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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1935, p. 5

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I PAGE P~VE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3lst, 1935 Locala r-d F> rsoial -Iel L..ccýeL eLci Fgerý:>n d Ný,,%q,53 Read Harry AIin's 7c Sale advi. and.#jîare in the bargains. Miss Meda Couch, Buffalo, N. Y., was guesi o! Mrs. Vera Millson and other friends here this week. Mr. Jasper Smith, Sault Ste Marie, spent the weekend witb bis parents, Mr. and Mms. D. A. Smith. Cburch Street Group, Trinity Wo- men's Association beld a successful home cooking sae ai Jewel's Store on Saturday afternoon. The Men's, Club of St. John's Church sporisored a f ish and chip supper on Saturday, and aiso under- took to deiver numerous orders. Captain and Mrs. Wilbur Hoar, Mr'. and Mrs. A. L. Hagerman, Miss Florence Hoar and Fred Hoar of St. Petersburg visied bere yesterday with their Canadian friend, Mrs. H. A. Tait, of 1734, Eigh Avenue drive.-Heralii, Bradenton, Florida. Rev. C. R. Spencer, rural dean of Noribumberland and Durham, re- presented ibis Deanery ai a Lay- men's dinner in Oshawa, when Rt. Rev. A. R. Beverly, D.D., Suffragan BishoP of Toronto, paid bis first vis- it to Oshawa. Odcifeliows Lodge is planning a big celebration next Wednesday nighi wben a 50-year Jewel wil be presented to Ex-Reeve T. H. Lock- hart. It is expected the chairs will be occupied on this occasion by members who have aiready received their 50-year Jewel. Ahl Oddfeiiows are urged to be present. Mr. Benedlck Clarke, a ciever violinist of Toronto, who speni the weekend wiih his sisier, Mrs. Geo. Reidi, whose husband is manager of the Selrite Store,, f avored Trinity Sunday Scbool and the evening con- gregation wiih violin seleciions which everyone greatly appreciaied. He also assisted the orchestra ai the evening service. Mrs. Clara B. Courtîce, 7 Pine Ave., Toronto, who was the very cf- ficient correspondent to The States- man for Courtice for a number of years, writes: I missed my copy of the Statesman iast week. As soori as the paper comes into the housi 1 sit down and read it regardless oi everytbing. It is like a good long letter from home. The will of the laie Dr. James L Hughes, Toronto, former Durhanr boy and promineni educationisi, di- vides bis estate. valued at $27,277 between his widow and daughtei Bert.ha Hann equaliy. The estatE is macle up o! $24.189 in mortgages $2,015 in bonds, $898 in cash, anc $175 in personality. Two othei daugbters, Helen Clemenis an( Laura Hannah, received one dollai each under the terms o! the will. Mrs. H. A. Tait, who is enjoyhni the wintcr months ai Bradentor Florida, says in writing to a membe o! The Statesman staff: I am ii the land o! sunshmne and flowerç The second crop of peas, beans, car rots and sirawberries are abou ready ta market. Ramn yesterda: was weicomed as cisterns were dr: This is calied the friendly city and1 is well-njamed. I wisb you wer ciçnbere it wou]d add years t y&. ife. Dr. F. W. Cryderman, 2216 Eatc: Tower, Detroit, Micb., wbo bas beec a coniinuous subscriber to Th Staiesman for over 50 years, in for warding bis renewal wries: Amn ap preciating the Statesman morea the years go by. The present makE up of the paper is very good. M address bas been Detroit since 188 From my office window on tbe 22n floor o! ibis building 1 can seec il river jusi as iovciy as ever. ice: taking the place o! boats. Kind ri gards to yuur faiber. Weli do I ri member bim takliig over the Siateý man from W. R. Cimie about years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. McTaggari are spendir.g the winter in Toronto. Miss Fleming, Oshawa, was guesi h rh A tvte of Mrs. N. S. B. James over Sunday. Ch rk A tvte Trinity United Church annualI_______________ meeting will be held on Thursday, Maple Leaf Mission Band Feb. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Wili. Cowan, Osh- Maple Leaf Mission Band met awa, visiied ibein cousin, Mns. Jenn- Mondtay afiernoon in the Primary ie Stanton, on Sunday. Room o! St. Pauls Church. Meeting Mr. C. Rebder is enjoying a fcw was opened by the President witb months bolidays in the Sunny Souh bbe cal 10 worsbîp and Response. at St. Petersburg, Fonda. A prayer was given by Jean Rice; Mrs. T. C. Osborn2e, Wbitby, wbo scripturc lesson was taken by Ruth is recovering from ber recent iilnessVrte Memory verses were repeated is visiting ber sister, Mrs. John followed bY a bymn. Watcb Tower was read by Eileen Stephens, Jean Challis. Pattinson and Marion Muibon. Masters Ewari Bragg and Glen Minutes were read and Roll called. Brooks sang a very sweet duet ai Mrs. Frank Williams gave a inter- Trnity Sunday Sehool on Sunday esting story. Meeting ciosed witb afternoon. bymn and Mizpah benediction. Mrs. E. 'W. W. Rundie, Osbawa, bas been visiting ber mother, Mrs. Tiinity 'Y. P. S. J. T. Bragg, Carlisle Ave., wbo con- tinues quite poorly. Trunity Young People's meeting on Miss Belle G. Allen. who is spend- Monday evening was in charge o! ing the winter ai West Palm Beach, M.Cae Alnsgop oi Fonda, wriies ihatit has been cold- -Writers o! Canadian History." Pro- est in bbc South for many yeans but gram opcned with a piano duet by it ia lovely and flowers are in full Mrs. J. A. Cole and Miss Maian bloom.Dudley; papens on Egeton Ryenson Miss Vivien Bunner; on Francis Mrs. J. H. Ashiey, 334 King Street Parkin by Miss Vera Power; Sir casi, Oshawa. celebnated ber bith- James David Edgar by Miss Donoihy day at the home of ber daugbier, Hoar, and on John George Borno by Mrs. H. Hopkins, Rowe St., on Mon- Miss'Olive Brooking. The Osborne day cvening. Many congrabulatory quartette favorcd wtb two numbrs. messages wene received fnom f nlend6 Young People's Rally o! the United in the ciiy as wcih as a message f nom Church will be held in Port Perry on her daughber, Mrs. Cecil Williams, Saturday, Feb. 2nd. Anyone wisbing ro! Souris, Man. The dining room t attend pease inform the Presi- table was beaubfully dccorated wiib dent. Wilfrid Hamley. cut flowers for bbc occasion. Axnong0 fthose present were Mrs. Asbley's son. YMr. Norman Ashley and Mrs. Asbiey St. Paul's Young People's Guild and son Jimmy. Mrs. Ashhey is a St. Paul's Y. P. G. met Tuesday ssister o! Mn. J. H. Crydermnan. Bow- evening with an aitendance o! 30ý lmanv ille. Meeting opened witb President Geo, e ______________ Graham in Use chair; prayen by Bul een Aider, and scripture lesson b: e Bernice Muiton. It was decided tc Bowling ews sbudy bbc mlssionary progran .'Trails and Taies o! the Notland.' f These conveners wcrc chosen: Cibi- d Tuesday evening a !riendly gane zcsh p-Helen Norwick; Christiar nwas played ai Matyn's Bowliag Ai- Fellowsip-Norab Sbrubb; Mission- le Icys by Harry Allin, Dr. BonnYcas- ary-Chanies Clemence; Liienaturt ýf tie, Fred Vansione, J. J. Brown, Ev- and Cuual-Jim Thompson. Pro- 9 erebi Snith, and Len Elliott, wben gram was in charge o! Citizenshil Len rollcd up a bigb score of 385, convener. and consisted o! readingý bbe ibird bigbesi game rolled tia by Helen and Louise N or wi c n season. Harry Allin surpnised bim- Games were played and a social ha] -self and bis friends roiling 262. Ev- hour enjoyed. 