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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1935, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT - . --.-- '.---' . M .x4An, lm She Plays Organ 1 OBT.A& At75 Ye rsMrs. T. J. T. Cole, Bted Takes Kruschen to Keep A mother loved by her family and highly respected in the neigh- RheumtismAway borhood, in the persan af Sophia Writing ta tell how she keeps her Elizabeth Brown, beloved wife of activity, this wonderful old woman Mr. T. J. T. Cole, Bethesda, passeci states- away on Sunday, January 6th, af- "My hands were becoming Sa ter five weeks' iliness in Bowman- J/ crippled that 1 had to give Up piano ville Hospital. Mrs. Cale was born and organ playing-and almost en- in Kirby, Clarke Township, on De- tireiy gave Up knitting. I have been cember 9th, 1867, the eldest of ai using Kruschen Saits for nearly two farnily of three daughters of the late years, and arn very pleased with the John and Elizabeth Cobbleciick result. Last August I played twa Brown, wha have ail passed away. church services on the argan, and She lived in that neighborhaod un- hope ta do so agamn this August. tii her marriage with Mr. Cale on My fingers are nearly straight, and December Ilth, 1895. Since thenT WG R quite supple. and I arn 75. I have she has resided in Bethesda neigh- WG R recomrnended Kruschen Saîts ta borhood cantinuausly excepting a many peaple."-A.A.C. few months in Bowmanville. After The six minerai saîts a! Kruschen the death of her daughter-in-la%, have a direct effeet upan the whole they went back ta the f armn and re- bloadstream, neutraiizing uric acid. sided there until she went ta the which is the recognized cause of hospital. rheumatism. They alsa restore the The funeral taok place on Tues-I NAR eiminating organs ta proper wark- day at the family residence, servicei NAR ing order, and s0 prevent constipa- being canducted by Rev. A. M. tion, thereby checking the further Wootton, pastor a! Tyrane Circuit, formation of uric acid and ather and Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastar o! body poisons which undermine the Trinity United Church, who gavea e o u i n r N , health. very suitable and camnfarting ad- _________________________ dress ta the bereaved anes. The bearers were six neighbars, Messrs. Dan Fraser, Blake Cale. Evertan White, Frank Werry, Rob Roy and N ew s for the S.T. Hoar. Many beautiful floral tributes from the family, grand-:jIt's De Soto that "eSets the Style" B usy Farmer chidrnfleighbors and friend ~jIn Europe as well as sympathy for the bercave d. i aaa Prhsr ofse uigte She leaves ta maurn her passing. i aaa uc hangsersfsonwl ebe durntheher husband. two sans and twa comîngheaseo wiianbealse a id-daughters. Laurie Co'e. Newtonville: De Soto Invades the Popular ifyore o the B lvritand aleseend Douglas Cole on the homestead: 1. NipewZad asth it sh l ies and Miss Winnifred Cale. R. N.. Toron--eFedwt h isra sane ew Zealan d as ito wigicnt an ta andi Mrs. E. A. Werry. Ennjii- Pi retaiered he'n acrdigltaiion, as îfii'and "t*0 grandsons. Alex andti(St. rsnsbrlinl the Seeds Act.CIar eY _____Amang thoe attendir.g the f un- rcstvIed new Airflow model. Judging fram the large demand eral were. her anly niece. Miss Amn- for oulry arkd b th oficii elia Nichais, and Mr. W. T. Nich- for oulty mrkedby he oficai os.Part Hope: Mr. and Mrs. John giadles. it is apparent that Canad- McKeever. Oshawa: Miss Pearl .9) 101 i RMUBahw eSt ians are becoming familiar with Cobbledick and Mr. W. G. Gilbert. D st ýîrtiol,'he inlusiry last year . .. by those gradies. More tagged poultry Toronto; and a large concourse of n!iiiýte anu«ifo %vas dsplayed and salti on gradefrnd rm B mavle CarcalOiiigteannsArl? durintr the recent holiday season faindsDarnon. itic ar hat on he GandCrlartkl than -in any year sirice grade tag- adDaînEýo.l'i ar rton thearia...and Pi tl ging w;as intraduceti. af . . ot ao..adshattered In10jaaaexotd40H Francis Metherail Brimacombie I 9-\.