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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1935, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIANÎSTATESMAN, BOWMANVILE THURSDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1935 One member drew $5 mileage and $5 a day for his services, or $10 per day for thirteen or fourteen trips. Sutn 27 SChool Many are on the old-age pension that do not need it and should not LeSSOn receive a pension. The Dominion H IV E Government pays 75 per cent. andq B E E ~~~~~the Province 15 per cent." the PTEI ETRTO counties pay only 10 per cent:PTRSRETRTO GOD ENThe situation is an inducement to Niw Commissions appointed by the Coun- Sunday, February 3rd. CO D E ties Council to be very generous and R N S Y R U Plenient in granting pensions, asoy Golden Text: "Lord, thou knowest thee.' -,John . 21:17. C O R N S Y R U PThe Hon. D. A. Croll deserves the Lesson Passage: John 21: 11-19. thanks of every taxpayer in the Pro- Build thee more stately asos A GR E AT E N ERGY FOOD lbrl ythehae eeed from As the rny seons roll!mnios the cunties' exchequer. T. Baker. Leave thy low-valuted past! Hampton.Let each new temple, nobler than 1 1 Shut the astfrom heaven with a -BLACKSTOCK dome more vast, 2 Till thou at length art free, - Co CoNr ant oourgttededLeaving thine utgown shellHoes c Mrs. David Galbraith is confined to her bed through illness. Still Seeking, 11, 12 t Miss Florence McLaughlin, Toron- In the first instance Christ chosecl u tospent the weekend with her par- his disciples; they did not apply to nw d l l n -ns him for membership. He selected Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoskin and them and trained them through By . E GrvesBomanillso nOshawa, visited at Mr. Wesley many months. His farewell address POPLARANUAL pant toug threis utlitle Miss Olive VanCamp was a week- dcate heprloom lie dfrus emi - - be NNAL paut nt hhle s iffccscobutvar- end guest of Miss Jessie Knox, and his great expectations from Ageratum is a half hardy annual, ieties. All celosia should be consid- ato Carne thw ile em. Afe ttherfiinthfelis- grown for its clear blue, somewhat ered as tender annuals and craise .adMs lrec alwcpeeeune oternt eln fraran flwer an geeralyuse inoor redy or at r tpan- sited Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Carley, that their golden years were to be fa an edging fr ab eo beral sedofing. ed frltrtanpýn aany le. but memories, but Christ's love for othr ants It go ed rows quieresofi Chrysanthemum. TherC1refiss Grace Mountjoy and Mr. his disciples was of a quality that fom eedans.wnIn arch or tearily nme fams r r a Clford McGill spent the weekend would not let them go. He appear- Aril enea hotb r sme hother i nchranthemmstraeardy annual with friends im Toronto. ed on the seashore, and helped them dorlnahte sm te g-icansthomugh ary seen In our Mr. Foster Dempsey, Stratford, in their work. The resurrection hiadt Ao lsumce. - el kownlo wnerfughomany of them are who was in Bowmanville Hospital, in not changed his affectio'n for them. growing plate is o one th ostusefulIor cutting dMs spe ially now with his sister, Mrs. J. A. Me- As true fishermen they remembered useulwhinpat fl oee wftplanotisegrow tor tthree fee fthih em AMtur. the number of fish they caught in wsefu h oee. t s uiablefor eithrvry , wde r fcol gh and a Miss Hazel Mountjoy and her that historie haul, but the fact of ... a uny rha t Somiteler ie rage of oors is avail- sisters entertamned several friends to the large catch was unimportant To get the best relsitipswisetio.doble, but tre single, some are a jolly party on Saturday rnight. compared with the joy they felt sowge the see ely, and growion theprobalyutthe s singl types are MMr. D. Adams, Cobourg; Mr. and .when Christ appeared to them as- planthseortrnsplaningroin ytrhesute ot usefu. The best Mrs. Walter Ferguson and children, .suring them that he would never elaryne, orthougseed sowin thr es n oarldfrbaed Apsowing seed Enfield, visited at Mr. George Bow- 1leave them, and that his high pur- oen roy