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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1935, p. 7

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THE CP&NADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRLUARY 14, 1935 XCol. R. J. Oel, Brockille. the weekend here renewing al quaintances. Misses Sybîl Burk and Jessi Dougal, Toronto, were we guests o! the former's mother, T. S. Holgate. "Believe Your Own Ears" - new General Electric Radio at la a real surprise. Telephone Mitchell, 105 Bowmanville. St. Paul's Y. P. G. held its ly meeting in the form of a s party and social on Tuesday ing when a goad time was e: by aIl. Sharpen Up your skates, yoi havent skated for a numb years, and came to Taylor'sà Feb. 14th (tanight), and gel lucky prizes: Eldest marriedc box of graceries; lucky prizes, ham and 10 lbs. sugar. W. A. Shane, chie! engine VE90W Broadcasting Station, manville, reports that bis stat banging out in great style.1 ceîved a letter Monday tra adian. E. M. Wickham, in G t.own, British Guîana, who h to a newscast on Jan. 17. Mr. bam must listen ta the broa regularly. He likes ta bear thi key scores every naw and VE9GW. incidentally, broadca 49.22 metres from 3 ta midniE Monday, Tuesday and Wedr and tram 7 a. m. to noon an'1 day, Friday, and Saturday. BOWMANVILLE HORTICULTURAI SOCIETY will bold its adjourned ANNUAL MEETING in the Council Boom, Bowmanvi Monday, February M~ 1935, at 8 p. m. Demonstrations of potting re-potting, grafting, etc., thse Horticultural Class of Training School. Questions Hlorticultural subJects wiII deait with by local men. Bi your horticultural troubles this meeting. Walae AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES To miSe rooni for aur 1 93 5 Sunwothy and S Tested Papers we are redu our entire stock of Patte of ten roUa and under. MV bins have Just enougi f( asail room. Don't Misa opportunlty to cut tise cost your edeorating very ma lly in thia very season sale. Whlle you are ln the stol look over the 1935 Pa terus. They are diatine ive, charming and 10w in cost. J.W. jewel BOOKS £STATIONER'I PAINTrS &WALLPAPEF CHINA & GLASS Phone 30 Wats TemptingV in the SODA FOUNTAIN Neilson'a Valenti: Ice Cream Brick Vanilla wtb strawber heat centres 25C Uncle Tom'. Tof'1 Rum and Butter ani fig flavons Special 29c lb. Super Creamny Tol Six assorted thavorE Special 29c IL Valentine Cand: Heani Shapes Hard Candy, lb. ... jeillies, lb. . . . . . . Watson'b LUNCH Boom PHONE THOMAS S. HOLGATE aà n-ci Fb e rlso r-ïtliNew DIED HERE TUESDA' PHONE 5 3 (Contlnued tram page 1) Ident of the Ontario Retail Co, spent Mrs. John Spencer spent the week M.NlYeowesmdabuiDlr'Asiation, Vce-Presidei Mr. Nil Yllowles mde a usi-o! the BowxnanviUîe-Brancb of i ld ac- wth friends in Toronto,. ness trip to Lindsay, last week. Retafi Merchaits' Associationq Mr. E. Hicks, Bank o! Montreal, Mrs. J. J. Croskemn, Toronto, visit- canada, a memnber of Rarneses Te: ie Mc- visited !riends in Hamilton. ed ber aunt, Miss E. E. Haycra!t, on ple, Order of the Shrine, Toronb ekend Miss Maizie Smith, Welington, is Tuesday' Palestine Chapter, Royal Arch Ma rMrs. staymng in town for a feèw weeks. Mrs. Russell H. Gardner, Narwood, ans, and jerusalefli Lodge A. F. Miss Thelma Gildens, Toronto, visited hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. M., Bowmanvile. H~e was as - The spent the weekend with relatives L. Baton, îast week. member of Florence Nightinga $39.95 here. James Boxal, a well-knawn citi- LOd gie, 1. O. O. F. Fred Mn. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy were zen o! Lindsay, celebrated his 86th Mr. Holgate was marldt 7frecent guests of Mrs. T. E. Hardy. bithday on February 8th. Jessie Burk. an October l3th, 193 week- Whitby. Rev. and Mns. C. C. Washington, who is left ta mourn bis early pas >katlng Mrs. L. J. Barton spent the week- Tononto, were guests o! bis mother, i rHlatnagas.n nh even- end witb ber cousin, Miss L. Wigg, Mrs. W. C. Washington, on Thur,- iastic membter f Blomanvih njoyd Club, being lts Charter Preç )u io Mn. McPhail, Bank of Conumerce, Mrs. F. B. Glen Ridge,. dent. It was planned ta make Fr ue wo spent. the weekend with fiends in N. J., was here ast week visiting ber day's meeting o! the Club a Pa ArnPickering. mothen. Mrs. M .Munday, Sr., wbo President's meeting at wbich it W tyour Mn. T. H. Bruce. Bank o! Com- is quite poorly. hoped ail past presidents woulda couple. mence, was with friends in Toronto Mn. J. B. Martyn, veteran grocer tend, with the Charter President picnic for the weekend. and one of the largest taxpayers, bas the chair. Mr. Holgate is the fir 7-1 Mis Heen unn Toont, sentagain sbown his faltb in the future President a! BowITinville Rota t-1hessween wi ,T o broprnts n.0f Bawmsnville by adding to bis real Club ta passaaway in its il yea Bowr o! r.J.A un estate holdings. This week be pur- existence. Bow an Mr. . A Gun.chaseci the two frame bouses on Mr. Holgate was prominent1 lion is Mr. Jim Devitt. Tononto, spent Wellington Street belonging to Mrs. many yeans in the affairs o! t He me- the weekend with bis parents, Dr. Henry Farrow. Mn. Wm. Brock County and Provincial Liberal par aCan- and Mrs. J. C. Devitt. cansumated the sale, les. and took an active part in po.i eorge- Miss Gertrude Wagsr spent the Congratulations ta Miss Pauline ical att airs and had been mention stened weekend with ber sister, Miss Paul- Wagar, second year student at the an several occasions as a possit Wlck- mne Wagar, in Toronto. University of Toronto, on winning a Liberal candidate. dcasts Mr. Ronald Adams. Ingersoll. $10 prize for best poemn offered by The funeral service wll be be ie bac- spent thre weekend with his parents. the "Acta," the official ongan a! on Fnlday morning f rom bis la then. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Adams. Victoria College. Misa Wagar is the residence. Division Street, andw sts on Mn. Jabez Vanstone, Kitchener, second daughter a! Mr.. and Mrs. G. be conducted by Rev. E. F. Arr gbt on spent the weekend witb his parents. L. Wagar. Bowmanville. strong. Pastor cf Trlnity Unit esday, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vapstone. hr.Me esofBwav Thr- Mr. John M. James, Oshawa, is Rotary Club will cancel thein reg confined to bis home bere with an MEN'S BROTHERHOOD lar meeting and attend the f unez attack o! acute cld in the ear. in a body. The service will bie he Mrs. Garnet Passmare and daugb-i 0F TRINITY CHURCH vaethe .30 sm. and fllowinge sP ter Frances. Sarnia, spent the week-. Ietecreewi ev o enid with ber aunt, Mns. W. H. HELD DISCUSSION bora in Hastings County. wbere 1 8pargo. - Holgate will lie bu.ried beside1 Mr. Alex Blrks. Toronto. attended Pamphlet Issued By Special Com- parents. in the family plot. L the Higb Scbool At Home and spent mission of United Church on the weekend wit.h bis parents. Dr. Social Order Studiedi and Mrs. W. H. Birks. __________________ MJobnston Caruthers. Vancau- "Chnîstanizing the Social Order" 1 ver, B. C.. visited bis unche, Princi- was the subject o! an interesting ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH pal J. H. Jobriston. on bis return discussion whicb was a feature o! a Bey Father J. F. McGuire, Pastc from Montreal where be was at- very weIl attended meeting o! the Mass at Bowmanville at 9 a.n tending the Canada Starcb Co. con- Men's Brotherhood of Trinity United Mass at Newcastle 10.30 a. m. vention.Cburch on Tuesday nigbt. Mayor uîl vntin.Ross Strike, President, waa in the ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHUR( Rev. and Mns. Carman Armstnang, chair, and the meeting oipened with Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A.. Rectc 8th Courtright. Mn. Douglas Armnstrong, a minute o! silence in mexnary o! Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organist Toronto. wene ecent guests o! their Thos. S. Holgate, a member of the parents, Bey. and Mrs. E. F. Arm- Brotherhood, wba bad died just a Septuagesima Sunday, Februe strong at Tinity United Church few minutes previously. Rey. j. W. l7th: HolY Communion 11 a. i Parsonage. Bunner ]ead in prayer and the bro- Sunday Scbool 2.30 p. m.; Eveni Bev. C. R. Spencer and Mr. R. M. therhood jained in singing a num- Prayer 7 p. m. Cotton, while attending the meeting ber o! favorite bynins. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTEIA and o! the Mission Board o! the Diocese A program by members o! the CHURCH o! Toronto, were guests at lunch on Hampton Brothenhood was featured by Thunsday o! Most Rev. DerwYn T. on the f irst part o! the agenda, with Bey. W. G. Blake, Minister the Owen, Achbishop o! Tononto and Mn. Blake Stevens, dsplaying a ne- Miss Louise Osborne, Onganist son Primate o! ail Canada. mankable test o! memory in reciting Sunday, February l7th: Il a.. n 1 be "Bessie's Tbree Lovens" a very amus- "No Good Thing in Nazaneth";2 _rn ing poem with scores o! verses. This p. im.-Sunday School; 7 P. n S a ST. PAUL'S SEXTETTE item was !allowecl by s musical skit, "Destroyer and Saviaur." VICTORS IN CHURCH . and Charlie Johns, dresseci as lad- THE SALVATION ARMY les and Thea Salter and Lew Cry- Captain and Mrs. J. Batten LEAGUE PLAYOFFS Iderman, compîeting the quartette. Sunday, February 17th: Holin -.1 George Wenny presided at the piano Meeting at il a. M.; Sunday Sch Squeeze Out 3-2 Victory of TrinitY for the singing a! the number en- at 2.30) p. m.; and Saivation Meetl Rangers on Wednesday Nigisi titled "The Auctioneer" and an en- at 7 P. ni. Capt. Batten will lie1 cor, speaker at the evexuflg service; s In the Churcb League'plaYOff for Mr. Stnike introduced the topic o! ject, "A Terrible t4roach." r the Rotary Cup, St. Psul's defeated the evening, tercnl ulse Tinity Rangera 3-2 on Wednesday pamphlet a! the special commission ST PAUL'S UNITED CHU1LC' night at Taylo's Arena to retain 1 o! the United Cburch dealing witb Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister this coveted tropby for another year. Cbistianizing the Social Order. Mn. Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organisi Led by Tom Depew and Jac.k Rice St.' Stnike related the cincumstances and Directar. Paul's bad s marginE in pîay leading up ta the appointmenit o! the Sunday, February l7tb: il a. m thnoughout excepit for the last bal! comirmssion and the manner in What Felîawship with Gad Mean a! the closin.g Periad wben Trlnity wbich the commission gatbered the, 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School andJ sent eveny man up the ice and opinions whicb f orm the basis o! the uît Bible Clsss, Teacher, Dr. Cla banged in twa goals . pamphlet. j7 P. m.-How Spurgean Pictu Thnee penalties were banded Out,' Rev. E. F. Armstrong desît with Faitb! A cordial welcome toaal. two to the winnens and crne to Tin- the salient points o! the statement. ity. "Bon" Hoapen, diminative outlining the principal tboughts of TRINITY UNITED) CHURIII goalie o! the Rangers was their star. the committeemen who compihed the Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pasta: several times stopping shots that statement. Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Orgai looked like certain goals. C. Gordon (Ted) Morris opened and Chair Leader St. Paul's. wbo at one time had the discussion with a citicism o! the sunday, February l7th: il a. ir in the second stanza when Rice, Who statement wbicb he claimed was "The Invader"; 2.30 P. m.