il' <Dmeeting was held with Rev. Rack- î~ piano solo by Miss Marion Honey 1 Dr. and Mrs. Aunger SALEM j ham presiding. The followýing of- 1E DA was much appreciated; Mrs. Knox I ClbaeTer3t SALEM fcers-M r. S. E Wey; Ss'rt.M.E. R.___________________1gave a helpful paper, suggestxng ClbaeTer3t ______________________-icr.S. Wer eectd:supenint.EdntR._____i -_____that we see more. of the beauty close vean niesr Rev. A. S. Kerr's subject at the Taylor; Sec.-Wesley Yellowlees; MisLl adoWsevlehsa ad1mkn h os forW di* niesr a! ternoon service was "Making the Mr 't. Sec.-Wesley Werry; Treas.- Ms uaPeoWsevle a thnmkn h ota u mos o!ourliitaion,"fro w Mrh . A. L. Pascoe; Audtors-Messrs been visiting Mrs. Fred Falls. environinient and being thankful for BosG.oStevensiandaiA.sP. McKessockc Mr. and Mns. George Quanti r the blessings that corne our way. Dr. and Mrs .A. E. Aunger cele- lie delivened a very fine sermon. B.sititegestheir. P.0f HaroldvisatrWitbyre Readings by Mrs. Rundle, Mrs. Hon- brated the 35th anniversary of their Y. P. L. meeting Weclnesday- Pianists-Jessie Yellowlees, Gladys tnthisoHaldtWiby1 enng an th asoendbyte YloIe;Piaycatahr- Mn. Fred Robinson, Toronto, has ey, Mrs. Richards and Mns. Doidge wedding on New Year's Day. a:d Presden Mr.F. lackurn Mr.Misesowees;Pnaryandclas e achs- leen visiting is brother, M. Milton were MUCh enjoyed. A contest was wee at home fom 8 to 10 lo'clock eni g atrl in 9h, a s opt e ene yt heg Muiso r sa ak r a Ien Balson; u ir R bn o .conducted by M rs. Richards. The in the evening when a la ge n m e F. ator ea ivn orayenthe meein girsFnySae;Itrei Sympathy is extended to Mns. National Antbem followed by an ex- o! the citizens called upon them and wasthn ive oerto heMisin- gil-an ml nemdaeWmn. Little and family in the death celent lunch senved by tbe group, offered thein congratulations. ary Vice-Pres., Miss L. Welsb who boys- Sam DewelI; Intermediate o!flien husband. bnought the meeting to a close. Host and hostess received guests in pnesented the following program: girls-Mns. S. E. Werny; Missionary Mr.__George__________of the Wet teliving room which was decon- Bible neading and comments, Mn. iR. Com.-Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mns. hM.Gog lito h et tdwt Isaac Handy, Mrs. Jack Yellowlees; has been visiting f iends in Ontario I wthchnysanthemums, and the Cak ; T nedingsssibyMn. F. TemprneCm- s.ER.Ty and attended tbe funenal o! Mn. F. MAPLE GROVE tea table was deconated with roses. Claler; Topedinsusson, ouglas Inpnnecm-Ms .R a-Bimacombe. Mrs.Page and Mrs. McBrine PoUlard, Mn. L. Squair, Nina Danch o and Mns. R. J. McKsock; Home M.JmHnyadMs ~n~ e o h rthu n andMr.oide;Motboga slo De. l Supt.-M rs. W . T Bk; and Mn. LUrne Henry. Toronto, at- W. M. S. met on Wednesday when Mns Dunlap anid Mrs. Tbibaudeau Miss M. Tnewin, Piano solo, Miss M.Cm' tended the funeral of the fonmer's a very intenestmng program was gîv- pouned for the second hour, and Ccott.S omiled v inttesca ersing .frcurhcorMissMr iel Baker and Ileen Balson, Messrs nrother, Mn. Wmn. Little. en. these ladies were assisted in the meeingcloed ithLeaue eneic GergeWery ad Wsle Yelow AMiss Dorothy McMullen, Misses Mrs. R. D. Trimble, M. and Mrs. tea oom by Ms. Nostant, Miss cion. t t le d n e so ia7pe io , e res; Wenny and s ley Y ella - Am a and M arguerite Bell, and Alan Clarke, M rs. J. Clarke, spent Gladys Sharpe, M iss Isabel W illis m ee ing cl sed wi h L agu b ned c- les; n ch p a i t M s l e M essrs. C arm an and C larence B el Satu day w ith f iends in T oronto . 