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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1935, p. 5

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THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THIURSDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1935 PG 'V HERE IT Il DUDGE - w Priced right down among the lowest priced cars -yet it's Bigger, Faster, More Beautiful T/ian Ever. TAEa look at this new Dodge. There's style in every T.ue every angle. .And that style ie reflected in every deta il, inside and out. The interior plainly speake refine- ment and luxury. Then . .. drive this new Dodge. Enjoy the neweet development in driving ease-"ýSynchromatic Control." Ail major driving operaions . .. steering, brakes, shift- ing, clutch ... have been simplified, made effortiese. NEW " N ~ Dodge Model "DU» 4-Door .Sedan THE NIEW VALUE Then try the 5'Airglide Ride." It's literally like gliding. have made Dodge unequai]t Dodge has a steadinese and roadability flot even dependable service. approached before. It keeps on an even keel at ail tues. The New-Value Dodge ie pg Hugs the road. Skims smoothly over rough spots. Takes ]Ram" engine. It's silky su sharp curves safely, even at bigh speeds. dependabiity. Built to las Ail made possible bécause Dodge engineers have found how fast you drive. A sai the secret of equalized weight distribution on ail four dollar you spend for gas wheels -with super-flexible springs to ahsorh road more astonishing oul econoi shocka and the New Dodge "Ride-Levelator" to elimi- SURPRISING nate aide.sway.S Only thse genius of a manuf And, of course, Dodge givea you time-tested hydraulic Dodge -with 20 years of brakes, safety all-steel body, patented Floating Power motor cars - could create engine mountinge and other famous advantages which dollar value 1 Arrange todai Dadge "Levelator" 3 Floor lowered 3M and new mnultileaf inches to give seaus springs end bady a height of an easy rail and aide sway. living roam chair. 2 "Red Ram" engine 4 Rear seat moved inches to permit Passengersf seated new distribution of ahea d0o axi1e weîght mass. -"shock lina." You Now Ride Cradled Beîween the Axias. p ~ I Phone 290 J, Bowmanville W IL L IAUMJe .ed in its reputation for rugged, powered with the Dodge "Red ssooth, with traditional Dodge et, to save money, no matter iving of 15c to 20c on e very; is now poesible-with even. Omyl LOW PRICES! 1facturing organization euch air ýfexperience in building fine~ esuch aetounding dollar-for- 'y to drive a new Dodge. DELIVERED IN BOWMANV1LLE FOR AS LOW AS uý%DODGE DPN-105 C H AL LIS DocIge and De Soto Dae BLCSTC Mrs. D. McTaggart visited at Mrs. J. Carter's. Miss Jessie Knox spent the week- end at Miss Mabel Argue's. Miss Susie VanCamp, Tyrone, spent the weekend at home. Miss Lela Mountloy, Brady, spenti the weekend with her parents. 1 Mrs. Henry Graham, Toronto, spent the weekend with friends. Mrs. Cecil Wilson and daughters,I Gwen and Eunice vsite- tMs John Hooey's. Miss Lela MacMilan and Dr. Da- vid Archer, Oshawa, were Sunday guests at Mr. J. Archer's. Her friends will bé sorry to hear that Miss Laura Hamb]y is con! ined to the General Hospital, Toronto. Messrs Burney and Roy Haoey, and Orville Greer attended the hockey match on Saturday in Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto. The annual meeting of the A. Y. P. A. oft St. John's church wlll be held at Mrs. F. A. Bailey's on Wed- nesday evening, January 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Strong, in honor of their thirty-fifth wedd- ing anniversary on Wednesday ev- ening. A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday evening. when Mr' Lewis Graham and Mrs. D. Johnston were married at the Parsonage. Rev. H. J. Bell officlated. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Splnks, Mr. McLauchlan, Mr. and Mrs. Eclward Darcy and Mr. Ceci Hyde were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue tri dinner on Saturday. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. HenrY MountJoy celebrated their fi! ty-third wedding anniversary. A hast of friends join in wishing them many years of continucd happiness. Mrs. F. Harris who suffered from pneumonia a short time ago, is much improved in health. Aniong those who entertalned at dinner last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp; Mr. and P Mrs. Rupert Werry; Miss F. Parr; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Balley; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton. Mr. Foster Stratford, brother of Mrs. (Dr.