--Suni a 3 goal lesd, opened the scoing written in language too f ar above Schoal, lides on Temperance, sconed ail thnee goals, wonked bis the heads o! the average Isynian. He lie shown; 7 p. m.-The Carol ew way out from the canner ta punch also claimed that the statement did Jubilee Singers will bie wiih us n-w itin The second goal was the re- not specfically deal with the great this service: bear their beaut cing of3~e a nice combifltion Play be- problemas facing the church and melodies; subiect, "A Singing Fait ers Rieba >n in the rebound. tbey abould be solved. services. lvtdt [ay In the third period Rice wentI B. H. Mortlock, gaeteve-1______________ 'or a ail alone for a great goal. With the point of the Churcb o! Engîand as GE E T tis period bal! gone Trinity began to reflected in reports o! the Lambeth it-f move relentlessly Up the ice and Ri- Confenence. a meeting o! Bishops otf COMINGE NT ibe chards knocked the !inst one in an the Anglican Communion throug- zbe a scramble. S1hortly a!ter Richards out the wcrld, beld every ten years Sale o! home mode caokingi converted Masoii's Peaî. Althcugb in England. These pronounicemenis a!terncon tes at St. Psul's Scl re St. paul's lost a man thnough a dating back ta 1897 showed that as Boom, Saturday, February 2 1'- penalty Tinity wene unable ta tie early as that the cburcb had been Atternoon Tea 15c. e- it up. Our opinion-champions considering the problemrs that are BereStudyMac16 er wotby o! the namne. so wldely discussed today. 1RsreStraMrh1,f Tinity Rangera-Goal, Hocper; R. Morison completed the dis- Cbicken Patty Supper in St. Pa j detence. Crook, Taylor; centre. cussion wiîh a revlew of important 1 achool rocm under the auspices 18Richards: wings, Mason, Connors;, pronounicemnents on thre samne sub- the Evening Auxillary. subs, Hoar, Jackman, Venton, James jects by Pope Leo l3th, and by other Euchre in I.O.O.F. Hall an* M y and Bragg. Religlous Confenences, quotlng wlde- day, Februany l9th, at 8 P. M. St. paul's-.Goal, Colville; defence, ly from the report o! the Quaker's der auspices o! Rebekah Lb Crombie. Cole; centre, DepeW; wlngs, Confenence, which desît very specit- Pnizes and refresbments. Adi Neal, Rice; subs, Welsh, Bulter and Ically with the prablems. 25c. Cole. The lateness of the hour wben the Newcastle Comiiulty Hall la -. Cae.speakers completed their addresses senting the taîkie motion pict le! t no time for a negular discussion, "Tony Express" and comedy on which It is hoped ta stage at a later urday, Feèb. 16th, at 8 p. m.F At. 25c and 15c. 25e I LAYER CAKES, each 20e the ohdesit member. He wlll cele- Ilbrate bis 77thbibltbday ln July. Hie h as represenied Durham Ccuniy CARD 0F THANKS continuously since 1919 and lis stilîl s e Ba ke ry going strong, possesslng a youthful The ladies of Graup 1 of~ St. i y spiri and radiant snile wblch de- Women's Association wlsh ta tl 97SODA pjOq'jT>jN fies old age. James A. Bangster, al ihose Wbo helped make a "ter man tramn Glengarry,1 ls four. cees buydng tickets for TheI yasyounger. Minister. Trinity United Church Congregational Meeting çContlnued tram page 1) iai events, 250 aotive memibers com- [prise the W. A. Total receipts were $1283.42, and expenditures ýwere $1276.08, leavmng a balance of $M-34. J. H. Johnston presented tlle re- port of the Session showlng: per-: sons under pastoral care, 1600;,fani- files (approxunate), 500; Total membership, 995; marriages, 18: burlals, 29. Relief Comnittee used $46.83 for local relief and a balance of $39.36 remains. An important event in the church lit e was the Passion Week services conducted by W. H. Glood- man. The Glrl's Mornlng Hour un- der the leadership of Mrs. H. W. Foster raised $40.00 for relief pur- poses. Following were elected ta the Board of Stewards for