'M iss E dith A unge , M rs. A. A. N ew ell tio. Ate dan e 2. alsn.visited friends at Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens a nld and M s. W. Aunger, while Pat and -eWelcome. JMn. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffeny re- Noneen Willis, the twa smnall grand Mn. Fleming, a returned mission- cently entertained a few to card daughters attended the doon. HAYDON . TYRONE ary from China, gave a very inter- parties. Dr. and Mns. Aunger (nee Bertie Sesting talk on mission work o! that The annuai meeting o! Maple Law) were married at Bowmnanville MissJeanMcLan, oroto, s M. Brnto McCllogh, or-country an Sunday mornng. Grove Sunday School was held on! Ontario. on January lst, 1900, and Miss Jegan Mr.ELen otM. Brentn cCllug, on The Young People's League was Jan. lth, when the folowing off ic-I they came ta Stettler f om Lacombe vstnatM.EBades.onto, spent Sunday at home. r-raze stTudynihb ens wer eleted fo 1935: Ho.i 1911. Dur the n esidence in but la . tomarseion he mbend. ime veny enjoyable dance and social Arthur Thompson. There was a Supt.-T. Snowden: Supt.-H. Free- Settler. they have made many fni- buts. d thrmeiston lh e! t îation was had in the Community Hall mation that twentY-five dollars be mani; Asst. Supt.-Mr. A. Laird Sr.: ends and have done much entertain- wee fo Chttaooa, . S A. toonFriday evening. given ta missions. Miss Kate Stew- Secretary--Jake Laird; Asst. Sec'y. ing in thein fine residence near the attend the funeral o! ber aunt. rry t report Mrs Levi Skinner art acted as secnetany, and tbe fol- -Lloyd Metcalf; Treasuer-Clif- school. which bas often been placed Trusee Bard eetig isto canf ined ta bed. Hope she wili lowing a! ficers were elected: Presi- fond Swallow; Pianist-Eileen Hock- at the disposai of friends. Tnute Bar Metig s a e oon be feeling better. dent-Miss.Danothy McMullen: Vice in: Asst. Pianist-Mrs. C. H. Snaw- They received many telegrams held on Friday afternoon at 2.30 League will be withdnawn Thurs- 1~e.M.Atu Topo;Tes den; Musical Director-Mn. A. Laird during the day from fniends at a same eveninggrata8ioo'clmektiAgilhe-1day evening on account of the Cr0- P__.Mn. Letnar FalîsonSecreay-Sr.; Librarians-Jack Brown. Char- distance, and alsa a telephone cal taieree nare8requested ta came I kinole Party on Wednesday even.- Mss.ene nightall:; a-islie Gneenham and Ross Stevens; f ram their daughten, Miss Marian The Rainbow Girls Class held1 ing in the community Hall. AIma Bell; Asst. Pianist,-Mr. Neil Auditors-Lloyd Snowden and N. I. Aunger at Toronto-Steller Inde- Cngratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Stwrt; Conveners - Devotional, Meteal!: Missionary Supt.