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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1935, p. 4

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Il - PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, FEBRUARY 7th. 1935 My Sister Tried Husky And Recommended It To Me Toronto lady states. "For two years my sister suffered terrlblY f rom indigestion and headaches but thanks to HUSKY she la now able to eat normally wth- out fear of pains or after-ef- fects." BOWMANVILLE Citizens Also De- lare HUSKY is a Splendid Tonie At Jury & Lovels Drug Store where HUSKY is sold locally, people are asking for HUSKY these days f or relief f rom indigestion. consti- nation, gas and stomach pains, headaches, backaches, catarrhal af- fections and many other bodily ail- ment s. Skin troubles such as eczema, Saving without sys thrift witbout power. a plan-budget you ings. Decide what p tion of your income i set aside each mont] keep faith with youi carrying out your pih not delay because yc tial deposit may be One dollar wil o] account. TU 11E CA Ni OFrCO TOTAL ASSETS CENTrA MILE ROUND BARGAIN FARES . . . nfr.Chal Feb. 15 To t' St. Catharines' Sarni. uan toli ALSO to al Towns in NewOntaoal Nipiasing Central Lly. ad on Cam Kapuskasii AND ta Beaverton. Washago, ParrY Wea.tree, Go5amna, Tionaga, Foleye ,Graid tof ellicoe. <tLon£ FEBRtJARY 16 toT< Also ta Ail Towns betwe., TicÊkts, Rturn Limits, and Tr»anIn i CA NAD IAN NATIONAL pimples. boils. etc., alsocisappear as l is found that the herbai ingred- lents of HUSKY purif y the blooc and restore vitality. Men and women in Bowiaflville and vicinity who are suffering in an>' way from commun aimients are invited t0 cali at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store, have this great remedy explained to them and receive thel: suppi>'. Keep HUSKY in the home and keep husky and healthy. JURY & LOVELL, Druggists, Bo-*manville 'Merit was ever modest known." -Gay. IN THE DIM and FIFTY YEARS AGO (From The Statesman, Feb. 13, 1885) Annual report of St. Paul's Pres- byterian Church, Bowmanville, for 1884, was distributed recenîl>', and the receipts are: Pew rents, $1.141.- 36; collections, $53620; socials, $121,44; Knux College Endowmnent Fund, $433.38; Augmentation Func $164.50; collection for Sabbath school supplies, ý$39.50; Sabbath school collections for Missions, $60. 39; congregatioflal missionary con. tributions, $216.75; Ladies Fureigr missions, $12389; sundries, $32.W( Total $2, 870.00. Expenditures $2, 890.38; leaving a balance due Trea- surer of $20-38. Abert BarbSer was in attendancf at the Grand Council of Royal Temr plors of Temperance in Toronto. Dr. J. M. Brimacombe. of 1hù town and Mr. Brooks. of Darlington have gone South tu visit the world' Fair, at New Orleans. We welcome to Bowinanville Dr Tamblyn. brother o! Mr. W. W Tamblyn, o! the High Schuol, whi has takeri the residence and o! fic formerly occupied b>' Dr. BoYle 01 Silver Street. Born Houper, In En!ield, on Fet 9th, 10 the wife o! Mr. Samuel ' H-ouper, a daughter. Died Gibbard, in Tyrone on Fet 9th. Alex H. Gibbard, in his 77t] year. What animais, beheaded. becor very cld?-M-iCe. Why is an alligator a must de ceilful animal? - He takes you1 with an open countenance. Powl in atineoTmsa 1W. b&yN othrne taRY.