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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1935, p. 3

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0 PAGE TifiIE - - -- -- . - WfUt1 IAT.T. TRMRÇDAY. JANUARY 24th, 1935 THE ANADAN SATFSMAN BoWAnvimým ions of the Germans. Through the M en 's Canadian league alsa, bth Britairi and France saw an opportuflity of allying with iL Russie. without becoming too fr1- Club Hears of endly in a diplomatie way. it members now constituted the league. Saa Pebscteand the Unitsd Sta.tes, inlann - the International Court of Justice (Continued froin page 1) was gradually comning towards full admission to the League. The f u- this request. The idealism of these ture of the League, the speaker be- nations opposed the placing of fa- ieved. was entirely in the banda of reigners under alien rule, especiaily people of the world. If they wanted in view of the fact that the pop- peace. if they wanted international ulation was 99 per cent. German. disagreemnents settled by arbitration, The outcome of the negotations if they wanted ta replace the settie- was that France was given out- ment of international disputes bY rigbt the Saar mines. The League of co-operation instead of war, tbey Nations was given politicai control must support the League. for 15 years. after which a plebis- In conclusion the speaker touched cite was ta be taken giving the voter briefly on Japanas relationship ta the opportunity of returning ta Ger- the League. many, annexation ta France or re- A question period was conducted mairung under the League of Nat- at the close of the address and Mr. ions. That plebiscite was beld on M. J. Elliott voiced the appreciatian January 13th, with the votirig over o! the large attendance ta Prof. 90 per cent. la favor af a return to Mackenzie for the able manner in German rule. which he had presented bis address. Many problems gave fise ta ser- ' ious apprehension during the past 15 years. Difficulty was experiencedMe tn in getting the ight type of man to RotaryM e tn rule the, and outstanding amang those who did act as chair- (Continued tram page 1) man of the Saar Commission was George Washington Stevens, the apreciation and thanks expressed by most respected governor of ail, and the happy daddy completed this who is stili higbly respected by the part of the program. inhabitants of the territory. Mr. However the embarrassmrent o! Stevens is a Canadian f rorn Mont- Rotariani George was further en- real. hanced by Secretary Ross Stutt The adveat of Hiter ta power reading a letter from a former Dur- with bis Nazis caused much con- ham County Boy, Biily Mils. Sec- cern, but f inally France and Ger- retary of St. Mary's Rotary Club, mnany were abe ta camne ta an agree- congratulating the Club upon having ment whereby no interference in the another potential Rtarian within plebiscite would be perrnitted. and its jurisdliction, suggesting that the an international army was ta police, dad cuaif ied for the Community the territory during the plebiscite Service Committee. as well as other period. comments and poetry "not fit ta The resuit of the plebiscite, the priat." speaker believed, was a step towsrds 1 The Chairifan of the Classific at- peace in Europe. It la unfortunate ion Committee, Frank McIlveen, for the small minority who are then introduced Allan Freernan, C. likely ta f are badly under Hitler P. R. agent. who spoke on Express rule, but a great many of these are Service. the vocation he represeflted leaving the Saar as refugees. Ger- lin Rotary. Mr. Freeman gave an many. under the agreement wilU insight into the type of service that pay France 900 million francs in' empiayees of this service are ex- gold for a retura of the mines, and pected ta rendier the public. It was the outcome will relieve the ten- not sufficient ta, just t.ake care of alan which bas existed betweea ones needs with courtesy and ef- Germany