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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1935, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSD&Y. .TANTTA~V OA+1, ¶O'i~ 19Miss L. Welsh; Missionary Vice- à Mis. F. Cator; Temperance Vice- ISOLINA Mr. F. L. Squair; Cradie Rol-Miss HAMPTOIN -- e M. Irwin; Sec.-Mr. L. Welsh; Treas. Mrs. Arney of Arden is visiting at -Mr. L. Squair; Pianist-Miss M. Mrs Cephas Johns is visitinl Mr. Cifford Naylor§. Collacott. Y. P. L. officers: Pies.- Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ro3y Langmaid and Mr. F. Blackburn; Vice-Mr.. E. Ms o hn sude h f amily visited at Mr. Geo. Stephens, Doidge; Chris. Fel.-Mr. L. Squair; tors.caeCati ne h Salem. Missionay-Miss M. Collacott; Cit-Gtors t repotMs.L h Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes, Bow- lzenship-Mrs. E. Doidge: Social- ldtrptMs.LAli manville, were visitors at Mr. Har- Mr. K. Werry; Sec. Treas.-Mr. R. unproving. vey Hardy's. Cale; Pianist-Miss M. Honey. Mr. gueHmon jan. 29th.Zio Deputy Reeve A. L .Pascoe is in W. Cann was elected a member of e Mis . .SouhvstdBw Cobourg this week a t t e n di i n g the session for three years and Mr.i s . vl ad oshwa fied Bo County Council. K. Scuair and Mr. L. Buttery te the i and s.wE. ilbuî Miss Susie and Messrs Norman Board of Stewards for two years. Mr. sand haMan at Oilbrno. and Athur Thompson, Tyrone, were After the business the pastor ad- Mre Is hama bteralis guests at Mr. Jackc Yellowlees. Journed the meeting and a social heshewn hresdayJian. 24b Mis. L. C. Snowden and Miss hour ensued with lunch served by St. Pau'ons Lea, BJwan 4 Betty, Maple Grove. visited at Mr. the ladies. ilSit ul eague o Fiani Thos. Baker's. Miss Louise Baker ac- wi.. vj Mi. and Mis. Jon Favey Wi companlied them home for a visit. I.wer aSnday siors wity hi Fresh f rozen salmon, white fish, C UReCrMs.H.Sunal str i r smnoked fiEets andi oysters now an C-UR--CEMsrs. H ward oeadR stock at Homn's Store. Aiso extra i Luesss wrecetCosied i.and u special offering of black tes of fine Mr. Robt. Hopkins. Toronto. visit- Fergus B. Porter, Janetvi nde 1 quaiity at 49e a Pound. ed here last week. -FeshB.foresamnwile Ouiannal ongegaionmeeing Mr. Victor Simnmons was a Sun- smoked fîUets and oysters nov was held in the S. S. room on Mon- day visitor at Mi. Thos. Adams'. stock at Horns Store. Also e: day evening. Mr. George Werry took Mis. E. Ostle and childien. Osh- special offering of black tea of charge of the opening exercises. awa, visited her parents, Mr. and quality at 49c a Pound. Rev. W. Rackham led in prayer. De- Mis. Jack Brock.Atheanameig0fH votona piio wa i chrge0f On Sunday, Januaîy 2th, Cour- ton Hoiticultural Society the Miss Lena Taylor. Rev. Rackham tice Sunday School broke its prev- lowing officers were elected: then took charge of the meeting. ious record by having 78 in attend-Pes- s.RJ.MKsck Interesting reports of the different ance. Prayer was offeîed by Mi.Vie-Pres-MiR . J. Gresoat; branches of the church and Sunday Luther Beckett. While the offering Vice-Pres.-Mrs. J. Kiveil; S, School were given. Miss Muriel 1 was being taken Fred Adams played Treas.