-eredMare.tebtl h i sCnosad .gd Nlatn ý. byn ohaet mgoand. Harst.gBuwhSubr.Cro, If a f rienti o! mine gave a nul he Who scoredth Ie goal a week et .4a ObHornepayna. f'Lnglac tMardrock, !east, ant i dd nut Invite metlu it ago, pshnetan4 b>' bis ruthe nthe ÀDACI<AUÀrf ac nt re-S tugo ie Gl ils) I shoul nt n d a bit .But i f lyers eande Cnno rst e g st e iapet h 'ORONTO.and HAMILTON .. a frienti o! mine hati a sorrow 0le.Rnlueo h onet qlkydupa hnts n seille viI. Wllby Jgt Inlus.i anti refusedto l aw me lu share it, anti beSt vlayers in the league scored Uiver and Kdcneys orma ion fom AgnsK bAFOÔR HANDBILL. I shoulti feel il most bitterly. If he for the Flyers. et* .,ous.d by C oAeNt A DI A N shuts the dloors of the house o! In tbe final of the morning Depew I I ~ A~ C i Fmourning against me. I wolt move with four and Crombie wlth one, fC AS S P45 AI C back again anti again anti beg lu be1 got the St. Paul's goals whil Ilb _____________ .0 admited.-Oscar Wilde. Mollveen tahleA for St. AndreW- - i 1ORONO DEFEATED In ntheEditor's Mail1 THE SPOTLIGHT ON SPORT_ DUKESAD OO Neil MacDonald. Box 163, Ponoka, w mr PRSGLNA Cocos Are Easily Leadmng Town Alta. Please find renewal subscrip- GIRLS LOSE AND SPFRRSTHE WEEK Hockey League - Have Lost tion. Glad to see b>' the paper the BOYS 'J!PTORIOUS IN FRTEWE No Gaines Yet old home tuwn is holding its uwn. ý FridayFb .5.Pr er The weather lias been extremnely AS ET AL TILT'vOo~ e otPryW LGasPs Iol hee orth ETBALL. s roo at Taylur's Arena. W LGasPs I cld er fo te pstmunh.Saturda>', Feb. 9 - 9.30 a. m.- F A Ruer . aon 13N Ewrd.C.O.S.S.A. Games at Cobourg Are Church League, Public Schoul rink. Cocos 5 0 46 19 10 WiupetaLKanas: on, 513 N. Edwrs. tn -SoeIsLwi Girls' Tuesday, Feb. 12 - 8.15, Whilby Bucks 2 2 22 22 4 >Waicr ht Kansas: I noticedb yor xcii - Score oieFrm s Oronu, at Taylur's Arena. Maple Lea! s 1 4 25 30 2 paerIht ouwee er hbl l Gme- oy CmeFrmWednesday. Feb. 13 - Town Lea- Duke5 1 3 18 33 2 D!ind yourself kneading bread with- Behind gue at Taylor's Arena; 7.30, Maple Oronu r 1 13 20 2 5out any pants. So lu du my bit tu Lfs s0 o;8.45, oo sDks Oronu lO-Dukes 6 keep you f rom coming lu such a dire One apiece was the score afler ea rnu Cocos lke, Ccs 7-Maple Leafs 3 need, I am sending you some of IUy Cobourg C. I. and Bowmaflville H. -- Before mentioning anything about *hard earned dough. In case tbis is S« hadi indulged in 2 C. O. S. S. A. the games the executive wuuld like nul enough lu keep your pants on, basketball fixtures at B. H. S. gymn PORT HOPE WINS lu annoufice that in future this I w ould suggest that you knead sub- on Frida>' night. Cobourg girls ov gopwill be knowx;- as the "Orphans scriptiofls. ercame Bowmianville fair sex 8-2 i~n BADMINTON TOURNEY League" for afler waiting in vain for S Wallace Encîsin32GlecinAe.ta idofag hl h .HT EASTERN TOWN 6 weeks to see the mothers and f ath- Toono:Mas.32Glnciri ve.'S. prides came f rom far behind to ers and other relatives show up. à oot:Ecoig$200 for 1935 defeat Cobourg Senior boys 25-18 in-te>hae botdcedhtth Stalesman. I do nul remember the the cleanest. best-played encounler Members o! the Bowmanville Bad- paentshae ashamded o!thir son etime when your paper was nul in show n at B .H. S. for man>' a moon. minlun Club were the guests of the oar ense hey oud beonthand 1ons ri fml.O ewYa' a JusI here we think a little notePotHpClbiafied>tur- watch their lads as the>' prepare eadvanced une more step towards old lu the Girls' team wouldn't be ans ment aI the Armouries ,Port Hope lhemselves for brilliant hockey fu- s age when I became a grand-dad. --Girls. du you b>' any chance amissl on Thursda> evening and ladies' tures. y MLeo tht tis olmn alrecaîlo t doubles, men's doubles and mixed rn trotteri out îhree new play'- Dr. Norman Alun. 502 McLeu theIbscoun, cle uYUl doubles' were played. Some clever ersrand right nuw are a smooth- r uilding. Edmonton, Alla.: Your taete ihxpionship o! the group.dsly e gvnwihtePr d o! ofJan. 