7ereti Smith, tb show there was no - ýr hard feelings, rolled a magnificentA.YP..Prgesv in at, ýe game of 86. Several tcams are tny-A.YP..PrgeseDnerat , îng bo sign up Len Ellioit but so f an The regular forbnigbbly meeting c dl bave not come 10 ternus. St. John's A. Y. P. A., beld on Mon ýr The Coutice boys-Gay Bros.. P. day nigbt providcd somewbat o! ai A Short. Brown and Nichols, again innovation for tbc members. Thi Lr book the local boys into camp on businesss session was beld in thi Saturday eve, winning 2 games oui Parish Hall and was f oilowed by o! 3, and 52 pins on the 3 gaines, progressive dinnen parby. The f in: g, Sam Gay came ibrough wibh 3 nice stop in ihe hike around town in zex scores, 261-293-229. If the boys ex- weabher was ai the home o! Mrs.1 nec don i outc it cannot b H. Morilock wbo served the sou m oepubiing in recnuit.s. Saturday course. The second stop was mac S. nighi they are detenmined 10 win or ai bbc home of Miss Jean Bnougl rpass out.Liet Stet hr tema t 16 Higb Averages: A. Osborne 243, Loubet Sre inbeefbbc mc y F. Mubion 240, J. Matyn 237, J.mcoursndwics.erve i be ors 'y Callagban 227, Bruce 226, R. Mc- j masandwie. The homed ourt it Knight 223, E. Twcddlc 219, A. president, Eric Colwelh on Canlis] oe cila 216, K. Luxton 214, P. Can- Avenue wbene dessert was serveý tocla213, A.Seymour 212, Wmn. Rich- and the final course. cof!ee. cbeei ards 211, F. Crydermali 211, T. Ba- and biscuits was served ai the honr n nell 211, F. Jackiuan 207, S. Large o! Miss Rose Baie. Brown Sinci m 205. The prognam for the cvening wi âe Senior League also canied oui ibere. it ook t] r- Won Losi Score Pis. form. o! a debate on bbc subjec p- Badminton 8 1 9615 il ,Resolved that the Press wields as Inf antine 5 4 8876 7~ greater influence in the wald the e- Foundry 5 4 8803 6 bbc Pulpit" wth Bert Mortlock ar, &y Dudley 4 5 8827 5 Mary Wallace upbolding bbe a: 15. Moore 4 5 8'l8 5 firmative and Mrs. F. A. Dllling ex id Hatehy 1 8 8515 2 Violet McFeeters taking tbc neg hc intermediate tv.A h ocuino l is Bow. Dairy 6 3 9110 9 cote Ai ettheeoncuon ! aMis -- Alinq's 5 4 8735 7 cnstedma debte Hbb c dge, Mi -e- Kniters 5 4 8730 7 SJodhno! bbicsHigndb S .C.o, ýs Olympia Cafe 5 4 8372 5 ouo hcso n e.C 56 Training Scb. 4 5 7989 4 Spencer, awarded bbc verdict to ti Bankrs 3 6 854 3 affirmative. Voies o! thanks we f Baners 6 854 ~ extended tco the Judges and to Mi -Baie for opening ber home for t event. Week-End Vakues that !%'ean Save!1 Save!leSave!1 DEEF Rump Roast of Beef, per lb......... 12 Prime Rib Rolled Roast no bone, lb. .. 20 Roll. Pot Roast, lb. 12c Blade Roast, lb. . . - 10c Thick Rib Roast, lb. 12c Sirloin Roast, lb. . . 17c Porterbouse Roast, 18c Beef Hearts, lb..8c POIRK Shoulder Roast, lb. 15c Butts of Pork, lb. . . 17c Fresh Hams, whole or haîf, lb ...... 20 Home Made Sausage per lb......... 10 Fresh Tripe, lb. - - 10c GROCEIES Maple Leaf Cheese, 1/2 l b .........13c Blood Puddings, lb. loc Crosse and Blackwell Casup .... 2 bot. 25c Sun Dryed Coffee, lb ............45 Habitant Pea Soup, large .......... 10e Oxydol, large ....19 Eclipse Yeast, box of six ..........7c Crown Tea. . 1½2 lb. 25c Raspberry Jam, Ige 29c Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. 