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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1935, p. 1

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çL 17(T J 1 V1' 91 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1935 NUMBER4 Stinson Defeats Annis for Warden of Northumberland and Durham Counties -. Green and Mercer Drop Out of Contest-Stinson Wins on First Ballot By 27 to 13 Vote on Tuesday Reeve Percy Stinson o! MiUlbrook was elected Warden o! tise United Counties o! Northumnberland and Durham at tise inaugural meeting o! tise Council in tise hlstoric Court Flouse at Cobourg on Tuesday night, defeating Reeve Ueo. F. Annis o! Darlington Township by a vote o! 27 to 13. 'The election was one o! tise rare occasions wisen a Warden was elected on tise first ballot. and it isas been known on many occas- ions to take no les tisais six ballots before a warden lias been elected. Tisere was llttle te cisoose between tise two contestants. Botis have isad a wide experience in Counties af- faimý, and "botis are extremely pop-- ular among councillors. The elec-1 MUSI OF HE W L I t ion for warden always takes on aij 1 WAS STUDY SUBJECT political atmosphere, and it was pre- Idicted when it was noted that Con- MUSIC CLUB MEETING servatives isad a majority in tise council that a Conservatîve would be elected. Warden Stinson is a Mrs. T. W. Cawker Directed Ta- Conservative and Reeve Annis a ented Porgram, Tracing the Liberal. Waltz From Its Origin to It seems apparent tisat tise usuala ModernTimeslobbylng was carried on prior te tisec Modm Tmeselection. Both Reeve Norman Green t --of Cartwright Township and Reeve t Tise Music of thse Waltz from its Mercer o! Hope Townsisip had o!-i origin down to tise present day was f ered themnselves as candidates fori presented to tise members o! tise tise office and both withda'ew before Music Study Club on Wednesday tise vote. These two were Conser-i evenîng, January 16tis, witis Mm. T. vative and Liberal. respectively. k W. Cawker un charge. Thse national iTise Council was somewisat stun-i nisythms and color employed by tise ned by receipt !rom tise Departmenti various comiposers gave real variety o! Hlighways o! a charge o! $73.3001 te an all waltz prograni. for work on tise Provincial Higis-t A tiirteen-piece orchestra under ways. Only $8.000 was included in tise direction of Mr. Francis Sutton, thse budget for tiis worlc by tise 1934 Mus. Bac., gave tise major part o! council. Tise auditors' report show-î tise program, including "Tise Beau- ed receipts exceeded expenditures by I tiful Blue Danube," Strauss; "Valse $14,726 in 1934. tisis credit being1 in C Minor," Chsopin; "Il Bacio," placed against tise accumnulated de-1 Arditil "Danube Waves," Ivanovici; ficit bringing tisat down to $70,410.1 "Estudiantina." Waldtenfel; "Valse Total expenditure on roads un 1934 Bleue," Margis. was given as $312,422, and tise coun-i Vocal solos were given by Mrs. T. ties sisare plus maintenance amount- ,W. Cawker, "Tise Maiden's Wish," i ed te $73.300 as stated above. It is Chopin, and "Tise Harp o! Deight," believed tisat tise road work Insti- Harris, and tise Englisis song of Dr'. tuted as a relief measure is includ- Arnes' "Tise Lass witi tise Delcate ed In thsis uge sum. Air," was rendered by Miss Marg- Tise auditors drew tise attention aret Allu. Miss Feggy Moses at tise of tise Counicil to tise large nuniber piano witis Mr. Sutteis at tise reed o! pupils attending scisools outside organ played tise "Valse lu A," o! tise counties, wici was cisarged Brahs. Mr. A. Damant witis his te tise counties, and represented a musical saw entertalued tise meni- large sum. It was recommended bers wth three waltz nuxnbers. Miss tisat tisis matter be tisorougisly in- Elinor Sykes and Mr. Normans Frled- vestlgated and a saving made, lu ','ýl sang tise "Waltz Duet" f rom "La forcing