ser- vices to our Coniiunity. Democracy is a liard task master and nowhere is this more true than in the realm. af municipal a!ffairs. Persons entering this f ield must be prepared ta do a lot of liard work, stand constant criticlsm and re- ceive very little gratitude. Too often it means the losing of same of your >personal business. In some mun- >icipalities for these reasons it is very liard to get enougli persons ta f ill alIl thie necessary municipal bodies. Tis community is very fortunate in liavlng cîtizens wlo, are Public spirited enougli to enter tlie arenai despite the hardships ta lie en- countered. Bowmanville tlirough- out its history bas been blest wltli sthe administration o! a very higli type of public spirited citizens. As for the work that is to be accomplished this year let us f irst lay aside every suspicion and work only for the goad of aur community. I have found in my experience in municipal affairs and in f act in every sphere that suspicion is the Contlnued on Page 3 MRS. SCOBELL HEADS HORTICULTURISTS' Officers Elected at Annual Meeting - Favorable Financial Report Presented Mrs. E. V. Scobeli, for many years1 anc o! uts most enthusiasic mcm- bers was on Monday elected Presi- dent o! Bowmanvillle Hoticultural Society for 1935. Thie annual meet- ing whicl was sparseiy attended was presided over by Capi. C. W. E. Meaili, retiring President. Secretary J. H. Jolinstan presented the aninual re o!o activithes and finances. Theeletedoff icers for 1935 are:- President-Mrs. E. V. Scobell; isi Vce-President-T. A. Dustan; 2nd Vlce-President-A. S. Baker; Dir- ectars, 2 years-Mrs. F. Baker, Mrs. G. Webister, E. P. Bradi, Capi. Meatis and Dr. V. H. Storey; 1 year-Chas. Bagiscîl, S. J. Jackman, O. Boberts, A. H. Fletchier, and W. E. Graves; Auditrs-F. 0. Mcflveen, A. J. Wlia- len; Bepresentatives ta Ontario Hon- ticultural Convention-île President and Mr. J. H. H. Jury. In reviewlng île work o! île pasi, year speclal mention was made o! île improved entrance ta Bowman- ville Cemetery, and île maintenance o! île Memorial Plot on Temperance Street. Offer o!f1Mr. John Clark, depanînent lecturer to address île soclety on Marcl 14t1 was coodially accepted. Financlal Report Thc condensed financlal report o! île Society f or île pasi ycar was as followsa Receipis Balance froni 1933 $7.87 Menlera Fees (60) 60.00 Town Grant 25.00 Legislative Grant 26.92 Canadian Legion Grant 5.00 Prize ai Orona Show 2.00 Total Recelis $126.79 E'xpendltures Paid for plants and work ai Men- anial Park and CeneterY $49.94 Paid 42 preniluma 29.40 Affiliation Fees 3.17 Pnîzes for Schaai Flower Show 5.00 Printlng and Advig. 400 Expense, DIsi. Slow 3.75 Membersisip Commission 5.00 Siatioisery, Stamps and Secretariai work 10.00 Total Expenditures $110.26 Balance on hand 16.53 Total $126.79 Conulesoflr T.H. nlgt 1IMu.'s. J. Adam of Great Barrlngten, Who on Tuesday was rc-elected Mass.. who was reocstly bereavcd by for lis third terni as Cisaimmais o! île deatis of lier liusband, Dr. Adan, the Public Utilities Commission ai Is visltlng 1er moîler, Mrs. P. C. Its inaugural session. 1 Trebilcock. CHAIRMAN DISMISSED Hon. H. C. Scholfield Minister without Fort!foia in tihe Henry Ooverninent, wla, was dis- missed on Tuesday from tlie Advis- ory Board o! île Ontario Training Sclool by îhe Hepburn Goverisment. Mfr. Sclol!leld las been ane a! the scliool's greatesi friends,. being thse donor o! the camp site, known as Camp Scliolfield, aitilie lake souil and west o! Bawmianville. He las also been a counsellor, guide and true fricnd ta many o! the boys. Electric System is Likely ta Show Increase in Profits T. H. Knight Is Re-elected Chairman at Inaugura