THE CANADIA~ STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1935 PAGE FWE BEE HIVE GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST FIFTY YEARS AGO TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Prom The Statesman, Jan. 23, 1885 'From The State sman, Jan. 28, 1910 Newtonville: The wind storm Fri- A fine sketch and appreciation of day night blew part of the roof of Dr. A. S. Vogt, Choral Expert, Tor- Mrs. Moffatt's barrn away, it also onto, whose wife is Georgie McGil] blew in the sash of Mr. Jas. Lock- of Bowmanville, appears in Satur- hart's sitting ront an.d cooled things day Toronto Globe Magazin2 Sec- off a lîttle. tions on Jan. 22. Cartwright Orange Lodge No. 133. Mr. A. L. Boyce, Dartford, Reeve of which John H. Devitt is Master of Percy Township, was elected and George Bartley, Secretary,ý Warden of Durham and Northum- boasts of having the nicest and best bcrland on 7th balot at Cobourg. appointed lodge room in the county. Born: Pascoe-At Enfield, Jan. At the Roy^al Arch meeting cni Tues-1 24th. to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Pas- day six candidates were initiated. coe. a daughter. Among prominent Orangemen in our Married: MacDonald-Hubbard- village that day we noticed: Mr. At the Methodist Parsonage. Bow- John H. Devitt. Councilman,' County manville, Jan. llth. by Rev. John Master; Mr. John McKee, Deputy Garbutt. Austin McDonald anc Reeve, District Master: Jamnes Parr, Beatrice Hubbard. both of Darling- Esq.. Reeve: Major Hughes, Jas. H. ton. Freeborn. James White. Orono: Mr. and Mis. Carlos R. Mr. A. L. Vanztone representedj Cryderman ar.d Miss Donal&son, Excelsior Council of the Royal Vernon. B. C.. have been visiting F. Templars of Temperance, Bow~man- W. Tamblyns and Mr. Hoidge's. ville. at the Dominion Alliance Con- Enniskillen: At a special meeting vention in Toronto. of En 1 k!llen Council No. 112. Newcastle correspondent of P. H. C.O.CF.. the following off icers were Tie'writing of the N.B.C. con-ntal: P.C.C.-Wm. J. Stainton: cect says: That talented elocution- Rec.--J. W. Virtue: Treas.-H. J. ist, Miss Nora Coleman, of Bowman- Werry: Prelate-Garnet J. Chap- ville. formerly of this place, gave a inan: Mar.-Thos. Craig; Wacden- trilling cecitation in lier inimitable F. L. Robhins: Guard-John Ran- manner. Mr. Carswell of Bowman- ton: Sentinel-C. W. Stevens; Med. ville sang in splendid style. Examiner-C, W. Slemon. Born: Osborne-Ini Bowmanville, Maple Grove: Thos. Trimble has on Jan. l8th, to the wife of Mr. ceturned to his home in Saskat- Robert Osborne. of a son. chewan after spending a month witli Married: Sutton-Hutcheson-On his parents. Jan. 20th. at St. John's Church'1 Tyrone: Mr. Caros Pollard, Sask- Bowmanville. by the Rev. A. Mac- atchewan. renewed acquain-tances Nab. D.D.. Rector, Mr. Arthur AI- this week. A new chucch organ fred Lachian Sutton to Alice. young- and bookracks have been put in for est. daughter of St. John Howell the use of the church choir. Hutcheson. barrister-at-law. -___ Get he trif habt o reaing Anyone who tells us wxhat is ç%rong Getthethifthabt f radig.and helps us make it right is a advts. before going shopping. fiend. SUi.LO.. On These Two Great Naborhood January Clearance Specials FIRST QUALITY CANADIAN RUBBERS MEN'S ROLLED EDGE IRUBBERS SIZES 6 ta Il 98c BOYS' ROLLED EDGE ]RUBRERS SUZES Il ta 5 65Pair NABORHOOD Cowa Bock King St. Bowmanville ONE WEEK ONLY - JANUARY 28, 1935 3 TMes Cleaned Free WITH EVERY DOLLARS WORTH Dry Cleaning or Laundry Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneil, Agent.