students te attend scisools in 4raviatia," Verdi. tiseir own counities. Mms. H. D. Clemens. President, was in tise chair and described tise careers o!f five well known radio and concert artists, whose pictures were 'n v thrown on tise screen !rom tise ian- University L.xtensior teris operated by Mr. Robt. Graisamn Miss G. Wîckett un iser capable 4/ t L manner gave tise Origin o! Song and onl ioutil rrOobemi Dance. Tise thanks o! tise club were ex- tended te Mrs. Cawker and al who isad assssted her in providing a de- Womnen's Orga n i z a t i o n llgitful evenlng. Heard Outstanding Edu- T' cationist In Address of COMING EVENTS Unusual Interest at the A sale o! Home Made Cooking will Montbly Meeting Monday be iseld at Mr. J. W. Jewell's Store - on Saturday, Jan. 26tis, at 3 p. m. W. J. Dunlop, B. A.. B. Paed., Di- under auspices of Cisurcis St. Circle rector o! Extension courses, Toronto o! Trinity Churcis. University, was tise guest speaker at St. Johsn's Men's Club-Flsh and tise Women's Canadian Club on Chip Supper at tise Parisis Hall on Monday in St. Johsn's Parish Hall, Saturday, Jan. 26tis.25c. Prom being introcluced by Mrs. L. W. Dip- 5.30 to 8 p. mi. Orders deliveredj pell, President, wiso was in tise chair. f rom 5 te 6 p. m. Pisone 273.' r. Dunlop, wiso has isad a wlde The Women's Institute will isold experlence along educational lunes, an open meeting in St. Johsn's Parlis at one timne as a teachier, aud in lis Hall on Friday, January 25th at present capacity at Toronsto Univer- 8 p. m. Rev. Dr. C. E. Wiittaker 1. slty, was partlculariy qualfled te wiil deliver an illustrated lecture on speak on tise subject "Educational "Tise Life o! the Eskimno." All mein- problenis whlcis face tise youth o! bers, their isusbands and friends are to-day." invited to attend. Music, tise speaker stated, may be Next week at the Royal Theatre tise basis of a great deal in our lives brings te Bowmanvllle two o! tise and in our education. In a few years greatest recent successes o! tise tise radio may be part o! tise equip- screen. On Monday. Tuesday sud ment o! ail scisools. Especially in Wednesday, Katharine Hepburn will tise rural scisools nsucis can be done be featured in "Tise Lttle Minister" to brigisten tise lives o! the children and on Thursday, Prlday andl Bat- wth goodi music. Tise teachlng o! urday. adorable ittle Shirley Temple Canadian Hlstory could be made a in "Bright Eyes" will be tise feature fascinatlng subject if a series o! its attraction. storles were dramatizedi and brought Rotary Club Hears Vocational Talks Tise Classification Committee isadi charge o! Frlday's meeting o! tise' Rotary Club wisen Allais Freemanis and W. Everett Smitis gave talks on1 tiseir classifications. Anotiser fea-i turc was tise initiation ceremoisy, or ratier tiird degree exempified ori imposed on Geo. W. James, tise cd-1 itor o! Tise Statesmanin urecognit-i ion o! tise bîntis o! Johnu Edward James o! recent date. Rotanlais L. W. Dippelisad cisarge o! thus lnterestisg and unique cere- mony iu wilc a preseutation o! tise workng tools o! s f atisen were presented sud tisir multifanlous uses exphaincd. Tue dlaper, a 27- inci square o! flanuehetta, it was cx- phalned, was folded f or use luto an isoscehes triangle. It wastises phaced under tise middle posteia a! tise infant, tise aides f olded over, tise apex drawn up betwcen tise lmbs, sud af! lxed wltis an lngenloushy twlsted plece o! bnass, commonly known as a sas! ty pin. Tise bottle was described as a cry- stal container for holding lacteal !huid, more comnsonhy known as zn1lk. It was surmouiited wth an article o! resilleut materlal, tismougis wicistise Infant galned souris- ment by tise exercises o! ts laws. Tiss item was dcscribed as belng useful for quietiug tise ciid sud pro- vidlng an eagy means o! taking nourisisient.t Tise third aud final tool Was at rattle, to be used