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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1935, p. 1

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ttat ma With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 81 APPOINTMENT 0F Bowmanville Free of TOWN OFFICIALS 15 hog ffcec HELD OVER A WEEK ThruhEfcec Iliness of Reeve R. 0. Jones Deays S H O PRN IA Appointments For One Week - SH O RN IA Many Appeals for Grants at ADDRESSES MEETING February Meeting 0F DURHAM CO. CLUB Due to the unavoidable absence, Mr. and Mms. W. Lorne Truli Are of Reeve R. O. Jones, much impor-' Host and Hostess at Sherbourne tant business scheduled to corne be- fore the regular meeting Pf the House - Tribute Pald to Council was laid over on MondaY Deceased Members night to be brought Up et a specialil session to be held next Monday ev- TeDra onyCu et enirng. ing was held ThursdaY evening at a L. W. Dippeil appeared before the the Sherbourne Hlouse Club, whlch counicil on behaif of the Llbrary tsabatfi lce lbIicrlg Board, and C. H. Mason on behalf and was once the city home of the b of the Hospital Board, while a pet- late Senator Cox.S ition was read f rom the Horticul- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne W. TriZil were 9 tural Society asking for grants, the the host and hostess. Mrs. Trul h latter towards the upkeep of the bemng 111 and unable to attend. Mr. t Memorial plot. Al were referred to Truil was asslsted In receivlng then the Finance Committee to report guests by Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs. baciL next week. Trull's mother. and Miss Truil. Theh D. H. Jamieson & Son applied for refreshment tables were ably pre- permission to, remove gas pumfps out- sided over by Miss Kathleen McGill l sîde their premises to the corner Of and Miss Hutchison. SivradKing Steets, .lofrpr A splendid programn of songs was msioner ev tend alsoor eir-1i misionteremvethecur e thirrendered by Miss Jean McLachim, drtveway on Silver Street. Referred with Dr. Harvey Robb as acconipen-c to Roads and Streets Committee ist. Mr. 0. A. Gamsby of Orono wth power to act. sang a selection, playing bis own A report, submitted by A. E. Berry, accompanirnent. Miss Little, prin-r of the Department of Health, Tor- cipal of the Edith L. Grove Scbool,s onto, and containing suggestions for Toronto, gave an instructive addressi improvements et the Sewage Dispos- f ullof interesting f acts regarding-' ai plant, following bis annuel in- her work. She wes listened to witb spection was referred to the Public rapt attention. There are 356 cbild-C Property Committee. ren under ber care and instructingi Appeai of Bowman ville Foundry and educating themi for good citi-r for reduction in tex penalties was re- zenship in whlch 81 <, of theni makei f erred tte Court of Revision. good. Resolutions submitted by t h e President Walter H. Clemes, wbo Ratepayers' Association were re- presided in bis usual gracions man-1 ceived, and the recjuest of this or- ner, called on Mr. J. D. Keachie to ganization to, have the town bail for read an obituery prepared in mem- meetings wes granted. ory of Dr. James L. Hughes and Mr.~ The matter o! the Counties Bridge Robert W. King, both of wbom werel dispute. In whlch D. H. Cblsbolm. K. old mnembers of the Club. Dr. C. o! Port Hope is acting f or Dur- Hughes was the club's f irst presi-1 hem, was laid on the table for dis- dent and held this office for 35 cussiort next Monday. years. The Club stood in silence Solicitation o! the Rural Munie- during the readlng of this tribute. Iplilties Association for memlbership Mr. Clemes aiso read a timely and was receîved and fyled. appropriate testimony to the respect Deputy Reeve Alex Edmondstone and esteen in wbich