241h arrived tuda>'. I eilcan you imagine what our dispeîalub wr in, wouth17-e1PoAt uie at lu maki e am layuf brh is always appreciated. I note thuugh public (conceit) would think if their theoclubio wing ou 17-11 AI as ing, at-breakin eam aof thar with alarmn the dire consequences dearly-beloved (ambition) Y Duzzy- %the cnsioedit>vrfesmet Jim Woods at centre and BrunI and whic ma beallthepubie f Blgir n' Qut soul le thm dwn? The resulîs were as follows, the Graham on defence are the newcom manville and vicinit>' unless I (and Thank you. namnes of the Port Hope players ap 8ro!andhe tems 10 goals and run others> do their dut>' in responding Cobourg girls have a fine kitty- pearing f irst:- 8ndof rhetam are0aboutals asyru lutecî.Enclosed is my renewal bar-the-baskel formation that isan Grhm rebots syo subscriplion alung with mny best practicaîlly impossible lu penetrateLaisDuls sabdnck. wishes for ail.. and B. H. S. seldum had a clear shut. S. Bennlett and D. Davidson de- Orono were always on top scuring Cobourg scored ail their eighl points~ feated Misses Smith and Caverly. 4 times before Kent scored the Dukes in the f irst haîf while Mary Thomp- Mrs. Houston and B. R>'an defeat- first. The score b>' perlods was 5-2, son scored ail B. H. S. points in the ed Mrs. Nanson and B. Bagnell. 6-5, and 10-6. The second perlod hast three minutes of the siesta. Mrs. James and H. Hume defeated was the D)ukes best as Oke talliecl. DI TA T 4.IIT But the Boys dished up a brand o! Mrs. Goddard and M. Piekard. twice and Witheridge une while O- 1 DITA NT PA ST bail that was as different frumi the Mrs. Briden and Mrs. Colbeck 1051 onu could uni>' gel one. Major Irn othr gmeas ul isfrm Jnury.toMisses Allin and Vanstune. 1 the winners net was a standout, sev- othe gam as ul> fro Janar .O Fox and A. McBride defeated ieral limes making stops while lying AndtheBoy shxe th Juy vr-Mrs. Emmett and Mrs. J. Hyde. on the ice. iet>'. In the f irst bal! Cobourg Mrs. Wynn and E. Armstrong de- In the second gamne the Maple I TWENTY.FIVE YEARS AGO romped around the local lads for 15 etdMssDonyadBsl. Lafpretdaptcdu em points while B. H. S. amassed the K.!eate pMses ane>G. avsnd Brelin. La f reted a pgalchep eam i) From The Bowmianville News, îremendous olaof . Buturing edK. Stapleand . atn.feal- as 5 ohir euas B ere.hometaf Feb. llth, 1910.> the resl period Coach DevilI pointedWeeer n'Dubls. Cttrn. studyn orexa sb. H.onS.ostaff - I ~~~~~~~~out the game Ihe>' wvere supposed toMe'Dobs eaent).Oone ne!te )r W. M. Ives tells us that Mr. Gan- be playing was called basketball and Wynn and Harrison defealed recruils of the Leaf s. and Hunt ýd uo, a traveller. bold him at Brighton, the idea was 10 toss the bail through Strike and Osborne. counted une for each team in the that the Buwman House is the best the huop (hie poinled out the righl James and Mitchell defealed Dud- first period and in the second Roach temperance hotel hie ever saw. hop and prevent the other team le>' and James. and