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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1935, p. 1

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44.,tllbïtan ~tteMan VVluA VAAiA .usLIIUl pulk:LLquu LIJL'U4~ VOLUME 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2lst;- 1935 NUMBER8 Church Hockey League beason Lioseci at Largely Attended Banquet Tuesday Five Members Sons of England Lodge Receive Jewels for Fifty Years Service BOWMANVILLE BOY ISI HONORED BY FRIENDS AS PROMOTION COMES J. B. Reach, Son ef Mrs. Emlily Beach, Promoted te Captain of Portland Street FIre Station ln Toronto lu recognition of his promotion ta Captain o! Portland Street f ire sta- tion, Toronto, in January after 28 years o! service, J. B. Roach. son o! Mrs. Emily ach, Bowman- ville, who has been associat e d for over 40 years with the f irm o! Couch, John- ston & Cryder- man. former Si e utenant atI Adelaide Street; station. was pre- sented with an automobile heat- Ce! Gunu be-o e byuPlatoo Capt. J. B. Roach ore a gathering of !ellow mem- bers of the platoon chief's shift in Adelaide Street fire hall last Friday. The promotion also marks his re- turu ta the Portland Street division where he started his career as a fireman iu 1907. Af ter serving 19 years as a f ire- man he was made lieutenant at Adelaide Street Station, where he has served for the past four years. Jack was born and educated in Bowmanville and back lu the 90's was au outstanding member of the local Royal Oaks Basebaîl team wheu Carl Kent and Frank Pethick were the basebaîl moguls of the town. We join with his old pals and school mates in tawu lu wishiug Jack congratulations and best wish- es on his merited promotion. Hundreds Mourn at Funeral Rites Thos. S. Holgate Tribute Is Paid By Citizens to Former Mayor - Mag- Snificent Flowers in Great Profusion Testify to Es- teem of Popular Citizen Citizens o! ail waiks of ife lu large numbers paid tribute ta the char- acter o! Thomas Sidxner Holgate, former Mayor a! Bowmauville. at his obsequles, at his late residence, Division Street on Friday. Long be- fore the service was scheduled the house was thronged with closçe toaa hundred frlends o! the popular mer- chant, while scores more waited out- ide. His Worship Mayor Rass Strike, members o! the Cauncil, Public Utilities Commission. Baw- mauville Hospital Board, and Ro- tary Club were present ta pay tribute ta his work on these bodies. The simple but impressive service was conducted by his pastar. Bey. E. F. Armistrong, B . A., Minister ai Trinlty United Church. Iu the course o! the service, two of decessed's favorite hymns, "I Corne ta, the Gar- den Alone" and "The Old Rugged Cross". were read. Iu a cam!orting address Mr. Arm- strong referred ta the splendid quai- ities posacassed by Mr. Holgate. He was extremely fond of his home -and his famlly. He was Proud of his forebearers, sud always houored above ail people hîs father and hlm mother. Hie loved his commurlity sud served It well lu varlous capae- ities, sud he loved his church and worked hard for it. His was an outstandlng persoas lty, Mr. Armstroug said. He had a great and sympathetic heart. and It could be truly said o! hlmn "thal hie warrned many s cold hearth.' Mr. Holgate had a great !alth iu the Almlghty, the speaker added. and this was reflected in his genial per- soallty. sud his kindluass o! heart. ia character could be gagec somnewhst by the thoughts he ex- pressed. and Mr. Armstrong referrec ta his New Year's resolution at the Rotary Club in whlch he hsd ex- pressed hoice that for 1)35 he could "lAive lu his house by the ide a! the road sud be a !riend to man". Bow- <Cntinued on page 7) SECOND LECTURE AT HJGH SCHOOL PLANNED The second in a series o! educational lectures planued by the Hîigh ïSchool Board will be given lu the near future. The guest speaker will be Prof. A. Brady, B. A., Ox; M. A., Ph. D., lecturer in Polîtical Econ- amy at Toronto UniversltY. His subject will be "The British North Amnerica Act and Can- ada's Social and Economie Problem. Can the act be