botb of these submldtted the report o! the Finance gentlemen were held. The Secre- Commnittee for sundry accounts a- tary was lnstructed to record in the rnounting to $1932.19, which was minutes the passing o! these two adopted. gentlemen and the deep regrets of Annuel report of Chief of Police the members o! the Club et their Sydney Venton, was presented and demise. adopted. This lnteresting review o! A vote of thanks was moved by police activities in 1934 is recorded Dr. George McGiil, seconded by Dr. elsewhere i tbls issue. L. B. Williams. to> the artists and A grant of $10.00 was made to tbe Miss Little, and Mr. N. B. Cobble- Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, dick thenked Mr. and Mrs. Truil for and the Globe Indemnity Co., was the very enjoyable evening. '%varded the contreet for Public Lia- The singing of Auld Lang Syrie - .ylity Insurance et a premnium Of and the National Antheni. with Mr. $294.030. j Bruce Medden at the piano. con- 4Cierk was instructed to procure cluded a real and most profitable prices for 1000 feet of conductor wire evening*s enjoyment. for use on the f ire alanr system. Public Property Coxumittee was given power te act in the matter of Hats at less than cost at Dingmnaf the rental o! the land at the disposaI & Edmondstone'S. You cen get a plant, for which R. H. Hooey applied '-eal snappy model f romn 59c to $1.25. at a rentai o! $2500 per year. Dr. and Mns. Jqpnes C. Paterson Appointment o! town officiais and of El Centro. Coldmbia. were week- other important business will lie "nd guesta o! Mr. and Mrs. W. L. deait wth at Monday's meeting. IPaterson, Queen St. Increase in Membership and in Givings *Reported at St. Paul's United Church Success Attended Ef forts of Organizations in Centen- ary Year - W. M. S. Al- location Is Met The annuel meeting o! St. Paul's United Church was held in the Scbool Room on Tbursdey evening. The niaister, Rev. A. S. Kerr, pi-e- sided and Oea. L. Hall ected as Sec- retai-y, Rev. Oea. Meson neporting on the Session spoke o! an increase o! meni- bersbip ahi-o of the newands given Sunday School pupils for regular et- tendance and contributions ta town relief. Oeo. E. Chase neporting for the Board o! Management iaid total oi-dinary revenue amounted ta $3,- 272.00. J. A. Swindell repoting for the Sunday Scbool showed this or- ganisatiaut in e flourishing condit- ion witli increased attendance and interest witb accouais met and $30.- 00 contrlbuted ta tlie misslonany Fund. Missioneny and Maintenance Fund amounted th la the neighbon- hood a! $300.00. Women's Mission- ai-y AuxiliarY report told o! suc- cessful meetings during the year officers baving been appolnted and wlthtlircallocation f ulY met. new officerslieving been appointed. end the New Yeen f eced witb an optimîs- tic spirit. Mns. Wm. Adamis is the riew President. The Evenlng-Auxiliany under Mis M. Hutchinsen aisea repoted a year f fine effort. The sick la the con- gregation and ailiers were nemeni- bered wtb gi! te o! fruit anid flowers. This orgarilzaiion nalsed for Mis- slonai-y and Benevoleni purposes $237.34. Women's Association lied one o!fis mosi success!uil ears wth total receipta o! $92243. The lad- ies o! this organizetion render not- able service la glvlng financlal as- sstare ta the Maneglang Board. The Mission Bqnd renort was read by Marv M'Ailster and sjiowed the wonk o! tha t gnoup well maîntaîn- e-wltli many fine meetinizs clurng the vean and $60.00 contrlbuted ta milss'onarv supDoni. Canadien Girls ln Trainng was renorted for. bv MI.