-Miss Edna Reynolds; Baker and Mi. George Werîy fa- on the harmonica, accompanied by rectors for one year-Mrs. A. Pet voured with piano duets, Messrs piano and violin. A duet was rend- Mis. C. Keisiake, Miss M. Kater Harold Balson. Bob and Gordon eîed by Mrs. Cecil Adams and Mis. Mrs. W. Wilbuî, Miss V. Baker; Scott gave a vocal trio, Mrs. Roy Geore Lowe. In the absence ofrcorfrtW yesMs..D Langmaid gave a reading and Miss Mis. Jack Wiggans, teacher of the reî s fre.W Racam, Mis. E. Hl Ada Alun a vocal solo; Messrs Sam senior girls' and boys' clas-ses. the MiL e. WHoin an, M darE. o Dewell and Howard Miflson were vacancy %vas filled by Mrs. George MisstoL..HornsMiJ. Baker, Mi. appointed as ushers. Mi. S. E. Werry "oe. The large package of papers 1Aîon;Delegts.tJ.CB ventior as the new eIder and Mi. N. C. Yel- for the little ones and the junlO i s. McKesoc, MstE. Rnentol lowlees, the new steward. Games class-es, îeceived fîom Ebenezer Sun- Young PKesope'Ms Eetin on Fi weîe played and a dainty lunch was day School last week, was much ap- Ynig ople meithiagynnFrac served by the ladies. preciated. nihîh thenLod ws Pa y w a ep _______________________ Mi. Norman Walter left his cabin ewihison.he The s Prewset on the Adams' homestead last week ded h un snTPess adenViccP SALEM and ieturned to Weston for the wn utdtebsnsadVc r >~~ ter months. Norman is in the Pav-1 ident Helen Knox conducted1 Mr. andMrs. Llilionh not the hospital pioper, and pîogramt: Miss Nora Horn favoi M.adMsLoyRihrds were barring fu-hriless, stands auteril with a piano solo; devotionalm host and hostess to a family gath- good chance of being discharged taken by Miss Maîjorie Pascoe; I ering on Thursday evening. when he again leaves. Miss Ethel is Rackhamn led in prayer: topicN Mi. and Mis, W. G. Werîy and still at Weston. presented by Mi. E. E. Staples a faxnily vsited Mi. and Mis. A. B. was very interesting and enjoyed Weiry. Ebenezer, on Monday. e- a11 Miss BettY Knox gave a pia On Monday evening, Jan. 21st the 1 HAYDON solo. Meeting closed in usual wi Y. P. L. held its executive meeting . St. PauI's Young People of Bowms to form committees and tiansact ville will be oui guests on Fric business foi the coming termi. Mr. C. Avery was sîck last week. next. You are welcomne. Rev. A. M. Wootton occupied the Rev. and Mis. Eugene Beech, January meeting of the w. m. pulpit on Sunday, delivering a fine Flinton. visited at Mr. A. Beech's. was heîd at the home of Mis. sermon, drawing many helpful les- Mi. and Mis. R. McNeil Sundayed Wilcox, President Mis. A. E. BilIE sons from several bible characteis. at Mis. M. Mooîe's. Bowmanville. and leading in pîay( Y. P. L. meeting was withdiawn Mis. L. Graham had a number of Business was discussed. and Mis. on WeclneSday evening, Jan. l6th, neighboîs in for a quilting last Colwill, MisM. H. Wlo n giving Place te the annual congre-Thsd. Mari. Pascoe were appointed groi gational meeting. The pastor con- Mis. E. Mountjoy visited her leaders for the coming yeai. R ducted the meeting. Newly elected mother, Mis. A. Sharp, an Toronto, ports of last yeai's woik f rom ti Sunday Sehool officeis are: Supt.- who is veiy ill. dfeetofcr eevr no M.L. Coombes; Asst.-Mr. P Mis. A. Read and Clayt.on, Black- aging having had a very successi Cator; Bible class teacher-Mis. L. stock, is at her motheî's, Mis. H. year. Rev. W. R.ackham instal Squair: Asst-Mr. F. Blackburn; Ashton's. Clayton is cuite sick. the new officeis.. Mis. Bairon toc Initermiediate class--Mis. P. Ele: Mis. Fred Goodman. Macklin. charge of the programt: Miss Kate ment; Asst.