> J. A. McArthur Is re- covering from his recent aperation In Bowmanvllle Hospital. Miss Ida Dempsey, Mineslng, spent the week- end at Dr. McArthur's . Mr. Cecil Hyde was hast ta a num- ber of friends at an enjoyable social evening on Friday. Misses Mabel and Marion Argue, Jessie Knox and1 Leona Weatherilt: Mr. Percy Ham- ilton and Mr. Joe Bradburn were among those present. On Friday evening the Young People o! the United Church pre- sented their play "An Old Fashioned Mother" in Enniskillen. It was well received, and fallowing the present.- ation the members of the cast were served an enJoyable lunch by the Ennlskillen Young People. Women's Missionary Society met for the January meeting at Mrs. Osmond Wright's on Wcdnesday af- ternoon. Followlng the openlng ex- ercises. Mrs. H. J. Bell, the ncw pres- Ident, gave the Bible reading; and Mrs. F. Stinson the prayer. The study book chapter was given by Mrs. Alex Johnston and Marion Hill sang the "Chinese Laughing Chor- us": Mrs. Jos. Forder rend "The f irst Night inIHeaven" and Vivian Sadler played "The Bells of St. Mary'a." Lunch was scrved at the close o! the meeting. Attendance 24. An Interesting District meeting o! the Orange Lodge was held in Black- stock on Tuesdny a! ternoon, at which the o! ficers for 1935 were elected: Rt. Wor. Creighton Devltt conducted the installation, Dist Mas- ter-Fred Smith , L. O. L. 764; Dcp.- Dist Master-Fred Ellis, L. 0. L. 141; Chaplain-Rev. Wm. Parker, L. O. L., 141; Recording Secretary-Leo- nard Joblin: Finance Secretary- Cecil Hill; Fin. Treasurer-Henry Thompson, Lecturer-John Hamil- ton: Dep. Lect.-Les. Brooks, L. O. L., 764; Marshal-Herb Hooey. L. O. L,, 43; Auditors-Jas. Byers and Robt. Hanilton. A very grnti.fying report on finances was made, and plans were discussed for a banquet in February at the County meeting which is being held in Blackstock. jYoung People's League in the United Church on Wednesday night, elected the 1935 o!ficers as fallows: President- Eldon Eckel, Ass'ts.- Hector Shortridge and Leana Wca- therilt: Secretary-treasurer- Jean Wright, and Asst.-Joe Bradburn; Worship Convener-Olive VanCamp, Ass't-Arnold Johnston:; Christian endeavour convener-Ferga John- ston, Ass't-Mildred Hooper; Miss- ionary convener-Eva Brown; Ass't -Aileen Mountjoy; Citlzenship con- vener-Hazel Mountjoy. Ass't-Ma- bel VanCamp: Literary convener- Frances Mountjoy. Ass't-MVurlel MountJOY: Social convener-Harold Swaln. Ass't-Hlector Shortridge:, Ushers--George Sadier. Joe Brad- burn and Bruce Mountjoy; Planist- Vivian Sadler, Ass't-Muriel Mount- Joy. Eldon Eckel, the new president, gave a brie! address. -a Nearly ail chlldren are subject to worms, and many are born wlth thcm. Spare theni sufferlng by us- lng Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator, an excellent remedy. NESTLETON Mr. Russel Harran has returned home f rom Toronto. Mr. Bob Ewrie, Port Perry, visited at Mr. C. H. Porteous'. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin MountJoy visited at Mr. Win. Sameli's. Mr. J. Sando, who has been visit- ing ln Toronto, has returned home. Mrs. Percy Edgerton was a recent guest of Mrs. Morley Grenves, Lind- say. Mr. A. G. Mortimer, Toronto, fa- ther of Mrs. F. Philp, is ill in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Stanford VanCamp and children visited at Mr. Geo. Proutt's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlln entertained at dinner and euchre on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill, Mr. and Mrs. C. McGill visited at Mr. M. Mountjoy's. Miss Florence Fair was a guest iast week of Mr. and Mrs. P. MeGili, Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dickey spent the weekend at Mr. Bert McMul- len's. Janetville. Several of the young people are maklng use of a pond at Mr. Wil- fred Jackson's for skating. Mrs. O. Brown. Miss Dorothy Brown, and Mr. Wm. Brown vislted at Mrs. Walter McGill's, Janetvllle. Many people are at present driv- ing on the old C.P.R. rond to i Lnd- say from forth of Nestieton. This route cuts off several miles. Mr. and Mrs. George Black en- tertalned a few frlends' to a f owl supper on Snturday. It was the oc- casion of their son Beverly's fourth birthday. Congratulations to Mr. Andrew Malcalm who celebrated his 9lst birthday an Thursday at his home. Hîs many !ricnds wlsh him hàppy returns and continued hcnlth. On Friday evening a very suc- cess!ul biadminton tournament was held in the C.O.F. hall. Many at- tended the event, and the wlnners o! the prises werc: Lady's--Mrs. Percy Philp, gentleman's-Mr. Donald Em- erson. Lunch was enjoyed. Mrs. Iccnneth Samelis gave her home on Thursday evening for a meeting of the W. A. nnd W. M. S. of the United Church. Mrs. Joe Taylor and Mrs. Wilfred Williams were appolnted a fruit an~d flowcr commlttee for 1935. The program, which was in charge of Mrs. Wes- ley Campbell's group, consisted of the following numbers: A vocal solo, Mr. Leonarcl Joblin; readings, Mrs. M. Emerson, Mrs. W. Campbell and Mrs. L. Joblin; and violin selections by Mr. Wm. Armstrong. Lunch was served at the close o! the interest- ing meeting. "Reputation is what men and wo- men think of us: character is what God and angels know o! us.,- Thomasq Faine. Remove ail callouses and enlarge- ments from your stock with Doug- las' Egyptian Liniment, a wonderful remedy. Quickest Relieffrom Stomach Tlroubles People who bave suffered for Yeorswlth Ingestion, Acld Stomach. Gaz. Hear- burn etc. are armazed et thée ruicee w7hlcl IRKS STOMALKA givea. A aM,11 dose tous up even the mot stub- born case of sgur, acd somacbnl. a in troubles, no neyer bewlthut a botte f the.]home. At drug MOGREGOR'B DRUG STORE I CADMUS Mrs. M. Mountjoy vislted at Mra. C. McGill's. Mrs. John McKee visited at Mrs. Walton Larmer's. Mr. George Hicks, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mr. Earl Gray spent the weekend wit.h friends at Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ferguson vis- ited at Mr. O. McQuade's. The dance at Devtt's hall on F1- day nlght was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler visit- ed at Mr. Norman Lathangue's. Miss Helen Fowler was a week- end guest of Miss Della Lathangue. Mr. and Mrs. Levi MeGill enter- tained a number of friends to din- «ier last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Spencerl and daughter, Oshawa, vlsited at Mr. T. Hyland's. Mr. A. E. McGiîU, who is cnle to the hospital, is successfully re- covering from an operation. Mrs. Lottie Campbell, Lotus. and Miss Aileen Devltt were guests o! Miss Helen Fowler last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Ferguson and Collette. Bowmanville, spent the weekend at Mrs. A. E. McGill's. The young people of the United Church presented their play "Tell the Judgel' at Lotus on Monday nlght. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Fallis, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Philp, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fallis. on Wednésday evenlng a number o! f rlends from Blackstock and Cad- mus held a surprise Party at Mr. E. Sanderson's. The evenlng was spent ln dancing. At League, Mrs. E. Sanderson was in charge of the worship period; and the prograrn was arranged by Mrs. W. Larmer. Miss Helen Fowl- er dcllvered the topic, and Miss Gladys Cobbledick sang a solo. A rcading was given by Miss Birdie Gibson. FAITHFUL GUIDE If you're standing at llfe's crossroade Knowing not whlch way to take, Let the lovlng Saviour guide you You can then make no mistake, He has marked a pathway for you He has marked a pathway for you It may be rough, but safe and truc; Wlth your hand in lits He'll guide you As your Journey you pursue. He is ever watching o'cr you Lest you f alter by t.he way. Hc wlll hclp you and support you Ever be your strength and stay. Why not let this lovlng Savlour Be your ever faithful f ricnd. Into Heaven's haven guide you As You reacli your Journey's end? When you've passcd the River Jor- dan And have reachcd the other side, You'll receive the Snvlour's welcome There forever te, abide. In that house of! many mansions You wfll meet thoseNgone before And be walting for earth's loved ones On that briglit and happy shore. There ail stain and sin and sorrow Jesus' blood has washed away. You can ever sing his praises In thoaq realma o! endless day. -Composed by P. A. Haddy, Bowmanville These are the finest DODGE cars we have ever offered! You are cordially invited to corne in and sce the new Dodge cars for 1935. Examine thern carefully and you'Illhe amazed that we can offer sucb a big, powerful car for so little money. Then we want you to take aride in a New Value Dodge. Here is a new sensation in travel-we cail it the Airglide Ride. There are over 90 advancements in de- aign in the New Value Dodge that go to further enhance the Dodge reputation for Dependability and Long Life. We are truly proud to present the New Dodge cars to our eus- torners. Be sure to W.J. CHALLIS corne in and see theni. PAGE PIVE

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