a- mended?" In vlew o! the re- fanm leglslatioil naw belug put through Palamneut, and the suggestion that It is not con- stitutional under this Act, this talk should -be heard by a re- cord crowd. The date and time o! the lecture wll be uziounc- ed next week. Of f icers of Supreme Coun- cil Here Tuesday Nigto Honor Veterans of Well- ington Lodge No. 19 Twvo hunidred aud fifty years o! service ta Wellington Lodge, Sons of England. No. 19 were recognized an Tuesday night when five veterans received 50 year jeweis at the hands of Supremne 0ffiers Who visited the local lodge for that purpase. A six- th Bro. David Davis would have re- ceived the jewel but 111 liealth pre- veuted his attendance. Those Who received their jewels were Bras. Jam- es Ellitt, William Brock. Samuel Oke, W. J. Jeffrey and J. H. H-. Jury. These five veterans will visit the home a! Mr. Davis ta make the pre- sentation ta hlm. The presentation was made by Supreme Secretary D. J. Proctor of Toronto, wha on behaîf of the Su- prem CoucilOf the Order extended hearty congratulations. The certif - icates were presented by Rev. Canon Baynes-Reed. Supreme Councillar, and incideutally Canon of the Par- ish a! Clarke. On the arrivaI of.-the party from Toronto the Supreme Officers were escarted ceremnouiously into the lodge by Past President James Gil wha intraduced them ta the gather- ing. Canon Baynes-Reed, lu addressing the recipients a! this high hanar re- called early days o! the order, and the changes which had taken place inl1f e since that time. In those days, hie said, pleasures were simple. and practicaliy everyane Possessed the church going habit. Today there are too many pleasures. Simple things o! if e are the anes f rom which the most enjoyment la derived. Riches do net necessarily mnean pleasures, but rather do such simple pastim- es as the interest in ones garden. in the sang o! the birds and lu the beauties or nature.t The Sons o! England. hie cantin- ued. included aIl sorts and conditions of men. It was a great institution which had helped shape and make the national character of the Do- minion The Supreme Counicil, he i added, appreciated the wark o! the veterans. Iu years gane by they had dane their share. and the speaker appealed ta the younger members te carry forward the Ideals a! truth, o! îpatriatism, of loylty and o! devot- (Continued on page 10) CANAUJAN LEGION ENTERTAINS KIDDIES AT ANNUAL PARTY Children Provlded Interesting Program In Parish alal, Friday The annual Kididies Night was ob- served 'oy the BowmanviUle Branch o! tthe Canadiau Legion on Friday »night, when an enjoyable prograin, .presanted principally by the childreu 3themselves was thoraughly en.layed iu St. John's Parish Hall. Presideut W. F. Ward was lu the chair and the meeting apened wth a minute o! csilence and a tribute ta Bandiaster R. J. Lawens, a 111e member o! the organization, who died since the last meeting. f O! imnpartance was the discussioni o! the Ontario Governmeut's atti- 1tude towards returned men, and -a!ter letters had been read frorn the 1 Sudsbury branch caUling for a pro- vincial convention while the Legis- -lature *Was in session, and an ex- -planatian frein Capt. Jules Ferry, eProvincial President, the branch 1 passed a vate o! confidence lu the sPresideut sud committee appointed 1 by Premier Hepburn te go inta the s matter of ex-service men who have 5r been !lred from the provincial ser- vice. Dr. V. H. Storey and W. H. Hlili were appaiuted auditors, with lu- Istructions ta have the books audited Ifor presentation at the annual meet- ilng net mouth. tThe prograru for the chilciren lu- ,cluded the-ce nuiers: Piano solo. eolive Ward: vocal slections in negro istyle. George Townsend, Oshawa: vocal duet. Billy Brown and Lionel Parker, accomp9nied by Mrs. Park- er; recitation. Harold Hoar. New- castle; violin sole, Ina Roberts, se- icompanied bv Eleen Hallman; har- emonica sla. Miss Martin, Newcastle; viollu solo, Ernest Ward; piano solo, Bill Tait. A guesslng contest cou- educted by Camrade R. M. Cotton was won 'by Arthur Living. and