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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1935, p. 3

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- PAGE TEM THE cANAULIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THUR-SDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 1935 YOUR WORLD and MINE By JOHIN C. KIRKWOOD (Copyright) (Continued from page 2) A farmer has identity and estim- ation ini his community-this pro- vided that he is a f aithful farmer; so also has his family. In a big city one is apt to be obscure-known, of course, to one's employers and to one's circle of friends and acquaint- ances, but yet obscure. Most farmers whom I have known are thinkers. Their kind of work requires them to be much alone. In their solitude - in the f ieldls and in their bar-ns - they ponder over thlngs as city folk cannot and do flot. What they read and hear sinks in - makes deep impressions; and always their minds are hungry for knowledge and understanding. Ag- ain and again I have been shamed by the knowledge and the under-j standing o! farmers whom I have met. Often they have amazed me with their wel-informed knomwledge of domestic andi world affairs - far exceeding my own. JC K Tho"e of us who work in cities get along on very little knowledge. We go on from day to day without belng requireti to learn a great deal4 more about our business - not that( there is nothmng new or more toc learn. But f arming can use so much knowledge - knowledge about soil chemnistry andi fertilizers: about crop rotation; about animal husbandry: about f arm economics: about the marketing of f arm products; about the planning and equipment of buildings; about the use of po"e t lessen physical labour: about rtheO planting of trees. Not a day need pass without the farmer's addingt lils useful knowledge, and without opportunity to use newly acquired knowledge. jC K I have wýritten this contribution tof The Statesman to let farmers-andî in particular young farmers-seel how a city man looks upon farming 1 as a way of lif e, and to encourage~- if encouragement be needed-thoet now on farms to stick to farming-t this against ail temptat ions tos change over to some other kind ofi employmnent. As I see it. farming has oppor-c tunities for spiritual and culturale evelopment not founti equally inc lg cities, and can. at the same time.t ive one a gooti livelihooti. withoutN e anxietîes which city-workers ave. anti give also an old age ofc ssured comfort.t The EndC I CADMUS Miss Marjorie Galbraith, Orono, ent the weekend wth her parents. -w vr.anadairs. ICl;arenîce Prr Kvisiteu * *.~tMr. Percy McGill's, Janetviile. Miss Violet Pacey, Toronto, spent 41 'he weekend at Mrs. Wm. Fallis'. Miss Clara Mountjoy spent the ý"eekend with Miss Rose Mountjoy. Miss Gladys Cobbledick lias been &lwith flu under thoetioctor's care. W Mr. anti Mrs. Levi McGiIl were guests at Mr. Hugh McGill's, Yel-1 'W.Sidney McQuade is somewhat tter, and is able to sit up a short ime each day. Mrs. H. Muckie was in Graven- .burst last week attendîng the fun- r al o!flier father. Miss Alydia Taylor visited Mrs. as. Nsbitt, who is recovering f rom er recent accident. Miss Elva Capstick and Mr. Gil- e,1rt Fowler, Janetville, visiteti at Mir. McQuades. d ifiss Vivian Johnston andi frients 'Toronto, Miss Alice Johnston. visiteti a-, Mrs. Walton Lai-mrs. Mr .and Mrs. George Fowler and Miss Helen Fowbor visiteti at Mr-. fa.rolti Stinsons, Yelverton. Mr .and Mrs. David Wilson, Mr.' and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and Mr. ,..Earl Gray were guests to a fowl ;Ipper ai Mr. George Fowler's. The woiship porioti at League was ~en by Mrs. E. Sanderson, and tv.H. J. Bell delivered the Topic, Lgam consisted of a vocal solo byý VW.loland Thompson; and an "Old Saylng" contest by Miss Helen Fow- er. <1Bremen WATCHES $12e50 you want a watch that is od looking, in white gold - tch that ha& aname tbat tees its quality - a that will rive years and of service - try one of Bremen Watches at They are one of the on the mar-ket. For womnen. TRADE IN in your old watcb. We j e you a liberal trado in ce on your old watch, I purchase of a new oe