Meeting - Mbanager Re- ve-als System in Spîendic Financial Position Probabilities that tlie Public Util- Mies Commission would slow even larger profits in île division in 1934 as compared witli 1933, was iniimatcd ai the inaugural meeting o! île Commission by Manager Geo. E. Chase on Tuesday night. The temporary statement prepared by Mr. Chiase slows a larger balance ai liand ai île close a! thse year, and willi île expectatian a! a larger cre- dit l3ih Bill, île Commission is like- ly te f ind itseif i a splendid posit- ion. Tise full facts will net le knowi however until Mardli wlen île 13i1 Bill arrives f rom.lieadquariers in Toronto. Comniissioner T. H. Kniglt was elccted Chairman o! the Commission f or lis third term. His electiai came afier Cominissioner Fred W. Nelles lad re!used the lonor on ile grounds tliat<lie did nat know enougl about île Utllity Matters ta hld the dlirmanship in lis f irst year. May- or W. R. Strike is tlie other niember o! the Commission. Oea. E. Chiase was re-appointed secretary-treasurer of île Commiss ion, and togeilier witl île cbalrman was given authorization te sigi checks o! île Commission for Hydre and Waterworks accounts in ile accounts In île Bank of! Montreal Canadian Bank o! Commerce, liai] banks being nati!ied o! tis'autli orlty. In lis intimation o! île possibulity o! a larger balance ibis year Mr, Chasse explained ilat withaut ile l3th Bill île surplus wlený the bookç ciosed was larger. As tlie power costç were consideralily higlier durlng thl year, due to a bigler peak laad, ile returnis o! îhe l3tli Bill are likel1 to lie better. The casi o! power in 1934 was $69,735.17 as compared with $63,623.42 in 1933. This f lui shawing lias been accomplisbed de- spite île reduced rates whldh re- duced the Utilities income by $42C per month for île lest few months oc 1934. This reductian however grad- ually rights ltsel! as cheaper ratei lave always slown a higlier con- sumption ta right the situation changlng very litile the gross profilý over île course o! a wbole year. The subject o! arrears was ilaI. oughly discussed by île Commissiar and a resoluion was unanimous]3 passed instructlng île manager U conform to île rules and regulaiore as contained i Clause 49 o! île ruif. o! île Hydro Electrlc Power Canm. Ission o! Ontario and whldh reads "When île consumer is 15 days Ir arrears for twa monils service, tht service shahli e dlscontlnued, an( service shall net lie given again ur. i paymeni is made in f ull,. lncluc. ing a charge o! $1.00 for the cosi o reconnecting. Sudh discortînuaneq o! service does not relieve île cor. sumer of île liabullty for arrears o for îhe service charge or minimun bills f or île balance o! île ternio contraci."1 Thse Commission and Manager w]l attend the 0. 1V. E. A. Conventlci ai île Royal York Hotel Is Tor onto In a body on January 29i1 ari 30th, and île seeretary was Instruet ed ta make the necessary arrange m ients. 7 The Commission concluded Its fIre 'sesion by maklng the tirai Tuesda In ech nionil ai 2 p. m. Its regu lar monthly m eeting trne. ittee Apponted CANDIDATE FOR WARDEN Monday Morning rned on Ail Boards School Trustees and Utili-' ties Commissioner Also Sworn In - Larger Fin- ance Committee Appoint- ed to Take Drastic Action on Tax Arrears OPEN WITH DEVOTIONS The 1935 town council members were formally sworn into office by Town Clerk Alex J. Lyle at a morn- ing session in the council room on Monday. An unusual departure was the swearing in at thie sanie time o! Reeve Geo. F. Annis members of tlie Public Scliool Board and the Public Utilities Commission. Reeve of Darlington, wio lias an- Commencing with Mayor Ross Strike nounced lis intention of