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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1935, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATWRJAM urBUMANV17TT. 2THURTiAY. TANARY 3lo193.5 i EBENEZER Several from here attended the W.M.S. convention at Hampton on Thursday. Choir practice was held at the home of lIr. and Mrs. A. E. R.undle on Thursday evening. After a good practice a social time was enjoyed by ail. Rev. W. C. and Mrs. Smith were host and hostess to the young inen's class and teacher on Friday even- ing when a very pleasant time was enjoyed. Young Peoples banquet, which was held on Monday evening, went over big, due to the untiring efforts of the committee in charge. Ater ail had partaken of the many lovely things serveci, community singing was carried on for a short time, and the foflowing assisted on the pro- gram: R.ev. Walter Rackham, guest speaker, Hampton; quartet from King St. Church, Oshawa, coc oe n,Âf Mr% D£.,.Jt4,anderslt. Mis Pianist-Miss Mae Brent; Off icen-Mrs. Russell Virtue. Dept. Supts: Missionary-Mrs. Robt. HotI- gson; Assoc.-Mrs. L. Warren; Treas. o! Missionary-Miss Nina Hodgson; Temperance-Arthur Brent; Home- Mrs. Richard Woodley; Cradie RoU -Mrs. Frank Werny. Teachers: Bi- ble Class-H. G. Mackîin; Assoc.- Mrs. Norman Woodley, Mrs. A. W. Clemens. Mrs. R. J. Hodgson; "'Win One'-Mrs. Russell Wright; Assoc. -Mrs. Eventon White; "Helping Hand"-Mrs. Sidney Hoar; Assoc.- Mrs. Wallace Miller; '11'1 Try"- Miss Lola Richards; Assoc.-Mrs. F. Dudley: "Wide Awake Boys"-Clin- ton Bigeîow; Assoc.-Aîbent HuIs; "*King's Guards"-Clarence Woodîey; Assoc.-Everton White; Primary Class-Mrs. Byron Moore; Assoc.- Mns. Theo Down; Beginners-Mrs. Richard Hatherly: Asst.-Miss Ade- laide Annis. 1' ENNISKILLEN nice Werry. Messrs. Frank Walters Miss Bernice Stainton, Oshawa, and Cliif Staples; Mns. Ross Pearce, visitedi at Mn. W. J. Stainton's. reader; Mrs. Cecii Worden, pianist.'Mn. andI Mrs. P. McGill, Toronto, vhited the latter's mother, Mrs Levi 0 Brunt. SL MMiss Verna Petbick, Maple Goe SALEMvisited ber parents, Mn. andI Mrs. S. t i Pethick. "Christ in the midst' was the sub- Mn. J. Dolanti is still under the ject o! Bey. A. S. Kerr's f ine sermon tIoctor's cane. We wisb him a speedy here Sunday afternoon. recovery. Mis Majore Cllaottattended Miss Eva Soucb recently visited the funeral o! ber cousin, Mn. Hubertt hronadthendeMrtheW. M. S. aPe- Colacott, o! Port Perry on Monday. tn n teddteW .S rs Salem friends regret the death o! bytenial. Mn. J. T. Fee. who passed away at Mn. andI Mns. E. Harrison spent his omein owmnvile.deceased the weekend with their parents, sna homeain Bopanvîfîîe. feinMn. T. Harrison andI Mn. Jas. Bate, Salentagetr.ato ish nCameron. Sa1m.Mns. Rev.) Parker, Mrs. J. A. Our Y. P. L. enteitained the Young1 People o! St. PauI's on Wednesday Werry, Mrs. R. McGil. Mns. Elias evening. January 23rtI, wben the vis- Ashton attended the W. M. S. Pres- iting League put on a splendid pro- byterial at Hampton. gra whch as uchenjoyed by On Sunday evening Rev. Wm. gra wbch as uc Parker spoke very fittingly on one o! al. a!ter whicb the home League served lunch andI a jolly social hour our great hymn %-iters *'Fanny Cros-j ensued. by." The congregation took part in On Friday evening of Iast week, the service by singing a number o!f Mn. andI Mns. W. J. Cann andI !amily ber hymns. entertained the membens o! Salem Mn. Jas. Stainton received the sad; Telephone liue, wben a jolly evenlng news o! the tIeatb o! bis sisten-in- was spent in games a! ten the gentle- law. Mrs. Thomas Clemence, who~ men had attended to the yearly items befone ber maniage was Miss Jane o! business. At the close a very Devitt, now o! Peck. Michigan. Sym- dainty luncheon was served by the pathy is extended to Mn. Stainton bostess. andI family. MR. H. J. Werry, Mn. andI Mrs. ROrmiston, Mn. andI Mrs. L. Ash- TYRONE ton andI Mn. J. A. Werry attended the buriai service o! the fonmer's bro- * ~ tber-in-lawv. Mr. Fred Werry o! Tor- Mn. George AlidreatI visited bis onto. Rev. Wm. Parker took charge parents, Mn. andI Mrs. James Al- o! the service. Tbe nemains being dread. ,bnougbt to Bethesda Cemeteny for Mn. Gussie Rosevear recently vis- buial. Sympathy is- extended to the ited his uncle, Mr. Harny Jones, To- bereaved. nonto. Tesday nigbt the Young Ladies GlatI to know Mrs. A. M. Woottor class andI thein f iends were enter- is up again aften an attack o! ap- tained at the home o! the former's pendicitis. teacher. Mrs. R. Gilbert. The Young Cottage prayen meeting was heltI ladies heltI election o! o!!icers as fol- at the home o! Mn. andI Mrs. A. E. lows: Pres-Clara Page: Treas.- Annis on Thursday evening. Alice Ashton: Sec-Marie Oke; Mn. andI Mrs. F. L. Byam and f am - Flower Com.-Eileen Parker, Gladys iîy spent Sunday witb ber parents, Page andI Ruth Stevenson; Sick Com. Mn. andI Mns. J. Lillicrapp. Canning- -May Lamb. Elsie Moore. Annie ton. Oke. Mrs. Gilbert was re-eîectecl Women's Institute andI Ladies' Aid ieî ern. Priores dsv ecroino- wil hotI n oenmeeting in the was playeci the winnens being Gladys Community Hall in February. De Page andI Bruce Ashton. Mrs. Gil- bate andI other program is being bert served a bounti!ul lunch wbich prepared. everyone enjoyed. A vote o! tbanks On Wednesday evening the Young was moved to Mn. andI Mns. Gilbert People heId a crokinole party in the andI Velma by Miss Cara Page andI community hall when a good time seconded by Miss May Lamb. Mrs. was enjoyed. Mn. Lloyd Hoan was Gilbert respondeci veny niceîy. the winner o! the gentlemen, andI Mns. N. J. Woodley andI Miss Lola Richards wene tied for tbe ladies. i B K RSSH O Lunch was served andI a social time ______________________ enjoyed. Newly elected Sunday Sehool o!- Baker's Home andI Scbool Club ficers are: Supt.-Arthur W. Annis; will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 5th, at Assoc. SuPt.-WiIiis Stewart; Secre- 8 p. m. Speakers: Mn. A. W. Annis, tarY-Victor Scott; Assoc. Sec'y.- Tynone; Miss Ella Tamblyn, En! ieltI. Aldin Hoan; Treas.-Russeil Wright; GootI program o! music. games andI Pianist-Mrs. Howard Brent; Assoc. re!resbments. 1 Preventative Medicine .MEANS USING MEDICINE TO KEEP WELL Ward off colds andI flu by fortifying your system 'îth a good Winter tonic. Ostogen (drop doses) i-j-.6 C. C. 15 C. C. Ayerst C. L. 0. 10D 67e andI Ayersts C. L. O. (Carbonated) 50e S Sea Sealed C. L. O. Scott's Eniulsion. 49e Emuision C. L. O. 16 oz. Wampole's Nyal C. L. O. Extract Tabiets %L. Extract Tasty Extract Cod Liver, 20 ozs. s $1.00 51.00 S2.00 $1.69 47e 89e 89C $1.00 $1.00 PEPSODENT FASTE For stubborn deep-seated coughs take new large size CREOPHOS new 10w price 14 oz. bottie 39C $1000 Kerslake's Drug Store P. R. COWLJG, Phm. B. Satlsfying Optical Service---------Phone 4b Corbett's Bakery Otiers SOME TASTY VARIETIES FOR THE WEEK-END Try Our' Danlsh Pastry - You'll lîke it - 25c Dozen crear Rouls, just.delicious. dozen 30e Date Cookies, dozen 20e if you are Iooklng for an ideal health bread try elther HOVIS or ROMAN IMEAL BREAD. Our wagon is on your -street every day. Corbett's Dakery Phon5es Distributors Dad'u Cookies Bowmanvmle g Were