wien tise infanti became obstreperous sud rc!used by ail otiser methods te be comforted. Its use was advised only un tiset absence o! tise notiser, sud wleis1 ail otiser means isad f ailed te paclfy tise chlhd.i Tise new fatier was tises nstruct- cd lu tise signa o! tic sucieut and honorable order of D-A-D-S. Tue rlgist armn was iseld ln front o! the body at an angle o! about 35 de- grecs, sud tise le! t ni at an angle o! about 75 degrees. A gentle sway- lng motion, indicatlng tise rocklng. of tise ciid te seep, sud anc fin- ger phaccd ou tise lips, ndicating ai wus well, comiphetcd Uic in- structions. ]President Fred Cryderman tises prescuted a gui t for baby John Bdi- ward on behal! a! tise Club, sud ln- dividual members presented useful sud ornemental gif ts whicis were cotalncd lu a busisel basket. Tise <Continued on page 3) Trinityr Evening Auxilia'y Opens Season With A Supper Meeting Tuesday Trinity Evening Auxiliary of tise W. M. S. opened thse year 1935 with a supper meeting in the scisool room on Tuesday evening, wisen tise meni- bers and tiseir guests numbering about 80 sat down to a very tempt- ing meal. Thse tables were attract- ive in colors of white and yeilow with floral centres of water lilles and other decorations. During tise social hour a contest and otiser amusements, under direction of Miss Greta Wickett, thse new secretary, were enjoyed. Mrs. W. A. Sisane, thse president. took charge o! thse program which opened with a couple of songs by littie tots of tise public scisool under direction of Miss Vera Power wltis Miss Helen Morris at the piano, whicis pleased everyone Af- ter thse openlng isymn and praerb Rev. E. P. Armstrong, thse secretary announced thse group leaders and members belonging to ecdi. Mrs. C. A. Wighst gave a fine synopsis of thse address given at Oshawa Presbyter- ial last year by Miss Thsomas on "The Kingdom 0)f God Movement." Scripture quotations bearing on tise same subJect were read by Mrs. L. W. DippeU, Mrs. C. G. Morris, Mrs. Muriel Symons. Mrs. Roy Webber, Mrs. A. R. Virgin, Miss Helen Cr>~ dermar. and Miss Leta Jackson. Mrs. Vernon Ott !avored wlth a very fine solo, accompanled on tise piano by Mms. H. D. Wigistman. wisicis concluded a very pleasant evenlng. n Director Speales sat Women's Club~ over tise air, Mn. Dunlop believed. lu tracing tise problenis o! the pneseist, tise necessity o! tise parents akiug an active interest in tiseir isildx'en's education was particularly stressed. Tise motiser shouhd inter- est isenself as mucis about wisat iser chsild la geting at sdisool, as is tise groceries sise buys, Mn. Dunhop stated tisat duriisg is career as a teacher le neyer gave grammar or arithmctlc as isomewonk since ise dld not cane to kuow how muci tise parents kisew. Only memory work and spellisg wene sssigned, sud these thse cîuîdren isad to learis by their own concentration. A tume*o! great trial for tise pupi] sud tic parents comes at tise end of thse public scisool ena, wise tise fîrst probhem is !aced. The ciild atka hlruself-wisere am I going te go on, Ieaving public achool-to Ig9 scbool. commercial schooh. or tc Tecisuical scisool? o! ten neither tisE boy non tise parent knows tise so- lution, sudis tisat case tise teachel is tise pemson to consult. If tisreï f actons cannot decide, thec a!esi policy is te take tise academis course. Tic child csu later branct off iste whateven is lis cholce. Many cisildren, Mn. Dunslop de. chared, acquire an active distaste to Latin, or some other subject. anc are proue to drop tise subject wil lu hater years means a great deal t( theni. Junior Matriculatios has be. come a type o! mihestone for gagluî tise amount o! education wicis persois las rcceived. Tic busines world caUl for this qualification and tise person wiso does not mec tisis standard us ofteu disregarded. Only a f ew years ago, tise speake pointed out, a