23c Corn Flakes, p kg. . .8c Pure Lard, bulk, l b. 12c Shortening. .2 lbs. 21c Jelly Powders 6 for 25c Pork & Beans, large tin............loc JEdmondstone's Meat Market Phone 21 or 492 Bowmanville ese me ,et. vas Lhe .et, ;a idn rid ga- ose E. frs. R. the wre nrs. the Encouraging Reports1 Feature Annual MeEting (Conbinued from page 1) tors appointees. L. R. Wood, E. C. C. Southey, P. C. Pethlck, Fred Cny- derman; Audiors-FP. Cryderman, R. Harding. i For Ccntenany year a new office was opened, ihat o! Secreiary-Trea- surer, to wicb Miss Violet McFeei- ens was elected., Lay delegates 10 synod for 1935 will be Fred Dcpew, B. H-. Morilock, and R. M. Cotton; alternates, L. R. Wood, J. L. Cryderman, T. A. Dus- tan. Reports o! organizations were prcsented as !olhows: W. Shatten for bbc choir; Clerk for bbc Aitan Guild; R. Harding for tbc Men's Club; Mary Wallace for bbc A. Y. P. A.; The Rector for bbc Relief Fund; Mrs. A. A. Enebi for tbe Gui]d; Mn. E. S. Naylon fan bbc Sunday Scbool: Mrs. J. A. Living for tbc Women's Auxiliany and Junior Auxiliary: tbe Rector for bbe Churcb Boys League; B. H-.. Mortlock for the Young Men's Bible class. and R. M. Cotton far the Resioration Fund. Pive speclal voies of tbanks were cxtended durlng the evenlng ta ibhe Recior, expresslng appreclation of services rcndered, ta B. H. Mort- bock for bis wonhc as Vestny Clenk and Sccreiary of the Advisory Council, to Use Editor of The Siatesman for many caurbesies during 1934, to Min. T. Coulien wba canes for bbe atar inen and ta Rev. Dn. Whitiakcr for bis assistance ai services. Voies wcre also exiended to bbc officiais and workcrs o! bbechcurcb and al organizatioxis. Mn. R. m. Coton presented a sug- gest.ed Centeniary Commitice to Plan for the celebration o! bbechcurch's ceniennial ibis year. The ful mem- bersbip o! ibat commtiee is not yeb completed as bonorary membens muai be includeit ln banor of ai old membens o! bbechcurcb. The reizular resolution givlng Hec- ion and Wàrdens power to iguai checks was passed before bhc meet- ing ciased wubb prayen by thse me- tor. February meeting o! thse Town Councul, one o! Most important of bhe year, will be held Monday night. Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Onganisi and Direcior. Sunday, Febnuany 3nd: il a. mn. special Service Canadian Girls lu Training; 2.30-Sunday Scbool and 'iduit Bible Chass. Dr. Clark teacher; 7 p. m.-Men o! Conviction." A cordial welcome bo aIl. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH R.ev. W. G. Blake, Minister Miss Louise Osborne, Onganisi Sunday, Februany 3rd: il a. m.- "An Aitar Amid Ruins"; 2.30 p. m. --Sunday School; 7 p. m.-'Pilgrinis o! bbc Nigbt." EverybodY welcomc. Annual congregatiozial meeting on Tbursday (tonighi) ai 8 p. m., TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. F. Arimstrong, Pastor Francis Sui1on, Mus. Bac., Onganist and Chair Leader Sunday, Febnuary 3rd: il a. m.- -The Lune a! bbc Large"; 2.30 p. su. --Sunday Scbool; Slides on Mis- sions; everybody weloome; 7 P. M.- .If I Were Forty-F'ive Again" or '"Making a New Start in Middle LUfe"; bbc Maie Chorus wulî sing. You are cond.ially invited bo ibese services. Atiacked by Asthnxa. The f inst fearful sensation is o! suffocation, wbich bour by hour becomnes more desperate and bopeleas. To such a case bbc nelief af!orded by Dr. J. D. JCellagg's Asibina Remedy secirl notblng less iban miraculaus. Its belp la qulckly apparent ndtson the dreadfui aitack us masiered. The asibmuatlc wbo bas found oui the dependability o! ibis sterling nemcdy will neyer be wiibout it. Ib la sO1d everywhere. Bowmnanville there is a Smart Shop with Fine Flowers maklng Distinctive Arrangements and glvlng Dependable Service Try us for sumal or large ordems W. B. Groves KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP P. 0. Box 163 phone 72 BOWMIANVILLE and Stanley of Sbehburne. aiso hie aged moiben and one brother, Rus- sell P., canciaken o! bbc Post O!!lcE ln Bowxnanville. Mr. Candien wasî member o! L. O. L. 154, Toronto. H-is remains were brougbi io Bow. manvihie for bunial !rom the home o1 bis, moiber, Mrs. Samuel Candler Temperance Street, on January 23rd The f uncral service, conducted bi Rev. E. P. Armstrong o! Tniniti United Churcb was veny largely at. tended by those - who knew hlm Si well in bis youth, and by memnbers 0: bis Orange Lodge in Toronto. Palîbeaners were W. J. Bagucîl, 8 G. Chantran. Percy Wllhiams, Merl, Nookes. Herb Moysc and Geo. Souci Among the f lowcr bearens were si: mnembers o! L. O. L., 154, Tarantc and CaPt. C. W. 