THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVfl.LE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3lst. 1935 PAGE EIGHT Mrs. Menkley Clark is vsiting ne- his father. Later hie spent somte latives at Belleville and Rossmore. time in Pickering with his brother, A report o! the congregational Mn. Hiltz. wit.h whom he learned meeting o! the United Chunch. New- the trade o! painting and inteior castle, held Jan. 28th, will appean decorating. It was while he was un riext week. Beaverton that hie met his futune Miss Lucy Brault, Toronto, visit- wife, Miss Alma Edgan ta whom hie ed her uncles, Mr. Win. and Mn. was happily married in 1889 by Rev. Patrick KenefiCk, and hien aunt, Miss Daniel Williams. Two childnen wene Annie Kene!ick. born here befone Mn. Gibson returi- Mn. W. E. BemS.n, who was in ed to the scenes o! his youth. bning- Bowmnanville Hospital fan f our weeks ing his wi!e and young f amily with undergaing p)ost-operati0f t r e a thim. He entemed municipal if e in ment, neturnied home Friday. 11925 and served nune years as a Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs, Bowmianville,1 Councillon. In the elections o! 1934 will address the Younug People's Lea-1 he was elevated to the Reeveship gue on "Somne Thoughts for the New and re-elected in J anuany o! this Year"' on Monday evenung. Feb. 4th. year. He was laid low with a stroke A temperance nally. to which all before the inaugural meeting o! the the citizens o! the village are invit- counicil on Monday, Jan. 14. ed, il be held in the council cham -: Besides his sormowing widow, de- ber on Thursday evening to-night) ceased is survivedi by six sons: Lenoy at 8 o'clcok. o! Preston, Alden o! Newcastle, Rev. United Chumch - gev. S. Mac- Harvey J., missionary at Saugon. In- Lean, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Feb. dia, James o! Oshawa. Lonnie a! 3nd: 1l -. . .Morflflg WorshiP; Toronto, and Ralph at home; and 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 P.- - one daughter. Mns. Thos. Taylor. Evening Service.I Toronto; and fourteen gnandchild- St. George s Church - Rev. F. H.I ren: also four sisters. Mrs. Hiltz, Mason. M.A. . B.D.. Rector. Sunday,1Windsor: Mns. Stillwell. Killanney, Feb. 3nd: il a. m.-~M0mniflg Pnayem, Man.: Mns. T. Liddle. Grimsby; and and Holy Communion: 2 p. m-Sun- Mms. Hof frnan in Missouri, US.A.: day School: 7 p. m.-Eveiiing Frayer and one brother, Mr. Frank Gibson, and Sermon. o! this village. Durham Regimental Band held their weekly practice in Newcastle igCus ocr n ac an Tuesday evening at the home aofBowligCus ocr n ac Mr. H. C. Allun and afterçvards spent an enjoyable social time with games The following poem witten by and efreshmeflts. wth Mns. Allin Mrs. J. A. Butler and Miss Hattie graciously assisting in making the Masofi o! the Newcastle Ladies' Bow- occasion a most pleasant one. ling Club and set ta the tune of Sinc Reve . H Gisons dathJingle Belîs was sung as a rausing Sine ReveJ. . Gbso'seat oee by members o! the Mens' on Jan. 23rd. and the resignation fi 0IClubat the Bowling Clubs' first con- Alfred Graham as a memben o! the cent on Friday evening. Januany 25, municipal council on Jan. 28th. It made a tremendous hit with the thene are now only thmee membensauinendteinngm ebo in the counicil. Clenk H. C. Bona- auenesonsehtanongaed ap tha ha ben istrcte tohol Pjplause ne turn in their white, nobIý nomination meeting in the council scull caps and their cool evenini chamber on Feb. 4th at 7.30 p. m.seaer for the purpose of neceiviffg nomin- oI *aand anle ascino atiÔns for