-.q Vinlet McAllster. iadicaieci continuêd l"terest malntahlned îndler thé leadershln a! Mrs. H. B. Foster. New Tuail Rangers and Tixis S;ouaee grouna have beên organizfd. Goa. Hall rpad tho - rant o! the Youing Ppnnle'r Gîild. Goa. Grabams is the new Pi-esicent. Repart show- ed an attendance of 25, meetings held regularly on Tuesd.ay evenings. Guest speakers brougbt many in- forming and helpful messages te this group. Out o! their finances theY were able to m-ake a contribution tc the Mission Fund. Approximately $4.250 was raised for ail purposes. C. A. Cawker, J. Abernethy and G. A. Corden were elected te, the Board o! Management. Chas, W. Carruth- ers takes the place o! C. A. Cawker, as chairman of the Board. Mr. Caw- ken bas given fine service as chair- mari o! the Board during the past year. The choir under the leadership o: Mrs. C. H. Dudley wes thanked f or their contribution to thle service of wor-chip by Rev. Geo. Mason in con- gratulatory remarks et the close of the meeting.. Refreshmerits were served by thE ladies of the cburch and a socil hal! bour concluded the meeting. [est Durham Boy St.Joh'sChurck 5. More than one hundred boys o1 West Durham are expected to gathel et st. John's Churcb on Saturda3 a! tennoon for the annuel coriclevi sponsored by the BOYS' Work Boar( of Bowmanville. Eecb cburch wil be represented and a large contîn gent f rom Newcastle, end othe: near-by villages are expected. The program wil commence shari at 2 o'clock i the Parlsh Hall wlti the openlng devotions and report o! members of the Boys' Parlemeri Other speakers wilil speak bnle!ly. At 3.15 p. ni. adJournent will b madle to the Hlgb School gymnaslui where a prograni o! comPetitiv sports will be beict. The junior gaxne will commence et 3.30 P. m. an, members of the Cburcb Hocke League are asked to take an actîl part la this group. The senior gamen wblch Includes boys 15 and ovei wili commence et 4.30 p. M. Th events Include, Backward runmni club placlng, zig-zag relaY, dumbe rolllng, wand jumping, carrylng X< lay, and runnlng relay. There wi be 5trophy for the wlDLIfg teal ~WT~fA~XTTT1~'cn~r TUTP~DY F~RPTARY7th 935NUMBER6 Y: Im u A TITlrl Âar. ONT T± 41TR DA . F -' . -- 93 F SerjousING PUBLIC f teiHsEa1tdeptc LECTUREAT HIGH of te Halt Det. CHOOL A SUCCESS ~nnuI RportRevals re-Mis. John Crelghton Cbarmed Aud- Annul RportRevals re- ience of 120 Wlth Address, "A mendous Amount of Pre- Holiday in Readlng" ventive Work Carried Ou Abut 120 people turned out, on - Few Communic a b 1 e Monclay nmgbt toi hear the f irt o! a senies o! lectures presented here un- Diseases cder Higli School Board auspices and provided by the University Exten-; Tha th Puli Helil srvie i Ision o! Toronto. The audience wesi Thothue ubliwmHavllsie is pycliarned and delighted withniop liustneted in the anueleport o!l ening speaker, Mrs. John Creig1ghto, Miss E. R. Graham, nie efficient anngiladlieetthve Ufivrityad and popular Public Healtb Nurse o!fadewhon detiveeA verolidead- the town. Miss Grahami las been Rdienteto."A oidyl an indefetigeble worker, and it wll Predig." th etue heHg be remembered thet Mayor Rorssa 1g strike, in bis veledictery address, Scliool Orchestre under Francis Sut- spoke bigbly o! Miss Graham's ton, Mus. Bac., provlded a musical heerty co-oipenetion with ail boards program. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, tbet toucbed upon lier work. The chairman o! the Higli Sclioal Board report reeds as foilows: introduced the Speaker. A Metal ealt Cliie bs ben in the course of ber intensely in- A entd one chmth Cine Bownienteresting addresa Mrs. Creigliton ville Hospital, anid those attending traced the readlng habits o! people have been greetly benefitted. f rom earliest times, answering as traellngdianoticchst ucshe went along the question, Why A taeln igotccetcii we read ad what we read? is held once eecli year and proves beneficial ta beaith work la the Looking back several centuries, a