THE CANADIMQ STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1935 PHONE 5 3 Congratulations to, Mrs. Anna El- forct Wefllgton Street, who cele- brad ber 85th birthclay on Tues- day, January 22nd. WINTER*TERM JAN. 2. Individual attention permits choice of subjects and rapid progreas. Accountancy, Stenography, Secretar. lai, and Business Administration Courses. Catalogue fi'.. from Shaw Business Schoois, Bay and Charles, Toronto. K13165 Spring Flowers Take Spring into the home with Spring Flowers. They are abundant and inexpensive. See the new house plant Kalanchoe a floral sensation. W. E. Groves KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP P. 0. Box 163 Phone 12 BOWMAtNVILLE Hastings village is 100 years old this year. Miss Cors M. Scott, Toronto, wasi guest o! Miss Florence Werry over Sunday. Miss Eva Arnold, Toronto, was a weekend visitor witb Misa Ela Mc- Intyre.1 William Lewis, Port Hope, la the newly elected president e! the Ag- ricultural Society and Mrs. Harry Mitchell was re-eiected secretary. Mr. and Mrs. James MeDougall, Miss Marion, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cottingbom and Lois, Oshawa, were receut visitors with Mr. and Mrs.j. Mclntyre. Due to an unfortunate errer Uic name o! Mrs. E. Delmage was left out o! the list o! officers o! Maple Leaf Circle, Companjons o! the For- est last week who is Chaplain o! the lodge. Under the auspices o! Group 4 of the Womeu'a Association of Triuity United Church, the Royal Theatre was packed on Monday, Tuesday sud Weduesday of last week for the 'sbowiug of "Aune o! Green Gables", an exceptienally fine motion picture. Proceeds amounted to over $90.00. Miss Marion G. B. Warder, Un- iversity of Toronto, aud Miss I. Dempsey. Minesing, spent the week- end with Mr. sud' Mrs. R. H. War- der. Miss Dempsey aise visited ber brother. Mr Foster Dempsey e! Stratford who is in Bowmanviile 'Hospital where he uuderweut an operation for appendicitis. Theodore Legauit, M. L. A.,' for Sturgeon Fails-Nippising, who was the guest speaker at the Men's Can- adian Club in Bew.manville at the December meeting drepped dead on Thursday in the office o! Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn, Toronto.- Mr. Legault, wlio was only 48 years o! age, was speaking when be f elt a weakness. Stating that be believed he was smoking tee beavily; be Scollapsed as the Prime Minister ad- vised bim te go steady. He died iustautly f rom- the blocking o! oe o! the arteries o! the heart. 'Robert Burns sud Religion" was the subject o! the inspiring sermon delivered by Rev. W. G. Blake iu St. Andrew's churcb, Sunday evening. Burns' deeply religieus convictions, be said, altbough not always evident, f requently shine forth lu sucb liter- ary gexus as "The Ctter's Saturday Nigt" sud "A Man's a Man for ahl Tuat". He stated furtber, that al- tbougb Burns abhorred bypocrisy lu auy form, as in bis denunciation o! "'unco guid" noue ceuld be so ten- der sud gentle as in bis lament, "Te a Mouse" sud "To a Daisy". No one but a person lu whom religion is deep-rooted could be capable of sucb noble sentiments as expressed by the plougbman o! Ayr. Mr. aud Mrs. Horatia Moore, o! West Opa. Victoria County, cele- brated the fortieth anniversary of their marriage ou January l6th wheu their childreu sud grandcbild-1 ren gave them a pleasant surprise sud presented tbem with a ch aer- field table sud a bouquet o! carnat- ions. Neighbers and friends also joiued in the celebration. A trio o! Holstein heif ers, ail bred sud owned by J. D. Stevens, Bow-' manville, bave just been qualified in the Canadian Record o!fPFom ance by their owner. The two-yer- old heifer, Lady