Rehder made il 3-1 for Cocos t C. W. E .Meath is on a business !rumn doing that lu their hoop. Weil. Long and H. M. Ryan îust to G a. i b ls eidwihHn n d, trip tu Vancouver, B. C. Ifinally the idea sank in and led b>' Flaxman and E. Flaxman. Osborne stagin gmock batîles when- lh Byron S. Vanstone. Toronto, spent H-ouper whu had scored a basket in Fitzsimmuns and Flood lost lu îem ouI ee o hnaltybox. thle ýh Sunda>' wibh his brother. Mr. F. C. the f irst hal!, the t.eam began popp- Oliver and Callagbani. t u ftepnlybx h Vanstune, "Cedar Cli! f."1 ing in shots su faFt Ibal Cobourg ac- Pergusufi and S. Ryan lusI lu Cocus outscored the Map)le.s 4-2. 1- West Durhani Conservative club cused them o! bringing in a new Brough and Candier. Hunt. Connors. Rab>' and Rehder ýn held their annual meeting in the team. Funn>' part was that it was Walden and Curtis losI 10 Sissun were the Cocus point-getlers whileI ; Council Chamnber, on Saturda>', Peb. a new lteam but the samne players. and Kent. "Hub" Houper scored bolh uf theI ,_l2th. Addresses were given b>' M r 'Pean' Jackman started il o!ff Bonneville and Seaton lost lu Dip- Leaf s goals. à-Alex Fergusun. Schomberg, M. P. P. with a basket. Tony Mcllveen sank peil and Ainslie. for Simcoe; Mr. J. S. Carstairs. Tor- a foui shot, and Dufton did îikewise ieDobs ce oto.Proincal rgaize ofthefor Cobourg. Houper Ihen pivuted D. Davidson and Harrison dfae i- Conservative Association; Mr. C. J. and dribbled around 3 Cobourg play- Osborne and Caverly. dàeae Thornton. M. P.; Mr. J. H. DevIlt. ers a!ter inîercepting a pass for the Mrs. Houston and James defealed is M. P. P.: and Mr. H. A. Ward, Ex- best play' o! the night although Glen James and Miss Pickard.e/V ýn, M. P.. Port Hope. Mcîlveen, whu scored on a bullet- O. Fox and W>'nn baet lu Dudley' S Il is with sincere pleasure Ihat we like shut f rom far out deserves mure anyis age. welcome mbint he ranks o! Bowman- hn oorable mention. Jackman. nds Bnel ad Michel luI l rville business men Dr. John NasmithithannttannMtchonlstt N. Lawrie, who lhas bought out the bak Wlim ahade aktbfr Callaghan and Mrs. Nanson. ~ tiu er>' and cunfectioner>' business o! Mr. Huoper tossed in the basket that put B. Ryan and H. M. Ryan defeated A EALT. SERVI.CE 09 B.H. S.aed ms h ln CiFlxaanMisV te. THE CAN£0,£N MEOICA,. ce Davis Lubîreil, King St. E.. and tuk wih henand eAlmes, who aog G F'laxmanand MissgVanst oE. *SOCIT %O LI.sIL D ul Possession Monda>' morning. wt4hmnadNaNmvdu u MsBie adLn uIl . ISURANCE COMPANlEI Dr. ohnHosinK. ., or ev-Senior compan>' for the night and Flaxman and Mrs. Smith. - b. eal par chîrma o!Boad ~whu are playing Junior because o! E. Armstronlg and Fitzsimmons de- Tb ea .Govermel ! h e nivelsiard o!their age. nut their aiitput B.feated Sisson and Mrs. Goddard. 1 ARTHRITIS Toronto. bias resigned. Dr. Hoskin H, 1 Il.îîî' Hume and Ferguson losI lu ýb. is now in England. His resignation "Zike" was une o! the stars o! the1 Brouhad Miss Allin. Inflammation o! a joint or joints 'tb as chairman means also that hie re- evening. playing his guard position Mrs.JamesMand-S. Ryan defeated is called arthritis. The inflammna- signs as a governor o! the University. 