-.s.ioeB oard speed records! barrels of appies: by 1920 this had BY the passing af Mr. Franc s M. IT1 ra D ooagi ae increa' edt ta1.238.000 barrelý. and Brimacombe on Friday, January 4, news ivith nfot <o~ne e car ... but tico! foi the shipping season 1933-34 ail Clarke tawnzhip lases one of hei ..lets xvii A records u-ere broken w'th a total of most respecteti and beloved citîzens.FirDeSroPEET tene 3.476,114 barrels shipped out of the He %vas born ait Br-oadw,ýood Farmn, \ircsîrtaDi, comion car ho the famous ie S country. In 1900 Canad.a*s export Devonshire, on October 3rd, 1844,A rtr-n.4iipa oncrothfnos igvs. appie trade %vas confined ta nine and was married ta Miss Maryi .irflw. Asc icnîifically streamlined cauntries: by 1932 thirty-six catin- Rackey on April 15th. 1870. They. trol pvrnii tries r ýceived Canadian apple.s. came ta Bowmanville where they automiobile at an am1azingly low p rice. are the ni iemiained lor about a year, and then Udrteho samrcewrig cr o Polr etrsU ettied on the farm east o! Kirby eUnerof 93hord is a miracle-workang car. Pouiry Rturn Upvillage. sixty-thîee yeaîs ago. Mrs. ergieof9hrsoer. wta YOî5 Retuins from paultry-raisi ng in Brîmacombe dîed at the farm home cusn pc f8 ie nhu 1934 shawed a lighi îp__ verentseveral years ago. a much respected ycrîaîîsl zng pev of andmil e nor . pendent wl avec the previous year. accordîng.ta nieighboor. Being an open ancd avow- ce naaigîtwgsado cnny spriiîî-,.saE the Depatmienî's ' urvey. The price ed enemny 0f weed.s we can truth- A new Syncro-Silent Transmission ofwivight l of egs averagd 3 cents per dozen state that their far-m is ane af higher during the f:rst eeVen t he very few,, farma lin thîs district manths 0f 1934 than durîng the speciallî ,w-ced-fiee. Wc kniew ýhim same pecioti in 1933. Navember as a generous and public spîcîted price... hoxever. iverc abouit 7 cents'citizein and freectram rnarrow bàs in per d.ozen less thani the previclus hîs ap:nions and jutient. He was year. a'caounted for by the milder for twcý"ntyý-fiive yeacs the supecîn- weather andt larger production as1 tendent of Kirby Sunday schaal. a camrpared with very cold we'ather jt' u tee anci secretary. andc af ter un- ni irnited production in 1933. ion an elder in th., church. Asa lad af foucteen Francis Brimacoinbe becamie a confessed foiloxu ci'of the LivetockDecrasesMan of Galîlce, and rernained al Mis Ail classes 0f lix cstock on facins ilufe oyaily dcvatcd ta, his church in Ontario, according ta the De part- and in hi., youngec days a member ments survcy la-st June. showe dde- 0f t1i£ Bandiof 'Hope and an ab- creases fcami the pievious ye-ar. The stainel' and lriend a! ail efforts ta total number oif horses an June,, mitigate the effecî.s of strong drink. 1933, %vas 574,300 and an June lst, 1 F'riencis tram a distance at. theJ 1934. 