certificate o! grad ustion f nom tise public scisools ws tise only requiremeut for estrnic to, business. But standards are be ing raised continually, and if par enta keep tiscir chihdreis lnlg, scisool at heast until tlsey matriculat tisey may consîder tiseY have doln tiseir duty, Mn. Dunslop addcd. Tise value o! a University educat ion was great, sud tise youisg me aud women taklug advaistage o! whetiser by attendance at tise uni vcrslty, on by extramural coursi werc many. Mn. Dunlop maintaine tisat sot sîl people sisould go te ur lverslty. Some arc f itted for or tllng sud some for anotiser, cosM quently many 'wM f fd tiseir goal 1 the igher education whlc otic wlU find tiscir path scdlng lu ar otiser direction. Tise probleIn reaohl tremendous proportions, but your people sisoulci taIre alh the cducatic they feel tiscY Cas absorb. Miss Dorothy BonnYcastle exprea cd tise apprecation o! an enthusla tic audilence. Tic fascinating SI Idireffl held mucis of vahuable infoam jation te parents and teacisers ahike MAERIED LADY KNEADS BREAD WITH GLOVES ON "It is reported that one of thse fastidious newly marrieci ladies o! this town kneads bread with her gloves on. Thbis xnay seem somewisat peculiar, but there are others. Thse ed- itor of this paper needs bread with his shoes on.,ise needs bread with iis pants on, but un.less sonie of tise delinquent subscribers to this Old Flag of 1'reedom pony up before long, lie wll need bread witisout a d.. tiing on, and Bowman- ville la no Garden of Eden in thse Winter." Looi at your label. ss r s ce eh e 't en i1- n. ne is a- Ls m- 1. W. Dippeli Principal o! Bowmanvlhe Higl Sdisool who wus re-elected Presiden o! tise Public Library Board at ti anisual meeting on MondaY. MINISTER 0F PUBLIC WELFARE ANN01UNCES EQUALIZE» RELIEF H-on. Dayid Croîl, Minister o! P>ublic Welf are, announced on Tuesday tisat inunicipali- ties would be noti!ied siortly o! an equaluzed rate for uneni- ployment food allowance re- lief. Unemployed families wilh tisus receive tise sanie allow- ance lu wisatever municipality tisey may reside. Mr. Cr011 la- mented tise fact tisat tisere isad been so mucis variance in tise allowances made un tise past. The governmnent edict will be made on a basis o! tise cost o! living. Only one fig- ure was annouisced, and tisat as $5.25 per week, for a famlly o! four persons. This rate wil graduate accordamng te ie of tise f amily. Tise adoption o! sucis a sciseme was stx'ongly advocated lu Tise Statesman several montlis ago. U.L u lvimi 0 1 Blaclcstoclc Man on Serious Charge in Oshawa Court Foster Ferguson, Driver of Marlow Truckc, S t ruc k Another Truck at Osh- awa - Mans l a u g h t e r Charge Is Laid A charge o! manslaugister was preferred agalnst Foster Ferguson, Blackstock, as a result o! an acci- dent early Saturday morning lu wisich Frank Green, 25, of Whitby, was lnstantly killed. Ferguson, dxiv- ing a iseavy truck beionglng to Wal- lace Marlow o! Blackstock, isad turned out te pass a man isrdiug on a bicycle, one mile west o! Osisawa, wisen an eastbound light truck driv- en by Green crashed Inte tise Mar- low Transport, sud was completely demolished. Cisarles Green, 50, f a- tiser of tise dead mais, and William Allen, 46, botis passeuzers in tise truck, su!! ered niluor cuts and were treated lu Oshsawa Hospital. Tise bicycl1e rider was also hurt un tise collision, while neither Ferguson nor Marlow were inJurèd. Ferguson was remanded for one week by Magis- trate Frank S. Ebbs, o! Oshsawa. According te information given by Provincial Conbtable Runciman, Mr. Green was dbriving isis f atiser and Mr. Allun !rom tiseir homes is Wisitby to tise plant o! General Motors o! Canada, Limited, is Oshs- awa wisere they are employed. A short distance eust o! tise gates of tise Union Cemetery the light truck is wisich tisey were riding came into collison with tiseiseavier truck driv- en