assembled Mr. Jack Reynolds b. called the gathering to order and HAMPTONI Miss Giadys Yellowlees read the ad- 5. > dress. At the proper time Miss Mar- Mr. Donald Cole, Toronto, visited garet Scott and Mr. Everett Vice bis uncle Mr. H. Cole. presented the bride and groom with We nte hatmemers f te oderan occasionaT chair and wainut end Walesnate tha meberon heolertable. Margaret and Everett replied, faile ap Taylorg Oshawathanking their friends for the beau- spent the weekend at home. tifde by ts Sr oesc hewre Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott visit- maider 0f tevevening as. Tente ed ber aunt, Mrs. Joe Cbapman. mind soale wayan a aty lnh 9 Miss Adia Pascoe, Toronto, visited i oilwyadadit uc Misses Marjorie and Edith Pascoe. Wa.s seflted. The funeral of the late Samuel Good attendance at League meet- Ruse was heid from United Cburch ing on Monday evening wth the on Friday, to the B. C. Cemetery. President, Miss Ruth McKessock,I Brotherbood wiii be beld on Feb. presiding. After the opening exer- 5tb instead of Feb. 6th. eE . cises. Miss Margaret Scottgv e Armstrong wili be the guest speaker, report of the Wznter School at Belle- About 100 ladies braved the severe ville whicb she attended. Newcastle weatber on Tbursday last and at- league is invited to visit us on Feb. tendd te Prsbyeria hee inthe . Notice was received of tbe Utedd he resh ri. hrei h League Rally at Port Perry on Sat- Hampton W. I. will boid its re- urday, F'eb. 2nd, and Mr. W. R. gular meeting on Thursday Feb. 7th Westiake and Miss Ruth McKessock at 8 p. m., wben the members enter- were appointed as delegates. Miss tain their husbands. Muriel Baker, 4th Vice Pres., took Mrs. James A. Graves, Wawan- charge o! the program. devotional, esa. Man., Miss Pearl Leach, Taun- Miss Mae Westlake; vocal solo, Mrs. ton, Mr. Yensen. Bowmanvilie, were Harry Taylor; reading, Miss Grace recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Yeiiowlees; Topic "Famous men of Kerslake. Canadian History", was given by Mr.Ernest Hoitby, Manchester, Mrs. S. E. Werry: piano solo, Miss Ms envstn eaetM. Muriel Baker; reading, Mr. Alan and Mrs. E. L. Wiiliamson. She also McKessock. Miss Margaret Scott attended the Oshawa Presbyterial took charge of the recreation. 0f the W. M. S. held here on Thurs- u day. The Young Peopies' Society enter- CADMUS tained St. Paui's Young People of Bowmanville on Friday nigbt. Meet- ing opened witb a hymn after which. Mr. Earl Gray spent the weekend the presicient weicomed the visîtors, In Peterboro. who presented the foliowing pro-: Mr. Arthur Stapleton visited Mr. gram: Prayer, Louise Norwick; Leonard Milis. scripture reading. Nancy Shrubb; Miss Giadys Cobbiedick visited frn- vocal solo, Mrs. V. Ott; Dedication, ends in Toronto. George Grahiam; hymn; reading on Mr. and Mrs. E. Sanderson and "Life of Robert Burns", Charlie Cle- family visited at Mr. W. Larmer's. mens; vocal solo, Mrs. Ott, recitat- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Jan- ion, Cyril Coombes: Archbishop's etville, visited at Mr. C. H. Failis'. address at the Royal Wedding, Ileen His friends wîll be sorry to hear AIder; Clarinet solo, Mr. Max Tuerk' that Mr. J. Mahood is under the doc- reading, "The Pond", George Gra: tor's care. ham; Musical selections by the An- Mr. and Mrs. George Flowler, Miss derson Bros.. Charlie Clemens and Helen Fowler, visited at Mr. Merwin Cyril Coombes; Music by Ruth, Max, Mountioy's. Frank and Mr. Tuerk; vocal solo, Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt is stili suffering Mrs. Ott. Meeting closed in