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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1935, p. 5

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TEE ÇANADIAN STATESA, BOWMANVfl~LE, THIJRSDAY, FEBRUAP..Y 14, 1935 PAGE MVE 1 BsinssDirectoryi LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., L. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Banik Building, Bowmaxille W. B. STRIKE Barister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal Money to Loan. Plane 91. Bawmnville, Ontario L C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Ntary Public - Etc. Law lu ahl its branches. office ianiediately east o! Royal Theatre. Planes: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Colege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office haurs 9 a. m. te 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House Plane 283. X-Ray Equipment lu Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DiEECTORS - Service, any hour. auy day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Plane 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMAN'VILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modern Equipment -Ambulancei A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smith Plane Days 58 Niglits, Sundays or aIi01daYS plane 523 or 276._ music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus.Bac. F.C.C.0. A. T. C. M. dipiomas lu Piano, Singing, Vilin and Organ. Private or ciass lessons. Pupils prepared for ail examinations. Phone 42, Bowmanville 0f Repairs R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe RePairina Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stltchlig Machine. Price reasonable. Ring Street East - Bowmanvfle IAre You Sluggl"sh?. To Throw Off Energy-StOtllfg impurities, cnjoy a glass or twO each week Of jnriing, Effervescent As Beneficial for Aduits as for Children Science advises the consump- tion of a quart of milk each day by every man, wonan and chlld. BOWMANVIEDAIRY MJLK 18 RICE AND PURE Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES Proprietor Phono 446 Bowmnanvfflo C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Author af. Optometry Posture Serylo The ChJld and Ias Developmeont Speciallzing exclusively i muscle anomalies, eyesight and Iglasses. Phono for appintment 1516 Dlsney BIdt. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, Ont. P AR 0e ' vic-e. One -son, Elwood, la attendiug Business College lu Spokane. Bruce b 4t Heaslip marrled Olive L. Irvine. July -SEFISMS 2, 1924, and on their wedding trip SLELSN S ta the Pacifie Coast visited many INDIGESTION frieuds enroute. g... dhapp. wIth.m Wallace Bruce. on Avril 16, 1887, DL .CHASE< married Miss Mary McKee 01 Cart -____________________ wright. For aeveral yeara they farm- b 1 *Historic Cartwright Families* The Bruce Family Many years ago the Bruce famlly ed at Bunker's Hill, Manvers Town- liveI in Scotland, but on account of ship, where lie was a member of the disturbances there moved across the council. Leavlng Manvers t.hey liv- channel to Ireland. John Bruce ed near Blackstock and Seagrave for and Mary Jolinston, wlio were mar- some time, and due to W1 health ried in either County Cavan or Wallace retired li Port Ferry where County Fermanagh, liad f ive sons he <ied Mardi 14, 1925. There were and two daugliters, namely, Thomas, three daugliters, Ada, marrled to John. Robert, Andrew and Johnson, Frank Watson, Seagrave; Edith and Margaret and Jane. They lived Elizabeth, after teaching school for in Ireland until their children were some years, married Wma. almost grown to manhood and wo- Manchester. Two sons, Bruce and manhood. Then on June l2th, 1840, Byron, and one daugliter Jean are they set sail