an- ather feature was the distribution o! choclate bars ta every chlld. A -very haupy evening closed with a Idainty lunch served by the scil committee o! the legion 'wth Bill Tait ln charge. NOR FIRES NOR LAWSUITS DISTURB QUINTUPLETS' BLIS K'*' \Jj~1 Blissfully ignorant of f ire whch are appearing on stage in United Dr.i Dafoe at the Dionne hospital. threatened to wipe out Callander. States to the tuie of million dollar hspcure shows Annette with the new silver spoons which de! in- ont., and cut off the electric power lawsuits, the f amous f ive Dtonne itely prove they are now growing up so necessary to their welf are, un- sisters1lagh, gurgie, play and growadlned0fungaotete aware that their mother and f ather strong under the watchful care of1 are being fed in "grown-up" style. RETAIL MERCHANTS FAVOR INSTITUTION 0F BOXING DAY HERE Association Also Opens île Ranias te Include Clerba in Stores - Sup- port Change lu Peders' Act Clerks ernployed in Bowrnanville stores, will in future be adritted in- ta associate membership o! the Re- tail Merchant's Association. at a nominal fee o! $1.00 per yesr. it was declded at an enthusiastic maeeting a! this organization at the Bawman House on Manday night. A great deal o! business was discussed sud decided during the three hour sess- ion. A message a! caudolence, f rom the Association, ta -Mrs. T. S. Halgate, lu the death o! her husband. who was Vice-1?resldent o! the organiz- ation was ordered sent. President W. C. Caverly. who preslded spoke f eelingly o! the loss suffered by the' Association in Mr. Holgate's psss- Delegates ta the Provincial Con- vention, now lu session in Toronto, were instructed ta support the ag- itation in f avor o!frnakiug Baxing Day, the day Immediately f ollowing Christmas day, a public holiday. It was painted out that thia was ob- served last Christmnas Lu msny towns sud cities acrass Canada. A membership campalgn, lu which it la expected that last year's mem- bership will be exceeded la now un- der way, sud the canvassers, W. L. Elliott, W. C. Csverly BHarry Alun and Gea. W. James report a splen- did response 'by merchants already lntervlewed. The meeting waded for some time through the Peddlers and Hawkers Act as enforced lu Saskatchewan, sud which it ls hoped ta, pilot through the Ontario Legisîsture. For comparative purposes the Ontar- io Act was also resd, but the western act wss far superior and delegates wlll support lts passlng at the con- vention. 'Plans for Opportunlty Days start- ing March lst were discussed and are outliued in greater detail elsewhere lu this issue. It was decided ta petition mer- chants ta get thoir viewpolut ou the subject o! closlng stores at 6 p. m. each ulght, sud 10.30 p. m. on Sat- urdays. It was polnted out that sînce the Good.year close at,5 p. m., there was no necessity for keeplng open s!ter 6 o'clock. The merchants at the meeting ravored the suggest- ed hours. Dr. K.H. Palmer of Port Hope Takes Canadian Club Upon Entrancing Trip Introduced by Mrs. L. W. Dippeil, 1 try. Canada, he declared, la truly a Presîdeut, ]Rev. Dr. K .H. Palnmer o! country unknown. It is an unknawn Port Hope entertained the miembers quantity even te, Canadians. "He of the Womeu's Canadian Club lu shall have aominlon f ram sea ta sea", a hlghly lnterestlng manner at the describes Canada adequately, for the Parlah Hall on Manday afternaon, traveller jourueys 3500 miles by lake, His new illustrated lecture "Canada river. over mountain and valley the Unknown" held niuch of educat- from where Atlantic Ocean sweeps lanal value and revelat.lon to those on the easz ahore, ta the place who consldered that they knew prac- where the Paclflc klsses the west. tically ail that is o! importance Startlug at St. John, Dr. Palmer's about Canada. beautlfully colored illustra t i o n s The title o! Dr. Palmer's address whisked the audience swiftly acrais was suggested by the astounding Ig- Canada In a panorama o! gorgeaus- norance regarcllng Canada, af many ness. Speaklng of the Land a! people In Ainerîca and the Old Coun- (Contlnued on page 