usuai acutely f rom the severe injuries she .way after wbich a social timne was sustained wbiie motoring to Port spent in games andI lunch was serv- Perry. etI by Hampton Young People. The cast o! the Young Peopie's play were entertained last week by - ~ Mrs. George Fowler andI Mrs. Oscar I~Th COUR ICEIl pericd was taken at _________-'~'League by Rev. H. J. Bell. The re- Frost bites and -severe coids are mnainder of the evening took the common aliments these zero days, form of a congregational meeting. but the Young foulk enjoy the splen- The funeral was held on Tuesday. did ice that is iately to be found in Of Mrs. Clarence Cook at Prospect. ail hollows, as weli as the "Corners" Mrs. Cook was the former Ethel Mc- rink. Kee, daughter of Mr. Thos. McKee; The autograph quilt instead of' and lived east o! Cadmus. the Dutch girl guiit was put up for1 The play "Tell the Judge" had its sale, was soitI iociiy, nd re-sold in third presentatfon on FnidiaY night Oshawa, coming, however, to its by the members of the United final resting place in the home of Church. Cadmus. when they gave it Mrs. Thomas Adams, Courtice. at the Parish Hall of AIl Saints An- iIf you are interested in making the glican Church, Peterboro. The' play Valentine party on Feb. l5th, for the was very welI received. and the mem- children a success, think up Don bers of the cast motored to Peter- Cupid's games and get in touch with boro in cars kindly ioaned for the any o! the Entertainment Commit- occa.sion by Mr. Walton Larmer andI tee: Mrs. Geo. Barber, Mrs. Geo. Mr. Lowell Fallis. Lowe, Mr. L .Beckett, Mrs. J. Brock, On Tuesday a!ternoon the W. M. Mrs. R. Tooey, Mrs. Thos. Adams S. o! the United Church was held in and Mrs. G. 'rrevail. the ba.sement of the church. The On Sunday, Courtice Sunday Bible reading Was taken by Mrs. H. Schooi bad an attendance o! 63. Galbraitb andI keen appreciation was Mrs. Ralph Tooîey and Mrs. J. Brock expressed for the assistance of many 4 sang very creditabiy 'I am Coming who made the play "~Tell the Judge", Lord." Two of the Senior girls wiîî sUch a success. During 1934 each sing next wek. "Tell me the OltI, member set aside a certain sum o! < OltI Story" was the closing hymn, money for the months of the year. with harmonica. by Fred Adams, This amount was handed in on Tues- violin by Geo. Reynolds, andI piano day; $15.00 was voted for the Wo- accompaniment. Miss Dorothy Snu- men's Missionarr Society. andI a brie! tIden, Asst. Sec, acted in the absence prayer was given by Mrs. H. Gai- o! the Secretary. braith. Mrs. E. Sanderson, convenen. Sunbeami Mission BandI met on and her group, were in charge. Friday. with President Marie SaIt intechair. New group leaders were chosen andI new groups ar- NESTLETON ranged. Minutes were read by Mary > by Miss Sadie Muir. Watcb Tower Mr. andI Mrs. Merwin Mountioy Heralds were taken by: Catherine visited at Mr. C. McGili's. Minto, on Canada; Pauline Antil, on Mr. Lawrence Malcolm, Lindsay, China; and Patricia Husband, on spent the weekend with bis parents. Japan. Ruth Penfound gave a read- Miss Audrey Preston, Frankford. is ing. Mr. Cecil Robinson, Principal, guest o! hier sister, Mrs. Harry Philp. ç entertained on the piano. Miss Muir's Mr. Orial Edgerton bas been visit- ?, topic 'Study" was enjoyed by ail. ing Mr. andI Mrs Jim Moore, Port Joan Antil gave a reading. Misses Hope.E Ethel Wilkins antI Prudence Young Mr. antI Mrs. Stanley Malcolm andI !avoured with a duet. family were guests o! Mrs. Joe Tay-t _____________________lor to diniier, Saturday. --4 Rev. V. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy and Miss Louise r I SOLINA Davidson visited at Mr. John Dick- -4 ey's. Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, visited Mrs. Robt. Dickey is opening ber at Mr. S. E. Werry's. home for the Laddes' Aid o! the Pres- Mr. antI Mrs. Cecil Bush, Clm bytenian church on Thursday after- bus, visited bis mothen. Mrs. S. Bush. noon amBuc, r'ad 3r. Misses Evelyn Tink and Ruth Mc- Hrs. SameBruc, Mr.Pany dgMr. Kesock visited at Mr. Joe Chap-HeanamlsMr.ecyEg- man's. Hampton. ton andI Gwen Wilson visited friends Mr. andI Mrs. Chas. Howsam and in Lindsay. Mary spent the weekend witb relat- Mr GorgeyisMra lalo ms as. ives at Port Ferry.DikyMisMra Wlias t-r Miss Ada Pascoe bas returned to tended the funeral o! Mrs. Charles h Toronto after spending a week at Prouse at Port Hope recently. a: ber brother's. Mr. Luther Pascoe. Mr. Ed. Bruce ,son o! Mr. andI Mrs. Several f rom here attended the Sam Bruce, is recovering in Kenora tl hockey game at the Mapie Leaf Gar- hospital f rom injuries. wbich. he su- ti orsngadetad eY k'hnm was Mrs. Merwln Mountjoy; and C gave a very lntene-ting address. other members o! ber group were' co Aboutone hndredfrien Mrs. Ceeul Wilson. Miss Ruth Proutt, W Abot oe hndrd fieds and Miss Louise Davldson and Mrs S. elghbors o! Mr. and Mrs. Evenett an Llllott gathered at the home of her Sanderson. ve mother, Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Iast ___________ M Tuesday evenlng to, extend cong'nat- Hi alations and best wlshes to, them Get your share of Harry Allin's lai Dn their recent marriage. Wben ail 7c Specials and save moue>'. sir h. I at Harry Allin's 7 Is Lucky. See how lucky you will be in saving rnoney at this big 7 CENT SALE. Choice Hand Picked DEANS 2 Lbs. 7 Castile Soap 10 bars 27, 1000 Sheet Rolis TOILET TISSUE 2 for 17 Supersudts Limit 2 Crosse and Blackwell's Tounato SoUp Limit 4 Chef Mlarnialade 40 oz j Choie Red Rock TOMATOES 21., sîze tii; Choice Blue Rose IRICIE 2 Ibi Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour Woodbuî'y's Fac ilQ' BeehiVe Golden Corn Syrup 1 1Chosce Dates jar [s bs. 2 IL ti 2 lbs. 70 Fe pkg. 7e tin 7c 270 2 for 17o 17e pkg. 17e l 70 in 17e 17e Other Great Specials SALADA Yellom, Label, a New Tea 1/2 lb. tin 290 Crosse and B]ackwell CAITSUP 2 Boules 25e Chef PORK & BEANS 11 size tin IOC Harry Allib, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville k a i SCHOOL REPORT PROVIDENCE SCHOOL REPORT Report o! S. S. No. 5, Danlingon, Providence) for montb o! January. Hon. 75Çcý; Pass 60% Sr. IV Ewart Bragg (8017) Jr. IV Catharine Wight (9017); Grace Hall (88%); Helen Luxton 80, '); Pearl Shemeit <75%> );Glenn Brooks (73%). Sr. III Esther Barnett <87%'); Viola Ruiten (71% ); Violet Crago 651 c). Jr. III H ele n Wight (75%) <ladeline Crago (69%); Ross Bragg 57% ); Helen Ruiten (55 %). Sr. IIlEleanor Wight <80e%>; Irene Wight (77(7,); Mary Wight (72%): Murray Cain <66C'c). Sr. I Gwendoiyn Brooks (83%); Binan Barnett (781r); Calvin Crago (76%7); William Bragg (75%): Bea- nice Quinney, <absent on account o! mlless). Jr. Pr. George Wight (84%~ >orothy Ruiter (80%). Helen J. Lewis. Teacher W/omen'a Institute Hear of Eskimo's Life at Meeting (Continued from page 1) îg. The speaker also described ouses and their liking for tobacco ind strong drink. About 40 years ago a process o! ,ansformation became apparent ai- ,ough on account o! their f eroc- ous nature they were stifl reganded ith suspicion. The inability to un- ei'stand their language was a sen- Eus drawback andI it was 17 yeans Lter before thene was much change i