office o! neeve and h1 Bwinnneh gen acoll onr. d f ecssnYta On a very pleasant night a poI o Fe. hth.There we'Il all be seen ________________________~~ It sure is our delight! The kitty i in place OBITUARY Then. we*llitake our stand _________________________ The skip. hie sets the pace, Oh Yes JohnHarey ibso, Nwcatle And then we do the grand. JohnHarey ibso, NwcatleChorus (Continued !ram page 1) Yes, Oh Yes! Yes, Oh Yes. his will and purposes as revealed in Bowling on the green the holy scriptures. Oh what f un it is ta, bowl Rev. Mason spoke of the reasans With a dandy. smashing team and motives for men entering into We tried the jitney style public 111e, and in any circumstaflces To see who'd come out head we ought ta honor them. They are But somte wene lef t a mile the representatives o! the people. In While othens went home to bed. pîacing them in public positions we Philp came out fust have exalted them and we lowen aur Followed by the Hare, dignity if we fail to show them due Crowthers tried, his best, Oh Ye: honar. But everyone in public lufe While Glenney's game was f air. must expect same criticisms a! his Chorus acts, perhaps sevene censure. Some Now the gnaund is white of this is deserved; much of it is In a few months 'twill be green not. The preacher believed that the We ail cari think tanight late John H. Gibson had no ultenion Of the f un that we have seen. or no unwothy motives in entering Just get a set o! bowls municipal life. He had no personal And join oun merny tnoup ambitions that he wished to gnati!y. Bring youn wife along. Oh Yes! He wished only ta serve his !ellow To join aur women's gnaup. citizens and natepayers and hie had The four Douglas Cup winnems, succeeded well. The veny large at- E. W. Philp, Percy Hane. Walt( tendance at this funeral service w8.5 Crowthen and A. W. Glenney, accul testixnony ta his worth and ta the ied the front centre position on tl, high regard in which hie was held. stage, each holding his champiai, Mn. Mason paid wartn ibute ta his 1j ship 'miniature cup and with tl character as a mari, a husband and Douglas tnophy on the floor befoi a father. He was an honest wonk- themn in font o! the footlight man and a! a kindly temperament. Othen bowlers staod around In tl. knd and affectionate in his home.fomaacrcet Point Be hd comenablevirtes. the rear were seen twao! the vel The remains wene mered i erans o! the green, Mn. W. T. Jaci Bond Head Cemetery.soanMrWmKeeikwho Included amang the donors o o îng itrup in gr nsye. iss Hao flaral tributes were: Caunties' Coun- i tie Masn gr anostylcoMpistHa cil o! Northumberland and Durham, 1Te on am hioc ollowed u Newcastle Municipal Council, Com- Th rga wihfoledu munity Hall Management Commit- doubtedly constituted ane a! the fir tee, Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson Smith, est festivals a! sang and novell Mn. and Mns. Wm. C. Lake and music ever pnoduced in the hall ut f amily. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce, der any auspices at any one tirr H. C. Kestevans and Employees, Mr' Mn. Percy Hare, President o! tI anid Mns. John Garrod. Newcastle; Men's Bowling Club, announced tl Mrs. Chas. Welsh and f amily, Osh- artists whoalal in turn recelved ei awa; The Lake Girls, Mn. and Mrs. 1 thusiastic applause and who, wit] Bert Froats, Toronto. out exception, responded with ei Among the relatives present !rom core numbers. A galaxy o! vocalis a distance weme: Mr. and Mms. H. L. included Miss Allin o! Orano. lM Froats and son, Toronto; Mrs. T. Alden Haw, Orono, Mns. Geo. Ha Lîddle, sister, Grimsby, andi