- Phone 152 DON'T RISK BAKING FAILURES .... CAKE BAKIN EONMMi WORTI L " g#nc4L ~j\Canada'@ bet known Cokery Experte and De- ta poor-quaity baklng powder. Tbey advlse MAGIC Baking Powder for ure resultu! CONTAINS NO ALUM-This statmnt on evury tin 14 your «goBuaant.. thst ?MaAJc akini Powder la free Irom aum or any barnîful lniredient. Mode La Camada BROTHERHOOD AT WEDDINGS tSndy col HAMPTON 1HEARS quiet aybson l OSHAWA SPEAKERS The second meeting of the series AqthePt Hed Unitssed Chuch .of Brotherhood gatherîngs 0f Hamp- at te Prt Hpe nite Chrchton United Church was held at Zion Parsonage, December 26th, when PETER'S DENIAL on January lth. Mr. T. C. Glas- Florence Beatrice Rusk, only dau- pell presided., Mr. Summens, Agri- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Sunday, Januaryr 27th cultural Representative, Port Hope Rusk, Port Hope. became the bride adM.W .Glet himno of Sidney A. Hallowell. son of Mr. Golden Text: '"Wherefore let him Cati r Wf.Coiere,OChar a, o and Mrs. S. J. Hallowefl, Starkville. t.hat thinlceth he standeth take heed Chambter 0f Commpee.Mr.ChA.a Rev. Duncan McTavish officiated. lest he fal."-1 Cointhians 10:12. Blaerde nou the gussopakr. m erC.A The bride wore a becoming gown of Lesson Passage: Mark 14: 27-31, speaker andi Mr. Alex McMaster the Fcench blue crepe, and was attend- 54, 66-72. latter. Mr. Summens discusseti the ed by her cousin, Miss Anna Bell. Teecm itadabid o l iuto lotewrl n The best man was Mc. Elwood Rusk, "hr aeams niabid o ystainas h abeat brother of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. îng nain, heel fly andi the loas to the f armers Hallowell lef t on a motor trip to And if e was neyer the same and stockmen by this menace anti Port Huron andi Detroit, anti on again." urged ail present ta do ail in their power ta make as neanly as possible their retucn will neside at Stackville. Warnang and Promise, 27, 28 a hundreti per cent. dIean up this While the central figure of this yeac. Dlekinson-Thompson quarter's lessons is Peter, his if e is Mr. Gilbert took foc his sub- studieti in relation to Christ. In ject "A Dream 0of Oshawa Harboun" A quiet wedtiing took place on previous essons we have noted that dealing writh the amounit Of business Saturtiay afternoon, January l9th, Christ was thinking of his disciples done in shipping li andi out of the at the Parsonage of Simcoe Street even more than of himself. Here harbour anti the amount of money Church, Oshawa, when Larmne May again we find him warning his dis- saveti by shipping by water. Thompson was uniteti in marriage ciples that a crisis was imminent, He showeti the gneat possibibities to William Murwin Dickinson, Rev. that the Shepherti woulti be smnit- of this port anti how the whole O0 Wm. R. Tanton performing the cen- ten, and the sheep would be scatter- countryside coulti be benefitteti by )femony. The bride is the daughter ed. The disciples coulti hardly be- its use. He stateti that this harbour of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson of lieve that anytbing could happen at present does more business per -Taunton, anti the groom is the son that would break their allegiance to foot of frontage than any athen bar- *~of Mr. andi Mrs. B. S. Dickinson of their Master, but Jesus had no doubt bouc in Amenica. They are askirig -Port Hope. The bride's wedding about it. W.hile giving tbem this the Federal Government foc a f un- gown was of peacock bbue fiancee solemn warning, he abso toldti tem then sum 0f $490,000 to assist thein ecrepe with gold trimmnings, brown that they would meet again. After in extending and increase its facil- daccessories. They wece attended by them to Galilee, a place oif many by their co-operation. -Mr. andi Mrs. Walter Kilburn. the memories anti cherished associa- Mr. Bateman of Oshawa.wbo is a latter being her sister. Immediately tioins. It is well for us ta, know that clever magician, perfocmed some after the ceremony a lunchean was life is dangecous. We need ta have very clever slelght