1 PORT HOPE CAGERS "RE DEFEATED BY BOWMANVILLE TEAI High School Basketeers Contint Winnmng Streak (By Y. Duzzy Wright) In C. O.S. S.A. basketball gan played against Port Hope, the Ju ior B.H.S. Boys won 49-3, the G3 won 15-9, andi the Senior Boys wi on the right end of a 44-15 score a game that threatened to devel into a free-f or-ail, and it wasr the B.H.S. players' fault. And tha neither an alibi for an excuse. For three quarters of the strugl B.H.S. played basketball as clean old Mother Hubbard's cupboarda Port Hope who were hopelessly ci classed apparently decided to ma their mark on a few OpPonents.T whole Port Hope teamn play a roi brand of basketball wlth threet ing the ringleaders. These thr hipped, elbowed and tripped whe ever possible and as the referE continued to overlook these flagra fouis, the culprits used their co arclly tactics more and more opexi In the final quarter the B. H. regulars went back into the line- and havlng taken It for three pe iode; they diddn't like it and seto f or retaliation andi the referees fî ally woke up. "Tony" McIlveen,a ter trading elbow for elbow andcb for hip with Fraser, the real cause Ai alli e and Kelly gave a good ir itation of an lnterlock.ing nine ai botli were sent to the bencli. Only minutes later Fraser trapp Hooper in the corner and when1 gttempted more dirty tactics, Hoi er blew up, elbowed hirn hlai across the gym and practically da ed him to corne and get it - it beii a liamlike fist - Fraser wouidr corne. Both were sent off. But wliat to us was the lowe trick of the evening was when Fr. er, while seated on the bench,a tempted to trip an opponient wl was making a toss-in. From Fra er's actions he should rnake an ou standing success at selling wortl less stock to poor widows. While we admit enjoyment in tl retaliation scene, it was really d gusting. Can you imagine a mai presurnably hired for the purpose( teaching lis students liow to "pis the game" sitting calmly on tl bench while his players use so nar low-down tricks? Gentie readers, let us be thanà f ul that B.H.S. lias, as teaclier au coach, a man of the calibre of! i Devitt. Andi don't blarne the lci players, for no person with bloodi his veins could take what the B.H-. teami were forced to take withoi sooner or later, blowing up. B.H-.ý line-ups and points: Junior Boys - Neal (1l), Spence (4), Slemon (20), Aines (8), Clark (2), Hooper (2), Taylor (2), McIJ veen. Gils - Nichols (6), Dewell (3) Thompson (2). Dudley, Mason. Colt Birks (4), ELPiott, Madeline Jone. Mary Jones, Evans, Ayling. Senior Boys - Hooner (8), Wil Ua ( 2), Jacknian (18), F. Mc]l v- (ë).'G. Meliveen (4), GooM 12). Kent (2), Roach (2), Depew Oke. This Fiday Cobourg Collegi InstItute visita B.H.S. for two gaines the first starts ai 7.30 p. mn. B. -H. S. TEAMS WIN IN BANTAM LEAGUE In the first garnes of the recentl organhzed Bantani and Midget Bas. ketball League the B.H.S. teams de. feated the Public Scliool teams, th( Bantarns 26-20 and the Midget.s 17-7 This league includes teams frorn th( Training, Public and High schools Games are played at the Training School onWednesdays and at the JBANFF BEAUTY WINTER QUEEN S ki-joring behînti a fast running hars; mushing wlth a team of huskies: skating; or skl-hng an the mountala trails al came under the heading of real sport, accordlng ta Miss Dorothy Stan- dlali, who relgns tils year dunlng the wlnter sport season in the Canadian Rockles. Vlsltore f rom many U.ited States cilles as weil as f rom Canadian centers are on- JOYlng ail the ilirills whlch only this area can prorilde, andi whlch reach a Peak durlng the annual Banff Carnival held thl'4 year February 13-17 inclunive. I THE SPOTLI - intermnetiatea - 1. K. Wilson, 8'; 2, L. Kinible, 7' 10", 3, Wight andi L. Connors, 7' 9%"; 4, B. Bennett, 7' 7"1; 5, Jolinston and Rackham, 7' 5%"; 6, McFeeters,71' 5". Seniors - 1, H. Colmer, 8' 101p' 2. D. Wiltama, 8' 6Y", 3. RA. Oko, 8' 1 V211,4. J. Roach, 8'1 ";5 Hooper, 8'. 