for Canada. the members of that family. Alvin They were 13 weeks crossing the Bruce. their son, is farming the Atlantic, landing in Montreal f romn homestead near Manchester. Eff le whence they proceeded to Cavan Bruce. who was for a time a book- Township. John Bruce took a fever keeper in Harris & Harris law of- and died. and Mary his wife, lived f ice at Port Ferry, married Eliner several years in Cavan. then moved Plouglimari, Scugog Island, where with lier family to the Devitt Settie- they are farxning. One daugliter ment in Cartwright Township. Af- Audrey is attendin gpublic school. ter f arming for some years Mary Evangeline Rebecca Bruce mar- Bruce died and was buried beside ried Harry Watson of Cartwrighit, lier husband in Cavan. Feb. 20, 1884, and moved to North 0 0 .0 *Dakota where they took up land and Thomas, the eldest son, was mar- attended to Milton post office. They ried to Elizabeth Brown of Whitby, are now retired li Milton and had Ontario. Tliey liad two sons, John four daugliters and two sons. one and Robert James, and two daugh- passing away in infancy. Three ters, Mary and Sarali. John was daughters, Lilian, Ethel and Violet, married to Florence McLaughlin, Audry is attending public school. and farmed in Manvers, near Lotus. Ethel is now Mrs. Englejolm and They liad one daugliter, Lizzie. resides in Chicago; Violet married Having sold their farm they retîred Wm. Campbell who is connected to Pontypool after which John Pass- with a bank in Nortli Dakota-tliey ed away and is buried in Devitt's have one son Allan. Lyla Watson, Cemetery. his wife and daughter liv- married fo A. Gemmell, lives in Mi- ing for some years li Pontypool, the ton. North Dakota. A son, Willlls daugliter marrying Mr. Kllett of Watson, marrled and lias one child, Pontypool and moving later to Oshi- also lives in North Dakota. awa where lie is employed in the T. F. Bruce on April 3, 1889. mar- IGeneral Motors. They have one son. ried Miss Annie Stroug. On their Her mother passed away and is bur- farm near Cadmus, six daugliters ied beside her husband in Devitt's and one son were boru. For several cemetery. Johin's father and mother years Reeve o! Cartwright, Mr. passed away and are also buried in Bruce later occupied a farm north- Devitt's cemetery. Their son Rob- east of Blackstock. Ater living for ert, living on the liomestead, mar- a short time in Agincourt, he bouglit ried Miss Lettie McKee, who died. a f arm belonging to Robert Bruce after a number o! years. Robert lin the Devitt Settlement. where hej moved to Blackstock and later died'1 and lis wife now reside. Lillie, their f rom heart trouble. Both Robert eId est daugliter. is now Mrs. John i and lis wife are burled ln Devitt's Anderson and lives in Pickerig cemetery. Eva. married to Gordon Douglas, has one son and lives in Toronto. Mai- Their eldest sister Mary married mie, now Mrs. Brooks. Toronto.,liad William Brandon of Western On- one child since dead, and an adopt- tario. On his deatli Mary returned ed daugliter. Her liusband Is assoc- to live with lier brother Robert and iated with a paper in the city. is now living in Blackstock. The Edna is Mrs. Beatty. wife o! an e1-1 youngest sister married Josiali Jones ectrician ln Hamilton. Tliey have of Manvers. this couple living sev- one child. Anna Bruce is in an eral years in Manvers before mov- office in Toronto. Harvey Bruce, ing out to Manitoba. They lad a wounded in the Great War, is ln f amily, and one son was killed in business iu Ottawa: lie married Miss the great war. Sarahi passed away Viola Patterson o! Bobcaygeon, and in 1934, lier liusband stili living in tliey have two daughters. Greta the west witli their son. Bruce died at an early age. * .. Maggie Bruce. third daugliter o! John Bruce, second son of John1 Robert Bruce, married Andxew Mc- Bruce and Mary Joluston, married Kee. Nov. 28. 