und in May edwillblomnlte Clark. n. poses wouldnot fail. All that has ohen auccion ofil bloom lhow- Ia la in its Modern improved Mr. Earl Dorrel and Mr. Wm. been expressed by writers under eoves eso of th l hod beorins is one of the Most dainty an- Hooey attended the funeral of Mrs. suh titles as "The Divine Pursuit" back oearla the parso lob ynar p r ave we - T i fllC a acDonald, in Woodvilleaon and The RHnde f w ay in hicClr roadlterco f l . ing seed should be raised indoors. Miss Norma Hooey were in Millbrook worcthwi or African Daisy 1s a Later sowings may be made in the on Tlues-day attending the funeral of Still Serving, 13, 14 "h eemdaehpirta h wrh wie annual not grown quite open ground. This is one of the Mr. F. Hunter. Our natural inference might beThreemdaeapirtnte as much as it deserves. The flow- annuals that should be planted in Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mountjoy, that the risen Christ would take no elect." F D N IKB KN AýU E frsaculeoublue. Culture bstnot bold groups to be properly effective. Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Devitt wernereti udn far.O h eodCl,1 D NTRS A IGFIU E sofil tathas utittluceme. bs i Cosmos. Unless the early varie- guests of Mr. and Mrs. John English contrary he was unchanged in his Several years before, Jesus hiadt sui h alysbun in Malie. h dis ties are grown, cosmos is somewhat to a fowl supper, .M.S readiness to help his fellowmen. He said to Peter, "Follow m, n o grund soninMy in teopndspitngThe typevaritie Those who attended the W .S took bread and fish and fed his dis- after Peter's restoratio he ad now As - m ake huig laTswthpe butliteConvention In Hampton on Thurs- ciples. During his public ministry lhim again, "Follw "ie. saidetor n-LESS T H A Ater. No garden is complete bloom until October, but bygoi day were: Mrs. Norman Mountjoy he had fed the fivethusnd onadrtocl1 omnetr n- without asters, though culture is the early varieties only, flowers can Mrs. H-. J. Bell, Mrs. Roy Taylor,' hillside, and in instituting the sac- better than the se nd coan nchF sometimes disappointing. A few be had from July on. Wl rie Mrs. Cecil Hill and Mrs. John Larm- rament e had served his disciples better what w st. Hole n ow e 1 O precautions however will do much to soil that has not been fertilized po er. wihbedadwne. This minis- ing Christ.was ienv oein follo- prevent failure. These include sow- duces the best results in blGm Mrs. Leslie Graham is lending her try on the lakeshore helped the dis- ing u hists. It meantretan giv- ing the seed mn soil that has been Seed may be raised in frames for l oefr the February meeting of cipleI oreonzehmanAesuehs s e ICmattaigu sterilized, and growmng on the plants the earliest crop. A sowing in the the Vic0torian Women's Institute that they were not deceiving them- The hards ssaily to follow Christ in similar soil. This does not give open ground at the end of April will which meets on Wednesday. Mrs. selves. It also confirms the emphas- dental i ie fhow eerhi weeici the" soil fungus so much chance to also give good resultsinteae Merwin Mountjoy's group will be in is laid upon service throughout the Christhsf his fellowship with heivsafn thrive. Teiftenlnsaeno umrmnts tlateghtencharge. teaching of Jesus. He was among apostles owhiporwuith es oherge, 5 d placed in the samne soil in the gar- inches of space Shudbaloe Members of the Young People's mecaanewheere wenh adth, i opotniis f evie den More than one season there is for each plant to develop. League held a jolly skating party inwakdtruhhevlgsofG- martyrd ory ofthbeangitneus asob ¶T aadded chance of success. The Gyspia Th anulby' Port Perry on Wednesday night, ilee, and hie was among his disciples Christ s at th llw e." Tus lso dsease known as aster yellows is breath is a specially useful plant to when about twenty-five were pre- as one whosserve when heywer meanto, wme It wil - sread by leaf hoppers and to keep grow, its dainty white flowers mix- sent. Following the party, lunch was hungry and cold after fishing all Peter--dail