563.700. Cattie holdings d- , funeral were: Miss Mary Brima- clined from 2.523,800 ta 2,494,500:1 comble, Mi'. andi Mrs. S. M. Scott, swine tram 1.257,900 ta 1.177,900; 1a*id Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Baw- anti sheep and lambs fcomi 1.000,900 rsFedBi- to 962.300. acone and sýon Garfield, Toronto: Mrs. Rd. Snowdern Mr. and Mr-,. T. Seed DsplayB. Penfound. Mr, and Mrs. J. G. SeedDislayLaî:gmaîd. Mrs. Foster Snowden. The Ontrio Field Çcop andi Seed; Oshawa: 1Mr. Gea. Eliiott, Saska- Growcrs' Association is ta be con- to ak 7 rn n ftenwArlwD oohsbe mr gratulated on an enterprising feat-i oiSs.Tefotedo h e ifoeD oohsbe mr ure planned foi' the Annual Meeting Amrorg those who mourn his loss st'led wilhout changing in any way ils sircamfine effici, are hîs son and tiaughtec-in-iaw, in YXoronta, February 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Fi'cd J. Brîmacombe. The merubers are beîng gii en an nee Flra Eliott: and tw-o nephews. opportunity ta dispiay samples ofWilliam sand John. anti one niece. PHONE 290J, BOWMANVILLE their grain anti ather seeds. No Mr.s. Shoplanti, Lîfton, Devonshire, W ] prizes ,vill be awai'ded and camimer-Egad cial rather than hand pîcked samn- ean lsrieso ody pies will be dcm anded. A num ber J n Th fu er e rvincte on Mb e Ch isi n h randraY o fo - U H A O U of educational exhîbîts xiii add ta Jan. t, erJ H er uctd byis beCrsin-uc.M.Ye o-JD R A o NT the interest anti it is cxpected much .atr e.J .Otcot sit lowed the occupation o! saioro ciLeusio oncrp podutin adcd by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth o! Port the Great Lakes and sailediota FAIR BOARD HOI gooti seed wiil be proniateti by the Perafre astor. In his i-e- Port Hope harbaur when it xvas one .ýo.marks, the pastor spoke o! the de- a! the busiestsptonheoren ANNUAL MEE A suitable exhibition ro a partýed as a Christln gentleman, shore o!faeOtra esreia beenresrx'd fi' he isply hîch anti Mr. Smyth in leading the pea- imate on numerous vessels and re- Russell Osborne Is Re-ele wpie in iraperitthanketi HeavenCfor a ticeti fi-rn sailing over twenty years President - Operatioi will be i positio th cou hotdon lie o! kindlne&s, courtesy anti love ago. Deceased is surviveti by ne Show a Profit thentiowe so tat tieegate to t his feîîows. brother, William Yeo, o! Por't Hope; mtingsomens a îsaveantLietc Pali bearers were Messrs. Fred and three daughters, Mrs. Andrew DranCnrlArclu meeins maythvesea opportun. son .. Chapmdand R.Aon tE c- Walls (Ada), a! Oshawa; Mrs. Jos- iety held its annuai meeting tae oinceb et xiali o.W.Cb dc n onSe-eph Highfield (Flossie, o! Bow-T thePrvice art; anti flowers bearers were W. manville; anti Mrs. S. Wakely (Ma- Town Hall, Qi-ana. on Friia: Wannan. J. McKelvey anti S. Berry, bel>, of Port Hope; and one son AI- vwhen Russell Osborne, the pi The Hlay Market Deceased was a brother of the laie Ian, o! Port Hope. occupieti the chair. Words In Eastern Ontario the market fori Dr. J. M. Brimacombe anti the late preciatian were expressed, 1 haY was slowx during DecemberM's. Richard Brimacombe, Baw-- president for the co-operatior Delrssemt t a el-tckdmanville. executive in making the 19 Dalsseteyhd tbugtearier inthe -FROM DAWN TO DnARK an aut-standung uccs. sastn in a niiaton o! sr tag r.T .Sic, omni tsweeraib ertr Ilgof MarCi, at whlch time sup- gradually failed, due ta the infirni-Hordaie iecos.<I - piesairoegeani upleen.sities o! olti age. The laie Mr. Bd5eo i~et>,, F. W. Bowen, M. P.; WAy be depleted in those caunties was born in Cornwall, Englanti, anti quliy dlsap.a, whq he Bragg, M. P. P.; A. A. Dumu whm shajortages exrist. Prices being camne ta this countr-y when six yesrs Liver and Kdn.ys J. H. H. Jury, Prof. C. B. si pgW<g growe amar as follows: less aid. His late wife was bai-n in Dev- mediCiHnVnct asy ft'.JgJt chargeato the market: Mim- onshire, andi since caming ta, Can- D memieLm.d b y o.Vncn asy OIM o. $ 16 to $U.50 per ton; ada, bath werc iifelang resîtents o!f .(IS' John Armstrong. 