7) Opportunity Days MATCHLESS SINGING To be Outstanding OFTHRILLS AUDIENCE Shoppiug Service .vw N. Surst - -- CiàchAtrate Lrg St. PauI'a, Victors of the League, Presented With Rotary'Trophy-Torn De- pew Wins Trophy for Most Valued Player. The Church Hockey League season came ta an official close ou Tuesday night, when upwards of a hundred atteuded the closing banquet in Trinlty Sundsy School Room. Pro- vidence Group o! Trmnity W. A. pro- vided a delicious supper, which was thoroughly enJoyed. Alex McGregor, chairman o! the Boys Wark Board, presided. Ed. Devitt in au endevour ta take away that drowsy feeling after eating so heavily conducted a lively song per- bod, which was madle ta include plenty o! exercise. In his brie! re- marks Mr. McGregor comrnended the fine work o! Frank Williams and Wm. Paterson , on whom had rested the burden a! carrying on the league, which had proven s0 success!ul in its second year. President Fred Cryderman o! the Rotary Club, on behaîf o! that or- ganizatian. presented the Rotary Trophy ta Jack Rice, captaiu o! the St. Pauls Team. victors in the league for the second season. Individual members o!fthe teani were alsa pre- sented with miniature cups by Mr. Cryderman. Mayor Rass Strike in a very brie! addiress congratulated the Boys' Work Board on the splendid work it was doing and exteuded congrat- ulations ta, the victorlous team and alsa ta the ather teams which had been good lasers. Bill Paterson made the present- ation a! a special silver trophy ta Ronald Hooper, as the autstanding goaltender in the league, and Frank Williams presented a handsame 1traphy for the most valuable playeri in the league ta Tom Depew. Some o! the boys replied briefly following the presentations. y Other speakers at the banquet in- cluded Don Williams,- Bayd Sleman, Ernie Hunt, éiîIrs Fagan and Tim Wight, ail managers o! teams lu the league. The chairman outllued the plans ,f or big concert scheduled for April 4th and ,5th, under wark board aus- pices when "Bawmanville Bays' Re- 'view" will be presented. lu which willl be pirtured the character building efforts sponsored by the Boys' Work Aience te Hea-r*Outstanding Many Prizes WiIl Be Offer- rga ed In Big Event Sponsor- At Trinity United Church on Mondlay night the Carolina Jubilee REV. W. G. BLAKE 15 ed by Retail Merchants Singers presented a three part pro- GUESTSE K RA o gram o! varled sangs which delight- TSE K RA Assoiaton Sart edthe many people who were pre- HOME - SCHOOL CLUB Mac st sent. Introduced by Rev. E. P. achArmstrong, the f irst number of the DlvrdItrsigAdeso -- ~~~colored singers was "O Canlada." DlvriIleetfgAdeao "O0pportunity Day"-a big seven Among the sacred selections were "'Child Training" at Montbiy dayshopin eeut wbchuia» b ,Rlse. Shine, Give God the Glory", Gatherlng of Home and longopin re ee nt hlu dktlc b',Lftyour Head when the King ,zcs Scheel Club wMcommence on Friday. acls In limpld beauty o! sustained toue,. Home and School Club met luq and wlli continue until March Sth.1 rythxuic fluency, elegant Plirasing Principal Johnston's roomn on Feb. The event, ln wbich a score or more land dramatlc picture, they made I 3th with Mms. Win. Clarke in the valuable prizes wMl be gÏvei awaY their prograrn sparkle with contin-1 chair. The interesting prograni lu- is eln s redby etai Mr-ued interest. There were no duil cluded a vocal duet by Shirley and is bingsposord byRetil er-moments or tlmid passages. Re- June Challis; Trio, Betty Betties at chanta' Association of BowmnfvilC, markable harmony o! voices and lu- the piano and Leslie and Albert the details of the pblan were iacuas- flection of toue made the program Darch wlth vialin and saxaphone; ed ut Monday's meeting. Vile at- one of immense pleasure and ben- chorus by Mlldred Luxton, Jean tenane t eeins aa ien ut efit. one of the beautiful songs of! Kennedy, Joyce Buttonshaw, WIlla slack durlng the year, considerable De Swanee River". sung wlth true Jack Welsh, Russell Moffat, George enthuslasm existed at this meeting, southeru expression. Dadson and Frank Burns, pupils