daugh- soloist. Bowmanville, and Mrs. W( ter, Mrs. H. Clarke, Brighton; Mr. Cawker andi Mn. Alan Knight, Boi Herb. Snelgnove, Peterboro; Mm. and manville. heard in duets. Thi Mrs. A. E. Meadows and daughten, there was that astonishingly ente Mrs. Meldrum. Dale. taîning trio o! artists. Mr. Ch, The late Reeve J. H. Gibson vwa.s Cawker, pianist. accompanist. trur descended fromn one o! the earlv 1Peter. songster; Mr. Arnold Damna Clarke Pioneer f amilies. a grandson musical handsawist and singer o! Francis Gibson an earlv settler in parts. and Mr. Alan Knight. act the third concession. His father, and tenor soloist. They can si the late Captain Fran-is Gibsor.. and play and entertain in liv4 was a son o! the pioneeýr Francis. fashion %with music compoFed elti He was born in Bond Head. Port o! for them or by themn. Newcastle. in 1865, and after leav- Everyone said that that deligi ing Fchool sailed for somne years with !ul operetta, The Wedding o! Get Husky and You'lI Feel Husky la Advice of A. E. MeIIow, Druggist Are you one of the mnany citizCls in aches and Pains and rebuilds li Newcastle and district going around and trength. day after day oniy haîf weII-wýonderIng If you have frequent headaches, dl wiit kepeyourundow-afd tyin nea, estesaniglits, bous, imples, Flowers, presented by Miss Hattie Mason and pupilS of the public school at the commencement exer- cises, was wOrthy of a repeat per- formance and expressed a Wish to, see it again. They got their wish at this Bowling Club's event and most 0 e d " 1 happilY manifested their pleasure and appreciation. Af ter the Concert, the floor was cleared of chatrs, and the remaind- er of the evening was enjoyed in Wanted dancing to the strains of the Old Mill Orchestra with Charlie Cawkr BIRTHS MAN WANTED-FOR RAWLEIGH at the piano. Members of the Mens Route of 800 f amilies. Write to- Bowling Club led off with their lad- day. Rawleigh, DePt. ML-140-SA. les. Piano accompanists af the ev- MARTIN - In Darlington, January Montreal. Canada. 5-10* ening were: Mrs. E. C. Fisher. who, 22nd, 1935, to Mr. and Mrs. Ar- -- - - played for Mr. Haw and Miss Allin; thur W. Martin. a daughter. SAWS - ýET AND SHARPENED. Mr. Davidge, Bowmianville, who ac- , Cross-eut a specialty. Satisfact- companied Mrs. Hall; and Mr. Caw- ion guaranteed or money back. F. ker who played for his mother and _____ __________ove 3- Mr. Knight in their duet selections. D ONGGRLWSHSWOKA iJAMES - In Toronto, on Tuesday, mothers help, niear Bowmanville. i N WTO VILE Jauar 2th, 1935, Mar- Rebecca if possible. Weekly wage. Some ___________-..- (May) James, daughter of the late experine od o hlrn Mr. -and Mrs. Reuben W. James. 239r21. 5l Isobel Bruce is able to be at school formerly of Bowmativille. BOOKS WANTED-HIGH PRICES again after her recent. ilîness. Funeral on Thursday, Jan. 31st. paid for Private Libraries. Ency- Miss Meda Hallowell, Starkville, from the C.N.R. 4.08 p. m. train. clopedias. and Standard Sets. was a weeknd guest at Mr. Wilfred COLLACOrTT - Suddenly at t State approximate number of vol- McKay's. Perry. January 25th. 1935, Hubert urnes. U. B." Drawer B. Bow- Sorry to hear Mr. Frank Law is Paxton Collacott, son of Mr. and manville. 