0o, 14 to $16, No. 3, $12 to $14; Part Hope. They wcre marriled by _____________ The directors heit a meetiri W t~I $7 ±<> $8; oat straw, the late Rev. John Trlpp o! the El- ter the annual meeting adjour PRlE SENTS BATWORtKS 0F ART '-DYNAMIC DESIGN U Streamlined Cars to seil at Popular Prices hift gears quickly, noiselessly. Seat Inserts i'ediicc valve gmind- Xiiîoiiîatice Vacmn Spai-k Con- ils higlier compress.ion. Tiiese j et us tel] you abiout its idîe, cvcm' had sueti a ride! biîde- -led Isuspteisiou gives tle front sioxxer action. Redîistributioîi eliminates the "douible biimp."~ And ani îinazing new type of tapered leaf spriîîgs in the i-car gives flexibiliîtv nexer befom'e possible. la the Aii-sti-eam De Soto you have a car, light in wcight, xî hicti rides casier than any car' excep thie Aii-flow. A'nd nowv the second chaptei-a new .Aii-flov . . . lîrilliantly.restyled. You'1l have ta sec it youiself ... ta knov how trutly beautiful ih is. T hI e fro n t e n d lia s hî'ci .îIa rt ]v ual- prcîved. liîîcrior,. arc liore -1,aikhin:, wifh îandý0oie imcî-% fabine,.. I Ire is t e <a i-of 1935 . lia t' % x' >'Ciiis ahead of the field. l)rive -tJe iew .i-fl ox',... w itlî itsl t - horsen)oer eni n . .. is tlrilliiîg j<r- foriiaîcc . .. is sensational .X\irfltnxx Ride.ý Sec bot/ inewv De Soios . . . thidia ,k ýev«DE SOTO/4 ý,K CANADA'S AERQ-DYNAMIC STYLF LEADERS iency. ry re- ILLIAM J. CHALLIS DODGE AND DESOTO DEALER AN APPRECIATION 0F __ satisf aci I SMR. JOHN STACEY l i i ii . q n acne sel : NG By a Daughter of the Parsonage MenJthes lece uInRomans 2:7 we î'eati these more l ni ih utd ouds:"-To them who by patient /(J~J acnie. 1 ons continuante in well doing seek focr' pi ach glocy anti honouî' anti immartality, us tbiou eternal lite," A.ELNSE VICE or health c ai Soc- These xords. spoken so long ago ASSCA IN I' N MD ICAUe gin the sti11 ring true anti in many torn- I'"UIRANCE y nighi munities may be founti men anti n CNAD tables a, iresitient women who have been autstantiingCOPEINdrn ] a! Sp- examples o! such a high standard a!fCMPLEIONSdrin by the lite, Amang thern we glatily cher- The human bodiy is cavei-ed by guve Up )n a! the ush the memory a! Mi-. John Stacey. eighteen square feet a!sfn.bu Secure i 934 tfair a man o! sterling chai-acter who kn u e m i - q îeî y a ti n a ss m u n ly e v a e ci m u c h m o re a tte n tio n is g i xe n t a th e re g u la iit .. C.m is- ie tando wat he ul d. In square foot which covers the fste ti5e. K .-ta.p-.his lfh t omelie, a neighbu CIn 'than toala] the rest. Several ?iî - quent b-, ï. bic-h tiethomanti true asinei, ant , i tba e nIl lions a! sweai glands foi-m part o! face witl t, hic tred nd ru frend an abve ilthe skin. 1h is these sweat glands heatis b; iimousîy ta the church af bis choice. a con- which secrete Perspiration ta the gently aw on the Wti a wispea ti Iondfleceex- io . i. The evaporation o! perspii-a- in hot m cussian erteti tuu'ing fau'ty-five yeai-s in con- mion fi-rn the skin regulates the thantre-l 935 f air nectian wih Church anti Suntay temperature o! the body. te r Sp.School. Wht. a number a! Young Gooti complexions came f rom a ha sp-es Y, ept peplewoaie mnandti aunin healthy body unter a healthy skin. Questh( 195t eaphlbsess o en owavilamnd ]tmighi be saidti hat ihere cannot tiresseti 935 theeatheybusinesslitetho!bodymanvillc ai oher centres tan recaîl his unsel!