I ames Marr ikJeweler 1 xt. Kerslake's Drug Store Phone 463 - Bowmanvile b. -IL -J to inquili. _________ on the irons, of dynamite, mo I'r f andi at the sametz~ to promote universal pea~ hood amoxxg the people of3 Oppegaard. o I SALEM Sorry to report Mr. Nelson Wil- kins on the sick list and Mrs. A. Wilkins also rather indisposed. Mr. W. Moffat, Orono, had the misfortune to slip on the ice and break a small bone in his wrist. Program for next Sunday School session will be in charge of Mrs. F. Cator. Missionary Superintendent. Much sympathy la extended to Mrs. R. J. Lowens and family in the death of a fond and faithful hus- band and father. Rev. A. M. Wootton's splendid sermon on Sunday was centred a-1 round the f act that *Jesus was the friend of publicans and sinners." His many Salem friends are very sorry to hear of the serious acci- dent that befeli Mr. Lorne Annis o! Tyrone, necessitating the removal of an eye. Miss Effie Rutledge has return- ed home much improved in health af ter a visit with her sister. Mrs. T. M o u n t i o Y. Haydon. Mrs. Rut- ledge is also somewhat improved in health. Young People's Winter Rally was held at Port Perry on Saturday. Those attendîng from Salem were F. Blackburn, K. Werry, E. Doidge, and Mrs. Doidge. Ail report splen- did RaUly sessions and a very en- joyable time. Our Y. P. L. enjoyed a visit with Enniskillen Y. P. L. on Wednesdayj evening, Jan. 30th, when about 30 of our League members were pre- sent and received a royal welcome fromn the Enniskiilen friends. Mfter the programn they were bountifully served with a very dainty luncheon and a real social hour was enjoyed. POLICE REPORT ANNUAL REPORT 0F CHIEF 0F POLICE (Continued from page 1) andi clothing in these cases were not toucheti. I believe that these of- fenses were committed by transients andi in November ail transients who came for lodging were locked in af ter being fed and I patrolleti ail streets in my car. I am pleaseti to report that since then we have had no trouble of this nature. No other serious offenses were reported dur- ing the year. I appreciate the allowance for my car. By using my car 1 have been able to patrol hundreds o! miles, re- cover much stolen property and have been able to make arrests which would not otherwise been possible. I have investigated several hun- dreti complaints in various parts of the Town in addition to my other dutios as Sanitary Inspector. Weed Inspector. Welf are Work etc. I appreciate the splendid co-oper- ation I have received f rom Constable W. Hall. Provincial Constables Smith and Purves andi many citizens who voluntarily offered their help and services when such were requireti. The services offered by many of the citizens during the period of the epidemic of break-mns was sincerely appreciated. I wish to convey my thanks and appreciation to ail Civie OfficiaIs and ail other citizens who have as- sisted me in my work during the year. I have the honour to be Gentlemner. Your Obedient Servant, S. Venton. Public Health Nurse Presents Annual Reporti CContinuled f rom page 1) foi- their loan o! educational filmsj and equipment for demonstration purposes. and to the public spirited business men and citizens who have, aIl helped to make the Public: Health ,en-ice a benofit and a credit to the com mu niy. Statistical Report The statistical report of the Pub- lic Health Nursing Service for 1934 is as follows: School Visits 215 Pupils Inspected 3812 Re-admissions .. 269 1 Spec. Physical Insp. 358 Defects suspected 451 Referred to Doctor 148 Referred to Dentist 278 Treatmnents (First Aid> 463 Dental dofects term. 116 Defects othor than teeth 43 Found without defects 27 Eyes tested 104 Those who had special physical inspection 358 Defectîve Vision 37 Home Visits Aclults 126 Pre- natal 47 Post- natal 3 Infant .106 Pro school 248 Re school absentees 194 ous, Matn ine must be the greatest prodlgality, since lbat time is nover found again; and what we caîl time enough always proves lit- tle enough. Let us then be up and dolng, and doing to a purpose; s0 by diligence shaîl we do more wlth less perplexty.