43HT ON SPORT Hligh Scliool on Fridays.Lune-p Mrdgets - B. H. S.-Cle, Laph- en, Fagan, Gatcheil, James, Coutu, MSCameron, Living. B. p. S.-D. Mc- flveen, Depew, Wisemnan, Crawford, Hlooper, Cartwright, Minns, Crook. Le Bantarns - B.H.S.-Bennett, Asli- ton, Witheridge. Jolinston, Honey- man, Milison, Brooking. B. P. S.- Halîrnan, A. Welsh, Nichols, Prout, mnes C. Welsh, Coulson, Millen. [un -_________ 'irls - - - - - - - e JIMMY BWA nlop A GREAT PITCHER Lat'sIS TRANSFERRED ggle Bank Of Montreal Teller Who Did ias So uc and M h for Local sport Goes ut- to Watford iake The James (Red) Bowman, who dhd ugb mo1re ta ruake Bowmanviile baseball be consccous in the past few years than iree any other inchvidual, lias been tranis- Len- f erred by the Bank of Montreal ta ree Watford, Ontario. The ranks o! .ant basebaîl players will be badiy broken ow by his departure, and it is unfort- nl.unate that thie change carne so .S. quicklY that no opportun ity was -up given to pay a well deserved tribute )er- to a fine sportsman. out Jirn Bowrnan came to Bowrnan- fin- vile in Marcb 1932 and for tbree a!- seasons gave of bis besita the com- hip mnunitY. His first year was played Sof on the Orono tearn, which was com- im- posed rnostly of Bowrnanville play- and ers, and then largely tlirough his performances ]Bowxnanvilie returned pe to basebali, which it had discarded lie for some years, and once again the op town was on tliernap in the sports way world. ar- As a mnember a! the Orono teai ng h lie elped largely in winning the In'tj group, cbamPionship ihat year, and again in 1933 lie pitched the team rest ta the group championship under ,as- Bowrnanville colors. In 1934, the at- team went througli again te group 'lio finals, and carne within an inch of as- annexing again the charnpionship. Ut- Jirn Bonan was as good a pit- li- cher as this district lias seen in many years. He won group champ- lie ionships wlien playing for Perth, lis- Frankford, and Yarker, before corn- arn. ing to Bowrnanville. Not always did of lie receive support that lie deserved, ay but aIl wiIl agree that wliatever the lie gamne Jirn Bowman gave of lis best. Lny Sportsmen in town will generally exceedingly regret lis departure and lk- %-Ill congratulate Watford on their ýnd acquisition. Ed. To lis credit also must go the al leadership lie gave tlie Boy Scout in movernent liere as Scoutmaster, and S. particularly for bis fine work ini ut, connection witb tlie surnmer camp .S. in which 50 boys were given a won- -rderful holiday in tlie country In er1933. The Model Airplane Club al- -ke so liad its origin in bis wide spliere l- o! service to boys. Jhrn Bownaan wiUl be mlssed in Bowmianville, but it is ), lioped that lie will ive to Watford le, that same quality of leadersliip in es, boys' work andi sports that he gave ta Bowmanville. [l- Il- w, Boys' Work Board Plans te Annual Conclave Here es, Saturday, February 9th The annuai Conclave of Boys of West Durharn constituencies will be lield on Saturday, February 9th in E St. Johin's Parirli Hall and tlie var- ious comrittees appointed by the 1YBoard are fast cornpleting