and France for the past 15 ficency but rather ta anticipate the years. needs o! the customer writh a view Prof. Mackenzie discussed two jto giviag reai service. The public other problems in international af - wass fot guided ia its opinion of fairs. He toid of the events lesding the service by the quickness of the up to the assasination of King Alex- Company ta consider and right ander of Jugo-SIavis, and comment- claims for damage. but rather in ed on the great wark accomplished the avoidance of damage by a care- by the League af Nations in amie- fui attention ta shipping and service. ably settling this dispute. The rear- Provincial Constable W. E. Smith rangement of countries following the spk nplc ocs eso wan, in which Hungary bast part of briey on thlie feraForce,He k its territory and peuple ta the Bal- 1bief the oy eal anadian Mon kan e nateontenationmake forPolice, which enforced Federal or- tre in the thernt ins. hle dinances such as the Narcotic Act ete mather a o iagybe Smuggling. and Customns and Ex- setle, te uarantees secured by cise; the Municipal force, wich en- the League at least prevented whatforelcayanstttcimn seemd a aloat ertin ar. code, and municipal bylaws. and b: The speaker aiso explained the o),n work, the Provincial farce entry o! Russie. in the League of which cared for the rural section. Nations. Russia had always bad a and special work. bitter hatred of the league believing it ta be league of capitalist states, ta The Provincial force, Mr. Sml which of course the Communist was said, was divided into three parts an avowed enemy. Russas owever the mtai cycle patrol, whîch en. was shown ta have eatered the f orced the traf! le act on provincia league as an expedient in helplng highwsys; the district officera, wlh out a serious situation. Threatened taok charge of counties or district by Japan on the east and Germany for general enforcement a! law, ai I.the west, Russia aaw in the the Crimmnal Investigation Depart L'eague, a Uine up of the hated cap- ment which was the chief detectiv italist nations against miar- This force and which took active part i presented the opportunity ta, secure finding the solution of maio national support of athers ln pie- crimes. In connection with thi senting what seemed ta be a cer- angle Mr. Smith outiined the wor tain clash betwee,-n Russa and Je.- done by Dr. E. R. Frankish, Medieo pan, and Germany and Russa. War Legal Expert, whose duty is ta fin meant ta Russia ruination of its causes of death by poisaning, b great experiment. France's fear of 'oui means, and to study balistiîý Gerrnan rearmamrent, and Britain's ,vhieh la the science of bullets an distruat of Gerrnany were f actors euns. Rotarian Smith cavered in i wblcb gained the support of the -hart but interesting address a ver Jeague for the admission of Com- comprehensive review o! the workc munist Russia. Thus once again the varlous police forces. the old Trioyle Entente of Russie.. Presider.t Crydernman expresse France and Englafld provides a bul- appreciation ta the speakers. Lettei wark against the militaristic ambit- were resd !romn Rotarlan F. C. Hoa by the retreating German armif . wha is holidaying la Florida. French industry waa seriously hand- Visitors at the club were. Rw lcapped witb the resuit that la the Weir and Jack Fergieson of tl peace negotiations the French want- Oshawa Club. Husky Drives out Stabbing Pain Relieves Indigestion, Headacheà Wben we tell yuu that HUSKY- we are glving you the opinion Natures remarkable tonie and ne- thuusands of sufferens&-mlaIlY i strative-that ha being dlstrlbuted live right bere la BowmanviUle. T] la BuwmnvWille by Jury & Luvell. are judglng trom their own setu Druggsts, does relleve stomacb, lUv- experience wth this m e dli c i er, kidney and bowel silments, as HUSKY really dmo the wurk. wèll as the many commun aliments that go hand in band wth them, wlll prove that to you. Try RUSE we are not