feu t what ithmentito tese off the plants Lis not easy ing well with other flowers. Wel_ enjoyed at the White Kitchen. night. Itidoenotnrquire uch en Chrisowship with the ris- b sre f oo Spraymng with any one of the moredrnesolwtaliled<d The funeral was held in Toronto time or thought to determine what with tad enl fello hrsis whip AKE3C WITH Min pode i unlesat prysisatlestpat-i holdbeseeced Te ansieon Sunday, of Mrs. Barbara Grif- JssChitwould do on behalf of ur fllowChritian whohold B c AG C andaseaod- unal.yeffective ay sanup to t p r js ot r b emn long in bloom lanhicdofin, at the home of her brother, Mr. those who are unemployed to-day. us up whtengwe are heak. th will a ooe! T isepe nd b e aig powdeer i tis is efet ee dy kntown.h e ped t rea ngsiebsowingsr a d hDougal McDougal. I nterment was They would ehsfis ocern. inlomeanfwistin ordrth tuthead ue n rcmeddbrCnd'sed 1hs usually sown id ndown Ma!rch avsd.suThessanbi mdvie~ ae nModyJnur 2t, thi ate'swrlsocpal o veaChit nore ta ohrs m coer xprs eaueitgve ete the plnts otr nsplntdo s ides cb vedpen round a n terv ls fa bouIn the Wick, Ontario. Mrs. Griffin was a providing plenty for all. he would we sha in h m eo. Itmen st reuts. or O TA Ord r a -t-to ! n ttm n neeyln thintevos artilean derown on hree weeks from Apri oftobJutAformer resident of Cartwright. regard it as a human failure and a g e i nd th meimethfo- Ou arNTINS Nai akn ode sfe, r i r dy or te ardce ndby the ndof ncI h r w fo of seed son hily. At At the January meeting of the A. proof of social selfishness that anY- 1 igh honor o a that owe hve the yourgur anye hrrf aa sa Pe .ae n eryanais red od t as errih oilisaheess. ity he riterva sewillsupply any av-Y. P. A. of St. John's Church held one should be without food, shelter ministry in the carr g o hit' imo n hrfligeiet d r May. lea r oing. ncsstyeae hoeviwiloom uri ng the on Wednesday night at Mrs. F. A. and clothing-. People need far more wel osia. The p]umy celosia when season. Alba grandiflora is the kind ail es i ct M aerseec ed-b136 tanths to liee the bdngs te life.t Questions for Discussionh welgrown is a very effective garden to grow. ae rsdn r aeeeD.,btteetretig hym fw hch waswa Cristth vitt; Vice-Pres.-Mr. Jack Rahm; have if they are to live at all. same afterhrsurhvreon NEW EKO LY--FBR A Y t 13 --Sec.-Mrs. John Hamilton; Treas.- A Victory, 15-17 s2.veWolds Chris verefse. t FA OR A OLTIN F . anCrawford;Cerogram Comn- A high school principal decided to serve s Peter sronger for havn 25 % Discount a * CO U N T B I C O UN C IF -lrev ne Pa Mrs. C Har or , Mau h- dism iss several students who h d denied his M aster'>n avingE A IN en w t , ' ~~ln e and MrS. ack Sm.Lunh brken rgul at tis. tws pa ed 4. How did Christ predict Peter'sOnAlD YCE N GSetwh • E-Rev ToasBaerofDa- M t a ly. R.Arcers nd for the pupils and a defeat for the marWtyr does it meanfoust alington Township Commends somatito holda meetng of tAn uct wre caldin ffolowChrsteanorosnt - - .-pressions of appreciation were voiced - ® l se n y fo gv n s n s a a a n r r l a i FromhToronto GlobeJan. 8ty u sercs a re cLaughlin foy e fel owship heir loyaltorgiveass ured. ORONO O hw1a n r & D y Ce nn quote Mr. Fred Ellis as advocating The program which was in charge ofwA scalutomdimitste nchrh'd- ___* We Jws B 11 24 the abolition of our Counties Coun- the executive consisted of: a read- erwasa out todmis hecoiread- ro ndmrshe n •Chanesget.r -Phne15 til .CoT e v rter w s aNm em r of ing D n't Q uit' y Veraa H s ra d w s ed yan af fane c olc t fanuly,aTorn t, te Janu 24) r thean andCDuhamoforsnther enbDoadC'Larke. Lunch a sad ser- e b acn asinteMr. T. Smith.' Mr.Frank Hall wsuaiosye-peetdb r.Gog yendartnyears h h emHardyct e yDoad CsevL munity asosspirit of Christian brotherhood. Us- Mected pol's was nainimucseprsinented by Mreprs. Georgeuttrs eas, in yforce--1897th197.aUder were e njoyed. cmunt snsually it is possible to avoid defeat . MtedOrm Gamnsby was among the to Mr. Moopns.wren masucson ea- the .YP ertby Mr. R.H.A E te a nr c - 7t or 90co un er e rs. Jn od eroendh