arrange- S- mens which will be publi.slied in e- detali next week. âe Present arrangernents caîl for a -7e devotional meeting ini the Parsh leHall on Saturday afiernoon, con- [Se ducted by Rev. C. R. Spencer, rec- itor o! the cliurch. It is expected ge that Donald Williams, niember of -the Older Boyp' Parliarnent for Bow- manville, andi Edwin Hlancock, mem- ter for Newcastle, will present their reports and impressions of the Par- liamentary sessions beld in Dec- ember. A portion of tlie afternoon wil be given over ta contesta in the gym- nasium of the Higli School wben two shields will be awarded, the Bowen Shielti for Senior boys and a new sliield for Juniors. Eti. Devitt wifl liave cliarge of these events. Later in tlie evenhng the boys, who are expeciedti t number about 125, willl gather at tlie Parhsh Hall for the an- nual banquet. Alex McGregor. Pres- ident of tlie Boyz' Work Board wlll preside, andth le guest speaker will be Earl Laughtensliger, well known boys' worker, who a few monilis ago cornpleted a trip around tlie world. Tlie speaker is wcll known througli- out Ontario. and is an accomplisheti speaker. A slng sang, prabably led MAPLE LEAFS AND COCOS WIN JUNIOR HOCKEY FIXTURES W L Goals Pis. F A Cocos 4 0 39 16 8 Bucks 2 22222 4 Maple Leafs 1 3 22 23 2 Dukes 1 21223 2 Orono O 1 3 14 0 Bucks 6 - Maple Leafs 5 Cocos 14 - - - Orono 3 Leadhng Scorers - Osborne 11, Raby anti Rehder 10, Roacb 8. Penalties in Mhnutes - Osborne 16, Raby 10, Cromble anti Hooper 8. The Maple Leaf Club lost anoiher close anc to Bucks when ibey faileti te overcome a 3 goal leati. Every Leaf loas has been by one goal. The League is ruuing la hard luck. Wlth well-played games feat- unhng cvery evenlng anti popular prices prevaillng the fans are con- c HOOSE Chevrolet! Thar's what motorists have been saying and doing, as thousands thronged Canada's motor shows, les a valuc-wise saying, and an even wiser action- as we know S ouwil agrcc when you see these two new ânmes of Chevrolets in thce wo Iawest price ranges! NEW CHEVROLET STANDARD SIX. Chevrolcc's proved high quality at the lowest cost. Offers the traditional Chevrolet styling in biggcr, roomier Bodies by Fisher, with built.in ventilation. . .. Improvcd Blue Flame valvc-in-head engine. . .. A 23% increase in poe.. ... The lowest operating and upkeep coses of any car. ... Bigger and more powerful cable-controlled ba. . . . And a dozen other improvernenes designed to increase a repucation for dependability which is alrcady famous. A GENERAL ROT COURTICE splcuous by their absence. Perhaps i la Just as well because If they corne once they will corne every week. Orono, as conistituted ai present, are weak, but iliey promise to be back nexi week conslderably strengtliened. The Maple Leafa - Bucks tilt was tieti 2-2 ai the endi of the first per- lad. 4-3 for Bucks after the second due 4o a Maple Lea! netiing the puck ln bis own goal wliile attempi- ing te clear. In the last perloti af- ter Bucks had twlce tallied, the Ma- ples' power play accounteti for two counters but ihcy couldn't sink the tYlng goal. Dave Osborne maintain- eti his lead ha both scoring and pen- alties by -poking ha three scores and vlslting the timers twlce. Wormns sap the strengih andi un- dermine the viality of chiltiren. Strengilien them by using Maiher Graves' Worm Exterminator te drive oui the parasites. scored early In the ibird, but Nick- ty. whth the Form Sang. TRINITY RANGERS AND ST. PAUL'S AT TOP 0F LEAGUE W L T Pis. Trinity Rangers 2 0 1 5 St. Paul's 2 0 1 ô