-Franklln. BANQUET PRECEDES ANNUAL MEETING NEWCASTLE CHURCH Detailed Reports of Organizations at Newcastle United Church Show Improvement in 1934 Every phase anti angle o! the work andi activîties o! the Unitedi Church in Newcastle tiuring 1934 was re- vieweti at the congrogational meet- ing helti in the Sunctay School hall on Monday evening, January 28ih. Reporta were subîpîtteti by twelve treasurers. Specially inter e s t i n g were the tietaîboti reports o! secro- taries anti other officers on the spir- itual lite of the church anti the place it was filling in the commun- ity. The meeting 100k the foimo! a banquet ai 6.30 p. m. Tables were laid in the matn auditorium, the boardi room, the primai-y room, anti the young men's class rooms, anti al were filleti. The Womnen's Associa- tion was responsible for ail the ar- rangements. The fi-at course o! the menu was serveti by the young men anti women. Everyone enjoyeti the scallopeti potatoos anti presseti moat anti the dessert courses which f ol- loweti. Rev. S. MacLean conducteti a do- votional poriot i -oi- 10entering up- on the business of the evening. Minutes o! the lasi annual meet- ing were roati by H. R. Poarce anti adopteti. Report o! the Session as reati by the Clerk, J. E. W. Philp, was o! vital interesi. It reflecteti the heart anti soul o! the whole church anti constituteti a fountiation for ail that followeti. The bitterness o! the world wide economic depression has been ex- perienceti in oui- own community in common with others anti has matie itself feit in greatly reduceti incomos anti in many cases in real struggle for the necessities o! life. This con- dition has resulteti in reduceti abil- iiy to contributo 10 the local church andt 1 missions. But through sel! denying effort we have managedt 1 make large improvements to oui- church anti parsonage, anti close the year without a tieficit. How truc il is that fimandiaI st-ails are o! ton the seasona o! spiritual heroism anti insight. The church was calloti turing the year 10 moui-n the loss by tieath of! Samuel Rickard, Richard B. Allin, Marshall Williams, Mrs. Wm. Couch, Robi. Cowan. Misa Mary Emma Robinson. W. C. Blackburn. Miss Agnes S. Drummonti. Mrs. W. E. Gilbank, W. H. Pearce, Jesse J. Bas- kerville, Mra. Elizabeth McNeil anti H-. A. Adams. Earth wiil be the poorer anti Heaven the richer for their going. Wo hadt he privilege o! welcom- ing mbt the fellowship o! oui- church during the pasi year, 16 on prof es- sion o! faith anti 7 by transfer f rom other churches. Present momber- ship la 310 o! which 296 are rosi- dent anti 14 non-resitient; Baptisma 10; marriages solemnizoti 8. Following are abstracts fi-omt the detaileti taternents o! receipis and expendturos submitted by the var- loua treasurors: Church Curreni Funti, by A. 0. Par-ker, Treas.: Recoipta $2.685,02: expenditures $2,674.41; balance in bank $10.61. Repair Funti, by A. O. Pai-ker, Treas.: Contributions $443.14; ex- penditures $281.87; balance in bank $161.27. Parsonage Commitieo, by Mrs. W. H. Cooke, Treas.: Balance on hanti 1933, $50.19: Bonds anti bank i. $67.39; paymenis $98.53: balance in bank $19,05. Woman's Association, by Mrs. E. 1 .Fisher, Treas.: Balance !rom 1933 63c; roceipis $47653: contributions. donations anti expenses $467,93; bal- ance $923. Missionary & Maintenance Fund, by J. E. W. Philp. Treas.: Balance from 1933, 12c: contributions anti i. $733.67; remittancos 10 general treasurer 3733.15; balance 64c. W. M. S. reporteti by Misa Stella Blackburn: Receipîs $350,46; remit- tances anti supplies $350.46: recoipta. expense box $6,04: expendeti 35.08: balance 96c. Golden Rule Mission Bandi, by Mrs. E. M. H. Ward, Supt.: Iteceipts $63.39; sent 10 Presbytorial ireasur- or $63,19: sundries 15c; balance 5c. Sunday School, by Edwin Han- cock. Sec.-Troas.: Receipis $240,66: expenses anti donations $237.57; bal- ance $3,09. Laniorn Fund, A. 0. Pai-ker, Troas.: Balance 1933, $13.78; inter- est 22c; balance $14.00. Young People's League, by Goo. Buckley, Treas.: Balance 1933. $7.75: receipis $200.98; expenses anti don- ations $186.32; balance $22,41. Choir Fund, by Mrs. E. M. H. Ward, Treas.: Balance 1933, 320.76; concert. etc. 323.63; expendeti for music anti flowers 314.23: balance $30.16. Miss Marguerite Hai-ris, Sec'y. ie- oteifor the Caçnadriian Girls in C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesigbt Specialist Author of: Optometry Feature Servie The Child and its Development Speclallzlng excluslvely in muscle anomalies, eyeslght and 5lasses. Phone for a.ppolntment 1516 Disney Bidif. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, Ont P SUNNY SUE Phone 164 A. STORE IVTSYUTO mpare PricesI Pearce, J. H. Jose, W. F. Rickard, H. __________ deficit in the church current ftint. Rowland: For 2 years-M. Black- Through their co-operative efforts burn, Stanley Rickard, J. A. Awde, the deficit o! 1933 was wiped out, a Chas. Glenney. T. H. Clemence; For YOUR I.D.ib note at the bank redeemned anti the 1 year-E. M. H. Ward, Thos. Couch, church was enabled to close the year Wallace Holmes. Thos. A. Rociger. wvith a surplus o! $10.61. W. E. Beman.I M;iss Stella Blackburn in report- Mrs. W. D. Bragg and Mrs. J. A. ing for the W.M.S. stateti that Mrs. Butler were named> as members o! C 0 J. A. Butler had the distinction o! the Church Property Committee.e being present ai every meeting The meeting gave expression to its throughout the year. There are 45 appreciation o! the past services o! annual and 21 life members, and A. A. Colwill for 33 years. first a i-e- DR. WEST'S Econc the average attentiance was 30. coi-ding steward and sinco union as Miss Routa Powell, Sec'y. present- clerk o! the session anti entiorsed a eti the Mission Bandi report which vote o! condolence for him in hîs DR. WEST'S Ec hati a membership o! 37 girls anti prolongeti lllness. boys. The meetings o! this and a TOOTH BR other groupa are reporteti regularly and a Tube in the Statesman anti Independent. VESTRY MEETING IS Miss Jean Clemence, Sec'y. report- HEDA N W A TED.WSTS OU eti for the Y.P.L. The League play. H L TN W A T E DLWS' O B 'Cranborry Corners," under the dii-- S GE GESC R H TOOTH PM< ectorship of Mrs. Percy Hare, wu ST.G O G 'SC U C given in many centres anti was a de-1 cided financial success. Chas. Gil- Wm. C. Lake and Howard Gibson T'he TWO for kes reporteti on the missionary en- Elected Wardens - D. J. Gibson pj iie i terprises o! theo bague. FraLmtdTr W. F. Rickard, Chairman. report- and W H. Anderson Named ________ eti on the gooti condition o! the Delegates to Synod church property, repaira anti im- - provements effecteti anti the funct- A.nnual veau-y meeting o! St. lg ioning o! the committee. George's Church was helti in the Hlowoll Rowlanti, Chairman o! the Parish Hall on Monday evening. Shedi Committee, reporteti on the January 28th. The Rector, Rev. F. condition o! the shedis., The com- H. Mason, M.A., B.D., openeti with IPANA TOOTH Pl mittee was grateful to Thos. Couch prayera. The retiring Vestry Clei-k, For tender gumn for keeping them dlean anti tidy. R. B. LeGresley, reati the minutes o! 50e suze Norman Allun anti Thos. Moffat last meeting. Harolti Gibson was constitute the Pew Committee. Ail appointeti the new Vestry Clerk. AS FIRST pews are free, but familles attending The Roctor reati his annual state- regularly, generally for convonience. ment which showed that in spiritual Use Hanfort occupy the same pews. Ail families mnattera the church waa maintaîn- BALSAM OF MN wishing pews have been accommo- ing its with a slight increase Ail dealers are auti dateti. in attendance at divine services. He refunti your mone: Mrs. D. Whitecar, Sec'y. reporting paiti a warmi tribute to the fine spir- f i-at bottie if not for the Women's Association observ- it o! boyalty anti co-operation pro- 35c - 65c -1 eti that 5 members were pi-sent ati vailing in the congregation anti every meeting. They were Mrs. E. gave unstinteti praîse to the cuc C. Fisher, Mrs. J. R. Fisher, Mrs. F. wardens for their devoteti services. I.D.A. DRUG STI Graham, Mrs. J. M. Cobbledick anti A sulent tribute was paidti 1 the FRE OOC Mrs. J. W. Glenney. Average at- memory o! the laIe W. H. Gibaon F EE$50 CO tendance o! 32 members anti 4 visit- anti others who hati passeti to their Why the publie shc ors ai each meeting. Correspontiing rewarti. ronize Independent N~ secretary, Mrs. R. T. Rutherford, Under