- b clh km uls h otiyAsot i Rckard, ish untuuing devotian ta ife's high- is healhy because the skmin s a mi--atwi est andi hst. i-r whch reflecs the general health leter. aNew- May is manle fal on samene a! the whole body. as worhy to wear i anti may we The skin o! the face is mraie ex- m s.keep ur litle larnpa!flife burning posedt thie elemens han is the [a .as brighily anti steaiîy as we Jour- skln whhch covers aiher parts o!f Ca-ney dawn l es highway. Anti £0 the body, wih the possible except- fallow hlm as he followed Christ, ion o! the hantis. The hants are >rono.usually wsshet rnany tumes a day, rana. but mosi people give iheir faces sa i-ana. dash a! waier in the marning, antid Gea. F let il go ai ihat. ýLave- A goot complexion means sa h, Roy I healihy 5kin. The 5km must ha \\- 'n, Mi-. kepi dlean If il is ta be healthy. ýMut- ' R le e Despie the dlaims o! many beauiy istrong, Young children eascatc cld speclaîlsis, ihere is no beiter wsy af eSap B Mr@. Ruasel Ward, of Hilton rlitding the face a! tii-t than through XnumAcAl exei Beach, Ont., wisely Baye: "If I the regula- and frequeni use of sosp àhd &tthe eplacet notice that there ie ofmi~ia a anti water. A blanti saap shoulti be which poie colt I lgive Baby'. Own r bea uset so as nat ta remove t00 much tllta, îclatkc unii a and find they are a great help." a! the natural oils o! the skin. Af - treltment c Thousande of'mnothcrs do tesne r t hefaemarne tistenapommnt -dci- fDot only' for colds but for fretful- ici- ie f as ean, h i the rnotaB W J. ness, indigestion, constipation, m î e ! t s e a a w e h i r f o W. J ttm"g troubles, caieupst cu'eams are ta be useti.R Bsos Tablets are safe and minl reliev- ai-e matie mîserable for themn be- n u d a nila chldhooa oinrnon aliments, cause . of pîmples or blackheads idanFric. 250. 3 (acne) whlch begin to appear at an RHEUN Dr. Williams,'13 age when boys andti grls are flrst Mgt *'î- giving some attention tother PeT- . ALEX med. a -jl -,f alsonal appearance, and Ih Is flot much Phone 92 tioiî for ihcm ta ha taldti iat ldomn pecsists afier the esrly kiiî whicb bas large pores ch tends ta ha oîy seers able ta ha troubleti wiih There is only, one sounti ap- ta this condition, ant hat igh improvîng the persona. of the suffecer. laîn foot, making sur-e that resh fruits antigi-en vege- ippear regularly in tbe diet; lenty o! water between avait fricti antigi-easy foots; pies anti cakes fo- a urne. egula- elirninatian through ty o! habit. tipi anti exer- cep the kin dean by fre- tths, anti do foi touch the h the bantis. Release biack- )y squeezing them oui very ifier baving batheti the pari waer. Pimnples canisin pus, Per tare must be taken when openeti or he in.fecion wll id. Ins conceri-nng healih, ad- ta the Canadian Metical ,on, 184 ColUegt Si., Tor- I be answered pei-snally by !TACIK the tous@ of SRHEUMATISM LUMBAGO -' SCIATICA le ýS cve immedint. relief trm pai lame time they wll sart cieanming of Unie acid a-d other impurlîjes athe tystem and cause rheuma- a, lumbago. beekache A regular of R1MACAPS wul cive yOU reUle. o 050 Capsule,$, $1,00, IMACÂPS <ATIC CAPSULES McGREGOR DIRUGS We Deuvor BOTH CARS OFFER THESE FEATURES: împrovi Performance... Airflow De Solo has 100 oejoe-ir stream I)e Soto, 93 horsepower. Ama.-ing specd-plus sensational econosnv N ew-îipe Tapercd Leaf Springs ani Redistribution f~igt.grealty improve your riding cointori. Tmproved Hydraulic Brakes... .aIiêays c<ualizeîl and depenclable. AUI-Sîcel Bodies... for greater saféty. This yeur, frame tnd body are virtîzalli one solig l it. l'loating Power Engine iNtounînings ... dui banish motor vibration. New EleeîIro-process-d lighl.-weighî .luminum Pistons.. praceiiea'y immune from wear. New Synero-Silent Transmissioîn . .. takes all noisec amit effort onit<of silifing... ln ail gears. New.îipe Airwhieel Tires ..,gie broader roail contart., qui<'ker stol> ig. 12 more îîon.skid mileage. - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BowmANvmLE, Ti-ruRSDAY. JANUARY 24th 1 Qq.1, W.- ILLIAU Je CHALLIS DODGE AND DESOTO DEALER

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