guesslng on aur part- sud keep Husky. JURY & LOVELL D)RUGGISTS BOWMANVILLE t ri e y il is1 ie, le e- th id n ed S - n lis ced [he ts o: rho uts ive in Canada Lif e Assets Increase By Millions Annual Report Showsl Another substantial increase in assets featured the Annual Report' of the Canada Life Assurance Com- pany, presented in Toronto on Jan- uary l7th, the gain being $15,519,672. Mr. Leightofl McCarthy, Presi- [dent, remarked that the Lif e Insur- ance Companies have met the test of the greatest economic dislocation the world has ever known, in a manner which has demonstrated strength. integrity and absolute re- liability. The General Manager, Mr. A. N. Mitchell. who was recently elected a Vice-President. pointed out that the total income from ail sources during 1934 was over $50,000,000 an increase af over $3.250,000. The ALONG MAIN STREET If it's real values in meat that you want this week look over Alex Ed- mondstones special advt., for list of good suggestions for your weekend meat problem. Couch, Johnstofl Cryderman Limited are offenîng Ladies winter coats at savings ut $5. ta $7. Your best selection is rlght now bef ore the stock is depleted. . 0 Fine English china cups and sau - cers at less than cost are offered by James Marr, the jeweller. These make very acceptable bridge gif ta. Kersakes Drug Store of fer same mighty fine savings in Drugs, and a careful persual of their advt. should prove worthwhile. The old music favorites which j have lived through the years are featured at Jewell's Big 20. Read the advt. for announcement of a very drastic reduction in price. 0* e*. . Blue Coal makes warm f riends and satisfied customers. Don't experi- ment but use trade marked "Blue Coal" sold by Sheppard & GilU. . . 0 * Announcement ut $500 offered in prizes is made in Alex McGregor's advt. Tne contest costs nothing to enter and la worth investigating. At lea-s than manufacturing costs Walker Stores is selling out odd lengths and discontinued lines of fabries. Investigate this special off er. In the middle of your shopping this weekend why not drop into Watson's Tea Room for a nùlk shake with Fruit cake. This is off ered as a weekend special. WALKER 4TOI4E! PHONE 164 LiMSIEVD BOWMANVILLEj readlng Nwaa taken by Mn. David Golding. Mrs. Kenueth Samielade livered the Bible study, "Christ'sI Third Temptation"; ami Bey. H. J.I Bell la bis tapic explained. the Book' ot Revelatiolis. Miss Laure. Proutt and Miss Eda Kinsmnan, Toronto, enjoyed an ex- cursion ta Montreal. ENFIELD- Misa Helen Pascue la vhsiting la Oshaw. Miss Ella Tamblyn visited inl Ton- auto aven the weekend. Mn. L. C. Ferguson bas been spending a few clays la Toronto. Miss Ina Cunninghamn, Brussoils, b as been visiting at Mn. L. C. Pas- coe's. Mn. and Mra. L.. Stinsun snd tam- ily recently vislted at Mis. J. Stin- son's. Mia. John MeCulloch bad a bad f sîl lat week sud la under the duc- tor's cane. rj Wumen's Association met at the hume of Mrs. L. C. Psscae on Jan. 8th wth a very ouci attendance. Pres4dent. Canada Life Assurance speli savinga are contained la Harry Company, wha la bis address at the Allia's grocery advt. Read wbat it's 88tb Annual Meeting o! the Com- all about. pany. January 17. stressed the ste.- bility of the Lif e Insurance business Men and boys in aeed of new and its wide-spread benefits and rubbers shouIlooa at the big spec- pointed ta signa of improving world il featured by Nabarhaod Stores. conditions. It's a wow. 0* **1 Pastry flaur at extra apecial surn of aven $27,000.000 was paid ta pnices la one a! the many surprises policyholders, annunitailta or bene- in Dominion- Stores advt. la this ficianies. Living policybalders re- iesu e. ceived almost $18.000,000 spart f rom ,* boans made ta them. A new plant. knuwn as "Kalan- The surplus funds and special re- choie" (ask Mr. Groves bow toi pro- serves total $8,496,268, and include nounce it) la being intraduced la $2,000,000 