-Mrs. A. pendent. their monthly meeting and election Bert Bounsaîl on the arrivai o! aMisAm BelAst, isKae Laird: Cradle Roll-Mns. H. Brooks Dr. and Mrs. Aunger's many fri- o! ffiersat hehom o!Mns H fine baby girl. Also to Mn. and Mrs. Stewart; Miioay MssNli and Mrs. S. Jeffery; Home Depant- ends in Bowmanville and Darlingtonc asetonTahudayevenin. OA eshtn;C. Prescott on the arrivai o! a baby Hill: Asst., Miss Marguerite Bell; ment-Mrs. C. Jeffery and Ms. B. oin in congratulations. President-Miss Mabel Beech; Vice- Mny. Af adeadsna a Citizenship, Mn. Bill Darlington: Metcalf; Temperance Supt. - Ross S_____________ Pnes-Miss Freda Bradley; Sec Mr l.Higansoof a- Asst. Mn. Caninan Bell; Social. Miss Stevens. Teachers: A.B.C.-Mr. C. îl Miss Lonna Thompson; Tneas.-Miss iba eeaun Tesyate- Annie Thompson; As.M.Atu H. Snawden; Wide Awake-Mr. T WN HP OU CL Laura Philps; Sickness Com.-Mi no aligo adfnens -n Thompsan. Laird; Asst.-Mr. H. R. Foley; Busy_______________ sesHaidge was once a resident a! this *wresM.H .Fly nemd Viola Bradley and Ada Beech. Itwas vilageoiaergs-Mr. . Lay;ir sst-ClhdV a voted ta contribute $5.00 towards the vlae t grs- s.A LidAs. Darlîngton Council eldiiînaug-e chunch f unds. It was decided to hold Mrs. (Rev.) A. M. Woottan and Miss Greta Munday; Intermediate uirai meeting on Jan. l4th. The mem- 14 a progressive crokinole party at Master John have neturned home HAM TO boys- Mn. A. Laird Jr., Asst.-.Mr. bers elect ail being present, and t4 Mn. A. Beecb's next Saturday night. aften spending a couple a! weeks R a 1eg Coombes; Juniors- Marlon after taking their declaration of of-" The W. A. beld at the home of with ber parents, Mn. and Mns, Wal- Mn. W. Simpson visited Toronto Snowden. Asst.-Elien Gimblett; Pri- fice, Rev. Walter Rackhamn read ab Mrs. A. McNeil, Thursday aftennoon lace Simmons, Belleville. f riends. mary3-Hlda Foley, Asst.-Iva Foley; few appropniate passages from the. B was well attended. Those present Several from hene attended the Miss Elinor Sykes, visited Oshawa Beginnes-Mns. S. Snowden, Asst. bible and offered prayer. A vote o! P answening the rail cal by a New 1funenal o! Mrs. T. J. L. Cale, on relatives. -Mrs. M. Munday and Mrs. B. Met- thanks was rendered Mn. Rackban el Year's resolution. Mrs. Addie Trewin Wednesday f nom ber late residence, Miss Jessie Knox visited Black- cal!, for bis valued services. The meet- IV Vice-Pres. took the chair. Af ter the Betbesda, ta Orana Cemetery. The stock friends. .________- ing adjourned for lunch. The Reeve B business part a short program wss sympathy o! the cammunity is ex- Mn. John Johns is confined to C R W IG T called the meeting ta arder at 1. 15 il given. Bible neading, Miss Gladys tended ta the bereaved family. bed with pleurisy. CAR WRIHT UND 'oîck. Mn. E. A. Summers address- tl Martin; prayer, Mrs. H. Ashton; ~ ~Mn. Tim Bales o! Eîmvale visited IN SPLENDID SHAPE ed the Board neganding the destruct- A vocal duet, "îvary Palaces" was nice- i at Mn. W. Greenaway's. ion o! the Warble Fly, and asked for tl ly sung by Miss Venna Trewin and ENNJSKILLEN I Mi' and Mrs. W. W. Hrn and STATEMENT REVEALS a grant ta be used fan the punchase vi Mrs. Wmn. Tnewin; humorous read- i _________________ . Avery spent Monday in the city. of a warble-fly powder in orden that dý ing by Mrs. Wmn. Martin and Hawia- Mrs. A. E. Billett and Keith bave (Cantinued fram page 1) ail cattie in Darlîngtan may be T1 ian music by Mns. C Crassman, was