of hand tricks -served at Mr. and Mrs. Kilburn's. a wholesome fear lest we make mis- anid Mr. Threatigolti sang some fine Later the bride and groomr left for takes or act foolishly. Our fears solos accompanied by Mr. Robin -a short motor trip. After thein ce- are as a safeguard for our protec- Nicholson of Whitby. Tbey also led -turri they will ceside in Oshawa for. tion. Yet we are flot to live in a n the community singing. nthe w inter anti then take up per- state of undue dreati because there Dr. W. J. Langmaiti, President of dmanient îresidence near Port Hope. is forgiveness foc us even when we the Rotary Club, Oshawa, spoke The bride is a graduate of Nicb- fail. Christ la the good Shepherd briefly. olîs Hospital. Peterboro. She spent who restores our souls. Christ warn- The men furnisheti a splendid a short tîme in Bowmanvîlle Hos- ied bis disciples. but he did not dis- supper ta which over one huntired pital preViaus ta going te New York! hearten tbem. pactook anti was put on entirely by City whece for the past ten years Peter's Self-Confidence, 29-31 menx. she has been a night supervisor at Peter was forewarned but flot The next meeting will be held at Knickerbokec Hospital, andi was not forcarmed. The prediction that he Hampton on Wednesdlay nigbt, Feb. eonly very faithful ta duty but very wvould tieny his Master seemed , 6th anti will be a lunch meeting. popular with ail hec associates. Be- Ipreposterous ta him that he refuseti Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Chairman of fore leaving she was presenteti with jta be on guard. Jesus understooti the Oshawa Presb3-tery, will be the a lovey silveîr tray. two vegetable Peter better than Peter understooti guest speaker together with ather nuses and sta ftheehospithe himself. 0f course there is much entectainment. Bath yaung and aId nurss ad saffof te hspial. that can be said in extenuation. It men are cordially invîtedti t attend - ~ _________ wa3 late: Peter hati been under this meeting. great strain: he was alone: and yet --____ ____ James L. Hughes Was the picture is there of thee oastful neso potnt 1 Member of Notable Family avec confidence. Dr. F. W. Norwood FanCitinSeceM ioî of the City Temple. Old' London. ronCisanSeceM it) Fram Poîcupîne Advance) makes this suggestive comment: There are tîmes when an individ- 3 -~~~~~~~~There are those who have seen in uli p obwi h ako p 1 The recent death of Dr. James L. the crowing cock something that uli p abwi h ako p rHughes. formerly chief inspector of suggests Peter himself. Evecy lin portunity. to feel that the wonld is public schoobs in Toronto, wilb cecall in the Gospel story makes it appar- aanthm ta mnany the fact that the late Dr. ent that Peter was hasty. ho spoke "SIeandt hetanthScithncey etbthe Hughes was a member of onie of the before ho thought, he acteti bef are"SineadH lt thKyote most remarkable failies of Cari-lie reflccted. and it woulti aîmost Scriptures,'" Mary Baker Eddy has il ada. Dr. Hughes wan f ame as an seem that this ludicrous. ccowing g nu hsdfiiin0 ne etiucationalist, as a lecturer, as a feathered piece of impotence. swell. <p.581ý: Gods tboughts passing ta poet and as a thinker. School in- ing out it.s breast witb pride as mari; spiritual intuition, pure anti spectors usually are known anti ap- ,tbough it were lifting the suni by its perfect; the inspiration of gootineas. preciateti only n a prescnibeti circle. cal, is a satirical cefecence ta Si- purity. ant i mmortality. conteract- Dr~. Hughes wvas known on two con- mon Peter himself, as a boaster who ing ahl evil, sen.suality, anti immor- tinents. Toxt books written by him caulti make gooti his higb-sounding tality."Tbis true concept of angels as aestill in use in bath Uniteti States wards." 