10 perfection. Jackmafl and Houper Strike and Miss Duwne>'. lion ma>' be acute or chromic. Ac- Death Graham. in lac stc ordbkia oitfo .H S erd 4d Flood defeated ute arthribis ma>' be a symptom o! I laksoc. and then the Ieamn got big-1liearted Oliver and Breslin. rheumatic f ever; il may be due lu an ne Feb. isI. Mary Gardiner, beloved and let Du!ton bal>' for Cobourg. G. Davidsun and Bonneville de- injur>', or il ma>' be a complicationi wif e o! Thos. Graham, aged 77 years. Altogether B. H. S. counted 21 !eated Candler and Mrs. Emmett. arising out o! the presence o! in- le-1 Armstrong In Bowmanville. Peb.i points 103 b>' Cubourg in that final Mrs. Wynn and Walden defeated fection in some other part o! the in 7th. Robert Armstrong. aged 82 chukker and uni>' a persun whu bias Dippeli and Mrs. Caltran. body. >ears. seen an apparenti>' badly-bealen Mrs. Colbeck and Seaton de!eaîeà The vast majorit>' o! cases folluw team come back in an unstoppable Ainslie and Mrs. Wheeîer. some other infection in the system. ral>' lu win can real>' appreciate K. Staples and Curtis defeaîed In.fecled. teeth, tonsils or nasal sin- the intense excitement Ihat the Kent andi Mrs. Hyde. uses ma>' be the underhying cause. crowd experienceti. B.H.S. line-ups ___________ Infection which bias setthed down in and points:- ------- ý the gaî-bladder, appendix, or gen- sn aoCl.Ddly. is, Mal up an inflammation in the joints. Jones. Mary Jones. yig litTh ies a gnwt fvr ~ ' and Evans .e were glati and proud lu se Pain in the affected joint when ........Boys: Williams (2), Jackman (7), that the Bowmanville member o! the moved is an early symptom. Ail the Hulopei' (9), P. McIlv'een (1), G. Me- Oshawa Majors Junior O. H. A. usual symPtoms o! inflammationi Ilveen (2'l. Slemon (2). Neal. Kent. team. Bihl Bagnell, lbas been scuring are present, such as redness, swell- Amnes (2), Depew. Ruach, Oke and a goal nuw and again w.hen il would ing anti tenderness. The fingers and Goode. do the must goud. We have il from tues are the parts which are usuail>' In the bantam and midget games a ver>' reliable source batlihe lbas attacked. Laler, the joints become the B. H. S. midgets whibes defeated impruved greati>' since the upening sti! f and f ixed in an unnatural ps the B. T. S. squad and tbe B. P. S. o the season.O aud> eilion; they appear large because the midet dfeaedth BS. qud.screti Oshawa's unI>' goal against muscles surrounding themi waste In the bantam section B. T. S. de- Lions in Toronto. lhrough lack o! use. !eaîed both Public anid High Schoul The extent and severit>' o! the r Whites squads and the Reds ouI- condition var>'. In some cases, thei'e scored Ihe Whites 16-9 in an ail TRINITY RANGERS ois ite o defurmil>', wuile inr IHigb Schuol engagement.otes bdermt'iquesvre ie sAND ST. PAUL'S Obviousl>', the condition is relateti __________- I IED OR EAD in its severit>' tu the underlying .HaeCLARKE - NEWCASTLE The f irst step in treatment is rest ir sv- OCK Y LAGU IS St. John's Spring Surprise in Chureh and quiet. Attention shoulti be dir- tir av H CKEYLEAG E IS League to Defeat St. Joseph's 2-1 ecled tu the general health which is >ropr. *o! ten disturbed. A simple dliet, in- roo-PROVIDING ACTION W L 'r PIs. cuding fresb fruits, green vegetab- is tO be Have you ever wondered where Trint> Rangers 3 0o1 les. and milk, together witb the free t-n L1 he boys with their skates and hoc- St. Pauls 3 0 1 7 use o! flulds, 15 indicateti. ke>' sticks and other paraphernalia St. Juseph's 1 1 2 4 Tmentisrel ad tmus opful tran- rself in ~ are buund for when yuu see bhem St. Andrew's 2 2 0 4 enlsdirected yfluts of ineionn gigoing north on