Marguerite Creator, led the grouP with a total product- ion amounting te 14,806 lbs. milk contaiuing 642.50 lbs. butter. She was followed by Beauty Ormsby Cre- ator, a four-year-old. with a pro- duction o! 12,597 lbs. milk contain- ing 538.75 Ibs. butter made lu the 305 day division, while another 4- year-old. Queeu Creator Korudyke, bad a yield e! 12,577 Ibs. miik show-ý. iug an average test of 4.06 % fat Al the records were made on twice- a-day milking. Don't Mkiss These Great Values DEEF Blade Roast, lb.. 10c Thick Rib Roast, IL 12e Prime Rib Rolled Roast no bone, lb...20c Roll. Pot Roast, lb. 12c Beef Hearts, lb ....8c PORK Pork Sausage, IL. 18c Pork Tenderloin lb. 30c Breakfast Bacon, slic- ed, lb......... 30c Pork & Beans, large tin............10c Edmondstone 's Phone 21 or 492 Home Made*Sausage per lb......... l0c Jelly Powders 6 for 25c Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. 23c Corn Flakes 3 pkg. 24c Peanut Butter, large jar...........23c Soda Biscuits, pkg. 10e Shortening. .2 lbs. 21c Salmon, pink, large tin....... 2 for 25c Heinz Assorted Soups, large...... 2 for 25c Salada Tea, 1/ lb. 28c Boneless Rolled Veal Roast, lb ....... 15c Meat Market Bowmanville Provincial Legisîsture opens in Toronto, February 20th. Miss Edua H. Bottrell, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mr. Claire Semmen o! Bank o! Commerce visited bis mother, Mrs. John Conner, Little Britain. Catcbing f ire f rom an coal-oil lautern, a large f rame barn, owned by William Canu two miles nortb o! Canton, was completely destroyed by fire on Sunday nigbt. Loss nearly $5,000. Mr. sud Mrs. Wilbur Oke sud Gloria, Moutreal, are visiting rela- tives iu town. Mrs. Oke underweut a major operation lu Bowmauville Hospital on Tuesday sud ber mauy friends wili be pleased te know that she la recovering nicely. The Cburch Beys' League o! St. John's Churcb held is annual meet- ing ou Tuesday nigbt, wben these officers were elected: President- Lionel Parker; Vice President-Ter- ry Dustan; Secretary-Ernest Ward; Treasurer-BilI Tait. Mr. E. S. Nayior is superutendent o! the Les- gue. The Morning Heur Class of Trin- ity Suuday Scbool, under the direc- tion o! Mrs .H. W. Poster, helci ani enjoyabie skating party at the pub- lic scbool riuk ou Saturday eveniug, later being eutertained at the home o! Mr. sud Mrs. H. M. Bell, Conces- sion St., wbere a pleasaut social time was spent. The Salvation Army o! Bowman- ville would be pleased if somebody * wuddonate some bousehold ef- fects inludiug kitchen table. bcd- steads, floor ruga, also an office desk. Anybody wbo could donste or seIl reasonably any or aIl o! the above. communicate witb Capt. J. Batten, Box 135, Bowmanville. A pair o! Holstein bieifers, anc two snd the other four years old. bred sud owned by R. Ray Mc- Laugbliu, Oshawa, bave just recent- ly completed their lactation periods lu the 365 day division o! the R.O.P. The four-year-old, Elma Ama Wayne, gave 14,756 lbs. milk show- iug au average test o! 3.90C, fat, while the two-year-old, Elm Maud DeKol Poscb, bad s yieid o! 11,305 ibs. milk testing (average) 3.57% f at. Both records were made on twýice-a-day milking. Birthday Celebration Mrs. Elizabeth Rickard celcbratedj ber eigbty-second birtbdaytlu ai pleasant way last week, by atend- J ing adinuer Party at "Meadow Lark Farm", ber former home at Sbaw's scbool. Members o! the fsmily were prescut f rom Oshawa sud Newcastle, as well as the sanie neighberhood, who remembered the occasion in s suitable way. besides flewers, cards, etc.. f rom absent cnes. After din- uer the older people eugaged in pleassut reminiscences, wbile the youuger eues enjoyed games. A sur- prise festure o! the dinner was the lovely birtbday cake decorated with candies iu the customary fashion. JDaughters of England A meeting e! the Daughters' cf Eugland teek place in the S. O. E. Hall, Jauuary lûtb, when District Deputy Mrs. Lear o! Wbitby instaîl- cd the followiug off icers: Past Pres- ident-Mrs. E. Bennett; President- Miss L. Pritchard; Vice President- Mrs. S. Bond; Cbaplain-Mrs. A. Downey; Se'y.