1894. For some years Jane Bowes o! WhitbY. Tiey mov- tliey engaged In farming. and had eci to Mariposa where tliey farmed two sons. one of wliom died iu in- many years. There were seven chli- fancy. On April 12. 1902. Maggie dren to the union: McKee died, and was buried iu Dev- William, married a Miss Swain of itt's Cemetery. Marwood. their son, Mariposa. They later moved ta married Miss Olive Thompson, Cart- Lindsay where they passed away wrighit, and lives on the McKee farm and are burled i Valentia Cemetery. near Cadmus. Mary married Arthiur Gibson of Robert James Bruce in Jauuary Cartwright, wlio after farming, re- of 1899 marrled Miss Emma King tired to Blackstock wliere botli died a! Port Ferry who had taught sehool and are buried in the Union Cerne- for some years. They reside on his tery near Cad.mus. father's farmn, and have kwo daugli- Robert lived at home on the home- ters, May who was a teaclier, mar- stead and <ied following a kick front ried Ross Courtice, Cobourg; and a homse while stili a young man, and Erma. A.T.C.M., married Gordon uumarried. Strong and lives near Purple Hill. Pheobe mnarried a Mr. Dixon. Tliey May lias two sons. kept a large boarding house on the Andrew Edmond Bruce in eariy lakes north of Lidsay. Their two manliood took up land in North Da- sons <ied quite young. Mr. and kota. He married and three daugli- Mrs. Dixon are both dead. ters and one son wio <ied in in- Annie married a Mr. Crozier, a fancy were boru. Lucille, the eldest blacksmith in Vaientia, moving af- daugliter, is a graduate nurse o! a ter many years ta Oshawa where Chicago hospital. Edna entered the they now reside. commercial world; and Pattie is at- Maggie married Ed. Montgomery tending the public school in Sarles, of Cartwright and iived on the farmi North Dakota, where Mr. Bruce lias f or some years bef are moving to an elevator. Blackstock where they kept the Post Annie Louisa Bruce, at the age of office. They liad two chldren. the two years, <ied o! scarlet fever on son, a dentist in Toronto, and the July 18, 1874, and was buried In daugliter living in the east. The Devitt's Cemetery. parents are dead and are înterred at Emma May Bruce on Jan. l8th. the Union Cemetery. 1897, married James Lawson, Cart- John married a Miss Graham, liv- wright. Following their marriage. ing and farming on the homestead. they moved to Fenelon. near Cama- one son is a butcher, one daugliter eron, Ontario, where they occupied is married and another one is teacli- a farna. Two daugliters and a son ing. John Bruce was married a sec- were boru to thena. Tliey later ond time ta a Mrs. Stewart o! Mari- bouglit the "Richard Evans" farm posa. There was one daugliter .A.n- near Yelverton. Their son Edmund nie ta the second marriage, who lias married Miss Norene Farrar o! been a teaclier in China, while a Manvers. They had two sons, Bruce, stepson is also a missionary lu and the baby wio <ied wltli lis ma- China. Bath lie and wives have now ther. Following lis wl! e's death, passed away. Edmond andl the boy Bruce remain- * s s seçi with his parents. Violet marrled Robert, third son of John Bruce Fred Bradburn, Blackstock, and and Mary Jolinston, cleared a farni they bought a farm ln Manvers and bult a house and barn, and was where they now live, with one son ,married ta Elizabeth Stewart o! Maurice. Lillie Lawsou took lier Cartwright on April 2nd, 1857. Hîs diploma lu hairdressing frona a cal- wife came from Ireiand wit h ler lege in Rochester, N. Y. parents. She was boru June l2th, William Wesley Stuart Bruce was You'iI Cheer These "6DOMINION"ý j BLACKSTOCK *k Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farder visited at Mr. Jas. Byers'. Mrs. Lewis, Toronto, is a guest o! Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Harcourt. Mr. Rupert Byers la recovering from bload poison lnxi s aran. Mr. and Mrs. Merwlu Mountjoy visited at Mr. Russel Mountjoy's. Miss Marjarie Marlow, Toronto, was a recent guest o!flier mother. Mrs. Oakiley Carley, Cavauville, spent the weekend witi lier parents. Mr. and Mm. AI. Maguire, Yeiver- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Whit- field. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Halmes, Oshawa, visited a t M r. J o hn Wright's. Mr. Norman Wright, St. Cathar- lues, is visiting lis brother, Mr, Ja- bez Wrighit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp and sou visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Heaslip, Janetville. Rev. and Mms. C. C. Harcourt were guests o! Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Wrhit- taker, Bowmauville. Miss Marlou Oster, Oshawa, and Mr. Fred McBrien, Toronto, visited at Mr. Wm. Taylor's. Osmond Wrighit and Harry Van- Camp were i Toronto ou Tuesday attending the Hackney Convention. Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Haskin, "Elm- cr0! t Farm,"1 Oshawa, visited at Mr. Wesley Hoski's. Mr. Gien Hoskin returned with thena. Pragram commnittee o! the A. Y. P .A. met at the Rectory on Wed- uesday niglit to arrange for the next six monthl programn. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Wright and daughter Edith, Mrs. Wm. Crawford and Harold Crawford, visited at Mr. AI. Maguire's, Yelvertan. Mrs. L. Graham. Mrs. Ed. Darcy, Mrs. J. Farder, Mrs. H. Hall. and Mrs. Wm. Crawford called on Mrs. Rabi. Hamilton who is still II. Sorry ta report Mr. and Mrs. Da- vid Galbraith are seriously III at their home. Mr. Galbraith suffered a severe heart attack on Wednesday. Mrs. F. A. Bailey will open lier home for the Women's Auxiiiary o! St. John's Churdli on Thursday. Mrs. J. Carter will be lu charge o! the pragram. Several atten<led the annual meet- ing of the Maple Leaf Insurance Company at Columbus an Saturday. Mr. Creigliton Devitt is one o! the new <irectors. A very enjoyable surprise party was held on Saturday niglitlunlionor o! Mr. Samuel Ferguson's birthday, at lis home. Over thirty !riends as- sembled and the evening was spent lu games and dancing. Severai en- tertaining speeches were given. Bible study at Young People's League on Wednesday niglit was taken by Miss Aileen Mountjoy. Program lu charge a! Miss Ferga Jahuston consisti o! an instru- mental by Mms. Sadler, and readiugs by Miss Mabel VanCamp, Miss Jean Cain and Miss Jessie Knox. ýlMrs. John Farder gave lier home! on Friday niglit for a meeting of the Young ladies' ciass, United Clurcli. Rail caîl was answere<l by a verse with the word "heart" lit.I Each member repeated a verse of the Beatitudes. and sentence pray- 1ers. An extremely interestig talk au "Quebec" was given by Miss Eva Brown. Those lu charge o! the Mardli meeting will be Miss Gert- rude Henry and Miss Mildred Hoop- er. Lunch was served at the close. At the annual Couxity meeting o! the Royal Orange Order held on Tuesday iu the Orange Hall, these 1officers were elected: Couxity Master 1-Herbert Haoey; Deputy Mater- Charles Brown, Orono; Chapiain- Rev. C. C. Harcourt; Rec. Sec'y.- W. F. Ward, Bowmanvifle; Fin. Sec. 1-R. R. Waddeil, Orono; Treasurer -Howard Walsh, orono; L e ct .