St. Josepli's 1 0 2 4 St. Andrew's 2 1 0 4 St. John's 0 3 O 0 Trlnity Flyers O 3 0 0 Wih two teain tied for the lead andi two more just behinti hi prom- ises te be a bot olti fight for the playof! berilis. Saturday, St. Paul's trampleti Trinuty Flyers into a 10-0 defeat; St. John's bowed te St. Anidrew's 5-2, and St. Josepb's andi Triniy Rang- ers tieti 1-1. The latter game was a sizzler with Geralti Bird giving St. Josepb's a lead inh the second period that Richards nuflifleti when he NICHOLS BOWMANVILLE ICE ,OLT s .FO* O OMCA TAS PORTATION erson aaw toit thai the Rangers didn't score again. Games ibis week arc: Si. John's vs Si. Joseph's; Trhnity Rangers vs Trinity Flyers; Si. Andrcw's vs Si. Paul's. You can't tell by ithe size of a man jusi how he siacks up on the Job. HeaI your horse while it works. Apply Douglas' Egyptian Liniment1 to sore necks and galls. A sure, speedy treatmeni. Persian Baim creates xovely com- plexions. Velvety smooth. Cools andi relieves the skmn. Makes It de- lhtfully sofi-textureti. Allurlngly fragrant. Delightful te use. Swif t- ly absorbed by the tissues, hmparting thai elusive charni so distinctive of the damnty woman. Persian Balni protecis the delicate skia. Preserves and enliancea the lovellest complex- ion. Every dscrinilnating woman shoulti use ibis sllvery lotion. It is unrivalleti as a flawless aid ta beau- TE AT TEE MOTOR SHOWS 2NEW LINES 0IF CARS cTHE MASTER SIX ... Most beautiful car in Chevrolet hisory..THE STANDARD CHVOLE... <reatect quality et the. lowe.t coet New Solid Steel "Turret Top" Body by Fisher. . .Knec-Action on .. . A full range of modela ta chos. frorm ... Blue Flame n. ne... De Luxe Meater Mdea... Longer w}eelbae,. .. Refined Blue Flanc. 23%0'monre power . .. Body by Fser... Larger brale.. . New and Engine.. . Even lower cost for gazoline, oil and upkeep. atronger "X" frae ... Low.ut aperathng conts of any car. NEW CHEVROLET MASTER SIX ... The Style Car of the low price field. Beaueifully streamlined, with the ncw Solid Steel "Turret Top" Body by Fisher, and styled entirely new in cvery detail. The wheelbase is longer and the body slung lower, to give wider seats and increased ineerior space. Fully-enciosed Knee-Action, proved last year and now improved, i the Master DeLuxe models. And the perfected Blue Flame engine gives fiacr, "snappier" perfor- mance with greatest economny of oil and gasoline. The new Chevrolet Standard Six is on dis play now ar our show- rooms. The new Master Chevrolet wil be on display soon! Drap in as soon as you can. Get full particulars about bath-drive ane of the new Standard modls-and prove for yaurself that it's wise ta choQse CHEVROLET for quality at low cose. MOTORS VALUE THE CANADIAN BTATE8DM, BOWMIANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARLY 3lst, 1935. PAGE SE=I B. H. S. News The Literary program on Frlday was provideti by Form IV, wih Bob Clark as announcer. The firsi nuai- ber was "Cross-Eyed Kelly," by a boys' chorus, while tbe girls showed how Kelly playeti rugby. Fred Wood favored wwhb. a violin seleciion, andi Selaxa Bartleit gave 'Wst-a-Wee" by Wilson MacDonald. "No, No, a Thousand MTmes No" was eaacte& with Boyd Slemoa as the Innocent maidea, "Tony" McIlveen as des- perate Dcsmond, the handie-barreti moustache villain, andi Harry De- pew as lier hero, the village black- smiih. The verses were sung by a double quartet. Helen Knox gave two lavely vocal numbers. A.skit, "The Mlerdramer" was given in pantomime; Lama Clark playeti a piano solo, and the program closed 1 m