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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1935, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY l7th, 1935 PAGE 'fflR IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST TWENTY-FIIVE YEARS AGO Fromt The Statesman, Jan. 21, 1910 Another o! our oldest citizens in the persan o! Michael Lockhart Passed away ta his ast resting place on Friday morming. He bas been a resident o! Bowmanvllle for over 50 years. He was born in Newry, Ire- land, in 1820. The family are, Wil- liamn G. and David, o! Columbus, Ohio; Thos. H. o! Red Deer, Alber- ta; Alex o! Toronto; John o! Mar- shalltown, Iowa; Sarah at home. Born: Devitt - In Bowmanville, January l9th, to Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt, a son. Married: Garbutt-Wight-At Sy- camore, Ill.. on January 4th, by Rev. Dr. Brusbingham, Henry Garbutt and Miss Nellie R. Wight. second daughter o! Mr. Alex Wight, Reeve o! Darlington. Another worthy citizen passed to rest on January 7tb in the person o! Mrs. Charles Coombe, ,hs fn eral took place from thbe family residence on Ontario Street. Ser- vice was conducted by Rev. Wm. Jollîffe. assisted by Rev. John Gar- butt. Malcolm C. Galbraith, barrister, passed away inside two weeks a! ter the deatb o! bis wife. He was aged 712 years and spent most o! bis life in Bawmanville. The annual meeting o! the West FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Statesman, Jan. 16, 1885 Hampton: The Methodist Church here had a narrow escape f romn de- struction by f ire on Tuesday. A new furnace was put in just before Christmas, and the woodwork o! the floor around the furnace became so dry that the heat o! the f urnace set f ire ta it. The f ire bad made such a headway that had it been discover- ed ten minutes later the wbole church would have burned down.. .Rising Star Division elected the following o! ficers for the next quar- ter: W. P.-S. W. Ruse; W. A- Miss G. Lawrey; R. S.-Miss M. Motley; A. R. S.-J. E. Johns; Treas. --J. Clatworthy; Chap.-Miss E. J. Martin; Cand.-J. Abrahanm. Salem: On Friday last a good company o!f friends and neighbours met at the residence o! Mr. E. Prout for the purpose o! presenting Miss Prout. witb some articles o! silver- ware in recognition o! ber services as organist o! Salem Church. a pos- ition she bas filled with great ac- ceptance for the past f ive years. Caesarea: Mr. Joblin, our esteemn- ed postmaster, felI on the ice re- cently and broke his leg The pu- pils o! Williamisburg (Blactock public schaol previous ta bis departk- ure presented Mr. Fallis, teacher, witb a handsame desk and mous- Rotarians Hear Address On Salesmanship By N. L. MacNames, Toronto An outstanding address featured the weekly meeting of the Rotary Club on Friday. It was by N. L. MacNames, Sales Agent o! the Na- tional Cash Register Co., Toronto. President Fred Cryderman as us- ual held the gavel. A visiting Ro- tarlan was Harry Black o! Oshawa. Other visitars were Mr. E. J. Wood. guest o! Rotarian J. H. H. Jury, and Mr. R. J. Perrin, guest o! Ro- tarlan Arthur Hardy. Previous ta the address Rotarian Charlie Mas- on, chairman o! the Crippled Cbild- ren's Con-uittee, briefly reparted on some o! its activities announcingl that two local children had to i-e- turn to the Sick Cbldren's Hospi- Duriham Agricultural- Society was tUcne ¶u1. TnLatter wi YlÂl nIIU held Wednesday, January 10, wben needed for some time as nature bas officers and directors were el.ected not yet put f ortb ber buds.. Miss as f ollows: President. E. A. Clemens- Jackson met witb a mishap a short Vice President, W. E. Jewell; 2nd time ago whicb resulted in the dis- Vice President. Jas. Deyman; Sec.- location o! ber collai- bone. Treas.-J. S. Moorci-af t; Directors' Solina: SOlI Division Sons of Darlington, T. Baker, W. J. Bragg, Temperance elected the f ollowing Albert Allin, Alfred Ayre. Levi Skin- officers for the current quarter: ner, Oea. A. Stephens; Bowmanville, W. P.-A. J. Reynolds; W. A-Sis. N .Meae J. Lyle, M. A. James. L. A. W. Tole, I. J. Awd; R. S.-Bro. A. L. Pascoe; N .Mcae Rev. John Garbutt, John Darcb. A. R. S.-Sis. L. Hogarth; F. S -S, taI at Toronto. He askcd for vol- Chas. H. Anderson; Clarke and S. Sbortnidge; Treas-Sis. M. Hoop- unteers to convey the children and Newcastle, Norman Allin, Frank Ai er; Cbap.-J. Rýeynolds; Cofd.