by Mr. Fergusoti, wisicis was on its way te Toronto with a load o! cream and eggs. Truck Waa Wrecked Provincial Constable Runcimanl stated tisat apparently tise truck driven by Mr. Ferguson isad pulled over to pass a bicycle rldden by Donald Clements, 300 Pine Avenue Westmount. wisicis was also pro- ceeding in a westerly direction along tise nortis side o! tise highway. Tise le! t f ront corner o! tise rack o! tise truck struck tise le! t front fender o! tise Uigit truck driven by thse deceas- ed and strlpped thse wisole o! tise 1le! t side o! tise veisicle. Tise bodlY o! .tise light truck wus a total wx'eck, 1while tise rack o! tise transport .trucks was badly dimaged. Mr. Fer- guso su Wa1aeMKarlow of Black- ; stock, tdoviriower o1 the truck wisc .wu ridlng In tise vehicle, bote es- -caped lujury. As a result o! tise collision tise iseavy truck le; believed te have slued .as thse bicycle ridden by tise Cie- ments boy was struck and tise sand- lebars broken. Tise boy was knocked over and suf!ered an irijured arin. It was stated tisat after tise im- pact tise ieavy truck continued up tise road for a distance o! !i!ty-two f eet. while tise ligister vuhicle wenl twenty-seveis feet down tise grade -before coming te a stop. Albert Maynard Passes r rom a Victoria, B. C., newspaper 5'1sent to our of fice we leari tisat Al- Ibert Hatiserly Maynard« passed away lui tisat city on December 23rd, in e hs 78tis year. He was born in Bow- manvlle in 1857, went te Victoria in 91861, acompanyiig isis motiser. bro- rtiser 'and two sisters toi jolis their 1f ather wiso preceded them to the eCoast by two yeams. He was 0111: keleven yeams old wisen he vlewed the ef amous gold filelds on tise Cariboo rAccompaisying isis father ise went oi a wagon journey te Barkervll Ilwiicis requlred twenty-two days, in. ifcluding a steamer trip to New West- mtainster. One o! hts greatest fade ,was an immense love for Victoria r'He was o! ten iseard, te say tisat wsez ishe left tise city he was unisappy un. * til ise returned. Througisout isis 111( *ise was tise picture o! healtis anc i-when le turned tise tisree-quarte ,century mark two years ago hi lboasted he had neyer known what i >wai to be slck. He was a membe: co! tise Rotary Club and for man: hyears a membel' o! A.O.F. Cour Vancouver. Three daugisters sur. ,vive, Mrs. D. I. Walker. Jordlan WI ;ever. and tise Misses June and L. E ,d Maynard, Victoria. Interment wa hmade ln tise famlly plot is Ross Bs: ;0cemetery. RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT MALE LADIES ACT AS HOSTESSES AT ROUND RLOBIN TOURNAMENT Male Lady hostesses are now thse vogue at thse Badminton club. on Wednesday after- noon a round robin tourna- ment and afternoon tea was staged with quite successful resuits. Thse hostess efr thse occasion were (Miss) Allan Knight and (Madame) Cecil Dudley. They were charxning- iy clad in afternoon frocks o! doubtful age, and whlch fitted just where they touched. Ma- dame Dudley, between negoti- ating wlth higis heeled sisoe on tise slippery floor, managed very weil at pouring tea, while Miss Kniglit, who wore Greta Garbo sports sis, served the sandwiches and cake. Thse hostesses are supposed te have concocted the sandwiches and cake themselves. but as no lady was reported sick f oflowing the tea, we have to take this statement with a grain o! sait. BADMINTON CLUB HELD TOURNAMENT HERE ON SATURDAY christ Church, Toronto Players, Win Most Gamnes in Hard Fought Battle Thse Badminton Club was the mecca on Saturday for ail local players and those interested in thse game, when 14 players of thse Christ Church Club, Toronto, visited thse courts te take measure of the bes iplayers. Twenty-two events were playec between thse heurs o! 4 and il p. n. with only time off te partake o: supper which was provided by the Guild o! St. Johsn's Churcis in the Parisis Hall. While thse