comnuunity. reeder wes consldened a mere clerk, Scaret ever whcb ws qiteand unrespected for bis ability te Scaret ever whch ws qiteread. Men did nat use their leisure prevalent et this tume lest year, bas time toi neacl, but lied their music, subsided. There have been only 8 and it was conimon ta entertain cases since Mvarcb 1934, four of one's friends with miusic, or toi pro- whicb have been chidren o! pre- vide a musical instrument for theni ,cbool age and four were traced to to play an wbile they waited lanie contacts outside a! Bowmenville great halls o! the mianor bouses for We bave been enabled to give free their hasts. milk te cbildren wba are undernoun- Samuel Pepya in bis diary tels o! ished, tbrough the genenosity o! the bis wif e, servants and biniself spend- Home and School Club, the Rotai-y ing e veny deiight!ul evening singiag Club, Women's Institute, Public Wel- and f ididling, back in the l7tb cen- f are Board and pnivate donars. We tury. In that centurY one pi-efeiT- f eel thet milk is importent taoi te ecl ta listen. rether than ta need. and grawing- chuld, and we have pleasure so we f lad thet lelsure time wat la extending aur thanks for this spent lalilstenlng ta nmusic, or ir splendid help. attendance eit the theatre llsteiXu I would like on submitting this. ta the plays a! William Shakes- report tai tlank ail for their spien- peare. An idea o! how niuch la- did co-oiperation, ta the Board o!f terest the people o! those days dIis- Health and Dr. W. H. Birks fan bis pleyed la listening le seen by th( untiring efforts; ta the doctora o!f fact that Shakespeare niade enougl the town wbo soi generously gave o! money froni bis plays. to do the ven, their time ad skill and wbo bave buman thing o! returning ta bui co-operated so weil with this de- home town o! Stratford and theri pertiment; toi the dentists for their building the largest houle la tawil assistance, ta the teachers and et- ta show the people that the forme: îtendance officier for their splendid bad boy o! the town lied made gooci help; ta the School Board for equip- In the l8th century i-eeding be nient; ta the ceretaker o! the Public came more widespreed. People leerri School for the cleenlineasso! the ed ta read for the purpose o! plea scbool; ta the Home and School Club sure and fan the exencisinq o! thel for its donations: ta the parents and 1feaculties. Others 1Iearned ta rea' Lpupils for thei- coopenation. to Pub- lic Welf ars Board and Ladies' Wel- (Continued à l page 71l faire Comm., ta the churches, ta the - mayor and members o! the Town Council, ta ilie staff o! the TownRo etJ.L en Hall, ta The Stetesmen for its as- R b r .L w n sistance; ta the Rotary Club, the Provincial Department o! Heelth, N/eteran Bandsmai (Continued on page 3) a Passed on Sundai LIEUT.-GOVERNOR 0F ONTARIO ENDORSES Ia Accorded Full Militar BOYS' BOND SELLING Honors at Imp r essi v "May the splendid wo rk being Funeral in St. John' done by the Ontario' Boys' Work Church on Tuesday Board neyer leck the support o! ail those wlio necognize thet thase who music loyers and war veterans shape and mould the cheracter o! particular, and citizens la gener aur boys are coing the mort impor- were saddened on sunay, Feonuai tant work lanilie world," is nie re- 3dwben it beceme known thi commndaton hi'hthe Iàeut.