-H. tbrcc were quickly fortbcoming. lin. A]bert Tamblyn. G. Pascoe: P. W. P.-E. G. pascoe: "Saîesmnansbip" was the speaker's Mss. M. A. James entertaincd the I 5.-Sis. A. E. Pascoe; 0.5 --S JItopic wblch he made partîcularly staff o! The Statesman ta dinner on Williams effective by use o! a series o! chai-Vs. Saturday evcnlng in bonor of the En! iehd: Great excitement prevail- He said that in bis opinion the days Editor's 61sV birthday. ed in oui- village over the election o! of high pressure salesmanship were sa Mayor. Uncle Tom and Uncle Sam over and that selling by 10w pressure were the candidates. Sam was el- bad now arrlved ta stay. Psycbol- "Ignorance is the nigbt o! the ected by a majority o! three. We ogy says that teaching through the mind, but a night without moon or hope be wll discharge bis duties eye was much better than teacbing star."-Confucius. faith.fully. tbrough the car, for the reasan that ___________________________________________________the nerves f rom the eye to the brain were 22 times stronger than those MAYOR W'. R. STRIKE citizens go ta considerable sacrifice from the car to the brain. Hence it Vo make their tax payments and we was natural that selling through DELIVERED ADDRESS 1 must play fair wib these people by seeing found favor. Evcryone was aprsistent and unyielding effort Vo a salesman, he said, o! cither pro- AT IAUG RALMEETcolecttax arrears. Witb that in ducts. service or ideas. and because mind I have asked the striking o! this everyone sbould be interest- (Continued f rom page 1) committee ta name five councillors ed. Salesmanship was considered on the finance committee instead o! the bigbest and best paid profession. source o! a great deal o! t rouble three. Still demonstrating by the charts and misundcrstanding. Give the We sbould not proclaim too loud- the speaker argued that there were ather person the same credit for' ly about the amount o! our taxes. two ways ta appeal to customers: bonesty o! purpose and desire Vo Witb tbe possible exception o! the tbrougb the bead or tbrougb the serve that you possess and nearly county rate we are receiving the beart. Tbe appeal tbrough the heart all the passible suspicions meIt away. direct use o! everything for wbich was witbout doubt the most favor- We wcre very fortunate in this re- wve are paying. It is true that in the ed. Every salesmnan should remem- gard ast year and I am sure the final resuits we will have paid at ber that what a mnan docs not un- same results will pertain this year. îeast twice, and in some cases more derstand he generally opposes. This1 In this connection however it bas than that, o! the original cost but i situation made every good salesmani appeared to me that in some quar- that is because we wanted the use' a teacher. ers tbere bas suspicion developed o! these tbings wbile we were paying 1 Another cbart deaiti detail about the administration O! the for Vem. Our kinsmen in the old with the qualities that go ta make Public Utiities. That same sort of land have met their difficult f in- up an efficient salesman. They hocus pocus is going on tbere that ancial situation witb an inspired were: pleasing pessonality, sym- is only limited by the imagination layalty that paid almost unbeliev- patby, knowledge o! product, en- of the '4uspicionee. (if I may uise a able taxes the bulk o! which in no thusiasm, cbarm. poise, good bealtb, direct 1'gal ei-m). For that ies- way served tbem and surely we can industry, honesty, tact. Rager Bab- son wc are going ta arrange to have face a much smaller burden i the son was quoted ta the effect that the press present to report every same way. May I beg o! every tax- bad times were brought about large- meeting a! the Commission held payer in this municipality to put the ly tbrougb disbonesty in business. during the corrung year. Sa that the payment o! his taxes f irst this year Industry was emphasized Vo the ex- Higb and Public Scbool Boards may so that neyer again wUll there be any Vnt o! tbe opinion that witb every- be free f rom any such taint we are question as to aur financial respan- thing else lacking industry could not asking tbem Vo co-operate in the ýibiIity. We sbould not strive to completely f ail to bring resuits. same way. This means a lot o! ex- back away f rom our dîfficulties but Mr. MeNames also urged the nec- tra work for the local press but tbey ratheî' aIl o! us pull together