Mrs. A. Weann visiteci friend.s in been visîting ber brother, n Bun- 1tneated for this nuisance. This was w much enjayed , after wbicb a dainty, Toronto recently. lington. The abstract statement a! Cart- inat ententained by the cauncil. ci lunch was senved. Miss Margaret Daltoni visited f i- Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. wright Townsbip's finances for the By-laws were passed fan the fol- A _________________________ends in Taranto Saturday. Clifford Allen on the arrivai a! a year 1934 are as follows: lowing offices, Assessars. Auditars, Mn. Gardon Stevens visited bis baby girl. Receipts Weed Inspector, Sbeep Inspectar. SIstr . . Walton. Oshawa. Miss Lulu Reynolds bas gone to I Dec. l5tb, 1933 ta Dec. 15. Local Board o! Health and Estirnat- fSOLINA J s Wn.Giffîn vîsited ber Taranto and Miss Lilian Jebson t0 1934 $34209.72 ed Raad Expenditure fan 1935. a d aughter, Mrs. Walter Rahm, Bur- Bawmanville ta reside. xedtr Clerk was authorized ta procure el Miss Margaret Scott is in Belleville keton. Mn. and Mns. C. Dunlop, Cald Epniir Dog Tags for this year. Ji this week attending winten school. dMn. and Mns. Wes. Catheant, Ken- waten, visited Mn. and Mrs. T. Sal- Board o! Health $ 124.00 T. A. Richards pnesented bis ne- Sf Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Howsamn and dal, necently visited at Mn. Chas. tel' and Mn. H. Peter's. Relief . 10.00 port fan December 15th ta 3lst and Mary visited Port Penny f iends on I Bayd's. Mn. and Mrs. Cli!faord CalwilI and Statianery and Pinting 172S84 Vouchers were accepted and paid. Sunday, Mr'. Enidicott and Miss Bate, Lind- Ruby, and Miss Beatrice Colwill Sheep Damages 25.00 Onders were drawn on the Treas- CogrtlaiostoMr ndMr.say, visited wth Mn. and Mrs. E. were recent guests o! Mrs. Bnaund: Electnic Ligbtîng 38.63 urei' fan tbe following amaounts:- Conratlatonsta R.anders13.381.28F. Ragers. crtge.relef $ 6.00 Clifford Naylon on the arrivai af a Harrison. Oshawa. 'Cut aeFR cre nF baby boy. i Mrs. G. Simpson, Mrs. E. Ormis- Quite a number o!frmen attended Debentune and Interest 669.43 T. M. Slemon & Son, relief 5.00 Pleased to repart that Mrs. Ed- tan and Mn. G. Riggs visited at Mn. the brotherhood meeting at Zion IHospital Fees 38.38 Dr. H. Ferguson. medical relief 18.55 win Annis is improving after ber Elias Ashtan's. on Thursday night and report a i Insunance 238.00 H-. McLaugblin, relief 24.64 recent illness. Mn. and Mns. Harold Burgess and gaad time. Salaries and Allowances 879.60 L. J. Gatcheli, relie! 2.56 Mn. Jas. Reynolds, Bank o! Com- ý Muriel, Tynone, visited with Mn.a M. and Mrs. Ted Chant accom- sceolaneou,566.51 rCarl Gi rblett pening mence, Ottawa, and Mrs. Reynolds Mrs. H. Stevens. paniedahber mother, Mrs. Marshall t col .7591 ra o unrl30 RaadsandtBidges4,39619 W.C. CaMr.yrelie io.o setteeeed itMnanMn. Miss Muriel Weann and Mn. Law- ber home at Oak Hill Lake and spent Mnd ndBigs . ,361 . . CF. Run, relief 10.00 Jack Reynolds. rence Wearn spent Sunday with the weekend. r.AF.Rnleif 101 Miss Lorraine and Master Waiten ifniencis in Asbburn. A number o! our young men aS $28,215.97 , Canadian Statesman, pinting 33.10 Tink, Ebenezen, spent the weekend 1 Miss Mabel Green, R. N. ,Platts- well as older ones attended the Bro- Total Recelpts $34,209.72 1 S. R. Hart & Co., supplies 13.27 with their grandparents, Mn. and ville. Miss Edna Rickard, R. N., Dor- therhood meeting at Zion on Wed- Total Expenditure 28.215.97 Iel T.C. service 25 Mrs. H. E. Tnk chester, visited wtb Dr. and Mrs. H. nesday nigbit. 