Frida>' evenings. St. John's 1 3 0 2 eraicatingan>' fouse o infyoeton .an. Do .. IThe>' are off to Oruno under the Trinit>' Flyers 0 4 0o0 thebiheaybpres ent i n>neo! guiding genius o! Geo. Crowtber whu St. John's 2-St. Josepb's 1 the ifesrio s ly mentfionled s-I >ulr Lýn-" secilizes in the management o! a Tii> anes5Tinit>' Pîyers 1 eifcio sara>'fim> girl' sfîbil eamin he ummr S . uls -t nrw51 tablished in the joint, 100 much ROUND TRIP RAIL TRAVEL BARCA, From BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY, FEB. 15 Saturday, F.b. 16 to CHICAGO $8.5O Port Huron S4.«5 WINDSOR DETROIT Flint - - - $5.80 . $5.40 $545 Durand - - $6.15 Tickeis. ReturnsLimais. Trai ulo omationulrom Agents CANADIAN IC ANADIAN NATIONAL I PACIFIC Tu ONE WEEK ONLY- FEBRUARY lith, 1935j Ladies' Dresses DRY CLEANED - PRESSED - REFINISH 750 each Oshawa Laundry & uŽU W. J. Bagnell, Agent. 4 4 Week-End Values :hat will keep you within your budget Marmnalade, 32 oz................. **'**'*1».25c Strawberry Jam, 32 oz.................. 3k Raspberry Jam, 32 oz................... 30c Crosse & Blackwell Tomato Juice, size 1 tin . .. Sc Chef Beans, large tin................... 10c No. 3 Peas, size 2 tin .............. ..2 for 23c Tomatoes ..................... 3 tins for 25c GoId Medal Peanut Butter, large jar........ 23c McCormick's Choice Mixed Biscuits, fresh .. . 23c Supreme Shortening ................ 2 lbs. 23c Cooked Catelli Spaghetti, with cheese and tomato sauce, large tin ............... 15c Medium................12e Small.......... ........ 9c Prunes, med. size ............... 2 lbs. for 23c Dumart's Pure Lard........ 14c lb.; 2 for 27c Red & White Flour, 24's ................. 72c Jello, assorted flavors ............... 3 for 23c Cashmere Bouquet Toilet Soap........ 3 for 25c W. C. CAVERLY Red and White Stores Phone 62 - Next to Cawker's Butcher Shop Another Rousing Special We appreclate the very hearty response to our B-aker>' Spec- il of Iast week. This week we present an equaily good value. Don't miss it. IN THE Week-End Bakery' SODA SPECIAL FOUNTAIN TUTTI FRUTTEE For parties, birthday, bridge or any kind of Party, Ice CAKE Cream is the ideal dessert. Rich with nuts, fruit and Try one of these Neilson cherries - Regular 16e Bricks: ARISTOCRAT - Flavored RING 0F BUNS layers with cherries and Rguar 9c nus. egular Value - 25e VANILA - a plain brick. Week-End Special NEAPOLITAN - Flavored20 3 layers.20 PARTY - Strawberry and Order early. maple, with sherbet cen- Try th New tre. TWO FILAVORS - Your two Cracked Wheat favorite flavors in ne Bread brick. It is healthful and in great THE WEEKLY SPECIAL- demand in large centres. A new creation each week. Only Ail Bricks 25c Each 5c Loaf Watson's SOAkr 4~ FLOWERS for Your Valentine Remembranceiy When you give flowers for Valentine's. you show good taste. When you bu>' them from W. E. Groves you show good judgment. Every woman knows that our selection la the finest to be had anywhere and can appreciate the indlvduality that la expressed. when you choose f Iowers for her Valentine gif t. Roses, tiozen .. $150 up Narcissus, doz. ...75c - $100 Canaiosdoen 3100 Tulips, doz ........ 75 - $1.00 Carntion, doen $.00 Sweet Peas, bunch .. 35c - 50o Daffodils, dozen ...... 5e Violets, bunch . - .... 35e W. E.GROVES KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP P. . Box 163 Phone 72 BOWMALNVILLE 1 I

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