provision for special con- Mr. Groves sdvt. It lsas dainty littie tingencies. and $2,600,000 for poiicy red flower that is entireiy different. divideads payable during the bal-* ** ance of the Company's divhdend Morning frocks la new materiala yee.r eadiag June 3Oth, 1935. Af ter and new styles at a nidiculausly 10w providing $170.000 for other divi- price are among other things fea- demds ta policyhalders there remains tured by the Evlyn Shop. an unassigned surplus ut $3,726,268, * 0 * 1 the latter being an increase o! A new type of cosi, a bard an-1 $101,953.96. The Company's posi- thracite produet 0f the Line Com- thon was further strengtbened by pany is announcied this week by J. the wnithng duwn of securfl.ies by W. Knigbt, fuel dealer- $1,199,720. . 0 . a The total assurance la force am- Tillyer Lenses, the new Lense aunts ta $829,892.000. which made a remarkable name fan The Compaiiy's alread5r large itself la fully described. la Jury & holdings of Grovernmeiit, Govera- iavell's advt. ment Guaranteed snd Municipal* * Bonds were lncreased, fromas total Our next doar business neihbor, ut $67.509.801 to $83.366,107. C. S. HallmS.n, asked us the other For the tive yeara of the depres a- â. wty su many peuple are going aLasn the Company paid out ta its into The Statesman office these 7beneficiaries and policyholders a to- days? Why to renew their sub- tai of $131.827.565 or approximately aciptians o! course. $72,000 per day. During these five .** years, the Comliany's assets increas- Herb Jamieson reports the bigg- ed by $68.594.896. est sale of Wlllard Batteries he bas New Asurances lseued duning the haci since starting la business. year, includixis reinstatemerits. am- * . . . ointed tri $57.999,518. a gain aven Road Supt. Alf Bickell bas been s1933 o! $1 443 201. The, new Pahd-. very prompt this year ln hsving the yfor As.uýanrPs inclluded revivals aud roada and aide wslks sprinkled with flncrea-ed riolicies. but excludinq di- sand when tbey becomne sllppery. vhdenid additionL. tote.llpd $53.793.,650 ** an inerpase o! $1.105.688. S Tiie Reýervp.s whirb the Company Wm. Caverly, propnietai o! the bolda toi meet the liabilities under Red and White Store, reports busi- policies row la force amount to ness considerably better siace he bas s$218.116 823. started adverthsing ln The States- * The Company dld not carry inta man. Prices attrset but lt's quality its revenue accouat any add.ltlonal toc, that huhds the customer. arreara o! interest during 1934. The0**0 revenue accouat therefure. as in Billy Challis la busier than a 1933. was made un thîs year entire- rngman la the circus these days ly on a caih collection basais. The selling those superb Dodge sud De intprest rate ee.rned was 4.76. Soto cars, besides selllng 1935 mutur The Compan" mad&-e. turthen and drivers' licenses. ."ubstantlal profit ot $673.765 on the0. 0 sale oif securlties dilrino. 1934. This Now that Ex-Aldermian Casey Le imnarps wlth $1,037.645 ln 1933, Martyr' ha minding bis owin business *Y 777.269 ha 1932. and $489.086 la the bowling alleys have taken on a ai1931. new lease ut lit e as a popular enter- ______________ tainment centre. It SEVICE ONE T Ee 6 0 e t SEVICEGON TO EED Guess Boy Nîchols, General Mot- -- ors Dealer, may be cunsldered a res- The idea that s uewspapr circu- ident ut uur Main Street, altbougl lates ha a conumunity for te "ser- 1 at the extreme west end. Anywaî vice" it can readen bas been pies- Roy made a Canada record lasi cbed durlng the past with such vigor year sellng cars and he's out ta besi that most peuple have become to it la 1935. belleve it too llterally and, Uke other** "services". they seem ta thlnk they Tuo many young tellows are seex are paylng for them tbnuugb taxes o h onr tubn"ate and theret are should not haVe tu psy oride aorneawa thse ngts.a se any attention ta statements ut 5c- id ons Occientwahse nrrowlyAsver count that the newspaper man maY thothaciernhgt