4-2* now confined to his bed with high Mrs. Herbert Collacott, in his 25th blood pressure.' year. For Sale Mr. Samuel Jones was pleasantly i'E-în Bowmanville. on Sunday, surprised by his neighbors last January 27th, 1935, John Thomas FOR SALE - 1930 FORD SPORT Tuesday afternoon whurn they dropp- Fee. belaved husband of Aberta Coupe, a bargain. Phone 542. ed in for a social hour or two bring- Brown, aged 70 years. Interment FRSL UEBT~R ing their baskets with them, it bemg Bowmanville Cemetery. Radio, Burns loud speaker, or lis 78th birthday. Mr. Jones is in R0DGERS_-Suddenly at Jackson- trade for wood. 1 battery charg- agood health and enjoyed his party ville, Ill., on Monday, January 28, er, also eggs for setting, bred-to- immensely. Mrs. Jones, who has been 1935, Ida B. Venner. belaved wife lay Barred Rocks. Apply B. Ben- - confined to the house since Christ- of Henry J. Rodgers, and sister of nett. Elgin St. N., Bowmanville. mas. is now improved and also en- Mrs. M. H. Mason. Newcastle. 4-2* - joyed the occasion. A similar birth- Burial at Jacksonville. - - fday party took place a while ago at mcLOH-I alntn nT e ghis own home in honour of Mr. Geo. McuLLOCH - In Darlington3, beon o e Paye, ho as enunel supried ed husband of Susan Virtue, in his TO RENT - THREE ROOMS. UN- 82nd year. Father of Dr. W. G. furnished. and bathroom. Apply Th oer'LstA t MeCulloch, Orono. Interred Un- to Mrs. E.Brownl, King St.Eat (Referred to in Section 58) __________ HOUSE TO RENT-ALL CONVEN- y 1f UI~TI1 iences, central location, possession 9 Notice of Sttngs of Revising IN MEMORfIuA Nov. 15th. Sheppard & Gui Ltd., it Officer Bowmanville. 44-tf TAKE NOTICE that. sittings of SLEMON - In loving memory of TO LETl-7 ROOMED HOUSE, ALL the Revising Officer for the purpose Pamela Slemon who passed awaY conveniences. facing Town Hall. of hearing complaints or appeals Feb. th, 1931. Possession February lst. W. T. with regard to the Voters' Lists to Time takes away the edge of grief, Symons, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. be used at the election to be held But memory turns back every leaf. Phone 160r5. 4-tf for the purpose of submitting a By- There is a link death cannot sever, Law to a vote of a question under Love and remembrance last for- FOR RENT - 7 ROOMED HOUSE s, the Liquor Control Act, R.S.O. 1927, ever. on Beech Ave., hardwood floors, Chap. 257, Sec. 69, for the Village -Ever remembered by Husband wired for an electric stove. Vac- of Newcastle, will be held at the and Phol. ne 26 BwJanl. 3-tfpl rs uik times and places set forth in thePhn26.Bwavil 3f Schedule hereinafter set out': ofANNIS -In loving memory of James TO RENT - 6 ROOMED FRAME Schedule William Annis, who passed peace- residence on Wellington Street. Ne uiiltVlastee.fully to rest at Chicago, Ill., Jan. Conveniences: vacant Feb. lst; - Date and Hour of Sittings: Febru- 3lst, 1934. rent reasonable. A ip 1y W m. ary 9h 95 at 11.00 a. m. Com is not dead, he cannot die. Brock. Queen St.. Bowmaflville. Plcehf, iti1935,te om His best lives on; Phone 114W. _ 3-tfFR munity Hall in the Village of New- Though he is or castle. huhh sgn. teBA FO SEVC Clerk of Revising 0f ficer: H. C. He %vill live on through ah hlORFO EVC s! Bonathan, Newcastle. years NICE YORKSHIRE BOAR BOUGHT Pup His Honour, Lawrence V. O'Con- In memory; for use on my own farm. Anyone nor will be the Revising Off icer for And aur own lives. because o! him, wishing to, patronize him. may do the above mentioned municipality. Wilsweer.. o at $1.00cah Sam Snowder',- AND FURTHER TAXE NOTICE -Dearly loved and deeply mourn- Maple Grove. Phone 203r3. 