o! and the merchants are planning te "Autuinu," an instrumental, play- Miss Bunner's room; trio, Mrs. H. go into this co-operative merchand- ed delightfully, recelved an encore, D. Wlghtman and Mrs. J. Albert ising event wlth a vigour, remanis- the exquisite "Shadow Daunce." Cole at the piano and Margaret "Wheu Mellndy Sings" and "In the Wlghtman wlth the cello; piano solo cent of boom daja. Morniug", humorous readings, drew by Marlan Dudley Ail numbers were Present plans provide that evryhearty applause as dld the well- greatly enjoyed. The guest speaker known sangs "*Old MadDonald's was Rev. W. G. Blake o! St. Andrew's merchant ce-operating will offer a Farmn", and "ýMary had a lîttie church who gave a very interesting prize, of not les& than $3.00 retail Lamb". talk ou "Trg¶ning Chlldren". He value. Over twenty merchants are A few o! the sangs sung lu a mus- stressed that parents be themselves' expected te enter the campalgn, Ical skit were "Carry me Back ta old what they wlsh their chlldreu ta be, whlch lu te provide an 11Opportumity" Virginia", "Dixie", "aIld Man River" te command obedieuCe and to exer- forshppes o har l a alxyand -rinGolug Home" the latter cise our authortY in a knd and 10v- er exceptional bargains, and the enlng's entertalumeut. plis and are eager ta serve and if merchants an "Opportuity" to ?ollowing the National Anthem we use the Child Jeauns as aur ex- prove that they eau serve this terr- the Jubilee Singers were conveyed ample it will greatly help te mould ltory wth luat as hlgh quality and the appreclation of music loyers the childrens for good cltizenship. mast as low prices as any outalde or- through Mr. Armstrong, wha thank- The school as Iel as the home cau ed them f or their program a! beau- do much te, form good characters ganization. tiful singlng. These people who are and lives ln chlldren. Wlth every twenty-flve cent cas devotlng their lives ta, the slnglng o! A vote o! thanks was teudered by sacred music, wlll be blessed bY ail Mrs. Jacabs ta the speaker and al purose during these seven day. the who love sangs and their interpre- who had asslsted on the prograxn, purchaser wlll be given a coupon on ters. The Jubilee Singers were given after whlch Mrs. Jacabs' group ser- whlch te write bis or her name. a sincere invitation ta again visit ved danyrfehens 1isBn Coupons wili be depoalted in a box la Trlulty church when they returu ta ner's room won the mothers' prize tvt 18 ad this section. Iwlth 17 mothers presenit. account a coupon will aise be given. On the Saturday foleowlng .the close of the Baie, ail coupons wlll be gathered, und Mayor Ross Strike willl make the druw for the twenty or more prizes. Iu thia way twenty or more cit- izens wilU be iven Prises ubsolutelY free, provided by the merchants. Only those stores o-operatlnt in the cumpalgn will be glvlng uwuy eou- pons, and these stores will be e»Usy identlfled by the big streamers on their windows. Full particulars o! this big drive wlli be given nexl week when every home la West Durham wll recelve a copy et The Slutes- mon. Merchants arm invitedi to co- eperate la havlng Ibis issue eut early Thursday mornlng, by preparing their advertisementa right away. No advertlmements Wlllheaceted afier 6 P. mL on Monday netl orier that the paper may be Issuel on lime. Newcastle Players at Annuel Banquet Hear Distinguis-hec Critic Talk 'Shop' The second aunual banquet o! the Newcastle Players sud a delectable Valentine Party were pleasingly combined lu one event at Queen's H-otel on Pceb. 14th. Shortly a! ter seven o'clock the members o! the Newcastle Players wlth their guests ta the number o! about sixty-faur, sat dawn to a sumptuaus turkey din- ner served by mine host sud hast- cas, Mr. sud Mrs. Cannars. The dluing room sud table decoratIOris were lu ciquisite taste lu the St. Val- entine colors o! red aud white. Tall heart red tapera, with geutly !llck- erlng lights adorued the tables, har- monizing ln hue wlth the lovely crlmsan carnatians centcrlng thc head table sud the red tulipa Ou the others. Ail table favors