and esslty o! making every effort to in- have wilingly offered to co-operate. overcome tbem. crea-ce sales. Expenses, be said, had1 I believe we face two major tasks. For my own part as f ar as MY been generally cut to the irreducable The f irst one and a very popular one affairs çwill permit I wilh ry ta be minimum so that more profits could9 as long as it is practised on some- at the Town Hall esch morning un- only came Vrough larger volume.i anc eIsc is rigid economy. Howevei- il Von o'clock and I wauld be very Cancluding a cbarming and In- our financial situation is sucb that grateful if aIl those wishing ta sec structive address, the speaker in-1 we must practise economy in about me about Municipal affairs wauld slsted that ail salesmen sbould tryj1 the same way as most o! us bave speak ta me then and leave the rest ita be real teachers. To be efficient 1 been foi-ced ta do in our personal a!- o! the day Vo me for my own a!. ýthere must be earnest preparation1 fairs by gtting along somebow witb fairs. along the lInca he bad rled te set( wbat we have and using 1Vta the, out.1 best possible advantage. "A good name is like precious Ratarlan Ross Stutt lntroduced1 The second ask is the collecting ointmct" it filleth aîl round about, the speaker and Rotarian Percy,1 o! arrears o! taxes. In a great many and will noV easily away;, for the Corbett voiced the thanks o! the1 cases the physcology wtb regard Vo odors o! ointmcnts are more dur- club Vo Mr. McNames for his en-1 tbe payment o! taxes bas completely able than those o! !lowes."-Bacon. lghtening and entertalnlng address.4 cbanged. In former years taxes "No truc and permanent fame can were paid ahead o! everytbing else be founded, exoept In labors which and too o! Von now everything else Is promote the happiness o! manklnd ... ."There is no darkness but ignor-1 paid abead o! taxes. Some o! oui- -Chai-les Sumner. ance."--Shakespeare. Just Arrlived the Newest in Quality Tubfast Prints And Prints are golng te, b. "the thlng"' thia year. You'il want lots and lots of criap. fresh, washable Print frocks for sports wear, for home wear and for business. Choose several dresa lengths from this new and complote range of sin.Al3 nhswd.Yrthe lovellest new patterns in the most adorable color comblnations and de-2 -w C New Pattern Prints STRIPES OR FANCY There's no end to the selection of patterns and colorai this group. Every one new, tubfast and smart. Fuil yard wide. Spec- lal feature durlnt this Salec of Fabrica, yard...... WALI<ER PHONE 164 BARGAINS GALORE IN TRES Clearance of Silks SOME LESS THAN HALF PICE Short and useful lengths of qualty nia- tasgreatly redueed to, clear! SU1 Crepe, Georgettes, Brocades, Uningsa nd Lingerie Crepea A good seleetion of col- ors ln the lot - But ahop . 9 early! Clearlng at, y"rd.....39 STOR4ES Li Md É1ED BOWMANVILLE Home and School Club Greet Women Trustees At Regular Monthly Meet Dr. W. H. Birks, IbLOIL, Was Guest Speaker - Urged Campaitn to Immunize Againat Scarlet Fever A large attendance greeted the newly elected Lady Trustees at the Home and School Club meeting held in Principal Johnstan's room on Jan. th, when about 175 turned out in spite of disagreeable weather. The meeting opened by singing "0 Can- ada" with Mss. Ross Grant at the piano. An invitation was accepted ta visit Oshawa Home and School Club on Jan. 17th. O%-ing to the rule that no room could take the prize for largest attendance of niothers pre- sent Miss Power's room received it with 22 mothers present although Miss Moore had 23 mothess out but she bas received the prize twice. Miss Powess took the chair and the following interesting program was given. Two songs by a chorus from Miss Power's roorn namely. Audrey Venton, Audrey Humphreys, Marion Cole. Fay Fry, Colette Fer- guson, Dorothy Evans, Bert Perfect and Jack Samis, "We are Babies good as Gold" and "I had a Little Sail Boat" accompanied by Miss Morris. Mr. Sam Glanville delighted the audience with two vocal solos in his usual jovial mnanner. lirs. L. Goddard gave very splendidly a readlng entitled "IMss. Snodgrass reads the Locals". Mr. Norman Friedli rendered a violin solo that was much appreciated; Miss Bragg ,accompanied Mr.. Glanville and Mr. Friedli on the piano. Dr. W. H. Birks, the guest, dealt with Health Problems for chlldren. bringing out the dangers of di!! er- ent diseases and the effects of dis- eased