5-t. BED that the list to, be sa revised is Parts ed by his Mother. Brothers and 01_________________ I and III o! the Voters' List pre- Sisters. Repairs t pared for the Munîcipality o! New- Pl__ _____ ____ casle FUTHRR. PAWSONc AND FUTE TAKE NOTICE but none the less hearty in his wel- Boot sdSo earn that any voter who desires ta, com- come. Sales sewn an by Gaodyear Stltchlng - J.' plain that his name or the name of At the annual meeting of the Machine. Prices reasonable. rer any person entitled to be entered on United Sunday Schoal these off icers Kinlg Street East - BowmanflVle p- the said list has been omitted from were elected: Supt.-Mr. R. J. Rowe: NOTICE 0F APPLICATION he the same. or that the names of any Asst Supt.-Lawreflce Savery; Sec.- TO PARLIAMENT n-persons who are not entitled ta be Minnie Randal Ast-Jack Kim- hevoters have been entered thereon baîl; Treas.-Mary Lane: Primary Ntc shrb ie hta re may on or before the Sixth day o! Teacher-Mrs. George Thompson; Ntc shrygie ta n s. February, 1935. apply. complain or Asst-_Ruby Wallace Girls, Inter.- application will be made to the Leg- he appeal to have his name or the Mrs. Milt. Kimball; Asst-Mrs. L. isative Assembly o! the Province o! in name of any other persan entered Savery; Senior girls-Miss I. Laing; Ontario, at Its next sittings, an be- t- a.oreoefro thlst Ast-Mrs. Willis Jones; Boys class- hall a! the Municipal Corporation k- AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE Mr. R. J. Rowe; Bible Class-Mrs. o! the United Counties o! Northum- ,- that such appeals must be by notice Cecil Burley; Asst-Mr. L. Savery. berland and Durhamufofr an Act re- tt- in writing in the prescrlbed farm. Assistant teachers are to take charge peallng Chapter 62 a! the Statutes . slgned by the comPlainant in dup- at least one Sunday a month. The o! Ontario, 5 Edward VII, 1905, be- n- licate and given to the Clerk a! the Sunday School year ended with a lng an Act .respecting the United r-Revsing 0f ficer or le! t for hlm at small balance on hand. Counties o! Northumberlanld and Ity his address as stated above. DurhamBride theminteanefo! i- (Signed) L. V. O'Connor, Chair- Cut rde hriadfra ie. man o! the Election Board for the Mr. W. Addison Gamsby passed act ta provide for the maintenance tue Village o! Newcastle. away at Whltby, Jan. 26th. Deceas- o! County Bridges in the sald Un- te Dated this 22nd day o! January, ed was the second son o! the late ited Caunties under the Highway heA. D. 1934. 4-2 L. A. Gamsby a! Orono. Improvement Act, and amendinents n- _______________________________ Dated at Cobourg, the lth day mts o! December, 1934. TU-W ILB'T DDVCT Inui DST NTWarden, o! h Uie ailIN HE.DM ad DITAN ASCounties o! Northumber- 'es. land and Durham. Rn 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 50-7 - e-FIITY YEARS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Ln. (From The Statesman, Feb. 6, 1885)i (From1 The Statesman, Feb. 4, 1910.) Business Diet r of Hamptoni Mr. Geo. Glover's team Children's Amateur show at the ILIe~ r ýtor man over Jonnie Horm on Tuesday Crystal Palace on Tuesd.ay, Foster ing r.ight giving him a black eye and and Ronald Snowden won f irst prîze, ely some bruises and scratches. Gea. and Miss Helen Osborne, second LEGAL rer wxas not to blame, however. Childreru prize. should flot be allowed to go runnungi West Durhamn License Commiss- M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B ýht- and shouting after the Army. ioners have been re-appointed as Barrister. Solicitor, Notary the~ Private R. L. Werry, BOwmýanville follows: James Parker, Newcastle; Phone 351 __ Corps, Salvation Army, f arewelled Anson Taylor, Blackstock; Wm. C. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville last night to go to Trenton. King, Bowmianville. ______ Mr.andMr. R MCofnahieo! Ploine hasq begQun in Alberta and1 W. R. STRIKE CARD 0F THANKS Tahe thArnal Convention o! the AssWMa.57L3 -- Cartwright Sunday School Associa- Mrs. J. H. Gibson and f amily wlsh tion was held in Cadius Methodist ta thank ail their friends and nelgh- Church, on Jan. 26th. Off icers NORTHCUTT & SMITH bars and mnembers o! the Village and elected for the new year were Pres- the Counties' Councils for their ident. Peter Wright; Vice-President, Comnplete Funeral SerVice many klndnesses during the lllness W. B. Ferguson; Secy. Treas., J. E. Modern Equlpifenît - Ambulance and at the death o! a belaved hua- Elliott: Executive, C. Pallis, J. X. A. WV. G. NorthCftt - Aubrey Snsith band and father, and for the mnany Johnsan, G. Hooey. S. Jeffrey, J. M. Phone Days 58 beautiful floral tributes and other Emmerson, James Marlow, S. H. Nlghts, Sund'ays or HoUdaYs -. expressions o! sympathy. Nicholson, W. C. Fergusofi. Phonle 523 or' 216. Now is the Tinte to Save SPECIAL CUT PRICES FOR THE BALANCE 0F THE WEEý 29e mi 31 Antiseptie 16 oz. 79e REGS Chocolate Laxative loc-25c-50C 4 Square FLOOR WAX Lb. tin 5Mc For 39c MUSTEROLE 27e - 57e 50e Rexail Bronchal Syrup BOTH for 75c No Indigestion Worries BISMA REX 4 oz. 75e - 16 oz. $.1.50 Haliburth Liver Oil Capsules Box of 50-$1.00 35e Rexail Shaving Creain 35e Rexall Shaving Lotion BOTH for 39e Mead's Cereal 1 lb. - 25e 4 lbs. - 80c Jad Salts 55c Goodform Hala, Nets single or double mesh. 5c VAPURE Cold Inhalant 50e JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It Is Donc Properly PHONE 78 BOWMALNVILLE DRESSMAKING For those people who demand expert dressmaking The Evlyn Shop offers you expert service. Our Mrs. Oke, with niany years of experleiKe, ls ready to, do any job you want doue with efficiency and despatch, and at reasonable cost. REMODELLING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY ALWAYS REMEMBER, if it's something up to date un womeu's wear that you want, some new style, or new maternal - The Evlyn Shop always lma it. The EIï lyn LADIES' So Miss T. Murphy Phone 594 Mss. F. Oke music viMrs.Joseph Henry, the last sur- tANCIS SUTTON, Mus.Bac. F.C.C.O. Gamsby, o! Clarke township, passed A. T. C. M. d.lplomas in Piano, away recently at Uplands, Cal. Singing, Violin and Organ. Pnivate or class lessons. ipils prepared for all examninatians. W IN T ER T E RM Phoe 4, owmnvile40-tf JAN. 2. Individual attention permits - choice of subjects and rapid progress. N7DWICK CLARKE, ýNOTED TOR- Accountalcy, Stenography, Secretar- onto Vlalinist will give expert lai, and Business Administraltion tuitlon every Saturday. For ap- Courses. Catalogue f ree from Siiwl pointmeflt P. O . Box 88, or Mrs. BusinessSrhools, Bay and Charies, Geo. Reidt, Wellington St., BMw: Traýnto. K13165 manvulle. Anud what a turne for those thudfty, shoppers v0lo know VALUES! Not just low prices, but LOW PRICES AND HIGH, QUALITY; that's a cornbiuuation tiuat will gladden the heart of every woman who guards the family purse strings. AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS_b 10c MACARONI BULK 6 lbs. 25S BULK AYLMER PEAS No. 2 Tin 2 tins 25 C BAKING POWDER Domino 1-1b. Tuni 5C SUNLIGHT SOAP- 4 Bars 23c TO A Tsd lOieSQalt 3Tins 23c No. 22 2 SMatches Cre Large C MacLaren's Peanut BUTTER 24-az. Jar 23d Clean Up. With ZUM - - pkg. id Kellogg's BRAN --pkg. 19d Pink SALMON 2 3for 174 Hawes 1-lb. Tin FLOOR WAX - 42* Hallowi BULK DATES 3lIbs. 2S* HP. SAUCE - bat,.9 Tiger CATSUP - bottle 154 Free Ruruniiîg or Iodized .~ SALT - - pkg. 7é g ON SPECIAL SALE FLOUR EXCELSIOIL PASTRY t65C 24 Mlbt DOMINION f BREAD FLOUE 1$2.39) 98 lb. bag ,RIIN O -'T'1