runnlng for the members o! these civic boies the Wardenship o! tlie United Coun- one by one tooli the oatli that tliey ties. If Beeve Annis wis it will lie would f aitlifully and lionestly serve the f irsi timie that Darlington Town- thie tawn in tlie offices to whicl tliey slip lias been 50 lionored. had been elected, and that they liad ___________ fio contracts, eitlier tleieselves or tecorporation. Tlie order in which.1 Sh w the members were sworn in was as o m n il Sh w foilows: Town Council, Mayor Boss Reve0.A.Edodson. ou- fi porta nt G ains in cillors S. Little, W. A. Shane, W. H. Betties, C. G. Morris, A. Hait;Re nu Scliool Trustees, Mrs. J. W. Jewell, C~ustoJmsRe nu Mrs. W. A. Shane, W. P. Corbeti, Rey. Oea .Mason, Bey. J. W. Bun- ner; Utilities Commission, Fred W. $71,OOO Increase Is Noted Nelles. Councilior L. C. Masan was absent attending Division Court ai in Last Nine Months of Newcastle. At the conclusion a! this ceremany 1934 as Compared With' tlie Mayor called upon Bev. C. R. Saine Period in 1933- Spencer, rectar of St. Jolins Churcli, ta open tlie year's business wlth de- Reflects Better Times votions. Mr. Spencer read a sec- tion o! acripture and led in prayer Demieigsobter uins for thase who are itlie public ser- are conied ign ftherrto!loins vice. acustoni offiiais fortiloe lst 9 Councîl then gai dawn ta, formal csosofcasfrtels business with tlie appoîntmen fmanilis o! 1934, wlien tlie Port o! Standing Committees for thieyear. Bwavlehdttlcsosad The Beeve. Deputy Reeve and Coun- receipts o! $273,370.70 as compared cillor Little were appolnted a Strik- with $201,632. 92 for the samne nine i mg Commttee ta brlng in tlie re moniis i 1933, or an increase o! jpot. In tlieir absence, at tlie re- $71,737.78 quest o h Mayor, Ex-Mayor Geo. The fiscal year o! the customs o!Jaes iel rsdthe office does not close until March gatlierig. The report o! tlie strik- 31st, and the. intervening ilree Iing commitee was adopted as foi- monilis are likely ta bring tlie year's lows, f irst named ta be chairman: total recelpis weil over $300.000. The reports'show a decided climb Firsi name ta le chlarman. towards Peak days. The custonms - Finance: Jones, Edmondstanie, returns for this port were ai iheir n Mason, Sliane, Marris. lawest ebli in 1921 wlien only $37,- n Roads & Streets: Little, Jones, 190.76 was coliected, whule tlie ail z Edmondsione. tume record was reaclied ln 1928 9 Public Property: Mason. Hait, when îhe total collections amaunted 3*Morris. ta $364,490.31. Witli the fiscal year's e total likely ta, be nearing this ycar, y Fire: Betiles, Little, Shane. thie trend towards more prosperous n Police: Edmondsiane, Jones, Bei- times becomes very marked. d îles. It miglit be pointed oui lere, tliat - Cemetery: Morris, Hait. Shane. the custarns staff, composed o! Mr. - Relief & Heath: Hoit, Little, C. A. Cawker and Mr. E. Smith Fer- -Edmondstane. guson colleci almosi a record for h Manufacturers: Shane, Masn, Canada. This is basdo lea nBettles. munt o! money per man, and Bow- Cuto ein ti manville ranks among the very Cour of eviion:Strke, Jones, higliesi in ithe Dominion. Ls Beties, Mason, Marris, HaIt. In anly one monil in tlie nine n Bequesi f ram the Hospital for months o! the current year reported, n Sick Chiîdren for an annual grant was tlie collections less than a year 1.was referred ta Finance Committee ago and that was in April. lIn fact Le for a report. in several monilis collections were h Home and School Club asked in- nearly double iliose o! a year ago. Le f luence o! Council securing use O!fIn December 1934 collections were r- Higli Sehool Auditorium for meet,- more ilian double those of the corre- r ings. The