- Robert J. Lawens, one o! the towii ,Govennor is giving the finencial mort beioved citizeas, lied pass4 5. cempaigri o! the Trail Ranger and wyath hoPalnhi76 iTuxis organisation and whlcb opens birtbday. Mr. Lowels lied for ti in Bownianville an Feb. 9tb, under past two on tbree years f ougbt go ythe direction o! Don. Willianms. local îantîy egainst a senlous ailmeat thi iomember o! Older Boys' Pai-lianient. graduelly sapped bis sti-engtb a] y leI is oped ta i-aise $100.003 bere. I brouglit hlm neaernand nearer .The nemankeble thing about this 1 deatb. Yet thi-ougli ail the suife appeal us the fact that the boys ing that was bis, be meiatained theniselves raise the money and bave soclptec u ap m done so for thirteen consecutive 'Old Bob," as lie was kftowa years. Ia this period tbey have the bundneds tei wbom he beçeii rerised aven one hundred thousarid eadeared, wes bora in England ai -dollars. The campaiga is ta be laun- emlgrated ta Canada 30 yeers ai clied on FebnuarY 9th aad will con- Mn. Laweas as bandinaster o! t stinue for three weeks. The budget Canadien Legion Bad, whicb. is $8890.00 anid is ta pi-avide for the founded, was bei-t known toalal. )f services o! e secnetary, a office staff, e member o! the Prince o! Waý )rwhicb gives leadership ta tblrty dis- Own Reginient lie leanned the rut )f trict canmps, two trainn camps fon ments. o! music, and became an 8 1- leaders, supplies, pi-agi-ar matenials coniplisbed player and teechen. Fi )f and vaniaus helps for twelve thous- îowing bis training et York, En and boys. The Boys' Parliament la land, be becemne Baridmaster o! t ie agein acepting chie! nesponsibililty Kirg's Own Lancashire Regimei il to ralse this moriey for the niove- and leten, f or e penid o! 14 yea ment o! whicb they are a part. he teugbt band music et the Rod SAlbert School o! Music, one o! t Ileed-iag achools la Eagiand. A I j Mr. Lowens dcl flot give up1 ys A-nnuai Co clve iterest la banda when he came leader o! sucb bande as the 45 Saturday AFternoon being assoclated wlth the Dmn j an ia obCR.gBndntd 1si Goodyear Band o! Bawmaflvi' of bath junior and senior sections. A Wbiie lie wes long known la Bc r e iwill cnsqi.qt o! six playens and maville, lie came more focibly 1 >UBLIC SCHOOL BD. Il BOWIVIANVILLL, VINI., Efficiency of Local Police Department is Reflected in Chief's Annual Report Report Shows that 52 Con- BANDSMEN ELECT victions Were Obtained OFFICERS AT DINNER Out of 55 Local Cases MEETING RECENTLY Brougt Befre Maîs- led Crruthers la Elected Presi- trate - Increase in, dent for 1935 - Mis. J. Clark BreakinsBell Honored Wth Appoint- Breakînsment as Asselate BandI- A splendid record of achievement mse is reflected in the report of Chie! o! Police, Syd.ney Venton, presented ta Combining their annuel meeting Town Council on Mondai nlgbt, wth a dlinner Party, the Canadier covering activities of tbe Police De- Legion Band spent an enjoyabie ev- pertmerit in 1934. Of special inter- ening et St. Johin's Parisb Hall on est ss the fact that out of 55 actions January 30tb. FollowIng a spiendic dlrectiy connected with the te)n, dinner, a brie! concert was presente< brought before the Magistrate's by Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mr. Tuerk Court in 1934, no legs thon 52 con- and family, Sami Glanville, and Fret victions were registered. The de- Teurk. The treasurer's report whicl partment is entltled to greet credit sbowed total receipts of $1177, and for its work, whlch is reported in expenditures o! $1065, with a balanCE detail in the f oliowing report- o! $112, was presented by J. H GentlemenAbenthe purhe a eso! ew uni ormt , beg te ubnt t you my report wsteprhs fnwuiom for the year ending December 31, this item taldng considerably mon 1934. Tbere wes a total o! 240 cases than hlai the expenditure. before the Megistrate's Court dur- Appreciation was expressed ta Mrs ing the year, 55 cases being within J .Clark Bell for ber kindiy interesl the Town of whlch 52 convictions isn te band, and in recognition c1 were reglstered. bier services she was appointed As. Cases reported to the Police De- sociate Banlmlaster. pertment duririg the year are class- Election o! off icers resulted as foil if ied as folows:- lows: President Wflfred Carruth. Petty Tbef ts.........30 ers; Berdimaster, R. Fountain; Vice. Break in anid theft 16 President, J H1. Abernetby; Secre Attempted Break in ... .. 