a new basis o! representa- Ask for onu-y1 hati written 48 lbitera anti sent ouitio.tenmo !lydlgist 14 carda. inth ubro a eet-so Reprt ! te hurh AdiirsSynoti from St. George's has been j. W. WORRALL,4 ThoA.rtgorti H. E.H aniock reduceti from three 10 two. D. J. I ai oui- store Tsmitteti bynd Mi-. Rtier atie th1 Gibson anti W. H. Anderson were Mondays 10 a. m. - 24th report of the evening, ail o! electeti. which were atiopteti on motion o! Wm. C. Lake was ro-appoinieti UNITED CIGAR 8 J. A. Awtie anti F. Graham. Rector's Warden. anti Howard Gib- AGENCY A hart voe o gateul pprc-son, Poople's Warden. D. J. Gibson Aiati wastacof ret ev.ati rs -anti Lawrence Gaines were nameti Maea fordte revinarngdleati-as the Parochial Tribunal. Sides- - eSip, teifr yahetisii nedr- mon appointeti are: Walter Crow- standing anti practical help sînce StR..L. Gaies C. Ruilati .o their coming mbint he charge lasi cti . .Leielo.WalceG ALNEX PES * dioyCuclwl os~Auguat. son. Alan Spencer. Goo. Crowsihor4 PHOE9 R The services o! the choir, various ih etradCuc ade officiaIs anti workera were also com- Misa B. Mcîniosh, Prs. fW. . mendei ant spokn o! ith grati- Mrs. P. LeGresley, Pi-e. 0f ar ail ___________ tude anti appreciation. Commiîîee: Geo. Meaiow S. o! In the course o! the meeting, a Men's Club: D. J. Gibso anti W. H. day School-Mrs. F. H. MV male quartette. Messrs. W. J. S. Anderson. Lay Del os: Mrs. J. mens Auxiliary-Mrs. R.1 Rickard, Howard Alin, Haroldi Ailiri Scott Howard Mrs. D. J. GaI- Altar Guilti-Mrs. Gibson: anti Arthur- Gibson, rentieroti sacred braith. . R. W. Gibson anti Comm-Miss Coi-a But] seloctions, with Mrs. E. C. Fisher ai Misa thol were re-appointeti audi- Auxiliary-Misa Frances the piano. Mr. Rickard also loti the tor anti were given a hearty vote o! Mens Club-H. B. Breret assemblage in a perioti o! congroga- t ks for their pgat services. -John VanDusen. tional singing o! olti time hymna. Reports o! depariments. funtis These stewards were electeti: Fo anti societies were presenteti as f ol- At the conclusion ihý 3 yeara - H. E. Hancock, H. .1 ows: Missions-D. J. Gibson: Sun- was asked anti refreshIT Comparing ours with those list- ed ina. funl page ad. of a well- known Toronto departmnent store we found ours in every case the saine or lower. The motto la BUY AT HOME This week we advertise Dee Tee Tested Drugs BORACIC ACID, 1 lb.. ,13e EPSOM SALTS,l1lb... 8c CASTOR OIL, 6 oz.. ... 14o F L A X S E E D , 1 lb . . . . 1 "e 'SE390 Valeatines AID rd's IYRR.H thorized to ey for the )t suiteti. $1.25 rORES NTEST iuld pat- Merchants. blank -d Opticlan 1p. m. Attractive New Designs Coudes .. ... 2 for le Single Cards le 2c - 2 foi- 5c Foiders.. 5c anti 10e Special Cards 15e & 25e STORE <cOREGOR, DrugsI CRIPTONS A SPECIALTY EDEV J [ason; Wo- served by the members of the Par- W. Gibson: ochial Committee. i:Parochial 1er: Girls' ;Brereton: When does a woman knit without ýon: Scouts her knitting needies?- When she knits her brows. Why is a motor-car unlike, a tree? he Blessing --One beaves its shed and the other ments were shedsa its leaves. m COTTON FROCKS k <1' VI I i Bowmanville Soanethlng New w Soniething Different A brand new line of Cotton Frocks made from highest quality Quadriga Prints. A variety of pat- terns including plaids, checks, dots, stripes and modeî'nistie designs. Gaily trimrned with smart buttons, piques and organdie. A group that is truly distinctive in both style and quality. They are different to anything you have ever seen before. Don't mistake them foir any ordinary cotton frock. These are good enough in quality and good enough in style to wear on the street. Corne and see for yourself. You will be surprised at the value. Sun ny Sue Frocks1 Sizes 14 to52 $1095 each Walker Stores, Liinited Dring this Coupon with You To introduce these new dresses to as wide a circle of women as possible, we vae offer this 20c discount to every pur- chaser presenting this coupon at the ms th onptunty Su drsve n'200 mste o a Suny Sue dre sDofurther 20c on an already exceptional good value. Many DEAL .onomy kUSm >of LE QUICK MTE 43c meOnIy _q 4,Lb

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