communication was re- spondlng montli of 1933. This Dec- ceived and f yied, and the Mayor and ember figure alone ls mosi gratify- ,d Counclior Little were appomnted ta îng and is an undisputabie baromet- ;- interview tlie Board. er of the increase in busies here Il Tlie annual statement of monles durlng iliat monili. Local officiaIs -n paid ta ilie town by tlie Counties state that île large icrease ln busi- a- Treasurer was f yled. ness Is due to no speclflc cause, but le A balance o! $1711,99 in tle bank toaa general increase ln ail uines of ai was rcvealed in tlie report of the business, mhe f igures for April ta h WahintonLoan and Trust Comi- December 1933 and for Auril ta Dec- 1- pany wiih regard ta the McGill pro- ,ember 1934 are gîven beiow:- periy i Waslhigton. Tme Mayor 1933 1934 ,Y poinied out thai it was llkely iliat un iAuril $21,838.71 $20.641 .27 r. the nexi quarter thie iown wouid re- May 13.941.82 29.906.40 le ceive manies fron tlie building, but June 22,496.20 41,795.82 m ihey would have to go towards legal July 29,386.78 38.495.49 ts fees whicli were neglecied. Augusi 36.892.03 43.504.17 le Council decided ta, purcliase one Sentember 29,904.27 34.216.70 le suliscriptian ta île Municipal World October 21.529.09 24.432.57 (Cnine November 15.380.54 In (otn on page 10) December 10.163.48 20.852.70 ýd le Totals $201,632.92 $273,370.70 rARTWRIGHIT FIINflS _________ Df i. n s )n tie es a- in âf id t- e- a- IN SPLENDID SHAPE STATEMENT REVEALS Reeve Norman Green To Seek Wardenshlp of United Counties This Year Cartwrght Township, tisrough their popular and enterprising Beeve, Normais R. Green, is ta make a bld for tise Wardenship o!fithe United Counties this year. Beeve '. Green is servlng his fifili terra as isead o! anc o! île nosi prosperous municipalitles is Northumberlanid and Durhami.hit is interesting ta note thai Cartwrlgist's assets aven liabuhties werc $5000 f ive years aga, and ai tise end o! 1934 this healhly f inancial position lad been bettered so ilat île surplus o! assets over liabulties ai île preseni tume is $20.000. The Township bas 1ad only anc residentisn thîe Bouse o!f. Refuge and tisen for only a few manils. Ih la alaclalmed that tle township las not lad a crown crins- usai case iaven 50 ycans on a pris- oner hi île couniy gaoh. Cartwright Township lias twice A. N. IMtchell leen hanared witi tise Wardensblp, Gencral Manager o! tise-Canada James Parr liavlng becs accorded Lif e Assurance Company, wba was tise honor about 184, and J. H.' Dcv-.a iii, Lrx-MPP., holding that office clected avlce-presldent o! tisai in 1899. company ut a meeting o! île board o! directars. Mr. Mitchell la con- <Continued on page 6) tinuîng as gescrai manager. Tru stee Corbett is N ew Chairman of Public Sckool Bd. Committees Selected at the Public School Board In- augurai Meeting - Harry Rice Re-appointed as Re- presentative on H i g h School Board Trustee W. Percy Corbett was el- ected Chairman of the Public Sehool Board at lis inaugural session in the Board Boom of Central School on Wednesday niglit. C. H. Dudley was re-appointed Secretary-Treasurer. The Standing Comniittees were ap- pomnted in open meeting as follows, f irst named as cliairman: Standing Committees Finance-eo. Maison, J. W. Bun- ner, Mrs. W. A. Shane. Management-Mrs. J. W. Jeweil, J. W. Bunner, Mrs. W. A. Shane. Property--J. Hately, Mrs. J. W. JeweU, Geo. Maison. Principal Johnston's report show- ed 589 children on the roUl at the present time, 92 of wliom started with the fall terni. The average attendance is 516 which is consider- ed exceptionally good. The princi- pal announced that a doctor from. the Department of Health, Toronto, would be