watseugrog St. by lna amoment of carelessness render. theumber" igetti a tewgSt y ut We have rather prided ourselveasouhbouncein. hIntpsy oast that we were readenlng a sevie"suwell are la cnoat play Ti ta tee comniunity by boostlng every a ela's rdbIuso n i worthwhlle prujeet that came along, * * ns us and somne that we hsd oui doubts00a about being worthwhile, but we arelChari Masun wsuts you ta, rea beginning ta be convlaced that this tbe CanaaLtsusyowlln' kinci o! "service" adds nu shekels to where to get the most insurance te aur maney sack and that, moreover. the least muney. maay people think. us a sucken ta, be ~ explolted for almost any seheme thati they may devise. By tar toa much1 NESTLETON f ree publlcltv creeps into this paper* snd the diftlculty la ta know just where tu draw tbe lino. Whether we Mrs. C. McGiîl visited at Ms. ID can make it impressive or nat. what Mountjoy's. we want toi aay la we are la business Mn. Wilfred Wllilams la under ti ta make a living snd a llttle mure if dactur'a care. that be passible and our time, space Mn. Haroldi Ponteous la cuttlng bi la oui papen. a tain charge ton prlnt- supply ut ice. It ha 16 inches, thic ing la oui netura ton the cash eus- Miss Mae Lamb nbsd Mr. Kenuel tomera should psy us. When a bag Lamb, Enniskilien, vlaited at IV o! augar la ordened tram a merchant Ceeil Wilsan's. no une expeets a bsg of flour ta, be A congregatiuiial meeting and s thrown la gratis, but too otten if a clal time wero held on Tuesday e dollar prlnting Job la given i at this enlng in the United Church. ottice anuther dollar's worth ut free Mn. George Blacke la entertaini advertising la requested and expeet- a numben ut triends tai a dance ed. It looka vexy much as If we wll Fniday in honon ut bis blrthday. have to tlghten up and refuse space There la little change lu Mrs. Ja to, any who, are flot wllling to psy for Manlow's condition. Sho suttereci ItL Announcements ut ail events be- atroke some time ago sud is able fane they take place-whether en- say only a few words. tertainnients, meetings, weddings, Ree'nt guesta ut Mn. and M sports, etc., etc., are advertislng, Kennoth Lamb were Mn. Ceeil W while reports of these events aller son, Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Wilaz 1they have taken place are legitimate Mn. and Mrs. Sami Bruce. news. At the openlng ut League seve -J -The Burks fDa Arrow. hymusa wene sang, andi the Bl NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM Apple Growers' Annual Convention St. John's Parish Hall PORT HOPE TUESDAY, JANUARY 29th commenclng at 1.30 P. m. - Mnd WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3Oth, at 10.00 a. m. TUESDAY AFTEENOON 44Aple Markets" - J. A. Goldie, Fruit Brandi, Tocont>. oInst and Thelr Control" - Prof. U. Caeua GuelPh- Fifteen Minute Addreffes bY two localspekers WEDNESDAY .Generai Orchard Practlces" - Prof. E. F. Palmer. Guelph. -t ..Linm ndA,..pvu on flrfl.ifE- Prof. J. E. H.witt, T OSE who wear bSSes wîll fidtlat Tillyer uses give eyes a new and noticeable com- fort. For Tillyer Lenses, unlike ordinary lenses, are accurate to the very eclge, 'whether you lok up or down, ini or out Tillyer Lenses are an entirely new kind of lenses, more accurate, more carefully finished and polished, yet they cost no more than other high quality lenses. JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It la Done ProperlY wM TeTHE REXALL STORE I chool. (SOC Per Plate). aker"- -Mr. . BaDchanami. itural Extension Depart- Iph. vçELCO"" President, Trenton. rtary, Port Hope. As Beneficial for Aduits as for Children Science a"vises the consumpý- tlon of a quart or mu Me"c day by every mmn, woman mal chlld. BOWMANVILE DMRY MILK 18 RIOR PMD PURE Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES Proprietor Phone «C6 fowmaavil Here's a real opportunity to save mon ey. Fabrics and Coats go on sale at ridiculous prices. Read every item in this advertisement if you are in- terested in saving money. Fa brucs A sensational sale of discontinued lines in odd lengtba. Coat bas been entirely forgotten in the amazing re- ductions listed here. Our oniy word of a.dvice la get here early if you want to save plenty. CHINA SILK AND TAFFETA Assorted colora, in 27" and 36" wide, regular to 79e yard. SALE PRICE, yard. .....190 SILK CREPES AND SATINS A wide variety ut colors lu 36" width. Values tu $1.25 yard. SALE PRICE, yard 39 CHAMBRAYS A 32" wide fabric ut numerous uses. Fast colors, many designs. Regular 25e yard. SALE PRICE, yard.. .,-. ..... 