ilkewlse ac- corded wth te colar acheme sp- propriate te the day and eveut ,in- cludiug the artistic ribbon tled pro- grsam booklets prepared by Mrs. R. W. Gibsan, and one o! whlch Mrs. Sterudale Bennett, wlfe o! the guest speaker. took back ta Toronto wlth her as a dellghtful souvenir o! the occasion. Dr. J. A. Butler presided as chiair- man sud Toast Master and seated ou cither aide a! him were Com- mander A. B. Malnwarlng, Presideut o! the Newcastle Playersansd Mr. Sterndale Bennett, Director o! the Masquera, the T. Baton Club, Toron- to. Dr. Butler praposed the toast ta the xing sud ail sang the National Anthem. Mr. C. 'M. Flood o! the -Players lu a klndlY welcarning strain te, which he added some graceful humour, proposed the toast "Our Quests" (Oonttnfld on page 10) MODERATOR COMING Rt. Bey. Richard Roberts, D. D. Maderatar a! the United Church of Canada wha will conduct a series a! meetings and retreats in tliis Presbytery cornmencing on Suuday. Many f rom Bawrnanvllle are plan- ning ta visit Oshawa to hear this distinguished divine., I M4oderator of United Church to Visit District. Rt. Rev. Richard Roberts, D. D., WiIl Be in Oshawa For Several Days Next Week-Many From Here Will Hear Him Oshawa. next week- wlll be the -- -- rallylng point for United Church ministers, leaders and lay workers from ail over the Oshawa Presbytery, on the occasion of the long-antlcl- pated visit to the Presbytery of the Rt. Rev. Richard Roberts, D. D., who cornes ta Oshawa on Sunday next f or a stay of f ive days. Dr. Roberts, it la anounced, will par- ticipate lu a series o! speclal meet- ings and services on each day af hia stay in Oshawa, and it la ikely that ministers and laymen f rom ail over Durham County will be lu attend- ance. The f irst public appearances, a! the Rt. Rev. Dr. Roberts wfll be made on Sunday uext. At il a. m., he wlll preach in Street United Church ,and at 7 p. m. he wlll oc- cupy the pulpit o! Slxncoe Street United Church. At this service, the congregation of Slmncoe Str ee t Church wlll be Jolned by that o! St. Andrew's 'United Church, whlch wUl cancel its own services for the oc- casion. On Mouday, February 25, there wlll start a serles of week-day meet- ings and services ailof, whlch will be held lu St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, and wll be open to United Church ininisters leaders and members from the entire pres- bytery, whlch extends f rom Col- borne and Brighton on the east ta Pickcering on the west ,and alse uorth te Port Perry. The llat of week-day meetings arranged for the visît o! the Moderator o! the Oshawa Pres- bytery la as follows: - List of Meetings Monday, February 25, 6. 30 p. M.- St. Andrew's Church-Oreat Ban- quet. Superintendents and Young People. The Moderator will speak. Monday, Fobruary 25. 8 p. m.- Great Rally of Young People lu St. Andrew's Church. Message of the Moderator specially for Youth o! the Clu1sl<jy, February 26 and Wed- nesday. February 27, 1,1 a. m.- Round Table Conference for Min- isters led by the Moderator lu St. Andrew's Church. 8 p. M.-Publlc Service lu St. Andrew's Church. The Moderator speaklug. Thursday. F'ebruary 28, 9.30. 5 P. m.-Retreat for Mînisters. 8 p. M.- Personal Dedicattan Service and Haly Communion. Mr. Selby Spencer la viulting hls sigster, Mrs. Dudley Oliver, Toronto. ATTENTION PLEASE! The Stateaman mailing last was revlsed on Pcb- ruary l6th. Ail paymeuts' made up toansd inoluding Suturday, February 16, 1935, should be indlcated on the labels. Qulte a number o! new names have been added, as well- as renewsls reoeived. These, wlth changes o! ad- dress, make a lot o! detail ta be looked a!ter. Whlle every care is taken ta have the re- cords exact, aubscribera are aaked te check their labels wlth payments made. Pieaue checia your label ta see that they correspond sud if it ahould not read ex- actly as yo think it should, yIus n thIis office lam- mediately, so that the mat- ter may be looked Into at once. wi*+Ii Tm Tni-rtrt-tnrntpd The lRnwm;inville News

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