1J Countfies Treas., maint., etc. 331.14 Fergsn Aduit Bible CIass met in the S S. s. Balance on band $ 5,993.75 Dr. C. W. Slemon, medical Goo atendnceattheLeaue rs tt Pae, n. ndMrs. S. room for the annual business meet- Assets rle 96 meeting on Mna wihP .Barle 67 wa i hag o he2n ic-re.Page attended the funeral o! the lat- ing on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Barron Cash on band ....F.$ I.9.75R Byes am, a relief 21.77 Miss in cargs eo thes.2ndlVcPes.ter's brother, Mn. T. Trebel Port presided over the meeting. Reports Unpaid Taxes ..R..1,90.0A uncrgss, C8.taesurelie 1.50 Mis GldysYelowies.Raî cal jPenny. Sympatby a! the communîty were given by the off icers and con- Townsbip Praperty as per 1.0.0 .MGeomdla upis 19 was answered with a verse from a is extended ta Mns. Page. veners o! committees and other last audit 500.0Oshawa Welfare Board. relief 21.0 inissionary bymn. Devotional wasS Mrs. Edith Ormiston le!t Satur- business in general was tasce.Ra rdr sprls Lawrence S4iuain, Election 0 given by Miss Ruth McKessock. 0 n1 bf'Termine !te taatd oa rdr sxrls Expenses, Div. No. 1 13.001 Topeaing,"r Wesley Yellowees. da to attend te funenal of h eandro4h evening was audit 250.00 ,S tpeDv o. 30 Readngwn. ehr aunt, Mns. Charlotte Trindle, spent in a social way, with games Cernent Mixer as per last W.NoleS. eteai, Div. No.23 13.001 Anl aos a elChattanooga, Tennessee, who was in and lunch, wben Mn. John Milis and audit .. . . 5.0 given by Mrs. Jack Baker; piano ber 96th year and whose death came bis class o! young men were guests Stone Crushen as per hast 500 Chas. A. Johns, Dlv. No. 4 8.00 solo, Mn. George Werny; reading, as a result o! a faîl. of the Adult Bible Class. audit -. . ....-.. 1,400.00 1Roward Pye, Div. No. 5 13.00 Miss Fanny Smaies; vocal solo, Miss Blackstock Young People present- Mn. Wallace R. Rom, M. A., bas Pnov. Grant on R.oads W. C. Parsons, Div. No. 6 13.00 Kathleen Baker. Meeting next Mon- ed thei n play "The Old Fashloned nesumed bis studies and teachin in "estimated . ......1,807.38 Fred L. Smitb, Div. No 7 13.00 th e onrgationll emin. ithMathen" in the Orange Hall on Fni- research work at McGill University, J.DI oatrtrigofc 00 tecnrgtoametnday nigbt with aIl characters play- Montreal. While home on bis Christ- $28,401.33 J . D..Hagarth, excise & postage 2.00 About fi! ty !riends o! Miss Urine, ng their parts well. Pnoceeds $15.80. mas vacation, he addnessed the Uabiltles Municipal World, supplies 7.80 Tbompson, R. N.. gathered at thei Pres, Edgar Wright apened League Young People's gatbering on the sub- Con. Scbooi Deb. No. il Cauncil adpoui:ned to meet Feb- borne o! ber parents, Mn, and Mrs. meeting on Wednesday night. Sec. jet of 'Science and Religion," He to 20.. $ 5,045.99 uany 7th at 1 o'clock Frank Thompson last Tbursday ev- Vice. Miss Clara Page took charge of stated tbat scientists are amang the ening to extend best wisbes on ber the meeting. Mn. Howard Oke nead strongest beievens o! today. As an Total Assets ........ $28,401.33 r coming marriage. When aIl were the devotional. Miss Annie Oke gave orator he là, iust a beginner, but TtlLaiiis~CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL- assernbled Mn. Sain Dewell called the a New Year's reading. Miss Margaret gives prom.ise of beconung one o! the gathering to, ander and called on Dalton gave a Missionary topfic. best, seemînghy beîng master a! bis Value a! Assets aven Mrs. Everett Cryderman wbo read Meeting closed with Mizpah bene-J subject and language, in wbicb to Liabilities ___ $23.355,34 Inaugural meeting o! the Council was held January 4t, wtb mem- anîcely wonded address. At the diction. express himsel!. Tax Aceount bers ai present and they subscrib- prapeM tine Mrs. Chas. Smith and Mrs. H. Fenguson opened ber borne Hampton W. C. T. U. meeting was Taxes Collected $20,092.13 ed to the necessany Deciaration of Mr. Gordon Leask presented the ta tbe W. M. S. meeting an Thurs- held at Mrs. J. Clatwortby's on 1% Dise. bef are Nov. lst 82.25 Office. bride-to-be with a walnut occas- day. Jan. lOth, with 19 present. Pre- Tuesday with Miss Katenson pre- Unpaid Taxes .....13,900.20 Communications were read fnom lanal chair andl pedestai. LUrine sident Mrs. W. Paken opened wlth sding. Af ten the business devationalOnai MucplAsoatnfr then thanked thern for thein glfts a hymn, prayen and seipture lesson. service was ably taken by Ml-s. W. Total value o! Rol $34,074.58 dlOntia unipal Asscigation for and best wi*shes. The nemainder a! It was decided ta have a quitîngdeeas;Dt.oHibyshv the evening was spent in cards and in February also Mrs. R. Ormiston Rackham. Rer topic belng the Story Assessment for 1934 ing duly received Cartwight's ex- dancing and a- dainty lunch was wsapitda eodn e.ado! Life. Tbe pragnam and clip sheet S. S. No. 1 - . $82,480.58 penditune on roads for 1934, Sick served. Mn ed s R ecordaigSt. Mn was in charge o! Mns. J. Cbapman. S. S. No. 2........ >... 159,823.96 Childnen's Hospital for support; sered Ms.G.Wery s ssstnt Ms.Those taking part wene: Mns. C. S. S. No. 3 . 65.862.00 County Clerk stating amaunt o! The January meeting o! the Wo- W. Parker, J. A. Werry and Mns. T. Souch, Mrs. S. Williams, Miss Kat- S. S. No. 4 ...... 94,780.0 equipment grant Vo, scbools was men's Institute was held Thursday McGill were appointed delegates ta erson, Mrs. G. Banron, Miss Ruby s. S. No. 5 106,593.93 $143.11. a!tennoon in the S, S. naom with tbe the Presbyterial meeting at Ramp- Clatwortby, Mrs. J. Colwill and Mrs. S. S. No. 6 90.585.00 Mn. and Mns. Roskini, Mn. and president, Mrs. A. P. McKessock In Iton. Jan. 24th. The treasurer's J-. Clatworthy. Miss Ruby Clatworthy S. S. No. 7 ... 228,552.21 Mrs. W. D. Ferguson extended to the the chair. Af ter the business. Mrs. part was nead and approved whicb rendered a piano solo anld Miss Kat- S, S. No. 8 78,145.00 Counicil their sincere thanks for ne- Chas. Howsam, leader o! group 3, showed an increase aven last year. esngv edn. etmeigS . n9. 