-Mis. A. Welsh: Pri Alta., an old resident of Haydon, has son read the devotional leaflet. "T7 mary class-Mrs. J.îIrwin: Asst.- been confined in bed since August. Circle of Friendship"; Mi. Raci Mi. and Mis. Stanley Woollings ham gave a veîy inteiesting talk c and babe, Miss Mary Westbuiy, Mi. the fiist paît of the study bo. ILouis Ashton, Toronto, visited at "The Builders of India." Meetir ~ IMi. H. Ashton's, on Sunday. closed with prayer by Mi. Rackhar Mr. and Mis. Russell Gilbert and Next meeting will be held at Mr Velma. Enniskillen, visited at Mi. S. G. Niddery's. - M. Semon's Her mother. Mr ________R.______ 1 ___________________ ENNISKILLEN 38c - 58c - 98c Crazy Water Crystals 75c - $1.25 50e Fruitatives 25e Frultatives Both .39 Hydrogen Peroxide 15lc, 25c, 40c Seidlitz Powders 2 for 25e Caseara Laxative, 6 oz. 29e Bayer Aspirin 22e - 39e - 98e I Giant Kruschen - 69C Rubber Gloves 29c -39c Athletic Supports, 50c, 75c, 81.25 Eno's Sait 47e - 79e Jergens Bath Soap 1 doz. 59c Halibut Liver 011 Caps. 81.00 Glin E .39c Dodd's Plu]s 29e Kerslalke's Drug store We Fit Your EYes at a New Low Price ti atwhile. VÂSA~U About twenty of oui young pi went in the truck load from E skillen on Monday night for as ing Party at Tayloî's Arena. I manville. AlI report a wondE time. The Rainbow Girls held a .'iuccessful ciokinole Party at Mi Beech's on Satuîday night. Ne seventy fiiends and neighbors tended. The prizes were won the ladies. Mis. T. Cowling. and gentlemen. Mi. S. Trewin. At close pie, ice cîeam and coffee served. The annual church board mecl was held last Fiday afternoonv Rev. A. M. Wootton as chairri Those elected to office were as lows: Stewaids-Mr. H. Ashton, E. Bradley. Mi. Wmo. Tîewin: Ti tees-Mr. C. Avery, Mr. Milton . mon. Mi. L. Graham, Mi. C. G( aid. Treas.- Misses M. Beech, Bradley and G. Trewln. Election of off iceis for the S. took place Fiiday evening as f ollc SuPt.-Mî. Milton Slemon,Assi Mis. H. Ashton, Sec-Mis. Hi Cros.sman, Asst.-Miss Freda Bn ley, Libiaiian-Miss Grace Trev T r e a s.- Mis. Theron Mountj Pianist-Miss Grace Treçwin, Asst Miss Mabel Beech, Cradle Roll Su -Mis C. Geirard, Home Dept. Su -Mis. D. Graham, Mi&sionary Pr Mis. H. Ashton; Tempemance Prog Young Men's Class, Convenci,1 M. Hobbs: Grading officei-Sui Coîres. Sec-Miss Mabel Bec( Inteimediate girls cla-ss-Mrs. MountJoy, Asst.-Mis. Fred Asht.( Junior class-Mrs. Wm. Tiew Asst.-Mrs. W. Thompson; Begi ers classMrs. D. Graham, Asst Mis. C. Geirard. Repairs R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repalrfng Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitchi Machine. Pruces reasonable. Ring Street East - Bownîanfflî A NEW THRILLINC DESSERT A CREATION 0F SILVERWOODS' DAIRY Silverwoods' New Ice Cream Treat VANILLA FRUIT BRICK - At 25c Delieious Ice Cream with Pineapple and Cherries. You'l Enjoy Home Made HUMBUGS.... 30c IL Vary your menu with Creamn Goods CREAM ROLLS - CREAM PUFFS - CHARLOTTE RUSSE You'iI Like Them. TWO FINE HEALTH BREADS Hovis Bread - - Roman Meal Bread These breads mean better regulated lives, better health and more zest. Try a loal. Corbett's Balkery ph1one 3 Distributors Dad's Cookies Bowatanijie eople skat- Mis. Wm. Griffin is nursing Mi. 30w- McCullough, Enfield. erf ul Mi. Gordon Beech and Miss Ali Ashton visitcd at Mr. A. Beech's. very Mm. and Mis. R. Gilbert and Ve: is, A. ma spent Sunday at Mi. HugliAr. early ris'. at- Miss Joyce McGill visitcd