6 tary. G. I. Jones; Treasurer, C. W Cars stolen . Tait; Property Commtiittee, W. Shot (Botb recovered) ter and W. Evans; Librerlan, W cars recovered for other Wolley, Sick Comniittee, Sami 01er Departmelits .. 2 ville and Tom Bennett. iBicycles stelen 12 R. M. Cotton was unanumous]: (Recovered 10) elected Honorary President o! th~ 1Arrests . .. 21 orgenization. Expressions o! aP Motar accidents investigated . 40 preciation were tendered to J. Gooc Othenaccients2 al, C. A. Fewster and Mr. Kilpal > th(Fatacient rick for their assistance during th The followlng sums were paid to past year. -the Town Treasurer- The Band is iooking forward t -Fines and Fees . $601.85 another successful year. The ban LDog Tags. . 327.00 wifl make mariY public eppearanCE àStatute Labour 500.00 during the yeer, and it is exPecte Street Licenses . 8.00 they wlll take part in more than or -contest. The feeling bas often bee e1Total........ $1,446.85 expressed that the public now ar r Durlng the year there lias been preciate tbe value o! a band in t]i a slight increase of crime mostly in town. and wili endeavour to suppOI the nature o! break-ina and tbeft. the band in its wark. It la expecte These have Mainly been mnor wlth that the Council wlll also suppa: -the exception o! the break in and the band by a grant durlng the yea Ir thef t et Walker Stores anid Coucb,______________ ýJobtstn & Cryderinan's. A con- siderable ernount o! the goodas tolen Co g e a on fS during the year bas been tecovered. o g e ain fS Several homes were broken into dur- H sS c esu ing one perlod o! about six weeks. H sS c esu Ail these breakins, with nie except- ion o! one, were ail ixnie sainie Ward. The thefts were mnostly o! money and food, veluable jewelry Delegates to Presbyterial n1 (Contlnued on page 3) Report at Trinity W.M.l The regular meeting o! Trini Alfred Graham Eîected 'Af ternoon AuxiliarY o! the W. M. was heid Tuesday in tbe Schc Reeve of Newcastle By room. Caîl to worsbip was read '~ Aca aino dy the President, Mrs. 0.L. Wego e ter witten by Rev. Merrili FE 9a Ciuris Law te FI VacancY guson describing their trip fr( Englend to Africe was read byt As Co>unclior secretary anid enjoyed by ail. M~ F. H. Morris coriducted tbe progni in . ollowing the deatli o! Reeve J. Mrs. Wagar off ered prayer; devi al Hl. Gibson and the resignation o! lonal leaflet "Strong Friends" i i-y Councillor Alfred Grahami, the re- read by Mrs. H. M. Bell. Mrs. J. ,a niaining members o! the Couilcil Elliott and Mrs. Stocker, delega :L'5 met and declded to hold e second te Oshawa Preabyterlal et Haipl ed nomination meeting on Monday ev- gave two full and excellent repoi thening. Mr. Grahamt, being the oniy Miss Alle L. Bragg sang "Does Je, aeI nominee for the office o! reeve, wes Cane" accompaiiied by Mrs. H. Il-. declared eiected by acclamation by Foster; Mrs. R. H. Warder gave1 et Clerk H. C. Bonethan. Hemy Jose, chapter o! the Study Boqk "1 nd Frank Gibson and Chnis Law were Pioneer Protestants in India" 1: to nominated for the position o! couri- most lnteresting nianner. Meel i,r cillor; but Cierk H. C. Bonathait las closed with benediction. e edvised us that as Mr. Jose and Mn. àe. Gibson declined to stand and dîd ta not qualif y, Mn. Law becomes the Young People's Guild of ne new meniber o! the Council by a- St. Paul's Met Tuesd nd clamation. Mr. Grahanm is probabiy o. the youngest reeve to occupy thîs ;he office, having celebreted bis 27tli St. Peul's Y. P. G. met in the lie birthday the day followlng bis