642594unigo tertxacon n ook charge. RoIl calwas answened rDevtional ai ae yMs .a r.G annso oeigterassret Oreba d an Mns Milt n St into . tan Mns E. rmist n ga e a e wh n the fa llowing ff ie rs ee C RD 0F T N S li s Iiu 14t 0ge eeery closed wlth hymn and benediction. maiewhhael aid20 egs rerk,1 934 Statutes and Sies14to2. etheeealy IIeneabI Ms E Wlbr Metngbesra w i ectid 00es o -r, w.pltn 11262 -ujHampton Women's Institute met more in one o! the Canadian egg f!Orms .. 2.28 Ei. lyn SLAE YS h op Jan. lth and was well attended.1J aying con ts. In addition Vo vol- N. Siblick, re!und dog tex, 1~n ADESThe prograin proved insplnlng, the 1urne these dams have proven cap-. ete. ... 4.80 theme being chle!hy resolutionsfo aclty fon egg size as well. And what D)r. McAthur> *.HO. ser .,.u.Th Mu wi P Ene59 A M a.F.O the New Year. The prograni was Ilsrnost Important, every reglstered vices Ar. h . MH .0o. 10 ___________the East Oroup. Mrs. Md. Doldge lI matured hen. They are the ereain tendant Officer .00.o .the chair called on the followng: af Production bred poultry. Reeve Services, L. B. Heaîth 8.00 m D. Galbraith, L. B. a! Health 8.00 Clerk, Sec'y. I.. B. a! Realth 8.00 \Vm. Beacack. expenses Poil- îng Booth .- .. . 10.00 H. Barley, exp. Poil. Booth 12.00 F. Taylor, exp. Poil. Booth. 12.00 H. Tbompson, exp. Poil. 12.00 Follow ing appointments w e n e made: Fence Viewers-A. Werry, J. Noan. J. Wright, C. Gibson: Pound Keepers-F. Gibsan, E. Armstrong, H. Philp and T. Williams; Sheep Valuatar. Street Cammissioner and Weed Inspector-Jna. Wright; Mern- ber L. B. of Health-D. Galbraith. Cauncil adjourned ta meet Fnebru- ary 4tb, at 2 p. m. W. Beacack, Clerk. j COURTICE J Miss Lamna Barber, Pickering, spent Sunday with ber parents, Mn. and Mns. Gea. Barber. Mn. and Mrs. Edwand Wade were tea guests on Wednesday night o! Mn. and Mrs. Thas. Adams. Miss Hattie Snudden, Bolawman- ville, bas, been home with a feilno the right tbumb, and is now unden the doctar's cane. As noted last week the collection of the l3th was ta stant a building fund, and the abave amaunt was a very satisfactry beginning. The Treasurer laten recived sufficient ta make an even $10.00. The people evidently believe in making the new Officer feel his respansibility. Congratulations are extended Mn.' Russel Suhley. Rockledge Farm, Caurtice. on bis appointment as one of the fficers for 1935 in the Ontar- .o Registered Paultry Breeder's As- sociation, and upon bis being ne- elected as a memben o! the Canadian National Poultry Records Associa- tion directors. On the llth Sunday School op- ened witb "Saviaur like a Shepherd lead Us" folawed by the Supenin-1 tenident's prayen. The pretty ýhymn 'Rear the Pennies Dropping" sung by the little Misses. Wilma Scorgie1 Ruth Snudden and Hilda Scorgi.e preceded the taking up o! the coîl- etian whicb amounted ta $9.80. .!ns. Jack Wiggans and Mn. Luther Beckett sang very creditably. "Stand p.1) Stand up for Jesus" preceded the nespansive neading o! the lessan. Aten the classes reassembled and the memany texts were heard fnom arlous pupils o! ail classes, "Why do yau wait, dean Brother' was Sung. Tben f nom the blackboands the aid ell-known bymn "Wben the RaIl is alled up Yander" was hearihy Sung. .ttendance 56. SPECIAL News Flash-Cress Corn. ind Bunion Salves togethen banisb* 'gbt common foot ailments. At Kerslake's Drug Store WhereLowPrices Prevail- Phone 49 Crazy Water Hot Water Bot. Attach. 