with hi by, grandparents, Mi. and Mis. J.1 the Werry. the Miss Elsie Moore and Mm. Floy were Beckett visited at Mi. Len. Bradley'ý Tyrone. ting Miss Mac Lamb and Mr. Kenneti with Lamb visited their sister, Mis Cecc rsan. Wilson. fol- Miss Beinice Stainton recentl Mi. visited lier parents, Mr. and Mr, rus- W. Stainton. Sic- Mr. J. E. Griff un. Miss Marioi ri- Griffin, Maple Grove, Mi. Donal( V. Stainten, Hampton, visitcd Mrs Geo. Bradley. S. Mi. Fred Trcwin and Mi. Regin. ws:. aId Weaving visited with Mi. fR st.- Wright, Tyrone. sîIda Mr. and Mis. Roy McGilI. Mi. anc ad- Mrs. C. Crossman and Mi. Ear: win, Stevenson attended the party at Mr joy, and Mis. F. Thompson's, Taunton. t.- Mn. and Mis. Dean Hodgson and upt. Glen, Miss Laura Davey, Miss Mai. upt. garet Johnson. Bowmanville, Mr rog. George Aldread visited at Mi. Wm, ner Lamb's. 9- League meeting opencd with the Mr. president in charge then the 3rc Pt.; Vice - Piesident took the foilowing ých; program: Devotional by Mis. Mil- T. ton Stainton. Topic was taken by ýon; Mm. Floyd Beckett; îeading by Mr. wfin, Howard Oke. SOn Tucsday night of last week the Young Men's Class was entertaincd -at the home of their teacher, Mn. J. A. Weimy for thei annual lertson, FoUIowing officers were e I ece t e d: Pis.- Alvin Boyd; Vice-Pes.- Howard Oke; Sec.-Reg. Weaving; ing Asst. Sec.- Norman Canrington; Treas.-Gordon Stevens; Lookout le Com.-John Slemon, Oswald Peth- ick; Joe Stevenson; Sick Com.- Frank Doiland, Bruce Ashton and Clifford Petbick; Audtors-Edgai Wsight; Frank Dorland. $5.00 was voted to M. and M. fund. It was also decided te, get severai New Hymnarys for the cbuîch. The re- nmainder of the evening was spent in playing progressive Lost Heur. IMis. Wermy served the boys wîth a very dainty lunch. A vote of thanks was moved te Mi. and Mis. Weiry by Alvin Boyd and seconded by Ho- ward Oke foi the splendid evening which evemyonc enjoyed. Mi. and Mis. Harrison wcre plea- santly surprised last Wedinesday at noon when they were presented with a handsome silver tea ses-vice by the pupils of Ennlskillen Continuation and Public Sebools and M. Dalton. About twlve-thirty p. m. Mr. and Mis. Harrison weme Invited to come to thc Public Sebool îoom which was decorated witb white belîs and streamers. Miss Doreen Peiiett read the foliowing adduess, aftei wblch Donald Fenguson and Ross Sharp pres"te the gif t. Mn. and Mis. HarrinSn responded very giaciously. IDear Mi. and Mis. Harrison, IWe have assembled bere to-day te Ihonour In a small way the occasion o f your uccent marriage. We wlsh te congratulate Fou and hope that as iyou go on Inlite together you may -~receive an abundant measure of q>- health and happiness. To You Mus.1 jHarrison we desire to extend a veuyL EBENEZER --jbert welcome and hope you will ~ g in enjoy your life in oui midst. To We are sonry to loose Miss Bei you Mi. Harrison oui teacher andGafro oamitsehv doc- principal wc wish to express oui feel- taken a o on in Bowm avi ings of gladness in your choice of a tAke iinume 0 inds were nie in is life partner. Wc need not remind Anme ffinswr ne you that as your frlends wc willtaiiaed at the home of Mi. and Mi lea alayskee th asocitio ofthee rank Woîden on Friday evening, lea-s aîaskaepteaseatieon Fur-esea 'Lost Heur" party when al enjoyi year asa tîasued cmor. Fai-a pleasant tîme. mani- theimore we desire te express oui Do flot