at the school today (Thurs- day> for the purpose of giving the Dick test for Scarlet Flever ta some 425 pupils wliose parents have con- sented to the test. Those reacting positive wlll be treated with five in- Jections of serum, whicli will be ad- ministered f ree of charge. The in- jetions are made one each week. Inspector Snider's report, whlch. was on the whole quite satisfactory was referred ta the Management Committee for study and report. Mrs. B. M. Warnica, School Atten- dance 0f ficer, reported on 59 cases, lier report being adopted, conimend- ins the Board on, improvements at the Southi Ward Scliool and suggest- ing new sanitary conveniences for boys at Central Scliool. This renort was referred ta the Property Com- m.ittee to report. The Board wiil consider resolutions to be present at the Ontario Schooil Trustiees convention ait Baster, and the Intention was made to join the Association as usual. The annual fee is $2.00 which Includes a sub- scription, to the Sehool magazine. Accounts were approved by the Finance Commlttee and paymett was reconimended. The Principal was ernpowered to hire supply teachers wlien necessary at $3.00 per day and that those tea- chers holding higlier qualifications be given preference. To prevent a repetition of a mis- understanding regarding slck leave for teachers, a motion was placed on the books stating that the school year would date froni September ta Septemnber in the future for compil- ation a! slck leave. Teacliers are permittedi twenty days eacli year. Over thËdt perlod their salary is de- ducted according to days lost. Harry Rice was on motion re- appointed as the Board's represen- tative on the 111gh School Board. Chairnian Corbeti asked ail coin- mitee chairmen to share the work of the committee equaily between members and flot; toi undertake ail the work theniselves. At the con- clusion of the meeting the trustees made an'inspection o! the scliool premises. DURHAM COUNTY BOY AT U. S. CONVENTION Aif. N. Mtcheil, General Manager of Canada Life, Elected Ontario Vice-Presldent of U. S. Convention A. N. Mitchell, General manager and Directar o! île Canada iMe Assurance Company o! Toronto, isas licen elecied Vice Presideni of île Province o! Ontario o! the American Life Convention o! Chicago, it la announced by Colonel B. Rabbins, Manager and General Counsel. Tis Is the oldest, and, lis point a! mcm- bershlp, île largesi organization o! legal reserve lUfe insurance compan- les in thse United States. Mr. Mitchell is one o! tise leadjng life insurance executives o! Cantda and is prominent is business and finance. He is key mais and legisia- tive representative of île Anserican Life Convention lis île Province. 11e was barri on April 25. 1876, ai New- tonville. ont., being eider son o! île laie Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, and educated ai 'University o! Tor- onto. He was advertislng manager o! île Manufacturera' LI! e Insur- ance Company i 1901, bcomlng assistant secretary i 1906. He was appolnted assistant general manag- er o! île Pederal Life o! Hamsilton, Ont., in 1911, and general manager in 1912. TIen lis 1915 ho becanse assistant general supeniniendeni of île Canada Life, and supcnlntend- cnt the nexi year. He was elevated ta assistant general manager Iun 1926, becomlng general manager In January, 1930. and a director In Ap- ril o! that year. 1fr. Mitchell alsa la a d.lrector o! île National Trust Compa¶w. Lirnited. Mr. Mitchell la a son-ln-law o! Mrs. W. B. TilIey, Becl Avenue, Bowmanvllle. Mrs. Emmerson Caldwell, Toronto, was recent gueat of 1cr aunt, Miss Emma White. ELECTED A VIICE-PRESIDENT

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