-Mrs. A. Bennett; Treas.-MLss I. Mitchell; lst Guide -Miss J. Dowuey; 2nd Guide-Miss H. Pritchard; 3rd Guide-Mrs. T. Gould: 4tb Guide-Mrs. J. Pritch- ard; Pianist-Miss A. Bennett; Iu- aide Guard-Mrs. F. Bennett; Out- side Guard-Mrs. J. Poolten. Wbit- by Degree Team initiated two ncw members, Mrs. B. King sud Mrs. F. Crack. CHALLENGE TO BUSINESS MEN PFrom the Quebec Chronicle- Telegraph) The "businessman" is sometimes iucliued te criticize the "politician" aud te intimate that things would be very mucb better in the coun- try, if ouly their management was lu the banda o! a "business gev- eruiment." O! course it is easy te point te certain apparent lue!! i- ciencies in political administration and it is buman trait te be wis- er for others than oee l for one- self. But the luefficiencies in ques- tion may be au inhercut condi- tion o! practical peliticsansd Uhc businessman would probably find if taken at bis word, that be could de ne more about them than the politician. At any rate. the politician, aI- tbougb be usually bears these cri- ticisms philosophically, dismlssing electora te prevent auy man bere f rom havlng a seat lu the legisha- turc cf bis partîcular ceuutrY." Iu conclusion, Mr. Ralsto, wlsely urged that Young men should de- lberatehy train tbemiselves for pub- lie life, in contraat te the generai practise i Amerles. Ansd why net,l after ail? OBITUARY Mary Ann Prouse The deatb took place at the resi- dence of ber son, W. R. Prouse, Hope, on Sunday, January l3th, of Mary Ann Prouse, wlf e o! the late Charles F. Prouse, in ber 73rd year. The funeral took place f rom A. W. George & Son's chapel, Port Hope, service conducted by Bey. Franklin Banister o! Canton United Cburch,1 on January l6th. Interment was lu Welcome Cemetery beside her bus- band who passed away Jan. 12, 1912. The late Mrs. Prouse died followlng an attack of erysipelas wbich lef t ber heart in a weakened condition. Deceased was wldely known and highly respected. Lef t te mourn ber passlng are one son, W. R. Prouse, on the homestead; ene sister, Mrs. Mark Woods, Elizabethville; and four brothers, Thomas White of Darlington, Charles o! Canriington, and Goshen and Edward of Eliza- betbviile. Bearers were six nephews, Ernest White, Cecil White, Thos. Heury White, Orme Beatty and Wil- fred Woods, al of Hope. and Law- rence White ef Oshawa. The large profusion o!f flowers were carried by Geo. Marlow. Silas Williams, Cecil Quantrill. Elmer Elliott, Ben White, Thomas Woods, Delbert Fishleigh. and T. A. Reid. Relatives and friends f rom a dis- tance: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. White, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wlliams aud family. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kins- Sman, Mr. Victor Peacock. Mr. Hun- king, Mrs. F. Oke aud Mrs. Allan, al of Oshawa; Mr. George Anderson, Cobourg; Mr. Bert Trotter, Geo. Bar- rett aud Mr. Robson and son. Peter- boro; Mr. Gee. Marlow, Mrs. J. Dickey aud Miss Doris Williams of Nestleton: Mr. Silas Williams, of Hampton: Mr. aud Mrs. R. Jarvie, Maple Grove, C. R. Carveth. New- castle. Miss Emma Cox, Maple Grove On Sunday, January 6th. 1935.' af- ter a long an'd very painf ul illuess wbich was borne with great Christ- ian fortitude. Miss Emuma Cox. daughter of the late William and Hauna Cox of Darlington, passed f rom ber earthly labors te rich eternal reward. Sbe was boru iu Cornwall. Eugland, in the year 1861 and came te, this country at the early age of 8 years witb ber par- ent.s and spent the most ef ber life at Maple Grove. Althougb of a quiet and retirlug disposition she was a very consistent and much lnterested 1member of Maple Grave Church and Sunday Scbool aud for many years was a valued member o! the churcb choir. Que of the greatest tributes te ber lif e and where she is greatly missed is the large number of homes of relatives and friends where she went in times of sickness. distress and ueed and proved herself te be a veritable Dorcas, full o! goo>d works and syxnpathetic attitude. Ou Tuesd'ay, January 8th, a verv large number of relatives and frieuds atteuded ber funeral which was held from the homp e! ber bro- tber-in-law sud sister. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Metcalf, Ba'e Line, at which ber pastor. Rey. ,W (. Smith. B. A.. B. D., Courtice. offlcated aud gave a very comforting and helpful mes- sage, sssisted bv Bey. A. S. Kerr. Bowmanville. The mauy beautiful flowers exuressed the esteexu and svmpathy for the eue departed aud those who mouru ber loas. The pal bearers were six nenhews, Messrs. William. Odis and Bruce Metcalf, John Cox, Elmer and Keuueth Cox. Miss Cox leaves Mrs. J. L. Met- caif. a sorrewinoE sister, the only nirvivor of a family of five girls aud tbree beys: aise a large number o! nieces and nephews. CARD 0F THAN1<S Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Metcal.f aud relatives of the late Miss E. Cox de- sire te express their sincere thanks te Dr. Slemon. Mrs. Smyth, Super- intendeut, and nurses of Bowman- ville Hospital; alse for the mauy kindnesses sud sympathy sbowu during the ilîness and death of their sister aud aunt, and for the beauti- f ul floral tributes. Ï CHURCHES ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCR Rev. Father J. F. McGuire, Pastor Mass at Newcastle at 9 a. M.; Mass at Bowmanville 10.30 a. m. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCU Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector Mrs. J. A. Gunu, Organlst Sunday, January 27th, 3rd Sun- day after Epiphany: Holy Commun- ion 8 a.m.; Mornring Frayer il a.m.; Evening Prayer 7 p.m. THE SALVATION ARMY Sunday, Jaxiuary 27th: Holiness Meeting couciucted il a. m.; Suuday School at 2.30 P. m.; The Salvation Meeting at 7 p. m. There wlll be special singing by the Y. P. Singing Company. Speaker: Capt. J. Bat- ten; subject: "Three Fools." ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERLAN CHURCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Miss Louise Osborne, Organlst Sunday, January 27th: il a. m- -Temptat.lon"; 2. 30 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 P. m.-"Tbe Uncbanging Christ." Everybodsy welcome. ST PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Rey. A. S. Kerr, MInister Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist and Directer. Sunday. January 2'th: il a. m.- "The Very Centre of Religion"; 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School, Adult Bible Class, Dr. Clark teacher; 7 p. m,- "What Has Qed Done wth You?" A cordial welcome te ail. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 2'ltb: il a. m.- Bey. Dr. Lorne McTavish of King St. Church, Oshawa, wlll preacb; 2.30 p. m,--Sunday Scbool; 1 P. M.