foîget the Y. P. Banqu feelings in a more tangible way than Monday, Jan. 28tb at 6.30 p. m. Re sited mere words and therefore ask you w. Rackhm apowl et to accept this little token as a sm us speaker also a good prograr elngbooforhg sem A good time awaits aIl who can a th. On behaîf of Enniskillen Contin- tend. ille, uation and Public Sehools and Mai- Wb«ile playing in the bain wit ight. garet Dalton. his brother Murray, little Geori itby, ~- Osborne, son of Mi. and Mis. Cha and i Osborne, feU and broke a bone1 1 TYRONE his right arm, necessitating the csi secl rying of bis aim in a sling for Mis. Gldt e r.L oprottime. Gladto ec Ms. . Hoperout The Executive of the Berean cla. f ish, again. were enteitained as dinner guesi win Sorry to report Mi. H. His is un-l at the home of the President, M., xtra der the doctor's care. A.J. Gay on Tuesday afternooc fine Mis. H. Wicke spent the weekend wiaen~ plans were taîked over Etn at her home in Toronto. arrangements made for the meeting Lmp- Mi. Fred Moore, Providence, spent for the comn e fol- Sunday at Mi. Theo Down's. SricsomiSng y r od Mi. and Mis. A. W. Annis enter- cd by Rev. W. J. Hl. Smyth, Pcr Ist taîned a numnber of friends on Sat- Perry, in exehange w-ith oui pasti 2nd urday. Rev. W. C. Smith, who took charg cc.- Mr. Levi Annis, Toronto, Miss ait Port Peîry. The choir contrîbuti, Di- Adelaide Annis, Oshawa, spent the good music for the day. Sunda ers, weckend at home. Sehool was attended by 133 with th 7ser, Mi. and Mrs. Arnold Warren, To- usual session. Di- ronto. spent the wcekend witb his C. G. I. T. met on Saturday, Jan )ew- parents, Mi. and Mis. Leslie War- l9th at the home of Florence Cour orren. tice and opened with iepeating ti idds Little Miss Bemnice Warren enter- C. G. 1. T. Purpose. The Bible read. G. tained a number of her littie friends ing was gaven by June Waltcrs. ai( )ri at a. birthday party on Thursday an lnteresting talk by Mis. Blaký [S evening. Courtice. The study book was taker Iday Rev. A. M. Wootton pieached. an by Doris Wilkins. reading was giver fter excellent sermon on Sunday evening. by Flora Belle Marshall. at- taking for bis text the fourth comn- The Y. P. L. meeting was held or »on- mandment, "Remember the Sabbath Monday evenlng and opened witr res- Day to keep it holy." pae yAr son.Bbels the Cottage Frayer Meetings wbich pryon byuas Onbsn. Bibleound red have staited for the wintei otsSnwsgve yMs i on )rsune heasics0 AdulthileReadings were given by Wilfrid unde th aupics o e'Adut BbleBrown and Walter Short; piano solc Mr. Class opened at the home 0f Mi. and by Ada Annis; reading by Elsie 0ke vas Mis. L. Warren on Wcdnesday ev-adreatn th nCmad md eing.ments closed thls period. Bible Base by League progiam Thuisday even- alwscnutdb ArPod ano ng as n chrgeof r. LrneAn-Whose gîoup were in charge. ray. nis: Reading by Mi. Lorne Anns, Tuxis Boys met on Frlday even- n- "Way Up Beyond the Blue"; piano ing at the home of their Mentor, Mr. ay solo, Mis. H. Wicke; the topic "Non James Hancock, with eleven present. Anglo-Saxons" by Mi. Henry Wood. Bible lesson was read by Haiiy Woî- .S Newly elected officers are: President den, readings were given by Donald H. -Mi. Ross Pooley; Vice Pies.-Mrs. Couitice. Sydney Worden and Alan ett Thco Down; Sec.-Miss Edna Cam- Doron. Two speeches by Carl Down i. eron; Treas-Mi. Cinton Bigclow; and Alan Vinson. At the close of A. Missionary Treas.