Toronto players won 15 of thse events, the play was not as one-sided as mnigis appear. as nine of these wins were anyone's game Up te the last end. In thse ladies' doubles Toronto won fthree and Bowmanvlle two. In the -men's doubles Toronto won f ive and ethse onlY gamne the locals took was ,fwon by S. R. James and C. H. Dud- ley. In thse mixed doubles Toronto tooek seven o! the eleven games. At thse close of thse tournaflient coffee and, cake were served by the oladies. on February 16tis the Bow manville players go te thse Yorý Club, Toronto. vocal numbors. Ail nuinbers were greathy en.Joyed. Tise speaker for tise eveuing wâs Rev. Mr. Rose o! St. George's An- glican cisurcis, wio bas receitlY home from India sud spoke on IncUa an Educ.WAaftion there. He told isoW P r o f. Normian Mackenzie, ORONO OUT-SCORED especiaily tise girls, were lu scisools, tissutisose un that country, but hie la Noted Authority on Inter- IN HOCKEY TILT AT isoping to see conditions better there natona AffaisW a s WHITBY ON TUESDAY lu tise near future. lu closlug ise nationl Af firs, hed the clubs every success for Speaker at Largely At- AtouiOrso upydWi- tise work tisey are endeavouig te tended Meeting of Men's by tisey f ailed te outscore tiem sund mm. Fred Bowen of Clark Union Wiitby won tiseir home game 9-~5, and Mrs. W. A. Clarke o! BovWn5i- Canadian Club ou Tuesday night. Orono Just ville ech tissuked the Oshawa clubs - couldn't pusistisat puck lu. lu the for tise invitation sud for sucis a An intensely Instructive review o! final period for no good neason at dellght!ul evenlng. tise events Ieading up to tise Saar ail J. Sleigistiolm rusised Camerois m. Kinnear movedi a vote o! plcblscite. sud tiseir cf! ects upon sud startedi te play Dempsey. I tisanksa seconclec by Mrs. Morris for European and world political events, wB.5 an uncalled for outburst sud tise flue pnogrsm. was tise feature o! a very largely even tise Wilb fans booed lilii. A dalutY lunch was servedi 1> tise attended meeting o! tise Mens Cari- Mutton. wiso tendedi goaiuin1115 Oshawa f iends and tisere tic visit- acian Club at tise Bownaii House customary stellar way is tise last ors departedi for home feeling thse ou Fxiday niight. The speaker was two periods. appeared iservous lu the eveuing lad been botis pleasant and Prof. Normais Mackenzie o! Toronto !rst staisza and tliree o! Wisitby's profitable.________ UJniversity, fornseriy attaohed te thc four goals were o! tise soft variety.- Le-ague o! Nations, and one o! Can- Tise Orono goals were made by Os- ada's most brillant scisolars and borne wisen ise squeezed througi tise Canadian Legion Band students o! International affairs. de! ense 2 minutes a! ten tise start o! Presldent L. W. Dîppeil presided tise game, and tise second was by To Open Concert Series at tise meeting ad at is sugetioni Piper on passes f romn the Jamieson In Town Hall Sunday a letter o! symopathiy will be for- brotisers. warded te Mrs. Tiseordore Legault, Cisartran scored lu tise second The Canadian Leglon Bandi opens wdow o! tise member o! tise Legis- period on a sisot from tise blue lcits13elso!Snaevnu lature for Sturgeon Falls-NIisling, and D. Corln et 35s lscls cn ertsluteoSn Hallon Sn- wlo was guest speaker at tise last for lis.coersithTwnHlonS - mseeting o! tise Club sud wlso dle uts ia eidWstytlied day nigist next, at 8.15 P. im. The suddenhy lu Premier Hepbur's o!