'E. Meath, PI Lewis, W. F. Ward, M. J. Eliioti ani E. S. Ferguson. t Axnong the many beautiful flors tnibutes, wbich testi!ied to bhc s, speci and csiecm in wbich Mn. Cand ler was held were Pillow, f nom Mc iber. Russell and Irene; SpraYý Wreatbs on Baskets fnom: Stuai Norman. Stanley and Russell, L. ( eL. 154. Toronto: Works Depi. Cit Hall, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Harn eSutton; Mrs. J. N. Lawric and Mr E. Curtis; Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Var Stone, Staff o! Vanstone's Mill, hM and Mrs. Geo. Souch:. J. Reid ai ;Alfred, Mrs. H-elen Kerr, Toront( iMr. and Mrs. Walter Oke; Mr. ai -eMns. Percy Williams: Mn. and Mr aW. J. Bagneil, Bennice and Wlntoi ).Mr. and Mrs. Key and Violet, Toi ionto: Mn. T. C. JewelI and FYanki ;sýRelatives aitending f nom outi ntown inciuded Mn. Sam H-oar, uncli ýeMr. and Mns. Artbur Key and Viole' &Mr. anid Mrs. Norman Candler, Mr ,YHelen Kerr, ail o! Tononto, and Mr d Sam Woodley, Tyrone. CARD 0F THANKS The faiiy o! the laie RaY Canc 1er, and Mrs. Sam. Candier desi ta express sincere appreciation fi thse many klnd offens o! cars, f1 beautiful flawers ,and for bbc mait klnd messages o! sympathy extendt ta theni in their neceni Sad beneavl ment.- - ---- FI[NG FAULT In apeaking o! a person's f aulis, Pray don'i forget your own; Remeniber those with homes o! gla Sbould neyer ihrow a sione. if wc bave nothhng else to do Than talk o! those wbo sin. Msi beiter we commence ai homne And froin that point begin. We bave no nighi to judge a man Until he's falnly' tried; Should we not like hua comPan-y, Wc know the wonld is wlde. Some may bave f aulis - nd, cc we say That we ourselves have none ? Perbapa we may, for aught we knc Hlave fifty to iheir anc. Then let us ail, wben we begin Ta alander friend or foc, Thlnk o! bbc harm ncneword snaY To ibose we luite know. Curses are reaped as easuly. Reniember, as tbcy're sowu; Don't speak of other'a faulta unti S You bave none of your awn. 1 I - cccný!ý Someone once ahd that Genlus was %a capacity for dohng litte thinga wefl." if that Io truc, oui babers are geiuscm If you could sec how Importantit ls to them to add just the rlght aunount of suaw or butter... why, a famous diretor cimblng a roof to get juat the rlght angle for a IIJj>4»of your favorite movie istar couldn't be more particular t That's why so wn-ay of our customeis tell us they rely on our bakery goods to, aae their meais "big eventa."1 TEASKOP SPECIAL for Saturday OnlY Aasrted Sandwiches Boston CemiiPie Te& or Coffee Ise THE BAKERY Boston Cream Pie Choice o! Chocolate on plain Sponge, witb Vanil- la Cream Fllling. Regular 25c Sat. Special 20c Have jon tricd our Steak and Kidney Pie 10c Each Watson's * Bakeryj 1 - r y y,9 d n ýg ýy 0. 0. 