-Miss Lolà Rich-bsiespeodgaswrelye [is ards; Christian Fellowship Leader- bJ an M eis.Hnock ms ee a ei )up Miss Helen Trimm; Missionaiy Lea- fui lunch and a pleasant social time te- der-Miss Mildied Bradley; Citizen- was spent together. ýhe ship Leader-Mr. Gordyn Brent; Mission Circle met on Tuesday, ir- Cultural Leader-Mis. H. Wickc; Jan. lStb at the home of Marion fui Social Leader-Miss Lorna Hooper; Trevail. The toPic on "New Years' cd Pianist,-Miss Mae Brent; Assistant was ably given by Ansnie Hoît. Watch 0k -Miss Lola Richards; Press Corres- toweis weîc given "Oriental" by r- pondent-Mr. Loine Annis; Moni- Doris Wadc, "India" bY Audrey Tic- 'he tors-Messrs. Henry Wood and Rob- vail, "Temn3erance" by Mary Found. ýk ert Camerora. readings by Dorothy Wiman and on Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid Evelyn Wade, Mouth-oîgan musie by îk met at the home of Mrs. T. Richards Alan Trevail accompanied on piano ng on Wednesday afteinoon. Meeting by Sadie Muir. Reficshments were mn. opened witb the singing of the "Op- servcd and a social time spent. rs. ening Ode," followed by the Lords W. M. S. met in the S. S. îoom on Frayer. Letters of thanks were mcad Monday. Jan. l4th and opened with î>fromn the sick. President Mis. A. W. a New Year's îeading by Mis, W. Annis îead the lO3rd Psalm. After Snider. Devotional peiiod was taken Sthe business was dispenscd witht he charge of by Mis. John Found. Mis. following programn was given: Vocal A. J. Gay giving the Bible study and duet, Mis. R. McCullough and Mis. praver by Mis. F. Worden. Reports J. Theodore Down, "Silver Thrcads, of the many secretaries and treasur- Aniong the Gold"; reading, Mis. L. cm weîe given and were most satis- ce Warren. "An Old Fashioned Country factoîy. Music was given by Doris Doctor"; piano solo, Miss Lola Rich- Wade and Sadie Muir with harmon- l- aids; a splendid paper on "Old Fash-I ica anîd piano: vocal solo. Hazi'l i- ioned Hospitality" was well given Rundle and reading by Helen Wil-1 by Mis. Robt. Hodgson. A parade kins. It was decided to hold oui sir of those who were in old fashioned annual sewing and quilting bec the A. costume was enjoyed. Judges, Mis. 1 Imt Thîîrsdav in Februaiy. Frayer A. Hodgson. Mis. R. Scott and Mis. by the President brought the meet- d J. Virtue, awarded f irst prize to Mis. ing to a close. s, R. McCullough and second to Mis. Norman Woodlcy. Meeting closed 5 th with lunch and a social time. J L C ST C ,il _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . yl BAKER'S SCHOOL 1Mr. Ronald Trewin visited in Tor- s. ________________________ onto rccently. IMaster Merlin Bailey is iii with nr Baker's Home and Sehool Club1 Rheumatic Feven. Id met on Tucsday evcning, Jan. l5th' Mis. Earl Dorcîl spent a few days S. The meeting was in charge of Mi. with Mis. N. Mountjoy. Elgin Taylor and opened with Oh Mm. and Mis. A. L. Bailey enter- i- Canada followecl by prayer. The tained at dinner on Wecincsday. zguest speaker for the evening was Mass Elsie Vennîng, Toronto, bas Miss Margaret Dalton of Enniskiil- been visîting at Mrs. Jack Rahm's. id en who gave a splendid paper on Mi. Eldon Eckel and Mr. Harry ri 'Choosing a Vocation". Other num-Mao pnth wekdinTr r.bers were: piano duet by Mis. E j Mor ntte ckedinTi ciett Cryderman and Miss Helen M.adMs o mt n r dSmales: mouth-organ musie by Mr. and Mis. Arthur