r o e and win victory in personal rela- vtedguests at the opening of the Pointed M ro. IRev. Masn re-ap- lente supr intendet, ho als divieHady nt o evesrctssix n re rt'heJnuaory eoe ing r he -tionships. Christ would have been Toronto city council. warden. Dr.NIaacolAllen ecrs repalotnsdedfMsonsp, oing.h Nordethberl dis ssixxnDurham esAularyofeSt.ngJofhn's Curchfully justified in dismissing Peter Dr. R. IH. Breslin. Toronto. Visited appointed . ei l Colville waserte- allotmen areessidins ul Nothuerlnou x ntiesrCam. n'Thursdaay ftrnoons Officrsfrom the gospel band as punishment his sister, Mrs. M. Cowan. The doc- Allen, vcetryerk; r. oberts-HellidesMern, a reess Fa1 MQtMD w Pagym g~e ofuntdemes ucil was redu'cdfor 1935 are: MaHonoary PesdentCris ars the g oo Shepherd who for an ouitonavthe blc oi in esÄr uerpr .. eMotn ereBtes S T O V4 m mb t H ardy uac thwas M rsC C . MH oo P esd n loved his follower, and for the sake beaches . E O I R D W P O H S M I E c u " t ° ° e r t h H"d y m o a s M r s . C F C H r a o u t ; n V c e - P e s . o f t h e g o d n e n f e t h e S h e p h d M r . H a r r y H a , T r n o i t e a t. Now in of r t Ds Hary; L i le yHelper sSe.- M rs. ES. e et r he o e et~ er o -construction and expects shortly to F haer a sReeve e ma l lvilles McLaughin; Litt H ertreSec.-Mrs. S aaffectionhiates oyalty to Christ. be transferred to New Brunswick. pain neaytee imaes Mrs. Rob;t. ar ving MaeYuhadAe 8assanhsrtrdfo1h oi T A C hipsewihatr*ee.time smlthpoula- Harry McLaughlin; Dorcas Sec.- Ms FedaWlon eno1psa fAecase f o py ur oucilor fo teirse J.A.McAthr ad issFlrncetometa peiodo ipednepublic. ONTARiso.Inorpota SCIA TICA of Mr. F reEllian eliee oun ul t. SrRh exprssedtheentiments strng r.Od pl oeimsadMs Fe1anR2 sdl v Author of:. Miller's Worm Powders act so When you fe i gadyu I. renl in rcntypassed awa.Mage Mr. F D. BonsK.Ca i Optomietry Feature Service The Family Physician.--The good thoroughly that stomachic and in- Muscles tire easily, it's more than as shec was familiarly known, Is en- i g,.Ca i The Child and its doctor is always wýorth his fe. But testinal worms are literally ground likely that wastes that shouldn't be 1joymng good health. Office, Cobourg. Developmnent ýit is not alwvays possible to get a up and pass from the child without in your body are sending out poisons Annual meeting of St. S aviour's Spcalzngeclsveyi doctor just when you want him. in being noticed and without incon- into your bloo.d. At times like these Church was held in the parish hall Telephone 240. muceaomle In sueh cases, common sense suggests venience to the sufferer. They are take a bubbhin , bracing glass oÏ Jan. 21st, with a large attendance. muceandmalaseseyesight the of reliable home regnedies, painless and perfect in action, and Andrews Liver Salt each day till the Reports presented were exceptional- Ali communicationswl e111 dre scnfdnil hn 1ses such as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric oil, at all times will be found a healthy trouble clears up. Then take an IY good. Mr. Ed . Morton, warden n ecnieeda ofdnil fo Ponment156 %*wh ich is wonderfully effective in medicine, strengthening the infan- occasional glass--once or twice each resigned after twenty years' service. Disney Big Opp. P5O6 easing inflammatory pains and heal- tile stomach and maintaining it In Week-and you'll stay perfectly fit. He was presented with a very hand- ONTARIO SECURITIES' COM ISO DLmy Id. PP P 0 mg cuts, scratches, bruises and vigorous operation, so that, besides Get Andrews now. Small tin, 35c; some leather bound prayer book, onM MMy omigoe ariretBiSinToon - RWR, Dt. ~sprains. The presence of this rem- being an effective vermiuete Large tin, 60c; Extra large bottle, suitably inscribed with the good Ji nMlofecm;sin'Primn ul edy mn the family medicine chest are tonical and health-iigi] 5c rpitrScot&Tre wishes and apeito ftecn ýaves many a fee- herefecs Ltd., Necs;-pn-ye jn.4 gregation. The Rector, Rev. F. H. Mason, read an Illumninated address.

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