- IlLife's Measurements." You are cordially lnvlted te these services. IBusiness exists te serve custem- ers, and unles It does that It f alla. NEGLECTING CORRESPONDENCE IS DISCOURTESY (Prom Canada Lumberman) Man is often judged by bis attire, the equîpment of his office, or tbe character of bis surroundiugs, all of wbicb are visible. No doubt, many outside interests base tbe reputation of a business executive upon bis attitude in the matter of corres- pondence. Unless a communication speils au order, indicates a potential trade developmeut or valuable as- sociation or contact on the part of the reciplent, tee many f irms ueg- lect replylug te letters of a f rlendly nature. One uaturaliy enquires wbat sort o! a system characterizes tbe administration of the internaI af- fairm of an organization, or ludivld- ual from wbom you neyer get a re- speuse by mail. If neglected. cor- respondence is in many cases equiv- alent te tbe affront of net auswer- ing a question wbicb migbt arise In private coufereuce. Heads of firms wbo wouid scoru te show any lack of politeness or consideration in personal interviews, solîcitation or casual conversation, bave been kuowu to treSt tbeir correspond- ence witb the utmost indifference and give little or ne attention te letters until two or tbree follow-ups have been received - sud perbaps net then. It may be an easy way of reduc- iug the labors o! the day, or afford a certain amount o! self isb satis- faction that such details are brusb- cd aside or wilfully neglected, but the query arises "Dees it pay lu the long run"' Here is the view o! one whe has bad considerable difficulty in securiug answers to communica- tions respecting information that would be e! value or service net ouly to bis f irm, but te the trade in gen- eral: "As far as our office is coucerned. we acknowledge receipt o! ail mail matter premptly and pleasantly." be declared. "Even catalogues, book- lets and other literature sent us are recoguized by frieudly memo. I know firms, bowever, wbo Ignore correspondeuce except when it per- tains te orders for goods, an agency, appoiutment. wider dist r i b u t l oun, better selliug arrangements or some profitable epeuing. Tue particular firm that I have in mmnd bas suc- cceded by reason of tbe pre-emin- euce o! its position, but bas not won the goedwill o! the trade iu general. On the other baud, I of teu bear road representatives speak mest favorably and appreciatively e! the cencerus that are knowu te reply promptly te letters, tbus creating a large mea.sure of goodwill." Carelessness in correspondence is not a desirable attribute, and is a detail of business wblcb sbould be given more consideration. If thee golden rule were applied te some of those ludividuals or organisations wbo like te get letters, but loathe te answer them, Uic wbole complex- ion o! daily mail matter would be chsnged, anud much more agreeable relations exist. If a correspondent. -outside o! some persistent job seeker-writes an individual or a f irm. surely bis missive is at least entitled te the courtesy o! an ac- kuowledgement. even if it be o! a nature sucb as occasionally comnes f rom the federal or provincial gov- erumnent departments whicb, wbile it may not centalu the information desired, shows that the epistie bas been opened and read. Here is a typical repiy frem a non-cemmittal departmeut Iu Ottawa. It migbt serve as a model fer certain business bouses wbo could then bave a uum- ber o! sheets mimeograpbed te this effect: "We bave Your letter of re- cent date and thauk you for the same." Even a note of such brevity and vagueuess Is better than ne note at all. Yeu caunot build a reputation ou tbiugs that you are goiug te do. SMARTEE -The perky littIe Cotton Frock. The crisp, fresh, smîart little frock wich goe daily ta inarket - answers thse door - looks pert and fresis bebind the coffee pot at breakfast. In a word, oue of those ail-occasion dresses that become tise JOY of every isomemaker'e lite. Sizes 14 te 44. Stripes, polka dots, and 98 fioral patterns - Oniy, each. 98 NIEW SPRING DRESSES - In Sunday Nite and Afternoon styles. Colore ln latent t40. Speclal at. s, SPRING HATS - Firat Arrivais, ta freshen at a very reasonable priceUpYU ine.utiad$295 The Evlyn LADIES' hp The EvlynSPECIALTY So Miss T. Murphy Phone 594 Mrs. F. Oke Week -End Values Crosse and Blackwell Tomato Catsup, bottie 15c Chef Pork and Beans, large tin ............ 10c Crosse and Tomato Soup 4 tins 250 Blackwell Chip, large size with 2 cakes Kirk's Cast~ipe Soap..............23c Vegetable Soup 3 tins 250 Cooking Beans.. .. ...... ...8 lbs. 25c Readicut Macaroni, lb ............5c Dalton Jelly Powders 3 pks.14e Minute Tapioca.................. 2 pkgs. 25c Ingersol Malted Cheese.... ...2 1/ pkgs. 25c Kraft Cheese, lb ........................ 25c Marshmallowe and Chocolate Biscuits 2 îbs. 250 Infant's Delight Soap .............. 2 bars 25c Toddy, a Health Drink, lb. tin ............ 49c Pickled Pork Shoulders lb. 1L5e Chocolate Coated Peanuts, lb............. 20c Brock's Bird Seed ...................... 18c Brock's Bird Gravel ...............15C Fresh Fish - Groceries - Cooke*d Mt Hiarry Allias, Grocer Phone J186 or 121 Bowinanville [ INDEPENDENT DRUGGISTS' CONTEST INGRAM'S SHAVINO CREAM fer cool shaves aud cosfortable faces. Lotions are unnecessary. Tube or Jar330 To Avoid Infection USE HANFORDS Balsam of Myrrh Ail dealers are autherlzed to refund your money for the flrst bettle if net sulted. J. W. WORRALIL, Opticien at our store Mondaya 10 a. m. - 1 P. m.1 UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENOT NOTHING TO BUY!1 Here's How Easy It Is To Win:N 1. Gct a Contest Blank f rom your I.D.A. Drsag Store. 2. Draw an I.DA. emblem in the space provided on Con- test Blank. 3. Write a letter of net more tisai 100 words on "Why The Public Slsouid Patronize Independent Merehants." 4. Seal your fillied-ln Contest Blank in an envelope. Ad- dress "'Contest J.D.A. Drug Stores" and hand to us. Contest closes Mareh 3th. JUDGES: R. A. Barford, Account Executive J. J. Gibbons Ltd. Adver- tlslng Agency. W. B. Goldsboro, AdvertIslng Manager, Toronto Evening Telegrain. William Wallace, Advertlslng Manager, Toronto Vaily Star. PRIZES: ap e' 1 fIstPrs - $100.00' 1 Second Prise - $50.00 MILK 0F 1 Third Prise - $25.00 1 Fourth Prime - $10.00 M G EI 12 Prime - $500 each M G EI 90 Prises - $2.00 5 Specil Prises of $15.00 Made of the awarded escis two weeks. purest igredieiits. Total - $500.00Agunte _____à__Eproduet. SPECIAL PRICES8oz 25 THURS. - FU1. - SAT. 2 z o Dodd's Kidney 2 C2 s 0 Pille Lifebuoy S6p. 3 for 19e Pepsodent Tootb Paste, Sf U I . new large Ms ....... 3oc G a P i Baby's Own Soap .. 3 for 22o Iuf ant's Delight Soap.. 2 - Oc For Lumbago Coe co ......... 5 fer 19o lame Baek and ~ N Cuticura Seap ......19o Kldney Dhsorders3 9 ALEMX McGREGOR, Drugs PMONS 98 IPRESCUWnTONS A SPECIATT W£ flUVE .~ - PAOE SEVEN YOLXII qet tfifhea YCU fthMl i Pd iv! Mr. Fî'eeze and his fam- ily should bring their winter troubles to us. You've got a right to be warm in your own home and we'll estab- lish that right to your perf ectly comf ortable rsatisfaction. Phone us, or cail. BERT PARKER Plumbing - Heating Bowmanville PHONE 651 SQUIDB A NAME YOU CAN - TRUST - Buy Squibb Quallty Products from your I.D.A. Drug Store at minimum prices. Squibb Cod Liver Oil Mint flavoured or plain 4 oz. 50e - 12 oz. $1.00 Squibb Dental Cream 27c size 25c - 44c size 42c Squibb Magnesia Wafers MI'S, 25e - 100's, 50C