1- )Y Lo 1- re ip gs k. tif ty of n- ar. hE hE E rsi w( B ul Ai ,h rs, pUBLIC SCHOOL CHJLDREN T - SHOWN SAFETY PICTURES OBITUARY AT ROYAL THEATRE FRIIDAY 1___________ Mr. La Trobe of the Ontario Safety John MeCullough, Entild. League Gave Children Ineetn A resident of Darlington Township IUustrated Lecture for many years, John McCullough died Sunday, Jan. 27th, at. his home, Through the generosity of Mr. near En! ield, in bis eighty-second Tommy Ross, who placed bis theatre year. Mr. McCullough, who badt re- at the disposai of the Ontario Saf- sided in the township for Mis whole ety League, nearly six hundred Bow- life, was a wel-known farmer and a manville children wtnessed an in- staunch Presbyterian. He and Mis teresting serles of slides and motion wife celebrated their sixtieth wedd- pictures on Frlday mornlflg. Mr. La ing armniversary recently. Besides Trobe. representlflg the Ontario bis wif e, who before hier marriage Safety League, was the speaker. was Susan Virtue, lie leaves two Hisaddess ilustate asit asdaughters, Mrs. Hudson, of Hartney, is ress , th cillured gas yiths Manitoba, and Miss Ida, at home, the need for observlng rules at al and threesnCoe culuh time. Mr LaTrob shwed uston the oid homestead; Dr. W. G. me- bow easy it was for chlldren, throu c Canada.Oo;ad on nWet carelessness to become lnvoived inerCad. automobile accidents. He instructed <* DcoTrn. them on how to approach intersec- ir.AneDaoTot. tions, bow to watch carefully at ev- The death occured on Thursday, ery driveway for cars backing out, January 24th of Mrs. Annie Deacon andi warnied stron.gly against playing at the home of ber daughter, Mrs. bail on sidewalks and streets, which Jack Brown, 71 West Lodge Ave., migbt lead to a chlld runnilg in Toronto, at the age of 85. Mrs. front of a car to retrieve tbe bail. Deacon, tbe former Annie Maria The pictures aiso gave useful hints Butler, was born in Kent, Englanid. as bow to avoid accidents in the For the past 50 years she lived in home, by carefully observing certaini Toronto. Rev. Noel Palmer, and rules. Playing with knives, matches. Rev. Mr. Stokes of St. Anne's running lown stairs wltb arms full Church, Gladstone Ave.. conducted and many every day things, wblch the funeral service, on Saturday take a large toil of life and limbs, when intermient was made at Pros- Iwere outlined to the children as piect emetery. Those le! t to mourn dangers to avoid. ber passinpare four daughters, Mrs. The prevention of f ire, and the Roland Baie, Bowmanville; Mrs. way to handie f ire when it did break Jack Brown, Toronto; Mrs. George oui was another portion o! the lec- Jackson. Toronta and Mrs. George ture. Perhaps the most interesting Hails, Biggar, Sask., and two sons. iportion was that devoted to life Harry Deacon, and Edward Deacon,, 1saving of a person drowniing. to both of Mixnico. Four grand-cbild- be knocked unconscious by a live ren remain: Violet Deacon, Toronto: »wire. or aspbyxiated by carbon mon- Rose Bate, Wilifred and Robert Bate, oxide from an automobile exhaust. Bowmanville. The motion pictures showed me-- thods of savlng a drowning person, Roy Candler, Toronto how to handie ihem wben they are struggling, the method of bringing In bis younger days prominenti n ythem ashore. and last the method both hockey and basebal i Bow- of resuscitatiori. The whoie lecture manville, Roy Candier, a popular proved miost entertalning and at the graduate of Bowmnanville scbools, close the speaker expressed apprec- passed away sudclenly in St. Mich- y iation to Mr. Ross for bis kindness aelîs Hospital, Toronto, a! ter a brief '0 in loaning the theatre for such a iliness on Sunday, January 20th, Ssplendid cause. aged 47 years. Mr. Candler was - born in Bowmanville and was a son n ~of Mrs. and the late Samuel Candier. LI He was educaed in Bowmanville 7e CH RCHESPublic and Higb Schools, and played >-UR HESn for some years on hockey and base- p ~bal. teanis that made a wide reput- YS ST. .IOSEPH'S R. C. CHUBCH ation in the province o! Ontario. As k..Rev. Father J. F. McGuire, Pastor a Young