three years, F. C. Vanstone, Dr. J. C. Devitt, F. F. Morris, M. S. Dale, P. R. Kers- lake, Oea W. James. Dr. C. W. SIe- mon. A. J. Whalen, Ray J. Dilling, Ed. Devitt. Members elected ta the Session for three years were. W. P. Corbett. Dr. W. H. Birks, G. L. Wagar, John Hellyar, Harry Cryderman, Roy We- ber, Percy Cowling, Earl Osborne, Roy McDonald, Wilfred Hainley, Eltan Werry. A resolutian, sponsored by F. R. Kerslake and J. H. Bateman. and which was unanimously adopted provided that men who have given many years of service to, the church, and who through declining years or indisposition are unable ta, continue that service, be continued as mem- bers of thre Session and Board of Stewards in an honorary capacity. Chas. H. Mason reported for t.he organizations under the heading of Religious Education. Sunday School report showed a balance on Jan. lst, 1934 of $53.06, receîpts for year $704.88, making a total of $757.94. Expenditures $787.84, leaving a de- ficit of $29.90. Chief expenditures lncluded for school supplies approx- imately $525.00. $131.17 ta the M and M. fund: $10.00 for temperance educatianal slides; and $10.00 for missianary educational slides. Sun- day Schoal has 87 officers and tes- chers, with Dr. J. C. Devitt as Sup- erintendent. There are 439 pupils, 44 on the cradie roll, and 23 in the home department, making a total membership of 593. Mrs. John Darcb is in charge o! the Cradie Roll and Mrs. Wm. Spargo is super- intendent of the Home Department1 wth Mrs. Richard Bragg as assis- tant. Average attendance at Sunday School was 374. C .G. I. T. is Composed of six1 groups with a total membership ofi 65. Miss Vesta Spargo is general superintendent with 5 leaders and 5 assistants. Trail Rangers, Howard Wight, mentor, Is composed a! one group of 16 boys. There la also 10 Taxis boys under the leadership of E. H. 1 Young People's Society, with Wi1- gfred Hamnley as President has a emeznbership o! 53, and durlng 1934 ralsed $113.50 for the M. and M. Fund and $17.00 for local expenses. Men's Bratherhoad, taught by G. L. Wagar bas 26 members and raised $10.00 for the M. and M. Fund and $7.50 foar local purposes. Ativities af the Choir were re- - lated by Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., organist and choir directar. Many special choirs had taken part in the services during the year, and the re- I gular choir had exchanged servicès in King St. Church, Oshawa, and Knox Cburch, Peterboro. An operetta was staged in co-operation with the Women's Association which proved ;t a success. Average attendance at services bas been 29 and at practises - 23. The orchestra bas had a busy y' season with work in the Sunday I School, severai services, and enter- a tainments. This group also won a Lt shield at the County Music Festival. ilAttendance at orchestra practises 'Il as ben tram 14 ta, 22. Total re- e epsfor the year were $61.92, ex- KIPPERDI 1 Apricots lb 25C Wheat Flakes 5 lbs 25o Spaghetti 2 PACKAGES 190 JOHN STON'S Floor Wax2LB TIN 9e Electric Polisher Loaned Free IFIGS 2 lb 19eC Javel Water BOTTLE 50 Lobsters Uin 21c LYLES Golden Syrup 2 LB.TIN 25o Pot Rarley PIER LB. 5 Palanolive Soap With Princess Soap Flakes Free 5 bars 23e Speelal Salnmon lb 13e Hlary AllUn, Grocer penses $25.27 balance $37.65. c Report of the Missionsry and Maintenance Fund was presented bY1 J. J. Mason, treasuren. Ih revealeds total receipts o! $300129; expensesJ o! $1.29 and $3000 tarwarded tc the1 Treasurer o! the United Church ai Toronto. This latter sum nepre-N sented the allocation in full. The financial report of thse church wss presented by the Treasuren, 0f o. W. James showiflg receipts $6808.05, current expenditures $6635.55 and church debt reduced $172.47 during year. He a.ppealed to congregation ta give regularly ta the support