Bailey visited inI -IJack Hazeldean; vocal duet by Miss- Toronto. es Muiel Baker and Ileen Baisen Mis. Nelson Marlow bas retunned 1. and readings by Miss Ada Allin and f rom Toronto, and us much improvcd Mr-. Elgin Taylor. Games and con- lin health. etests were enloyed aftei which lunch Rev. and Mis. C. C. Harcourt and was served and the meeting brought Mi. F. F. Wîllan visited in Toronto to a close singing The National An- on Wcdnesday.1 9them. The next meeting will be held Badminton Club members are on Feb. 5th, with Mr. and Mis. R. greatly enjoying the season's gaines Gilber-t in charge of the piogram. in the Armouries. Attendance 38. Congratulations te Mi. and Mis. Courtney Graham on the birth of a son, Friday, January l8th. Mi. Lewis MeGilI, Janctville, and formerly 0f Blackstock, was operat- L ~dy cd on in Bwan-leHsptl 1o SALE PRICE 39e and 49e Caglet Chaýpter of the--District 0f Caitw]lht wýas held in the Orange Hall on Monday evening, January 'l4th, ihafair tedn.Nw Jam es M arr 1 off icers instailed were: Wor. Com- ~Leslie Brooks, L.O.L. 764; Dep. Com. W -Cecil Hil, L.O.L. 133; Chap.-Earl Je eane 9 ewel:erDorreil. L.OL. 133; Scilbe-Henry Next Kerslake's Drug Store ThomPson, L.OL. 133; Treasuer- Shall-LeBlie Thompson, LOL. 764; ilst Let-Di. J. A. McAthur, L.O.L. 133; 2nd Let-Francis Weiry, L.O. L. 141; lst Cond.-Herb Swain, L.0. L. 133; 2nd Cond.-Wm. Ho oe Y, L.O.L. 133; Heiald-Fred Smith, L. O.L. 764; Sentinel-Fred Ellis, L.O.L. 9141; Auditos-Jas. Bycîs and L. Swain. Election and installation was conducted by Past Woi. Com. Jas. SByeîs. Lunch was served at the àclose. On Friday night Mis. Haîry Van ýt Camp opened ber home for a de- rlightful meeting of the Young Lad- l es' Class of the United Chuîch4 iwhich boasts twenty-five members. The twenty-third Psalm was iead alteinately; and Mis. H. J. Bell, teacher of the class, gave an in- espirational prayer. Minutes read by ;Miss Gertrude Henry, Secietaiy, i proved that the December meeting -had also been one of interest. AI ànote of thanks for the girls' gift te her was read from Mis. W. Archer, sformer teacher, who has moved from sBlackstock. A discussion was held regaiding the adoption of a name for the class; and also the activity and 1inteiests which it will assume. The smembers desired paîticulaîly that each meeting should be marked by accomPhishnient and for Februaîy, a Lquilt wil.l be started with the intent- ion of forwarding it to a needy sec- tion of Western Canada. One fea- ture of the evening was the ieading of a favorite bit of poetiy by each person. The result was chaîming. for «we heard so many select-ions f rom different poets who were familiai to us. Mrs. Bell in her chummy talk with the girls described a recent trip to Ottawa which she said provcd se many fine things about oui Do- minion and its sons and daughters. 0Of gîcat interest was hem talk about the Peace Tower. the various bcauty sections. and the visits te the fas- cinating little French shop of the citY. Miss Eva Brown. who spent a summer in Quebec, recently, hill speak in February on that historic city. The roll caîl in February will be answeîed with a verse containing the word "heart'. Miss Norma Hooey played a violîn solo, and a quaint reading entitled "Style" was given b MisMuriel Mountjoy. A veîy fnluch was seived, and Mis. Van Camp waS thanked for her kind hs pitality. Miss Florence Mountioy and Mises Jean Bycîs weie in charge of the program and for Februaiýy Miss Muriel Mountjoy and Miss Vivian Sadler will be in charge. fMAPLE GROVE Miss Laura Davey, Town, visiteci Mis. Rosa Stevens. Miss Susie Laird, Paince Abert, spent the weekend at home. Miss LouiseBaker, Solina, s iting ber aunt, Mis. L. C foen. Sorry to report Mis. Ueo. Van- Dyke under tic doctor's care. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mi. Ernest and Miss Enld Twist Malvein, spent the weekend wltlý Mi. and Mis. Ross Stevens. Enid iemalned for a few days' visit. It's a lot better te drive yourself than to be driven by another. A Real Bar gain Shet Music Standard Favorites Here's an opportunity we will flot be able to duplicate. Print- ed on fine quality paper, in veîy readable music. Such great favorites as I Love You Tiuly Liebestraum La Paloma Volga Boat Song Home on the Range and many others. Regular 40e and 50e copy On Sale 15c Each Two for 25c BRIDGE PRIZES May we suggest a few items that will make ideal bridge prizes, and at the same time are very ieasonably priced: Cups & Saucers - Cake Plates - Creams and Sugars - Bon Bon Dishes Pictures and Pottery Also a ful ine 0f Playing Cards Tally Cards and Scores J. W.Jewel BOOKS &STATI0NERV PAINTS &WALLPAPER I Phone 30 Your FO Red ( White Stores W. C. Caverny Week-End Specials and Ail Gond Values Rolled Oats...................... 6 lbs. 25c Onions ................. b.9 Laî'ge Chip)so with 2 cakes Kirk's Castile Soap 19c PLUM, APPLE and RASPBERRY JAM, 32 oz. per jar ........................ 23c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour........ 2 pkgs. 29c Salada Tea, per' haif lb............ 28c and 33c Lyons Tea, per' haif lb ............ 28c and 33c SURPRISE SOAP ................ 4 bars 19C Choice Red Salmon ... 1b tin 15c; 1 lb. tin 27c Fî'y's Cocoa, per' tin .............23c Evaporated Peaches (Very fine) ....... 2 Ibs. 35c BLUE BELL COFFEE, per~ lb ............. 25c Blue Ribbon Coffee, per' I1 lb. tin.......... 25c Sun Dîrvd Coffee, per lb. tin ............ 25c Shredded Wheat .............. 2 pkgs. for 23c LARGE GRAPEFRUIT ............. 4 for 23c Large Oranges, p)er dozen............... 43c Finest Cooking Rice ............... 3 b 19c Amber Honey, per' 5 lb. tin ............... 49c C lover Hon ev, per 5 lb. tin ............... 59e PEACH JAM, 32 oz. jar ................. 28c Laxo Cereal, per' bag .................... 25c Lemons by the dozen ................... 23c National Matches, per' pkg............... 25c Prunes, large .................. 2 lbs. for 27c Pi-unes, medium ................ 2 lbs. for 25c Mr. and Mrs. Customner: We invite you to visit our store. We want to get acquainted. M _______ 'T Heseion to SERVICE You certalnly get It at Wat- son'a. The efficient polite klnd that resta your shop- ping neuves and keeps you fit for bargain hunting. SHOPPERS' SPECIAL Chocolate Milk Shake or TaIliRot Chocolate and Fruit Cake 30C BIG SATURDAY SPECIAL Raisin or Date Loaf regular 12c Jelly Roll, Jam or I.mon regular 15c Reg. Value 27e Both for 22c This Speclal good on Satur- day only. Phone your ordera to 97, or tive your order to our driver, or Just drop ln the store and get it youraelf. 1Watson's Bakery LUNCH RlOOM PRONZ 9, SODA FOUNTAIN r r - PAGE SIX THE CANADL4N STATESMAN, BowmANvmLE, THURSDAY. JANUARY 24th- lql.rl 1

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