elec- S. roomt on Tuesdlay nigbt wltb As tion. attendance o! 30. Devotional pez les was teken by Mrs. A. S. Kerri ____________________ wes on the subject 'Secnedness di- LOCAL MILK PRODUCERSl Personality" whlch was very ini '0- CONSIDER ORGANIZATION esting. In the absence o! the1 19- erary conveer President ec lie Milk producers supplylnig the Bow- Grahami remalned in the chair.]1 ýnt. manville Dainies with whole milk grami was on the topie 'Frlendsl ns, are llkeiy ta fanm a Milk Producers anid coristed af: Read.lngs o!f'1 yai Association la the near future. Lest nyson's poems by George Grahi lie Friday, Roy F. Lick o! Oshawa, e "A Youag People's best Fnlend". dinector o! the Ontario Association Gives; "The Here wlth many hi and Arthur Staintoni addressed the ends", Helen Norwlck; "Be a Frie ta producers bere, and e funther meet- and "The Lu e that counts", Ge( ras ing wes beld on Tuesday nlgbt, but Graham; paper, Nancy Shrt th, due to the absence o! srnie o! the "Ternperautce", Bennice Muti les producers organization dld not talce Gultar trio selections by Mi ion will have de! inite agreemients wltb Violet Nichais, Norali Hayward he place. If fornied the association Dlck Wright; "Wbeht Klnd o! a jle. the diStnibutors, and will a! filiate1 end are you"., Char-les Cleme )W- wltb the Onitario organization to aid Omitted f nom lest week. readini be- la bringing about needed leglslatloti. Joyce Aider. Utilities Commiss Recluction on H ion Decicies S mal fdrant Rent Possîib tennce caste la the waterworks de- were passed to the extent a! $8.169.-I T. MeLaughin, A. W. G. Northcutt, partmeni, the Public Utilities Comn- 52 ,of whlch smni$6,755.16 was spentI and J. R. Stut being clected for mission, et ita meeting et nie Coni- for the December power lli ndI thi-ce yeai- ternis, and Alfred Red mission offices on Tuesday reduced $478.78 wages.I for a two ear term. the rentai charge o! fine hydrants ta Manager Oea. E. Chase repanied a Heerty votes o! thanks were ex- the town by $e5.00 eacli. On a mot- need for 12 new lightnixg arrestera .tcnded ta Rev. W. G. Blake fan bis ian o! Cliairman T. H. Knight and andi 12 new dsconnected switches et f elthfui and efficient service, ta nihe Cammisslonien Fred W. Nelles It wa a cost o! $250. The Commission Choir, Sunday Shool, W.M.S., Wa- ruled that for 1935. ln vlew o! these passed a motion ta, have titis mat- men's Auxillary. and ail organise- facts the rentai o! hydrants ie i-e- entai purchaaed and put inta service. tions o! the churcit, and ta The duce frm $5.0 to 60.0 ech.Statesman for publlclty gîiven dui-ing on nie 93 hydranta la Bowmauville A number of minai- routine detal the -ar. the clos of thAteetinose o! hme t na oinglhe town o! $465, whlch wlll be wel- beforeniclsa!tem tng congregatIonjuel aasclch comed In vlew a! threateiied bigher Membem rs esent were Cheirunan when the ladies scrved a delilous11 counties rates. . T. H. Euîglit, Comuulsslolei-5, Ired creanied chicken suppen, wth ail the Water accounts paaaed totalied W. Nelie sud lLaYon ROSS Stnike., necessery trimmhngs. n ~ .-, - b 1 t Id ,e re ,S, re st e- i.- bd- Ld- he un les id Irt Sn. TO CENTRALIZE ALL SCHOOL PURCHASES Lesolution Provides Secretary-Treas- urer WIth Duty of Maklng AU Purchases for Board - Avold Unneeoeary Buying A niove to confine ail purcbasing at the Public Scliools te the secre- tary, on instructions from. the Coin- nittees o! the Board was madle on I'uesday nigbt when a resolution aras passed providing thet ln future ali orders for supplies o! any klnd must be made ta the secretary, who arill refer them. ta the committee for approval. The cormittee miter ln- vestlgating will bring nie metter lie- fore the Board, who wlll instruct the secretary to purchase. No orderi purchased otherwise will lie honored by the Board. Chairmari W. P Corbett presided and ail members were presnt ex- cept Trustee J, Heteiy. The Secretary-Treasurer5 report sbowed expenditures te Jenuary 31, o! $2080.12 with a balance lu the batik, miter paylng for the overclraft o! $69.00 et the end o! 1934, o! $723.