their mode o! living. They were ;ry observant o! the ways o! living ýthe missionanies andI the people on îe whaiing chips also excited an in- he getting across to them o! "The uence but the main influence was ,ve o! the Creator o! the Univense." bhey were very superstitious andI arful o! ail spirits andI the dark, mit would rather go hungry than do ithout ligbt. This fean bas now )en dispelletI to a great extent andI ,ey lve in log cabins andI wean f a- 'îic garments whlcb tbey make hemselves, fur in winter, andI are Lw dlean andI the men work andI the vomen's lives are easler. At the menlusion o! bis address Dr. Whit- aker showed some sldes deplctlng Le Eskimo andI their homes when he missionaries began work among hem andI their life at the present lme. Mrs. Ross Grant. convener, of the ogram expressed the appreclat- )n o! the audience to Dr. Whlttaker Dr bis splendid taîk. Miss Clio Anderson sang two ýumbers very acceptably 'Sprlng is ming." andI "Danny Boy." Mrs. VH. Yeo gave a humorous readlng Housecleaning time"; Misses June id Shirley Chahls sang two duets r>' pleasing>'. accompanied b>' iss Phyllis Challs andI Mm. Wm. raîl gave a reading "Canada the Lnd of Snow."1 Meeting closed wlth îlgng "The Maple Leaf." High School Girls ATTENTION I A fortunate purchase enables us to of fer exceptional dresses for the Hîgh School At Home at rldiculous price. Dresses DRESSES - In Spring styles - up-to-the-minute crepes - latest colors. Every one worth $7.95. High School At Home Special $4.95 ONE DOZEN ONLY - New Spring Dresme, that will create a sensation at the At Home. Every one worth up to $9.95. High School At Home Special $6.95 Couch, iohnston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowoeauvil. Scottish Bard Is Lauded In Address at Rotary Friday (Contlnucd fnom page 1) tells us the Master caught. Burns hated bypocrisy, andtI is poem o! Hoy Wiilie, the eider o! the Kirk. andI the simple person who prayed there paralleled the stor>' o! the Phanisce andI the Publican wbo went up into the Temple to pray. Burns could bitteni>' castigate an cnemy, andI be could lautI a fniend. as is illustrated ln bis poem La- ment for Glencairn" in wbich he wites: The mother may forget the child, That smiics sac sweetiy in ber knee, But l'Il remember these Giencainn, And ail that thou bas donc for me. Toda>', the Inequalities andI the injustices that Burns remembered in bis immontal verses arc nearing fui- fillment as we see political parties o! ail kînds Joining together at Ot- tawa to brlng about better thlngs for the common people. The camne questions that Burns wrote about are today tbrobblng in the hearts o! bu- manit>'. Mn. Blake's address contained many quotations !romn the works of Burns andI poemns wrltten about hlm. Rev. E. F. Armstrong andI Presi- dent Fred Cryderman expressed the club's appreelation o! the splendid address o! the day andI the meeting closed with a Toast to Bobby Burns, andI the singing of AultI Lang Syne. 0 Remembrance Day wl]l be a public holiday ln future. They 're Here THE NEW 1935 SUNWORTHY AND SUN-TESTED Weill Ppr New, Plain and prlnted pat- terns that wllI add color and charm to your home. Come in and 10ok them over. We wil be glad to put away enough to complete a room untlI you am' ready to use it. you will be Pieased Wlth the new low prie- es on both these hlghest qual- ity wailpapers. J. W.Jewell BOOKS &STATIONERV PAINTS £WALLPAPER CHINA Il GLASS1 Phone 30 P .40. PAGE POIMT M ~ ritumi rlqjun £rxQ 01.11E.OmAa, IrluzuiuAx, JPýLNUamx Itfao Il 1 1

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