man Mr. Candier was em- If Mass at Bowmanvllle at 9 a. mn., ployed in the Dominion Organ & MasatNecsl103a.m Piano Cos.. plant as a piano action Mass Newastl 1030 a m. finisher. He lefi here 23 years ago ST. JOHN'S ANGICAN CHURC I f or Toronto wbere he became iden- Ly Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector tified with the Gerhard Helntzman Df rs.J. . GnnOrganisi Company, and about ten years ago ~J ~joined the staff of the Works De- Sunday, February 3rd, 4th Sunday partment at the City Hall, Toronto, tr a! ter Epiphany: Holy Communion where he he]d the office of in- e and Sermon il a. m.; Sunday Scbooi spector. e 2.30 P. m.; Evening Prayer 7 p. m. Wben in Bowmanville Mr. Canc- a THE SALVATION ARMY 1er was a regular attendant at Trir- 'st ~ity (Methodist) Cburch, being one o ro Captain and Mrs. J. Batten the mosi enthusiastic members o B. Sunday. February 3rd: Holiness the Morning Hour, then under Mr Ip Meeting at il a. m.; Sunday School0 F A. Haddy. He was wideiy knowr de ai 2.30 p. m.; and Salvation MeZeting and respected by a wide circie 4i h, ai 7 p. m. at which ihere vdIl be f riends both bere and in Toronto at special singing by the Y. P.Singig ws as recent as Christmas arc >fCopay Ms.Cpt. ate wl b NwYear's that Mr. Candier ha( se the speaker. A beaity welcome iCi visited bis mother here. he aIl. He leaves to mourn bis early pass A. 1inag fouirsons, Stuanrt anid Russel Citizens Beware Notice to the Citizens of Bowmanvllle: Wbereas it bas been brought to the attention o! ibis Association, that certain itinerant salesinen who nepresent. outside f irins are ushng the names o! local business men as baving endonsed the producis offen- eci for sale from door to door, ibis Association therefore emphaticafly states that is xembers have not ln the past and will not in the future, reeonunend or endorse, non In any way be responsible for menchandise sold in Bowxnanville by hawkers or pedlars, unless tbcy be duly author- lzed agents of this Association. W. C. Caverly, President C. G. Morris, Secnetary Bowmanville Branch The Retail Merchants' Assoc. of Canada. s f e ef hl as )n eo n- xl xr to nc s, o Would ye learn the road to, Laugh- ter-town, 0 ye who bave losi the way Would ye have young beari though your bair be gray? Go learn from a ltile child eacb day. Go serve his wants and play bis play And catch the lut o! bis laugbter gay, And follow bis dancing feet as ihey stray; For he knows the road to Laughier- town, 0 ye wbo have losi the way -Katherine D. Blake. James Marr Jeweler Neit Kcrs"ak's Drug Store Phone 463 - Bowmanvlfle Speclal Prices Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - Jan. 31 - Feb. 1 - 2 GIN Again yeur L.D.A. Store brlngs M A S P IL L S t i i uniis For AU Kiny39C Absorbine Jr ..... 87c ____________-________Pulls .....29c Fellows Syrup . . .. 97c LM - wM Kotex..........19c SHAMPOOS Lyons Tooth Powd. 4 for healthy Castoria......... 23c lustrous hair. TaCstl, KILEEN]EX 15o and Soapless Lavons 19c 37e- 69e Mentbolatum .- - 19e -37c 25c -65c PlnkhanVs C. o-191 37i 89e Woods' Syrup 27e For__ ____ _____Burns ___ Zam-Buk Sic Ente theneOF0% Lrger dut' Dlihng wlnt2 er Pepsdeles Contot. e o Clo epý-- - o 9 Cisng date feb. 3. ted. u v"' . m 4orth 9e ai our5c store îNstle SCIap... ST7 or2e Mondas 10a. m - 1 m.aGEN3CorY Z AEX MoGRGOR, DUg PENE9LARE SCME PIN PCAT E DEIIV necesm" Do You Need Cash If you de, why not look througi your effects and old gold trlnkets, watches, etc. We have a market for al OId gold we can procure, and we offer you a good price. Bring jour old gold ln for an estlm- ate. N.

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