13 FUJI SILK 30 inches wide, in ten choice colors. Reg. 39c value. SALE PRICE, yard ..190 .i) PRINTED RAYONS Wide selection of patterns and colora, 36 inches wide. Regular 49e yard. SALE PRICE, yard ..........29 WOOLENS Serges and Flannels in ail wool; 36 niches and 54 inches wide; unfadeable dyes; reg. to $1.50 yd. 49 SALE PRICE, yard .. ....... - 9 a BANUET -WeduemUy. Januai CADMUS I BA UE - Church Sunday Se _____________________ Alter Dnner SPe Leage ws potpoed lst eekDrector et ASTIc« Leaue as iosPond lst eekment, O.A.C., Guel due to inclement weather. Ris frieruls wifl be sorry to hear -'EVERYBODY V h that Mr. Wm. Brown is ill in bed. p_ HABRY CREWS, 1 Iy Misa M ldred Archer, Mr. Elmer n.A UM ES8Sc~ ;tArcher and Mr. Vincent Archer vs- tited at Miss Pearl Pattersun's. ________________ Mia. E. Sanderson was ln charge ________________ at the Quarterly Tea held by the ýnWomen'a Association un Tuesday. DeWhile drlvlng to Port Perr last r- week Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt received in- K N A Sjuries to her back and isco!ne a to bed.Mran rCei unrlEiz À a Miss Annie White, Mr. Bob Pow- .a nd Mll, isied atMr.lEliz- fe er. Mr. Laverne Devitt. Mr Ormaabtvle vste atM. vn m Hyland anid Mr. Victor Cutting vis- Quantrils ited at Mr. 0. Fowler's. Mr. and Mrs. George Quantril have returned. tram vlsiting their d _________________ son at Whbitby. id R-LETDPRSDN Mr. and Mrs. Mark Super and M aEELECED RESIENT Mise Bernice Langataf f vislted ait or M. MitonRobinsafl's. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon peacock, Elizabethville, apent Sunday at her mother'8, Mis. A. Jackson. League an Thursday night was in charge ut Bill Darlingtofl. The M. bible readng Was taken by Mise xate Stewart and a splendId tapic '5given by. Bill Darlhngton Who also conducted a contest. ck. Dh Bay uf Quinte Y. P. Wlnter School [r.Bay ut Quinte Winter Schuol for go- young peuple held at Belleville 'wau ev- well attended. Splendid addresses were given and the musical evening ing waune uf unusual mert. Rev. Roy on Rickard, Oakwuad, rendered a solo; Rev. Clarence Fergusun, Northpart, ack and Miss Helen Denike, in duet, and an a.ddxess un Musical Apprec- to lation by Rev. Stanley Osborne ut ru. Ejaue Obone 0e Hill, besides nuxnbers by the RS »Il sbornewlnter school quartet ut which. ms, Who was unanlmously re-elected Beys. Osborne ndRhr d are president ut the Durham Central mnembera. added greatly a he on- erai Agricultural Society at is annual joyment ut the prograni. AUl ot the 4ble meeting In Port Hope last week. above are wehl known here. Ladies' Coats Every une a new Coat lu latest style, materil and tries. 1 Coat, in hrown genuine tree bark cloth; cape colar in French beaver. size 16; reg. $29.75. SALE PUCE...R1 15 0 1 Coat, in brown tree bark, triemed with opposum; size 16; regular $29.15. SALE PRICE 1.. I5*00 1 Coat, lu black tree bark; size 15; eaI tnlmnied; reg. I&L17 $16.50. SALE PRICE . 1.i 1 Brown Coat, lu tree bark, wlth beaver trie;s; ize 18; regular SALE PICE ....$ 11.75 I Coat in black, with seal tA«m; size 16; regniar $1975. ÈLL7 SALE PRICE .....75 1 Coat, in br#wn, with beaver trun; saxo 16; reg. $19.75.S17 Ail Children's Coats Are Now On Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices. v -1 ýl- ý I PHONE 78

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