'God's thaughts passing to man" are bas been an inspicing teaching, for and Canadian Schools. Some of bis Follow-ing Afar Off, 54 tbrougb accepting -Godas thoughts" paems have hbad wide circulation Mark was flot an eye-wýitness of we finti ever-Present. ever-available anti at one time ho was in notable these incidents whicbhoh records, appoctunity as aur divine heritage. bribhant intellectaundingHeenergy yet the story reatis asthe accounit In hec sermon entitleti "Christ- biant inleactanfidnein hîelf. iof an eye-witness. Haw la this to be ian Healing" Mca. -Eddy says (p.19) Hn is brterBcoigder-Gencaslfexplaineti? It is 'commonly believeti Tirebess Being, patient of man's Hi Pierer ugs. was equay.entr-that Mark accompanieti Peter -anti Procrastination. affords bim fresb Pierisînghea equally ebeneu teysre-0 heard many of bis sermons, anti opportunities every bouc." This riseqatiy anbdistinction inrmmli wrote bis gospel uaing materials statement renews hope. We may ta ies ant o isinpctronf n - gainet f rom Peter. Mark's gospel in open the door of our consciousness ad inenitnt inses Pro ablyth this way la virtuabby Peter's gospel. to the angels, true tboughts, to these amous mtembare rftotablte andi Peter titi not space himself. Ho ever-present, favorable occasions fac moat fosmmeoftinoal rankly tolti of bis f ailuro anti mis- usefulneas anti service ,andi reap the famîby was Col. Sic Sain Hughes, take. Peter is a very likeable char- rewacti of righteous effort, Undor- who won f ame as a newspaperman. acter, but ho lecamea immediateby standing this, we cannot continue as a memben of parliament, anti as more likeable ta us if it is ta Peter the aId habit of istening to adverse war-time Minister of Militia. Cal. h imaelf that wo owe this account of sgetos0 ua il new Hughes bat bountIbesenergy, rare bis boastfulness. of bis following shavestgoaspetievenmnsall mnea- acgnizng alet, eer mnigb, atiafar off, of his warming himsebf at sure, the great basic fact that Gati. the gift of vision. There was an- the fine whibe bis Master was on gooti infinite Love, is at hanti, ex- other brother, John, a merchant in trial, anti of his own cemorse with tending "f resh oppartunities every the little village of Newtonvible in tears. We can forgive a- man as bouc," we can set about clearing Durham County. He too was a man canditi as Peter. Af toc ail the pur- wyte rn eifatemna of intellect anti character anti eft pose of this besson is not to afftiebrîs oftheston emienth efementl bis impress on bis day anti generat- dthe ahane 0f blame upon Petert alclthea e o lm p eebut tioubt, hate, uncertainty. which have ion, tbough he attaîneti onbyalol b warneti aursebves agamnat pritie,semttaepaeusfo ted- fame Ca. Sm Hghe one sitiover self-confidence and caceloas minion anti power bestoweti on mari that ho hati been blesset i wt. two icpsptoadChs. ativantages in ife-a good mather 1isilsi owri hit as the image and likenesof Goti. anti the necessity ta battle for ev- Peter's Denlal, 66-68 The reason many people feel help- erytbing be wishedt t possesa. John The unexpectetines0f the temp- less is that they cansider themselves Hughes would have saiti, bowevec. tation anti the form in wbicb it responsible for their own affaira anti that sucb a statemient was only came led tc, Peter's downýfall. In the also subject ta the wbims anti cap- Sam's motiesty.I Gardon of Getbsemane be bati rices of other people on circumstanc- A commercial traveller calling one tinawn bis sworti anti was reatiy ta es. Yet man is subject ta God aI- day at the Newtonvillo store thougbt figbt, risking bis ife for the pro- one. The Psalmist tieclareti, "He ta curry f aveur with John Hughes tection of bis Leader. Hoeein the shaîl give bis angels charge aven by fulsome praiso of bis f amaus palace courts when questioneti by