49e Ayers Cherry Crystals Hot Water Botties, Pectora4 75e and $1.25 59e - 89e - 1.49ý 60C - $1.00 Rubber Gloves (Latex) Plnkham's 29e - 39e Beef Iront, Compound Absorbent Cotton 1 lb. - 29e and Wlne 89C Creophos - Guaranteed Vo 89C stop a stubborn cough - $1 Condensed Absorbine Jad Salis Malt Extract and Cod Liver Jr. 55e O11 -i lb. 59c - 2 lbs. 98c 89e - $1.89 Rapld-Fo Fiter Diskg Enos 300 for $1.50 Milk of Fruit Sait Magesta 47c - 69e Ozal Liquid - 1 pt. enough 32 oz. 69c for 60 gai. water --75e Alphamettes VicJcs Vapo Rub ... 39e Dodds PilIla $1, $2, $3.50 1Vlcks Nose DroPs .. 9c 29C P. R. COWLING, Phxn. B. Let Us Fit Your Eyes at Our New Lower Prices SPECIAL 'WeekEnd Sale Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 17 - 18 - 19 GOLD MEDAL COFPEE .... e b l CRQWN TEA, l's per lbg. 49e GOLD SOAP .5Prs.19o LUX, large perbars 123 F'ANCY PINK SALMON, Y's per tin 24e Finest COOKING FJGS............... 2 Iba. 19c OVALTINE 3 c 8 ,9 0 IBROOMS, 4-string 2ls 3 POST's BRAN FLAKES ea h35e 2 pkgs. 25e PINEST RECLEANED CURRAN'rS- lb. 15e GoId Medal ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 oz. 27C KOLONA TEA, 12'S per pkg. 25e GUEST IVORY SOAP 3 bars 14e and 1 Free MOP HANDLES BRUNSWICK SARDINES each 15o HABITANT PEA SOUp pe tin 10c SLICED PINEAPPLE ........2tin 1 GOLD MEDAI. FLOOR WAXpeti25 Red & White BAKING POWDER pen tn 25e TOMATO JUICE, 2's per tin 25e FALCON GOLDEN BANTAM CORN 2 tins 25o FIOUNTAIN WAX BEANS.2tn l CHOICE TOMATOES ..........2 l 2getins17 GTOLD MEDAI. STRAWBERRY JAM, with pectin, 32 oz. jan 35e SUGA.... SALTED PEANUTS........... 10 lbs- 53c JAVL WTER2 bottles 17o Goid Medal or Red & White JELLY POWDERS 3 pks.19e F. W. N@1i.s Phone 599 Bowmanville i WEDDING Elliott - McKessock A quiet wedding was solemnized at Hampton United Church Parsonage by Rev. Walter R.ackham on Satur- day afternoon, January l2t,--ib. o Margaret Elizabeth, eider daughte. of Mrs. McKessock and the late R, J. McKessock, Solina, and Everett Leslie Elliott, Oshawa, son of MI., and Mrs. S. J. Elliott, Fern Glen. The bride looked charming ini a dress of blue spring crepe with many blue turban and niatching accessorjes andi was attended by her sister, miss Ruth McKessock who wore a dress of blue spring crepe with navy blue matching accessories. The groonm was attended by Mr. Bruce Tink. IThe groom's gif t to the bridesmaîd was a white gold pendant and Chain. and to the best man, gold cuff links. The wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's mother, Sauina, after which the happy couple left amid showers of confetti and will reside in Oshawa. Sale ý,f NOVIELS 15e each By such famous authors es- Baroness Orczy, H. DeVere Stackpool, Rex Beach, Olive Wadsley, Max Pemberton, H. Rider Haggard, William Le Queux, etc. Aetually far below cs.ONLY 15e EACH NEW POPULAR Songs "«June in January", "On the Good Ship Lollipow, "The Night is Young,, "Wine Song" "Blue Moon", etc, etc. 25c and 35e J.W. Jewel IBOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS É~.. ' PAGE six w ..~ m, c. M-- ******... l-, 'L'1 LflDA , JANUALtX Utfl, 1935 THE CANADL4,N STATESMAN. BOWMANVMIAP TTqIlP.QT-t,&'%r -rà%TTT-n, ý,u 1.-