organs o! the body. His ad- dress was very interesting and in- structive. He also madle a plea for parents to have their children treat- ed with Scarlet Fever Toxin. Mrs. J. W. Jewell and Mss. W. A Shane. the two newly elected lady' members on the School Board, were then introduced, it belng their f irst appearance on a public platform since their election to office. Both spoke very nicely and thanked the Club for the hearty support it had given them. They were applauded by a bearty hand clap. The program was in charge o! Miss Power and ber group wbo serv- ed a dainty lunch. The meeting closed with God Save The King. Churclu Activities Trinity Young People The f irst 1935 meeting of the Y. P. S. of Trinity United Church was held on Monday evening, Jan. 14th. Program was in charge of Miss Mar- tha Serrel's group. Topic was "Tales and Trails of the Nortliland" taken by Miss Marion Pickard. Others tak- ing part were: Roeadings, Miss Lor- raine Pickard, vocal duet, Misses Vera Power and Mar-ion Wagar; vocal solo, Miss Marion Hamley, piano solo, Miss Evelyn Oke. Games followed and meeting closed with usual benediction. It was decided ta have a skating party on Frilday evenlng of this week, inviting ail Young People or the other churches and coming back to tbis church for a social hour. There wiIl be a band in attendance at rink. st. PauI's W.M.S. The f irst meeting of W. M. S. for 1935 was held at the Manse on Tuesday, Jan. l5th, with a good attendance, several visitors being with us. Mrs. Kerr took the chair for the business period. after which the of- f icers for the year were installed by the pastor. Rev. A. S. Kerr. Hon. Presldent-Mrs. A. S. Kerr; Presi- dent-Mss. W. Adams; lst Vice- Mrs. C. M. Carruthers; 2nd Vice- Mss. J. T. Fee; 3rd Vice-Mss. T. Percy; Treasurer-Mrs. G. E. Chase; Recording Sec.-Mrs. W. H. %arr uthers; Corres. Sec.-Mrs. FredMt chell; Literature Sec.-Mrs. C. P. Rice; Associate Sec.-Miss Lumb: Strangers Sec-Mss. McAllister; Press Sec .-Mss. Fred Pattinson; Christian Stewardshlp and Finance -Mrs. D. S. McGregor; Peace Sec.- Mrs. Fee; Temperance Sec.-Mrs. T. Tod: Mlsslonary Monthly-Mss. J. H. H. Jury; OrganList-Mss. Chas. Rice. A!ter the installation, the new president took the chair and called on Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs for "A New Year's Message". Mss. A. Colville with Mss. C. Rice as ac- companlst, sang the hymn. "Art Thou Weary" whlch was much en- Joyed. Mrs. Adams In ber address to the Society stressed devotional study as well as mlssionary, outllning a course of study ta be carried on by the groups uslng the book "Jesus and Ourselves" by Dr. Wes. Weather- head. Next meeting in charge of Mss. C. Carruther's group. A social hal! hour was enJoyed by alI. St. John's A. Y. P. A. The openlng meeting of St. John's A. Y. P. A. for 1935 was held in the Parlsh Hall on Monday niglit wlth the new President, Erie Colwelli n the chair. The meeting opened wlth the usual devotion service, wlth Rev. C. R. Spencer leadlng in prayer, and Tom Dustan readlng the scripture lesqson. The feature of the evenlng's pro- gram was a humorous debate on the subjeet "Resolved that Gentle- men prefer Blondes to Brunettes". The verdict of the Judges was sward- ed to the affirmative speakers, Hu- bert Hooper and Bert Mortlock. Dlck Wright and Jean Brough spoke for the negatives. A serious debate on the topie "Resolved that the News- paper wlelds a gi-eater influence lIn the world than the Pulpit" had to be postponed because of illness of lira. F. A. Dllling, one o! the debat- ers. lirs. Dllng's installation Ms Vlce-Presldent was also, postponed for this reason. The judges for the debate were Mviss Dorothy Bonnycastle, MisB. M<. SoDer of the lgh Sehool staff and Rev. C. R. Spencer. Followlng the debate a humorous presentation of a hutge badge of stel "for faith- Special sale* of the fcimouu Me W. LOOKE SHOES for 3 Days Only THURSDAY - FRIDAT - SATURDAY JAN. 17-18 and 19th NABORHOOD SHOE STORE WIt the oo-operatlon of the Lookw.dge Sho, Company, Ltd., we wlll put on sale for 3 days onlys the famous M. W. Locke @ho@%ts e iel r.gulMry at $1 0.00 and $11.00. for $ 45 11NE Oa.M.W LOCKE CN ABORH9 BLOCK NSHOE STORE KING STREET BOWBUNVILLE fui service" was presented Vo the i-etiring president, Bert Mortlock, wba laVer in the evenlng presented the brancb witb a large A. Y. P. A. shield for use in special