- 63. The principal's report showed 271, boys and 289 girls on the roll, a total o! 560. Total absences during Jen- uary, 785, whiie attendance stood et 91.8%. Sixty lates were repoi-ted and- 6 were given corporel puniali- ment. The daily average atterriaice was 522.65. Lawful absences totaled 675 deys, and uniewful absences 110 dayts. Total deposits in the Penny Bank fan the montb were 828 deposits and a total o! $237.29. Miss E. R. Grabam,4 Public Heslth Nurse, gave a very comprehetalve revlew o! tbe wark by her depert- ment et the Public Scliools. The Board, which apparently was not awere o! the great emount of work done by the nurse was extremely pleased wlth the report snd passed a vote o! thenks to Miss r<chsm. The regular passing o! accunts was carrled out and nie Public Lia- tbility insuranc was renewed with a premlum. o! $100. A dlaim forwarded by alocal doctor for tees in con- nectloa wlth a chfld bresklng bis erm on the school grounds, as the 1resuit o! a collision wlth another cblld was re!erred to the Insurance company. Vear - Pay off Deficit Annual Meeting Hears En- S couraging Report f r o m Treasurer - Organ i z a - ls. tions Rpr Pro gres 1001 During 1934 by ran; let- 1. welI attepded annuel meeting of ci--SI.Andew's Prebyterlan Churcli arnm heard encoureging reports Thurudsy the aiglit, a! the ectivities, of the churcli [ns. la 1934. Besicles meeting ail cur- uni. rent expenses for the yeei-, the con- aot- gregation paid a!! nie cleficit fi-rni was 1933 ,and left the churcli et the end rE. a! 1934 lu e strong finandiai posit- ates ,ion. ýton) The meeting was opened by siug- i-ts.' lng a 'Pea, reedhng thescrlptures, esus and prayer by Rev. W. G. Blake, W. miter which the Chairman a! the the Board o! Managers, Mr. J. D. ['e Carruthens, toak the chair for the in a business meeting. Mn. Blake, in the uaig absence a! Thas. Hamilton, present- e d the report a! the Session, show- ing nie adKIition o! meveral new niembers by profession o! f alth sud by certificate fi-r other congrega- aa tiare. The congregatien weas sd- La cened during nie yeai' by several ie .leaths amang its membera. B an Financlal Rportwes presented iid by F. O. Mcllveen, and showed a and substantiel balance in the batik et ;ofthe close a! tlie year, wlth ail ec- iterf counts pald and the 1933 defîcit Lit- Iwlped out. Givinga for the year lied Li-been exceptionally good, sud the orge) budget allocation for Home Missions, Pro-0 Coileges, etc., wiil be cornplete]y shlp pald. âam Mra. J. R. Stutt sud Mss. Hugli Ray Canieron repai-ted for the Wamen'a Fri- Mlsslonary Society whlch lied e Bnd" most successful year. The hlghllght eorge o! the report was the f ect thet not rubb. only did the soclety exceed Its ala- tton; cation but nearly cloubled it. Use Activities o! nie Women's Auxil- Land lai-y were reported by )&rs. R. B. Lo- fr-gan showing that tiIs orgauizetion li ehd ralsed $500 durnag 1934. Mrs. g by W. L. Paterson repoi-ted for the Mission Band, Mrs. McIlveen for. nie C.G.I.T.. Mn. Logan and, Mrs. L. T. -'McLaughlln for the Sunday Sohool, and Mn.Paterson and, Misa P. CGal- braith rfor the Boys' Bible Cless, ail a!f wýhiclieported successful, opera- tigons. u Sunday School hed an Iexceptlonally * flac report, havlng ) ie contributed ta churcli maintenance as weil as cerng for Its own expea- - ditures. t. Andrew '8 Church 1 il 1 Il s oýe

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