- Ithmoe finor earke nntb ted big feature of tise progrilS wlibe twicere last larewek. ontise William Tel Overture, Ose o! the rf. ac eze wstodcdb Dub Pi>per's roller, and Whitby most stlrrlng musical masterpieces Prf. oaknnyc as itie. He deat scored thir last two on bneakaways on record. Tisis overture contains a Dr. G. C. onasl.H det witis Orono ai up tise ice. P. G. realistic reproduction o! a terrifie witis ils subject topically. baslng is Cisatran converted Frank Jamie- storm, n wicistise storm la heard remanks on tisose important f actors son's pass for tise final Orono coun- t prah u int ra u of international affairs whicis had ter. liste its w dthres lu abrian ot been bhazoned across tise front swldtfuesIabrlan o! tise uewspapers un recent months.1Witby - Gýoal, Charke; defense. climax. Tise sterm graduaily passes Firmt, thse speaker dealt wth tise Crozier, Law; centre, Heard; wlngs, in tise distance, and tise caini after Saar Plebisdite. Thlis problem, Randle. J. Sleigistiolms; subs, Browns, tise storm is beautifuliy depicted lu wicl at one timne tbreatexied tise W. Conilu, F. Coulin, E. Sleigisthohm. music. Citizens sisould maIre an ef- peace o! Europe, sa.d been traced Onono - Goal, Mutton; defense, fort to isear this fine presestation by many to tise iniquities o! tise Hooper. O. Jamieson: centre, Os- togetiser witiste rest o! what pro- Treaty o! Versallhes, le said. He did borne; wiisgs, G. Piper, Dunlop; mises to be a most entertaluing pro- not agnee wltis this attitude. Tise subs, Chartran, I. Piper, F. Jamle- gram. Baudmaster R. Fountalu wil Tx'eaty o! course contained botis good son, Camneron. conduct. sud evil, but on tise whole was a very ___________________________________ humais document. Tise speaker was _______________________________ even surprised tisat it contained se mucis idealsm. followiisg as ut did lu tise wake of tise most disstrous and Sale of Automobile Markers is Slow lowlug tise events whicis lad pre- ceded ItL Tue e! fects of tise war, Eltiser tise depression la a long and-white sud yellow-and-black tise distrust betweeii nations sud way fx'om belug a thing o! tise past, combinations. tise enitY that existed betwecii or else tise motoring public is't tak- It shiouici also be borne lu mmnd allies sud enemY couldi not be alhayed ing very seriously tise threats o! tise tisat operators' and chauffeurs- per- overniglit. The treaty waa tise lu- provincial autisorities iu inslstlug mits have sow explredi sud must evitable outeonie o! tise intrigue that tise new auto mankera be pro- be renewed. wici before tise war had graduallY cured at -once. led Up te tise couflct. W. J. Csallas, local issuer o! ie- Hon. T. B. MoQuesten, minister The Saar rullng wasOnc of tise enses, reports business to be only o! highways, stated at Toronto this questional features o! tise Treaty fair. Laat year tise Bowmanville week that bis department does not o! Versils The Saa territori' office isandled over 1000 sets of contemplate extending tise perlod or hias an ares about equal te thiat o! plates. 'Yesterday Mr. Cisalls re- immunlty te tardy motorista, sueis Greater Toronto and its population ported that only 556 sets o! plates as was doue Isat year, sud promises wua about tise sane, 800,000 people. have been procuredi by Wcst Dur- that traffic off icers wMI be Instruot- la thse war thse coai mines o!f hans people yet, notwitisstanding tise cd te prosecte motorlst.s wiso have France wcre put out. ! of imssion1 f act tisat they are tise most attract- not secured tiseir plates by end o! t' cd compensation. They demnanded ive mankers yet isaed by tise de- thls montis. Traffio officers have t tise Saar terrltory outrigist, but partment. tise orange sud black col-1 been sotifieci te warn drivers tisat Le Britishs ssd Itaian dèeegates refu.ed or sciseme belng somewisat o! a de-: there will be no extension o! time Continueci on Page3 parture tram thse time worn black- 1 allowed. timiran aeMan With Which Is Iflcorporated The Bowmanville News Library Board Annual Meeting Hears Encouraging Report From Treasurer Board Completes Year With Balance on Hand - Lib- HIGH SCHOOL BOARD rarian Is Commended -ARRANGES LECTURE FOR GENERAL PUBLIC L. W . D ippeli Is R e-elect-Th i c ol B ar h s ed President completed arrangements wlth the University Extension of Completing another year of spien- Toronto