ceremonies and Vo be bung in the Parish Hall. The remainder o! the evening was spent in games, the singing o! a hyinn and prayer by the rectar, closing the progi-am. St. George's W. A., Newcastle The animal meeting o! the Wo- mens Auxiliary o! St. George's Church was held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 8th with a good attendance. In ber opening rcmai-ks the President Miss B. McIntosh wel- comned the members and expressed tbankfulncss for the spi-it o! gen- erosity and loyal co-operation which bad been cxhibited during a some- wbat di!! icult year, mak.lng possible the accomplisbment o! very good work in Vhe Dorcas department and Vhe payment in full o! the amount asked f rom the brancb f or the Gen- eral Pledgc f und o! the Diocese as well as excellent work in other de- partments. Regret was expressed at the bs of the services o! a valuable off icer in the person o! Mss. W. H. B. Anderson wbose unfortunate acci- dents had made it impossible for ber longer Vo continue ta act as Secre- ary, an office she bad faithfully f illeci for many years. The reports o! the vaious offices wei-e mast encoui-aging and showed that excellent pi-agi-cs was being made in the di! ferent departments. The report o! the treasurer, lira. R. W. Gibson sbowed total cash re- ceipts o! $181.64 with payment Vo tbe Pledge Fund o! $134.00 and a paid up membership o! twenty-four. The rector, Rev. F. H. Mason in a brie! addresa congratulated the Auxillary on the excellent work ac- complisbed, stresslng the impor- tance o! the place taken by the W. A. in the parlsb and In the church as a wbole. He urged upon the mcm- bers the neceasity for preservlng ai- ways the spirit o! good will and Christian felhowsblp wbicb. alone could make their efforts effective. At the conclusion o! the business session tea was served and a pIes- sant social bal! hour enJoyed. Off icers elected for the cnsui-ing year are: Hon. President- Miss Elizabeth Wilmot: President-Mlss B. McIntosh; lst Vce-Pres.-Mrs. J. Scott Howard; 2nd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. W. H. Gibson; Secretary-Miss L. Trenwlth; Treasurer-lirs. R. W. Gibson; Little Helper's Sec.-Mrs. F. H. 'Mason;. Literature Sec.-Mrs. P. R. Mason; Dorcas Sec.-Mss. R1. Breretan; Extra Cent a Day Sec.- lira. D. J. Galbraith; Convenor o! Parochial Com.--Mrs. P. LeGresley. Could Hardly Lîve for Asthmna, writes one man who after years of suffering bas found complete relief through Dr. J. D. Kellogg'a Astbnxa Remedy. Now he knows how need- less bas been his su!ferlng. This niatchles remedy gives sure help to aIl afflicted wlth asthma. Tnhaied as anioke or vapor lt bings the help so long needed. Every dealer has it or cen get It for you f rom his whole- saler. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat - January 17 - 18 - 19 WHEELER and WOOLSEY ln Kentucky Kernels Comedy - Cartoon - News Matfnee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Monday - Tuesday - January 21 - 22 College Rhythm Wlth Joe Penner. Lanny Rosa. Jack Oakle and Helen Mack. Comedy - Cartoon - News Matlnee Monday at 4 p. m. Wednesday - Thursday - January 23 - 24 The Lemon Drop Kid With Lee Tracy, Helen Mack, Baby léeroy. News - - Comedy - - Novelties Matinee Wednesday at 4 p. m. COMING FEATURES: Shirley Temple lhi "BRIGHTEYES" ":TRANSATLANTIC MERRY-GO-ROUND"I "PURSUIT 0F HAPPINESS" Wallace Beery ln "THE MIGHTY BARNUM" Katharine Hepburn ln «"THE LITTLE BMSTER" A Bargain for Saturday Get your orders in early. Clive them. to our driver or phone them to, the store. We shall be glad to reserve an order for you. 1 Dozen Macaroona - Regular........... 1c 1 Chocolate Cake - Regular ........ 24)c Regular Value ........ .. . 35e .Saturday only 29c ISTEN IN ON SUNDAY... As Dad's Cookie distributors for Bowmanvllle we invite you ta listen ta the Dad's Cookie Program on Station CKOC, Hamilton, 1120 kilo. 268 metera, on Sunday af ternoon from 5.30 to 6 p. m. Include Dad's Cookies on your order ta the following dealers in Bowmanville: Corbett's Bakery, Harry Allin, Fred W. NeIles 2 stores, Edmondstone's Meat Market, F. 8. Coulter. R. H. Dllling, lira. Hooey, Trlmble's Store, W. C. Caverly, and 'H. C. Osborne. Corbett's Dalk.ay phone 3 Diatributor. Dad'a Cookie. flowmavrtle THE CANADIAN STATESUM, BOWMANVMLIE, MiURSDAY, JANUAPLY 17th, 1935 PAGE THPJM

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