- 1George Morton, Orono; Marshal- H. Thonapson, Nestletan; Auditors- SW. E. Davey aud E. J .Hammi, or- a na; Dep. Lect. Clarke-Geo. Brown, 1Orono; Dep. Lect. Cartwright-Les- lie Thonapson. Tyrane.. Next meet- ing wiil be held lu Orono. A most enjoyable oyster supper was prepar- ed by the Ladies Orange Lodge. .FoUlowing it the Young people of the United Churdli again presented thein 1Play "An Old Fashioued Motier." Frances Mountjay. as the oid-!ash- ioned mother, had a difflcult part to play but her acting was splendid. .George Crawford liad by far the Most bumarous selections and drew maxiy lauglis. Other a! the cast took their parts exceedingiy well. 1sud the play of ligi moral char- acter is deserving o! acclam. Mrs. 1Foster Flergusan, director, auuounc- 1ed the characters. 1 Ladies, !ifty stroug, were preseut 1on Wedxiesday aftemnoou for a meeting o! the Victonlan Wameu's Institute at Mrs. Leslie Graham's, whici was opened lu the usual man- u er. The fruit committee reported. Roil cali was answered by "Suggest- ;Ions for a prograna," aud the Marcli Lroll cail promises ta be very lnterest- SingI-"Why we should ihave aqlsat- VALUES! E GLASSCO'S Pure Orange MARMALADE BRUNSWICK SARDINES - DOMESTICc SHORTENING 2Pkg23C CHRISTIE'S MARINA CREAMS lb. 25c GOOD QUALITY Green No. 2 Squat Ti.n or c BEANS Or Wax No. 2 Tali Tin 3 2 CROWN OR BEEHIVEc CORN *SYRUP 5-lb. Tin43# KIRK'Sc CASTILE SOAP 5 Cakes 23C Fruits Vegetables LARGE SIZE ~)Oranges 30Dz CHOICE LARGE Head Lettuce 100 STRAWBERRY ]Rhubarb Çqc. Mrs. Merwin MountJoy, convener, was lu charge o! the progrmn: A humoraus reading was given by Mrs. A. L. Bailey, and Miss Norma Hooey read "Solioquy"; a healtl repart, "Colds, influenza sud pueumonia" was read by Miss Aileen Mountjay. An ixtensely interesting address on the 1skmo was delivered by Rev. C. C.Harcourt. The Eskimo, le de- clared, had the same blood stralu as those lu Flnland. Asia is only 45 miles from Canada, sud those ad- verse ta crossing the Atlantic have only ta travel ta the Arctic, and cross the 45 miles o! intervening water. The word "Eskimo" means "one wlio eats raw meat," and raw meat la lu trutli the sole food o! these people. Mr. Harcourt discus- sed the vaniaus offices-of teacler, preacher, postmaster, etc., which lie and lis wife fui! illed lu Aklayik. The f irst alssionary i that part -o! Canada was Bishop Stninger lu 1895. Following lina was Rev. Dr. C. E. Whittaker who served for seventeen years lu that f ield. An iuteresting customa o! service was the siging o!f hymuns lu Euglish, Indiaxi sud Es-1 kimo. The sermon was also given~ lu three lauguages. The address, o! great educatioual value, delighted l present. A readiug "Why I believe i God" by Jack Miner, was read by Mrs. Cecil Ferguson. Lunch was served by Mrs. Mouutjay and ber group. Ladies' Orange Lodge Februar meeting of the Ladies' Orange Lodge was a happy occasion on Fnlday night when a Past Misat- ress' ring was preseuted ta Mrs. Creighton Devitt. The presentatian was made by Mms. Wm. Crawford, sud Mms. John Hamilton nead the following address: "Dean Sister Devitt, Paat Mistres o! "Pride o! Cartwrighit," L.O.B.A.. Na. 849 :-We, the members o! the "Pride o! Cartwright" Lodige, f eel that we would be very ungrateful If we <id not show lu some slght degree aur appreciation o! your splendid work as aur Wortby Mist- ness for the past two years. You were always <vorking sud strlvig for~ the oco nd iAnlfa reofnithe FRESH Peanuts Per Pound luc 6Tins 25C r JAPAN ICE DRIP RICE 5 Cib. CHIPSO Lrge Pkg 17c P &G SOAP. 10OBars 33C magc Baking Powder 1-lb. Tin 3«~ MOLASSES - Ne. 2¼/'s 1q TAPIOCA, Bulk - lb. S CHICKIEN HADDIE - 4 PALMOLIVE SOAP cake 5 L GROCËRSPkg l* 0 CENT A MILE FARES-FEB. 21 F. BOWMANVILLE To C.N.R. stations ln the maritime Provinces Provine of Quebee, New Brunswick. Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia FES. 22 to OTTAWA $4.10 Raturu FE& 22 Mmd 23 t. MONTREAL SS.85, t. QuEBEC CITy q. z0 te Ste Anne de Beaupre $9.70 ROUND TRIP FARES Tic"oeuand InfoTma- IoimAgeiu. CANAD 1IAN Askfor CANADIAN N A T10N AL Handbffl PACIFICPS Bowmanville People Say Husky is Wonderful Health Builcier Many People Who Bought HUSKY at Jury & lovell's Drug Store are now Husky and Weil. Free from 5kmn Troubles, Headaches, IEndigestion, Constipation, Colda and Many Other Co-mon Aliments. Does your mlrror show a rnuddy complexion.sllow skln. ugly bleaishes? 5kin troubles indicate a disordered condition of your system -usually constipation or a ruxi-down state. What la needed li tonic aud blood purifier lire HUSKY wlicl wil trentlen the digestive and Intestial organs which give toue ta your nervaus systean. Witi the true causes of youn trouble corrected. you enJoy new healti and a dlear akixi. Remember, HUSKY la flot an ordînary cure-ali - It la a scienti- fically blesided compound of Nature's own ingredieuts. For ma.ny moutha Bownianville citizeus have been hlghly recommeucilng this tonlc ta others. It la one of the best nemedies we seil. Enjoy the thrifl o! new health and vigon. Order HUSKY today. HiUSKY la Sold at JUiRY & LOVELL, Druggists. Bowaanville. SPECIAL NEXT WEEK 25 % Discount on ail DRY CLEANING of $2.00 or over Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone 152 - We Call and Deliver lodge sud its menabers. We shah - not neadily forget the splendid ex- Your Seed Supply Io! the very best grains that are be- ample yau set us lu youn regular It la not toa early lu the season ing fed ta aur lvestock or belng sold atroul ces we oure bsenît for s faripen ta be thlnking about for feeding purposes. Would it not an ruau stkn wss w youns tdate- ia seed supply for the coaing be good business ta set up the fan- an aduos tsk as yursto er-Sprng. Iu fan toa many cases no ning mill at thia time o! the year fomesdl meeting. The ladge sud thought la gîven to the matter un- wheu fana wonk ls nat so pressing we ourselves have greatly benefitted ia few <lays before the seed is sud cdean tuis grain on haul it ta by youn two years o! true leader- reure ndb ta time it aY3'our nearest clea.ning c e n t ne ? ship. As a slght token o! apprec- be dl!! icult ta obtaînsud lie will be Salrgan may be chappedi or lation for your services rendened. we compelled ta take seed o! lufenior ake gome sud fed whole. Tbey ssk you ta accept this ring. We al- qult.I aago olc ob aego eedý but pon seed, the so hope sud trust you wlll be spaned sure ofy It laa go<>dplr inthe beat la noue too good to sow, 'fan many years7 ta wean it, sud thatsueoyursd upyarylte whstsoeven a man soweth that sh ahi your good work will continue fan the season. The farmer who 's growlug lie also resp. Start eanly. dlean sud benefit o! this lodge iu panticular a standard varlety or grain that l ela orba ri eoefei sudtheL..B.,,lu enral -Sigi-yieldiug well sud ls adapted ta is ln u ee theribefore seedn end o ih the Lod gea."-St farm would lie well advised ta use purposes. It wlll alsa psy you f nom em n aleno! the eveuîg sit fan lis own seeding requinements.afncilsndpntThte- Remande oftheeveinguwa It as eenproen hatif ucheucy la for prices ta go UP as the spent lu cuchre and a tasty lnch grains are welî cîeaued, free f nom season advances sud the SUPPIY gets w as served . w eed seeda, m ix tu res a d oth en im - e s p e ti . I s g o a m r C purities sud the very bstso lt ieandpleutil.ila go artm pac- would Improve rather than deterlor- tîceysudyou ill sae otimue sd What la always béhlid time?- ate. mnyb en ueo orse The )-,,.-kof a elock. on a lot o!f arina there are blns supply early. S-P-E CAL l'AIL] :?~1 I I I 'I TTL TINS-35c and 660C Be 0 gEXTR LARýG3E BOTTLEEc7755.C 34-4-R PAGE Fm THE PANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVE=, TRURMAY, PMRUAP«Y 14, 1935

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