University for an ed- did service to the community, the ucational lecture here in the Bowmanvilie Public Library Board near future. The general pub- held its annual meeting on Monday lic will be admltted f ree to the night, when reports were presented lecture in the school auditor- by the treasurer and librarian. jumn, and on the lnterest man- Mrs. Geo. Mason ated as chair- ifest by the attendance at the mans of thse meeting and Alex Me- opening lecture, will rest thse Gregor as secretary-treasurer until decision of thse Board in bring- new off icers were elected. Thse ing a whole series of lectures election resulted in L. W. Dippell, here. Definite announcemelit Principal of the High Scisool, being as to date, speaker and turne of re-elected Presiclent and M. G. V. opening lecture will be a- Gould as secretary-treasurr. nounced in Thse Statesman Thse treasurer's report showed thse next week. finances in a healthy condition. ____________ Receipts, including fees, fines, and grants totafled $962 .80 o! whlch $1.41 was carried over from the prev- ious year. Expenditures, which In- BOWMANVILLE AND cluded Librarianls salary, news- paper subscriptions, new books, in- CLARKE UNION CLUBS surance and general items totalled GUESTS AT OSHAWA r$924.68, leaving a balance on isand on December 31st, 1934, f $39.13. Hm n eolCu tOhw The report of the Librarian, Mrs. Hm n colCu fOhw W. H. Argue, contained a volume Hosts at Colleziate on Thursday of information as to thse activities of - Hear Address on Education thse Library during the past year. inîndua On Janiuary lst, 1934, there was a total f 3480 non-fiction works in On Thursday evening, Jan. 7th, ethe library, and 3044 works f fict- about 30 members of Bowmanville jion, making a grand total of aduit Homne and School Club journeyed to eliterature of 6524 volumes. Child- Oshawa and were entertained by the t ren's books totalled 1463. At thse varlous clubs of that city in the Col- eclose of the year, after a total of legiate. 125 aduit and 38 children's isad been Ms .S cagunto i added, and 263 adult and 87 child- chair and thse meeting opened with cren's books withdrawn, thse volumes repeating the Lord's Frayer and the totalled 6453 adult works and 1414. Home and Sehool Creed after wilc] books for cildren. M~rs. McLaughfln, welcomed thse var- Circulation for the year totalled ious clubs tisat isad assembled. Sis .26,301 which was about 1700 less advised thse group leaders te study ,etiais the previous year. Thse non- Lsi rgasgvn ortpc ýfiction reading was made up of the nameîy Public Welfare, Education, ifollowing types of works: General Home Service and Healtis. She ahu e2167; Phiflsopisy 110; Religion 105;tododiernacev eisti socoloy 4; nturl siene 10.Oshsawa ScisooLg are aiming at sueb use! ul arts 18; fine arts 10; litera- as an Art Centre and Provincl a' ture 531; isistory 354; travel 382; Choir directed by Mr. Riciser. Dr Le biography 365, making a total of G.. A. Brow, Mr. O'Nel, Mr. An- É non-fiction of 4188 volumes. Thse derson, Mr. LoveUl and Mrs. Hawkei L, fiction readers uaed no les tisan 18- members o! thse Board of Educatlor [- 244 volumes, wbteh, together wth conveyed greetings to the guests. A the Juvenile circulation o!f 386o9oig rgai oloe makes up the total o! 26,301.Th olwn prga.flwe *t It is lnteresting te note that manyI Musical selection bW thse orchestra lenew volumes.were aikied te the sisel- vocal solos by Mrs. J. A. Ferry o v-veao total iu aIl o! 229, wbile olj Witby; Miss Mary Reed favourec rk volumes were wlthdrawn te thse t&~al Iwitis the sword dance and Highsit! (Continued on page 10) fling accompanied by thse bagpipe played by Mr. Reed: Miss Veux t' ar e, no u awati, l rpd . o le ie ie ah ie ,h :e te Ch nd M; na md The Sear PIeLiscite EFfects on World AfFairs is Related at Canadian Club

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