of churcis by using the duplex envel- opes, lnsiead o! inJeciing so manY commercial scbemes into the churcis arganizations for the purpase ot ralsing money. Mayor W. R. Sinike on behalf o! the congregatiail expressed sincere appreclation for valuable services rendered the cburch by Bey. and Mrs. E. F. Armstrong, tise Choir, Mn. Suttan,' onganist and leader, and Walter Woolley, caretaker. This was made unanimous by a standing vote. Appreclation of the efforts o! tise vanlous misaianary and service or- ganizations in the churcis was voiced by tise paston. An attendance contesi between groupa o! the Women'a Association was won by the South Ward Group beaded by Misa Frankie Jewell. Judges in ibis contet were T. S. Hol- gaie, E. S. Fenguson and L. W. Dlp- pelI. Anoiher feature was a stlrng and cballenglng address by the pas- ion, who also exiended a bearty wel- [W~andy Specia iQ::N-- ' PALMOUVE SOAP 5ceac - 3 for 14e - 5 for 23e SPUD CIGARETTES Now 20 for 20c UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY SAL LAAM HEPATICA m " ~"A rellable - Er,~flt"? ystem cleansier. L..wm29c -57c $1 .09 REGULAR ]PRIES Bayer Asplrln. .22e - 39o - 980 Owbrldge'a Lung Tonlo 40c, 85e V'cIes'.Vapo mb .....39o Sioa Liniment ... 29o - 57e Jad Saltas ... ..... ..550 atorstore 1 l44¶iiia1 CHOCOLATES made by thse mmSera of Jenny Llnd Candies 30c per lb. In attractive boxes. Order ai once Llmited Quantiy. SPECIAL PRICES THURS. - FRI. - BAT. February l4th, lSih, l6th DODD'S PILLS - 29c Resinol Olimeni ........ 59e Cutieura Olniment ... 19e, 39e KLEENEX, 200's 15c Bovril, 2 oz. and 4 oz... 29c, 54e Feflow's Syrup.......... 94e KOTEX - - -- 18C Bobby Combs ....... 9c Nail Brushes .......... 9c 'MUSTEROLE 23c, 44c C.C.B. TABLETS Enricis the blood Tone tise sysiem . oc - $l M came to the congregatian. At the close of the program the ladies served re!reshmenis ln thse sciscol room- and a social heur en- Joyed in renewing friendships. Dur- lng ibis periad -the Sunday School orchestra played several seleciions whlch added greaily ta thse pleasure o! the occasian. Fifteen Oddfellows Have Total of 808 Years' Service (Continued tram page 1) with Charlie Cawker and Newton Hackney as accompanists, and vlolmn numbers by Norman Friedli, ac- campanled by Charlie Cawker were much appreciated. J. J. Masan proposed thse toast ta the Grand Ladge, and Wm. Riddell of Orono, Puti District -Secretary, nesponded. W. W. Harns et Hamp- ton proposed the toasita tiste visit- ors and response was made by Rev. J. H. -Osterbout, o! Onano. Among those wbo spoke very bniefly during the evening were, Henry Cornish, Noble Grand of Orano Lcdige; Messrs B. White of Pontypool; Brown and Walsh of Orano; the two candidates, Cornish oisd 1Hill; Harry Baskervllle et Tor- onto, W. J. Jeffrey and John Mc- Intyre of Bowmanvlle. The event, which was very largely attended was brougbitat a close wben a circle was formed and Auld Lang Syne was sung. I.D.A. CONTEST $500 in Prizes Just write 100 words or les. on "lVhy tise publie sboald pat- ronize Independent merchanta"' Open MlIlMar. 31et. NOTEfING TO BUY Ask us for entry blank Write NOW. MISTOL RUB - - Mec P~LSPILLS Kmn39c Disorders MANFORD'S Balsam of Myrrh A Healiasg AntiseplUe All dealers are autborlzed ta nef und yaur maney for thse firat boithe if not sulted. 35C -65c -$1.25 LIK - wm SHAMPOOfS for healtby lustrons bair. Four type. Tar, Casife, liemon and Soapleus R5c -65c Il l ALX MoGREGOR PHONE 92 DRUOS WB DELIVEB PRESCRIPTONS A SPECALMTT PAGIE SEMI2 Grocery Speciala that mean real savinga. Get the habit of buying at Harry AIIin's if you Want real value with free delivery. Baulk Cocea lb 9c FijVe Roses8 le r PECIAL PRICES 98k LB_'7 2 . 5i700. 2170 iAttie 1 - Bowmanville Phone 186 or 121

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