thee. ta keep tbee in ahl thy ways." brother. one of the maitis of the higb priest, ________________ "Oh. Sam's clever enaugh," was as he wacmed bimself by the f ire, John's reply, witbaut apparent on- be tienieti that ho was a followor of Wbether it was an actuai bird or thuaiasim. Jesus of Nazareth. Wby titi ho do an army trumpet, as soon as Petec Tbinking that perbapa there this? Was it fear of acceat? Was heacti the sounti, ho cemembeced migbt be a rift between these twa it that he hiat hast faith for the the word of Jesus. His tenial waa brathers. the travelling man turnet moment in Christ? Or was it one matie ail the worse because be hati ta flattery of William Hughes. "I of thase inexplicable but inexcus- been warnet. We, like Peter, are know St. Pierre Hughes welb,"ho able lapses of wbicb even strang aune ta be tempteti. Thene are fow saiti. "anti he's a wontierful mn' characters are occaaionalby capable? of us who have not In sorte way or 4"Oh, Bill is smant enoug1în'nssaiThis mucb can be sali foc Peter, another denleti aur discipleship. John. witb some apparent nosenvat- that bis denial was no premetitat- Prom this besson we may loarn ta ion in bis mmnd. ed or tiesigneti. It was a autiden ive so bumbly anti falthfully that The travelber tiecitiet that pechaps weaknoss under exceptional circum- we shahnorit f allin the bouc 0f esut- --ns--Potet. to eînder ;kii 0f0 f 5al t awyscwryfo7o the chibti. Dellght.s the father as a ta cry? wascoarl fr e hair fixative or coollng shavlng lo- . . * __________7_ tion. No matter ta what use it la put, It is always benoficlal ta the .Lot flot tesun go down upon skin. Every waman shaulti use It. 1 pyour wrath.-Ble. Persian Bainu coola and caresses the TU iflE , skin and croates complexions of sur- Prudence la an excellent virtue- passîng hoveliness. but don't confuse It with tlmidity. w...m~ BUYI The only tip we can give yau. Values like these miake buy- ing pleasant anti PROFITABLE - Shelves upon shelves àM SAV- INGS 1 Red Package reg. 49it Except that retailing at 3 lba..$1.15 Prc43b Blue Label reg. 59< Sale Price G LE I Richmello lb 53c gDe Yellew Label reg. Set Sale Price lb ale lb Richmello 1.,63c Sale 37 Finest lrg 2 bs. c Prunes SantaClr age3 2 C heese New, Mild Canadien lb 13c S oap pofr RoIIed Oats pkg. 6 Smail Bottle A Fine Cualitv Horse Shoe Sockey~e PASTRY SALMON 1 lb. tin 35it I rou Bentos 12 oz. tin Flour CORNED BE 5 CATSUP 14 oz. bot. 17e 69c 5rh i rriff'8 pkg. 24 lb. BAG JELLY Powders pkg. Sit Beeh ire or Crown 5-lb. tin CORN SYRUP - 37 h Just Cal P Bowmvll I «173or9 T~ 1* a DELIVERY For quick heat and immediate dehivery just cali J. W. Knight's. Your home wiIl be filled with greater warmth when you use Knight coke. ORDER NOW, ECOJ4OMIZE Line Company's Hard Anthracite, ton ... . $13.95 This is a real good hard coal, Chestnut or Stove Vulcan Anthracite, ton ............... $12.95 Knight's Coke, ton.................. $1 1.50 Pea Coal, ton ..................... $11.25 Maple Hardwood, cord................ $3.25 J. W. KNIGHT - Taxi Service - LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING Phone 173 or 98 Fuel Merchant ICE SNOW SLEET FQG These perils constantly face the motorist in Winter months. 0f course, you may neyer skid on ice or snow, you may flot be blinded by sleet, and fog may not lead you over an embankment or into a ditch. But you are not sure. Weather is no respecter of persons. The only way to be sure is to play safe. "Insure to be sure" is the motto for every motor owner in 1985. J. J. MASON & SON Ail Kinde of Insurance Phone 50 Bowmanville 10 Bars 29c 5 lbs. 19C Aunt Iemlma Pancal<e Flour Oumoulin Orard Maple Syrup 1 ým THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMIM, THUP.SDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1935 PAGE PM